'it.' :i i THE- EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Svl evening herald ttLAHHIMIUII " HtTHH First Insertion por linn loc Two liiswrtlnne - per linn Ma rtiiwf Insertions ....pnr Una Xlu Kimr Insertions ...pir line Me Week (f tlmne) ..,.xir line Bin (tun, Month , ,.pnr lino Tic ; Mjnliuuin charge xin. Add not unaeuntlt are cuargiid aa s following euuh nuilitiuD. . First InnTiluu tt Id "New To la)f" column without intra charge, 'ml til lBsiniumi is thai nolanm tv al tirl. Inswrtliin rata ' ll.lapla . o)kniriKl ad (wtiftr true lergat tbaa this is ntmli er nuRU)4 nine Unci to lata. - Onpjr want b In Herald ufflea ny oiuiu in nm in Him Ik iMi" i NEW TODAY ( XOTICK. 1 will not ba responsible fur any bill contracted by Tim Tomury uftor. Kbrury 1, 1 024. K2B-4, . . MAX, WKIH8. V)AKTE1 boiiio oiiii i-xiivrlt'iivnd In j ' lawn aiiixlliiMi nlao K'"l rook movu forilo. J. V, Tipton, 70 I'liw Hi. 29 - I'AltKKH'H lll'TflillvIt HIIOl on Ninth Hi., will bo upon Kattirdny, March I. aa iinunl. A full lino m liouiU'irowu iiiont nt fair priii-a, 29 IVANTHI) Olrl to alula! with honm'. woi; out of town. I'hona 7MSV. .1 .' , 29-4 ' . : f f A .IIAIUIAIX for i hmo' onv, 20 arrxa, IV, iiiIIih iiut-.ut CoxnioRi 12 cri' of bottom lnnd In flno nprlcota, almond! and prunjia.. t aor of ploar land. oinn wood. $2500 if (iiketi at ouc. To mm. A. IV. Hloi((r-iwuor), i;ornin, Cnll fordla. 2j rOH HKNT My homo of 4 rooina. partly turnlolivd, on firm tlimr nt 01 Oalrti 29-1 Your rbunrw to buy 8i ncrca In cultivation, alfulfa and hulldliiKii. On Merrill hlutrmiy, at nurrtflrv. Tvrinn. Iloa W. Q Kurnld orflto. ' SV FOR SALE SIIOH 8AI.R now fill. Mnny Rood iblmn l can ahow; alao-alx bttllillnR Iota at a auap. Dlvk, 220 Main Irani. 28-1 WANTBO-s-An, accilraln typlut and imnnral offlco girl. Slam fully -pxrlane. ducatlon, ritfornncfa and aalary ' pootid. Hot 0. ft., Her aid oftlCB.. J7tf WAN'TKi) Mnn rnoronra, apply 102H High, aftar 6:30 P. M. or phono Jock. 421. 27-4' RADIO. ' IBS buyi complotq parn tor loui, Ulatanc .radio aota; undur monoy baok guarantor Hadlo Bhop, Box 32, Uuncyt,jpjlf. ,..4. 7-y Oil, STOCtt IX)B HA1.K. Will lull A (uw aharoa of Waal Coaat Oil atock al an nttractlvo price. Rux A,,Tbo Harold. 2Bif NAVEL OUAXGKS. . I. will ihlp you by propoJd parcel i poat a 40-pound (not) box of A&r llcloua naTol orimgoa for 13. No culla. Thvao orange ara atlll on t!i troaa nnd am fine and awoot. Uottor hurry for tha avoaon la about ovor ; for frctili navola. 11. II. 1'hlUlpa, Corn ing, com. :.t KO BAJ'.K Idaho Blglow Mod wttont. Thla wheat Wont B2 bit. to the aero laat yonf, 11.80 par 100. 