Equal Rights, Equal Justice, are the Twin Pillars of Democracy Member of the Associated Press Nerentoenth Year No. una KLAMATH FAIXH, OIIKOO.N VF.I)XKHIAY, FF.II. 18, 1034 PRICK FIVE CCirTM A Million a Month Is Klamath County's Industrial Payroll y ' 'S NAME INTO OIL LEASE SCANDAL Sale of Marion Star For $500,000 Brought Up bv Vanderlip WASHINGTON. Feb. 13 The prediction that public opinion will furco Presldont t'oolldga to remove evory offl- cist connected with oil reserve leasoi was midg today by Bo- tutor Robinson, domocratlo leader, replying to tho presl- dent's refusal to accept tho senate's nlvlco and Imiiicdla- taly ssk for Dun by ' resigns- tlon. WASHINGTON. D. t Feb. 1U The name of the Mia President Harding ami circumstance surround, lag the sale of till Marlon Star wrre brought into Ilia ull least wamlnl today by Frank A. Vandcrllp, New York banker. Vamlrrllp num. niunrd bcfot tho wiiiinltlce luiiuir row to explain til speech last nlulil at Owing. N. Y. OHHtXO, N. Y., Feb. IS Frank Vanilerilp, who In lila anwh mild ii '"certain 1 JUrlon ' . ncwpper , bought by Jwo young turn of no financial Mantling for iWO.ooo." dared today IiIm object wan to en courage investigation of golp cim. corning tlm dead prclileiii which l outrageous untrui. Vauilnllp, In his mxx-i, miIiI everybody In Washington, liit'luilliiK newspaper correlM'detii, knew two young nit'ii of no fliinnrlnl standing purchased the pser. "but Want to look under the edge of tin shroud.?, . o- ,. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. J. Leo. Hiack, Denver oil man, testified today before tho souulc oil commlt tio llmt Pioneer Oil company offi cials told him confidentially a week before Teapot Home was loused that Harry K. Blnclalr wan to gt the leaso. Slack, who li-ntltlud yonlorduy, wtM oroiia-cxainimid today by Chair man Pun root, 'Muck umphaHUod tho duiiKor of drnlnaiio of Toapot Dorno by wclln which would bo opened on land surrounding tho nuval rcaurvo uu Uor action which thu Inlorlor do partmont had taken In 1920. when rlKhta to operuto on uch land had bocu sold at public auction. "In 1920 It wa common tulk among all men that tho reuorvo won being drained." ho aald. , .WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Earl C. Bchuylor, Donvor tittornoy, tele graphed Senator Wolslt today 'ho lias corroBPoudonco which ho thought the. senate olj committed should have) Walsh said ho would bo summoned. At tho samo tlmo Walsh ro cclvod a telogram from D. F. fltackolback,. of tho Donvor Post, saying ho bad good reason- to bo lluve tho correspondence in Schuy ler's possession was "sensational." ST. LOUI8, Fob. 13. .William H. Johnston,' president of tho Iutornu tlonal Association of Mmchlnlsts, to day doalod responsibility for Urn Hlntoinont ropoiltod to bavo como from Him, that William 0. MfcAdoo's ns aoclntlon with Dohony oil Intorcsts made his availability oa presidential candidate doubtful, Johnlon Is prosloVont of tho National Couforonce for Projcrosnlve Political Action which has hcon In sosslon here. WA8HIN0T0N, Feb. 13. Tho sonuto today adopted u resolution hv Dill. Doinoorat, WiishliiRt'on. nailing upon ,tho stat'o dopartniont for conies of nil diplomatic cor respondonco In connection with tho uuiiate's rntlfloatlon of tho Colom blnn treaty, which was urged by former Hocrotnrv Fall. A socond resolution by Dill cal ling for Blmllar reports from tho stnlo dopartniont 1 us lo ronuniu iiluntlons ronceriiliiK oil conccs- Hlons or Ikiibos in nine other coun tries was also adopted. WASHINGTON, Fob. 13. dnqui ry Into ohnrgos of frnudiilont land AG HARD NG I WAS TO GET LEASE? I Hurry K. Sinclair, oil inurfr.ate prominent In tlm Tunl Dunn srsiiiliil. whom 1, ,c(i Htuili. lien- vnr oil him 11, loiluy Instilled ti had been told confidentially wm lo got tho lease, T fflSEC Settlement in War Contr.ict Cases is Denied bv Attorney General WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. At torney General DuuKhorty denied In a commmilcatlon nent to the icnutu today tlmt tho department of Juntlro made any ettlement In wur cent rue t cuc by which Im munity from crlmlnul proHecutlon Win promised" provided civil liabi lity was mot. Many case had been aeltled with out criminal prevention, naughler- ty nultl, but tliene Involved over paymentii by tho government through mistake of law or facts, and other contentions which would not warruut criminal prosecutions,' In BotUoimont of civil