The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 03, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pye Two
Stunting liitulb
j , Issued dally except Nundy by The Hrrald PBblisiUsux eompaay,
A"' 110 Worh -bjrht St-, Klsraslg KsJls, Urtfoi
F. R. MiUlM .. , w President and ftf aaasjt
ROTH HOt'LK 8ecrtaT7.TnMmnr
Entered as aecond-ciasa matter, at the poal office at Klamath rails.
r-; - Oregon, under the Act of March S. 1879
Member of the Associated Press
Tbe Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the ase for republica
tion of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In
this paper, and to all local news published herein All rights of republi
cation of special dispatches herein are also reserved.
B. R. HIM, x
r. b. waitk
- Editor
CHj Editor
Advertising Maaaajer
Mechanical Superinteident
Tbe Evening Herald Is the official paper of Klamath County and the
is .I J CltT of Klamath Falla
i ' i . , ; t Sl'IiSCllIPTIOX RATK8
six Sionr hs ill.
i Delivered By Carrier
Bjr Mail
Copy for display advertising must be In this office not later than 3
p.m. on the day preceding publication In order to be Inserted la th
issued tne paper oi tne next aay.
u ilVut nda and reading notices will be rwKod up to 12 noon or
.be day of Issue.
Advertising for. fraternal orders or socfotlea charging a regular In
Itlatlon. fee and dues, no discount. Religious and benevolent orders will
be tbarged the regular rate, for all advertising when an admission or
other charge lsmade. j-,..- ZZ-Z. " " '
THE GOOD OLD DAYS when you could locate the
average newspaper office in Oregon if you had a
good smeller and a sharp ear are past and gone. The
"sweet aroma" of the old fashioned gasoline engine
was abroad in the land, and the dulcet chug-chug and
melodious "put-put" of this type of motive power made
it unnecessary for the editor to hang out a sign. Just
follow your nose and your ear and you would soon be
right in the inner editorial sanctum, and mayhap you
vould be regaled by the purring profanity -of the Editor
when the gasoline engine would curl up on its neck and
play dead in the middle of the press run.
; Yes, "them days is gone forever " for where over
90 per- cent of the newspaper, plants , had these 76IcU
fashioned contraptions ten years ago, now, more than
75 per cent of the .newspapers use electricity as a mo
tive power. ; , . - ""' - -
is going to tacKie tne 0111 Doara nuisance, wmcn al
ready mars the -scenic beauty of our highway and they
will be reinforced by a public sentiment that objects to
the destruction by commercialization of a tourist asset
':! There is no reason any business house or firm
should disfigure our state highways to advertise pro
ducts or location. There is an abundance of ways and
means for advertising without utilizing this most unpro
fitable form of advertising. ; Advertisers should have
more civic and state patriotism' than to pay out their
good money to deface our highways and mar their
beauty. ; ,,:,.
1 People do , hot come thousands of miles to view
vlyvlir rt ! Winl"li4-Ts- lill knnnrln mlinvt V vr si a rts w ns-
ugij aim uu?iguujr uiu vvtxiuo, wueii uicjf cue oupyiracu
tb glimpse the lure -of our wonderful, landscapes. Nor
does the local city man or the farmer relish such sights
on his Sunday joy rides and vacation trips;
Massachusetts .has .recently adopted regulations
for the bill boards, which, if they cannot be altogether
eliminated, will help control them. Under these rules
no sign , is permitted within 50 feet Of a highway. A
sign of not more than 32 square feet will be permitted
within 100 feet and not less than 50 feet A sign. 12 by
25 feet will be permitted between 100 and 300 feet.
Beyond 300 feet the size mav be 14 by 50 feet, but this
is the limit of size permitted. No bill boards or. signs
are hereafter to pe permitted within 300 feet of parks
or public reservations. Under , the new rules, painting
or affixing of any advertising matter upon rocks or
trees, or upon fences or poles within 50 feet of a public
highway, or upon the walls of buildings will be prohi
bited. Salem Capitol Journal. , .
