n THE ' F.VF.NTNG HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS," OREGON ' rilE EVENING HERALD ,-,.. CbAMNIKIHD All HA TlCh Viral Insertion per 1 1 n ix I'wo insertions per lino I no I'lir iiiMirtioii . per line atlr Knur liiaortlona ..pnr linn arte Wnk (A time) .. .... wr linn BH (M Month , per line ThV Minimum ohrK io ai put nuinmiiiiHe r i'hrni(1 loll,w1na nmill ninlasliiu First Insertion 'a In "New To lay" column without aitra nliaraa, tui all lumirfiuna lu tlui anlttmn re it Oral InaerMnn rst Yllaplay olaealtled ail i lir- ya larger than this la uaurti am uiiiitHil ulna Hum to inch Oopy m MM ha in Herald iifriim n -Minn tn st fi. that Mar', io,.. NEW TODAY Von HAt-K Alx-rnnm houao on pavi mont within 2 blocks ut Mhln a(. $:UOU. C'lillouta & Smith, 12-13 LOST Illiiik anil whim lwvllyn oilier pup. A weeks nll, airuyod from 7th unil Wkiliiuc. Mliiyml to ward. I'buna 2 till. 1 3tf KOIl KAUK Durork . ranch, Kaiio road. boar. I In ltu. U-l YOtNU MAN' would like work ilrlv (UK delivery. Aildl'i-aa III Wnlnu avenue. 12-13 KOR HALM Flint - class hTutur, I'liono (17 U or call ell 11th at i 1M3 , KOn HAl.B llroy Jtoeao. feinnli-a and males, ritink I'ayKr, Morrill. Oregon. 12 TOR BALB-flJarrfli. r. V. Wool worth Co. 11-13 KOIl RENT Nicely furnlabed alocp. Iiir room; nbo room with kitchen, uttt. phono and bath. I'liono 726-W, 11-18 WA.NTKI) To rent or buy a jciuoIImo .Iragsnw. I'hono aa t It . 11-11 MUSIC MI1MIO. Z. Peters, aecrd1tod on piano and rtolln, Appolntmnnta on Haturdara tunMnya aud Mon.laa only Addmaa a 1 1 road at. Urutl to Hlitb Jl'. Klf.- FOR RENT FOR RENT Wcll-atoekfd ranrh. fully ciiiliK-tl with farming toiulp mm. WYIlo lo Jihi I'rovoat, ojmin. OraRon. 11-13 FOR RUNT Klooplnit room III pn vnto honii', two blurka from "t olflro. Call nl 1017 IllKli nt. 111-2- FOIl RUNT Ono hnatKil bmtriinm In prlrata family. Ill Wnlnm troi'l. . B-U FOR RENT Two Irrlgatnd farm. Francla J. llowno, lionanin. tf-12 r'llt RKNT I J -room anil I 1-rooni apta.; alao nbln 4 1 I 'lib iiw I'hoti. Iil-W, (,. roll KhiNT Two-room apu; alao oablu 41 10th at. I'bono 4V AUTOMOBILES FOR RALR Ford touring, new paint and kaod tin1; Clinl-clum oouilltlnn throiiKhout. A Piirirnln. Ilukk m ragn. 11-13 WANTED WA.NTKD Hltnaljnn by a com pot mil nldorly Amorlinn; xood pen num. rapid tuul nocunito ut fltiuroa, dilrtK work for mimiimr anillni; Inn. Ad ilnms .1. ti. II., llox r2, Klnkford. Or Kotl. ll-l .WANTKII To buy am.ill homo from owno, !3,"i0 riixli, pitunrniH $3. lor month; Klvn prkv nod local i in in firm loner. Addrona Mux f T . Tin lloruld. 11-13 WANTHl) To rout or buy it (riiiwlliio diiiKi.aiv. I'liono S3R 11-1 I WAN'TKl) Sinnll 2nil-biiiid 'phoii... Knipli. Addruna V. Koynolda, Mor rill. Oro. 9-12 WANTMI) Womiin wiintml for IlKht liini.iowoi'k. I'liono 2ti0 U-12 I'o.SITiciN WAN'll.l It foo ar ori It in.iri' you ran uri, iiotrn u Kf.'iiriniA a honor poult Ion IhniUKb 'I'll llOI-tllll ItllMMIItflMO. lU .uitiit,., i)if 1 REAL ESTATE ' FOR FAI.IO or triulo tor rosldonco lot, my nqulty In poultry ranch. 