The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 18, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    A Million a Month
I $ Klamath County's
Industrial Payroll
Equal Rights, Equal
Justice, are the Turin
Pillars of Democracy
Member of the Associated Pre
Keventeenlh Vear Xo. 7140
,1 !
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. Edwin B. Denby today
resigned aa secretary of the navy. His resignation has
been accepted.
After repeatedly declaring he never would quit
the cabinet under lire of those who criticized his part
in the oil leasing program, the secretary notified Pre
sident Coolidge today ne was ready to step out. His de
cision followed a telephone consultation between (he
president and Denby, in which all latest aspect o' (he
situation were discussed in the light of informal
passed to the White House by republican leaden in
the senate.
Denby's retirement revived rumors that tho r:s!g
nation of Attorney General Daugherty would follow
within a few days.
Recently a rumbrr of Dcnby's
friends alao ham bern consulted by
(ho prrillul, an tllliry are under
atowl to ham advised llio prral
drnt they understood fully I lie nil
bai raMinciit that mlRlit rpmilt In
fvtalntiig IK'tiby . hi the rnhlni'l
Willi I ho annulment aulla worn In
.Not. only la Dciiliy n party to the
oil iNiaca, having affixed hla la
nature with Uinl of Albert II. Fall,
hut ho repeatedly hna defended 111
pi ll In tho iirocwdings and liiis
l laivd publicly since the pre.
nl controversy arose Hint lie Im-I'-ivtii
the eontrnrlM legal mid would
hi willing to ipuinuo the sumo
rnuifiii ngiilu.
It baa been pointed out to I lie
l'n dilent that It might appear ill'
i o i I itcnt to havu a inciiiher of
v i v. n remain. in office, while tho
I U ndltnlnlstrntlon holding; those
iiiiiiinlMintloii Itself, through lit
roiiusol, mm moving In tho courts
lo i ill Hie louses on Hie fiiiunil
Hun. Hiey went nmde wltlibiil mi
Ihoiily of Inw.
The flint, Nlep In Hie legal pro
ceedings,. Injunction niiIih to pro
ven (. fuitlici- work on . the Teapot
mill Cnllforiil reserves, I expected
linmoillutely lifter the Hciinltt Iiiin
complete eonfliliiiitlnii of the oil
rotiiiNcl. ' '
Uonliy Informed the president
Hint In view or hlH connection with
Hid oil Iwihch ha did not doxlru fur
ther to ombiirriiHH tho uiliiihilHtrii
llotl by romtillllng u in oiii bi' r of It.
Thu president In ti lellnr iioroptlim
his resignation prnlnoil tho ortl
cltil record of the retiring seeretu
ry and mild ho accepted to thu re
quest with regret.
Denby will rotlro from tliu rn
hlnot March first.
Thoodoro Roosevelt, who hk nn
aVlnuL aecretury of tho navy hud
u part In drafting Hie order tVaiiH
ferilng nnviil :' roHervoa from tho
nuvy to the Interior dopnrtinent,
.eollfnrred with Ihu president nnd
nnnniineed Inter hu did not expect
to rimlgn.
WAHIIINHTON, Feb. 18. Orga
nisation of thu legal machinery to
hanillo oil lease eases wns com
plutetl today by sunalii oontlniin
tlnn of Owen 1. Hoherls, t'hlhtdol-
phla, aperlnl giivrrnini nt cam aol.
rtohorlit will to with Atliv Pom-;
mereue, whoae uiiniiiiiilli i
conflruiud Snlurduy,
WASIIINOTON, 1). C. rob. If.
The nomination of Alloc Pomcrjno
of Canton, Ohio, aa a special gov
ernment, rounaul In tho oil loan
eiuca nt cunflrnird by the tvnaii.
Saturday night. Action on the nomi
nation of Owen J. Roberts of Phila
delphia, oa the other moni'ber of tho
counaol wont oror until Monduy. .
Action on tho nomination of. Pom
rone woe taken after heaiod debate,
which extendod unUl a.ftor 7 o'clock
Saturday night, the vote being 59
to 13. Tho dlacuaalon was hold In
open executive aeaalon, although
aom udiulnlalnillon loadon in Hit
enntu had at first vigorously .op
po?d taking up the nomination
other than behind closed doors.
Opposition Voiced.
