The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 26, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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' 'TOLEDO, pfilo, pit ; 2jl. -Tft
point of mnrket saturation (or auto,
mobiles la far dfetpnt, aeconllnt; to
John? N, ty4Ur, preside pf Wijlya
Overjalfd, Jpc., ; who rejtfarjsed : re
cently toat the Increase pf.popula
. tlon, the numfber of cars eliminated
anntlj and tle srto, ot the re
jlMejnent market re Uit chief lac-
. tor erun tofwi, .. i.i j
"I bane my statements on a gen
eral survey ot tin motor industry,
and helle-ve .my lnfonmt!on la aa
ttrtBHO,"' "Willys Mid. : "I think It
well Jof ifleSle to prepara tor (treat
business during 1924 as I see every
indUaWon 'pointing; toward more
sales during 'the coming year than
in 1928, and r am "sure that prac
tteally all dealer sold na many can
at tSy muld get (hi year;
"Autoniobll salea an alvaye af
fected Ty ut' 'eonditlori ot tie tunny
market and the country's prosperity.
Reports ootning - tov me ehew ' that
nwaey Isn't ' tight and that moat ot
the rural?-districts , " in itae' tTBited
States nave orops whlh w!ll pay tig
nwradJV- and 'again 'make- the arme
a better prospect then in 1923. '
"Thl incresaed buying power, In
''KV opinion, will boost 18t4 sales of
new-one higher than, any preTioiu
year.v,A.Pif!loitlnate esthnetee show
ttt J9J8 sales esoeeded these ot 1
previous years by more than 1,000,
flop m Wth the- manufacturer
making tetter cars and lowering
prlces.jiotb.lng can prevent 1924 from
being . record year from the sales
Standpoint. V,v ,;,''. ' ,, '"
" "Tha iast . year wac " a ". record
breaker In many- respects. The first
six; months of the year show a bigger
replacement market than any past
year, according to reports. In 19 S3,
776,804 car were scrapped which
wse he greatest number of cars
eliminated In -one year up to that
thne. jffewerer, in 192S' there 1,18?."
411 machines discarded during tie
first tits months, 'which is nearly '$0
per cent of the cars produced in that
period.. From these figures one can
truthfully assume that the nunVbar
Of replacements exceed the new bny-j
ers, oicars.
, "Only the pessimist oan review all
the faets availablo for the deal
ens and then say that the market
saturation point Is near. When the
final figures for 1925 are obtainable
one will see that, the 'replacement
ntarket covering that year Will ex
ceed any of those previous and also
teat It-was a recoM breaking sales
... ; .,' ;v;:
' "We have contraota for 'every
WlHye-Knlght and Overland car we
Can bnUld and our organization in
tends to do its best toward satisfying
the ig demand, which Is increasing
rapidly, t can see nothing ahead but
prosperity for - the auto dealer who
works, I predict; that 1924 will be
the feoond year in the history of
the auto industry-'1 ;
i " .
What Is a practical program for
making the advantage of balloon
oordt at pnee available to the'gfeat
builK of car $whers7'ls goeti in the an
nouncement' ot 'many of the leading
tuanufacurers hat they are now
iiUMiutacttifip twif types ot balloon
tires. ' ?'',v' ; 'i
bile, type, the full extent of bal
looning," tt designed for use on
cars that haVe been adapted to th
type either at the factory or by re
Icip the Wheels to 20 of ti inches.
- tilip . Ptier is 'to use on cars' as
Hipy stand supplant standard
cord tjres. There is no need . to
change the wheels,' or make any
other readjustments ot a car.
' This' . significance ' of the two
types ia that any one" who seeks the
.il'norlpr eomjfoii 4nd pthetf features
of balioon corda may obtain them
wHput W((it, In many casun, s a pro
hibitive cost.
This will undoubtedly be Intonest
Ijig nOi.V to the 10,000,000 car oWm
urs Who are how 'asking themselves
coNpctiVely hhd ihdlvlBually, "Where
does the balloon cord tire figure in
my cur? Is it a special equipment
for a few, or can I use it, and wihat
does It oMer over standard cords?"
. Answers Vital Quetrtleiis.