1131 l.lnooln Hi. K-14 MISCELLANEOUS I .iiudKi'iipa Riirdi'IiliiR, pliinlliiK. aooiIIiik mill ui'iiilliiK. Siiuilro Itolul vodl, (ion. Dot, Fii-MIOlni! flulmorliitloiiH Inlton for nil niuiv r.liiiiM. I'ull Mm. F. M. I'ollottn, phono 894-11. F8-.MXInr TIUANQLIS CAFIi Tho placn to koi Itood fata. OIMCN Al.l. NIUHT tlf;t Main ivrmil. plioim HU4 , i kit , . . LIVESTOCK T7" FOR HA'IK II 3 IikiiiI ot tlitlry ctnva. ' Jorsoy Ht ruin. Will ilollver lo Klainiitii FiiIIh It mild. (I. V. KlliK. MonliiRtio, Cnl. 1 1-1 3 USTRAV. ('limn lu my iiIiho, iiliout onu mil Wi'hI of Kiuklo brlduo, nno blood-. oil miiloy moor, 2 yoiim old, m;irkoil ' crop und mipor bit. In right nur and nppor Ml In loft enr; noinn kind of ! luuiitl on lort lilpi Ownur ploasu null j mid pity obtiTKin. " ' Fli-10. .TAMKfi fvr.ir I FOR SALE Complot olrcuUw sawmill, 411 m dully capacity, consisting of 7" hy 1" II. P. hollur, M"xl" onmn, H-bln'.c Allls Chalmers mirrliiKu, twin nllKlno feud, 4-an.w editor, ateum Iik haul, cuntliiK Knar, lira rolls, ewiwy ora, trlninwT, sorlliiK chain u tnl all other fix t ii ton for ii eiiiiipliitd mm. Addriws W,lill I'lliti l,iimbor Co , Kliiiiinlh Kill I a, Oro. 1 1 in INTKUMATIOXAl; rorrnspoii.lonr.. Hrluml HCIIOMIIHHII1 for Hllln ul I A l.l'.l'lt Any subject yon my chooaa. W. W. Houtliwiill, liKO'.. Main Ht. II tf VOtl BA.MC Now nolsolimass type. wrltur for rush or '.rude fur lum ber. I'hone 31M11 7-1:) COR BAJJC Dud springs and unit trass, beating novo, amnll di-ak, run and dishes. I'liono 2I7M, In quire 1117 Lincoln Ht. 8-ia IIAROAIN Nw fH hip booia. alr.o , for 16. I'hont) 44-'V, 133 North lOtli at. J-l?a FOR HAI.K Ijirro Int. food loca tion, hoa'p for cnh, Wrtto lio A. If., Horalil offlc. V-ia AT I'ATTKHSON'H I'AINT KTOIIK you will find a conrploto and up-to-dam lino of unntnnla. atalna and vnr nlah In rana front pint up. Ik-ud- nliia foil. rooflnK, alioelliiK pup,.r and Rlaaa. W aoll for raah, pay ou.i, and aoll for loaa., tl-12 FOR SAliB Larga rod onlona. auu twa, paranlpa, carrota, bcoln. Saunrkraut. 6o par gal., bring you. Jar or bnrrnl. John llouxlk, 1 oillna northwoal of Malln. J2U-M1- Ill tO AlL- WOOL BUIT OR OVKRCOAT tallnrad to your oioaa ur by A. Noah Tailoring Co. All nn prlc. I'hona 1U. A. R. Roonor will call ant tltna and mow goorta. No Hprlng atyb-t and tamplHa Juat ri oolnnl. Uatlafaotlon auoraotcml, Vrnnn bnttnr for loaa 3R-F2.'.' Newtown applua. at their bmt uu II i boa ilollvrm. 2d on. U A. Nya. Talnni, Ore J24-MV4' ORANORK II per 40-lb boi by prn pald prcul poat; no oulu leinon and grapefruit aain prtc or win mu any way you waui tht.ni II U Pblllltw. Corning. CJ. lla for aale, wilt dttllver 482W. It P Hronenaittin Mhoiit, tit Kvoflirnt Mm,,, It In ( t. l"'ltfti attl.'-tl Hiatl lf.ti. I W.tOI- 'M tlMIV 'I. tumin. Ti'l-ihiinn Kx PK'KI.KIi OI.IVKM. to nv ur-paltl nff ''UMIIlt l'ri(t,a fl th ow aul I'll- Kv.