liability, In mutters and cases referred to, DuiiKhvrty wrote, tbero had been no uxreument. direct or Indirect by tho department of Justice not to prosecute tor any criminal liabi lity where there was such llublli ty. U.S. GETS FOUR Certificates Ase Issued bv Examiner ' Following Hearing Held Here A'orlirlcules of cltlsunshlp wero Issued lo four ruitldenly of Klumuth county Monday ufl-ernoon following their exiuiilnullon by C. C. WleUili or the Porllund luitui-tillsutlon board, who, iwlth I lie mid of Clncult .ludKe A. I., I.eavllt cotidiuctod tho oxaml nuttons. Hlx petitioning forcillzanship wore coiillnued till tho next b'Snrlug, somu on the ground Hint tlioy did not have wltnoHses to nppeur for thorn, nml others bncaiteo they wuiro not surrii'leiilly Tonvorsant with the constitution nml history of the United Suites. Those nil tn It led rare John Daniel O'Connor, Kiim-li Arvld Oblom, (l;Hivettor Mlttuid anil Knvll Pollvkn. Following tho examination the ex aminer coiiMiieliteil upon tho splen did showing of Umll Pollvkn. Another heiirlug will Irs held In about six months and those who dlu not receive flinil papers were advised lo study for tho ttoxt exuiulnatloii. .m.hki:t ukpoht POHTI.ANM, Feb. 13. Livestock Hlenily: eggs two to three cents loner, 2lic to 27c; butter steudy. operations In Texus was ordered today by lh sennto In mloptitiK a resoltillon by Ueflln, democrat, Ala bnma. IMMUNITY PR DAUGHERlf Ell CITIZENS SSUES OF 1324 CAMPAIGN HELD AS THE FOLD Oucstions Before Voters Pointed Out bv Former Governor of Iowa DKNVKIl, CoJo., Feb. 13. (By j tho Aodutol Prow.) Abraham Lincoln led tho L'nll.'il Suites througli a civil war to establish tho principle that Uv's I a naUon of states and not a group of Independent stutes I W. I,. Harding, former governor , of Iowa, 'said in an add reus bo-! foro Colorado rupublHans at a Lin-1 coin day dinner hern lnpt night. I "And now," lrunling continued. , "we must guard against a trend to' tho other extreme, fodornllzotlon of all our actlv)tles." ( Set Forth Issues. In his sildroM Harding set forth the Issues and perpetuation of the coming political campaign as three fold, involving maintenance and perpetuation of a representative fo-pn of government; solution of do- mnatlr problems and the disposition of problem arising from our for- olgn relations. .At tbo outset ho paid tribute lo Lincoln. "There Is," said Harding, "no problem of this time or the future growing out of the relation of man lo man, that cannot be solved tlt.Viugh end tinder out form of gov ernment as Interpreted by Lincoln. Hi understood that neither an autocracy nor an extreme democracy was the correct prlnolplo of govern ment on which to form a lasting and diwlrnblo stale. Tendency to Nationalize Tbe great history of tbo develop ment of this uatlon undop republican rulu has tieeit marked by the domi nance of Individualism, und U Is vit tuully Importuut now to get buck to conditions In Hurniouy with our form of government. The tendency Just now is to nationalize everything. W-o fought lu Lincoln's day o maintain a representative form of govern ment In our own country. And rep resentative government starts from tho locality. Wo must k&ap iu mind that the least government ii the best government: tbo local government must not be supplanted by federal or bureaucratic government." The big Issues of the cauvpalgn, tho speuker predicted, will bo na tionalism as against Internationalism. The ropublk-an party, lie said, "stands for America first 'big enough, strong enough, rich' enough und good enough thut no nation on earth, or all combined, will oucstion Its rights." ""Anxious to Help World. "Wu ure not, only willing but are aiixlouu to help tho world," Herding continued. "Hut w iuslst that we glvo wllllugly and In our own way rather than bo pushed Into tho whirl pool of Kuropoan politics. The best iiKirket placo In lite world Is In the United Suites. Our people get better wnges and ibottr prices for their produols. If wo koop the American tnarkot for tho American poeplo we cun bo ussurcd of geuorul prosperity. Wo should keop tho tariff fence Just high onough to protect that market. Sell abroad, yes, but let us not trade reul market for one whore they cannot pay their bills." Thu solution of tho farm problem. Harding said, lies not iu loglslutlon but "In sound government and the operation of economic rules that are luitloluil and not lntorautiontil, Formers of tho country, ho said, re ceived $2,000,000,000 more fop tho 1923 crop. than for the 1921 crop. Ho docluTed tho limit of taxation hue beon reached and that tho adminis tration, "If not too nruch molested. enn muko additional reductions. ' carWcloses T I.UXOK, Feb. 1.1. Illowurd Carter unnotinced today that bocntise of the discourtesy of tho KgypUun public works dopartniont In pafuslng per mission to wives of the exonvnlora to visit tho tomb, he had closed Tu tankhamen's tooth and abandoned operations. ! 