Opposition to the two men named
by President Coolidge to conduct
tho cimes in the courts was voiced
on varying grounds by sevornl dein
ovrutlc and republican Insurgent
senators, notably Senator Walsh,
deinocriit, Montana, tho most nctlvo
figure In the senatu commlttoo In
quiry. .
Uick of prof isionul experience
iiliing the linos reiiulrod for prose
cuting the contontplnlod cases wns
urged by yoine senators us a reason
fur ' withholding tholr approval,
while In the of Roberta, Sena
tor l.a Fnlletto, republican, Wiscon
sin. rlKirie'd him with unsympathetic
public titioiunces toward a previous
senate oil Inquiry.
Kxrepl for tho long debate over
confirmations, wits 11 1 1 lo anion
In ill o:l 1 'iikIiik Kit mil Ion today. I
The Iioii-o, howev.-r, without ikbnu,
udoptiil the WHilsh :esolittlon dirot:- j
lug the lioginning oi proeeeiiinga iu
i -oVi'r reetloiis 3fi and 30 of naval
o'l ..Mive No. 1 III CnllforiVn, now
o;.iaud by, tho Standard 0 1 ec .
Ii.i'.iy i f thut state.
eh. 1 8. Hotween
'IS.fl')0 and IIJ.IHIO In cash wns
' Htnlen from t' nmsseiigiira of 111"
Metropolitan National bunk by
I a lined . bandits in front of tho f"d
leral rfiivu batik brunch In Ihu heart.
or the ImslneM sictliin hero, today.
Mi:i)rolll, Wb. 18- Public
Service I'oniiulsslonera AluCoy and
(uniphell are here today holding
ii homing on the recent' raise of
iiloctilo heat nnd power rates by
tlm falll'oi'iila Oregon I'owur eoni-
p.iny, ltoHeliurg mid Grants Pass
enusitinura filed protests, but none
nimn from Sled ford, ,
MNCOUV, Neb., Fob. 18
William M. Morning, 06. vol-
ituO district -Judgo, was )iol
imd killed today In the court- v
room by Wallace C. WalllcK,
who In turn shot and killed
hlmaclf. Thfl Judge was shot
through lh heart. Wblllrk (hot
at C. F. Ileln. attorney for hit
wife, who wa suing foraepar-
ate nialntonanco. and at hl
wife. Neither of the two shots
took effect.
American Lesion Auxiliary
Will be Host to Former
Service Men. Women
Huck privates, Kond looles, cu.
porala, sergeantj, gcne.nls, colonels.
Coin and marlnoa and their wives
will gatlior at the ohunrber of com
merco at-6:30 Tuesday evening at
a banquet for ex-service men and
women being glvon by the Amorlcan
Legion auxiliary.
While It la not believed there is
nti ox-general In Klamath Kails, tut
auxiliary promises "General Good
Time" will be -on band the entire
ovenlng. There a m, however, a num
ber of ox-econd loooa around town,
and in eouio quarters It la being sug
gested that "tltoy -bt hefted "togothcr
at a table of their own In order to
avoid caaualtles.
First looles, captains and those oi
hlglior grados will be permitted to
rub elbowi with buck privates.
If the demand for tickets Is a
fair indication, tltene will be a large
attendance. , Commander H. K. Geti
placed over 60 tickets, and other
loglnnualree and members of the aux
iliary report satisfactory sales. Flutes
will bo fiO cents, and any ex-sorvlce
man or woman Is welcome without
Invitation. .
Kntortalnmcnt will include songj
by Miss Maude Lngeson and the high
school quartet, piano seKactlons by
11 K. Patterson and violin by M.
Cnspoi. R. E. Crcgo will he toast
T. M Uarham. former pi '
man. loday iinnouneed his candi
dacy for the office of constable.
Tint present constable is J. V.
Morloy, who early In December
iiuniiniiced his candidacy for office
of sheriff. ...
OiK-hani hjis resided In Kliim-
nth county , slneu , 18S7. He lived
lr.ii. at. Merrill, .whore for eight
vears be . served us city miirslial,
mid al 'O ns cunstablo . and deputy
Hherirr. He moved ' to Klnmalh
KulW In 1018 and since leaving
the pollen force has been em
ployed by tho' Klamnth Lumber &
I'.ox (Oiupany. Ho resides with his
r unity at 1034 High street. ,
Dn.'linm Is registered as n do
n.m:iv.l He Is tho only mndldate
so M" for the office of coustablu.