8oo .Murtln (Irooiio nt I'oopU.H Wore bouao. . - S3rS. KOU SALE A good uaed cornot and cam, chnp. Wlntora Jowolry Store F22lf FOR BALE Largv rixt onlona, cair bago, parantpa, cnKrota, bmit. Rauerki-aut, II Co par gal., bring your Jar or barrol. John Monalk, I Si roll nortawoat of Malln. J2V-M1 Wowtown applaa, at their, bom uun, II. OK, a hot dollTarod, 2(1 i6ne. 6. A. Nye.' Tala'nt. Or. ' J24-M24''. f autrmobiles von SAfctl tlmmdlntily)- -1.0ft ovonuof nudum anlv.'ono KordtKin a3tor with plow, one 3 Woljbor agon, '1 derrick (complcto)', tra3t wagon blnokamltli . y tit tit'. U.- .I'.VHUKOU. .: , '2fi-a Oleno, Oro. POULTRY', CEttT,Ijn4) IIAJty 'iJfKS White ', abd BroW ' IORhoriia . Hnrri'd Ronki !) t, RQdi UJiick M3norn, Now bflioklftg, fpc aiiring ilvlivury, Al flocka eeriltlod by the Olonn Oonniy Farhi Ituroau. Crlom on nppllantlon. Orland Hatchery, Orlunrt, Olnnn Co.. Calif. 9tf "Tha proatlgu of. Herald Waul Aitu haajbeon nttalbod: tlqt merely by Thy Her)ild'a largn: (llroulatlon', but bv the 'fact that all of Ita roadnra am Intnreatod In Our Wnt Ada. WT,, & found; ; liOfrr Noar Vrdoit, Oro., on high way, ring for wlrn wnuot.' mwoni, itn Wllln.u iivn ' 2K-.2II USINESS NOTICES ATTEXTIOS, 1IOATOWNH11S. lib you want to mnke monny dur ing tho.aunvmor mnnthH? Addross J. U Kirks Chlloqitlni Oro. Ho linn n i iropoglton to- offor you. . 2R;7 "OVESTOCK 7 FOR HAiLliOno car ot good logging homos, wolghlng from. lUOQ. to 1800; also ono oar of good initios. Address H. C. Dorn, Orovlllo; Call fowiR. ',:" ' 91-1 REAL ESTATE HUYIItH, ATTHNTION, A complete lint of homo mid roitl,- ilunuu lot in ull purls ur tlio oils'. Lot III it Uow you. II, W. Cliiyfl, phone, 1 X 2 J ; opposlto olty luill.' 20-9 WANTED WANTBI A party to help sbiiro hx ' Vi'iiMM of round trip to Los An geles; will drlvo down, IciavliiK horp March 6th; will bo gnno 10 days. Hull Htntiloy Mnntlu, 437 Mlclilliuu avo nui). 28-1 WANTHI) Capiiblu nml orril.-.-nt Sloiiographer. Cull telephone J 120. 28-1 WANTED Cupulilo Indy wMli work. Bxpurloncod conk imj ti.)im- keeper, 1621 Creacont nve S-l 1 WANTRD Team 007W. work. tnlnphomi i F26--M1 WAN'TEI)IlufrlKntor and emc trlo waililu(. nmchjnu, atandnrd. makx and In. good eoiulUlon. Phono 224-M. 27-29 I'AUTNKR WANTW at oncci; ni"t liavo $100 to lnvvnt. I.cly or ninn to act an ndvnnoa numit. No aolllna. Hla; monor-maknr for tb rljtlil piuty, (Hill 433 !Ui;t at., hn twiwn 4:20 and 7 I'. M. . 27r2B PERSONAL rhu party thnt took br'inliln from burn. nt Hmlth'a hrlrk ynrd Ik known.. If no inn In rntitrmM no tioullc will Im mnd-. . .''-I amooih complexion ; To oMuIti a frffu Of wrlnkl and hlrn, a nd ra, aeno i i nd iHiir-addroiwivil um"loie to 'I' O. lki 144, Marblibad, Maait. . t. . . P27-M7n- "miscellaneous . IwuiiUcapo gardonlng. planting needing mid grading, Hondro RolnU tredt, dolt. Del. KU-M10lnr BuliM-Hptlana taken for all niairn tinea. Call Wra. Ft K. Polletta. phone S94-R. K8-MSIDC rniANOLW CAFR Th place to gat good eata. OCKM ALL NfOHT. 