Pay Two THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rntnAV, ri-mrw ao. ma. .- Th. ewetlnnlly,. ItueraiilOK. pjcp. KTwLwihpdaftl for'ths, enhjy.eoffi . munlty ratherlnf .fedoesday. night, drow 8 rspord orowdjOj ovof 100 (thi ovary sost flllsdt Prior, to. th, nest ing Miss. H$lop,,Cowglll, hersfor tbo, . froot q. Cr to stlnjulstVsnd , psjsct ths girls', cu)b organised, this, W.' Sexton, - met with the Henley, OobjkryiLoJulj afd-dHvpredj, , prsc- ; ii Aitprjiey , ijrittitir ; t4n,ented hla talk on practical education. by a. vivid outline- ot- the Orjental men ace, to our, fanning and,, land lnter 'iti4n th. western, ststss. Tsls !s- aubjec, bn.wh.loh Breunec 1 thor ouchly convenssnt and the antl Japaneso, af( Bilhlne measure, adopted and proposed In California' and other Pacific coast states wero .cite.df,! the, support, of. eysr.-loyal1 . Ajncjcajufaftner .urged .It qur. highest' . urodcJng, lands,, are, not, to, become ijnrDorlstfrrougii;; OrJnWsl . ten antry,.. , ,'''. W . a po 1 ,-on, the, pern.. subject, of 1 BS.tUeajen' "aiid. whaj joe sj-- tet.vlpftleaiiofl, oj, o.u,r. Idle, laadswoulfl nwo. ttUej atat .. at nihole and IJaiaah cquntyyln), par. . tioular. , During the past wee), IJen, deraoya. has;haen showing Daiighe rty off taa,. qreqpD,. stae chanrbar. of comtnierco,, so.uj, the,, county, wlthf, a law . Ibtjaifc and, dbjeussin. pos.- sjbla tneana.and, lojcatlofls for. colofti, saqafl,. ihfch, vUzed bjs., talk, last aryos MlV, fsaoontiora, wlh.thft.pawe9'Bwo?Jk.haa db clesed, : .., .. . , Miss, CqwajllV's address,, was on the, inurtanjea. of, club,iwqrk Ip,, Oregpa anooto-waiiBWfiit parent, as. welt mvfi&Jii tjj oponr, tunity. of. laying. a, foundation foiiue, cpntenhnen oa the farm by.-the orsation.oC-persqna interests, aady ooc,upaiQna la tjt, bjcrme, apoV school,. ratejCj tjiaa, allw. the often empty lure of th$ lrg; cities to., Keaa, the country youth tipotf home, , .. . .. Mtss.Lulu, Walton o&MenlU-.gav Wo. cJLeyeb character, readings, and the. mqoa, serious subjtcte of the. pro gram, weret enyefted, by - several; anwpyftwnbers.bjc, the. high school: staideAdki Mc the, cojnplatUtu, o thje progsatm cWckStt,pla an4 cftCfe.were seryia by., the., lallea oX the, Henley, Community club. ; --. mm From Belgium to Italy . r ! If I II 4-1.- i A-Iia - J Eantr P. Fletcher-who has bean TJ. S. ambassador t Belgium, wtl Mtoovar the, post oamnaaaador to Italy, succeedliut Washburn Child and look as It they rill last for an other ISO, years, although, we,, use no preservative.." HUSH IX SCOTLAND IXCRRA8E LOXDON, Feb. 29. Within' 50 years, the working class population In industrial Scotland wfll be pre dominantly Irish if present condi- I tions continue, said Rktv. Duncan Cameron, at. a meeting, of the Society, for . Constructive- Btath Control and Racial Progress recently. At the present time, he said, there are beqveon 600,000 and 700,000 Irish people In tlTe industrial belt of Scotland, while the native popula tion showed a tendency to decrease. ' -vyhen 3t J MoSfohoik state traffic, qftlcer(trpm dtord arrives inam. ath Falls, something, generally hap-. pens. McMhjion net, a, dleappolnt-. mn,t this tin)6--. nunXber of mo- ." tqUj,,'ested yesterday, for, violating the sjate traffic . laws. The. diversity of 'charges indicates that! h Is here for a general "jacking np." : Ml- In all; therte were- eight mo, torlstsi that Hollahon, arrestedU yes-, terdsjc Then were Hi VR. 