;h iimii.w, I'uimi'AHV mi, Page Six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MILLS PEOPLE REQUEST SEWER 46, Residents, of District Pe- ' tion Council For Build ing of Unit Forty-six residents of Mills Sacond addition petitioned the city council lost night tor const ruction of a sower system on 13 blocks. The signers represent property holders ot blocks 202, 210215, 209, 217. 203, 20S, 21S, 304, SO?. 308, and 311. The sewer un.lt would be an adjunct to the main line of the fifth soiwor unn If constructed. ,. Another street Improvement peti tion was added to the total made to the council the past few weeks. Four teen, property holders petitioned for the macadamising of Crescent ave nue from Canny street to the South ern Pacific railroad crossing. The petition vrtis referred to ths street comtmttee. . " ' , An, ordinance ill rooting the treas urer and police judge to. pay to Geo. Tugnot the sunt of $252.93, that -being the amount ot a rotund due to hint out of a sum of, money ha ad ' vanced for the 2 itii paying unit. Was passed unanimously by the city council. , Rooming house, permits were al lowed to L. A. Bvannan, 812 Oak and Mrs. Morman, 804 Main.. A. Etl tloa by Susie A. Crowley to operate the Hlel Glenn waa referred to the street oommlttee. The number of permits granted and the amount Involved in each permit was considerably reduced from tne total of the preceding week. ' Five permits, involving an expendi ture of $2,650, were allowed. Those to whom permits were granted were: D. y. Cox, a woodshed and garage on Oregon avenue to cost about I $15 4; Nels E)ck, remodeling ot a resi- , donee on High street, to. cost about 1 $100: Riley Loomis, a residence on Applegate street to cost about $300; G. A. McDonald, a garage in Hot Sp-.tlngs addition to cost about $100; I.' FH Magulre, o improve the building-on 123 North Eighth, occupied bjr. tbe "Waits plumbing company, now occupied by the Waits plumb ing shop, by cementing the front end north side of the building, to plaster the building inside and make other Improvements to cost approri- ' niatnly $2000. , COURT i "fc Mnllory vs. Bettle Kuiney and A. J. Rome? j- Judgment in favor of the plain tilt in the case of P. E. HaHorjr vs. Bitty: and , A. J. Ramey-. wag! en tered1 in: the circuit court yesterday following a decree Issued by Judge Ai- U. liea.vitt. Plaintiff was grant ed Judgment for $525 which was the aggregate gum of three pnqmissoy notes, Interest of .8 iper cent on the amount from Novemiber 19, 1920, $100 attorneys fees, and costs and disbursements. In addition, the de cree adjudged that' the PlJjpjjart mentioned in the ciivplaint as se curity be sold to sa&fjf the costs of the sale, the cost of the suit, and Judgment for the pfoiitjff. 3, A. McDonald vs. Q 0. & R R, -Demurrers to complaints of four labor lien foreclosure suits; where' y. A. McDonald was thai plaintiff and the Oregon California!. & .Baatorn I OBITUARY 4 O. P. EIPUEE. O. F. Eupree, . 6,3', formerly' o Malln, died at, one o'clock yeaterdaj aiornlng at the county infirmary following a brief illness. No rela tives have been located. Funeral services were held yeBterday after noon from Wbltlodk's chapel, and Inteifment took place in. Llnkvjllle cemetery. Eupree wag; born In Minne sota. ...... Instantly Opens-, Every Air Passage Clean Throat, TOO ,.: . :: If your nostrils are clogged and your head stuffed because of nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure antlseptto cream into your nostrils It penetrates through, every air pas sage, soothing and hpaHog swollen, Inflamed membranes; and you get Instant relief. Try this. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any, drug store. Your clogged nostrils open right up; yftur head is clear; so, more hawk ing or snuffling. Count, fifty. All tht stuffiness, drynsss, struggling for brssth Is tons. You, fesl fins, dr. - - : CREAM CLEARS A STUFFED UP HEAD Railroad was the defendant, which wera filed bv the defendant, were overrulod by Judge A. L. Leavltt, and the defendant was given 15 days to answer the com)tatnts, John B. McCulloy et ux to Luther R. Holbrook W. D. 80s I. R. S. Lots 14, block 48 HJUsWe ld.; lot 5 blk 42 Hot Springs. Luther It. Holbrook ot ux to 1st National bank 60c I. R. S. W. D. sntne description. Goo. M. StrowbrJdge et ux to Hat tie B. Pcrham 60c L R. S. V. D. lot 6 block; 1, Chlloquln. J, I. Johnstona to lint tie B. Per- ham $1. I. R. S. $600 cousid, V. D. lot 5 block 1, Chlloquln. K. D. Co. to John Norbcrg, W. IX ecus. $10, lots s and 3, block 109, Buona Vista.. Elvlu M. Loomer et ux to Frank C, High D. cons. $10 WHSWfi, soc. 9; NEttSEU, SEWNE4. see. 8., twp. 41 R. 7. J. D. Grimes et ux to U. S. Na tional bank of Portland y. D. cons. $10. N',4N,WUy. NW SHNWMSWU sec. 1 twp. 36 R. 1. J. D. Grimes et x tot V- S. Na- tlonal hank of Portland W. D. cons. $10 SHSBHNE'4. NEU SEH, NSE4SEH sec. 1, twp- 36, ,R. 1H. J. D. Grimes et ux- to h S. Na tional bank ot Portrsud V D. ona, $10. Lots 2, ?. 4. 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12. sec. 1,9. twp. 35 ft 7. L. H. Bellman- to Goo. L. Bow man, W. D. $1. I. R. 3. Lots IS. 20, block 3, Klamath Add. John Koonrts et us to Jesse Johnson, W. D. $6900. 3M3E4 ex cept 1 nc. in SE corner, sec. 1 , twp.. 40- R. 9, t. L. Sparrotoru to A. E. An derson et al W. D. $5.50 I.R, S. Lots i and S (NWWNWV1. sec, $4, two. 36. R. 12. Katie P. Remington et ux to Glen ' W. Reininton, W. D. cons. $10. First add. V. S. A. to Florence Dufailt pat. SttNE, sec. 34; NWKSWK SWWNWli, sec. 35, twp. 36 R.9. Louis Gerber et al to U. S. A. D. $2000. SBNEK, E.HSE, SWliSEVi, sec 31, twp. 3S R, 14. Vester E. Figg et tr to R. A. Fogle, W. D. $1, . R. a Lot 2 block 60, Malta. F. M. Garlch et ux to John S. Dawson Trustee W. D. $1.60. Chri stian Science Society. I. R. S. 52.12 ft. oft easterlj alda ot lot l blk. 51. Nichols add. excepting 50 ft. off the TTly end ot said lot. - Evan R. Reames et ux to Louis Gerber O, ft B. SWNW, sec. 5, twp. 39, R. 14. U. S. A. to J. Grimes, patent NNW4SW4, NSHNWMSW . sec. 1, twp. 36, R. 7. V. S. A. to Gritner, SSEttNEK. NE54SE14, N8B14BE14, sec. 1, twp. 36, R. 7. U. S. A. to J. D. Grimes, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, .9. 11 and 12, sec. 19, twp. 35, R. 7. : -IS -- . By using the felt ot an old hat washers may be made ' for packing tha. stuffing, boxes- of- tbe water pu.mn. These, eyre. made. more, ef fective If the felt has. been boiled in a mixture of- tallow and plum bago. Carburetor troubles due to leaks and too. rich, a mixture are more. tft bj ctmd, bjr- w.'ea? fa tj$ natural parts comprising the tuel system. LEGAL NOTICES XOTIOE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY- FOB BEimQUENT IM PRPVEJ1E.T ASSESSMENT. . , By virtue of a Warrant Issued by the Police Judge of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, dated the 7th day ot February, A. D. 1924, and to me directed,' nojlce Is hereby given that I have levied upon the following described' teal property, to-wit: Lot 10, Block 203, Mills Second Addition: to the City of Klamath Falls; Oregon. (Assessed as the property- of the Klamath Korporatlon, noitf property of J. P. Carey), taken and levied upon as the property of J. P. Carey, in satisfaction of a cer tain Pavins lien created unit dock eted- by the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate share of the cost of improving Sixth. Street trom Kininck