633 wain "treel, phone 624, ' I4if To Bvwiln. Herald la the nwtltim tbroucb 'which maay people supply Hulr wnnta by uaing Ha laoalflad eolitmna', Telepliono fifl LEGAL NOTICES not:b foh pciiwcatio.n Dopnrtmnnt of the Interior. U. 8. l-and Office at-Lakerlew, Oregon, January 12, 1924, Notloe la hapehy glron that Wil liam M. IioronK, whnao pomotflce oil dn la 123 N. fltU. St dreaa la 133 N. 6th. St., Klamath Fnlla, Oregon, did. on tha Oth day ot January, 1923, 'file In. thla office Bworn fltnloment and.' Appllcatioi. No. 0n09"4, to purcliuae tho BWM NW14 and W 8WH. Section 15, TowiuhJp 38 South; Rango 11 Eatl. W.lllamvtte UerlriiuUt and tho timber ihoroon, under tho provlklona of the (aot of Jon. 3, 1878, and: aota amen datory, known aa the "Dl rn.be r and Stone LaW," at attnli Tolno na mlrtlit bo- fixed by apprelaement, and that, pureuKBt. to ucb, 'application, tin' land' and timber ihoroon hare becu apprmlaed, Timber at! 11 100, the tim ber etilmated 1100 M board feet at l par M, and the land f30; tltnt ald applicant will offor final proof in rapport ot hla application and worn atatffineni on tho 22d day ot March, 1934, boforo C. It. . DoLap. clerk of the County Oourt, at Kilnm ath Falla, Oregon. Any portion la at llborty.. to pro. teat' this purohaao before entry, r Inlllnto a content at any tlmo before patent laauoa, by filing a eorborntetl arridnvlt In thla offlec, alloglng r.iot.t which would defeat tho entry. F. P. LIGHT. ' '' ' ' v Register. J15-Marl7.no. VOTH'K KOH I'UnLIOATION. Unjwrtuiunt of. the Iniennr. 0 S. Land Offloo at lkorlew. Orron lanuarv 4. l't!M. - Notice la horeby given that Lola K. King, whose poaiotflro addreaa la 1.163 Coinmorcial atreet, Portland. Orogon, did, on the IKth duy of Jiiiih. 1933, tile In thla office Sworn tStnre niftlt an(5 Applloatlon.' No. 0120B3, to purchaao tbo RISK SW VI , SuctJo'n 8, Townahlp Si fiouth, Kntign 1HJ Kaal Wllllnmotto MeHillnn. and the tunlmr thurwon, under Hie pro vtaloiia ot the act of June 3, ltiilf. nrl aot aiuenilntory, known na the :TVluil(vr and Stone Law,", at auoi vuluw a might be fixed by oppralafr ment, alio that, purauant to aucb np lUlcatlon, th'd Utnd and tlnibor thero on have,een appraUed, the 'timber oiitaiAMid 90' M. board foot at 31.26 per M, and (he land' 340; that aald applicant. Will offer final proof la aupport of Uor appllattJon and swoiij etntAiwnt on thil 6th ilay nt April'. 1984, bofore C. R, DolAP, clerk of tho county court, at KlnmBth Falla, Oregon. - Anv eemon ta at Ittiertv to mof FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS rr ...... III ir'i-, Ti y-'fT jj.v uim ' itp o IF HIS MOrA 1 rvtv. i , 1 it., j. ii 1 LEGAL NOTICES -I t.l, t)i lUrf'hilsti byfora (Wiry,, ur liji(m,n biii"i al hut tlm before pimmL li'K'lud, by filing it coi roborated affidavit In (bin office, nl It'HJMtl feti 111 ob would iIiiCohi tm miry r. p. light, Register, NO. 17011 K. Ill tho Circuit Court of tho Blntu . O.ugun, for the County m Klamath. In t tin traitor of tho seizure of Itulek ROadstor, Model K 44; Cgr 667.669: Motor 604.019: LIcousO 200,272 