-nlliK llnrald la III iwntiuiii IhrouKh wnii'h many poopl II. ilii uiinia by uxmg IU' iHirit cnhiinnH Telephone KH Thu K'vnnllig Herald la thr tnadlotn IhroiiKh whlrb many people upply ttioir wniita by uing It Inifit-rt .'olttioni. Tolet'hon PERSONAL. Will tha lady who wua formerly Bmoatlno Moaa of Bucramonto. cnl I upon bor coualn, iln. Lottlo Nowl Inic, nt Hvnnn' npilrtimonta, April I. Inn, lit Kviinn, Apt., Apt. 1 K-12 The prmlim, .if II. .raid Want Alia ma. iimin attained not merely by Tho the- feet Hint all ut Mi. r"lo HainldV In iK- ttlrttiilatlon. bui b Z6si A FOUND LOST illrftweon Doe. 9 and 12, from Camp No. 11, on Natron cuioti black homo, weight ahout 14 Oil lira., roa. hoil mane, wlittn noso, both hind feet white (about 8 Inches), 8 yourx' old. Conch hotKo trpo. I'ltiiao notify C. A. HUcha, Uoriibrook. Cal 8-14. I'oc ,ii-wi'a. iiJ Mvrilld am ,t ,i, ti.-,. n ,iiiitio-it no' iner-ly hv The 1 ti 11 r. hij-c eli eolnl ion. ftiit be the fact rlim all of He reml-ra arv DiertKU-il in Out Whui Ada , Y'rtin TIV I WUin I HITim:. HAIIV CHICKS-Whlte ana urown i.OKiiorni. niur.-ii Rocks, R. I, Rods, Ulnck .Mlnurnns . Now bonking for spring delivery All flocks certified by the r.loi.n. Coom . Fnrm llnrouii. Prices on nppllc.it ion OrlMiul llnlcherv. Oallf 1 Orlnnd. tilonn Co.. j . 1 The prostige nf llol'lllil. Wmit'Adh! tlH Peon il 1 1 ii 1 1. .Ml tioi merely hy The I lorn 111 luruo ciroiiliillnn. Km by till, tact that all of "n readers sr.. nt.-rstt.d In our Wol AiIh l'ti . rv..iiiiia llerrilil th the ..linith nnr..i.ai who'ft mntty p..M0le him. i itt..i. ani hy uxiiig lis '4-tlt.M ... l.tU'll....... - rn- iH,tlUII, ' il'li 'i jiro.ii FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ; y; j If S . , I iiifef 1 mm- : k: . . if LEGAL NOTICES StVIWI'. FOR I'lllll.li-ATIOV ' ll.'pariiiiouf of tha lliiorlo', 11. H tjinit (iff Ice ait likmrlfw Oritgiin, JamiHry 13.' IH24 Notw la hereby given tniM Wl. Ham M Uirena. wboae KMifrica ad-;aia dorendunt, directing thu aula oi Irene l 123 N. Hib. t.. KIiuik.iIi H' rl proporty lierelnaftor dca Falla, Oregon, did, on th- mi, ,,,y f erlbotl lo antlaty flm um of One January, 11123, (In In thin offlci. iThouaand (fl.OOO.OO) Uollara, with 8wom Bintemnnt ami Aitpllciiiion, I InlercBt thereon nt (ho rnto of nv No 0114, tn purclmaw tho HW'4 ;n per cent per annum from Octolx-r NWi and WVi MWi4, Koctlon If,, I Bth, 1022; for thi farther mna of Townablp 88 Houlh, Rnnire II It-imi. I I'Zr.O.OH- oh counael foea, and for the Wlllarnette Mnrldlnn, ami the iiinlmr j'al nml dlelmrKcmonui taxed at iliernuii, under the provtalona of the 1 1 S.O. utt o June 3, 1H73, and Beta nnioii- I NOW; TIIKRWFORK, by virtue of ,lnlory, known aa the "Tlmbw nd ,1 wll, I have duly lotflod upin, dtone Law," at audi value aa might r"l property, and on Febru- be filed by apprlamnt, and that, TX 1811124, at 10 o'clock A. it., purauant to oucb application, the at tho front door of tho Klamath mud and timbor thereon bnve bnon Ulounty Court houue, Klamath Falls, ipprulaud, TUnbor at II 1 00. Uu, tun- her sotimated 1 1 (III M board fi oi at II per M, and the In nif fun. that aid applicant will offer final oroof o anpport of bta application nun tworn alatonwint on Lhe 22d day of March, 1U24. before