T lll!,"t f CIlUlU "Ilt-llMt.U,""KLrtllrt I II'!' hn ;- ;XLJ;,';i JJ ,rMr.j r v Mi 'V C w V It 1.. ' I HELD IflilOflllBLE 1 (Tl'o Tlnrbennan) Fundamentally Imih1 n-'MK- remains In excellent nortlfliii, The junior In. j il'istrle conilnuo primiicroim; !a lior III) fully iMiMiliiycd for tlm o-imun' and, I for tint iniMt purt, ut MlKh kukxi; j miiiiny Ih plontlfiil; ImllilinK, wlw.ro 1 1)111 (fiiixon iiernilil, Ih kdIdk ulicuil In k'xI voluiiKi; Did KKrli ultunj lt ' mi 1 Ion In linprov'iiiK; ninl, what I I KiBs!lily of Kr;ul!t InfliortuncP, liuHl- I mini' blli(Va pro'i:iH am riiiiiI of Orogon, Ilrlilnh Columbia and Wu.ililngton wait approximately 10,' HDD, 000, 001) fuct. Of this total 1,863.. Vin;uo.jtiiyt'by walor 10 Callfor 11I11; KfiU.WOQ, went through lha J'an. uinu caual to Atlantic ciiunl, ipproxl iliSWly. 10,600,000,000 foot, or tills total, 1,803.000,000 moved by water to Cullfornla, K.'i0,00,000 wnt on through tho Hnnunitt canal to the At Innllc coast, .approximately 1,250, 000 wan cjxporti.'d; local tale, plant ropalna und oalrn to comt ah and door, box ahook niannfirc'urprii and tho like took about 2,120,000,000 thua, the rail trade took aboui 4,600,00.00f) feel. . ; Callforiilii and t lis Atlantic count In 1824 bid fair to take a much lunv bi:r uh in 11123; there In reaxon 10 liollcn. that foreign utilpmi-ntg will be good; local conxumptlon upiiiir- but rnxerve of ntook wore ridnced by KhlpinentH, which exccedml pro U'lltKH HAVk FltOM HTOItMH HAMBL'HO, Keb. 29. The taak of laying an undiirgrnunil ' tule- phunn CHhln from (Inmburt It Munich. B7 111 1 Ion. win com pi!? ea rocontly. . ,. i ' It U .clnlmtul that thlif., ,li. . lougimt nndprkriiund tiiphon I line In the world.' ItL'UKON MAXIM IN VKNTOK-At'TllOIt-Ki'IKNTI.'.T. KKICI'S HIS VOITII AT 71 11V I'l'XfltlNti TIIK UAO, UOXINO AN'll I1IKINO. MAXIM AND II IH Wll-'B AHM VMItV 1)10 VOTR1) A ItO.MA.STK THAT HAS NOT fXXM.HD WITH VK'lta. ill . . HUDSON MAXIM KEEPS YOUNG BY DEFYING LiS OF. REGOLARITY -Mi .Mr .- j ' , . ,1Y 8TBV1S HAN.NAOA.N. NKA Btorvlco Bluff Wrllor. liAKK IlOl'ATCONtl, Uindlng. N. J.. Feb. 20. lluilHun Mnxiin. Iuvmi-lor-HuUior-aclenilat, healthy and ui tlvo at 71, live In nbitolule duMnnrK of law of ri-Kulnrliy. "Cholco of parint," ! Dm ex lilaoatloD till unuauul chanactor glvo for Ml ltuie of prrvtlon. ' "1 aleep when I fuel Ilka It, aom ttmoa In betl, oflem Im-i In n chulr: t oi anytime and I cm pvnr.vtlilng; 1 but he" when 1 foul Ilka It, mnybr 12 tlniM a day, aoinellmei only onco wook and 1 lino rjthnr atv.imlur hot Or cold water, ua the - apirlt move me," bo chirklml. U) cbeeka ur pink, hU t-yct are (lrp and ho boantfully ininltn lie "can bear a iuhbuhUo lirimibn mill away." ' Lota, rbmnncp anil work iiiiilmioi- 11L llirmoineni he fonln tho urge., j Hi Ik quick In thouiihi, word and I il""'l and hia Wll la Kcniiino. ) Jlln homo, on a hill overlooking It In- lake, In tilled with liili'rewUnR j'paritphurualia. Ilia library, clubby and comforiiiblft, l rupliUo wlhl mu 'clilne KUilM, rlfliiH, ahellx, paintings, nieoniiitoej, bin name "War, ' simi lar to chfiHi and hooka. edly have done iniu li l preiwrvo 1I10 , Frmiiiontly ho goes to tlw kltCKen, plrlt of youth la Huilaon Mnxlm. ' Iduna an apron and cook". 111a dell "He i a real emu-man," .mllnil caclua are exceedingly pnlanrlilo and bia wife, 41) an,i IC.igVli. im limy "l,u a protcntlona one. playfully coood on a divan bnfo t n In MVixm'a own room hla alecp largo fin-pine". Ing room he hus all the apparatus jTllo odllook for flltuia price- Un- mly wm kecp ,up ,, ,hc run lra(In I ccriithi, but prexont relailvoly hl(;b 1 wam certain to Increao. The outlook for tbe yea-.i i eie couraglng; oupoclally If markuta are not glutted wftb unsold lumber, which la the factor that makos joutii ura Cullfornla wholesale market un utlnfactory at present. ; ' Cullfomlii and export murketa will not be active for several months, nu ll! mills adjust themselves to thl weakness In some Items Is to be ex pected... , . ' ; 1q 1922 lumber shipments were exceeded by production by 4.4 per vent; in -11122 shipment exceeded p.oductlon by 4.6 per cent. In 1922 