avenue, to the City limits, which said lien is docketed in Volume 2 of the City Lien Docket of said City at page 103 thereof on the date of November 26, 19,13-, A. D., In the sum of $130.39. Notice is also hereby given that the undersigned will, on the 22d day ot March, " A. D. 1924, at the hour ot 10, oltctook A. M. of said day. at the front door ot the City Hall In said City, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the aforementioned and described real property or so. much thereof as. may be necessary. to satisfy tbe above, lien In tho sum ot $180.39, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 26th day of Novem ber; 1913, A. D.. and together with tbe costs and disbursements of sale hereunder. . GEO. L. HUMPHREY, Chief of Police of the Cltv of- Klamath Palls, Oregon. 19-26-4-11-18. I NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP- 5JBTY FOR DELINQUENT IM- i'llUVJiifllEJVT, -t- By virtue of a Warrant by the Police Judge of thn Citv of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated the 7th day of seruarr, a, b 1VU4, cvaa to m ai LEGAL NOTICES rected, notice Is heroby given that t have levied upon . the followlng-do- scrfDed real property, to-wit: Lot 9, Block 208, Mills Second Addition to the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. (Including intersec tion). Assessed as the property ot the Klamath lvorporation, now v. C. Adams, taken and levied upon as the property ot W. C. - Adams, in satisfaction of a certain paving Hen created and docketed by the City of Kinnuvtu tans, uregon, lor a pro portionate share ot the cost ot Im proving sixth Street, tnom Klnlock Avenue, to the City limits', iwhlch eald Hen ts docketed In Volume ot the City Lien Docket of said City at page-103 thereof on the date ot No vember 26, 1913, A. D., In the sum of $431.85. Notice Is also hereby gives tbat the undersigned will, on the 32d dav ot Muroh, A. D. 1924, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said dny. at the front door of the City Hall In said City, sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash in hand, the aforementioned and de scribed real property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the above lien In the sum ot $431.85, together with Interest thereon at the rate OI 6 per cent per annum from the 26th day ot N'ovoni bo. 1913, A. and together with the costs and disbursements ot sale hereunder. GEO-. L. HUMPHRE-V, iChlet ot Police of the City of Klamath falls, Oregon,. 19-26-4-11-18. XOTICH OF SALK OF RKAL PROP ERTY FOR. DEHSQl'KJiT LM PROVTOtEVP ASSESSMENT. By virtue, ot a 'Warrant issued by the Police Judge ot the. pity ot Klam ath Fallal Oregon; dated the 7th, day of February, A. D. 1924, and to me directed, notice is hereby given that I have, levied uoon the following- described reaj. property, tOrwtU Lot 9, N, Ulock Ua, Mills econa Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. .(Asseased as . the property, of Klamath KorporaUon; present owner, Chandler MeCaulpyV (Includes intersection), taken and levied upon as the property of Chand ler MeCamey, in. satisfaction, ol s cer tain. Paving lien created and dock eted by the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for. a proportionate shore ot the cost, ot, improving Sixth street, from Kinlock " avenue, to the City limits, which said Hen is docketed in Volume 2- ot the City Lien Docket Ot said City at page 103 thereof on the "date of November 2 6, 1913, A. D., in the sum of $259.70. Notice is also herebv given that the under signed will, on the 22d day ot March, A- D. 1924, at tba hour oi iu o clock A. Mi. ot said day, at the front door of the City Hall In said City, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the aforementioned and 1 described real property,, or so much thereof as may be. necessary to satisfy the." above lien "In the sum of $259.70, together iwith interest thereon at th rate of 6 per cent per annum from tfie 26th, day of Novem ber, 1913, 'A, D., and together with Vne costs and disbursements of sale haoeundex- 1 GEO. li HUMPHREY, - Chief ot Polios of the City o Klamath Falls, Oregon. 