till. 1923. Btto of Oregon, Coutity of Klnin' alh, u. '-' To1 11. H. Torry, add ross, Klumoth . I Pall. Oregon. And to. whom It may concur n: in vile irumu vi iiiu oiiuu , ui Oregon: You, And each of you, are horeby notified and will take notice that the following deacrlbod porional property, to-wlt: Qn$ Hulk Rond ntor, K-44, Cal; Uconao No, 206,372, for the vciir 1923, Motor No. OO t.CHi, Horlnl So. 007,660, waa aolxed by tbo. sheriff of Klamath County, Or (iou. on tho 28th day of July, 1923, about tho hour of ( -) o'clock of anld day, In tho County of Klanv nth, Btato of Orogon, In tho vicinity of Klamath Kalla, OrOKOp, In aald county: that ev!d Duick lloadti;r, lt-44; Car 687.669: Motor 804. CI 9, Tor alnee haa own, nnd -now la. in t he' poaac.ialon and cuatody of aald iliorlff of Klamaili (Vjunty, Omgoir. and U bolng. procwded nga'ust In l" .r.n.l',,rl,ci,l7lf2?..rn' - i... n, u i, n.nAini T.nw tth . IW ,'4..-. ttu IF. '..V . .... ... . of Ornron for 1923. the aamo boing An 'act relating to tha forfeiture and Halo of bpaiti, volilcloa ami other coti veyanciw uaed In tbo unlawful tnina Mt' ration or poaseanlon- of Inloxlcnt Ing liquor within tlw fltnto of Ore gon; . nnd that all pemont hiving or claiming any Intena In aald auto mobile are horeby soqulred to appear before the abore-entltled eourt.ln the County Court Houao of Klnmauh Oounty, Oregon, ajt Klamath Fnlla. Orogon. by Bnturday. the I5t1i day of March. 1924. which aald day hna herntoforo boon dulv aot by tho utiove entitled court ui an oaa-er day hero in, and to defend aghlnat aald pro ceeding; and Hint upon their fail ure ao to do, a Judgment of for feiture of mid automobile will bo onioned. This nqtlce ls Issued and given to you, and each of you, pumuant to ii a order duly ntadn ty A. V. l-earltt, presiding JihIbo of tho above entitled court, on tho 21t day of Febrnnry. 1924. WltHeaa my hand and tho aenl of Mid court affixed at Kl.imnth Fnlla. Klamath County. Oregon, thla 21at day of January, 1924. (Seal) - C. R. DK LAP, . County. Clerk. r By IOYD II. DEI-AI', Ioputy. K22.29. In tho Olrrult Court for tho Sitae of Oregon, for Klamnth County. , .SO. Chna. W. Thomas. Plaintiff, ve. Iula Steinmets. Defendant. To Louie Stolnmelx, Jefendant: 1 tbo heme of tho State of Ore gon, you are hereby notified that Chna, W. Thomas la tho holder of Certificate of Delinquency No. 1255 laauod on July 6. 1923; by the Tax Collector of Klamath .County, Ore gon, for the amount ot 116.06, same being the amount then due and de linquent for taxes tor the year 1917 together with penalty. Interest and coats thevonn upon the real, eatate assessed to you and situated In said county and state nnd .' particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: - Lota 7 and 8 In Illock 211 of Mills Second addition to Klamath Falle. Oregon .together with tho tenements, hereditaments ana appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. You are further notified thut the aald Chas. W. Thomas boi Paid taxes on aald, promises for subsequent years In amounts and at rates ot In terest aa follows, to--it: Year's tux, 191S; data paid, July 6, 1923;' tax receipt' No. 7S6, amount, 313.25; rnte ot In to rest, 44 and 12 per cent, Yoar's tax, 1919; date paid. July C, 1923; lax recolpt No. 7817; amount, $ 13.24.;. ratu of Interest, 37 HOT cent. i Year's tax. 1920; ditto paid, July 6, 1923; tax receipt No. 7004; amount. ? 14. 64' rale of. Interest, 2u per cent. Year's tax. 1921; date paid. July 6. 1923: tax .rocolpt 'No. . 7a7; amount. $ 1 2.2" : rattt of 'Interest," 13 nor pent. i Yeaifa tax, 1922; date paid, July. 0, 1923; tux receipt ?Jo. atia; .amount. $11.90: rate of Interest, 4 per cent on first hair, . You' ' are further ,' nollflod that plaintiff, on December 22; W2.V, paid IU 111" i;u ii Miuimm i- v tiy t tho Hunt of $103. Ill, in SoUsfacUon, of tho Fifth .fiewer l;nlt Lien ugaiuttt Will; prmnisi'S, nalrt !i' hftviuji boon docleetuU, in Voluiun 4A on (ago 27 ot City Uun UucHui: ott Klamath Falls, Oregon. : .. . , i J You uni iieivby ftirtliiji; notified thaf;. plainil'lf .will apply, -to. thu .suJd . &"iirT 4-vi-t . 1 1. jf .rmiiriirjv-vi. w 4h..i j iicoot-ciifcHT f i av BJk. .wf.; v jv' "T1 YmA ' '. .: ' V'V. iP'roceedinq;., of Tb KUroath County Court Hntiinlny, Fobinury 2. 11)24. Co'lrt mot puniuimi, to adjourn mini, when wero; ii"'cnt: It, III Hunnell, ounty Juilgel Hurroll Hhort and C. 1. Marl In, county conv mlKalonera, lh following proceed IriKx wero hail: 'Current expense clnlma allowed and wurrnnta drawn: KIhIk Iinn, salary dep. atsesBor, $100.00. ... . L. L. Low, salary sheriff, $'260. Hurt K. Hawkins, salary, $175. C. C. low, salary, $135. . U. II. Con. J, salary, $126. May Wilson, same, $100. Paulina Cliff, same, $100. Klda. lU-ulu, eaiuo, $100. ' KWth Ambrrwr. Jokir. T0. Klumath Hen. Ifotilial, care coun ty Wr $17.75. J. It. Reed, time anrvoyora of fl. $150. ' . r. . . Joe .lenson. surveying, $40. W. T. Smith, vlawlng roads. $5. 1 W, D. Campbell, meals, election, $0.00. - , UurrouKhs Add, Moh. Co., service tborlff. 82 cents. , Patrick Co., aupplVt clerk. $4.56. Pnirlrk Co.. supp!! sheMff, $'5.90. 15. I.; Low. travel $40,26. ; L. L. lxiw. travel,. $5.88, Klamath Tlr Shop, euj.pllcs fof-shei-Irf, $2.60. ' ' ", T; A. Tareshcr. assUVng Mr. Wlest, $92. .'' ' hVl II, Ashursl,' assisting dlstnc .nltorney, $1 1,5, . . Chnrjea wynn. guaru. izu.i.i. r, j. MUrtln commissioner. Z M:, ' . Uoberi. Fry'iDar, ' boa Inmtttefl.' $33.G0. - . - Robert Kryx:sj-4 salary.. and, tv'Jrsn. $120.00. O. K. Vnn Riper, salary. $125. O. K. Vnn Klpr. .It., salary den treasurer, $25, Club Cafe, meals, Jurr, $8.65. i Hurroll Short. comsnltsloner. $96.80. Klamnth Heating Co., sc,rvlce coun hone. $271.80. Klamath Vulc. Co,, service sher'ff $7.60. Ktlen Oden. widow pension. $20 iVarv J.