A Million a Month Is Klamath County's Industrial Payroll Equal Rights, Eqxzi Justice, are the Twin Pillars of Democracy, wax Member of the Associated Press Hovmilsntilli V car No, 7(t, KMMATII FALI.H, OltKriO.V MTII'tlMV. MAIU'lf 2!i, 11)21. prick jtvk csnrts) NILE OF WORLD WAR DIES PARIS French General Won Fame As Commander of Troops At Battle of Verdun. . , ; PAFUS, Murch 22. (Iniinrnl Hub ert Nivollo, compandor of tho French trno nt Verdun durlitic (ha World wur, I dead. Oencrul Nlrello, brought to tho notice of tho world by tho battlo of Vurduu," won regarded simply an a good artillory officer hoforo tho wor. There' were so muny good artillory olflctrs thul Nlvallo win (till a col onel when tho world conflict begou. Proved Capacity. First general of brlgado and then general of division In tho full of 1915. Nlvello iironid hln capacity for oiio of tho moHt Imporlnnt com trund on tho western front by hit brilllnnt campaigning, und wni the natural rludce of tho general staff to continue tho work begun by Con or a I I'elaln before Vcrduu when the latter moved to s higher com mand. Horn at Tullo, October 15, 1S&6. Nlvcllo camo of a fumlly of aol dlers. Ilia paternal grandrathvrl wont through tbo campaign of the tint emplro, retiring aa a lloutonaut standsrd-boaror, while bit father wai a captain In the regular army and a colonel of tho national guard nt Dunkirk. , Followed I'aunl Career. N'lvello went through the J'oly tochnlo school, tho Folntaluol-Uulu Artillory school mid the Supurlor "Yf" college.' Ho -then followed tho ususl career of a French loldlor, with stages In Africa and China, later sorting on the general staff of the Algerian division. In July. ldH, stIU with the rank of colonol. he commanded the fifth regiment of artillory at Ilcscniion, at tho boud of which he distinguished himself In tho early atngos of tha wur and won sovcral cltntlons. Ilia regiment took a brilliant pun in tho llnttlo of tho Muruo, whnru upull Neville waa mailu a grund comuiundor In tho legion ot honor. Hllll a colonel commanding urtlllery on the line of tha Alstio, ho wua do Hcrlbed as "tbo moat accomplished type ot commanding officer" by nn eminent literary man writing for " Loudon newspaper. "Tnll, roliiiMt, uu Inlrepld horitomun, with a fine houd und a noblu expression; nouio whut gruvo. iiulet, und with un us tonlnhlng calm nnd self-possession under flro, ho I" rcHpoctod, admired und adored by his men." Never lloiveil Ileiul. 'fdeiiorul Nivollo left to mi oltu ulso I bo .duty of roconiiollerliiK thu en oiii)' and Judging tho uffocts of the rlio or his bulturlos on their trench es. Sheila wore nlwnyB tho thickest whore Nivollo was standing, und all lilr. men roulized thut nouo of. thorn wcro as much exposed ns ho. Offi cers around him Instlnctlvoly low oiod their hendn when tho flcreoch tnii of a Shall wan heard, but Nl Tolte's head never wus bowed. "What tllfteroiico dooM four or flvo lueheH mnko under such cirmustnncos?" ho on co asked. In action, dotiural Nivollo was ntort. quick and gostlculatlng. giv ing thu Impression thut" bo hud u gioat rosurvo of onorgy, both phy ulcal and mcntul. Ho uIho bad tho reputation ot bolng a Btrtct disci plinarian find posnlbly tha greatest gunnor tit tho tinny, llo soomod to linvo tlto closest ncciualntanco with every mau ho mot In the trenclies. uud never was at a loss to call each of bis soldiers by natno no small accomplishment, considering the number ot men tinder his command.1 lie took the greatest Interest in camp Uotnll, and wua always solicit ous concerning the wolfat'o of his 'ehlldroil," us ho culled his Boldlors. During' 1920, Onnornl Nivollo vis ited tho Unltod Stiitos to represent Franco nt tho torcentonury coloura tion ot the Amorlcnu