1 . -a ....
are oeing Dougnr, ana read by the millions of copies, f vand.riip. i: would M?m. h... too
Almost any issue of these panderers to a depraved , " ""
taste offei-s a clear case for Drosecution. Thpir sunnroo.
sion would neither menace literature nor free exDres-'. Tbo 'T,torB ! u ,u Wn'Mn-
sinn WW An th aBnanaf P I ,,,n are "o!n ' of probing.
. j .. . I " " j The politlcul platform h still slip.
wit: wuimeia u onericans oi uie nexc generation i pr with on.
will continue to decide the League ' issue everv.four!
years. ll llliuau KAJIO.) rlCKeiWire. . ; J i vo loh sngeim mm uk oio.i:
- .-, I occnuse tncy uo the IiIiib. This
Europe now contains fifteen monarchs and ten pre-!0""" om " ,hirih-
sidents. That is, up to the time of going to press. The
Passing Show (London).
The Office Cat
, ' (The : San' Francisco; Journal) :
jp ROPONENTS of the Clean ' Books, League and si
r : milar agencies would do well to look, into a type
of periodical coming into wide vogue. We refer to the
ever-increasing magazine of cheap printing and cheap
ed editing. The trade-mark of this group of venders
of salacity seems to be the female figure in varying de
grees of nudity How these . magazines are permitted
while books that bear, at least, the l'mm-int of resuons-
ible. publishers, are haled before the bar of cohdemna-l
tlon, is a puzzle.
i At' least the novel that seems to horder- .ori the in. i
decent is usually of sufficiently. stiff price, to keep itV"J!a ZTJ, T'," lhn
out of veiy general circulation: But the smuttv stories f? "Z,1" ,0' "; . . .
pf the period have no such . defense They are cheap t'uinuju says that tlie uwjiward.
m price. And there is no attempt at literature. .Hack ! n,an a iacjicior holding a baby.
neyen tnemes, evidently written by hack writers with
Xow, all together, three cheers for
the United Scandals of America.
Again- we are reminded of that
bitter cold night in '92 when Grand
ma's ho; water bottls broke.
H. A. Kundc'says his idea of a
soft Job Is that of assisting a florist
to pick the flowers off the century
Many a girl in prettlur than she''
painted. '
oo .
History states that Jonah upon
being thrown ipon tbo betr-h by the
whale turned around and said, "This
thing nvouW naver have happened if
yon had scnr-3 enough to keep your
month shnt.''
. A.
you down socially.
F. Salficky says onions
you np physically, but
Dlirnlwll I'ocim,
My fullier Is a butcher
My -mother cutfi Hie msl:
I'm. I lie tittle wenii.
; . Who ruiu aro :t)(l the street..
- ' - oo
Tbe next untitling event of national
interest Is, the scheduled bout be
tween lower tox and Hie bonus.
About an hour after we meek In
li'.rit the ea Kb the rollwtor will be
jfin-iuid for the inheritance) tax.
not like to be alone. C
says some women gut a
the same reason.
C. Randall
divorce for
A lot of people who grab the best
usually fare -the worst.'' '
. The customer who Is always right
and tbe merchant who is never wrong
never seem to meet each other.
An . old colored minister was ex
horting bis congregation on tbe sub
ject 'Is There a Hell?" "De Lawd,
when He treated this earth," be
shouted, "done put a lot oh oil and
grease in de middle and de axis at
both ends. Now, brethren, over In
Pennsylvania they done been borin'
down Into the earff for de-Lawd's oil
and grease, an' down in Oklahoma,
Loulsana, and Texas diy's a borin'
for the Lawd's oil, and what Is golu"
to be bell, brethren? Pretty soon
dey's goln' to run out of oil an grease
and the axle Is agoln' to get hot,
an' that's gwlne to be .Hell."
