j j Right$t Equal A Million a Month Is Klamath County's Justice, are the Twin Industrial Payroll Pillars of Democracy Member of the Associated Preit UTntionlh Yriw Xo, nag KLAMATH MIM OltKOOV, MOJfDAY, MARCH 10. 1084 l'RICK F1VB CENTS 1 11 intjte l&utmimg, Met urn E STOCK, POULTRY IS CONSIDERED Step May bo Taken to Pre vent Spread of Hoof And Mouth Diieate A qurntlno against livestock and poultry from California to guard stalnat hoof and mouth dlsoase, now raging Hi bay roglon or California, la being conldrd today by the county court, undor whose Jurladlc tlon tho matter come. A quarantine would prevont the iIIioim being carried by poultry, and by livestock purrhnavd In Callfornln for Klamath herds na well a stock moved ovor tho Uto Una and ro hlpped to Callfornln. In an attempt to circumvent tho law. PoulU-jrmra Warned. County Agent C. A. Henderson to day lamed tho following atatemcnt relative to Importation of baby chlcka: "It h developed In the paat few day that a Urge number of poultry producers throughout tho county or der their baby chlcka from Califor nia hatcheries. A number of thee hatcherlea are located In tho districts la California quarantined against hoof-and-mouth disease, and anyone aeeurlng baby chkk at thin time from tltoaa district la taking sonte chance of bringing tho dlaoaso Into this county. In Quarantined Area. Hatcheries In Petaluma and In tho urronndlng territory aro In the quarantined area and It would teem advisable, at thla tlmo and until r.ich tint aj danger of tho dlseasa li past In tbM districts to piece no order for Cblcke. In othvr tlUirMa not In too quarantined area It Is possible tbu baby ehb'kwlU bo shipped through too quarantined territory, with tho possible chance that tho dls cane may bo brought In. "Anyone with baby chicles coming from California ahould Investigate very thoroughly the point of origin and routo of ahlptnont and If tlioro la any poulblo ohanco of Infection or contamination, tlra shipment ahould be canceled linoiodlutoly. Would Ituln lnduxtry. "Tho advent of hoof and mourn disease would, In this county, prac tlcally mean tho ruination of tho em tio Industry hore. It would bo hnrdor to control huro Hi an In tho dairy district of Callfornln, duo to thu (act that cuttlo are being ilrlvuu out tho road anil tributary country mid for long distances. "livery precaution should hrtukon and no vhunce, however kiiiiih, ahould bo permitted." E YIELDS BODIES OE 24 CAST-LK a ATE. L'tnli. March 10.- Ttvonty-four bodies of tho 175 on tonvbod mlnorH wore recovered nt noon today. Little hopo for (ho others vm hold out. 3 MORE ESCAPED CONVICTS CAPTURED OUARANTfN hi SALEM, Oro., March 10. Warden Dulrymplo announced tlirou more prisoners who etienpod lust aummor iih trustees havo boon captured, one nt Son Francisco, onu nt Vancouver, Wnshlugton otid tho other nt Mar colllno, Mo, MOW DAILY FUATLKU 1IICG1NS I HKItAI.I) - Toduy a liuw dully fuuturo bo- B'na' 111 Tho Herald. Hurry 11, Hunt, votoran NIC A Sorvlco Washington correspondent, will wlto for Herald renders ti dully luttor about thing of cur-' ront Interest In tho capital. Tho luttor will be Tight up to tho ralnuto In subject matlor and will give- h li tn ii n lntorot nnU Insltlo hnpponlngs not found alftowlioiu, Road tills foitbtiro today on page 2. Wlntch for It dally. Brand New I .- V., f-::. ima I I ?' ',''o i t Vim Photo thon I'atrolinan V'llllnri P. Kinky, of I'hlla'Uiphui, wcarlai the new umfutma dc-vlil by G in rral Bnwdley Uullcr. ntw t"t llrector. They ure nifty, cb? L Bidders on Stretch From Albany to Corvallis Keep Prices Down I OUTUANU, Ore, March 10. -Un-uunlly low bids were received toduy fiom eoncMlo and bituminous coii iru'iorn by the highway commission tor paving '9 H mllojt butwocn Albany and Corvnllls which wiut rcadvortlsed afiiT complaint was made thnt the orlKinul advorilsi'mcut had culled only fur cimcrWit. Tho coinmlsslon wuh tu uiinouiico tlhi succcKsful bid der lain today. Tlu iiiiiiiiiiriiilou today ducldml