The' two types of balloon tires are
it practical answer to these nunstlon.
in other words, the practicability
Of the 'balloon tire Is ftolv chiefly a
matter of adaptation to tile liulonio
UHe, bi Mably ftidre preperly the
AtKififchMon of the tire to the motor
CoK ' ' '
The tins itrwt dfawwwk that con-
otrai most car owners U that, In
many cases where full Walloon cords
are used, a complete change it
eflulpment ta 10 or Jl-lOoh wheels It
necessary, and sometimes the me
chanism ot the car must be ohanged-
The expense of doing this ts pre
hllbtlve to autny. It Is only fair to
say that -the result does not always
obtain the full benefit of balloon
cords. " '
var owners have now every
right and reaspn (Q look upon the
balloon cord as a baste faet In the
automobile world. It teems with pos
sibilities tor the lay-motorist as well
a the automobile engineer,
Easy Riding Secured.
The easy-riding smoothness and
efficiency, ' the eoiHtort, safety and
ultimate eoonomy It promises bid fair
to bring about great changed In mo
tor eaia. They add materially to the
pleasure of metering.
ft may be early to accept as "rev-
oluntionary," and "-the greatest Im
provement in the history of the
automobile'' but tl na been,' and con
tinues to be the most novel, the most
interesting feature in automobile
, Balloon tires ase not as yet
numerous enough to be' a common
sight,- so Mt there 4 every reason
to teU sjt lfhat si alioon cord If.
Reduced to the simplest terms,
It Is ah overuse ebrd tire with fewer
plies In it 4hau-In standard cords, It
is a larger tjre In diameter, find a
mere 'flexible tire.
Statter of At Pressure. -;'-
But the important difference be
tween balloon and standard cords is
the difference In Inflation. The bal'
loon cord is ridden at much lower
air pressure.' in fait, Its best descrip
tive nan is a low-air pressure tire.
Whets' the Wptessure ""of stand
ard cords is maintained at from 50
to 65 pounds, and sometimes higher,
balloon cords are Inflated anywhere
between 18 to 30 pounds, sometimes
forty-7 ; :' '; .'' : .'''
The advantages of ballopn cords
are positive. They add a' new com
fort and pleasure to motoring.
ft is plBjin to see why tits is so.
The car rides literally on more air.
There" Is a greater cushion of air be
tween the "car 'and Ihe "bump toad.
The sqper-41exlbllifcy of the tire
yields to a rottgfl roadwsfy and ob-
Btacles, '.. '"':' '-'
"Te mapy advantages of this arc
at onoe apparent to' the experienced
driver. ' ...
3few Type Cotivenleiit. -
As thl "use" of the extreme "develop
ment of! thfe'ballobh jUrein tefiy
stances entails great expenses.-1 It ' Is
obvfque that the comfort, and ef fi-
icleafly' of balioon tiros Would be
fori the 'e!dd!ttoaf type Vow avail
able. :v'.v' . .-. '
As tney can be applied dii'ectly.
(Without change W a' car to supplant
ordinary ewrdB, any car oner may
dse 'them: ''
0HViW(O, BVii), 25. A bill to pro
hibit Import of revolrars and plac
ing an excise tus of S100 each on
those manufjuotured in the Uprtfld
States, except far expprt, Iptroduced
in the United 8tats senate by Beba
toc Hoyai 3.. Copelaud of New York,
hut bean Indorsed by the Michigan
Audubon society, ,Ura. Edith, Mun
ger ot Hart, Mleh., the president, has
The bill, largely written by Chief
Magistrate WHIiaro MeAdoo of New
York City, iwas recommended to the
Michigan society by it crime pre
vention cotntlmette chairman, Joo
Beatty Burtt; ' A -
In acknowledging the society ac
tion, Magistrate. MeAdoo declared
that the bll has been esdoraed by
two International police convention
and approved by the American Bar
asBQCiatloh, as well as New York
Ju,dges add the maywr.1 .
Those opposing it, he said, are ad
vancing "an ' Illusion vetty tomlnbn.
that law-abiding, cltlieq amwd with
a pistol meets an outlaw, highway
man or burglar on terms of equality.
This is absolute not pa,' he de
clared. "The robber has carefully
prepared to surprise the victim in or
outdoors and I challenge opponents
ot the proposal to give the number
of cases within the last 10 years
where the armed citizen has pre
vented the burglary, shot the' burg
lar, or deterred fhe highwayman
from carrying out his purpose.
Pistols aro as common IB the
United Stntos ae lead penlelle. There
are more people In the United State
carrying pistols or possessing them,
outside the armed forces, than In
a!) the rest' of the world.' there are
more shootings and killings with re
volvers in the United States than in
all the countries of Europe, Asia
and Africa. - . -
After we have taxed the pistol out
of existence as far as possible" Iri the
United Stales',' we vrlll In a
position to deal with crooks.