,0. W-. Robertson say a busy man
never complains of hard times. .
More men.
Gram How..!
Hudson Maxim says the VoNtead
act prohibits tea and coffee.' How
nice to learn It prohibits something.
Many are being boiled in oil In the
political l iapot. ' ,
Mr .Brace claims the woodebopping
chunrpionship of Now England. The
champion log rollers of thn world
are in Washington. ' .
. .. .
M-uughaii will try to fly ucross the
eniitlnenl this June. This Is the flrjl
.-life offspring fever..
Wbosler college student Is lilting
his whlskeru grow until the team
wins. This is cKio a fine leap year
precaution. ;
' There Is a great deal of talk on
tho political putty linos.
!:'.. ,
Tbe third party Is said to be hope
ful this time, while the other two
parties think three Is a crowd.
Plans for establishing an annual
national deficit are under way.
Duncan Major has been nmdu a
colonel in the regular armyf proving
there la nothing In a name.
Women arc entering all brunebvs
of business. In New York, one was
arrested for crooked dealing In Wall
street. "'
Three men claim tliuy are presi
dent in Honduras, but we have many
more claiming they will be president.
A Boston man of HU announces his
engagement, this being the first sign
of spring In Boston.
U.k Indebtedness
to gross neglect. -
is often due
A nuintior of farmers hsvo started
tholr plows In this vicinity.
Throe carloads of nhoeu wetn
shipped to Sacramento this week..
ML Lnkt and Falrview
The l,u d lr Aid mot Wmlticsduy
with Mrs, T. N. (-' ni-ar Kls
ninth Fulls. Those nttuiiding wore
Musdanuis John KoonU, William
Chns. Do Lap an, others shlP''l 'b'iyno. C. A. IHH, Jy falrelo.
out 13 carloads of cattle. Avt Ohyno, Ksthcr Sullivan, Nal-
J. 'd. Hooper had a hog-kllllng ' " '"h. W. C. '
time one day this week. (Manning, Iven Icnblce. C. W. Mil,
inr, I., A. west, B. II. uriuiin.
T. I. Young, our sntorprlslng miT- 1
chant, nmdo a brlof visit
county tout on Monday.
to the
riydu Orlfflth, II.
11. Kaylor Krunk
I). Morrison. D,
Huiwurt, 1). A.
Mi'l'Dinh J. A. .Mi? ( iillili. Chus. C.
Junius W. Straw, cutis Inspector ; Huloli c N H0w, W. I). Ilutlcr.
for tho county, wns a county sotj0 o. ' Origklo. Il.n vy Booth, W'nr
visltor lau woi-k. jr91l puttur,0, Vnn Myers. Rv
i.nuries .lutctt. oi the Hpriug 4-anu Coopor. K. 8. I'lillllps, J. II Utlf-
nclgbbcrliood, was a business vlsl'.or
in Midland a few days so. I
MUs Krunccs O'.oior, t-tsclu'r of
tho Midland vcliool, attvuded tho
toacln-rs' inntlluto In Klnmath Fulls
last Saturday, roturnlng hoiuv Hun I
-day morning. , I
C. It. Patturson has boon rcpsiriug I
his ruterplllar the past week and ,
getting r-Mdy for the spring work, j
Mrs. Twylu Fergnson, county .
school suiwrlntcudynt. vIMird our j
School wtolr Mild uii'i iIim ttunil .1 1 n . a. .'
Miss Helen Cowglll, data lender 1
of slils' vt.h nnd County Club
Leader Frank W. 8'Xttn vllt-d tho .
school Wednesday utid guve a very )
Inieretllng talk.
There Ut ronsldcralile Intnrm. Ir
ng hy thp fnrnir nnd ;
I ii I ry nun of UU sucilun r-giirdlng
cslubllyhlnR 4 clieeiu factory In Mid-luml.
