" A Million a Month It Klamath County ' Industrial Payroll Equal Rightt, Equal Justice, are the Twin Pillar $ of Democracy Member of tlte Associated Press H-voiitli Vciir No. 7170, KM.M.ITII IMM.H, OKI KID V MO.MMV, M.llM'lf , I MCI. PRICK FIVK CRKTS CALIFORNIA TO BE POLITICAL Coolidge, Johnson Will Be Factor In Presidential Primary. Election. HAN FIUNCIHCO, March 24.--the pollllcol battleground on whluh tbo partisans of rrtisldont Ooolldgo snd Senator Hiram W. Johnion aro f;r,btlng 'tor oapture tbo 'republican sWioJaJ sobvsuUob will siilft to Cai IfvrtW Vw when the pn.ldnt!nl VtaWT wUJ be -belli. ' Tb 'tlouioyoiK, (.hivtigJi their "MM cettral commute, Ime decid ed to ft'.Ma on Jbn ballot oandtd.iter for delegates in tbe oatlnoal eoo vestloo pledged to tbe nomination of William 0. irpAiloo, io tbot their ratification by tbn dcmooratlo vot ers at ths primary apparently will t only a formal matter Kadorsesnrot Overwhelming, i Although the state ocnlral com Ritttee endorsed tbe MoAdoo cnndl daey only after a torrid debate. In which, the Teapot Dome Inquiry wan aJred, the endorsement was over whelming, and party leaders do not coocede a obanco that a rival set or democratlo candidates for delegates will be petitioned for. , ; la this state there la added Inter est In the presidential rivalry be cause Johnson, one of Its senators. Is e native son, and because Mo Adoobas made Los Angeles bin residence. Tbo fact that the Tea pot. .Dome - Investigation Involves California oil lands has heaped fuel on tbe political fires. v first Wttfc Petition., Delegates supporting Senator Johnson won tint position on tbe republican' lmllof "by being the first to present their sglncd petitions to the. Secretary of state. It was but few hours later, however, that the Collides . adherents qualified. Tbe last primary In California. sy 4, 19S0, was contested In the republican ranks between Senator Johnson and Herbert Hoover, now secretary of commerce, and also o Csllforntsu. Johnson won by a plu rality of nearly two to one. Tbe heaviest, vote received by a Johusou candidate for delegato was 370,809. whit lb top Hoover man got 309, 919. . Thsrs wa little variation Jn the Individual votes received by the candidates on either ticket. . ' i Optic I Jlenxxo. .To $0 to the national convention each candidal must recelvo more votes than pay one candidate on the opposing teket, The possibility of a split delegation Is remote, how ever, as a set of delegates may toted for as a- whole, and mont vot ers flispou of .their ballots In this way..., , , f ' la tbe general election of Novem ber. T, 1932, Johnson was returned to the senate with S4,m votes. bU democratic opponent, William J. Pearson, receiving 915.7411. . Delegato candidates of the eoolal- IsF and prohibition parties are en titled to ballots 1n tbo coming pri maries. SHIPPING BOARD ' " STEAMER ON REEF p. -iff y - " ' ..JJtCJfiSOJtVHAtV Fin.. March 94. .-Tbe steamship President Monroe, hipping board vessel from New York to San Francisco via tbe canal with 8i passengers, Is asboro four miles south of Pacific IteofB, about 120 mlleo froml Miami. 8. O. fl. calls were answerej by the outter Saitkes. Tbs' President Monroe was reported ln.no Immediate danger. ' :OBAVBBMD, England, March J.4.