' TUEnnAf i rnni-,nv on, lout THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Thirteen T WAS LAUGHING FIRST CAR CHUG INTO PEACEFUL At firm gluiicu ii perspective of tin) curly history of the iiuto inobllo In Kliiniulli county pri'sents h ii ospuul predominantly IniniuruuH. Tliu Irnto f uriitora who vlowd thu bucking, spilling contraption a menace to tho country, tho eminent citizen who pusseil aftlltiu hro 'that tho apuud limit In Klamath Fall should hut bo In excess of five mites an hour, and tho manner in which automobllo owners it nnd II yara aio er auuJuoUtl to threat voryltif from culplng to booting, causa thoi who now llva In an enlightened world to alt baok aailly In thalr arm chain, and vlaw the pat with a tolorant amuaemsnt and wonderment of tho Ignorance that could havo brought about auch animosity to the automobile. Caused Many I.unulia. The olumsy machlno of tho early day, few of which now exist, causou many a, laugh from hou who JudK" them from tho present standard of perfection. Out on aocond. glance, the Im mense: trdde' that tho automobile hi made becomea of primary con sideration. Few reiUJio what part the automobile baa taken In the upbuild ing of thla county. Tho farmer, at one ,lmo the gtrpaooet enomy the automobile had, may now come to town In a few hour to haul hi prod uct or (o vlilt hit nolghbors. They are indispensable to Induiilry or n builneaa of any aort. Oommorce ha been facilitated, general health of tho people haa been Improved, and In all other line of progress the auto mobile ha takon en Important part. TrMln Follows! Auto, I'erbap a coincidence of perhap a natural couroe of evsint, out the fact remain, that with the advent of the automoblU In 1907, the pros porlty of JCloimnli Kali took an up ward trend and evor lno ha livid thai con r no. Bovvral jxmr after the flrl automobile wna driven over tho Green Spring mountain, the firei locomotive arrived, Tho automobile and the railroad wtddod tho link of an efficient transportation scheme that neeeMltated more production and hence wa the mean of more et Iter coming Into thla country. , Automobile and the railroad have rendered thla county considered at - one time an Isolated backwash ac- ooMlblo to the w-orld. Fifteen yenrs ego Klamath Fall wae but a nnm-s Us t tie ouuslde world, living in thin city for year and year wero old fam ine who, becauao of lack of now hlnAt wat rmvlm atml. Wrflh the - auto came a itream of live bnitnoM men who now dominate thl city ami Influenco the county for tho good, Hurry I'elta I'lonccr. The pioneer of plouoar of Klam ath county 1 I Carry .B. l"olt, whole, ale tobacco dealer. Early In the year of 1807, I'olU hearing of tho now moan of conveyanco known a an automobllo, Jounioyed to Port land for the purpoae of buying one. Uut a few caw wero on tho nurket at the time. tho Oldsniou.Uo. the Ford, tho Cadillac, tho Pope Tribune : and othor. Poll went Into tho mat ' tor thoroughly and finally concluded that a I'opo Trtbuno, ntudo In Tarry town, mould eult hltu about right. At that tlmo Ihero waa not u ga rago between i'ortlund and Modford, but without mishap ho reached tho latter town. Then tho proposition of getting over thu Croon Sprinirs moutiluin ' Into Klamath Falls prottoiHod dltri cultloa. Thoso who now uro Inclined to cubs ut Uio rond would huvo lout tholr minds 17 yours ago. Hut 1'idu procoedod on hi tortuous wny over tho hill and down tho stoop gtftdes, and finally after ninny stops for re pair and replenishment of tho gas tank, ho approached Kin mm th Fulls. Tho Home CiimsimI. Reaction of tho ritut horso I lint wiw him bumping along over tho road hetwoon Keno and Klutnnth Fall wae mark staring with anmo mont. If thuru had been present an interpreter of tho oiiulno luiiguuge It would havo probably linen found that tho horso wild: "Woll, I'll ho 1- - d!" illut whon tho chitg-it-chug of tlie two-cylinder