ol HE EVENING ..HERALD,. KLAMATH FALLS, .. OREGON ,itUU.VHl!liHWAHV,H04.i(i) t- :,' mim1 itnlly reii Htinilny liy The Herald Publishing company. p Offl, HOJVorlh KlglitNl., 1ilmnnthKjlM, JUrrjgnn t, ., i fC. K HOIT1.M , President ami Manager Hirril HOUI.K - ...rWretary.Tnusurer tared s second-class nintliT. at Ihn post offlco nl. Klamath Falls. f. - Oregon, under Ihn Act of InrclS LL7 : . .'. Member nf the AniMH-tiilnl 1'rriw . th Avsnrlutrd Prom Ik ..irluslvolv entitled to thn nun for republics. ,'kMi'i)f news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In bi ftsper. and to nil local news published herein All rights of repuhll- mum of special rtiauatcnea nrin4rnw jTU.- V-, ttoi'l.K .... n. 11. mi. i. K. K. W A II It M. W. ItKVNOI.DH ft Renlng Herald In Iho official HI'IWHIITION HATKN Ik'Hvcrrd lly farrier .flSt V K.Alt ...... M M'IM'MM i 'Vmhkk miivtiim fi,n M"m 1 vh , ITHH ... .'if.H MONTH lly ,' INKOKMATWN VOll AIIVKRTIHKIU4 i M'opj for display advertising must bo In thla officii not later than I io on the dsy pred-dlng publication In order to bo Inserted In th nf i hi paiwr of tb nort day. , Want ad and radlin notices will be received up to I J noon 01 ,),Uf tUtf of Issue V V ! tMriltlnx for fraternal orders or societies chancing a resnlar In 4Js,'iii tw ki.d dues no discount. K"llglnua and benevolent orders wll b i-fwntfd th rulxr rate for all advertising when an admission 01 f1r rhar lamade 1 " KIUOAV. r'K.ltltl 1SV atl. 11124 LAW AGAINST TAXLESS SECURITIES THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has come . slightly short t)f the two-thirds majority needed to endorse the constitutional amendment forbidding tax exempt securities. There is no prospect, therefore, of an early" submission of such an amendment to the country for ratification. . . ". ...Meanwhile there is a strong sentiment in both hous es of "congress for abolishing these notorious exemptions, and 'a: still stronger sentiment throughout the country. pearly everybody agrees that there should be no form of investment 'permitted in which great fortunes may hide 'aid avoid bearing any share . ' '."'' m " ..' -...Mil ri : brflateri unquestionably, in some form or other. Mean "while what is to be done? iA.jt is pointed out once more that as matters stand, congress is not necessarily helpless. By the sixteenth Amendment, on'which all federal income tax legislation i based, congress is empowered to tax incomes "from whatever source derived." The lay mind naturally as sumes, on reading that amendment, that it means what it says. The courts have never explicitly declared other Wise, though there is a general impression among lawyers that the words are not to be construed literally. -;"-.At any rate, congress might incorporate in the pend i Ihg' income tax revision act a clause making the act ap ply., uniformly to all securities issued .hereafter, and let the' supreme court pass on that point. It could do no harm, find might solve the problem. - " INTERNATIONAL LECTURES y BILL introduced in congress by a Massachusetts representative would make it necessary for all non resident aliens coming to the United States to deliver lectures or write articles dealing with American insti tutions and policies to register at ports