--Tli American steamer Amerl oaa'.Kerehant and British; steam er ifatatua collided off Thames Haven 'today. ' Tho Matntua snnk. tt , was variously imported that one to eight, of bor crew were killed and several .pthnrs injured. Cdt.OXI.KS liACK MONEY WatVON,' March 24. The finan cial situation In many of the Portu ' Ktiese botonles Is arousing tbo anxi ety of the home government. The minister nt colonies has requested tho governors of the various colon ies to Invsstlgats the matter, and ItillMt MtSIUMt 1st MrsviMt, ARENA 1 'COOLIDGE ROSE". I 1 -T Tb.'n lion tit I Til I nr. Mi li Klilt-h l !ioimi held by liiiilicl Oardnur. Is one of tint I'mrnon It hus I.n numd uflcr Mrs. Calvin Cool idge. ond In on exl ll).t:on nt lb" Klower Hhow, New York City. GILLETTE ANU FIRE IN HOUSE Action Is Directed Against Both For Speeches Against Sennte, WAMIUX-lf 0;;Warci St.--Tl'.fl lionee wim a-k'd today by ll-'preson-tntlve Tnn'lwsy, republlcaa, .Manaa-efcu-etts. Hi take "npproprlnle" Ac tion ii n cli.i nfit thai Hi'tintnr t'nrn en.v. ili-miicrnt. Arknnsn. hail lin-prnpi-i-ly entlrlnfil the urmitn unci 8ieul( r (illlette In his hi-ii.Ho Kpeerb Snturdiiy. Wpenker (llllmie'e reiiinrku nhont tlie nennto iiiuilii In n re-em epeeeh ; in lloHtnn hi Irt-oil up a hontnd linlf hour iMmin tnilny In I ho 1inum 111 cnurnn or wlilch the aponker laid aildo bin unvel end took the tlnnr li defend himself. DELEGATES OFE Klninaili reuniy wHl he i-cpnstcnt-eil nt the rnllrn.nl ho.irlnx liifnu nn esuiulner tor the Intermiiio com merce eommlMlnn nt I'nrilnnd, W;d nendn.v by Dr. P. M. Trout nnd A. Kullmc.. of M il'n, nnd by I, Inn P. Sntilii. rorrninry of tho Inenl iihaniDi-i of cnmniorcc, Hnhln loft fur l'n.1 -Inn it tntlny nnd the others n iliiy or live nit", . ' fr. Trout nnd Knllnn w npiinlni eil roproiilnlivei ul n moot hi .Mu lln Friday lll(ht of tho Formers' Society or Tn'le l.nke, Snh'n wtv nftjned delnanto for Ihn ehntnhcr In-diij- when It wn roiiiiil Hint nlliere piovlntwly iiiiKKcelcd wore unnhle to got. niwny. The complaint of I lie etulo public unrvlco commiHslon for moro rnllrond building lu Oregon will ho heard nt tbo J'ni'tlnnd boni-lng. Local dole KRtOH will be propnrod to enter plnns for building of the Modoc Northern, NEED CHAINS ON ASHLAND HIGHWAY CARAWAY UNDER FOR MEET Clmliin tiro neeofsnry to make thii tr!p between Klnnmlh Fnlln nnd Ashland by wny of tho flrenn Springs road, according to Information frnii. tbo slnto highway nffloi this morn, lug. On ono short stretch, of road between Hpoitcnr rnnoh jmd tho top of lliiyden ninuntnln, chains nre al most a neceHelly ns the snow and rain of the past few days litis rend ered ' the road bed slippery ami triMkniUsi 1 IRE PROSES W'AHIII.WTO.V. Murob 24. The hi tndny eiuborlzed two moro 'nviMluuMonn. ono Into ihn aircraft liiiliiiitr)'. Ihn ntbi-r Into tho alleged liip!onion of government bonds at ilie bit -enu of engraving nnd print ing. DAUCHERTY HEARING ... IS POSTPONED WHEN WHEELER FALLS ILL WiVKIIINf.'TOX. March 21. The riaugbnrty committee h-.arlngs wore liOKiponi-d until Wednixdny on 'ac count of tho lllnejjt of ' Senator Wheeler, committee prosecutor, nnd nnRni(meni of other committee membprs, WORK TO START SOON ON ADDITION ' TO HART BUILDING i:ontructlon of four additional ,.inrlii o Die Hart block will com inonM within nhoiit ibree weeks, nc civd!r.