Page Four THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON NATUHUAY, M.HM'II iw. ". - . . 1 .. Pacific Coast News In Brief OHICO HOY 1IK1R TO 8:100,000 FORTUNE. CHICO, Cnllf. The bulk of the estate of Henry M. 'Briscoe, Butt County pioneer, who died a woek ago la loft lo ihls ll-yeanold grandson Jack Brlscoo, under the terms or nu will, made public here yesterday. The estate Is Valued at approximate ly $300.00), consisting mostly of bonds and money In banks. BUS LINK IS f.RANTRD FRANCHISE. ASTORIA, Ore. A twenty year franchise for (lie operation of a mo tor bus transportation system In Astoria was granted the Astoria Transit company by unanimous vote of toe city commission. MURARY STUMPED BY INQUIRY ABOUT CAT. STOCKTON, Calif. The city li brary is stumped. Librarian Jj. o. Parkinson admits it Recently he of fered the choice from i list of Jif- teon books to any perspp wno couio ask a question which the library couldn't answer. Idamae Johnson well known newspaper woman, wanted to know whence came the quotation "curosity once killed a cat." The library found a lot of quotations about cats, but had to admit that it couldn't throw any light on the question asked by Mrs. Johnson. OKOYILLE mills to START APRIL, 1. i :i J' OROVTLLE. " Calif ., Mill and woods crews of the Hutchinson Lum ber Company are to begin operations in full swing on April 1. On that We btUev in o&ruttion. of the nation -" MICHELIN HIRES ' They ought to j be high priced j but they're tut RICHARD AUTO SERVICE Cars For Hire IIS No. Sixth St. Dr.Goble Optometrist Optician Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted and Supplied Immediate Services We Grind the Glasses :.. Here Broken Lenses Duplicated All the latest in Frames and Mounting TOO HaJa Street ' Phone 1SS-W ' S1 date fully 1,000 men will be working either In the woods to tbo eastward from OroTllle or In the mill In thie elty. Three big saw will begin the awing of lumber, and Fill turn out approximately 225.000 board feet during e&ch single shift. Later In the year it is Planned that the mill will operate a double shirt. Hall's Catarrh Medicine rid your system of Cstsrrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. SmU y Wntfzui fa mm 40 yam F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Wfcen you are suffering with rheumatism ao you can hardly get around just try Red Pepper Rnb and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing baa such concentrated, pen etrating heat as red peppers. In stant relief. Just as soon as yon apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes It warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circula tion; breaks up the congestion and. the old rheumatism torture Is soiie. . ' ' Rovles Red Pepper Rub, made drug store. Get a Jar at once. ' Use it for lumbago, neuritlB, back che, stiff nect, sore muscles, colds in chest. Almost Instant relief awaits you. Be sure to get the gear nine, wim thename Rowlea on each package. END RHEUMATISM WITH RED PEPPER rs u lOUiKAKlAOUlXM lRmtACGMfuorf HOWMUCH?" It is the history of import ant innovations in the home mat their general' accept ance has waited until their, daily seed and reasonable cost to the consumer has been challenged fand satisfactorily prov en. It can now be fairly stated that elec tric short cuts for business and home pur poses have proven both their value and low cost When you psk "how much" electric equipment will cost, or save you you may well be surprised at its genuine econ . pmy. . . JFor example, electricity will sweep, 1 wash, iron, coolc, light and heat water with a minimum of labor on the part of the housekeeper, for the low average monthly cost of $8.50. ' , It has required foresight and invest ment to make this possible. Nor is this Company neglecting the ranxreiAtthe beginning of 19Z4 it had mcreased Its plant investment to $IL700,QOQ so tha . the future needs of the home, business and industry would be cared