'Waits, qp-: eraUng. a, cai withouf uronei;. brakes, H0f, R h Evaflg, for not, bavin an, operaiot'a, UeAssj IpnpJ qprous! 0.totf having nojiejoee pl(es;. . reocsb HPrtftn, n,q tail; llghte;. (. Jteekejc dtdnjtt tlm heajdligbts on bighiw.r Ifc 'Si. Redman,, spepdipgj la Kamh SaJJs, .0j. aad, W, ij.' iietin, didn-t dim,qn,the hlSAwaya, La leu In the year, Mcllahoa-. nrer aictejJ, ftv stole traffic., off jeer, will be,.etisae6V hce, permanently, lie.. Mahon, MJaMahoJii is- a, condldi from, at skirmish; with; rebellious, 1 for. aherlft o Joxtksqo, cp.yn.ty, in . the, May primaries, He. said-, that he ad, a good choaie, to-, como; through on top, bu(-refused tadq.nty. cgnpajgn-, ing wilte lqldng-. his present job, INSCr CAUSE OF HbumCsPLEM1 Better Meats Foe Less Money Rost; Beef, per lb. 12Vz Hibj Boiling Beef per 11 10c Good $Jeak,. 20c per, 11?., lb. qr c. Special 2&c Bacon. Special, per lb. Sanitary Market C. A. PAULEY, ItaWNV ,.V)b, 2ft, l)r. C, . Uaban., qf tiui Natural Hlstftfy, Mq setluj. Iiofo, is';, facfld, wjtn. a, kraye b.?W'BK! uroblym. besauso lie has'; not 'W0i raovf. in, his, diBpartut(n,t for u me auyrfs. Wjiucn-, peppiq iqep "ending h,iih. " ; . ... ..Thflre wpfwoieog thai tiniq,, riui , lloiy instate awq'mmodajlpd.. .la, bjf, dqparlfljont, and, n'pw, , ihcon plas4( In,, a, ojjaidary because, he capno, fiid, accomodation for. au nddltfouqa) batct' at 1,7,000,,, boctlcn which has Jusf, bqca, sent. him. t To peoula whu,. (loubt that thero lire so man,v, beet Jfx, in exmencc. Or. iibUhii,, puliUR .yif. Ujat . thine , are tWH'j; , ?0i,(lP0 8Psij.,.6it, jrhich llio museum' has on mi nvenage ten siNKjljiiions of each, ( 'ISome of the .beetles are 160 years 'oMor, 180 dead," snd Dr, Onihan. 'yiey; appent to be fl Rood as ever A PROTECTING HAND, OVER YOUR FUNDS Ehe whole puipose of, our, government is to protect and promote thQ welfare pfctiiqse, tl)e. fjresid.e. ' . Tr:. regulations, under -which National i Banks, are operated; were devised to place a protecting, hand: oyer th.e. earnii)gs and, accumulations of those who toil: ' ' Arid' whether -you labois with pen. or the toowel the-National Bank is the place for, , your, funds. The- officers of the- American' Nfttipnal, Bank will; personally welcome you, as 4. 'customer..' The American National. Bank of Klamath FalU, Oregon Hiember' Federal Reserve.. System r L. ,0?i5 ftankti, Under. KENOTDrilGHT The Busy B's Sewing club held a special meeting at Keno, February 33, 10. plan, entertainment and pro gram lu. hoaoi-of, MU.. ll4i).n Cow gill, stars club lender. President Jessie Puckott presided and the roll cull disclosed a full aUomlunvo. Min utes of the prevloua mooting worq road by. Secretary Miriam drubb. The rollcull topic was. "Ornamontiil Stitches" and most otfectivo uses tor them were explained by various members. i The chief subject of now business ! was tbs Achievement day progrsm on February 30, In honor of M1m Ctowglll. In addition to whoso tnlk to the girls and, parents, a most en- j tprtnlnlng program was planned, i This embraces exhibit and- Judging, of. work done by. club membors who' Have In deference to the eurlliKsg of Miss 