Tll.HllW, I l.lllll .V It V iifl, 1IIU I THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE fc2 III Willi Xoiiiiiluln Vera llotiiiloii of ill" county t lurk's iifflri' wiu iimiMo' to ciiiiic in work yesterday nm! today line III n nl'KllI attack of ihmiiiiIkIii, FlH'llll'M I ruin llmiiiw. Tint vUlloi' of K Initial Ii l''nll yiw liT'lny Klin win f 1 1 1 1 1 1 r I fnilM lliiinc WUH Jl. .1. .ll'IIKI'll or Vllllll. II Hlllllll town or Hi" n (jv I in i ur Allu rln. t'unildll. Ho Ih Iiiit In spi'lld Kevin ill diiyx looking iiV"r I In' Kliillililli rum.. Iry iiiul In I rniiait linlin"i. ('oIoiiImiiIiiii .Mini llfii' - II. 1. llnlailti, mm or I he IhhIiin or I Im rnlniilziil Inn project new Mnc- ilncl, urrlvi'il IimI iiIkIii In KIiiiiiiiHi Kails to IninwK'i Ini-.lii"-" in i nn' I nHlon wiilli ih n iimji l. Iliililn In j ii mullein nf I'oriliinii, I - - . . Iliw l''rin .titpKrovit- Mrs. K. W, ('minor, a rlilciii of Apglovo, In town imliiy in in tend to nottiii shopping ii ml vIkIi friends. Ilnro I'rom Mnralifli'M Dr. K, V. Iionnhtio, ii well known dentin of Murnlillilil, Or"., nrrlvoil In town Iu4t ii In lu with his wlfo ' ii nil family to upend several days In tho Klniunih roniiiry. II" Iiiid been spending iininn (lino with his frlonit Dr. H. f). Wlsccnrvor, lonil dentist, who wnii n classmate lit dental collogn. I'p From liiniiiiilf J. (I. Fitciiboii, reminded wlili lliu Southern Pacific railroad com-nan)-, wan In town toilay from Ihn headquarters of tlin StiiiHln dlvl-l Inn at Diinniiiulr, ( .! Itetiiiiu. From Vlxll Mm. Amelia . Wlilllock, mother Mr, Aiimlln Whltlock returned Friday evening In Klnmnlli Falls' after spending Uireo month In Portland, I.ebanoii. mill Sllvorion, visiting friend nnd relative. , Hitp Vmm Illy Mr.' iiiul Mi. Walter Cumpboll of Illy are In town for several d.y to transact business nnd nttond to shopping. ' flinivm From 1IIihmi Halo Koulo baa . rnHtinn'it hlx ntudliiH at tho Klamath rounly hlijh achool after nn iilmoncn of twn Wonka during which tlmo ho wan Buffering with pnoumontn. Itelnrii" to Melfnril I MUa KlHlo OIhIii frnin Mudtord returned homo today after "pond ing tho wook-vnd with Mini Mad Re raltcraon. MIm OUIn la aocrot'ary (a Tortor X. Xrtt. Mndrord nltor nny. Fiiim Tenimnl , , i Mr. .and .Mr. .Will Murphy, Mr. nnd MrX Frnnk Jonoa nnd rnmlly. Mian Kiitl. .' Fri'il lloylo nit or Toti nnnt, . Calif., wuro tho glioma Sun diiy nrtortioon nnd owning nt tho homo of Mr. and Mra, Andrew on Orrgnn nvonuo. rmmm ii-W'i.Wi ...; $157.50 Outfit PAY $15.00 ... ... - ' As a first payment on this new style 'Vic- trola and twenty selections (ten double). Powerful Motor, Clear, full and distinct Tone. We ask you to hear it at our store. Afterward pay $0 Monthly. - EARL SHEPHERD CO, Klamaths Exclusive Music House 507 Main Street I til) h Joliimoii Ilium ' I ,(Hil Mueller, iiinnci icil with I he K In milt )i l.iinilier mill Hon oiiintiny, him puri'hniied Ihe losl ileum or M. I.. Johnson loi'iiloil on Tlilril hlreel. TiihPn Vi'iv I'onliliin .1. Ii. Alexander, formerly u Hie mini on Hi'' lociil ili'imrlinent, him r- illtln il In Hike II iiohIHoii Willi Ihe HlHIirnlH'o II Mil of HohlllHOII II II '1 llll lelMinllll. l.l'Hler 1 1 !') ii wim -li'i'leil ,i (HI I 111, place llll I III) ll'l- lutrl ini'iil lefl vacant liy Aloiaii- leH leHlKIIIlllllll. AleXlllllll'r llll" lii ru on llin fur 'f ii ( Ihn mldille of Hi'l'i fMi1ifr. lam year, Itrllllll IViilll ClilHllll Aliei ii ili'llf.liifiil mid iiuiru the ylnlt or four iliiyn t CorviiltiH, ni ii iiiIIiik Ih" I'dtii'iillniiiil expodltlon In lil hy C)r'Kn AKrlrultural col- l'';e, tHIl lUrlOlllll