of entry and dlearly state their purposes. - . "No person or countiy," says the author of the bill,' ."need take umbrage at a requirement that all alike place their cards, face up, upon the table." He adds that the United States would be glad to hve other nations adopt a similar system and compel our own "busybo dles'',to make frank announcement of their intentions when they go abroad. " S' The foreign lecture business, it will be readily ad mitted, has been overdone in this country of late. Ame ricans, perhaps, have been over-tolerant of foreign cri ticism. And it may be that some of our own people are over-zealous in going forth to criticise and enlighten other nations. Yet isn't any f ormal attempt to curb the y!l,by legislation rather silly? There are too many laws now:- Why not leave such matters to the censorship of public opinion? . That is the court to which writers and speakers always appeal, and which settles the fate of every critic and propagandist sooner or later. Besides, it would interfere with both the gaiety and the instruction of nations to discourage honest comment ftWm: foreigners.:-:'-Nations, like individiials, can profit by-checking up on themselves now and then and trying to ee themselves as others gee them,. f'0tegon's New Triplets Coos, Josephine and Douglas," Such a combination is truly hard to beat and these three counties, with the addition of Jackson, JClaimath and Curry may some day form the backbone fjf Oregon, The two great lumbering districts, Klamath ftnd , Ooos, with the agriculture of Douglas. Jackson an4 Josephine and the mines of Josephine and Curry,, am i . j. - JJ i ;li.'i ml. l li j tuna it uistuci, vi great possiaiuues. mis pan 01 ure gon ' has untold resources, scarcely touched. Improved highways' and better transportation facilities are bring 1 ling ithese counties' closer together. It is only a matter of ,a few years until southern Oregon will be one of the richest sections of Oregon. -(Grants Pass Courier.) : f;.-. : : ; t t The matter of. the sale of the Marion Star haj been drawn into the oil scandal, It is' certainly a matter for 'investigation if a newspaper man gets what ' he th,iHs his newspaper is worth. Silverton Appoal, Kdltoi flly Kdllor , Advertising Manager Mivtmiilral Siiporintjuulent psper of Klamath County mid tin :ity of Kiamain raiia . rt.ft" .'. .M MM Mall n.(Hi nft of governmental expense,; t iUni ,sMsit .. . .'' . FIRST ROBINS . . 'y . ' The Office Gat : "Gosh, what nn uw f til strain." said tha critic, as he Ibueiied to a new song. ' oo , It you don't think cUiLhcs mako the man, says Oanong, Just try going without 'thorn. The candidate stands far what tlio poople will fall for. ' lMplonuii'y. She falls Mm "Pet" and "Honey." Caresses him a while; Sbn calls him "Dear" and '"Runny" And smirks and laughs and smiles, She talks so sweet and funny; Makes, use of all her wiles. For she'i) wanting hubby's money. And sh-3'Il get the iwhole darned pile. ; Chntfey Loom Is tells of a slngor, growing weary of no applause afte several numbers, (halted rather long tor a 'nest- Somb thought she had finished nrul bursfi Into shell cheering that she hadn't the heart to continue but eat down amidst ths hurrahs. oo An executive, ays A .J. l.yle. Is a man who thinks tho dally dozen refers to grouohlw. ' -oo Ye JenOMiiK Hiilincrlher.' (P.