The Ani 'i'lcnn governnionts War debt
pdiey. re.Milmd i ncliansed after a
conference today of the debt mile
.!' Ion, The ctiinmlss'on failed lo
a- I on a proposal that debtor gov i n
n- III. i he ruiitltlded again that tlv
I rile, I fllnlin Is awaiting furlliiT
WHI '.AT Pint US
I'OltTI.AND, Koh. .18. Hard
'white wheat $1.00, western red OfiV
Force of CO to be Employed
a Plant ai Modoc Point
. Resume Operations
With a w.-rking fovi- o; su nun
on hand n d with cnongii lost In tlu
mill pond to Ui p Hi .' in II tun-i nr
for aevcial wflnk'. I.ati m's ic'll at
Modoc 1 o!nt will reiumi) operations
toniorrow morning. The announce
ment of the np'ii nK of the mill was
mode by W. IC. I.- mm. rr 'sldem, thlj
The mill Is opening ahnut a notiti
earlier th. n liist. The go . I ,w uh'-'i
thut has prevailed 'lur ng .lanu.m
and lhl n.oiitli wa glvrn as ih.i '
son for the early oiii-n.i g l.rn ,i
luted thai the cut ti.!. y.'.ir
be about the -u:ns a. Ian ycir, 70.
000 board fect a da
The logg'ug eainp i' tin mill wlii
! opened op about two wsek
l.'ntll that t;me ttw Wr. 'n iheNpon.
adjacent to Hi? mill will be utilized.
The milt will proaa'ily operate on
one abift throughout tho entire yt
indications point '.3 a geaerij r
sumption of the Y irY-r indiu-ry I
Klamath county bv the t'rst of Murch
or a few days therenfter: :
Lamm'a will b the woad-rf ty
la.iger sawtnllls of the coun'y to r
sume this eprinsf, iVe F?im plan
being the first. It ! known that
other plants arc l?5"rjjrl'1K o resumj
about March ' 1, or shortly there
after. - i . .
Animals Seldom Attack Lire Stock
Hays Superintendent ; Kani'lierx
Have Opposite Opinion
OIBDFORiD, Feb. 18. The stock
men of Jackson county will meet
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clo.k at tho
Hotel Medford to discuss the lire
stock situation. Miles Cantrall, c a.r
uian of this baanch of the c.-uii.iin'i
conference which is to be helil n.
Medford next week bun iipiiointeii
comlmttoes to gather the nuce.,s..r.
datu. Every stock association, should
be present to help frame lli.i fin-' I
report. Some interesting and valu
ablo luformntion will bo presen:ei..
"Tlie attcniipt by tho suporinteiid-o-'l
of Crater Lake park tj have re
nted a 20-nille bear presivvo around
t'ruter lako will be fully dlscuiv-d.'
said Halpli Cowglll, publicity - hair
man, today.
"The park superintendent sent
a loiter under date of January ti.
to all stockmen In southern Oregon
making Inquiry as to personal knowl
edge of depredations upon livestock
by bear. The following la an excerpt
from the same lefter:
"Knowing something about
hen. I am convinced that they
seldom .attack live, sound ilo
vnostlo animals. With boars, as
with sharks, aU of us have heurd
their halr-rulsing stories, but
usually by lone h itinera without
witnesses urei.'iit.' ;
'It is a well known fuel that u bear
will kill from one to 30 sheep In
one night.' and that cattla will not
renililn In the same neighborhood
with a hour. An area of land 20
miles in width around Crater lake
park will take In all of tho best
g msiiig land In southern Oregon.
"Tho sheep owners are very anxious
to learn about this new kind of
Imar that la to bo put In charge of
the rnas-i around Crater lake. Tlmre
will ho some testimony- given that
may seriously shock the superintend
ent's Iheo'.y about tamj bear. Peace
loving pecplc do not want to turn
I'rn'.ir lake park Into a bloody battle
PORTLAND, Feb. 18. Cows nnd
he'rers 2r.c to tic. higher, other
eat 11 1 steady. , Hogs sternly; labs
r,U to 7 Go higher. Top lambs
$11.50 to $13.35.. Eggs weak, hut
tor, film.