to rofiixn for ilio priwiit thu rcquost of Vuiiihlll, Tllluiiiixik mid WiLshltiKton ctiiiiith'S fur wiirvry of u Trunk rlvi-r run i o for u hlchway from I'urtliimi to TlllaiiKiok, aniHiuuclnj! (kill Im iliidialo diivi'liiiuunt tit tlui ltuoso Vfll highway ttas'iif j;roati'r linior- tUIII'O. Tho loiiiiik's were udvlsuU tho.v utliiht proceed with tho siuwiy and oi!aiil.i- u Riipor-rond d:sti'k-l. The hli;IiWity coiiunlHslon Informed tho di'U'Katloii from Cilllliim county thai If tho county could put across a JV.'i.otiii-hoiiil Isuuo In tho olvcdon .May 10 II will nuun comiilotlon of tho John Day IllKllwny by Improve iifint of thu roiiiuliilng stretch h Ivvim'II tho biiae lino and u ptilul six miles from Condon. Tho county naked tlio statu help on u busts of u J.'.O.UtMI-bollil Issue. Ilio couimlssioti sivUl It would not act nnU'iw $7."i,0i'li wcio pledged. The ost4 muted ciwt oT- tho work Is $2.1il,(HlO. WDOOSUIT liKCATl'lt, (lit., Miircli 10. The Jury today romlurod n vortllot In favor of Wtiltor T. L'nndlor, Atlanta t'lipltullNt, In tho $100,000-dumuiio suit UBulnst him by Mrs. Clydo K. Hyflold. Kho- elmrged Cnndlcr at tacked hue on thu sioaiiiot' Ueregarln In thu sunuiior of 1922. . swiss nnvKxrus ixciiKAsij HWIINH, 'Mufih 10 .Swllzui'luiid's aiistom rnveiiues for 1H2II umotint od to 1 $1,000,000 fi'iuvis, This Is an IncriNiso of in,0()0,0iio francs ovor 1922. DECEIVED 0 I ME WNS OF REBELS DENIED BY E. L. Charge of Senator Wheeler Declared False; Says he Made Loan to Obregon, . NKW VOHK, March 10. Kdwurd I,, lwheiiy, denying tho 'hargo of Kouator Whooktr thut ho wlht Bln clulr and othor Intorcsts had financed a revolution agalnct the Mexican government, auld today ho had loanca 15,000,000 to the Obregon govern ment which ennbkid It to put down n rebellion. Dolieiiy auld WJieeler'a atatumcnt was mnde with reckless disregard for truth. "f would have boan a fool to fluance gun-runiiera into (Mexico," ho auld, "Senator Wheeler's state ment," said Dob en y "as reported In tho press, that ho expects to show K. I.. Doheny and othu.w furthered a revolution against the Obregon government In Mexico, Is absolutely false. Jut as false as h.ls previous staleii.-jnt of February 19 that MoKr. Klnclulr, McLean and a bad held meetings In thu apartment oi Attorney-General Datighcrty." Senator WUiooler, la announcing the calling as a witness in tlra Oaugh vi'l' Inrcstlgntlon of Harry S. Ubbou, former mayor of Caloxlco, Cal.. explained the committee's first iixiury would rolato to 1921 revolu tion against Obregon In Lower Cali fornia headed by Cantu, former gov ernor. He said he expected Obbon to give inforniutlon to show Fall wan ihu "go-between," la the use of l,oOi0OT0ndVfsirtl largely by Aiiiori.un oil companies to flnanco Camu revolutions, '. CHICAGO, March 10. Harry K. Sluclujr and six ttltornoys departed today tor Cbeyenno, Wyo., to contest tho government's action .to cancel Ten pot Domo Oil leases. Ho expressod confidence of ultlumte victory and vindication. WASHINGTON, D. C, March lo. Thu oil commlttao today was dig ging Into a tilo of telegrams It had subpoenaed. Tlio couimitloo plans soou tu di viiIru tho result ot tho examination of brokers' books by auditors to dis cover tho oxtunt ot doaliugs by of ficials In oil stocks boforo and after I, 'using tho ltuvul reserves. WALTER L. TOOZE PLEADS GUILTY TO . POSSESSION CHARGE Ale.Ml.NNVlI.Li:, Oro., March S.- Shortly after bulug indicted by tho grand Jury hero on a charge ot pos session ot liquor, Wultor L. Tooze, Jr., tepuhlicun state chairman fo: Oregon, and J. W. Tumpliu, u gnrage oivuvir lioru, pleaded guilty before Judge llobcrt Tuckur. Sentence was ,o hu pusscd this utloi'iioon. Tho 'indictment follows closely a previous indictment on a charge ot contributing to thu delinquency ot u minor. W'.lten the two woro ur lutgned for trial, howovor, tho Indict ment wits thrown out ut (unity. The case grows 'out of uu Incident In which '1'oor.u and TcmpUu were tveio ehuigod with giving liquor to u minor girl. 