19-26-4-11-18. OnOE OF SALE OF REAL PROP. k ERTY FOB DELINQCK.NH OI- FKOVEUEXT ASSESSMENT. ! : . By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Police Judge of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, dated the 7th day of February, A. D. 1924, and to me directed, notice is hereby given that I have levied upon thi following described real property, to-wit: : ' Lot 7, Block 203, Mills Second au dition to the City of .Klamath. Falls, Oregon. (Assessed as the property of- Klamath Korporatlon, present owner, S. J. Hawthorne)", taken and levied upon as the property of S. J. Hawthorne, in satisfaction ot a cer tain paving Hen created and dock eted by the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a proportionate share of the' cost pf Improving Sixth Street from Klntook avenue to city limits, which said lien Is docketed in Vol ume, 'ot the Oity Lien Docket oi said City at page 103 thereof on the date of November 26, 1913 A. L., in the sum of $65.79. Notice is also hereby given that the undersigned will, on the 22d day of March, A. D. 1924, at the hour 'of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door ot the Oity Hall in said city, sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash In hand, the aforementioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tbe above Hen in the sum of $66.79, together with Interest there on at the rate of 6 per cent per an num from the 26th day of November, 1913, A. D., and together with tbe costs and disbursements of sale here under. GEO L. HUMPHTMJY, Chief of Police of the City ol Klamath Falls, Oregon. 19-26-4-11-18. ( NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP KllTY FOB DELINQUENT IM. PKOVEMliNT ASSB8SMNT. By ylrtjua. ot a Warrant issued by the Police Judge ot the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, dated the 7th day of February, A. D, 1924, and to me directed, notice is, hereby given that i: have levied upon the following descclbed real property, to-wit: hot 3 .Block 203, Mills, Secona Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. (Assessed as, the prop erty of the Klamath Korpomtlou, present owner, ' James L. Yokum), taken and levied upon as the prop erty of James L. Yokum. In satis faction ot a certain paving lien cre ated and docketed by the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a pro portionate share of the cost ot im proving Sixth Street from Klnlock avenue to City limits, which said Hen Is docketed in Volume, 2" of the City Lien- Docket ot said, city at page 103. thereof on the date. of. November 26, 1913," A. JX," In the sum of $4.48.' Notice Is. also hereby, given, that the undepslgned will, on. the 2 2d day. of March, A. D. 1924, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at Vh front door of the City Hall In said City, sell at publlo auction to tne highest bidder tor cash In hand, the aforementioned and described real property, or to muoh thsraoi M nay LEGAL NOTICES be necessary to satisfy tho above Hon in the sum ot $4.48, together wllh Interest thereon at tho rate of 6 per cent pen annum from the 26th day ot Novemiber, 1913, A. 1., and to gether with the oosts and dlxuurto ments ot sale hereunder. OHO. L. Hl'MPljrniOi. Chief ot. Police ot tho City t Klnmuth Falls, Oregon, 19-26-4-11-18. 