Muytlowor eoiinoll. ' Ho mndo a number or spotchos on bohnlf of Frnnco-Ainor-liiin unity; was entertained by gov oriiinoiit otlfclnls In Wiislilngtnn, mid visited WoBt Point bo tore re turnliut to Krnnoo In tho lute sum mer ot 1921, HUERTA FLEES TO TEXAS) REVOLUTION feELlEVED BROKEN NKW OIU.kAns, Starch i2 'I'Iim guilboiit Znrugoau, with Ailulph do In lluoriil ond Oilier Mexican mvoltlllonlata, is liaadud for Galveston, Team, said Mexican offlclul rcpruson. tutlvea linro today, billing tholr belief on iniorcepled rail'ii ini'niiaK"". They declared ili'n liidli'iili'it -'i i ii ) ' -l c rnlliiiv. nl I ho ri'Vutiitiiin. Tho .Muxlooti govo: iiiui'iil uiiido no attempt lo npproliond Do la 1iiurtii, wel- coining lila (Hparhii'ij to fnre'rri aoil. E IOHE SERVICE PLAN! Portland and Five Cther Cities Are Affected By New Order. BAI.ICM, .Murch 22.- ft1n.1IV.l3n of nieiiaurvd telephone htvi" for btialiicaA teluplioiim In lortlund. und reduced rntea for Hi-) five "ii'i-.i of Albany, Ueppiior, llurmlalon, I'rime- vlllo. Wooilbuni, and for ull .'tirtoer line except thoae n"iir Per l.tnd. und reduced rnl-'H hitw. in () v .iga mid I'O llnlld. worn piovld i! it un order lMuod lute yeaividur n i-.e puhl'c aervlco Ctimmlaiilnn, e'r i ;l'"e April 1. McCoy r-ifused to lga the o;dor' The commlaalon believed I ho men hi i tl aervlrn for I'ortluml b'iio:- phoiua mill produce a bigger re'in n and ennlilu s reduction on roaldenee phoni. ".l o in ATWIOCK TRIAL A mock trial luet night in which Key KIiisiiiuii, cliurged with breach of proinlKR by Clyde (Irlfflth, attir ed In feminine clothoa, waa tho feu turu of olio of tho moat auoceeaful rommunliy meetings held this year. Tlu trial was firat take placo at .Mt. Ijild church but tha smiilt build ing oou 10 not hold tho 200 peoplo who turned out to the meeting an nil i u I J ( '. I r 1 1 1 c I to llollley neliool hotirie. A fur n long anil hard fought trial Kinsman un round guilty In the fourth dogivi by n Jury ot 'x. I.u)o:h for lint defense Hero l", K. Iteeder and Frank Sexton, and .liitnea Kaolr und Wanvn I'.nternon hmidled tho Irgul end of Hie prosecution. .1 ii rum were .1. It. Dixon, Mm. It. Ii. Ilniillniiy, Mrs. t). WiilibleH, Ok wnld llrowii. .Mm. Wni-ren I'tittoison, and V, W. l.ettu. Immediately fol lowing the inoek trial roOwhinents were yi-rved by the ladles of the community. I 'reeedlng I ho tritil (. A. Hender son kiivo ii brier talk on hind twt llement und O. A. Sehultx led Iho audience In u eoimnunlly hIiik. FAILURE TO STOP AT CROSSING IS CHARGED TO DRIVER HUM). fnreh 22, failure i' come to a dead stop before crossing full. oad trucks, us required by the public service commission rules, la charged ngiilnst Al Smith, dr ver of Iho lluiid K In m(i t )i Kails slaxo. fol lowing Smith's nrrest bySt ate Truf fle Oiflcer Karl II. Houston, Thurs day. . 1 louslon followed the pussongor bus on lis trip out or Ileiul mid not- "d, he reports, that thu driver did not slop before crosMlug any of the four I nicks. Passenger busses must stop before crossing any railroad l ruck, no mailer how llttlo Iho trick iniiv bo nseil, ho ctupliiisly.os. riNKO roil Diti xki:m:ss Kied Dlsen, charged with drunk enness on Iho oily struma, was Hie lout offender of Hie city Inw who ni ptiircd 111 police courts MiIh niorn Ing, Olson plead guilty and was fined $20 by Police Judge (liiuhn gon, 1 our mi tu bUL FIRST - k - I If ' I. It t r. a ie-'r bMi-ui r.rri,.l,.i tl..... i.,....in.r .n,.....n.. .u.. ... ..... . ' tlllVV Itl .1!H lllln tl.,. Ufllt. 