( to II. rf. Perrln. who Sat urday night returned from Sacra mento whore ho has been In confer niino with the Hart brothers and the ni-oUlt-Mls. Perrln will ho general i-niiirneinr for the Job. I'oriln repo.'ts that W. F. Ilopkn, or Sncr.imenio. who U going to erect a iwnsmry office and store building on 1 1)0 northwest rornor of Eighth Mini Main, ii linvlllg plans prepared anil oxibob in sqr ronslructton 'lioi-lly, 10 ARE HURT Hliow driving ngalnnt the wind shield so Impeded tbo Might of John Kerry yCRtorilsy afternoon nt l:H0 as ho was driving nn tbo Dalles Cnllfnrnla highway noar Klamath Agency, thnt he drovo oft (ho beaten roadway and the front wheels strik ing soft gravel nt the side of the rond took the car completely out of bin control wlb tho result tlint It turned over and throw P-orry and his daughter Mary violently on onto tho ground, Horry 'Is suffering with a fractured skull and hla dnughtti with ft o: ashed font In tbo Klamath Valley l09la. As soon ns tho nccldpit occurred the nmihulnnci') of tho hnepllal soceilofl to the nei)e nnd broiiRht he Injured penpln iio nwn, illorry was on his wny to llend whore ho hoped to find work. His condition willi0 lerlpns Is pot son SUlornil dnttgerous by the pliyslnlon lu stundagps, ARE AUTHORIZED OAR 0 T URNS CLERICS 0.1 BAREFOOT DANCING Perforniencc Frowned Upon By Bishop Manning j Found Pleasing By Jury of Clergymen. . uilsxlon, Newton McCoy,' who Ni:W V4.KK. Jli.r.l. St I. .mc f tl.,- .U-rgyui.-i. ul.o c-U-l '.s i. hi.- "''"'"' from the eommisslon's nffl.-lil Jury, -in-N-l ippnunl toiluy ol linrifoiil ijiilulng, (.i-rfonmil In j order In the telephone rate lli- li'storic ( liiiirli ul Tl. Minl.hr In llu-. Hnivri y yi-Hli-nlay ugnliikf. Ill" j eime, todny Ixsiieil his opinion. nMu- of Itlnliup MhiiiiIhu. ' H rnnenrs In rWief given Hi l...r.r... i lrl; H...I l fl..li., B.m.-..u of llk. vr "the rltm.l d ,,, f h(, 0. dutirc i,t Hie Di llii Itnlthlit Aiiuuiiciiilliiii.' v ' Ki-vi-rnl wwirr rliTgyiucn artod an n Jury, at tliu Invllulloii of tlie Itev. "eg" exchange, also In meas tMniniii .Sonneii (iuthrli-. rerior of Hi. Murk, who n-ci-iiily nan reiuinfd ' ured service for Portland bus by :Uh-in Mmmlng to illinlli,ue thn dune.- ncrvlce ho liiul been holding j tnees telephones, but contends I. i:IIully. , .;; .'the order does not give the . . r . ,,, ntTHfln n.niii rn nninn i nnun mrmrnioAnKLriirnioun luumd rn'TP niAimi irrl rid iminrnnnM i n i ii n i i i i ai fi i i ii ii I ti '.if.'iilri. T im.. .M.r-li 2..- rtc:,t. : fi. polk, fcriii-.-r (tiilor vlie ; preloViii of t!in I nlon end Planters, tlenk nud Tiirt company, Hlmt and k!ll.-d hiueir biro today. Polk re turned from III I'sso, Saturday, sev--i.nl days after a shortage of 4 5.000 -a reported by bonk examiner. ATTORNEY IS FOUND GUILTY OF RECKLESS DRIVING; FINED $25 Wlll'nia Minx. local nltorney, wan found t," '"ty In Justice eo;:rt Saiu.nla- a1". .eon befnro Justice of the IVsco ,mml;t of reckless driving end a fined $25. The ;a.'- wnj-i- Ii of a smnrh up u.. Main tr;rt b'efween Marx's automo bile and an auto owned hy a Mr. Hoffman. Marx stated that he would either way. Two witnesses for ihe defense -oiiirndlotod themselvee and consld rahly mor.kencit tho -ense for tbo de fence. One wltne.4 claimed - tii.n lioftaian's. auc- era . moving iu . outherly d!rctlon and the other as t-?ad!ly ninlr.talncd It was moving n n northerly dlrtcrlon. liars stated that ho would either appcul the ease or petition for writ if review. E, BUTTE VALLEY .Work on the Uutte Vull-sy Irriga tion project in Northern California Is progressing rapidly, according to J. S. Jensen, who with C. T. Parley Is in charge of tho projeot. Con struction of a dam on Antelope creek to divert a portion of tbe water to Dirtte cre-sk Id practically completed as Is also a 4.000 foot canal dug from the dain through which tlio diverted water will flow nt:i it reaihcs a. natural grade to ward nutte creek. Nono of tho Irrigation wnto.