-ankford, Mo., Chronicle.) :, friend John Pritchet did not for got us at hog-kllllng time thig year. As be could not send the BOiieal lie sent the tail. For , benefits large or small, we nro gratoful. flo We'vo always wondered why th. other T) 6-1 09 of 1 ivr.C'ant waan't advertised as being pure, also. "When a follow throws up the V.ionge, he must have went to sliep In the ball! tub. ; . '. ' 00 It in less than 30 days until spring. If you have a notn , nt Ihe bank, spring will ha here jimfore you- know It. murmurs 0. B.'fnnguo. . oo-- W. D. Mann sayta thmo are two kinds of womon, ivho llko to dross with great style; those who have ttin prleo and tho;n wlo have not.,. - .' " - , .V Un.Mjin Job. ' ';r ' - "I'm going lo kij s you, honey." "Do you want m( to cry for iv.ilp?" "Nn, thank you, ! ar I don't need any!" ' j .. o fe ll. V. .Murdoch; , says ho careful how you inmt yjitr friends and your niomoiy. ., 00 i Hoinu mi'ii toll the I'l tith iiml others nro popular. .'-,-.' oo Ocep Hmrr. A Hltig fid ik mu'Mororv .sotitonced !to IU In tho ftloctric cbair. hml a uddoi. uttnrk jif appendicitis and WV rimtiod to tlio prison liosplinl , i ivlir;-u.. siicccsiful operation wun ; I porfaniipd. Johu Mlchuelsfin Ktopn to ' .1.l''.(,0 or Int.'. I'ullKhtonnii'nt .on i j llio ctlikal a-ipoct o( caving n mini's : ";llfo. In ordor to kill him. j .' . , , ir-oo ; I , j Tin" Finishing Toiichc. "My Dour. 1 think your uauitbtoi rooltes remarkably woll, don't you?" "Vos. all she nooils la a Hlion course in oloct'.ocuilon. to flnlih bor off. as you might say. . Dr. C. P. Mason aaya tha chief dtffercni'O between antiques and junk i nhout f 8.85 it pound. A few years ago an Individual with good buggy considered hltnsolf fortoiial-'. t'Oimnrnt I, C. Mueller. Uiter. ho considered himself for tunnto with an open Ford. Today nothing Is realty satisfactory except an enclosed, woll-heatod, and well lighted car. DAiS DOBB SAYS Tho only thing certain about this weather Is Its uncertainty. .Momo to Washington: An Investi gation a dny keeps confidence away. . . , .. . French riot guns are speaking fiermnn again. Needles und pin's, needles and pins, when n man's elected his trouble begins. - Coffee prices ore up. Very little restaurunt corteo will ho affected until Ink goes up. -r-' .; . Keep your old shoes. I)on't sell them to a cigar mater. A political lampnlgii Is on. ' A hypocrite. Is o man with gold Uling In his also teeth, Jack Uenipsey knocked o;u a man In Memphis, Tonn,, In 4," soconds, hopping at him like a motorist after n pedestrian, Oltlest twins in the world, Mnthew and Mark Ounn, are 01,.. and our guess Is ihose Clunn boys are never loaded with booze. , '. ' ' Wisconsin fishermen have ciitight 1,000, OflO pounds of nrp this sen son, they being as plentiful as nil stock siifko'ts." The bootleggers favor c'vlng the devil bis nxiutilftln diw. J. ' . ' New Orleans women demand' oftial rights In burlier shops, Hope they start Rrowlng whiskers, j;V(,l ISII TOWN T( UK HU, UKllliysillRK, Fob, 2ll, Crom roitl ,a town of abniit 1000 p.npuln lion, Is Inidudnil in the forlhconilug siiln of tlio .Wlllersey CiiHlle eslnte. Tliti first Kngllsh cotlon mill whb nroeted In tlio town, which for many yonrs was a center nf Ihn notion Bln nlng Industry, ' FASHIONS ,,'i';i:if:i-f A prnrtlrnl Tniie lilic this on BT0ine no Inviiliiflito puiw"'-1 in any w-mUt'ii'''. '' i,n bus .m HMtaniliiut n.'