C. It.. beLxp. olork of the County Court., ai Klum atli Fallt, Oregon. , Any peraon It at llhenr to pro Lent, tbla porcboae before nirr, or initln.1 a aonteet at any titoe before patent bwuea, by filing a corroborated affidavit In thin office, ulleirlng fnciH which would defeat the enrrr F I I.KilfT. ftoiflMU'r JIS-Marl7tno. LEGAL NOTICES K4ITICK FOR I'Clll.lf.'ATIOI. Uapertiiieni of tbe Inuarior, 0 B. l-nd Offlco at IjikoriHW. Oreg'ia. luuuary I, IU24 Noilci- la hereby given thnr l.ela I Kiuu,. wbonn powoffh- addrena la 1368 t'oiiiuierutaJ 4UM. fortlandv Oregon, did. on the lath day of June.. 128, file m tbla office Hworn Htute oieix and Application. No. 012001. U) pumhoae the HK't HW 4 . Section . Townnnlp ST KnuiH. Range iri ICkai Wlllxnirttt- Mertittaa. and tbe lluimr thereon, under., the. pro vlntona of the act of June. 3. 1D7H. and acta atuenttnUiry, known aa the 'TlmHier and Btone Law." ai nunli rain aa inlgUl be fixed by appraiHV meol, and thol. purruunt to auch ap plication, tbe liurd and tlmbtr thnre iln tlav. h.-eu appraland, the tlmoer ontimated HO M. boanl feet at 11.26 per M, and tbe land 14V; that eald applicant will offer final proof In tut) port of bar application and ewnro atHtenxMil on the Ath day of Aprlf, 1184, before C. R. D-Lop. clerk of tlio county onu it. m Klamath Falla, Oregon , Any le-r-oii la ai lltiwrty io pr- Li-t ihle pur-hen, iH-ror. entr', or nltlaia a ai any tunc before patent tniM. hy filmic a coi - rotiorateti uffl'luvit in tbli, uffice, al leging fk! Which A'ttlllll ifHr.,!! in- i -our? r p i-purr, Hmlauir 1 1 4-.Mart V'liit CITATION. ' In the county court of the state oi Oregon, for Klamath county. , in tho matter of the estate of Emanuel Dunn, deceased; Jame - Dunn, plaintiff, vernus William Dunn, Kate Priestley, untie Dunn. Anne Dunn and all othor persona having or claiming an interest In the estate of Kraunuel Dunn, deceased, defend ants. To William Dunn, Kate Priestly. Lottie Dunn, Anna Dunn, and: all other porsons having or claiming an Interest In tho estate of Kunanuol Dunn, deceased, greeting: in the name ot the Stale oi Ore gon, you are hereby cited and i aulrod to appear In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Klamath, at tho courtroom there- lof. at Klamath Falls, In the County I of Klamath, on Monday, the 6th day of May, 1 H2-I. at 3 o'clock, In tho afternoon of that tiny, then titid there to show ctitiso If any there be why the facts should not bo found: und the hvlrahlp and distribution decreed In the above entitled estate. huiUei as set forth nnd prayed for In plain tiffs petition on f 1 1n therein; you and onch ot you. are further cited und re quired to nppi'ur ill euld timo and place nntf file your nnewttr setting up your roapectlve vlalms ot henship ownership, or Interest In said, estate. lius, u dofuult thereof the plnlntttt ; will apply to tho court for tUo roller a prayed ror In unld petition. Wltnoss. tho lion. R. PI. . Bunnell. ' JuiIbo of the county court. .of the ;i," f nr,.aon for il... ,,... r Kianuitll with tlio m'lil ot said, court, affixed. Ihbi 2d day ot Puhruiirr. '1924. 