19.36-4,11,18, : NOTION OK SALK OF 1UC.11 1'ItOP. RRTY FOR DKL1NQI KNT 1.U pnoVKJlEXT ASSKSSMUNT. By virtue ot a Witrront Iwund by the Police Judge ot the City ot Klam ath Falls, Oregon, datvd the 7th day ot February, A. D. 1924,, nud to me directed, notice la hort-by glvon that i nave levied upon tho roitowing deecrlbed real i property, to-wit: The westerly half of Lot 6, Block 1, Original Town, the nnm bring 24 fot wide and lying nnrnllel to Cou- ger avenue for a dlstnnoa of 12u feet and 48 feet therefrom, taken and levied upon as the Drouortv of Allen Sloan, lu satisfaction ot a curtain paving lien created and docketed by tne uttv ot iviamath Falls. Oregon. top a proportionate share of the cost ot improving Conger Avenue, w-hlch said Hen is docketed iu Volume 3 ot the City Lien Docket or said City at page 112 thereof on the ditto ot August 2d, A. D. 192t). in the sum ot $32.20. Notice is also ltnrciby given that the underalgnvd will.' on the 23d day ot March, A. D. 1924, at the hour ot 10 o'clock A.'ii. of said day, at tbe front door of the City Hall In said Oity, sell at nub ile auction to the hlghi-st bid dor for cosh 111 hand, the afore mentioned and described real prop erty, or so much thereof as may. be accessary to satisfy tlHi above Hug In the sunt at $3240, together .with Interest thereon at the nun or 6 per cent per annum ftoni the 2d duy of August. A. D. 1920. and together With the eosts and disbursements of sale hereunder. GEO. L. HUMPHREY. Chief of Police of the City ' Klamath Falls, 'Oregon. 19,26-4,11,18. NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROl -ERTY FOR DELINQUENT IM PROVEMENT ASSESSMENT. , By virtue of a Warrant Issued by the Police Judge, of the City- of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, dated tbe 11th day ot February, A. D. 1924, and to me directed, notice Is hereby given Hint I have levied upon th folloining d escribed real property, to-wit: Lots 6 and 7, Block 7, Lakestdo Addition, 180 feet, taken and levied upon as the property of L. G. Bald win, in satisfaction of a certain Im provement Hen created and dockoted by the City of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, for a proportionate share of tho cost ot Improving Lawls. Street side walk. Which said lien Is docketed In Volume 8 ot the City Lien Docket of said Oity at page 148 thereof on the date of March 10, A. D. 1920. In the sum of $71.49. Notice Is also hereby- given that the' undersigned will, on the 2 2d day of March, A. D, 1924, at the honr of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the City Hall in said City, sell at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the aforementioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may, be necessary to satisfy the above lien In the sum of $71.49. together with interest there on at the rate of 6 per cent par an num from the 10th day of March, A. D, 1920, and together with the costs and disbursements of sale here under. ' " " GEO. L. HUMPH JUDY, Chief of Police of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. ' 19-26-4-11-18.. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAIi PROP-. ERTY FOR DELINQUENT IM PROVEMENT ASSESSMENT. By virtue of a Warrant Issued by the Police Judge of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, dated the 7th day of February, A. D. 1924, and to me directed, notice is hereby- given that I have levied upon tbe following described real property, to-wit: Lots 3 and 4, block 17, Ewauna Heights Addition to tbe City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, abutting 104.8 feet on Lincoln Street (and assessed as the property of BUng, Marpe, present owner, George H. Haydan),, taken and levied upon as the