.ln i ' Urn nl materwl ail n fi.--iit'l-i "li t'-'il vps tl.f I'liu-r,. m it ri,e..i,' ;- so ilMityiUluiii.in yur Service us Wurvlen iiml slylii net inaeileir It, this stilt Hint huiy liii ivnrti M. town or tnimtry, inui niiiif or afmr noon. iNoileo thnt llie ninnnll vest Is of thn'suilin mnl-l-l il Hi skill. '4 liu uuul Is L( .liw i. i,,iiii MM -III li-. l :.'.';:r(.';;X;'jt;i'.J-1 i , NEWS OF- THE KLAMATH COUNTRY ru i jutj-. ru uxrij-ju o . t.vu u-irn rur ir nru-r'w'-nr'-a'a" fVYjvyyrWViyll'V'"Tilrf CHILOOUIN Mr, iiml Mrs, (', (.', llolili'!i'li , iiml ! Alt'. Mid Mi, W. f. lliiM'nui' I'oliitn.'d in i'hllintiln Tui'iiliiy ii I'd' vioiin niloi' ti Uileo Wim ' trip 'lb pnliil It; i!n:iruriilii. - ' v ; T. J. HiIikiIi, vvlin f. gently snlil Kls I'liiijieiiy ' to Mrs. ' Niiiwy t'aliiimi. U building -n' hhlls Jnxt'Wrst of the iitllimiil I in ell, iii.Mii' llm Hhull Oil plant. ... ' . , Henry Khlidley,' who tins Jw'lt In l l:i in ut Ii Fulls fur tlio lust sovtira) HiH-ks on iii'iiuiit of hlnoi) poisoning In Ii 'it blind, U Improved und re luitied lo bis It n in i. here lodity, .Wi t llulon CuwhIII, slate loudur of ihn girls' clubs In Oregon, gum a very Imnrosltiig talk tit thu school. houso Monday inorn'ng. The t'liHti. I ii In H'.'lionl litis ii now lug club of the fnllnvuliiu g'lls; Viiruii mill tl iiuo Nixon, IKilniis llntfi'iilmiliur, Alice llitwiuuti, ('liailt)tin Itusslg, Johu t'lilUltiB. W'miila Diittuy, .guoa Kiilghl, Alien anil Jnsoplilue O'linno vim, Klva Tlee, Olivia llryuut, Vlr tiliCa (irner, Joan C'ruiiliurliii und .M.ixliio .1 oli iv on mid to ibose Miss CriitKill iniido It very elenr that thorn wero a grenl many hi'imflts to be do. rived from such u club, Klin kiiva ti examples several girls In the state who bad won prltvs for their work :ii well us trips in represent their cspivlivo el' lis ill Oorvallls, . Aftor hur talk elm exIilUUo.l a I rent nunihor of iiri'oli s that girls from all over tlio state hud nindo llustrutlng Ihn ttogriM of skill Hint r v mi a young girl may show If she will lake pal us with her work, Frank Kenton, county cUib leader, was present nt t lie, meeting anil made a rihnrt talk lo anootirngn the gl.ils In. Mr work. M: fowKlll mid Hi'tloii loft shortly after uoon for Kluiuuth iiKuncy whre I hey wer, In address yi club there. , "" MERR1LLL Mr, and Mm. fUm Fatir axil fatiilty wr KUmaih Falls 'Visito r Frlduy. Mr. and Mrs.'Ffsnk Van Knhvlnrk Jpent 1'rlilftv In. Kloiiioih Falls shop ping; '..' . The W. 0. T. I', will innoi Thurs day afiornoon with. Mrs, t ('. llillcl. M,'ss Muild M. t'arloton iif Kluni iUh Falls Hpnol the woek riiil in llm hiiimi nf her brother. (I, II. t'tirlntmi, rniurning to Klamath Fulls Hunday, Mr. und Mrs. loonurd llnwman and family have Mtttrnod lo the!; home In Oniritl I'nlnt after a visit with rolhtis In'' Merrill. Among the tea Iiom . In the Falls Hotnrilay to bear Kuperlntiindent J. A. ('hurchlll. worn I'rofessnr Arnold, Mrs. lilllurd. Mrs. Men-Ill and Misses Kllen Mo V.jlgh. Ivan and Myrtle .Monro. A. K. Campbell of Klamath Falls was a Mefrlll visitor Monday, J. W. Taylor and IT. F. Tnlle were visitors In .Million! Tuesday. Mrs, F. It. Hiophnnson of Klamath Falls spent Ihe week end In Morrill thn giiost of her sister Mr. I,. Htorey. M. I.. Hcogglns was u Klamath Falls visitor Tuesday.''