'l oose's ten in us ipublicuti statu chulrmtiit expires next month and ho has announced thut ho will not bo u I'limU'dnlo for re-election. TUB WKATHKH. " Tho Cvelo-Storma-grnnh at tho Un derwood pharmacy shows slight down ward trend In baro metric pressure this afternoon, not suf Uulont, however, to Indlcuta tiny change In piivuillng condi tions. Tho . fore cast for tho next 1A hnitra will tin (Jenerallv fair and cool with mod FINANCING DOHENY rr; r9 i ern to winds. Tho Tycos recording tbornioinetcr rogLstorutl maximum nnd inlniimnn totliporalurus today as follows: High - . 48 Low i 21 COYOTE FORMERLY LOCAL MAN'S PET SLAIN BY HUNTER i)ltTIAM, Or.!., March 10. When a hunter finds a coyote In the tall tbiitxr Willi a fancy leather Dollar on Ids nerlt, M know the animal luie It pint. This week in Klamath rouilly, M. I', (latarneau, government hunter, killed soinn toyo'iH, When lie irrwrel the iircaw fur t-hlinielll lo Hie bl.iligtr.il xiirvey office her, he dlwirl fumy leather collar u'tli a I riixs nnm plate oImiu! tho n-rk of one of the InrgeM and IiiiMpI of tho group. Tli liiscrlptl"". "Ir. l-'reil Wd-K-rfh-ld of Klainrldi Knllx. -mm engraved mi the name pl.ile. Then w no signs of do niextleily .jihoul .Ihlit .Hhiiggy liairrd liabitutc of the foH-Ht. When slitin the beast tins llh u IihiiiI of outlaws that hail lon pre) eil iikiii Hie shirep of the ill strict. The hunter wrote Dr. Wcster fleld conroming tlic collar. Hark In 10IH Dr. WcMcrficlil n'UH prewtnted with a pet coyote pup, a roly poly wad of fur. He kept It In a little fenced-in sec tion ct hht yard and fed it por tiona from Ills table. He played with It In (he evenings and brought his frtendH around to see fl nn Sunday afternoons. When the little "rascal" grew Into the awkward stage 'of his career lie become a bit restless over Ills restraint. He pnwed the ground unt! rerrise his lungs In long-ilrnwn4ut cries. And then one morning lie was gone. (That wns the last time Dr Wosterfield taw. bis pet nllvo. TliU week lie snw lilin stnrtched nut with n band of outlaw, dead. The old leather- collar, over grown with fur, told the story. POLICE COURT The 'weck-ond (low ot Intoxicants far exceeded Its usual quantity If the number ot arrests made Saturday night l a criterion. An even doicn men, ranging in ago from 21 to 38, n oro arrested and kept in jail all Saturday night. Five produced a bond ot $20 and wero released from custody yesterday afternoon. They wero K. A. Harris, H. E. Tucker, J. Smith, Chuck Drown and Martin Hansen. Tltcy did not appear in po lice court tlite morning to plead to tho charges. Tho other seven remuiucd over .Sunday in thu "cooler," and this morning pleaded guilty to a charge of being drunk. They were each flnod lLMI..it one could pay his fine and all weru committed to Jail. They wero it. V. Clark. V. (Jotlrloy, T. Linqulst, J. ('. Paolo. Frank Fallon, K. SS. Thunderbolt, Jack Drury. .Moit of the men arrested were loggo-.s on their way to the logging cuinvs. Several ot tho nun arrested were using a lotion as an dntoxic.tnt. 0:t tlio label of the bottle It was stated that tlw alcohol wns 92.5 per cent and dangerous to drink. E BILL IS PASSED WASHINGTON. D. C, March 10. -iTho house today passed the Me Koiiulo bill providing for nccontnnco of Henry Fold's offer for Muscle Shoals. PRONOUNCED OIL SHOWING REPORTED AT SIEMENS WELL Oil showings caused by bulling the well of tlio Klamath Oil compuny yesterday wore so pronounced ns to give rise to tho most optimistic predictions. Persons who viewed tho operations declared that lu any proven field th oil Indications would mean n well. The quantity of any oil thut may appear cannot bo determined until the water it cnaotl off. Tho wntor fills the woll to the brim and prevents an accu rate Investigation. BUSINESS SK ICL Y OF ASSOCIATES Ex-Navy Chief Sworn in a Major of Marine; May Run For Senator WASHINGTON, D. C, March 10 Secretary Denby's resignation be came effective today amid