The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 27, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    ,.-.v. . J
Paf fout
tlttHaDAT, MARCH M. llli
. i
Israed (dally except Hundny b.V Tho Herald PuMishlnff company,
Office, IPO North K.lylilh ' Klamath Kitlls, Oregon
tf, R gotlJv 4m ...l'PMlilent and Manager
I niTTH HOlll.K Secrctary.Trcwmrer
Kntered second-class matter at the post ofOco at Klamath Falls,
' Oregon, under the AcP of March S, 1S7.
7, .' ! ,.' Member of the AftWlated Press
,. The, Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for' republica
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cation of spccinl dispatches herein ate ai'so reserved.
P. H. SOt'I.K .. - - Kdttor
H. 11. HIM, - - - .City Kdltor
r B. : WAITK Advertising Manager
I'AtJti li, GARY Circulation Manager
, Phone yonr kicks. to 88, before P m.. or 61 8-V, after :80 p. m.
The Kventat Herald la the official paper of Klamath County and the
- City of Klamath Fall
ONB-: MONTH ......
'' i, I 1, -
., Delivered By Carrier
Hj Mali
'N Vn. tnk ji,niB nriverttainir muai bfl In this office not later than 3
fy 'm. on the day preceding publication In order to bo Inserted In the
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. lk .4 ... Af f.jllA
. Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular In-
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Other charge is made.
rjttE of the best investments that the American govern-
"hment could make is contained in the Sinnott bill,
carrying a noppropriation of $7,500,000 to be expended
on roads and other betterments in the national parks in
the ftext three years. The bill passed the house by unan
imous vconsent.
;. We" of the West realize what an asset we have in the
, tourist- Thousands of Americans are weekly taking
passage for Europe, chif ly for pleasure trips. There can
; be no tloubt that the expenditure of public funds which
encourages these persons to remain in the United States
land acquaint themselves with the vast opportunities for
profit possible in the development of the United States,
and particularly the western states, is good business.'
vi . Nothing more practical and effective in this direction
can.ibe done than construction of highways, trails and
other-improvements in the national parks so that travel
therein may be pleasurable, safe and convenient.
' American tourists spend not less than $500,000,000 a
year; and probably much more than that, on the other
side of the Atlantic. If any considerable proportion of
these tourists could be induced to remain in the United
- States the savine to the nation would -justify the appro
priation for road construction in the parks. - " '
. But that would be only a minor consideration. Even
if lihls feature of the subject were given no consideration
whatever, the benefits that would be derived by tourists
who never think of leaving the United States would fully
justify even a larger appropriation than proposed by the
Sinnott bill. . Many thousands of our citizens visit the
;. parks every year. They travel over roads only 12 miles
of which, in the parks, are paved. Very few sections of
of the road have anything that could be called hard sur
facing of any character. Many of the roads are-narrow,
aiicl the grades are unnecessarily steep. If the roads
were adequately improved travel in the parks would be
much, more enjoyable, for those who are accustomed to
go there from year to year and many more thousands
would be attracted by the assurance that they would be
able to travel in comfort.
'7 It is surprising to read in the report submitted by
.. Congressman Sinnott in behalf, of his bill, that, since
.1872, only $3,450,000 has been expended by the federal
government, in road building and improvement in our
national park system, while it is estimated that since
- 1915 the states have expended nearly, $24,000,000 in im
proving approach roads to national parks. It is absurd
that the. road leading to Mt. Rainier national park has
been' improved at a cost of nearly $4,000,000, but people
who travel that road to the park entrance are required
to purchase an automobile permit at a cost of $2.50, and
then find available for their use within the park a road
SrilyO miles lorig a road unsurf aced and scarcely in a
'safe condition for travel. r
" The "national parks are not local but national institu
tions.' In fact, they are of more interest to Americans
, residing at a distance than to those who reside nearby,
The' greater number of people who enjoy the beauties of
the parks the most, are those who come from a distance.
", From every viewpoint, therefore, it is highly desirable
th'at" the government appropriate as much money as can
be. used to good advantage from year to year in the ex
tension of roads making a larger area of the parks avail
.able fcu; enjoyment by visitors.
i i i.a i i - - i - iig aVt nr i-r" sin 1 nr"i "1MUI1 i im . . L .L aa.
wait-Goes -r
it j H.wtitv ii. IIi nT,
: SAYS -
v ' Vacation days nre romlni,'. lietter
. t start rooting up for them. A vaca
tion would be a bnd vocation.
-' . o
'jNon .i scientist says the enrtli Is
.;'tc billion years old. lndka"ons are
v.llift Teapot Dome trouble will last
JaboUt that long.
"'' Tlii only1 reliable substitute for
. good aoneo Is silence.
.V', -'A ' O
A soverniuent job Is a building
which lias become a landmark by the Is completed. '
I o
Never count your clilnkeiiH before
thpy return from a iKlghbor'a gr-
Crop fulln'rc Is causing a financial
Hhortiige l Scotlund, proving nature
t I., t ....... ...i.... n - ...., lilt.
y jii ii.iiv.n'ri , v., n iiiuii tiv
i 0UO to the r. S. because he liked
jtlm government. The reully HtraiiRe
part is no was a inruier.