- ' A surprise party was Rlvep Kon iieth Colwell gt tho jiome of his par ems, Hntnnlay evening, tha occasion lining his 17th IVrthrta. The even ing wns opent In cards and ilanelpg and a delightful ovnnlng sptmi by the young people. a lunch ;' was Horved by Mrs. Colwell. Those pres ent wnrni Mary ant) doo Qraybael, Mber Moore, Tlllria Anderson, Nellie ('he.vii.i. Miriam Offlidd. Clinylollo rind Unlpli fiee-.tsnn, Ifelun Hrown, Mary and John lianr, f-:nn Mo V'o'gh, M-millo rlhici. lan. npd lll Shpmharf, Ilnnilil npd Illlly rialley,4 llstln and Kaiiiill Klger. Mjplvn j Moynr, Chester Ionian. Claud Mo - (Ipcmgnlt, Itlnpnrtl llogt0, l.ylrt Mpr-,tieiivy buylHK t(.vBl?ty InMptrlll by ilU, CoMneo and Ctirtl Woodhpuss, ihi .United States,' . Onorge lludolph.'llud Chnynn. Knn-J riefor tho wap Hip Ruropesn 'eoun tieth and fllepilon Clt)lwell nhd M r, trie Wo' 1 he . big buyer of Chilian, and Mrn,.TtVV O, Ilallpy npd .Mr.: and j il.tra.., Mi l)10 A,mfloon marVst Mrs. Iipgi'inj " i Ititin was' unlmportaiit ViMf the Mhs Mat'y '.Jlai ty snopt !hl wWik I A merleauii buvo, hocoih lagsi pifpJ "in in ,,inrri, , ... N. H. IIpgiio loft, Mnny lirnpg in i buslnnjis, (Hp l() 'nrM("lll,, v, . A Iprgn-(rQWij- iitMudfi'l' f lip! play glvon hy MI.ki Walton Sunilny oven lug In jhii r'resliylnrliin- eiurnh. 1 was glvpn, ns ft (I rumiit l-c reading. The piny was "Adnnh.'J Charonrs" worn, Jpe, g Jewish nnbonnn; Anna, his wire; ltnnbili, Ibelr son; Miriam, their d.'iugliinw; f.lipt, g faithful old slave; , lildii, tho PharUMin; I.pfllus, thn eonnirnuj, flothlnusi his slnv fllinmi, I hp Jepei'i A(ni(i, n ynnnK lew, It Hlmwed u jtretit ileal of llinuglii und tlmn hud been gtvin My .Miss Walton In arranging and presenting It, Ilor Impersonation of tho different, characters were tin liminlly good, . numher of those pre.smii iejurkn It was pno nf tlm lies) nyni glvep In Merrill, ' Ml', and Wpt' 1'. UPiilny ind "00 Tnoi'iJ' nnn"l tio weeif end with Afr. nn'l (rs, n. h. palon, , Hiiipiln'o pitrty ws iflytiii JUss Vi llus Ally. Monday mviilngY (it the tiiiiihi of Ml', niul Mrs. It,' Ii. UiHoti by I.iiiiU" Hulinn und Kngeiio Mr " ll, V'llhll Is lu I'Mive 'of iMi'llmiil ,,li"i,, nbe will mil It u Imr bouie, 'llio V' -til i k wits siinijt In guiivK mill Mi ii .ii Ii i n tits were itervml by Mt's '.VmitK'ntl(Sn it'll tl , Mer;lll.v Thii. ii esutil wero Veliuu Ad)', .WlluittjOf' fluid. Wlnnlfretl .ivuvliy. VyiV'V Wulkv'r, Arllite'TuyUli', Fur Jl'tniltc. Muilliii MaiguriH Morrill, ' Uiitlmi Imltniii Alfred ('iirlotjii), K'ui'iiUt u.uil I tun ; Hiiro', rilffufd ;. Rhuclc; 'lillly ll'tilii.y.. lxiiter !.yoon 'il I'Signe Mer ti . ' '"; ,'"':' ; '' 'f'hiiripiTi'rtiisiaeruMi)' dMUIUUil 'Jor I'toee ii"ii but so fur ana lists iiiii.ii-brought-' ' . i : . i . ,r i lleleu. CowkIII, stall) .'uluh ii.'iiler fur gll'U, mill Frank HoUntl, n'lii'.y el h leailer, visited I Us .Mar HI iu'IioiiIs MnU'ltty und KkW. II (Ulh nl ili) viiilous el lib'! 