- Chllders, county aidi " Ceorgia Wilson, - widow, ponalsr, $20.00. Chris Diana, Juror circuit court. $9.20. JamM F. Kamarad. Juflor. cironl' court. $51.40. F. J. Ilowen, Juroryilrcult court. $11.00. ' K. C." Cumm'ng,' Juror circuit, court, $3.20. c. L.' Lewis, Juror circuit court, $12.20, 0. C. Loronx, Juror. clrculL cou' $6.20. Frank Craybael. Juror, clrcujt court. $10.40. Rex Ia Prarle, Juror circuit courr $9.20. John. Vale, Juror., circuit, con' $39.20.- . Byron Hardonbrook, Juror, circuit court, $3.20. W. B. Folsom, Juror, circuit court. $13.80. t ' . iC. M. Klrkpatrick, Juror, cr.'cult court. $51. 1. B. Kllgoro. Juror, circuit court, $20.00. E.' H. Lawneneev Juror, circuit court, $6.20. ... ... : - ... ;eorKe W. MoCollum, Juror, circuit court, $47.40.'' John Hess'lgy Juror, elroult. court, $10.40. " ; ' -' ' ' r S. P. ' DerRlager.i Jurop, circuit court, w.u, O. L. Carter,, Junorv olrowt court $8.20.- '.. ' Jnnlof.DaBBojt:, Ju.fejr, Qlrcultcourt iel- R. Gannmon., J'uTotr.. 0011. court. ?.2D.' ' . ' R. Rj. Cigo;. Jitro olrpult court $39.20- ' - " ' John Bradley. Juror, olrcuft critlr' no.oo. " -- ' Frank AYirtstfon, Juror, clrc.v court. $6.20. ' ' - Charles F. Delap; Juror, cit'eun court, $39.20. ' . LEGM'ES court for a decree foreclosing the lien against said property Anil you are lrereby summoned to appenrr. tltiu. sixty da-3 after, the dine of . first, pi'tbllcatioh; of this snin Lioue, ejfcluvo of tho. date of. said first publication, and defend tlus ac tion" or puy the amounts.due.as above shown, lnclu'diiiR said Sewor Lien of tbo City of, Klamath Falls. Oregon, together w'lh tho costs' and accrued lntoreat; and. iu caso of your failure sk to do. a decrio will be rendered foreclosing tho lten of said taxes and costs against the, property above described. .'.' . ' '( ' This summons Is publisHoa onco a wocX for. kx ieglf)f hyv 6rde of, t!h6 Ihindrnbie A. I.. Loivitt, JutfCe dttho: ealil Court, which said order was made and dated February 13. 1924. and the dato of first publication of this summons la Fobruary 10, . 'All- process" and papors in this pro? CeodniKs may' be. servifd upon the wx-- ifersteuutt reslBlng within tho Statfc ot Oregon, tab the addrcsa horeiri uftot! mt'HtiOUeil. '.-"' , .UKHT.C. 3'HO.MAS. Attpniw tor, l'iuiiitiff. Address ? LoqiaiJi liiilldiiiR, liiahalli Fail VIMtjWU ' 1 . Fia.83'JjB-A?'.r4,21..' .... NO REASON TO 1 PArF5 t5. W Juror, circuit Wm., Knylor, Juror, elroult court, $8.40. ' H. R. Harrison, Juror, court, $6.60. iGoorga .W. Elliott, Juror, court, $18. BA Bloomlngcanvp, Juror, court, $3.20.' ' H. A. Whltollno, Juror, circuit 1 cl.cui j circuit court, $4.20, H. E. Catkins', Juror, circuit court $39.20. Pierce Combs, Juror, circuit courr "$3.20. . Joe Hesslg, Juror, circuit court $10.40., C. S. Currln, Juror, circuit cour-. $6.20. J. P. Hooper, Juror, circuit cour; $5.40. Jaa. ' Olvan, Juror, circuit court, Ti. Bold, jnror. circuit cour. $16.00. . : Ben , Faue, Juror, circuit -ourt.; $,7.4b. ' . j a.ny r'"' 1Ur0r' ClrCUlt ce"K W EL Comm. luror. drenlt contL. 