prop-' erty of George E. Havden, in satis faction ot a certain Paving Hen cre ated and docketed 1y the Oity ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a pro portionate share of the cost of im proving Third street, which said Hen Is docketed In Volume 2 of the City Lien Docket ot said City at page 147 thereof on the date of Decenvber 24, 1914, A. D., In the sum, of $42.24. Notice Is also hereby given that the undersigned will, on tbe 22d day of March, A. D. 1924, at the hour of 10. o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door ot the City Hail in said City, sell at public auction to the highest' bidder for cash in hand, the aforementioned and described real property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tie abovo Hen in the turn of $42.24, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6 par cent per annum from the 24th day- of December, 1914, A. D., and together with the costs and disburse ments of sale hereunder. GEO. L. HUMPHREY, Chief of Police of ths City o' Klamath Falls, Oregon, 19-26-4-11-18. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY FOR DELINQUENT IM PROVEMENT ASSESSMENT. By virtue of a Warrant Issued by the Polite Judge of the City of Klam ath Frills, Oregon, : dated the lltb day of February, A. D. 1924, and to me directed, notice Is hereby given tha I have levied upon the following-described real property, to-wit: ! ILoU 10 and 11, Block 7, Lakeside Addition, 120 feet, tnlken and levied upon as the property of Normfcn C. Hult, In satisfaction ot a certain Im provement Hen created and docketed by the City of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, for a proportionate shame of tho cost of Improving Lewis Street side walk, -which said Hen is docketed In Vninma s it ih- fiitv f.lan Docket of said Oity at page 18 thereof on tht CStS OI MKTStt IV, Ai Vi MV LEGAL NOTICES In the sum ot $47.06. Notice Is also heroby glvon that ths uudurslguod will, ou the 23d day ot Minrrh, A. 1. 1924; at the hour ot 10 o'olock A. M. of said day, at ths trout door of the City Hull In sum City, sail at publta auction to the highest bidder for cush In hand, tho storumoutloued and uVwcrlbod vital property, or so much thereof as may be nncussivny to sututy the above lieu In tho sum ot $47.66, together with Interest thereon at tho rata of 6 par cent pur aujtuin trout the 10th day ot March, A. V), 1990. and tngnthnr with thn coats and disbursements of sale hereunder. G-KO. U HUMPURKY, Chief of Police ot tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. 19-28-4-11-18. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PIUM--KHTY FOR DELINQUENT IM PROVEMENT ASSESSMENT. By virtue of a Warrant Issued o ths Police Judge. of the City ot Klam ath Falls, Oregon, dated the Ulh day of February, A. 1. 1924., and to me directed, notion Is hereby given that I have levied upon the follow-Ing-dRtKTibed real property, to-iWit: iNorth half ot Lot 3. all ot Lot 4, Business fOPAK iLeaYeYoar Filttvs v 'Retard 9 fi'docK-Your AM- hditrcs are WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE 6UY Trlttf ORUG3 TRAPPERS 1 Want ALL of .the RAW FURS you have. The market looks good now m it will be this season, on Beaver, Mink, Marten, Coyotes, Cats, Fisher and Badger. , Thanks for a chance at you.