''fVoin . my experience as fonner
police 5mmiB9ioner and' 11 yean as
ohief-city' magistrate' of the'eit of
New York, my advice to law-abiding
citizens, if they have revolvers, is to
go ddwn to the river and thro
them In."
WINMIPBO, Man., Fob. 88.
Radios carrying the latest newt ot
the world Into remote farm hornet
and hooking up pioneer prairie
settlement! with large cltlct, have
become an .Important factor In co
pn,linon In tho Dominion, accord
ing to a report issued by the de
partment of marluo,
9jjd poqqo4 svq oipuj ei,t,.,
farm life of its isolation," reads
th report, "Loneliness Is no
Ippgpr ta he. drvl11- Settlers
and their families litten-tu- on
current newt of the day. enjoy
high class concerts tind entertain
ments, receive information from
agricultural ' colleges on new farm
ing methods and 'courses In house
hold management, and got the lat
est market quotations on agricul
tural products. ' , 4
"Of 100,000 receiving ots esti
mated to bo In operaio', through
out the Dominion, ' moro than 60
percent are owned on farms. This
Is especially true In the pralrlo
provinces of Manitoba, Saskatche
wan and Alberta.! I" Manitoba,
th'o provincial " .government, aids
broadcasting through Its', publicly-
owned "telophono system."
IlroudcuBtlng stutluns lu Cnuudu
number 88, tho report shows, niid
uro locntud In tho' principal oltlus
from const to coast.'. Investment III
I'ucolvliig tuts amounts to more
than $2,000,000.
I.NKl I.Alt ( INt'.t.M-t
MANILA, X-'t'b. DO. Tim fwm
utisinma I'ticoliiiH of tho l'lilll)ilnn
fur 1UV-1 nmountiMl to tN.DOll.OOil.
This It thu record lu tho hlttory
or the itlniidt, with the exosptlon
tit lliii year l)H0, Wlinn tlio total
vviih (8,800,000,
4.virt n Mirttii Wsnt
picric'.' 3londe8
MANILA. Feb. 416. Local real-
They ire a quick, practical Way -dents' hate cdinmerited upon the
for the owner of a" car te get the many members of the artillery
sensible luxury of balloon ' tires, corps, U, S.A., seen oil the streets
without, nsying too great it 'premium j0f Manila ' recently" with striking-
for'ft." ' ...... ily i,ionde hair.
The application ot balloon-tIMs is! In'qliTi'ies Were made and It dev-
largely a problem of clearance, and
this is what determines Whether or
not a ear can have fill) balloon tires.
--.! '''".'!,'". I1"1-. .''
Of 447 . children killed" last year
In vehicular accidents in New York
city, 199 lost their lives as a re
Suit ' of ';jny walhipg,!' according
to a statement issued recently by
Baron Collier, special deputy po
lice commissioner. The total num
ber of persons killed in the city
eloped" Ihat'thbse'Tfleh have been
engaged in shifting ammunition on
the "Rock," asCorregldor .Island,
the. fortress at the entrance to
Manila Bay, Is known, and the the
pieric- acid in the explosives had
turned . their hair as yellow as a
quarantine flag. , '
Loads qp runnlpg boards should
not extend beyond the hub caps on
in 1923 was 1049 and the injured I the left side nor more thap lx
totaled 31,794.
Inches on the right side.
Do You Own A FprcUon?
tool dcaign in jt KerAtiQfl .
Three thousand three hundred dollar worth pf imp
lements for four ; bwdred forty five dollars
YW hftve never seen anything like It
For further Jofortnmtton call on
at his office on South Sixth St
Cream Separator Milking Machines
1303 So. 6th St Klamath Falls, Oregon
Warehouse Phone 657-J
V Club Cafe
Special Table de Hote
in pvir Dining Room
' Annex
From 12 to 8 p.m. .
from 5 to ?:30 p.m.
: ateo ,
Special Table de Hote,
I Dinner Wednesday '
Try LORENZ CO- First
r 1
The Automobile
Brought the farm closer to toyn
And yet a
Successful Farmer
must spend the largest part of
his time on the farm, because of
the endless amount of chores.
It will surprise you to find ou,t
how much a real pressure
j I ' i 4 . I
will help you get those smajl
jobs around a farm out of the
way quickly.
Lorenz Co.
Try LORENZ CO. First
est bpj?
and the new price
combined make Hreoh
Tuxedo the outstanding
value in pipe tobacco.
n op- p
IfM;'-', hi,.. ('( it Hiil