for with an abundance of hydro-electric power at a reasonable rate. Elate cost data, information regarding , the rorrect wiring ofhomes and business houses are alwaysavailableatour offices. We will gladly show yon how amaz- . ingiy cheap electric service is. CAUffiim OHGON rW CtolNY Msd&rd, Grana Put, Kltmmth Fatb, Rom burg, Oragon. Trsks, Pnnwmiir, California. SIMMONS The Good Kind F. I Luca TOF GLEANS KIDNEYS Take a Little Salts if Your Back Hurts, or Bladder Is ' Troubling You No man oriwoiunn can make a mis take by Hushing the kidney oc casionally, says well-known au thority. Eating too much rich food creates acids, whloh excite the kid neys. They become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fall to filter the want and persons from the tiloof. Then b got sick.' Rheu matism, headaches, liver troubles, nervousness, dlsslness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys, or your back hurts. or It the urine is cloudy, offensive. run or sediment, irregular of Das- sage or attended by a sensation of scalding, begin drinking a quart of water each day, also get about four ounces or Jad Salts from any pharm acy; take a tab!wi-oouful kn a glass of water before breakfast, and in a few days your kidneys may set This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthhu and lias been used tor year's to flush and stimulate the kidneys; also to help neutralise the acids Jn the system, so they no longer cause irritation..- thns often relieving bladder weakness. Jad baits ts inexnemsive: makes a delight fn! 'effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to help keep the kid neys clean nnd active and the blood pure, thereby often avoiding serious kidney complication. By all means bave your Physician examine rour kidneys at least twice a year. Adv. A BEDS For Sale By GUAR WATER Furniture Used Car Exchange Corner- Klghti and Pipe Ford Sedan, nice shape $37S.QQ forma. Dodge Roadster Ready fur the iftoad. $155.00 Terms. ' Paige Sportster Priced Right STORAGE! PAY AND NlOMT, 25c Hamilton & Nelson Cawley Sign Service Cor. Math and Klamath General Painting Contractor House Pointing and Decorating Material and Workman ship Ouaranteed SIGNS : OK : A 14, : KINDS t000mt00r FOLLOW THE FUN to FORT KLAMATH Saturday Night Houston's Orchestra We are in the market for New and Second Hand Fumltur", Stoves, flanges, rlprlngs, Mnt tresses. ' We pay betst prices. Phone eP0-M 604 Klamath Arc. 0f00tf0f0fj00jmt DONART &ON XAXIDEBafmS ' '. Furriers, Tanners and Dyers ' . All Work 'Onannreed . V'.'":; fin) '$11 . ' Sid Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon Political Announcement I hereby announce my can didacy for sheriff on the Re publican ticket subject to the wish of the rotem of Klam ath county at the prinuuiek, May 10, 1924. I. B. COLLMAN I hereby announce myself ;as a candidate for County Clerk ot Klamath county, subject to the decision of the Democrat vot ers at the Brimary Election, May la, 1M4. OABRETT K. VAS RIFEB ; I : hereby announce myself 'as candidate for the brAce of Coun ty 'pommissloner ' of Klamafh County snbject po the decision of the Democratic voters at (he Pri marie May loth IBM. BURRELL SHORT .LLOYD L. LOW Incumbent 'Annoiknees himself as candi date for the office of Sheriff of Klamath County, subject to the ' decision of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held May 18th, IBM. I hereby announce my can didacy for sheriff on the Re publican ticket abject to the wish of the TOter of Klam ath county at the primaries, Hay . 