- will be wasted. Jensen sold. The woter will he nsril agnln and again. -Natural draln:iRi for tho irrigation avnier is into llutto l.nko and ihl.H Killer will he pumped from tho lake hock through the Irrigation canals. When the witter gets stale, Jen sen explained, nnd heeomos salty through , the dissolving of salt In the on rtu, the water of tho lake will be p "nvpod out over a low ridge and the stab water will ho Tarried by : natural grado Into another drain-; age Ims'n entirely apart from, tho i Butte Vullpy basin, PROGRESS ID illume of wtiter win he oontroueit To RyQlA a brgnr niw,m the burg to su,cta ns extent that tho farmer , mr8 cl)t a bole through tho root, cap regulato h's supply to comply ; ift0( the plundor through It sad with the need3 pf the. crops In if- loaded If Into an automobile, ferent toasons nf Ilie year lp an . - . accurate planner, ' , IXCBEASE8 SUBSIDY THTB m4THJ-:it The Cyclo-Storiu-agraph nt Vnu.r- S.U'Jf-".!.1 .ul rise has taken place In baromet-1 rlc pressure dtir- !nK ,homtln',t I4! L7 iiuiim. i nc i t-i. Ing Is still very low and unsettled weather will pre-i vail. i PAnApaal fnr nAtl 9.1 hniirs: hiaiiriv nnd unsetiled with Indl- i cut Inns slightly in favor of clearing weather tomorrow. Tho Tyons recording thermometer registered maximum and minimum temperatures today OS follows i . m --in Is SI.V ViHjv,'Ma:0i 2i. Wllliuiu I fJ.. r..n. realr.ntul atut- sa-; perlniendent of Iho anti-ealoou years for forgery, today lost bis ap peal, an( prepared to go . to Sing Sing prison tomorrow. GOLD HILL BANK CLOSED BY ORDER OF STATE EXAMINER MKDFOKI). March 24. Percy Ii. Iti. II, ca.-ihicr of the Cold Hill bank, closed Friday by tbe state bank ex nmliior. Is at liberty on $5000 bonds, on bargee of embezzlement and misapplication, of funds. - Examin ation of tbe books of tha inntltuuou was made by Hank Examiner S. L. Stewart, Medford bankers predicted that depositors would receive practically full returns on their deposits, wbinh are protected by a $5000 se curity band, and , notes and other a4"eoiiahle .paper, i;..-... .. M. S. Johnson, president of the bank, bad $1400 in a personal ac count In the bauk, and was warned that the Institution was in troubled waters, but refesed to withdraw the money. Workers In the cement plnnt at Gold Hill and many farm ers of the district, kept their giv ing. In the Institution. The hank was also used for the paying of taxee. but these were sent to the sheriff daily, and the county's loss, If any, will be small. Hell, according to friends, will make good tho alleged defalcation, and they attribute bis present pre dicament to "bad management," and not wrong Intent, lie bas turned "over all of his private property, In cluding his homo In Gold Hill, and some real estate In Portland, for the benefit of the bank's depositors. Tho nllogod Bhoitasje came to light, when the daily ch'.