tributes of his associates In the navy depart ment. "1 am trying," he told them, "to die with my face toward the enemy." Officers of the navy and marine corps were present In Denby's office when hn was sworn .in as a major in the marine service corps. ... He will return to Detroit shortly and is expected to announce plans for the future, particularly concern ing reports that he Intends to seek th-i republican nomination for United States senator. LOVERS' QUARREL ENDS IN DEATH Los Angeles Detective is Slain in Car; Woman Takes Own Life LOS ANGELES, March 10. A lovers' quarrel, ending in murder and suicide, was the explanation po lice offered today for the deaths hero last night of Detective F. l.. l'rajr.of tflls -Anggs pollccy ami Wis. Mildred Pearl Lloyd, divorced wife of h. V. Sennits. Pratt was found slain in an auto mobile with two bullet wounds. Mrs. Lloyd was found dead from poitDn in nor home three blocks away. Police said witnesses saw Mrs. Lloyd run from the scene of the shooting. v JUNIOR ELKS SMOKER TONIGHT The Junior Klks arc entertaining llie Elks of t Ii.ss city and their wives at a combined nt'slrcl allow and ath letic .smoker tonight. Tho evening's entertainment will be divided into two parts, the athletic events to fol 'ow the minstrel show. .Members of the cast, in the min strel sitow ore Clifford lloguo,' Ver non Moore, Howard Dttrbln, Harry Pelu. Harry Malatore and Pete Votschonbacher. Four boxing bouts will be staged, U:iliih Turner versus WVird Howell, I Minor Hobineon versus Angus WmIsIi, U'.'orge Conners versus l.add. tin da fourth bout in which Floyd Tinsley will be one of the boxers. An opponent has not yet been se lected. A feature ot the boxing bouts 111 he a comedy match. Three wrestling matches will round out the program. They will be Geo. Utility versus Jasper Hull, Guy Clow versus Bill Lowis, Buster Christie versus Yanoy nnd Floyd Tlngley ver sus Zc-d Burnes. MISSING CANADIAN GIRL IS TRACED TO NORTH BEND, ORE. LOS ANGELES, March 10. Jlur gai'ut Boyd Voting, Canadian woman, missing from Ttedondo lleuch, Cul., for several mouths and for whom u contlneutwlde search has been in progress, was nvorking In a cafe In .North Bend, Ore., until two weeks ngo, according to a telegram today at tho sheriff's otCice f:iom F. It. Jackson of the Oregon town. A woman Identified ns Miss Boyd by Jackson left North Bend for Poca lollo, Idaho, ho said. Miss Boyd'a former hom-a was in Toronto, On tario. " ENB RETIRES II TRIBUTES FINISHING TOUCHES ARE BEING PUT ON SOLDIER BONUS BILL WA8HIN0T0.V, March 10. 4 tflie hew soldiers bonus bill was m the hands of tho lub-commnteo of the houi 4 :ways and meant eommlttt today which la putting finish. log touches on the measure having paid up life Insurance as Its basis. The committee expected to report the mess- ure to tho house Wednesday. when a special order wilt be asked for Immedlato consider- ation. ' EX- CHIEF FINE FOR E Edward Young Clarke Pleads Guilty to Violation of Mann Act HOUSTON, Texas, March 10. Edward Young Clarke, of Atlanta, former acting imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, pleaded guilty today In federal court to a charge of viola tion of the Jtnnn act and was fined 13000. ' . i . HONG OUT FOR DIST. ATTORNEY . After considering the matter (or several'eeJts,-Wn. Ganong, of tho law flam, oft Manning & Ganonf, ahied his hat into the political ring as democratic candidate for nomina tion as district attorney. Canons has been practicing law here for a number of years and this is his first try for public office. While the incumbent, C. C. Brower, has not announced his candidacy. It is geenrully considered that he will run again. The only other candidate lo appear was W. A. Wiest, lawyer. AUTO (REGISTRATION BUREAUS INSTALLED BY STATE OFFICIALS KOSBBUUG, Ore., March 10. Secretary ot Statu Kozer and T. A. Raffety, chief of the motor vohicle department, have installed an auto registration' bureau bore. A new station is to be located at Marshfleld