Iff Mi ! ; i it i , l-'our THE EVENING HERALD KLAMATH FALLS OREGON itknimv. iniiiuAiiv m, wai ECLAMATH AUTO SHOW - FE o. 29. Mar. 1 ill! li J. REC01S BROKEN AN FRANOIHOO. Out., Fob. 12. Bum PninclmiN) and CoUfocmln wore not thn only parm of tho country whore Btmlobukor mnaaliod 1923 union records, according to figures from tllP B(tMlbaker faolory jimt re oolvod Ity Iho ChfMtor N. Woaver comlpntiy. Thy show that the year Jnxt womiiletod vna the Urgent by , fur In the hlntory of the corporation, Buriis,,ng ovon 1922, which wna a rocortMircakcr. " "' ' HludnbiikOT's rcoord In making 1023 Us banner gains year with I lie nulo of more than 145,162 cars fol lows a writs of ' phenomenal sales records. .Eaoli year rorj the past six yenrg Studubaker Balsa have greatly oxceoded tboae of the previous year. Students of statistics will recall 'VWVSAWWWW'W,S' i-p.,., ................... t -irn-n-B-irri--i-l-i-.-fni--lnririju-tan..n.niviwvw.iw the story that 1921 told. In that yiiar tho saint) of SludolHikor cars wore 29.4 per cent greater than in 1920, while the total number of cars of all other makes except Ford was 40 per cent liss than In 1920. Stated otherwise, St'Uttbnktfa ratio of sales in 1921 wns 129 and the total of other makes ext'opt Ford was 60, as compared, with 1920. In 1923, therefore, fituclolmkor had the Bhow.lng of a record year to Burp.TKs and plans voix laloS for a production of 100,000 caws, h compared with 66,643 In 1921. Rvn with (his larire increase in produc tion, ut no time was Stndebaker able to supply the demand for its cars. During 1922, 110,269 cars were produced and sold, an increase of 65 per cent over 1921, which up to that tiinn wns the greatest year in the histo-Ty of Studobakcr. HOW AITO GKTS XAHE The anlomoblle takes Its namn from the Greek "autos." self, and the Latin "raobllis." movable. ViUmWMfi ii l- ------- ' II I Laugh at the Hills Shoot the hills ia an Overland! With a surge of robust power,' Overland whips into action oS like a 6treak carrying you up and over the top oi the steepest, meanest hills. Try it out. Overland will prove on the road its. reputation as the most car ia the world for the money. Champion $695; Sedan $795, tab. Toledo. AUTO SHOW TO BE IS KNQGKOU T PREDICTION IMans for the Klnnmth auto show, Kehruary 2'J and Nnrcli 1, are pro gressing smoothly and there Is evorf Indication that ,tlio show will lie a knockout, reports tho American Legion committee. The show will be held in the build: ing at Ninth and Klamath. Allot: ment of sparo. Is in the hands' of Dr, H. D. L. Stew-art. George Hurt and JS. M. Iglo are, n charge of advertising, decorations ana eiuertniniucnl. Alfred O. Collier and Kil. Geary will hare .thq building in. comUtiou shortly ton display, of cars. Since tile Klumulh auto show fol lows those hold in Portland and San Franoisoo. It is expected that the dealers will h.-iv now.. Ideiis tor dis play of cars, as. yfoll as. tho. latest models. In their respective lines. One dealer Is planning to equip one of his. cars with balloon tired, tho latest sensutlon in the, automotive industry. By next week the legion expects to have all space allotted and all de tails of the show settled. The show will take, tho form of, a social affair, it the legion's p,lans, are carried out. Donees will be held evenings and. other tortus, of enter tainment provided. Including an orchestra. FOOD'S OUTPUT NEARING FRANCE TRIES OCT . NEW MOTOR, METHOD Ford is figuring on manufactur ing 3,000,000 cars and trucks, und the turning out of mom than 10,000 machines In one day sorvtw h proof of his determination to aohli-vo thut goal. Chevrolet expects to produce 800, 000 cars In 1924. Willys-tKmhuid Is "counting on 300,000 new cars, the Bulck company has a set program for SriO.OOO nutonmbll.