Passengers of Steamer Co
lumbia at Coos Bav Have
Thrilling Exoerience
MAItPHFIJELD, Ore., F-;b. 18, A
coast guard cutter and the t'.ovmer
Cluone began this morning rescuing
the remaining meir.'JC is of the crciar
from the steamer Colun.bla, which
was wreck-.'d on the norfh Jetty rocks
yesterday. Thirty panengjrs, Includ
ing two women, and e.'ght member
of the crew were taken off In I
brccchmi buoy yesterday by t!.;
After 15 men bad been reported
re:noved today by the breechia buoy,
announcement was made that Cap
tain fkog. of the steam schooner
CI. one. from whow deck the rescue
work wr.a carried on, hoped to re
move part of the baggage from th"
The Clcois) is nboutSOO feet from
I he Columbia, and n ride In the
breeches b oy la a real thriller, at
occasional a breaker drenches the
occupant of the basket.
A couple listed as .Mr. and Mrs.
A. Kennedy were revealed today to
bo Mr. and Mi.o. A. Udell. They were
on their honeymoon from San Fran
cisco and. hoping to surprise Mrs.
Cdelt's . mother In Portland, used a
different name in sailing. '
-Mrs. ' NeTrrWtrtlahlsr-n' tittta'
from San' Franvisco to Spokane, sala
slw, enjoyed the thrill of the ride
on Hie breeches buoy and was not
a bit frightened.
. MARS11F1ELD, Ore., Feb. i8.
The Cleone left the wrecked Colum
bia at noon after spending the morn
ing taking off the crew. It was be
lieved on shore all or nearly aU wero
taken off the Columbia.
nwurfacing of five miles of the
!il':iiway beiwein Klamath Fnlls
and Olene. from rine Grove to the
Strahorn Hallroad under crossing,
started this morning nTter ay "wait
of several weeks for tho roads to
dry sufficiently for the laying of
gravel. The Job will take about
throe weeks.
During the laying of gravel, this
stretch of road will be exceedingly
dangerous for automobiles driven
at an excessive speed. Loose gravel
will cover the rond and an auto
mobile will soon be out of control
If driven fast. ...
ltoads throughout the country
in- drying up. It was said today
it the state highway Office. Tbfc
Croon Spr'nss road Is still difficult
in n'-gotlntn. from , Haydon creek
to Hie top or Green Springs mount
ain hut all other roads lying In
more open country are fast becom
'ir; dry and easy to drive on. ;
Proposal blanks for the road
const ruction between Dairy and
P.onansu have been sent to the
loenl highway office. Hlds for tho
oli me submitted on these blanks.
IMils will be open In Portland on
February. .27.
The seventh grade domestic sci
ence class of Riverside school will
he l-osts to the members of the
school hoard, tho teacher of the
seventh grade Klversldo class, and
Superintendent J. P. Wells at
p.m. tonight In tho domestic sci
ence rooms In Central school. Din
ner will Im prepared under the di
rection of Miss Thayer. Raymond
domestic science teacher.
CHICAGO, Feb, IS. iMwe
than $00 advocates of McAdoo'a 4
candidacy gathered here today
for a conference to dacld aa to
whether he (hall continue a a
presidential candidate. A goodly 4
sprinkling of nmomen and -a 4
large number of leading party
men were present. Homer Cum
mlngs, in the keynote address, 4
.jald a "special attempt has twen
made to discredit McAdoo, but
It hi known and admitted every- 4
wtiere that Me Adoo had no con-
iiectlon. d'rectly or lndl.tectly.
with the oil scandals. A mere
statement of the situation re- 4
voala the absurblty of the sug- 4
geatton that there has been any 4
impairment of his strength as a
candidate.". ;
Eugene Re Jtv Men Propose
to ' Establish - Colonv of
' Slavic Dairy Farmers
; Purchase of a tract of land .for
the establishment In "Klamath
rcounty'or' a 'colony of dairy farm
ers consisting principally Of Slavic
people Is under consideration by
to Eugene real estate men, Mel
vin Hansen and P. J. Polonuk.
who have been in town for sever
al days looking at various proper
ty throughout the county. :
: "Principal among the drawbacks
in this county Is the question of
Irrigation," Hansen said this morn
ing. "These new pjople coming in
to this county to, establish a dairy
colony would have to ,be encour
aged and the high price paid by
water users Is a liability that 1
would hesitate to have colonizers
assume. The people who desire to
come aro now in North Dakota and
are principally of Polish and Ukra
nlan xtract:on.' They are a thrif
ty and law abldlns people and ar-.1
a valuable adjunct to a country en
deavoi'.ng to take advantage of Its
natural resources.