W li'tiru lth much lnlorest that
be dredger will mstinitt operation.-
on the Weed-Ktsmrth Falls highway
his sp'lng. directly below .Mldlnml.
The road, wlt-m conipletud. Kill be a
great boon to th's s.xtlon.
A party or Kuscae business nn
sere In this section rvrrnil) loos-
ttg ov -r land for mKtlers.
J. Frank Adiiin- of Merrill rhlPiUMl
n six rurloails of cattle from tlt
Iroii'h- trlrken ?KlOll of r -.llf imla
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cene Haiir.uiiu.l.
from their ranch below Merrill,
paesud through' this vb-lnltv last
W j are prone to criticise our ccunty
oinmlxslonurs . for neglecting the
mud hole eat of Midland an tho re
pairing of (his pleco o toad Is a
great public necessity.
Tho 8. U., Burnett sals on Thurs
day wa well attended. Most of tho
toolj and somo of tho stock sold at
satisfactory prices.
Frod Mills, Klamath Falls attor
ney, made a brief business trip
through this section Tuesday of last
Tho Smiling Six Sewing club meets
with the Miller Mil Sowing club at
he Jamos Burnett homo next 8at-
James Jory and wife of Klamath
Falls are visiting friends In Midland
tills week.
fttll T. N. Cuo. Mlw) Ksl;r
Kculrti. jlcr. Iua Millar. Myrtlo
Bttttor, lura lmi. Th'v will nice;
the . fourth Wednesday In March
with Mrs. Iven liviihlrt,
Nellie Htewu't s"'n Thuisdnv
evening with Mildred and Nt-vn
Mrs. .Jess Brown and rhlldron
spent tho week-end visiting. Mrs..
Kaylor and Mrs. Brown.
Mr. W. Balliv tins returned home
Horuhrook, Calif..
Mr. Srlirllier visited
their daughter .Mrs. Icetibhe Kuti-
Jay Fnlrcloe and family called
in Falrvlew Hunday.
Jim Stewart has started pin -'OA
with his tractor.
Mrs. Ottn Waliles has ben III
for the last few days.
ft. I. t'heynes children are ab
sent from school with rhlrknn' pox.
Several irc;i iiiive land buy
ers 'iverc Fulrvlew vlslturs Kuti
ilay, H:t1di Hill w.i iiliv.-iit from
Mr., a till
s- hnil
Wedii'xdiy on a'i'oiini of
HKIDKIjHKRO. March 3. Uni
versity professors have Interested
themselves in a movoment to Im
prove the German cooking. Too
much attention Is paid to quanti
ty hy the Oerman cooks, It Is con
tended, and not enough to quality.
nrman cooking In the sixteenth
century equalled that of any olhor
ountry, say the domestic science
'Xpert, but during the Thirty
ears' War tho cnlnltiry urt lost
: Mi' ' '.-
"V Jfv.-v-&; T
.'W-fr'.-' v i
1 t&rm;:-
;,iw ind exelnslve photo of
L:rjt ( Com. tuliary Xinsdowtic.
tu-.v coinrr-and -r of thft dtrlsiblu
hiniia.nlo.-il,. whli-i will try for a
ilubl to the Nerth Pols.
prcstlgo nnd flavor
never been regained.
which have
a uenchant for the salapinno
(hn ftAPirto r r I tr t n ; 1 . nil. . I i a w
wic MVIIC9 psuuicu t a ituiiKiiai price, iney nesuare j no-. . ,
HOt to hover On the bolder of thn ohsppnp huf m far A ludon doctor xitv. ii. mi i. i.i.ii.
beyond it. " "y erow ' rvmjU what liov oat.