01 ANGER Senate Resolution Asking For Denby Resignation PJWSIDENT COOLIDGE was advised by the Senate Monday to auk for the resignation of Edwin Dmby an Secretary o; '.he Navy. A resolution declaring the secretary's retirement should be requested "immediately" was adopted, 47 to 34, and sent to the White House by special mes senger within the hour. ' The resolution follows: W-r. n t''' tVI' ii States Sen-! form by tbo government of tho nt.i d'd. on JnllUufy 31, 1824, by; United States throush Albert 11. a ununlinuus vote, adopt Senote Fall, Secretary of tho Inlorlor, and '.'til resolution niiinler 64, tojKdwln Dcnby, Secretary of the Na proctiro the annulment of curtain J vy as lessor, ta tho Pnil-Amorlctin lease in tho Navnl oil reserves of j I'elrolcllm Company as lessee, wore tho 1'nllcd States; and j executed under circumstances ln- ... i. .k. .-u i...,.. among other things, declared as follows: " 'Whereas, It uppears from evi dence taken by the committuo on public lands ond surveys of the rnlte . Ktntes 8. nate that certain lento of navnl rest-re number three, in tbo' state of Wyoming, beaiing date April 7, 1923, made In form by tho government of the Unllvl ptatcs through Albert D. Full. Secretary of the Interior, and F.il.vlii r-vnby. Secretary of the Na vy, us lessor, to the Mammoth Oil (omptiny, as lessee, .and that cert ain contract between the govern ment, of tile I nlted St'trs and the Pan-American Petroleum and Transport Company, dated April 1922. signed by Hdward C. Fin-j ncy. nctlin Secretnr) of the Inter-! mediately request ine resiBuiiiuu lor and Kdwin Denby. S;er;tnry of 'of Edwin Pen by as Secretary of the Navy, rulutlng smon; itherjtbe Navy." thiiiFs to the construction of oil; This measure was a subwtltute for tanks at Pearl Harbor. Territory i the original resolution 1 offered by of Hawaii, und that ct rtaln :tase j Democratic Leader Robinson Bo ot r.avul reserve number one, in fore the Senate adopted the Walsh tho state of California, bearing j date December 11, 1922. made In j Credit Viewed ; . - of all Business Relations Collections and credits, a subject which Includes the heart of business ! relations, was discuaed from six dlf- ferent unglee by Tt. K. Knupp, credit j manager fo.' the Spalding Logging j company of Portland, at tire second lecture of the business lecture course "". naPP saia i.i oeiir a u.. in the Preiyterlan church last night, i chant gives credit he should be sure iNationa'l prosperity depends on the stability of commerce and tl;.. sta bility of commerce always depends upon the soundness of credit. This, Knupp declared, is a truism ull should realise. In other words civili sation Is based on credit. ('mill Defined. Credit, defined Knupp, is confi dence In men, lltelr methods, their character, Institutions they represent. nations they live In. There Is no business transaction wlraro credit Is not Involved In somo way. It bolng admitted that credit Is tho bulwark of commerce and hence of civilisation. It Is necessary, Kjiapp docln.vd, to protuct credit. He ns careful In protecting credit as a bunk Is in protecting tho money In Ha vaults. t Thoro are three "C's" in the theory of credit, Ktinpp pointed out Char acter, wnmclty and capital. Of these three, character is by fur tho most Invportnut. Without character, ca pacity cannot survive, and capital ond capacity will eventually fall also. Character In business will mean thut tho cuptltil will eventually soon como to you. Capacity In busluesa is useless by Itsolf but Is u necessary adjunct to chnructor. I'jipllal Requires Om Capital' requires wonderful cure. Knupp stuted. Failures In business are duo to incomeptoncc and in experience or, in otner words, poor handling of original capital. It U never safe lo use credit to borrow capital unless cupltal burns over, such ns In buying and selling. In other word It l all n'gbf for n grocor to borrow money to buy sugar WAR. FINANCE