-H and Stuile baker has set 200,000 as its 1924 mark. These five produce alone, there fore, have plunned on building 4, .550, 000 machines. There ure about 185 smaller companies, nvoat of which have enlarged their programs for the present year. It Is conserva tively estimated that they will ibulld all told about 450,000 cars, some authorities estUnatiug as high a 750,000, because, outside the five heavy production plants arc some very big companies, such as Cadil lac, Oldsmoblle, Ouklaud. I'eerlcss. Star, N'aali, Chandler, Cleveland, Hudson, Essex, Dodge Hrothers, Hupmobile, Maxwell, Chrysler, Reo and Jewett. Strong Buying, HIiowii. The national automobile shows in uiniiii i ew York; and Chicago and tho big dealers' shows in the principal isist ern districts, suoh as Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee ana Mines pa Us, have disclosed a very definite strong Inlying li-iiilm--, not only among the public, but among thn distributors und dMilem who nulla to those cities by the thousands to make their roniriicis for the vomv' shipmeniH. The absence of iiidlcul dipnrtiir's from conviintioiiiil lliu- of engiiieer Ing mid body dralgn hits given the IndUKlry more subsiantliil foiindii tlon thiin ever, and doiibllivis tnlx hits hud He influence on the willing ness of tho puMlo und dealers lo go ahead with lew tinensliieHs limn Jn tho past, HERE IS METHOD FOR LIGHT CONTROL Viirlous methods of controlling light lo t'llminiilu glare have been used In the past. One of the IIthI methods to bo attempted was by dimming the light, which Is ac complished ly Inserting a resist ance into the light circuit, or other menus to control the current, flow ing to tho bulb fllnmeiit and thus Its brilliancy, Another method Is by the use of two bulbs, one of which Is entirely out of focus to as to provide a diminished light which Is entirely without glare. Sperlul types of lenses nra also uxed for the same purpose und may be termed a meohunlcul melius of con trolling the light. Automobile Digest. iho 'iiilpiiien( of Hie KcrrocuiTlH lie Menle Alto, opei'iitlug between Mexico City und .iillr.niiiii, curry ing iiiiHiieiigius mid llulit frelghl. t, ,Vuy, l:!'J, II in I ll( I I'll II with tiiillci' linn niiiile 'I"11)" round y.lps hriiveeii I'mlii'liul anil Hrll'IO I'llV. It. Ilt'YH CA It KgUll'MICXT Ten additional motor rail cara with trailers shave been added to Something New Under the Sun Do You Own A Fordson? Do You Intend to Buy One This Year? The Molina Uni-Tillcr is the greatest atlynnce in tool design iit a generation Three thousand three hundred dollars worth of imp lements for four hundred forty five' dollars'"' You have never seen anything like it For further in formation, call on J. W. Kerns at his office on South Sixth St. IT IS SOLD UNDER THE MO LINE PLAN J. W. KERNS MOL1NE DISTRIBUTOR Cream Separators Milking Machines 1303 So. 6th St Klamath Falls, Oregon Warehouse Phone 557-J Government officials of France and technical expert recently wit nessed a. teat In Lyons ot an auto mobile propelled by gas, generated from the combuslon ot . charcoal. The car traveled, sixty miles on thirty-three pounds of charcoal cost Ing 25 cents, or less than one- fourth the cost had gasoline been usea. me charcoal gas ig gener ated in a cootpartment built into the rear of the body of the car. DUNHAM AUTO CO. 403 So. 6th Street SCHEDULES FOR 1024 Numerous automobile producers in Detroit, Mioh., have announced sohedules for 1324 on a larger scale than In 1823. This report shows production to be at the rate of 5,000,000 cars a year, or an in crease of 25 per cent over the out put for 1923. The. . Evening Herald is the medium through which- many people supply their wants by using Its classified columns. Telephone 88. $490 Hllllli I A tompkts Ford Track wfth all-steel body tod cab t- " CIMS OYS37(M)0 an fhtmrforMtlLMtlbodrimdwtMhtrnof erf am dm Per worm- ' drfc dkmtm mama wrU't UwtU pnami cmmpltn m Urn m4 .