TUKHDAV, I KUKUAIIV Ut, 10UI THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Peg r S 5 QHEGON RANK S SECOND I Onimiiiii'tul wlili Hi" liilnl iiiiiiiiiiiI of- (axon levied In Hi" aiiiln, Oronon Nitike next to dm lowest or uli stales In I ho l!nloii In MKiiK-y in( for imlilln otliirutlon. An IiivomiIioiIIoii oiimliii'h'il hy din ItUMMol HlIKO Klllllllllllloll, ii IiIkIii) ll(l0WIKl tlllMlllllloll "f till' 0111, on Inn iioIiiih, rlvo of which urn iclu catloiml mill five tlimuoiiil, places OioKon In mill pluio, Concerning tlm eiluoiil lniuil com I V luu of Ori'Kiin with nthor slates, K wna. found Hint Oregon iilomt . 01) 0, of nil tlio 4 stiiti. These aintiMiiouta wr kIvoii in Din county III Kin school hoiinl, tho lly school hoard, ami lliu county school Uourd by J. A. "! r-Kt 1 1, mi -pnrlnlnndont of nubile Instruction In Oregon, Hu4iiriluy. Huperltiioiuloiit Cluirriilll win m Klumnth Klln, Friday uml Hiittiriliiy. for the purpose of adriresNliig ihe hlKli whool mill r.uiIh sehooiuinrh ith of I hit roiimy, of lonkliiK Into the standardisation of lionloy hlr.h school uml of conferring with I ho thro snhool hoards of I ho county on in ii I lorn iioruiliiliiK In public- liiitruo llon. Tlio Ii lull school louche. rx worn ml -(Iron. cl ,y Chun hill In Iho morn ing. Ho said (lint nil teachers should hnvo a iiKiniul measuring mlik by which llioy should mennurn thorn- solvos and Iho school (hat tlioy tmnVh In. Kor oxjifnplo, ho oxpliilnoil If Iho proportion of girls nwolvlnt; dogrnns In high hcIimo! fur oxeomKi llio boys, thou something la wrong If tho numbor of thnso who full tn graduate la IiIkIi. (lion llio lonchor know that soiiinwhoro the high achool la not fulfilling It function. 1'riudpitl of rural high achool ahoulil uol glvs spoclnl prlvllogna to thosu puplla who nnlor Into In tho full and louvo orly In iho spring bo win (boy muai work In tho (told That la uotlbor tulr to tho pupil or tun achool, Ohunchlll avrntd. It alao caused tho paronts of tho chll tlroa to encouriigo lbl practice. Tho1 county school board, thu county high !tclintil hoard, tho city aohool board and Churchill worn Iho guosl ot tho domestic sclenco class ot the Klnmttth county high achool for lunch Saturday noon. Tho men) wua aurvod In tho domestic aclonco claaaroom, In tho afternoon tho grado achool' teacher war addrcsso or tho Ideal u loaobnr ahoulil nlwaya kuop bofore bnr, of (ho propnr administration of Krado achoola, uml of tho nocoaatty of Instilling Into the mind of the child firm undoratnndlng ot aomo of ths chnracturlatlca that nindo the nation's heroes what they woro. I,lvi of auch mou aa Lincoln and Washington ahould be atudlod and tho Ideals tlioy atood for emulatod SURPLUS OF WOMEN NOTED AT OXFORD lOXFOlU), 'fob. 2.ri. There la a surplus of t.fiiio inurriugoublo woiuou In thla town, wililoh- luu a totul pop ulation of only 67,000, according to the cenaua roturna. The itatlatUca allow that Oxford la , u city ot youth, loiguro and the pro- "fesalons, thoao throo claaaos making up mora than 37 por cout ot tlio on- tiro male population. Tho . largest group of lnlutbltanta Is that at tho ugo ot 21, uud moro than 011041x111 of the wholo population fulls within tlio ago ot IS and 25. (Jlrl students ut tho unlvoralty total only 521 ngnjlnot a total of males ot 3388. The city has. 210 tuvorn koopers, 88 boat builders, nna iSi porsong, 111011 And women, engaged tn the tailoring trade. USE SULPHUR TO HEAL YOUR SKIN Broken Out Skin And Itch ing Eczama Helped Over For unsightly, akin eruptions, raah or blotches on face, nock, arms or body, you do not have to wait tor rouet from torture or embarrass ment, declares a notod skin upoolnl 1st. Apply a little Montho-Sulphur and Improvement shows next dny, Because' ot Its gorm destroying proportion, nothing has nvar boon found to tnko tho place ot this stii phur preparation. The moment you apply It healing begins. Only those who have had unsightly skin troubles oan know the delight this Montho-Sulphur brings. Even fiery, ltohlng ecsema Is dried right up. (let a small jar ot Rowles MonthO' Sulphur, from a good druggist and us It like oolo. oraam. AO.V, INK NOT OF GRAFT WARN PARENTS URGED TO TAKE INTEREST IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES HI'IOYKK, Ifciviu-llin I'liluniliiiilo, K0I1, 2(1. -"Think not of urnft," In ho wiiniiia whli'li iitauiU on Iho lIuHkit of Ofrii'llllil of tlio HopHrillln! KOVoruiii.