Of ll"eljlltll lO Hie cinifereiiie n nm Hie Klnmnlli oiniiiiy IiIkIi miliool' "ri'liirni'd Hun day iiIkIii., In oiin parly worn Itnlpli Turner. Arthur .Moort', mull floror. llerinidn I'orer. nnd Y. It llehllell, il llicl.:il of Hill IllKll hiIiooI. Iii llur oin"i wro llnriy I'l'lln, Kvclyn ' O'Klahorly, Alutbu Slmmoiiii. rhtiperoni'd by A'r. and Jlrn, II. K. Pllx. Tho conrt-ron'Mi, I)"nii',lt mild, wan or groat bono fil lo nil that wiro premint. Olf fori'iil ilitpurlnienlH of tho tolleno worn fi'nttircd, narh dopartmont hitvliiK nn exhibit. Vnrloun confor onci wiTe attended ty tho local ileleKnlen at whhh . educational u (I v I en wim xlven by niuiubom of the O. A.' C. faculty. Numoroua to cinl funrtlonn Includlnx a , ban-ijii,-t worn given tor' tho dologatos. The return trip In Klnmnth Fall wim miiile without mlnhnp boyond a short itratch of bad road on tho Groan Bprlnm roud on tho Hoyden Crock hill. t.i-nvm for I'orllnnil (', (.'. Kelley, dlvUlon engineer ot Ihn Ham hlgliniiy ileimrtnient. left UiU inornlng for Portland to aitond a mneilnit of llio mali hlgltiiiay rom mlnaloit which will ho hold In Port; lend n tho Multnomah county court In.iini Wodni'iidny, February 2T, at which limn Will will hn opened for htithwny conHtrucilon projirt HiinuKhoul the state. HUM tor " ernl JoIik III Khnnoth 'ounly will bo considered. Including tho portion of the Klamath Fall il.akevlew high way from Dairy to Uopnnca. Kelloy tvill rein in to Klnmnlli KiIIh tho Inner pull of next week. Ilm k From Port land i W. P. Myers, locnl atiomey, re turned Saturday evening from Port laud afier Hpenilliig aevernl weeka trylui! il im in Iho t'niled Klnt-H dlsii'lci i ii'rl. Mi; Ih feeling In 1 1 . -1 1 1 1 1 I humor ua a vordlt4 wna ra tunieii In favor of hla client. Ilmk From IIiinIiickh Trip After n villi of Ht'Vernl ilaya In I'lirtlaiid nn local liiialnnia, Frnnk I.. Mnr-i. lorul nttorncy, hna return ' il in i.'iume hla law practice he.. ititava-Btw Iv,.'. 'l''.tii'.fc-JJ ti,.l'.i' J3 1 ia.l . "WBBWISFSllKitWKr? IT - T0 J II & fa Irr Fiiterlnliiii f lull li iulei - Mra. ThoniiMt KelKei of Mnllil wna hontew nt an i il form u I parly itlveii hmt owning nt her lioino In .MiiICo ror Mlaa Ilelun f'owglll, wnln leadef of Klrlu' olulia. TIioko pronoiPt In cltldod Mlim Cowglll, MJn i;ilAihelh lltirr, glrlw' ditli lender for Juckaon :oimly; Frnnk Kexion, club leader for Kluinnih county, nnd thn teach er of public H'IiikiIk of. .Mirrlll, Miilln uml other hcIiooIh In the vicin ity or Mnlln. Slim ('owglll 1 In Klnmnlli county IhU week to vlnlt ull tho glrla' cliiliH nidi to aid thein In KelUiiK Htnrtcil out right, on ihnlr lOZI progrum. Hero On Vlxll Ml iniwilieth llurr, loader or glrU' elnln in Jncktmii rounly, ur rived In Khinmtli Fallii, Kiinduy lllclll lo upend m-veral ll.'iyK III tho county iimpcctiiiK Ihn work of th" Klrlu' 1I11I1 unit to liiveailguto liow Hn cotiniy null, actioul ayatoin la working out. Kh-i uirompanJcd Mia Helen ('owglll. Ktafu loader for glrm. In From IIOIUHI7JI Clarnlien- Provmt, reaident of Ilonanta, waa In town yoatorday In buy Huppllea and visit frlcnda. On W'ny North 0. A. Curler of Lo An Holes, connected with onn of tho con tracting compunli'M to whom woro aiflilot portlontt of tho conalruc tlnn work on iho Klamath Lake routo north of Kiirk,' atopped In town lnat night und loft oarly th! morning for Kirk. Itelurn From Ciiliromiiv Mr. ami Mra. A. J. Suntamou have Juat returned from a three months' trip throughout California. During their trip the vUltod at the homo of their daughter, Mra. Lealle Plymule -who resides ' In Whlttler. Arrive From