849.40 ' John Drehn Juror, circuit couH. $a.2o.- F. B. BngUsh. Juror, circuit court, $3.i0.- John C. Cleghorn, Juror, circuit court; f3;.20. J. Bllllngalev, Juror, circuit couri, $7.00. I , . . . . J. Wi' Dojan. Juror, circuit conrf, $5.00. ' ' . Vance . Hutchlne, Juror, clrc.nft court, $3.20.- v Howard Daw, Juror, circuit court. .$3.20. 1 - - John u Bailey, juror, circuit court, $45.60. " O. Di corpenmg, juror, circuit conrt. $.:' ' . Cecil Deal, luror, circnlt court. $.7.0.o: ' Fred ' Hagelsteln, Juror, circuit conrt, $6.40.' B. H. Anderson, Juror, clrcnn court. $7.40. C. W. Thomaa, Juror, circuit court, $3.20. r 'George D. Grizzle, Juror, clrcn'! oourt, $3,20. James Hilton, Juror,, circuit cour! $3.20. '.-:.. Fred' Cofer.: Jnror, clrcnit court, $3.20. ' ' Bd Jocobson, Juror, c lrct eoiir". $33.20. ' R. V. Esa. Jnror, circuit cour' $4.20; I, Porter, Juror, circuit court. $3.20, , H. L. Clevenger, Juror,, circuit court, $5.n. W. A. wuest, saiaryt ror:ornr certlflcalea. $17o. ' " Roail, clalmp allowed and war; rants drawn: Benson Dixon, work. $79.84. Hfcrry Dixon, same. $44.91. Dallas Cox.' amc. $39.92. O. D. Brown, same, $39.92. Roy Dixon same. $'39.92. Art Bell, same. $34,93. POrov Dixon, tame. '$19.47. Alton Short, same. $18. 98! Howard Cooper Corp. mach.'nerr $317.46. Tom1 Dixon, cash adv. supplies. $2129 Acme Motor Co.. supplies. $228.89. O-WRon Harness Co.?" supplies. $6.10. " L. B. Danvson. work. 137.96. Bli Basin Lbr. Co.. . supplies. $153.40., - R. T. Baldwin, supnlles. $3. ' Blr Basin TAr.'Co., supplier $88.70. ' "Joe Wright, -work, $398. MStflret roart clqlmr. allowed an-' ;WBrrantg drawri;: '' ' O-ar Cornish',, time; W 11,84. Rov THxon, same. $47.9,' Watt Metthews; sarrrp. fip.90. Hrry Dlron. tinie. !:B8j ' Dallas Cox., some.' ; 'I'nlnn Brlflge ' Company' cent nt' $967.50. ' "' ' 1 " HiRh school claims; allowed and wnrranto drawn; i ' fjustavfi' Carlsoo. salary; $130. J. G. Darling same. $130, Muriel Elliott, same; $130. 1 .Tosephine Rvatfb Same. $1-20. MarirC. Fenho. sanwi '$'120. Donna Kack, same,. $.130. Bachel Solomon, same. $130. Alice Thurston, same. $130. Am,v Thompson, same, $120. ' I,e Iaine West, same. $120. Zeno F. Weiss, sam-i. $1.13.34. Olive Wilson, same. $130. Howard Wines, samo. $130. Maude CaTleton, same, $S0. : W'jlHam Colrtns, same, Sl'00,, F. R. Bennett, same. $225.' Clerk Dist. No. 38. tjtitqn. $110.25. ' flork Dist. No. Intuition (high school), $2109.75. Clerk No. 9; tilltton. $"1288.13. Clerk Dist. No. 1, $347.87. Clerk Dist. No. 2. tuition. $873.75. , CVa-kDiut, Kdl'36.tuiton$1.60.f.75 i ttraWe.'' Kd! 9, $337.0.' 1 O. Pevtorr & C.: ftiel. $196. , . .Tob,n H." j.lnfesty, repairs, $"2S,S.r., Herald' Pub. Co., supplies. $101'. Underwood Pharmacy.