-cks cleared through Med fo I'd banks, were un paid, and In the investigation and all night conference thnt followed Itell admitted. It Is nld, a $10,000 shoringo In cash, win n Informed that ilii stnte bank examiner had been notified, nemoval of ledger sheets, Is alleged to have hern the method by which Boll covered up the alleged luNnppHrntlon of fund', THIEVES DODGE BURGLAR ALARM, MAKE BIG HAUL l.OS ANGEl.ES. March 24, Thieves early today robbed Itobhln's Jowole.-y and C0tilpg company of "wcl. and clothes valued at $75,- ooo, according to a report to police rrOKlO. Moron 84, To encourage tiade with South America, the gov e-.nmont hns decided to lnorense the I snbt-ldles granted steamship com rcv.lea maintaining South American services from 850,000 yen annually, the present figure, to 900.000 yen. The Osaka Shosen Kalsha and tho Toyo Klsen Kalshn are the principal lln(,E affected KFXK1) FOR ni'.lXO Tl'NH l.no Krlcksnn and John Dergzulst were arreslod Saturday night on the chnrge ot drunkeness. Rrlokson pleaded guilty to the charge this morning and Was fined 110 hut fiorgiuist bd m SPsr4. SAYS RESIDENCE TELEPHONE RATES SHOULD BE REDUCED SALEM, March 24. Taking j Issue with his two aHsocnltes . on the public service commls- relief warranted by law and orldence and avers a re duction of 2u per cent should be made on all residence tele phones in tbe state. PRELATES ARE Ceremony With Centuries Old Ritual Conducted At the Vatican. HOME, March 24. .Moiwignor Patrick J. Hayes, archbishop or New York, and Monsignor George W. Mandeleln. archbishop of Chicago, were made cardinals In secret con sistory today at the Vatican. The ceremony' with the centuries old ritual rwas performed in majestic solemnity amid a setting of colorfnl splendor. The pope in allocution declared America to have attained "primacy" in charity, ond that he wished, toj remember this lu the usual way, j thereto -f he elevated .to. the sacred jiurpio iwo prelates wnose Qualities and importance of whose sees war - The pope referred especially to America's work In Russian relief and relief of other'' distressed Europ ean counties. "From the moment in which our voice, was first raised. In behalf of the poor stan-lng children of Russia." said the pope In allocution, "the Episcopal clergy and people of the United States responded to our ap peal with a promptness and a gen erosity which at oaa. placed them in first rank In this crusade of char ity. This ' beneficlence, shown everywhere and by all, continued for a long time, we can say that It even etill continues,, though gradu ally reduced In proportion as the days advnnced In which the n-aed diminished. , ' - , ' "Later wo Intimated tbut fresh mieerles and necessities had arisen tn various parts ot the world. It was only an Intimation, as Indeea dlsr-ritlon counselled, but it was suf ficient to enkindle again everywhere fresh ardor to bestow money and material according to varying possl- j btlltles." , . ' S i nosEFU'RQ, March 2 phlne Judges Pollock, of Joseph! ncr, ot Jackson and Qulne of Doug- i las met yesterday at Grants Pass gad pr-jpared arguments in favor of Ms of Oregon nnd California railway grant lands and Coos Bay wagon road grant lands by the forest ser- .h ..... AMERICAN IDE CARDINALS LAUNCH MOVE-TO RECOVER LAND w i j a. I foro Emmttt this morning and ths su h lands the money to be dis- mdeflnlt.ly rTAon .n P-tponed; st a Joint motion of th. administration ot the Oregon ana ' ' . , California fund ...... ' proaeoutlng attorney snd eounesl for .,.''