orders were booked for 8.2 per cent more lumber than was shipped; In 1923 shipments exceeded orders 'by 4.2 per. cent. . ' - ' In 1922 orders exceedeu produc tion by 3.4 per cent; In 1923 tbe fixcos of ordc-rn brer production was four-tenths of 1 per ceot. In 1923, therefore, tbe Reserve of orders car ried over front 1922 was cut In half. jciiHla of ' production nrn corialn, so j Ihut ' buying Is on a consfrvaiivij : basis, 1 j ' , ' ' l i Ko;- wniik drilled .January 20, total ( (might WHS 0 J",32U cars, shout 4000 ) iinn than for th preceding wek, I Wliluh wan tlm hiavlm-,t Jatniury load ! in on rcorij. Carloads for same j wok of 1923 wore 21.RC2 om. j Ho far this year orders for lumber hvo sjgowdod production, boih with ) rwipcct to tha country as a whole and tho !rcalefl West, In 1923 production In fir territory 1 prtnidoncy Is 'wet' or 'dry' is my only 'concern," he commented on the com ing 'lections. Ho docs not smoke and abhors tho smoll of burning tobacco. Although ' rapidly anll-prohlblilon, Maxim seldom drinks, he avvra. ; The writer spent- the whole-.of a oolrl, bifiafc "winter Jay with hlm and the cellar nev7p was mentioned. "Yen. honiiy, and you uio ihv moil wonderful awei-thiuit a man over had." he countered w'lb u iuililev ous twinkle. They buve bi"n ued 2K yiun, Maxim In u explomvu and smoki; less an tlif famcun gun p'-mdi-r be purfoctcd. When ho itpeuka llmrvj Is a sciimperliiK to aiicntlon. Working In bin laboratory, writ ing In hla niuily, IhIHiik through Hie j llllln or Rpiiciling inn uutiMiitiuilc uloug tlm ruad and umd.'tiitltiii In, fOrO 111 tllllUC-OIKI tlr"IIIC:-l. Willi tlio wiiil(lr cnn kllnf, i'.Iiuh pa '(" bis day, Miix'i.i iln.'K cvuryllilni; piX'!mIc of a pugllliit. NVarly cory day lie punclum the bag and tugs at weights. UIh iuuhcIcji are hard and flexible. In other days Maxim was some what of a boxer and even now be often dons the gloves with younger companions. Maxim's pet avorslon at the mo ment U prohibition. Ha is vlgoroimly opposed to the 18th amendment. "Tea and coffee, as well as al coholic bc,vcrng are banned by the -i K I i amendment. They uro Intoxicat ing!)' etlmulutlng. I am going to file suit iiKulnat some 'big hotel and then make a caso of It," hn declared. "Whother th candidate for the rWg. FRUIWUTS 'v ff anothtr fotorUt t fnawM last, 7 i t$ fei Surrounding bscjou. M.rJ 1rfft UJj Maratchuip pineapple sat) r"rtlrwH ' l - Jr '. Q walnutj, Brazil nuta and pecan is y Sjk f :. ' creamieA of cream with cUep coatbf fW f 0 richcii cKocoi4 th very kaft wo AjKJ Ztf) . i in swsjataaeata. 'ySffx :. . M.u Mb. iwaisT owvocait fiSrty Quality Leadership The outstanding qualities of "llcttcr Hi cad" Its bettor color, bolter texture and grain, better taste and flavor, butter all around eating und keeping qualities have earned . ' lor "Hotter Bread" the enviable reputation of "Klmt AnioiiR . Itl-CIIllH." , . , :. ..!( Vour grocer can furnish you with Hotter Broad. A visit to our store will convince you that our cakes and pastries maintain tho name high quality.' , ,.. - v Saturday Specials Cream Puff . Cherrie Pie German Apple Cake Whipped Cream Cake Many other varieties of cakes and pies Sixth Street Bakery f Cbas. H. liasuilaiS VM Ho. Olli Str-ot "For oolnnu Hake I'jit Ik'lUr Iirt-ad I. ' "; afstsasa'VsisHsjsawatajts SPECIAL I Sale of j ORANGES I Extra Large tj. 60c Dozen Try. a jar of Tru Pak Honey ; - , . f Houston & Phelps "One Business Groceries" v ' Main at. Eighth Phone 421. MM M ' -- ..t.r--, ,. r . .. ...... J-1... : .ir... VaaysaaJ,V . -rsr &fr'f ' :'lx': -: : j ' "L : X- :'C: 'ry and TOMORROW NIGHT . I ' v Every Man, Woman and Child Cym!F r I 1 ij lyVi i; .yk M?zia' A . Is Interested in Automobiles " MnMir i .J fSSr Don't Kick Yourself by Not Attending the v Bm f j ; sSBSHgS- -: auto show . : ; mm: """ .Sl J ' Admission 50c . Children 25c ;" 's r iJJJ9 Your money's worth, or your money back f ffltlt jj ' ItJf fV. ' ' AUSPICES AMERICAN LEGION, KLAMATH POSX NO, 8 j ( MJyrfi iJlP f y yJ0' ' ' ' Doors Open 6:30 P. Mv j- : ' . .. : : m:-'-' M ,M- ; , :,; ;Xi:v. M .-. 1 i . , , ; ' -1 ' '. ..... p , , , ... - : : . : - : : ?