1..T...U r.t .U,. ... . n.tit .L..,,n vi Uiv ll u.MllllKtUH lli UUIIICUl. l BnUWI the buttlvahlp Kutorl which took I'rli.cr Itegent Illrohlto to Europe on hm trip. ii rOKTI.AND, Murch 22. Motor man Kumuul Allien wua killed undj Conductor Wade eerioualy hurt to day when un electric train of the Portland Railway Light und Power cn.pi.ny collided with .a snivel car .'hlclLjui,ruii.:mlu jhe main truck lli'ill aiding at Hell station neur her. PORTLAND CHAMBER ADOPTS RESOLUTION ON RAIL BUILDING PORTLAND, Murch 22. Directors of tho chnmbor or commerco Iiave adopted reBolutlona supporting the public service commission's potltlon to the Inl'Drstato commerce commis sion to order the construction ot ad ditional railroads In central Oregon. Hearing on the petition wilt be held here Ibefore un examiner on March 211. Tin resolution sets forth the needs ot Mio rollowlug rail construc tion: Compli'iloa of Ibo t';ane ranch of the t'nlon Pacific and comicetitiK with the Natron vut otr, thus blseetliiK . Central t)te;;on and eiutneetin the W illlamette valk'y nt KtiKOoe anil Coos hay with the main Hue of the I'nlon Paclrlc al Ontario, Oregon. t oiuplelloii uf Hie lVHi-hiiliHi canyon line Troiii llend to urrect u Jiiaellon with the Nalron eiit ofr or tho l'riiiiu-Kiig'Hu line, thereby makliiK a dual riillrn.nl system east ot tho Cascade mountains from .both sides of I'le t'olunibln river I li ion;; Ii Klamath Palls to all California points. Kxlousioti ' oT n brunch tine from some point on the Ciane-'.ting-Mio lino to l.nkevlew to Join tlie present lino connecting with (he Cent nil i'liciTie nt Keno, Nevada. TAX PAYERS OF HENLEY TO MEET A mooting of nil tax payers of the I Inn ley school district has been culled by tho Parent-Teacher associ ation or the Henley school to he lull! Friday. March 2S. Object or the meeting Is to discuss construc tion of the gyiniiuslum, approved by the school dial fret tit nil olectloii lust spring, nnd the future ot the Henley Bcliool. There will ho a round table discussion open to ev eryone nml nil school questions will ho discussed. At their lust meeting, Thursday. March tl, the Pareiil-Tencher associ ation passed u resolution that tho board ot directors should ho asked to proceed Immediately with the erection ot tho gyniiinsiiim. iToen COLL -tlrm - 'irt-LH It ,. .. I. I .. . .... l m m to GAR WRANGLE With the riieupst of L'nlted Slates Commissioner Uert C. Thomas yes terday to the sheriff's office to turn over the nutoinobile confiscated fol lowing the nrrest several weeks ago of W. II. Klen and M. A. Jackson by.. Slate Prohibition Agent ' 0. W. Tankaley, another chapter or legal wrangle concerning 4he possession of the confiscated car has been op coed. Thursday afternoon, Judge A. L. '.covin Issued a peremptory man date ordering Tanksley to . turn the enr over to the sheriff's office. Several days ago, a complaint was tiled in Thonins' office charging Eton nnd Juckson with transporta tion ot liquor. The two men are cow serving .Sail sentences tor pos session or intoxicating liquor. On the basis of this complaint, and a warrant issued but not served. Thonins, nt the request or Federal Prohibition Agent F. W. Snyder, asked thut tho far be held uudvir fe.teral Jurisdiction." According to Snyder, und also Tanksley, tho own-rv:-'lifi nf Hie ear has not been ascer tain d despite Hie claims of Mrs. Ii'oz I.owe of San Francisco, who i- lino attempting to take possession of Hie automobile if possiblo. I'p to this morning the car had l-i n turned over lo federal au i .In. i Hi' ...s .y tho sheriff's office. IEER FLOWS FREELY IN JAPAN; BREWERY DECLARES DIVIDEND TOKIO. March 22. The browing Industry of Japan, although it did not exeiipc tho destructive effects of the earthquake or last September, still Is not on the road lo ruin. The Dai Nippon P.MWlng com pany, largest in Japan, recently .hold it.t semi-aiimiat meeting und. alter setting aside -1. 