4 Attest: C. R. DR T.W, ) (Seal I Clerk. F5..I 2. 19.2K-MM.U. NOTICK OK SAI.K. i In The Circuit, ("unit of The Smti of Oit'iu for Klninatli I'minty . Ilivers llroihors. n corporation, nil.) Thomas V. Hlvors nml I'lnls toplier I', Uiiviim. Trustees. Flnin-' tilts, -s., l'ctcr Uogmula. ' Dofentl ant. NVtllre Is hernliy Klven ; iluit nA I virtue of nil- ooi1ttlb'n "nh'oriWr" nT : .I.-?,;: .tj.s-vju.vt5. ,4 1 Hi'Jilikm''i LEGAL NOTICES ao I bemud out of tlio Bbovo entlt I od Court and noun On January litb, 11)24, upon juriginant and le oroe mude and entered of record In eald Court and catie In favor of tha 'above named plalntirra agiunat tho ' Oregon, t will anil at public auction to tho lllxboet bidder fur cnah In hand aubjoct to redotirptloii oecordlng to law, all tbe rlglir. title and Inter eat of the said dofondant. Feter Bognuda, In unit to the following deacrlbod pronriaca, to-wlt: Bltuate In Kluirraih County, Ore gon, ' . . Tho Wit half of tho Southweat quarter and the Southeast quarter ot the Southweat nuurter of Boctlon 28; Tho Boutheaat qiiBTter of Sec tion 2I; the North - half ot the Nprtheuat quarter of Hmllon 32; and tho.' N'orthweat quarter of the Nortbwont quarter of Seotlon 33, all In Townnhlp 3s South. Range 11 Ei W. M.. containing 400 acroa of land. i Dutod at Klamath Falla, Oregon. Junutiry 16, 1 824. L. L. LOW-, Sheriff. By Burt K. Hnwklna, Deputy. Jan. 15. 22, 2D; Feb. 6, 12. 1IIDH W'ANTKI). School llatrlct, No. 1, Klamaiu county, Oregon, will receive bid on the following play apparatus: Four traveling ring outfits (six rings). Four portable slides, 10 feet or 18 feet. Seven horizontal bars. . In traveling ring outfits, bids to be submitted separately on pipe tor frame. i . Kuoh bidder to 'furnish, complete specifications ot apparatus offered. All bids to he F. O. B. Klamath Falls, Oregon. All bills to be addressed to toe clerk of School District No. 1, Klam ath Falla, Oregon, and to be In the hands of the clerk not later than March 17, 1924. The district reserves the right to reject any or nil bids. IDA B. MOMVBR, Clerk ot School District No.. 1. Klumalii County, Oregon, Klamath Falls. . Fll-lOInc NOTICE OF JIKARIXG ORJKCTIOXB TO Fl.VAV ACCOUNT. In the County Court ot the State j of Oregon, In nnd tor Klamath i County. j Estate of George J. Nichols, de ceased. Fred Bueaing, administrator. Notice Is hereby gjven tnat tne undersigned linn filed w.lth the county court of Klummth county, Ore- goh, his final nccountlh in said es- tats, and that by o-HleT of said, court, me nour ot z o cioca r. . on me 28th day ot February, 193. Is sot as tha time and the county court- room in mo eounnouse oi amnuin FallB. Oregon, as the place for bear- Ing and the objections, It any there be, to the allowance ot said account, and lo an order to pay distribution to the helrs-ei-law and the applica tion of tho undersigned , to, he dis charged from, said estate, and , the said estate to be closed, and nil per sons are hs&uby notified to .tile, such objections, if