motor wae heard .imnle ovortook him, nnd his li'nto master peering up tho rond ut a eloiul of iliint ihnt wus kicked up by tho horse'' hoofs as ho lore on his way to Klamath Fnllrt, shook his tint us Pelt passed hint on the road. Tho trip of the first automobile down Main street was n momentous arralr. l'ui'lol(y and resentment bullied for preeeileiieo In the mind of most r l'!i popiilnco. Horses uiili.d dims scurried behind the houses, men stood open - mouthed nt the mechunlcul marvel hofo o their ,.vm. nnd olhers told each other ilmt "noiiiethlna ought to l done about It." Ihinliuni Second lliiyer. M. A. Dunlinm, proprietor of tho llunliom Karaite, lint at Hint tlnva the owner of n eon feet loitery Htoro, waa the second peiwon to purelwisn an nntomoblle. Marly In tho spring of I 07 he lottrneiviil to I'oMtliintl and i' inn-.'hBsert n two- I oil, fottr-cylln MATTER - CHUGED ITS WAY dor Ford, tlKl first that Henry Ford placed on the market. "(Low wa over mado the trip from I'ortlund to Medford I u mysiory to me," ho Bltl. "There wasn't even n (arugn botwuen Portland ond Med ford and wo cnivalnly hud eoine time In making any progress. Over tho Oroen Spring mountain It wn a nlghtmuro, but ovontually. we drew near Klamath Folle. "Tho Interest among Hie peoptoof tho town wu nmatlng," ho contin ued, "Mm would offer mo f 5 to tnke them for a ride of n fir blocks. There were ulso ninny who consid ered lit auto a. terrible thing. I could namo about a doion old Minora now driving car, by the way wo actually threatoned to do me bodily barm If I did not cease driving my machine on the city street. One man whoee homo wa particular scored, threatened hn would shoot me and the cr, too, If I didn't keep envny from hi horse. "I wa tho first to erar make the trip around tipper Klamath take, and I ahull never forgot how tho farmer regarded me. They painted the air red." The next two to purcnaso cars wero Major Wrjrdon and V. T. Shlvo. Shiva mme-ono day, In tho year 90S, to a pnoudo-ropulr ahop owned by a man named Cronviulllvr, now a resident of Uikwlow. HI wa a tale of dlie d 1st reus the car would not run. "How aro tho purk plugs," Shlvo wa asked, "Cleaned 'cm, cloan n a whlallo." After aovernl hour of work the ninn working on the oar decided to fix the plug despite fililvo's asser tion. It developed that Shlvo had taken a rag and without unscrewing the Plugs had asldouly wiped off the porcelain of the plug and consid ered the job well done. Juetlco of the Poaco Kmniltt tolls of i ho visit of Senator Fulton and how, when the enntr asked If ha would like to rldo to Merrill, ho replied; "N'ot a chance. 1 havo walked too many mile to tho next town to take a chance on one of thoso rigs." . This, from a 1'nltcd State senator. Indicated that tire distaste for auto mobiles, then prevalent In this com munity, wax not cntlroly local. Knlcrcd: Itiiccs, Will lltildwin tolls of thu vIhIi of two automobllo men to KlamntU Fall in 1007 to tako part in Ilia county fair. Horse, race woro faded by tlxi new-fangled machines that wero going to stage a rucc. "It wu tho tunnlost thing I evor saw," Dulilw.in tuilri, "Tho two cur would start out togothoron tho (rack and half wmy around one would coukIi. sputter and atop Then I hoy would return and siyrl over oguln. Half way uround tho othor car would glvo up tho ghmt. If there had been a ruco between tho horse ami the automobiles tho horses would have boon In their stalls nnd fed by the time tho n ut os arrived ut the finish lino." From 11)07 to 1010 thu utitomobila wu ivgurded us a freak. Hut whon tho railroad ciuiie In and tho vuluo of rapid traiiKporlution wna appro clutnd, n doiiMtiid wu created utid es tablishment of tho first guruges took pluce. Will Buhl win and 10. A. Dun hum both started giutnges In trft) spring of 1910 and shortly ofter wurd the flint two carloads of unto mobile arrived. UllfdneHS