370.000 yen tor the restoration ot damaged plants, de clutvd a dividend of 23 percent. P.eer, unknown to llio Japanese 00 years ago. 's grooving in popularity to such an extent that It .threatens to dispute the place of mike, of rice wine, lis tls3 national beverage. CIGARETTE BAN CAUSES STRIKE OF SCHOOL STUDENTS t'.vrsKii.i.. x. v., Aiiuvh aa. Smoking of elKinetti-s in n class play lias bil lo a strike or 1 00 slnilenls or the t'liP-kill liiitli scbtmt, bait of iho enrollment. - The r.lculty llll-ccti'il that Hie sinoklnit be eliminated from the play, j Four actors MiiokiM however, and when tho fneiilty suspended one of liein the strike was called. SS - i X ",-F TESTIMONY IS FLATLY REFUSED BY II. SINCLAIR Any Evidence He May Pos sess For Courts, Oil Magnate Asserts. WASIIi.VtnoN. March 22. Harry F. Sinclair refiii-ed to tcMlify before Hm o'l committee today on the trouliil that any evidence ho may Posmikx ifliiiulil bo ri!srved for the riiiiriH. llo doclured ho did not do- Ire to plead thul his replies would ;i ml in Incriminate him, because 'Pern was nothing In iho faets re 'atins lo the Teapot Dome leas' that .- incr'iiiinating. Will II. llnya flatly denied before the committee today that Sinclair had given any atock to wipe out the $1,000,000 deficit of the republican national committee after tha 1020 campaign. "I shall reserve what evidence 1 may be able to give," said Sinclair, "for those courts to which you and your colleagues have deliberately referred all questions of which yon had any jurisdiction, and shall res pectfully decline to answer any questions propounded by your tom elitee." Winn Walsh asked Hays to tell whet K'nclctr had to do with making in the republican deficit. Hays re plied. "I Ctisume 11 is not the purpose of the committee to consider ques tions as Irrelevant as that. Resides1. ( am not a source of Information now." Hays began a long statement about general subject of campaign con tributions. Stantield, ot Oregon, objected, saying, "This question Is Immaterial and irrelevant.",.,. . Walt h insisted the question as put was relevant and there was a long wrangle. Stanfield's motion was finally vot ed down, 6 to 4. Stantield ttwn called Hays' atten tion to the law ot contempt to in dicate to him that he did not hare to answer irrelevant questions. Hays said he did desire to decline to answer any questions,- that he would state again that the story about Sin clair giving 75,000 shares of stock was false. "I could only give my best-Judgment." Hays said, "as to Sinclair's contribution. Mr judgment te that It did not exceed $75,000. " BEANS KILL DOG AND NEARLY CAUSE DEATHOF MASTER fHlt; I! IS. March 22. Samples of beans which m arly eansed the death of IC. ('. Cliiridl c, pioneer stock man, nod cost tthe lives or his two dog.!.' have been sent lo the state board or health Tor analysis to de termine if they were poisoned. Chumllor returned homo late at nl!:ht nnd found the beans prepared the table. De tasted Ihem, but they iwei-e bitter, and he ate no more. Two dogs swallowod some Oi lit- bea-.i!! and died shortly after ward. - Chandler immediately took :n antidote tor poison und suffered Intermittent convulsions during the nlsht... The rollowlug morning he an-.! to the Dorrls hospltnl Tor trectment. Tho sheriff's office has been quietly investigating the case, but announces that C'lundlor can think ot no one who would have a motivo for killing him. Vntil a report on tho analysis of the beans is received. It Is not likely that any clues will be developed, as It Is pointed out the heu us might ihave spoiled. WOMAN PIONEER HAS HAIR BOBBED ON 100TH BIRTHDAY I.OS AXtiKl.l'.S, March Mix. Klir.iitietli tioodrleli, who Journ eyed west from Denver Duili, Piin in it covered wugiiii, In I Ilia, and hail Iter hair lioblird In a lain AngclcU barbel' shop In tnai, releliraled her 1 1)01 Ii birthday nt her home In Monlehollo, Hour hero. What distinguishes iho itlrl of IS 18 rmin Hie lltai Dapper, ueeorii liiU to Mis. tiooilileli Is .not the hitler's liulri'iit but. tho former's hiililt of taking her evening spin at. tho spinning wheel. S. S. OLYMPIC HAS COLLISION WITH STEAMER IN HUDSON EV YtMk, March H Tht White Star liber Olympic. 