'I ho l.u.lie.i1 All tf th Fits; l'rs i, ,ii.' uti eliiif.ii' guvu a (lliiner at lb 1iii i H lull 'iiuiiis Wtiliiesiluy eteo tig, All 1'ieeini thouglil ll u must vu km uioul uud p litres prosit Mu.i d ii ier Hli tV luillii. , ' t Miss I'liiillii'i Ctlft, of Kluuiatli Falls spent llio wunk etui III .U'irr'll ihn gm. of Miss I'll ii line Ou'ouiIilI, Mrs, M. tlukomltil uud M1ns I'uul. the (luicoiiiliil worn Klamath Falls v'sliors Thursday, . . ,., Among tltuso mioml'iig .tho suln it .Mlilluuil Thiirsdu,)' wero C. 0..Uir r'll, (iiotxp W, OfCieid. J, X. Tar- or nail II. Tolle, - Origon gets tune. 080 om Wnnh ogton tss.7( (or co-oiHT4ilv road itiil nail projects this year, accord ing to word fi'oiu lilHtrlct Fo-ymer Ueorgi, II, t'enll. Tweiilyntgbl slates In wlelinijtlonul forests ra looaiwl wholly or in part will share 4u th distribution during th cur rout (Itcul year nf Ihn 11.000,000 fupd appro prlaied by congress. Tti's, Is ftn on. nu'il upproprlntlon for (bo constmo. Hon nf road r.tid trails within lbs Da ilnnnl (nre,i In co operuilon. with local 'authorities ticfthrrtltig la fliVlcs ru-eitty reii!ved of the approval by the chief of tha forest serried and the serretn'.y. ,of agriculture, Alaska ii ml I'ono llfeo will also .share la the distribution of this fund com, monly known as the soHlnn fupd. I,ni )-'ur 27 states shared In the federal moneys, Pennsylvania having io ii added , to lhs year's, list fol low'ng the ostnbllshtuent of thn Al- loglu-ny national forest In that state, This partleiilur fund i eiuandcd only under on-operatlva agreement with slum anil Inoal atithaltles anil should not be confused with other mod-building funds etpentled. upon minis and trails within tho national rorests. It Is entirely separata trom thn ii per onnt fund nyhlcti It turned directly ovor to tho stale to expend. ; Following nro the states and the iitnount each wll receive from thn suction S fund: Arizona, " A4,30l) Arkansas, 19,732; California, '1116,. 122; Colorado, $47.0071 Idaho, ilH,74; Montana, I04,8I Nrradft $17,1(1(14; Now Mexico, fD7,tn Orogou, 1130,080! Boutfi Dakota, 7,405; t:tuh. 38,3l0; Whlntot, ' 85.741; Wyoming, 4S,20;,;a). receives 4I),IIS, . '' ,.", , S. EXTENDING TRADE TO .'.(CHILI " y sn-'.v'.'.- i j i-;. if A Vltl;. Fob. " B; l'ljo'mTnitiy fiugn'eiiltu iv l oncerned about the nhusnr on account of h Intsrmft ilevniopmont of (heir ; ggrloitltiir,, Ust August tho ImponiitlitinoMil i.alos Ihlo Hit United,' Rtqtw rtfUot'M 1.10,000 tons, idc6l'dlng.tfi.tU. min istry, wHorA'as f) th ortrrbspondlng moiiih of 0?9 t was only 42,000 tons. Frnnrrf, owing fo (be lack of niiiinshliig cijmipoiinrts In thn laud, Is obliged lo hniport pvery year soma million of' tons of gm'tir KWB ' ton of .nltrnto sent .to tho UnlUO Btates pipresents abntii ihroo tons of wheat Wlil- li eventiliilly wl (in ,' loldH tn franco, ho that. It wnild bo preferiblo fof tho In Iter to buy Iho'on'.iresnSnd. Iiig iimnunt of 'nlirato. S ,. Ppjsi nt oMhailgn rate fiivnrftt.lis Ainerlnan hu.wrs, and if Fronoh flfrrn nt' are to hold thulr owl) igatnst sorlnns American comoptltlqn ty will have lo omnoy g larger qunpHty of forl,ilers In qt'do. to Hlmiput hlggnr crops, and hy this mnn,n, re duce thp higi op,t c (lying, '' F. Tolle.. ,,, . ) FEDERAL ROAD? FUNDS ALLOTTED i .-