1M4. HANS NTLANDEB WM. GANOKO , announces his candidacy for Di strict Attorney on the Democra tic ttoket abject 'to the wish of the Voters at the Primary, May 10th. ) J. F. M0BLET ' annenace ) himself . as candidate f6r ' sheriff, f object to the de mocratic nomination at the prl'. inary,. May tp,.9t. Business Kopm Leave Your filttvs 'Before 9 O'clocK-Your AM; Pictos anmadr ,5 It V, JvJ iv J H V urn m avav mt m f 1- vt Ss 1 WHERE. aARTICULAI PEOrLS BUY THEIR DRUGS New Maud Booth Shoppe Exclusive Millinery and Designing Parlors 420 Main Street Ready to wear Millinery carried in stock . Specially Pesigned Hats to order YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL WHITE PELICAN IRON WORKS INC Prattles) Boiler Makers ana Iron Workers Heavy Sheet Iron Work Xanks, Breechlngs aa Bucks, Bteel Conveyors, Air Cooled and Brick Itaee Bnraers We specslaUse oa Repairing Bo tier ol all kind anting Street, near Oak Aw. Klaaah Valla, Ore. mora im ALAN L. STANLEY Organiser and Director of Bands and Orchestras. Graduate, Royal Guildhall School of Maalo, London, Itaglaad Formerly with the Benson Orcbstra of Chicago, Agent for the famous Martin Uaadcraft Saxophones, and all Band Instruments, sold on easy payments. A course of Free Lessons . with each Instrument. Beginners and advanced pupils taken. Beat of mnste fur nished for all occasion. CONCERT VAUDEVILLE DAkTCH Res. 701 Jefferson Phone MS-R BALLOON TIRES Full Sixe . : Cap Calking Hat Them They Are Firestone Gum-Dipped Cords KLAMATH TIRE HOUSE 6th and Klamath Call and look them over - Headquarters For information Look on the back of your prints for the word YELOX its the best Work left up to 9 a.m. ready at 5 o'clock 5th and Main Stretts Special Beauty Culture Price Taesday, Wednesday, Thursday ta.00 Esg Pack, Abnond Meal Pack, Beleano Pack ' . For aoe Winters Building -, HARNESS If you are goma; to buy Now Harness,' I 'can' save . you 40 per cent. (Hre me a trial and you Trill be convinced. flhoe Repairing . of All Kinds7 THE SIXTH STREET HARNESS AND SADDLE SHOP 708 8. Slyjb St. LET "JEX" DO IT Upholstering' Mattress Making General Furniture Repairing ' Furniture Packed and , prated ; Varnishing and Enameling J. S. WILLBURN 1178 Main St. i , Phone 40 All Work Guaranteed Directory Work W. H. A. Renner Frank U Mars LAWYERS Phono 117 Offices American National Bank Building LET ME DO YOI7K PAIN TIN' (1 I Vse Nasoa'a Paint . . First Class Work W. H. NASON ' Arcade Hotel HEILBRQNNER fk REA DEALERS XV WOOD Quality, Service and Low Prices phones &80.R and 600 New Oriental Beauty Shop . ... MABCELL WAVING " and Shampooing 1.00 Slough Bldg.. Sulla 8, No. 8 BIS Main St. Make .Appointment, Phone 618 -AHA I n rALiLO UKtUUn TF7rr7 1 NEW CITY LAUNDRY rinlcliHl W ork - Khtt .Work , "I'iii Your Duds In 0"r Hurt" Itmmh Dry Pliiuin IIM. Cr. Main A Congros Z. PETERS A I'dllcil twlirr nil I'lann slid Violin Oin?r liiHruiiK'iitM 'in ii al t Alsn Hiiliirdii), Huilil'iy". Monday TIH Ilium) HI. Nw Htxtll H. , V ' DR. J. G. GOBLE OI'TOSI KTItlHT ll'TKIA V 700 SI u I n Ml. I'liiine M9-W Wo fit nnd grind C)l"iit, Dupll rate hiokrn Innst', renali' fmm NU BONE CORSETS Mucin to Your1 Measure Mrs. Rose Randall (Junranterrt nai Ji-frrwin Ht. Phone II77-W ' DR. F. R. GGDDARD OHTMII'Allltl I'HVHICIAN AND HI HOKON OffliT and Itxaldonre I'hone 891 1. O. O. V. Temple W. P. MYERS LAWYER Hullo 8, 1Mimla llldg. I'hone, Officio 2I6 Rr. 4B-M J. C CLEGHORN CIVIL KNG1NEKII. AND SURVEYOR Phone 108-J I" Borrow CHIRpPRACTpRS lHS. MA14.KTT MAU'ETT Office over UndupuKid's Seventh and Main. I'hone IW Residence Phone 807' W. . and J. E. Patterson Contracting Painters 630 S. 6th Phone 582-J Furniture Repaired and Finished BROWN'S PAINT STORE 1080 Mala Street . . Phon 78 Call for Mack J. H. DRISCOLL Upstairs jn the Hart Bldg. AM Kinds of INSURANCE Bla-RMANgNT CqNBTFIUCTIOaS''- JI)((:Iiihv(' Llfensed Mtiiifacgnr or For The now Concrete IJollow-wnll Iiulldlng Drlek for Founda tions, WiiIIh, Dulldlngs,' 'oto. Absolutnly Flro und Woutlior Proof, nt a cost less than liny other form of masonry. . Stone-Tlln construction elim inates upkeep exponues, 1s In destructible, snd is approved by tho best architects and builders. Unexcollcd as a base for Stuc co finish. Let U Estimate Your Job Concrete Pipe Company SJxtli anil Marlcer, Phone S88W Street PI BULhUin k: i V.lf KSX. BSSSISMMISaMSMSMaSmSWSMf9