Took Kpill t. From that point to tho present lime thu automobllo bmtlnobs has In creased by leaps ami bounds. People of th,' cotiniy found that they could not gel along without motor trans portation, tlurngo nfter gurugo was established until nt thu prosont tlmo there are 10. The antipathy to wni'ds the utitomohllo clucrtMised and people woro brought to realize tho Important bearing they hud upon tho pitigress of the county. . In conjunction with tho rapid In I'liw.' of uiiiomohllus enmo a iloiiiund for good ronds. Illgliwn woro built by the stute, county nnd tho government that spread out llko a net nnd topped nil tho fnntllo ec liions of thl county. With good roads TOino the tourist and henoo the new settlor. ' ' ' Closed curs now have a definite lead In popularity over npon. KLAMATH COUNTY IIKAITKV (JIMnVTH OF AUTO lll.'HINKHH 1H Pltl;l)I( TKIi IIY HCIIWAII NEW YOItK, Fob. 20. Thut thu automobllu btislncs a well a tho itool buslnos should show a healthy growth thl year ovor lust year, wa the opinion expressed hore by Charles M. Bchwab, chairman of Ilethlehem Steel Corpora- Hon und guiding head of tho Htulz, upon hi return on tho Mujonilo from u four-week trip to Europe, which wu begun January 12. L. Rock Creek Road Will , Open New Country And Give Route to Crater L. Completion of the Rock Creek crossing, 20 mile from Klamath Fall, will bo one of the principal factor In the 1921 county road construction road program, accord ing to the county aunreyor'a of fice. The Rock Creek road Is now completed to a point known as Dear Wallow, 13 miles northwest of Klamath Falls. An engineer was to bo sent today to the pres ent terminus of tho road to lay tentative plans for construction work In tho aprlng. It Is predict ed that the road will bo complet ed to Rock crossing by summer. To ConUuuo Iload Tbo road skirts the west sldo or Klamath lake. Futuro plans are to continue the road along tho lake through Odessa and to have It run Into tho Crater Lake highway near Fort Klumutn. While one of the purposes of tbo proposed road Is to open up tho country It Is also being regarded as a route to Cra ter luko. Motorists driving from Klamath FallB to Crater Lako could 'umlw the trip up to the lake along the eastern sido of Klamath WEST KLAMATH HIGHWAY 1 924 PROGRAM luko, Itoturnlng thoy would bo iibln to drive uloug the western side of tho lake. Market llosds Other county rond projects In view nro completion of tho Poo A See The New At The Auto Buy DUNHAM AUTO CO. 6th and valley uiurket rond and construc tion of a new inurkot rond leading from Kliiiniitli Acniry to (.'hilo(Uln ; and Williamson river bridge, j On the I'oe Valley mnrket rond I grading and the Inylnif of the base Go to the Auto Show And See Our Ditplay Direct from the San Francisco Auto Show Seven Passenger Buick, Balloon Tires and Also other models of BUICK GARAGE Opposite White Pelican Hotel A bigger motor with power to spare. With the biggest and stout est rear axle of any car selling un der $1000.00. This car has a mult iple disc clutch and is equipped throughout with Timken roller and angular ball bearings. There is not a single cup and cone ball bearing in the whole car, and the radiator won't leak if frozen up solid, num erous times. At the show, let the salesman show you its superior qua lity and make him prove to you that it is the best light car on the market. an Overland and Realize the Difference Oak Sts. Phone rock lias boon completed. All that remains is to Iny ths top layer. This will bo dono this spring. The Agency, ('hlloquln, William son Illver road has been clearod and partially surveyed. It is hoped equipped with Firestone 4 Wheel Brakes the Most Popular Car Overland Show 52 - W to commence grading at an early duto. Rnrvoylng haa been oompteU' ed from Chlloquln to Williamson river, Surveying from Chllnqtiltk to Klamath Agency will bo AnUbed this spring.