LOAN POWER RESTRICTED WiASlll.MSTON, D. C, Feb. 13r The house today passed a bill extenn- tog until December 31 next the powor of the wnr finance corporation to : - 1 nmko limns. The inoannro now goes! to the president, th-8 legislation. who recommended d cut nx irsuo anu corruption; nno " 'Whereas the sslfl .leases and contracts wero entered ,' Into with out authority on the part of the officers purporting to act In the execution of tho same (or tbe Uni ted Stutes and Iu violation of the laws of Congress; and : " 'Whereas, such leases and con tract were made in defiance of tbo settled policy of the government adhered td through three successive administrations to maintain In tbe ground a great reserve supply of oil adequate to the needs of the Navy in any emergency threatening the national security.' "Therefore bo it "Resolved, that It is the sense of the Unltea states mu wu President of the Inlted States im- resolution for the annulment of the oil leases.' As Heart i i lo eft sugar to buy more sugar with. - phe trouble with most failures is thgt Dew peopIe ln the business go (0() fari ' . ' . to know who the man or woman Is. There are also three "C's" ln col lections, Knapp asserted. They are care, consideration and compulsion. When it comes to collecting a bill cure should to exercised. It Is a proposition that Is difficult to handle and hUmoring methods should not be used. - . Another title that should always bo applied Is tonslderatlon. in other words upply the (iolden Rule, "Ti-jat the man whom you ais approaching to collect money ns you would like to have iiitn treat you ns "If the situation avero loverscd. In tWa man nor most people can be app.joached and somo progress can be m,ade. Strong Arm Methods. Once iu a groat while, Knup stuted, a situation arises that neces sitates compulsion and strong-aim methods. When tho merchant be comes convinced that docent methods will not apply to the man who owe him money then he should give I to him strong, plus a couple, of xtra Jolts. Illustrating his point with an extreme Instance, Knnpp men tioned an incident in Rainier. Oregon, when a niorchuut run into an obdurate man owing him money who refused to pay his debts and was about to leave town. TK merchant pressed 'a revolver to the man's side until he agreed to pay bis bill. , "Shakespeare," Knupp said In con clusion, "was a great man, and one of the g.viatest things 'he ever said was the passage ln 'Hamlet' which atartd out, 'Neither a borrower nor a lender be." " i NORWAY RECOGNlta ! SOVIET GOVERNMENT I . ' MOSCOW, Fb. 13. Norvnv has i given the Russian soviet govern- ! ment recognition. Do Jure, ot tne rorl,igi, offlco was Informed loduy. WIIKAT PltU'F-S. .1 j i-oKTLANU. Feb. 13. Kurd winte I wheal., $1.02; western red, 96c. NO SKY-SCRAPER HEELS ON WOMEN'S SHOES THIS YEAR CHICAGO, Feb, 13. This year's women's shoes Will have no skyscraper liocls, sharply v pointed toes or stunted' vampi utcaHUng to tho si! commit' tee of ttit) -Nations! Shoo BotalJ. or' association, which opened . Its annual convention and stylo ' review here yesterday. New features, burkiw and material am Introduced in the evhiblt of 13,000 pairs of shoes on display. None but those con forming to the Myle commit, lee's slogan, "freedom from foot hurts," lias boon accpptl for exhibition. "Surh terms a 'French heel mid 'French toes' are fast (lis appearing," said O. M. Shang ler, secretary "treasurer of the convention, 'Today most of the ' models originate In America and the grotvth of the Industry In the t'nlicd Slates has eliminated, to a great extent, tlio importation of liless from France." 17 FACTIONS CLASH Separatists Barricaded in Building Are Burned Out bv Crowd BERLIN. Feb. 13. Fighting be tween separatists and Inhabitants of ' Plrmasens, in Bavarian", Plala- tlnate. lust night, resulted In the killing of 17 persons and the wounding of 20, according to dis patches todaj. -ifai..,;. The casualties occurred during righting for possession of a gov ernment building which was even tually set on fire. Of those killed 14 were separatists. . Accounts of the fight are some what conflicting, but It . appears 40 separatists barricaded them selves in . the government building, from b'UMi . they fired their bombs against the, e,rowd. In attempting to eject them the crowd sprayed benzine on the build ing for the. .purpose of burning It When tlfei lower part was afire the separatists ceased