- Furs Marvin Phone No. 738 Kodak Finishing FUms, rocived before 9 A. M. Ready the same day at S P. M. Mail Orders rtlle nniUt STAR DRUG CO. nih oiid Mmiu Hut. WHITE PELICAN IRON WORKS INC I'ractlcnl Duller Makers and Iron Workers Heavy, iUioct Iron Work Tanks, Ilroechings and Stacks, 8tol , Conveyors, Air Cooled arid Brick lined Ilurners ' W,e specialize on Repairing; Boilers of all kinds ttyrtug Street aosr. Oak Ave. Klsmatb Fails, Or. rooNK 7oe LKT MB DO XOVXk PAINTING.. use. Mason's oaJUit. First class work ' , W. H. NASON Arcade. Hotel LET "TEX" DO IT UnholsWring Mattress iiiakiijt t- Oeneral Furniture , Itepnirlng Fnrnitnro packed and crated Varnish, log sad enameling 4, S. WILLBURN 1(70 tfain, St. Phone 440 ' All, work guaranteed Look fos, th Talli-tt Barber Pole In tli World SW ANSON'S BARBER , SHOP Ladtm Itlilr Bobbing OpecUlty gilft Main Hrxnat LEGAL NOTICES Block 12, Original Towu, (Assossnd as property of R, M. Homllug, now property ot Kdnu II, Kellogg), tivkeu nc) lelvod upon the prupsrtv hi Edits H. Kellogg, In sittlaiuotlon of a certain paving Hon orontml nud docketed by the Oity of lClumsth Falls, Oregon, tor a proportionate sharo ot the oont ot Improving 81st I'ltvlng Unit, which sukl Hon la dock eted In Volume 3 of tho Ohx Lion Docket ot snld City at pagn 124 thereof on tho date ot August 2, A. D. 1920, In ths sum ot $9117.55. Notice Is also heroby given that ths undersigned will, on tho $2 day ot Mnroh, A. D. 11)24, at tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., of mild tiny nt tho front door of ths City Hull In said City, sell at public auction to the hlghost bidder top cash In hand, the aforementioned and tliwcrlbeil real property, or so mwli thoreof as mar be nvooasary- to satisfy thn above Hun In tho sum ot $907.55, together with Interest thereon at till) rat of 6 per rent per annum from the 2d day ot August, A. D. 1920, and tOgothsR with the oosts sad, dU-. bursom.onts of aula uoroiindor. GEO. L. HUMPHllliV, Chief of Police ot the City nf Klamath Fulls, Oregon. 111-26-4-11-18. Directory WORK readr ar o p. Cross 124 South Fourth St, KLAMATH rIJ. ORKOOM W. H. A. Rentier, Frank h. Mara Lawyer Phone 117 Offlcos American Nullonul Bank Bldg. HHOW CABIN) . Icsvs orders)' al HOCTHWULLS STATIOJJEKF. HTOIt Phonsy 4MMI I hereby announco my can dldncy for sheriff' on thu Re piibllran ticket subject to the wish of tho voters of Khun ath county at ths primaries, May 10, 1024. . 3, H. TOLLMAN- r ; New Oriental BaAi(y ShflP Mnrcell Waving 1.0O and Sham poo I ntt Slough nidg Bulls IV No. a Bid Uslf) Bt Mako appolutments. I"linia. OIH m w NEW CITY LAUNDRY liiiUlu-U Wurk l Work "I'm VtitM' I'u'hi I" Our Hilils Hough Dry I'l.ouo Ml for. Mnlil Comi'V" frDR. ti J. WINTERS Hi minim iiml HWio IttulAtvtw'. OPTICIAN Miji'iivii Win here IU Hus""' ('roinpt Hervhe I , , TI4 Main HtrtHit DR J. CGOBLE Vu-iMiMK'ru.iH'r; oitkian Till) .VttlM Ht- W'W wv'fli ntl ii'lil l'vi lhiuH. i-niii lu-iikcu li-iiNVH. rttlHilr frsiiu , ' . ... i . "ii ji i i mi i ir NU BONE CORSETS ' Miulu to Viutr Uvssuro (UutntiUi'cd ' Mrs. Rose Randall IU5t .li ftirwin HI. I'lioue 87T-W DR. F, R. GODDARO ( OMIW-VVmtl I'llVWCIAN i AM) HUIIOICUN llfflre nnd Ilc(deMCO IMiono Bill I. O. O, K, TliMI'LK W. I', MVUIM lrjrnr ' Hulle Looiula lllilsj. Wiom, Ulllro a n. iofl-M J, C CLECHORN CIVIL K.N'dlNKUH AND NVKVEVOB I'l.imu Ilia-J Mil ft. nivrrside CHIROPRACTORS I1W. MALLKTT M.l LLI.TT Offlfo over Underwood's 7th A Mnln I'honr 4t4l - Itinlili nco I'lionu 00T . W. L & J. E. Patterson Cortracting Painter 630 S. 6th Phone ' Furniture Repaired audi ri-MHHKD IHtO.WN'S PAINT STORE 1020 Main fiitrcct ' I'ltone lit Calk for Muck J. H. DRISCOLL Up stairs in the Hart Bldg ALL KINDS OF INSUR ANCE CONCRETE Purauuient as ths PfrassMW Concrete Pipe l ' Sewer. Pips Wats ripe Culvert Pipe tjrrlgattpa Pin " Concrete Briclf ' Faos Brick Common Bllck ., , ' FIoov- m Maatol Brisk, Concrete Blocks " Cbhnney Blocks Hull ding Blocks Foundation Blocks Concrete Contracting Bldewalks and Carta Foundations floor. , Concrete Materials Cement. Horaened Band Gravel CONCRETE PIPE CO. - Phone IWB-W 0th and Market Bt. V , .. J