any they have, to the allowance ot said account, on or be fore said date. - . . -FRED BUESrXO, Administrator of estate ot George J. Nichols, deceased. J29-F0.12.19 XOTICH OF FINAL SKTTLEMKNT Notlua la hereby given that R. P. Breitensteln, executor of the Inst will and testament of Paul Bralten atein, deceased, has filed in-this couxt OJid proceeding, .tlie flqal. account of hla adminJatrutlon ot said estate. And said court has fixed March 3. li'2-t, at 3 o'clock. 1. M, as the time and the ouurtroom oS salir. court as tlie pluce-. tor. tbu hriring anil sertl ment of said tinul account. ... It, L'. imHITHNSTl-HN.' JixiM'iitor ot the last wlll and tosta luunt ' I'uul Kroltensteln, doooused. J29-Fr,18,l!.2e. .- "-'- ' I . KI SSI.VN OPKR. j j l)H ti.SDKN. F.A. 1S.. ..Prill j I tlusch. gcnenil mustc conductor of the l)i Mideii Opci n, has been Invited j by lhe IloralicviFt Koveniinont to ill-; rn t four, sj'miphon.v coneerts., in j T4sc(v wltlr-the. Niimiep Iniiprlnl i band. Hp . ulm hn boon asked r. dlruct ten. opoin porforiiUiiicivl nnd I concerts iii rotrogrtitl. ' Phone your want sds to Tha Eve- nlnr Herald. ' TAG MEETS BIILY My mamss TX3 - VUUAT k SULPHUR IS BEST J rn ni nniin nni tr- IU bLLAtl UrUbU BROKEN OUT Sii ! . - I Any breaking out or tikin Irrita tion on face, necx or body is over come quickest by uplylng .Yfenthn Sulphur, says a noted skin special ist. Because of lis germ destroying properties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation that Instantly brings ease from tbe Itching, burn ing ant irritation. ' Mimlho-Btilphur heala eczoina right up, leaving the akin clear and smooth. It seldoms fulls to relieve tbe torment or disfigurement. A little- Jar of Rowles Menuho-Ktilphur may be obtained at any drug store. It la used like cold cream. Adv. t 1 ( i Apply in Nostrils It Opens Air Passages Instantly Colds and catarrh yield like magic Jo soothing, healing antiseptic cream that penetrates through every air passage and relieves swollen. Inflam ed membranes of nose and throat. Your clogged nostrils open right up and you can breathe freely. Hawk ing and scuffling stop. Don't stay stuffed up nnd miserable. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Bblm from your drujririst. Apply a little in the nostrils and get Instant relief. Mlllloua endorse this remedy known for nuiro b,an 5(1 years. flOITiSI Cannot fcti In the? Hiiiiihh ftody If Ym Will I'm- Trunk lrriplfin. It ti preporin-roui; m Tart. It li a nhBtiK t" m with inflammfttry. muncular. urtnttr ir any form of Rheiimatlnni. Thin Pri8rriptlin doii not rain th "iniiiMt'h, it dops not dt-prSB th tin. n. ICal all the ruuat and good food you wih while taking Trnnk's Pn- -tcrlprion. CnnLalnn no mprenry. 'sal! ffvlntp nla,. oil wlntrgre'h r aar-'w-tlps, 1uj I'Ositlvely ovprronifs any kind nf rhPumsitKni or gnnt on parth What mor in vnu wsnt Thr- r Dnthlnn junt h pnort. rnd It l tm DOHHlbtf to set aorpeinine: httr. The Kre;itit urfc held solvent known and' r4lso un'rlnr 1-fv'r ro1lrino. Trunk't PrcrfptIno jipIIk for $1.75 or 3 fnr only JS. Star Orup Co. dv. , Pollur bootlegRers "In Paris offer to buy dollar ft prices ranging from 50 c-nttn?s to 1 franc above the pre vious night's ofricial closing qt'ota tion. Plaint-Iothiis pollcenK'n watch for tin we tloalrrn, sio ar? 