Modooto Mr. and Mrs. George Meserve of La Grande, Ore., have Just arrived from Modesto, California, to spend a few days In Klamath Falls vi siting with Mra. Meaervo's two sisters Mr. W. H. McPberren and Mrs. William Choyno, and bor two brothers John Schubert and Carl Schubert, KdJior Improving F. R. Soulo. editor ot The Herald, vlaltod his office today for tho first timo since ho was taken ill oTCr two weeks ago. While still In a weak ened condition as a result of high fever, be is able to take shorn walks, and hli rapid recovery la now certain. Return to Renulo ' . Mrs. D. J. Whitman and two small daughtors, Banbara and Virginia, left on tbe train yesterday tor Seattlo after a six months' stay with her husband's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs'. Harry C. Whitman. D. J. Whit man will Join his wife in Seattle In about a month. j- FISHING SEASON TO OPEN MAY 15 Flailing aeiwon lu Klnmath counly will open Apl IK this year Instead of Slay 13, Vm. Mc.N'oaly told inen hiim of thn Klnmnlh Kportamen'a 111 aoduilon at n hhIuI meetiiig in ihn ehutrfbflr of coininercn lnat night. Tho meeting wna called to hear a report from Me.N'en4y, who rwnily ntenued tho meeting at Portland or the Kiale Kportomen' aanoriation, on game iUeBtlons pertnlnlni; to Klnmnlli county.- Irf tho aupromo court at tho pres ent time, I hero la a case pending which, when It la decided, will nw termliio whotlier or' not tho atute gumo coinnrlsaton has tho poiwnr to vhango tho opening or dotting date: of riahlng or doer Kason over the head of a law enacted n the state legislature. If tho game commlsajon ig found to bo exceeding Its authority, the penlng of tlio Klamath fishing sea non win automatically revert to April l.'i ok the game commission changed tho opening dato from April 10 to May IS at the request of the local Hporiamen. On thn other hand, if tho gam' corninlsVon la upheld, the opcnln? date will bo changed to Ap:4I IS, ac cording to unofficial Information re ceived by McNealy from the atate gamo commission In Portland last week. According to Marlon Barnes, wlK attended tho niccUng of tho atate gamo wardens In Portland last week, tho recommendation of a 40-day deer season did not meet with favor. Most of tho wardens were In favor of a 80-day aeaaon. The reclaiming of breedln? DANCE to the Hi Life Orchestra in BONANZA Saturday, March. 1st Dr. Mallett announces he will be back in Klamath Falls and in his office to receive patients Wednesday a.m. February 27th, 1924. Dr. Geo. E. Mallett We have a nice new line of Diamonds, Watches & Jewelry Earrings of the latest styles. Barrettes for the Bobbed Hair New line of Ingersol Pencils. 'A boolc free with each pencil Our stock is complete and ready for big business Watches repaired same as they do at factory and guaranteed for one year . We have installed an electric welding machine. We ' solder anything while you wait We have been in business here over twenty years, and expect , to be here another twenty years grounds on Tule like wits dlactised. Tho local nocliitlini advocates the diking off of all agricultural land and llien leiHiiK In wnl-r to the re mainder of the lake botioui. A re port was mad on an Investigation concerning Hie nuuibur of birds that iniule the lake th-tlr breetl'ng groundn. Tho report slicked that -10,000 birds breed Ihoro each year. An Important aiibjix.'t dleusrfol at Portland was Hie addition to Crater Lako national park or n bear refuge 20 miles wide I'nclp ling tho park. Tho suggestion was rnvored by the Hpnrtsnie:i's uasoilai'iiii. It wna held that tho bear lu Crater l-.ik-t national park