; They will be found nestled down against serious ,m '"J'"'r'x"," !,t of
and clean periodicals. They are far more dangerous I would iookikham :uid vggs.
to public morals than the" standard novels. -And they I duie men marry because they do
HAL.KM, Ore., .March 2. Assort
ing thut Governor Pierce and George
I,. Cleaver, stnto prohibition com
missioner, nre disregarding legal re
utrlcilons planed upon them by tho
Mtatnte In the attempts to uuforce
; the ptiohlbitioit laws of tho state, tho
J Capital Journal, Saturday, printed u
The next thing to perpetual motion J story revealing that two claims total,
ia digging up King Tut. ling $2011.70 for "legal services." np-
i proved by I lie governor m to tb
Dennnirk's quoen went skating and legality and : orrectness. wcrj Friday
Ml through th? ice. That's what Is ! presented fo : payment out. of tht;
rotten" In Denmark, tho Ice. , j ,-periul state prohlhllion fund to KU-
- , . ha A. Baker, practicing lawyer of
Tewhe.- in Indiamown, Fki..' says j Portland nnd attorney for tin Atti!
tho enrth Is flat, reminding us Voliva j Saloon league of Oregon.' wlllipuf
hasn'f hnd- any publicity In a- lon regard for the specifiq provisions' o
tmv: "V i."'.vnT, ' jthe O.ftgon laws that sneclal prosc-
' '.'Ut.ors for liquor cases shujl bo paid
IOIl don labor ma ' oppose voting i by the counties and that ' nil lenal
money to entertain kings', but we
A bone in thr: liaml ! worth two Jinny rotitlnue voting money lo cntcr-
nln grnfters.
. Joe Kopsk' fin's become o favorite
vlx-day lilo'de twer. Ills nrnnu is
almost lmperioiinllug an nffleer.
' ' . ;.r-..t
ilxAdoo's friends bvc fo' ud that
MAaOO'll do.
work for the slnt-.t and IU ilepnrt-
menu "hall be done by the tl.oriiy-
: goneral. .
Wilille thn chilm- iiresenled Iiji
Cleaver Friday do"s not Mpnclfy tbo
legal servr-s render 'il by Ilkr, tli
Capital Journal ay i luvesllga
lions reveal that tho Ijiblie case In
Po.tland was tho only liquor law
litigation In which Baker 'appeared
for tb- state during Jaiiuarv, the ;
month III which the services are
claimed to have born rendered. .
linker appeared In the Lnitbt cam ;
at tbo Invitation of Htanley Mi-vrs,
district attorney of Multnomah conn, j
ty who conducted the prosecution j
nnd Meyers advised thn Capital Jour- ;
nal Interviewer' over tho telephone j
that liu had told linker that he was I
willing to pay for tils services, und I
thai If hit wanted for his services j'
and that if lie, wonted a fnu to sub- 1
mil bis bill to the district attorney's i
' .Attorney (lonernl Van Wliik'lu j
said thai hhi offlco did not up-:
pusir iil tin prosecution of ilm Lnlilx-1
(iun and 'thai Rflkm- had not at tiny i
Mine ben tleiutlr.ed to reprcnonl the
.ittornny'-Kcnofal. , . !
Tho (:apltn Journal quot;- '.- '
lion, tii.i) ler 4K, flf.igoti laws In hup- '
linrt of Its contention thai payment
(if Jlakor out of the 'state pvihibltlon
fiiiilM Is Illegal
(,'n Hie idyijngih of u previous opln-,
Ion from ' the attorney-general tliiit
I be secretary of state U not author-
Ucd In question the payment or '
''!' I him uon the pinlilbltlon fund, the i
'iilldlly and correctness nf which
hsvn been rwor.i to by thu gov-'i'nor. :
the t'lalin pri i'eiited by (,'leiimr for
Bnlier's services was ordered pa'd '
Friday by the secretary.
ft. r .,i i . , '
1 1 ' , '
Thj claim also was approved
(ioverntir Plnrrn, January 20.
Hera Is a strnlghtllno coat that
gains Individuality throuah the us
of darker material applied In a
pointed design about tho ham and.
cuffs. Ths scarf collar Is mora
slongated and narrow than many