.. . . , 1 the defenso. '...-,..-.' County Judges of the state are pre-: - -. paring to vote on tho measure in , the near futu:. jf usoirrT DtDrsDT 1 Charles Rudoen, president of thelj MARKET RErORl J stnte nrsoclatlon ot county eourts, appointed throe' southern Oregon! Judges to prepare arguments either for or against the bill. SAND POINT TO GET AVIATION BASE WASHINGTON, March $4. The house naval committee today ap proved hlane for a navy aviation bsss at Sand Point, Washingtoa. L TO FALL s y Son-In-Law of ex-Secretary Involved. By Testimony of Cleveland Man. ' WASHINGTON .Unroll 2. The senate today voted to certify to the Uulted States attorney facts con nected with Sinclair's refusal to tes tify In the oil Inquiry. O. C. Cnass, son-in-law ot Albert B. Fall, declined to answer any ones-tlens by the oil i-onimitte, mi the ground they might tend to Incriminate him. The (tl commlue today rnnnuVU up oddf, and ends of testimony an if itstermlned to push the Investigation to a quick conclusion , ' - Price McKinncy, of Cleveland, bad testified that O. C. Chase visited blm at his home to isk him to say that be had made the famous $100, 000 doan to Fall. , - Carml A. Thompson, munagor ot Coolldge's campaign 1a Ohio, denied before the committee today that hs had heard Jske Hamon, oil operator snd republican' national committes- j mer- for Oklahoma, make a propo sition or any tuna to naming or his associates for delivery of the Oklahoma delegation at tbe repub lican national convention in 1130. T. L HELD AS FORGER Robert L. Dean," aged' about 21, 1 wa, arrested Saturday afternoon by local pool holl and charged with forging the name of A. B. Bright man of Dairy on a First National bank check. According to,' the sheriffs office, Deaa is suspected with forging Bright man's name oa tbe check that was presented at tbe paying and receiving window In ths First National bank Thursday morn ing. It Is also suspected that he gave the check to at accomplice who was the "man iwho presented the obeck. : 4 - 1 ' An assiduous Sfftrcb has been made for a man who authorities believe Is Dean's accomplice. He left tor Weed tbe day after the attempted forgery. Dean is being held In Jail. His arrest followed, information given by Brlghtman who- stated that he bad reason to suipect Dean. MAN FINED $5 FOR SPEEDING PEEVED, BUT COOLS OFF When 8, W. Hotchklss was fined $5 in jusilco court this morning for not having in his possession a driv er's license, ho was. ' exceedingly angry.-' ' ' ;:'. . "Do you know what the limit Is?" queried Justice! Emratt ' '!-"fV'"ht six months in Jail .-and- $,00 fine.' Of course If-you are not satisfied " 100 up ono e DEAN IS Gard-I""1'" repIled Hotchklss, and left the jii,-)iiie cirnu iiiiuteuintoi, . W. ; I,.. Hamilton - was fined the same fine for tho same offense. P, Bognuda, Mrs. Goorge Wnlter mlre, Francis Waltermlre and Her bert Waltermlrs, 'ho were arrested yesterday and charged ' with manil- I facturlng liquor,; were brought b- PORTLAND, March 24.--. Cattle, slow snd weak to !5c lower; top lgrsde steers, $7.75 to $.7B. v I Hogs steady to Ilie lower. " -' ' Sheep, steady! first new erop of spring lambs brought $K per ewt. , Eggs and butter, steady, nutterfnt, B0o f.o.b, SAN PJIANC1SCO, 60s f.O.h, nuttsrfM,