4 outward bound ftr fcnglaijd, today collided with th ateamsr 4 Fort St. Oeorva of the FaraeSS- Ilormuda line In tha Hudson 4 river. Th Fort St. George, which had 'about 45 feet of mil on her sun deck smashed, 4 returned to her dock. Three Men and Woman Are Accused of Operating Still On Farm. iP. . Uognuda, Herbert Walter mire. Franc's Waltermire and Mrs. Oeorge Waltermire were ' arrested yesterday by State Prohibition Agent George TV. Tanksley on the charge ot possession of intoxicating liquors and of operating a still. The arrests were made at a bouse a half mile east of John Matney's house 12 miles southeast of Klamath Falls. Liquor confis cated included two five gallon kegs pa.tly filled with . alleged moon shine, one glass gallon Jrr filled with alleged moon-shine, one two quart Jug filled with alleged mash taken from the honse where the still wae located. The three prisoners were brought to Justice court yesterday and re leased by Justice ot the Peace Em m'tt on a $500 bond for the three. "All three are -very young," Jus tice Emmitt said, "aud I understand that, one of the three will claim that he-or she is under sge."'"v R. C. Tanksley; son of O. W. Tanksley, wag arrested last night hy State Traffic Officer J. J. McMahon In Klamath Falls for falling to dim his lights. He was fined $10 and costs in the Justice ' court this morntng. , . . SECOND O. A. C BAND CONCERT AT PINE TREE TONIGHT A program of music including numbers of various kinds appealing to every person will be- played to night at the Pine Tree theater by the Oregon - Agricultural college military baud. Because the train was late lust night the 4and did not have time to give a street parade be fore going directly to the theater for the conoart. . 'The personnel of the bund with the towns from which the men come is as follows: clarinets, Van Lehe, It. II. Hylton, S. t Brown. . N. Dunn of Corvallis, U T. Robinson ot Portland, D. G. Denart ot Wood burn, iM. Jt Newland ot Itoseburg, and Vl J. Baker of Grants Pass; nut's and piccolo, A. K. Silva of Honolulu, E. H. Currurhers and P. L. Adkins ot Astoria; basses. I. B. Cave ot Corvallis and It. McCart of j jrs.Hiuuvuie; cornels, it. c. Hang ing of Albany, It. Cockburn of Mil ton, M. E. Bentty of Portland, and G. O. Craig of Enterprise; trom bonos, H. 45. JlcCurley and W. N. Bone of Corvallis, G. A, Stewart of Mcdtord, C. C. Morgan - ot Rose burg; saxpphones, 11. L. Patrick of Klamath Falls, K. F. Dixon of La Vern, Cal., S. L. Burnaugh of Cor vallis, It. B. Ewing of Mt. Vernon. Wash., and M. J. Lunts ot Portland; altos, A. M. Wells and M. M. Clay ton of Corvallis, C. I. Olson of Sher wood, nnd L,. B. LeBlanc of Fresno. Cal.; baritone, B. R. Caldwell of Corvallis; drums, R. V. Kotner of Llnnton, A. C. Olsen ot Orenco, and A. W. Serpa ot Albany; ; . The concert lust night at the Pino Tri-a theater was In a sense a reve lation to muny of the audience as it is not often that a military band of such excellence visits Klamuth Falls. The number thut was best received was the iwcond Hungarian Uhnpsody by Uzt, a composition which re quires Infinite skill or execution and a mnsterrul director to lead the band siiccessrully. Tho Klamath. University club en tertiilnod the cadet band nt a lunch eon nt the ehnnrber of commerce thin noon. Thirty members ; of the band nnd nhout 