'fore:gn ors. from somewhere. In coirrral Eri ropp." " Astoiinding Prevalence IT IS appalling! to.realkc that probably 70 of the adult population- suffers with Piles or some other form of Colon trouble. . , Yet, I GUARANTEE to cute any case of Piles by my Bon-aurgical method or refund, the patient's tee.1 Of. or about March tirU m .kilted enasiia tioa ot rectal pt ili will e huua. J im mr awn oaw Ba.ld.aa Mm Maio, diractlr opposika tha Crt Haoaa, ParUaad.OMaaa Smd tooar for ibt FREE Ufeatntw) book .. , CBAS?a. DEAN. M.D ZHO ANBvMOIW5W P0TWND.ORE6H THIS PURE GHEJkM ENDS HEAD COLDS &m ft s strr-i ;s:-i4ji g n w 8 ? ij: .7 - r- s Mm i 3 VO-mvnamf ' 'NO I' ii V kk 1 WAMS BiLUV -k . , cy DAVi( -j ,: I ''.i.Pirv:- SUMOAV k., , M S . IAKi -'I u. 1 kkkkp 1 1 kxTil Klamath Lodge Directory SAV IU0R.lXDT I'AIXTKD Bia-F THE UAi'.VK. Fb. 12 iProfows- or MarClD ol .U.nirltsh tils,; the local art gallery", hx published an urticl" In ailticli tie itxprmsna tho opinion that Ronvbrandt painted a portrait of hlmMf in "Tha Night Watch," tho cnltilrrnted picture which la the gom of the Amsterdam flallery. Mnrtln believes the man standing between the eimlgn and one of the patricians In the picture Is Rem brandt, a soir-portrait done In tlie style of his pnrtralU trom lfi3! to 1845. fJKRMANS CLAIMS CO.NSfDKRKI) ' BLUUX, Fab. 12. George E. WlUlamai and Thomas H. Crelghton, represenutive of tho I'nlted States alien property custodian, have com pleted their work In Germosny. They have, been . Jn . Germany several nTonths, vlaHlna various cities, nnd gave consideration to several thous and . da,',mn. . These were an outgrowth of the war and the subsequent seizure, of Go.raiun proprry in the t'nltctl States.. , ' . HfHjt i MuraM Want Ads. LINKVILLE IN i '"t- PW " E3 JNEW SHE3-t ON MV BACK fTW3 THERMOMETER winW2- Ist aeE up rrh wv JM M WO, JA PROOTTi I RESlSTEBeO ) tS c TEN BELOW AH0 THIS Z ,NEW WIS WILY XVJ f , fNO-HO-IVafK, 5x BELOW-. vonr iSSUs) iFHewrt -4.1 ! Sf tCe DRUtT STC6 THIS MaNH WHE CASS TRIMBLE JSj, IOEMANPeP HIS MONEY BACK. EVERETT TRUE ,v 3 i. . (MO !.'. A I K. - IF WOI SCS IS 5U65TITOT6 ft e.A SO N " YOU' R- ts omW owe THAT CO M .VfT IT 1 " AM KHIC AN IKdIOY Klomathi Coat Now , i fJ.B. Meetings' rat nn(I Slrtl Tucailaya Ourt Houso U)..tl'X'. Iliiacnicnt. mf. '-' . B. Hh'.'t'A, Com. -"'kiW mnniler I'liono tlB-.M Knights of Pythias Lodge "rK Meet every Monday even- ; in 7:0 p.m. I.O.O.F. Hull -Visiting KnlRhts ' wolcome. W. D. Coborn, CO. ' K of C Council No. 2255 Meets Tuesday 8 p. m. Lyceum Hnlt 8th and High VbriUna Knights welcome Ta P. CrawfortI, G.1C-. - BJ.a, ELKS Meets . Thursday evening. Visit ing members welcome. Klk Templw 3rd uuA . . Main. ., Perry O. De Lap Exalted, Itular Head the Herald Want Ads - YE OLDEN TIMES b- J By CONDO NO if!'.- NOT BY BLOSSER I 4 r -