shooting and oeggea ror' mere). One report says all separatists who left ; the building. Including the leader, Schwab, were slain, but a Inter report says only 14 of those in the building were killed. Latest advices reported the build ing still burning. SHEETS ESTATE In un ortKut1 admitting the will of R. J. Sheets to probate, it was stated that the approximate valuo ot his prope-'.'ty, real and personal, . was $20,000. ln his Inst will and testa ment mude on February 19, 1919. $2000 was left to bis adopted daiigb tcr Vivian Sheets and the remainder ot the estate, both real and persona.. was willed to his wife. L CHICAGO. Feb. 13. Oilda Cray, Ziugfield Follies dancer, told the police she was robbed last night by three men of Jewelry valued at $150,000 and $2,000 cash as, she entered the Bpurtment where sho lives with her parents. JIIss Oray, who was married re cently to (lulllard T. Iloug, wealthy New York', cabaret owner, had Just left the theatre und hud been driv en home by her chauffeur, who witnessed the robbery. SHOT DOWN WORTH ZIEGHELD CLAM ROBBERY T; WAR DEBT SAYS LEGION LEADED Ouinn Attack Tax Reduc tion Plant Secretary Held Enemy of Veterans ' WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 18 Secretary Mellon has failed to con sider in his estimates of aatlolpated revenue the sum ot approximately $160,000,000 annually accruing. as Interest on tbe British war debt, twice as much as is needed to pay the adjusted compensation bill, ac cording to John R. Qulnn, national commander of the American Legion. In making this declaration, Com mander Qulnn added that Secretary Mellon had also failed to take Into account' &e estimated . seringa of $220,000,000 to $20,000,000 which economies of national admitrlrtratlpn will prodnce.t , . . I'- The statement were made at 'tbe alt-day aesfflbtl of Legion's National Legislative committee beld at tho Hotel Washington when plans for a nation-wide' demonstration by ,ex service men were laW. ' Mellon Called Enemy. "The Secretary of the treasury Is the greatest enemy .ot the ex-eerrtce men In this country," Comanander Qulnn told the delegates from forty eight states. ''.'Hone stands .a great administrative officials of tbs gov eminent persistently lobbying to de feat - specific measure ot legisla tion a measure which the majority of duly elected legislators repeatedly have declared ahoujd be enacted Int. law. 'He b consistently altered the estimated cost of pieetlag adjusthil compettsation, put 'even - his Wgeln estimates (an lie met out of th;lnV tercet on "the Brittsn war debt and. the economtea effected in adnuoh)- trayon." . . , "There ' is; abodt $io;ooo,000 M: year paid on the debt. and Melloo latest cost estimate is $4715,000000 for the first four yaars, an average of a, little less ; than $ll,0D0,00o a year. It will not cost that much as Mellon uudoubtedly.'knows, but niee't- ing hini. on his own ground we, have more than enough to pay the coil without inflicting hardships on any class of people, and without bluder- iu gtax reduction. It can tie - eeen that taxes can be reduced. . ' ' Insulting to Intelligence. "I want them, to' be reduced and so does. tbe Legion. And Mellon. is Insulting our intelligence when lie says that there can be no tax reduc tion if the adjusted coirrpensatlon bill Is paid." ' L 01 E SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 13 The sailing vessel Rouce, .bound.; from Nngayo, Japau, to Astoria, Ore., was blown ashore, according to a report ' to L K: Wiest, Who, with, a group of associates, pnrchased the vessel' somo time ago ffloni the Columbia Klvcr Packers', association. Several .othor boats were also blown ashore.' ac cording to AVest's advices, Tbe Rente is now In the lunlbcT tradw. - ' v". ;'' '; CH'llRA'LTAR, Feb. 13. Tbo crew of the five-malted aiixlllury oohoonor Rcptibllque, which burned at sea, hove 'been rescued by the Spanish steamship Romeu. "The rcDbltiHe wn.i a total Hws. ' ' .v- . " I -- : . THE WEAtliFH , - ' The Cycle-Storm, graph at the Un derwood pharmacy lisa - registered steady, but alow, decrease In baro metric premuuM daring the last 34 hours. A dlsrrbr ance dt consldor abk) extent la ap proaching from the nouth. Forecast for next 24 Uottre : Cloudy; coutiunedl warm, ffiilvwol by nnsHtle.1 weather. The Tycos recording thermometer registered maximum und minimum toirtpeiHtnres today as follows! High Low f 27 MELLON FORGO DIED VESSEL 01 ASHOR imJ7277 i