30 University club mem bers were present. I)r. K, 1. .fohn .un, president of the club, was tonutmoster nnd tulks were given by Professor II. L. Beard loader of th band, Percy Locey, Tom Dolsell and others. , . , , AKHEST FOUR ON LIQUOR CHARGE IS ATTORNEY :j Witnesses Threatened Bjr Department Agent,;-- -' Aver Wheeler. " . . : . ' f M ASUI.VCTO.V,' tlitrcb 11 unanimous vutn tlw oil MnnutltSM tAii day decided to crrlify Hlnclair to Iktf senate for contctup s runilt o lila rv'uMtl to Usstifjr. , v WIASHINQTON, Msrch 88. ons tor Wbeoler, prosecutor ' In the Daugborty investigation,, asserted today, "We have the whole power 'of the department of Justice directed by threats of proaeoutloa If they appear, - I criticise the president of the United Siatei for keeping this man in his place of power while this proceeding goes on, ' The least ' the president could do would 'be to1 sus pend him.-' ?.-.-;"J nheeler declared Dsuglwrty . 'si done a' "dirty, cowsrdly ttfck" ltt charging blackmail against Roils Stlnson. , V . ; , Miss Stloson, again testifying to day, declared "utterly false" Vers Daugherty's charge that she attempt ed to "capitalise her silence." . Shs denied she was . a "dlsappoiatei woman," and declared ' Jess Smltft never led her to believe she was t$ be hla sole heir. ' ".; .if Hoxle Stlnson gave the commit tee her version of the affair lis, tjbjf Cleveland hotel la which Deurherty charged she was registered with A. U. Fink, ' of Buffalo, as man atrd wife. . if She said shs twsnt to. CleTOlsnd to meet Fink to talk o'er a big desl and bad him to 'dinner in her roori, There. fhe'..s.idl.l,'ik'.;'tol4',hst1 h registered them Uhder a , flctlt'o-ik name. ''"'"'. .! . "...i:, . i . . She Said she Was incensed. ' r Later she said Flak toI4 bsr jiotk were undet1 arrest for registering under fictitious tames, and' War headed for th bars unless she pros toed to ' say' nothing damaging t DanghertJV.;- y'i -.: 1 1 A'vl Miss Stlnson . said Jess Smltbt-bo former husband,' told ' hit' he tearoe Daugherty. ' She told of an-Incidoni In which tteagherty swore at. nd abused Smith, and that 8mtth bougl-t a gun and decided to kill btnUalf. ? Decision as to the exact , pro cedure regarding Sinclair will ba 1 abeyance until return of Atlee Pomercne and. Owen J, Roberts, special government ; counsel In oil leases. ,'. ( :. ' t- '. Senators ' snld" two coursesV' wori open contempt proceeding petors tbc senate Itself, of certlflcatfca of the case to the district attorney of District of Columbia for granjd Sat-f proceedings. t - M . I 1 rli.r - PORTLAND M. D. IS r fV HELD FOR ASSAUllr 1 1 PORTlAxD, Mnrch 22;'1 Dr. Joseph A. Pottlt loday faced a charge or assault with Intent to kill f of. Raymond H. 'Staill), a f ormer. , S.iOr elate, who was taken to' a hospital last night with a sculp wountJ'iStitnJi charged pet tit enticed him to a lon ly spot, attaoked him without. Wftrnf Ing. Pettlt, whai surrehder-C'i, nb( was reloiuod on own reco-in,tgaii2'i said they got into ft quarrel.,' , '. "-V'.; iin'4 I MARKET REPORT 9 .... I,,, PORTluVXD.i Mnrch 82. LlVa stock steady, eggs V4o lower. 8lo ts 23c; butter, stady, butterr( (iff r.o.b. .' '',:. !', O.V : ..-.'.VvYVifi The Cyclo-Storni- azraph ut . wood's Pharmacy registered ,,lrner levels today 6ar pressure evidently depreased by .the ttorms to the east, rivere I yet no lu 'Icatlon ot a storm lor our Tlelnlty llthongh iwhtle jsrometrlo . condi tions remain as they are unatt)4 weather will prerall and a dfstorb nnce may move in at any time. Forecast for ftoxt 21 hours: ;' Cloudy and unsotlVud; brink WlhiTs wlth modeistn Inmiieratures. . ; Tho Tycoe recording thermometer registered maximum snd mJnlmtirs tomporatures today: High , 40 Low .8? ... tiih -rtKTm:it