"We have not," Hansen contin
ued. ' "made any definite decision
concerning the purchase of proper
ty. There aro somo tracts that
look rood. Klamath Falls would be
a gnat aid lo tho people because
of a mirksting place close to the
H:nscn nnd Tolonuk are return
ing to Eugene tomorrow. They may
return, in a few days and estab
lish offices here but are not yet
sufficiently decided on their plans
for the future. .
(.'. :A. Rati and Arthur Worth of
Pine Flat aro hold In Jail charged
wiih tha rifllihnratn kllllne of a
horse liolonglng to a neighbor.,: H.
L. Arant. They were arrested Sa
turday upon the complaint of Ar-
ant and were to have hud a hear-1
lug this morning at 10 o'clock be-'
fore R. A. Emmltt acting as com-'
milting magistrate, but owing to
tne non-appearance of witnesses the
hearing was put off till Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock.
The deliberate killing of a do
mesticated animal the Drouerty of
another person Is a felony nnd Is
punishable by a maximum sentence
of three years In the penitentiary,
or n flno ranging from $50 to
$11100 or both. It Is also within
the discretion of the judge to sen
tence tho prisoner to the county i
Jail for not less than one month
and not more than alx. I
Taxpayer Will' Decide pm
Purchase , of Site For
Needed Structure . !
" A bond election will be held to
morrow -afternoon to decide -whether
the' city school board, shall- be,
authorized to taker up the option
held by the board, pn property at
Seventh and High' where It -la; ,prb
posed to erect a new central rraij
school.' ; , ' - ,- v -
: The election will be held l tb,
lobby of the central school ; The
pol'ls will be open from 2 , p.m.
7 p.m. Those eligible to vote , are
taxpayers of schoof district Bam- .
ber one, which - Includes -Klamath
Falls and Pelican City. - A r .
'The election will -decide whether
the present - building 'If to aoltl
and- a ncw: building erected with
the proceeds. .'The bond: Issue would
be for-125,000,' of which 24,60
will go to purchase the -land, and
$500, or the portion of that nm
needed, .for handling expenses -ygt
the transaction." . c .';. .
. The present'- building. Is Joae-.
quate and- unless, the- bonds -carW'--..
.the'jlt'y'.wlH,' be; faced' with- a -avjr-'
Ions problem . in providing room
for achobi -cblldre.ft--la-iu.l -Mint
nnlA ' nt t)nn-nrnsent achoal - aita
will pay a Jarge portion of the coat
'of a new building, Vhlch '
of 1 roohraor twice' the alie ot .
the present atructure. .. i ..-.. '.
Shoulfl the',, bonds - carry,.. It., If,
probable:' .that' .the board ' may 'be;
able to, acquire the -entire: block,
since the Episcopal church has of
fered, to move to another location
and sell Its present site. ' -.. ft
Spanish war veterans .and their
wives " will hold their annual ban
qpet in .the . chamber of'commetea
rooms at. 7 o'clock Thursday. .even
ing. Invitations have bee,n sent
out to 50 veterans throughout th
county, in use any . vetorana hate
been overlooked by -the committee
In charge, they are' requested -to
see Mayor A. K. Wilspn . In. order
that. n. place may bo reserved for
them at. tho. banquet. lj
A movement Is on foot-to orgaf
nlze a camp, of the-United Hpanlsh,
War Veterans ' In this county an
this will ,be. disciissedT at the bnj !
quel;--"; ' '. .-"'"
.:;:; " , , ;U
A diamond Jubilee, commemorat
ing the 60th anniversary of the onhr,
will . be held by the , Knights of
Pythias In the lodge rooms tonlsM.
Tho -program will include a danys
and a basekt social. , r!v
The Cyclo-Btormw
tr.ttph at tho Cn.
dcrwood pharmacy
regUitera a illghtly
I downward frond lq
barometric p r 8 a
sure -this afternoon
'bet tho movement
is not. far enough
j advanc
' cat ,a
J 'change
need lo Inrtl-
,any , deciatm
In comU-
tlons. FoivcuHt for noxt 24 hours:---(ieucrally
fair with modem! tm.
piTllturw; l -,- - -
The Tycbs ruronllng 'thermometer
regtetnrod maximum i and mlnlmnm
temperatures today as folknrt:
High ..!T...-s'...w..a.-.."rf..i,- it- f
lyOW.,... ...;.... i j