The new secretary of nuvy eliould
l3 kept busy In Washington where
everything Is at sea. -
wiilllll -.fall bitU'Jrlt , prugreiWUHH
II I'llllM'I'VllllSlllc 1 i
ioilo Kliriii lllilc. Wluil hiia volilu Uf TlKt llnimlillMHa, UU. VUUHifgl a-
il ami wlult dom lis illHiiiMrnil.w IhHr ('aiMllilulO! rtlay roey vp Mil'
in.mlif I.mI iii accolillhl Hit eonwrallvii rul.
Hoiiii'tt lieiii la Dm aluifrlo Of Ihti , ', ,'ThO Dnmocrall, httril .In VV-
liut few nioiitlin, the "Kiuill llloe." Hriisslvo niililfhcles by ounscrvame
' n hlrh was mii'li n gi't'iil worry to
I llni I'eulllul's III (he lii'0.illiiH Con.
! U Dim, lias illiil""ii'oti. One never
hi H In It liirillliini'il uliniil Wnnlilllg
1 1 o ii tliinu Uiivm. Vol lli Hum whti
i coinimMi'd It are allll holding tlowii
jlhulr sums Hi the Hoiliite.
Tho Httswer Ii thai tltti bloc 1 luia
I iiiit-gruwn Its homespun' rilrul gurh
! mid has heil fliiud to a new suit of
jt'lotliua, It duvsll't Hiram It fullll
Intei'uala oxolualvuly ally more, ll
j has Itivrsuand In acHallilanceslilp,
joklcndud Its liorlaull, lo things
oilier Hum purely ngi'lcultural.
j And It hua grown In lliu procvw,
I If yuit svuk Hid "Fiirin lllou" lu-
day, yun must look fur It in Hint
I lui gor, lmer roiimlvd, moru prom
,1'hlng "I'roKrt-iulva Illoc," Tito
I "Progressive Hlor" Js tlm "k'nriu
llloc" plus. '
Tim growth of Htu Kuril! llloc Into
Ihv Progressive llloc Is buing altltl-
led with IniiTjets and cvii nlnriii by
j but h old paly luuilcra.
The Kami llloc, whon It (Irat op
jlK'urvd In Washington, was criul",
l tinsoplilaticated country bit mpk In.
j As the Progri'aslvv llloc, ll has
! roaclivd Unit period where awui"
' kIrih of its aiublilons nml fuiuro
strength are discernible. It Is ex
j li I bit in aurprlsltig -ability at olud-
lug the . pitfalls and traps set to
entangle II and also Indicates Hint
ftnuili. Klmlly HI ( a to whom th.v
lnill iiiiuilnnin for iircKltlelil,.' "ll'l
Im fur id to ouoully lllltldlo jro'l'"!
Whlili, nfior all. may be Ilia fel
t . . -'
in Ilio inealUlm. live obHslaHl
Ujulivfl" of WvsliaMloH 'illnMd
urn Is nil Id the idti 'or ihtt Htf'
griowlve liloo. U, )ti H
whispered may ttevtol. the Wi-al:
drop oh lemoiirl ta well
ubllratM, the intrepid foretltt
illl only lnoras thtlr ttf tot
now tlos'l." The bloodier tli;heids
of liotli old. partlm, tho itiofo nitrati
tlto will be the frusU. smiling Vlsl
of n new iii rty wllh youthful rhtliili
lham itud high Ideals. ' "
rTho Of tin tlloo feci Ibey
a'rtr Inl ho danger. At ' present they
arfV frphlliiK Iho fight of nu parly,
tlrti Ko only Hloo lltd.
tint not "Hlock 1141." ' "
The Office Cat
at -It) be prefers a girl of 20; at 60
nnythlug over IS seems shopworn.
When they teach a person to
drliro a cat they are very careful to
instruct them ue to 0i. slnrjliig and
STOl'PINC but when they teavh a
kid to talk they-forget all aboua the
Importance of the usu of the brake,
' " o
"Uok Hits Rock," sys headlines,
but ooino. aft-jr. seeing what Uok got
fur foO.OOV'wUi inalntuln that a rock
hns hit UOkr. or muybe Just a com
mon brick.'-
"LONDON, March V. .Uoydi
I.nderwrltem have Had tho unusual
ctiMirloliOv of hearlni the Is mom
IU41III111 Hell" l'lce In thre' day.
Thli bell m isketi ffom thi ar
Hfalp. ti.utloe" Ih od -Is used
li snnouncs the lost or .grrinl of
nrerdun vemels. '. 1 w
It knows w,,P9 It wmits lo go nml I i'T
It Isn't asking ;"",1fl" lO.iowe,. .y an
'ou which re-lnaurDC bad', Ixei
jpuld, had arrived al'Llabon. . To
i ,l..v lalnr the 'room bearir, 1
Tho. next step In thl jvoluilon. !,,!. o( ,uo M agalo iol aluo
thu iiolltl.ul biologists foreave, will .1 . u. tm.t. mrtt thai
o bo muturltig of this stripling Pro-. , . l)irk , "Un,),'t -had iAacbwl
Tom UeUcll has discovered who KiL"lve llloc Into a full-grown , r)lBW(ln .,, . rhllw.' after bdllg to
not mi mull v womeu are riinnlna for , nui-iv '. . ..a.. t ...