- suppliitt. $32.05. . " Big Basin Lbr., suppUfs. '$91,6. Klamnth Falls. Auto C, supplier. $3.55. " . Drtinvmoml, Print Shop, sjirtillics, $8,S0. ".' ' '"'..' s ." ' ' BalilTVih' IlaVilwaro' Co.,' sUpulics. $3i9r., :,. ...... ; A. A. ' AnnoSs,. Inspeclor. 'j3. WbrSr'y. . cTa'ilna allowcTri: aiuX. wnr: nufladra.Wfly.; '. . A'. R C.lbvi'V. roVairfr, 8?:75.'. - . - Thomas Dolzsll court, $39.20. Klamath Lodge Directory: " 'f ... .' KlctiUo Shop., supplies, $2.00. Iln toe matter ot cancellation of ' vVarrant No. 10979, Issued to Mm. I A. M. nugnea. . It. aprfearlng that the nbovo war rant hna been found and surrendered to, the county court and It further A. 'appearing that warrant No. 1701 ii I was, issued In lieu of said warrant ' No., 16979, It, Is therefore o;klored ' that aald warrant No. 10979 for $20 i be cancelled and that the bond or i undertaking heretofore given to pro- Wn.th Coowr T.aud. Dated this February 2, 1924. In, tho nTatter ot the application of Mary J. Chllders for relief. Al'W'l 1 per month until the I further O'.Hltrs of thla court, begin- tt'.ng February 1, 1924. , In the matter of the. application . of Kllcn' Odun, for relief. Allowed In sum of $20 until, further .order of thla court. ) In. the mater of the application of GJorgia Wilson for widow penslonj. Allowed In sum of $20 per month nntll' the further order of this court, ' Iglnn1nef February 1, 1924. ' WJhereupon court adjourned until ; February 4, 1924. ' R. H. BUNNELL, County Judge': ' BURRI3LL SHORT, County Com! mlsaloner; ' C. .J. MARTIN, County Com!-, ijliBslpqcr. , LINKVILLE IN t. ' : ., : .... . 1 - ,n 1 jw.:r ?ti;t yi.'t-rruj' . . THE PACK OF HONT'AIS DOSS THAT. BEEN HANON AROUND ToWW , OLD CAT WENT INTO ACTION EVERETT TRUE 1 . X . i 11 I 1 f 1 J -rrt Vl 1 . A-r Ttf( -mO A UTTI.B BJSlNrisS . 1 . r . rr7 t,m. i imiv' ...1 i.,atUisO h(?iiO VH& IVHOLS WTMtSUS (V& RTHtSR. RCSAO THS 'PRINTCS'SS. X3CRtPTl0lv 'J TUC CHAMCCiS AKS i lioy.. .Secir.W TminQ. 3FirOITe i XOUR 5Jf.Pl-ANi03.Tipia. l"5 ALMOST AS CCG;A,R A'ONCci 5R'S; PUTY IIM EOROPB I'.'. ; , ' tr.?5k - - vi' AMERICAS LlXaO.V tviiuiimu i ok nnt ci t I Mcutlntts 1st., and Srd) Em iinwonys 1 onrt noiw llasement. It. R. OUTZ. Com- mnoilcr I'honu QSH-M KrtightA of Pythta Lodg Meet every Monday erst lax 7tm p.m. I.O.O.K. Hall VIsltluK . KnJW welcouio. , ,. , W. D. Cuburo.. 0,0 f K. of C. Council No,' 2253 Meets TueiHy p.m. ' Lyceum Hnli 8th and, Hiub V'uilting Knight) welcome T F, Crawford, 3.K. B.P.O. ELKS Meet'- TliurwlaT eveomg. VJirttr tn a memlierH wi'InituOi Kk'. Tempje Oril .' nnd Wf. iwiin, 1 , Perry O. Do. Lap Esalt Bllje YE OLDEN TIMES, HAVE. SEVERAL. -'Sw- EARLY TNIS AFTEftNoeN- By CONDC?, j '" '.;;"iL - , wr.ii ' ' ' Ota ,TU. MACMlKm'li THAT RSVOV.vffS AviooNpj' lv!T TUAI'5.' On Kl rtl : -r.rm. T.i TuiT r -r C -n.s. : ' ,-i IN nun win. , rien. v - '''y.; - .;v.;. RY BLOSSER aWb''..