-nt "l up I1010 hy IlKl Into 'riwliloni lioliit. uml now llr'(oil hy 1 1 In unci! '!' Ailolph llloy. If llio kovoI'IiiiioiiI iiffli'OH woro im dimly mill 111 itloctoil, uml (ho wiMUwm uml (irflr.'nlM hIiow.iI moro nlgii of poniiimil noiif iiki, Iho wurnliui would bo iMr litipi iwnlvo, ll..'v' KovoriiiiH iil kIvoh tho hiiprivi.luii of ll :lni! u llliliil ' llllVl'lHloll. In ii polylmit or; o'liilily. AH Iiiiikiiiikoh urn itpnkuii, IiioIiuIIiik KiiKlh.li with llio ucroiil of tin- IvihI I'.'ml of l.iiiiiliiii. Tulutn)ii:ito mlik'nta Imvo llltlo n do w Kilt Iho ivivoi-niiiniit. Kow t1rlnir i;.ttt.i iih poriiilu, mid . 1 hwf 11 Co chlof' Jinn iiuIIhIh of vurloiu na- lliiiia bom oil iixmii'iuinliiK whul tho dw In iho I'uluui limto iiiduiih, ' A visit In IIki llloy itovornnioin la an udvonturo. ta rhlof fiuiodnu noiillia to ho aourohiilK for nrniM. (Simrda ul tho door of tlm I'liluiiilmitn govornmviM. onrori 11 11 iniiul.'liiK vUl tor to a amull watting room, whoro two uukoiiiiit vlorku aiop iikhicIiIiik broad and liplnn wino long oiioiikIi to proaoiil u I it of iiiok(Ioiih wlilrh all who oiiior muu fill out. Thou tlim- itHk : "llnvo you uny I flronrnui?" If tho roply la In the ! nognt.lVK tho vlmlor la mciupviI tn the bead of tho dofoiicn iwrilou. lloro thoro ar piovotil young mon wlili p. volvora ntniiipod ucrona tholr UiohIh or lying on ihnlr dwk, Tliov exuiivlna Iho vlaKor'a crodontliila and nk many qipmloiia nhout I1I1 iiiIihIoii. Then cnio the liiovituMo: ,-llnvo you any flronroin?" A nvgntlve nn- awor la not tuffirk'nt to convlnrn tho dofvnee (iictlnn. Tho poikota of tho visitor, are carefully searched by tho head of lltn ilopnrtiuotit. ATler nil thoM forninMlIrs a visi tor Is fro to pn on to tlm rooma ot tho cublnot meuxbrrs. Thouo are large offices at Hie front of tho building which I h.mvlly patrolled by Crtinvritl de Men" Mirooc;m uol dlers. Tho luw h-dlc-ifd Moroc cans shade utl Iho way from pu while txi coal blnck. and are plc- turenquely nttlrod In mmtciril-il-orod uiiiforma uud rod foxio. There l l".i illsorder In tho cabi net chuinhciii thun III other section) of tho 8 para elm government build ing and llloy nnd hi cabinet ure bettor-groomed than the akotchy army arid the underling who are holding down minor office. But there la the auuio lack of busmen. Desks are without papers. aUmogra- phors ere hlttlni; Idle before their mtachlncs, anil a viator Is a ronl event. (tlMOAOO, Kob. 20. If the uchool la to uocoiitpllsh unytlilng more llimi tho transmission of tochiilcnl knowludKO from 0110 gun ui'iilloii to unothor, tli-) oxlailug ut llluiln of llnlirfoioneo toward Iho chilli's vdiK'Utloll 111 11 HI give wily 10 iho ivuliullon I hot tho visit of tlio inn I'll I in tho w I100I Is un oppor tunity, Mr. K1IIU1 K. Ilrlstol, doun of glrki ut Holdun High Kchool, Bt. 1,011 Is, (old inoinliers of iho Nutlooul Aiwielallnn of Doiiiih of Wtuik'iii, In ciiiivonlion Imro today. "KihieulorH iilono ran not d I reel hu mind of 1 tin child In the proper chuuii'ilrf, litclinleully mid wilfully." Mrs. Ilrlxlol sold. "V mut roil 110 thut pruooouputlon with school uffulra 1 en do to keep us from 011 HHuglng tin commiiiilly which we nerve. Out teu.hlng of hIiikIh nub Joels oiidungora tho nililll object Of ediirutlon, (ourlng woll Infarnied nnd useful citizen to curry on the world' nffuir. If we can on the futility of too iniKli faith In our sliiKki handed nvthods, we nliull miik 11 use ot the crltlclsins xprss od by purents, to build up a bettor miiluul tinderittundlng and to en courage democratic partlnlpnilon In comimiunlty life." In discussing the duties of par ents and teaeliom In rulutlon to Niools, Mrs. Bristol urgid mon visits by parents and un active In terest In school life, both edueutlon ully nnd socially, "Tho tencliors nood tbo miggi's llorrn furnlshod by the parents as much as the jMironts need th-5ra to t;lvo tho ch.'ld