and another in eastern Oregon In the near future. These stations are for registration of cars from other states. All pence officers are to be in structed to enforce the law requiring tourists to register. A registration bureau was main tained in the local chamber of com merce lust yeur and will be again this year, according to Secretary Linn P. Snpln. MARKET REPORT PORTLAND, March '1 Steers, shade higher, best steers t7."5 to $S.75; cows slow. Hogs, 26c to 50c higher, best grade $8 to JS.25. Sheep, 25c higher, top lambs $12.25 to $14-65. Eggs, steady. Butter, unsettled. Btttterfut, Portland, 51c to 52c; San Francisco 60V&C to 51c. Wheat Hard white, fl; western red, 94c. TUESDAY NIGHT The fourth of thd business lecture series sponsored by the chamber ot commerce will be given nt the Pres byterian church, Tuesday evenlug, beginuing at 7:45, by lrvl" A. VJn ning, who will speak on "Leadership and Executive Ability." . Li PAYS WHIT SLAVERY NING SPEAKER SKEEN SLAYING -GDNFSSED BY CONVICTED fl Erno Says He Fired First Shot, Hard Second; Pair . Sentenced to Hang . YREKA, March 10. Ronald Kr: no, sentenced with William Hard to hang at San Quentln for the murder ot Fred Skeen, Sams Necf rancher, last October 31, has made a confession to District Attorney Charles E. Johnson fixing Joint re sponslbllty for the crime. , Protested Innocence At their trial, Erno and . Hard each protested Innocence, blaming the shooting on the other. 'Later Erno told the district attorney that he had fired the first shot at Skeen and that Hard had fired the second. Hard and Erno, shackled toge ther in heavy Irons, were taken to San Quentln Prison by deputy She- - riffs Harry Cash and Bert Mattern, but the effort to save Hard's life has not ended, his attorney, Jo seph P. McN'amara. having an nounced his Intention of appealing from the court's sentence. The dato of Hard's birth Is the factor on which hinges the probability of his dying on the gallows. , Age Declared J7 ' At , the trial. Hard's father and mother testified that he was only 17 years of age at the time of the crime. However, no birth certifi cate was Introduced to establish his age. An attempt was made to have a baptismal certificate Intro duced, but it was rejected a evi dence. , . . , .. The Jury did not distinguish, be tween the two defendants In.llnd Ing. thenvollty, nor, were, any rec ommendations made". .. ?. Only One. Recourse j District- Attorney Jobson der clares there was only one thing for Judge Luttrell to do to sentence both to death and place the bur den of proving his age on Hard.' ALMETER IN DEBT QUINTILLION MARKS 1 BUT DOESN'T WORRY When a number t tacked onto tho front end ot 18 ciphers and 0110 is given to understand tliut this sum represents money, the topmost realm of finance has been attained. . In tho days when tlio German mark was still something besides I mi per, many Invested In tho cur rency hoping thnt tho currency would be stabilised. One of thuto wns Jack Almctcr who purchased 300,000 marks and deposited them in a Gorman bank. Several days ago, Almcter received bank statement from Germany. After explaining volubly that the original sum of money was In tact mid thnt the bank . would l-endor Alinetcr the best of serv ice, the letter closed with tho pithy statement thnt the money spent for postage on tho letter hud exceeded his deposit and thnt as n result he s owed tlio Innk, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 marks. Itesplte the fact that Abnotcr owes his German bank ono quin tllllon nuirks lie proceeds about his regular business In tilciigcr's grocery store without even a worry or care as io his liabilities. I HONDURAN REBELS, REJECT PEACE OFFER WASHINGTON, March J0,f4 Hondurun revolutionists have 1 r joctod overtures made by several Contral American ropublics to re store peace and government that country. GOVERNOR SAYS HE IS FEELING FINE SAI.E.M, Ore., March 10.-Governor Pierce appeared at his office to day and announced he wns feeling fine. .