became very tame and that when they leave Jho conflnea of tho park they are allot down with ease. It waa felt thai the e.dd-'d refuge for the boar would be Hie extent of hla natural range. OlKcusihon of fixhways on the Call fornla-Orcgon Power company dam at Copco and Link river took up s largo part of tho meeting. John Iioylc, division manager of the com pany, atated that hn would addreac ibe association on this question at he noxt meeting. D.ixzia OPPOSES WAR DEPOT SITE GENEVA, Feb. 26. The free city ot Danzig, wblcb is under con trol of tbe League of Nations, bas protested to the league agi'nat tbe site picked by the Polish govern ment for a war depot. The site I too near the cltv and likely :o en danger llfo In '1-e event of explo sions, declares too p- et. A neutral commission has been nnmtd In an cffv.t to settle Uio d'?IDto. Reutrns Front Portland W. A. WIest, local attorney, has Just returned from Portland and Salem where he haa been tran sacting legal business. HOOT filBSON" At His Best ' in Ol'T OF LUCK "Nut Sod" ACTS OF HIGHCLASS VAUDEVILLE ' aTaT7V rjWil L Wl M l-M .11 . JPi - l.'.f A fim ' '. "'.'v1' Springtime is Here H. J. Winters The Big Jewelry Store HENLEY SCHOOL NOW ACCREDITED When J. A. Churchill, state su perintendent of public Instruction In Oregon, arrived In Klamath Falls, Inst Friday evening, one of tho things he planned on doing was to Inspect Honley school with a view of placing It on tho Hat of standard high schools of tbe state. Saturday afternoon bo motored to Henley school and after inspection placed it on tho accredited ' list Students graduating from the Hon ley high school will now be ad mitted to the universities without being required to take entrance examinations. STRIKE LITTLE FELT I.V IRELAND DUBLIN, Feb. 26. The Eng lish railway strike has had little effect on Ireland. Mail trains are running almost on the usual schedule with only trifling delays and the traffic In livestock has not been Interrupted. The strike may afreet the coal supplies of Belfast if It continues. WE TAKE PRIDE LATEST IN MILLINERY MODES FOR. !. MOTORING. Geo. Mete Says Make your Jewehy Problems my Jew elry Problems. u LET GEORGE DO IT" i fOMPARKM HUSH VKKJCDOM Dublin. Fob. is. Minister , 'ot Education McNeill, ' addresslug 'J a political gathering In this city r cently, declared thut "the people . ot Ireland hnvo now ' control! Of their own destinies a fully aslt people ot Spain, Iho United State or Russia." . . . ' A Different MU , Neat Housowlfo "Ain't you, tbe snmo man I gave a mlnae plo' io laat Christmas?" ,. . Tramp (blttorly) "No mum, I'm not and wots more tbe doctor says I novcr will be." : INTEREHTISG TRIP .v j Tho pioneer spirit Inspired Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers and Mr. and1 Mrs. C. II. Underwood Sunday .and on tbe strength of optimistic In formation dorlved from a trapper, the party started out for tho Lake ot the Wioods early Sunday naornf lug. To attempt such a trip at1 this time of the year has been unheard of In tbe past but tho pfcrry forged OA and arrived at a point six milee'tbljl 1 1 ile of tbe lake befone they Were forced to turn back because j. now. "We proceeded along.',' fairly good roads until we reached" a canyon," Rogers said. "Then We struck four or five inches of snow. It was easy walking on the snow as there was a thfck cruet ' bt when the heavy automobile attempt ed to get through, the crust would not sustain tbe weight and no prog ress could be made," , ..J '. 6 27 MAIM ST., IN SHOWING THE" . . T -'' ,, '; 5:-.'1" ; ' .. V''"T' ' K '''.'::r.r;,i !VVVVVWWryVfVrVrvyvrVsWsWlrrWv