'Cowglll's visit this year, pkited their sewing In tholr respec tlvi d jvlilons." weyks io advance . of tho time. nllolte(( them; County Club. U'ader, Sequin wjll. show, hlu eonrpn-lieuslva list, of lantern slides during, his tulk on club work In Klamath county. County, Agent C. A. Henderson wlir outline the Impor tance of agrlsuUurAj,, training for the embryo farmer or . farmerette Fred r-slarton, olprk of th oonuty school board, will make an address and the musical program bo furnished by tal anted members, of the quay B's. A program committee consisting of Manlum Grubb, Klliuunth Tower ami 3eslo Puckett wiro aMvolnted to porfoot arrangemonta. Tho ladles of the school district offered to provide refreshments. The program In scheduled to start at 7!Sl) IK AC, Friday, February S, i at the Keno schqolliouse, Sovorul car-; loads of city visitors nra plumilng lo maka the trip.; . ,; : '' , . Tho French, Oovurnmont , soils advertising space ' on (olograph Itlunks, ' .- . MACDQA,P pTH , -PRIME MINISTER i r- nut llvs thoro, some prsfsln to. llvu liv tholr owtt.,prlvilo,hoimi. Hw.ivr. ull held tholr cabltiut Ich.unvUs,, thsrsj iu. Wstory hni, boon madfiu,tuu cq,unw.i at 10 llow'uUig Btro.t than lu any other building In His coitutri. Dowiilug Htreei lukos ' Its from Sir, qrgp,. lowMlniiA a. .- h'or" r'ifriiiM, i ty? time, v ' I.ONU0N, 'b., 12, Hwmsiiy Mucd,oiiild Is tliu SUth prime iul nlHlor to tako up his rosldonra at 10.. Uuwhluit HLiuot lu. the 180 years tho IiiiIIiIIiik bus boon tho nfflcliil residence of tho hoiul of tho Kovorniuniit. Th liUtnrln struc ture wns tho rosltlxiioa of !ord Ulchflold tiutll CleoiKO I took ims- 11,-pi.jvn., iy . ii , iiu uriisviuiMi ii nm'ilym the offlelul rosliloiico In porpotMl- ;' ty of tho first lord of the trousu- Khout rjr. ' . j maiiij bounty (Orogop) liiico luijls Sir Hubert Vniiolo wns, tho first has got to cohho, acoorilllig to tho uri-ii iiu ii i, ini novtrU iiroiiiiors iuii siiiiriif or vnui ; ovuiir' Mqi'tuM ,og ,1 .Urtooiori, ftrp rluotHt or;alitHl( mofllofij, "diploma mllhij' hnv heoo rovukol lo Coli- Bioitln. jhtt yglA tii ?i W- Nfwyyf ye.r efy?.tfffi?nyyeyr'p' Dance MOOSE, HALL MOOSE ORCHESTRA EVERY SATURQAY, NIGHT Admission 75c LADIES BIG LEAjP year PANCE MaHn Fri. Fel). 29, : '" All; Dances- Postponed urjtjl; then , .' . . ONLY ONCE IN 4 YEARS! Good, mAisip. x- . Good Time-rHCome' MaKrj Orchestra, isajssasjssasyysj PACKARD SINGLE SIX Will Not Be Shown; at, tlie. Klapiath Auto. Show., It is on display at Imperial Garage at all times. PACKARD Single Six Features. Are, Standing Brakes on Hear Wheels Service Brake on all Four. Wheels, or six Brakes in, all Equalized Throughout Balloon Tires (Optional Equipment.) Packard Built Bodies and Accessories The Fuelizer, a Packard Feature, responsible, in large measure for extraordinary engine performance and Gasoiinej Economy. Ask' the- Man , who P wnp; One For Demonstration call X Pospisil IMPERIAL GARAGE , Phone 130 ac See the Complete Line of HOLT Caterpillar Tractors opposite: Ford Garage Today and Tomprx Ihe2Ton Model, 1 5-25 H. P. -- Model TZ 25,40 The 1Q-Tbn Model40-60 Horse Power For every kind1 and Condition, of trafitv, w logging. Road Work, Hauling, Agricultural Werkjr etcV Dot. fail; to visit our interesting exhibit! Baldwin Distributors. ' . : ; A.