... " . . . . - i - lliiiintns ovornuo. . iieinauraa?'
office. They cant throw tholr hat That will uiimn tlmt n crisis hns .'j BUinfll, (vr uo ponni. bad
Into the ring with tho ubuudun men urrlv.., In the affairs of I ho (I. 0. !' j UW,B ui,0b out Od the 'UtiraM"
can. j and the Democrats. Tor a new party n hK U WM . M , rBp0rte . tl
' , ; would result in a political rculignr (,,)mlltrai n 0obr. D It h
Kootball playora 011 the FIJI IbI- ,1i", "'""h n'1'1' ""',' 'l'"1 ,l',n ! vrv r that resicl arrives after
.10 one or me existing major parties. . h ,uf,nf ul, hft btn
I Thu line of rlenvage nnturntly i . , . ..
Olio lleiii'flt Aaauml. '
Though Congroas may be busy now.
It won't neglect the Deed'
Of Ihwu who swlug a helpful plouxh
And sign for guriten fried.
how to got Ihwro.
.guidance from the old party ld
'era nud declines to be led aalrny.
unda do not wear xhocs or any olh
it foiitliull purnphcrnnllu.
A man doesn't have to hats, - a
million dollars to llu comfortably
these days. He can do It If he has
only 1999,999.99.
An uphill Journey early in life
strengthens your staying power.
..1 o
The man who leaves his overcoat
In the church vestibule has true
Christian faith. '
An Are In Tho Hutu.
I've lost In cards I'm In despair;
I'll never play a hand again;
N'o more shall chips my hands en
snare I've lost In caris I'm in despair.
And yet, I might win back my jharvj
So what 8 the l!se gf saying then;
I've lost in cards I'm In despair;
'I'll never play a hand agnln7
An experienced wife Is one who
keeps still and provides noble ra
tions when her husband has a pout
ing spell.
Parents give their children some
weird names, but Jim Milter saya he
never heard of any being so crazy
n to name their kids after Pullman
cars. : .t
. '." 0
We notice there's no mention
made of the taxpayer's approval.
Jacksonville, ; III. Journal.
. The cars' swept past In a long line,
and the sun broke through tho lead
en clouds, officially opening the new
road, with even nature's approval.
Kimeg aren't measured by clock
ticks, but by heart beats.
Sent. In: . "Who took the hood 0111
of brotherhood? That douen't In
teriMt people much this cold wwitiicr
ns who took brother's hood.
Til.- lleM Vet.
A Klamath Fella business man,
upon leaving his office, put out a
curd saying he'd be back at three
o'clock, and then finding Ivj'd for
Rotten aonti-thing, .returned to hM of
fice, read the notice on I In; dour,
and wit down o;i the stairs to wait
until three o'clock.
People who have Iwen hnlhercl
to death by Ineuranre men may en
joy reading that one has been pul In
Jail at Akron, Ohio.
Chivalry has- been described as the
nobks quality In a man that tniikvs
hint considerate of any woman who
Is beautiful and Isn't married to him.
At 18 he loves a. woman of .10;
1 ..
Make Your3
i A Better Motor simpiy .
improving the way it operates try a 50-mile test
IT is not necessary to change your motor
in any way to get more pleasure from
driving. For by a simple plan you can
improve the operation of your car just
as though you had improved the motor
itself. , .
We tell you what to expect. And
merely suggest that you make a 50-mile
test to prove the things we say.
New speed is yours to command when
you want it. You'll find an added snap'
in the pick-up an aid in escaping con
gested traffic. ,
And you'll climb grades on high which
have required second gear work in thepast. .
These improvements, you or any other
motorist can get by merely using
Union Non-Detonating Gaso
line, unmixed with any other kind.
Try it for 50 miles one or two
days' driving. Know then yourself.
Result of Scientific Research.
There are ocientific reasons why you obtain''
theae improvement! In' the operation of your .
cr by the limple uie of Union Non-Dt tonal In f
Gasoline. ' ' ,,.--,
And the secret lie In the ..way it explorles.".'
It's non-datonatinj gasoline ' which means :
progressive, sustained explosions. . ' They rf .'
strong and steady uninterrupted. ; ';.,, 1.:,
They result from a perfect cliain of boiHiig'
points which is developed by 21 steps In, die :
tillation. No single step can be elimlnalei and '
till produce Union Gasoline. ' Yet some.
lines are made with but two steps.. '' .t.;""-''
The non-detonating feature of this tnsolin
means new speed, more snap in the pick-up and
plus power on hills- , .
A 50-mile test will provide,the evidr'nct;
Surely that's a reasonable request to nin'iif of
you, if you want this greater motoring plp'ir
which thousands of other motorists hs"e (mud.
Simply use Union Gasoline,, unmixtd iih uny
other kind.
1 ,
Unioii Gasoline