a technical educa tion. The dean can bo the connoct i 11 k link between the teacher nnd tho parent and on her depends the success of the school. To. bring fruitful relations between the school and community, wbloh - resultH- In raising Iho standards ot civilization nmoiijf tho younger genemtion, kt one of ho many problems confront- TRAIN SERVICE IN Ing educator. ' J "Wo have lost sight of (ho fact that without close co-oporatjon be- j tween the school and community, the parent mul the teacher, the best re sults cannot be obtained in ad vancing civilization. "It a frequent Interchange of op inion could take place between the school and the comlmunlty through, participation on tho part of stud ents In a democratic management of school affulm and through a simi lar organization of - parents and teuchem, fl should not bo tailoring under misunderstanding." ALASKA IMPROVED ANCIIOKAttR, Alaska, Fib. 28. One more thrniiKh train each iwny. and a special Sunday train each way between Anchorage and So ward, win be a feature of the summer sched ule adopted by the government's Al naka railroad. Tho new schedule, dneigned to haDdlo tho 1923 tourist traffic, shows three trains each way a week, instead of two as at present. Trains will l-ave Hoa:vl, the southern ' terminal, on Afondays. Wednesday An Kven Bralc J and Frldnya, arriving at Fairbanks, Townly "Do you often have to i the Interior terminal, on the follow- rush to catch your morning train?" mg day. Trains will leave Falr fituhbub "Oh, If about an j bunks southbound on the some even break, sometimes 1 am sldoa the train service, adoquatl pack transportation Into the Mouij Mctfinley naUonal park. A good aulosman Is a psrsoi who can toll a prospect from a. susC pect. NSW iBIG EACEA23 standing at tho station when the train puffs up and other times It I.eo II. Iindie, general maniii;er of the road, announces that In addition is standing at the station when I j to this service special trains will puff up." j be run for the benefit of travolers, . m Ion sho:. notice, if 100 ot more Tires give best service when kept j passengers request them. The gov at the proper inflation. emment Is preparing to give, ba- Cigarettes In tho building of uutomobllesi 252 different kind of work nro r- qulrod, The industry Una created many heretofore unknown kinds of work. RHEUM A Si Cannot l.vlsl In the II union Hotly If Von Will l'o Trunk's Proscription. It Is prepoAteroim; In fact, It Is a shame to siiffur with Inflammatory, muscular, sciatic or auy form ot Rheumatism. Jhla Proscription doej not ruin the stomach. It dues not depress the heart. Kat till the moat and good food you wtith while taklug Trunk's I'ro scrlptlon. Contains 00 mercury, sali cylate soda, oil wlnturgreen or nar octlcs, but positively overcomes any kind ot rhoumoUsm or gout on earth. What moro to you want Thoro Is nothing just as good, and It Is I in-, possible to gut something better., Tho greatest uric uoid solvent known and s)lso ft superior Mver MeillcJne. 1 Trunk's Proscription sella for $1.75 or 8 for onVy $B. Star Drug Co. Write Me About Your Case IF you will write me about your condition, I will send you my FREE Illustrated book which tells many things about Piles and other redtal troubles which YOU should know. If also explains my non-surgical treatment which, without pain or confinement, Is GUARANTEED to cure your Pilesor fee refunded. It alto lista hundred of former patients, both man and women, wIm tsitlfy a to my skOL . DEAN. M.D Dress Up- Attend The Auto Show Cofyritftt KM Tht Heme of Kupfhei(Oct There's a Feeling in the Air Its a Dress-up Feeling particularly. Truth to Tell we were'nt going to sing any spring stuff in this ad, but its hard to stick to humdrum facts when everything is buzzing with life and color Kuppenheimer Spring Suits Are Arriving and They are Alive with Color- Pep and Style. Don't Forget that There is a Kuppenheimer Suit For Every Type of Figure -- That Means a Perfect Fit .' ef The spring suits Are . $30, $35 $40 and up to $60 Step in and select Yours v , Spring styles in "Knox" Hats , New Nettleton shoes for spring JiVt 1C :c STORE "Leading Clothiers" t