-!;... - i A New Iford Steel Truck Body The Ford Motor Company announces the production oi a new all-steel body and steel weather - proof cab, ' mounted on the famous' Ford one-ton worm drive chassis, forming a complete haulage unit at the remarltably low prio of $490. ' Steel , flare boards and end gate with sockets permit the use of . stakes and high side- boards or the mounting oi a canopy top, Till Cm m ts mhttkmi ikrth tht making the body readily adaptable for general use. Screen sides and . end doors may easily be installed. This 'new body, built, oi heavy sheet steel strongly reinforced and riveted, is designed to stand up under the most severe usage. Loading space is four feet by seven feet two inches. L' The weather-proof cab is iitted with removable, door-opening curtains, ' ' a BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Klamath Falls, Oregon CARS ' TRTICKS ' T-R A r.Trt-R J5 'l'l''WnllJMIIIIIMMIllllllllllluUllMlllllMIMHIIIlllilljj They Paid $200,000, for Studebaker cars last year Find out why folks did it fl TV sf LAST year 145,000 people paid over $200,000,000 for Studebaker cars. The demand for these cars has almost trebled in three years. It has become the sensation of Mo tordom. There is a new situation in the fine-car field. You should learn what it means to you. a We spend $500,000 yearly on an engineering staff. There are 125 skilled men employed in our de partment of Research and Ex periment. They make 500,000 tests per year. We employ 1,200 inspectors. Each Studebaker car must pass 30,000 inspections during manu- Studebaker had to lead in this field. This concern has led in its lines 'for two gener ations,' Any other place would be un fitting. This is how we be came the world's largest builders of quality cars. $9P,0QP,000 assets Studebaker has $50,000,000 of assets,' Of. this $50,000,000: is invested in modern plantsand equipment,5 We have spent $32,000,000 for new plants and equipment during the last five years. So thy are' mddern and efficient. They contain 12,500 up-to-date machines. -- We have $8,000,000 in drop forge plants, $10,000,006 mowr in body plants. So we build com-' pleta cars Without paying other makers profits, ' " ' ' Learn Why 145,162 Bought Studebakers in 1923. Studcbakers hold the top place in the fine car field today. In 1919, the public paid over $80,000,000 for 39,356 Studebaker cars. In 1920, the public paid over $100,000,000 for 51,474 Studebaker cars, an Increase of 31 over 1919. In 1921, the public paid over $120,000,000 for 66,643 Studebaker cars, an increase of 29 over 1920. In 1922, the'public paid over $155,000,000 for 1 10,269 Studebaker. cars, an increase of 66 over 1921. In 1923, the public paid over $201,000,000 for 145, 162 Studebaker cars, an increase of 32 over 1922. In 1924, business has opened, with Studebaker as never before. Learn why all these buyers preferred Studebakers. Then on some steels we pay makers a 15 per cent bonus to insure exactness in them. Every Studebaker car is Ti;n-ken-equipped. The Special-Six and the 13ig-Six have more Timken bearings than any cur selling under $5,600 in America. The Light-bix more than any competitive car within $1,000 of its price. We use genuine leather upholstery. We use Chase Mo hair for the closed, car upholstery. Some good upholstery would cost $100 less.' 1 i I , To curb vibration, we machine all sur faces of crank shafts, as was done in Lb ertyAirplaneMotors. Very few cars do that. How such prices? L I G H T S I X 5-Pat: 112 in. W. B. 40 H. P. Touring ... $ 99J.00 Roadster (3-Pass.) - 975.00 Coupe-Roadster (2-Pass.) 1195.00 Coupe (S-PasS.) ' - : - 1395.00 Sedan - .- - 1485.00 facture before it leaves the factory. Those enormous, facilities en abled us to produce the utmost in a car. And we had the will to do it. No stinted costs We never stint on costs. Every steel used is the best steel for its purpose, regardless of the price. SPECIAL - SIX S-Pau. 119 in. W. B. SO H. P. Touring -Roadster (2-Paas.) Coupe (5-Paas.) Sedan ' . . - - $1350.00 1325.00 - 1895.00 ' 1985.00 How can we give such extra values scores of them ye sell at our low prir.es? Becaus these values brought us buyers 145,000 last year. The major extra costs are di vided by enoTmous output. Let us shovv you the extras you get, because of these match less facilities. B I G -SI X 7-Pa$. 126 in. W. B. 60 H. P. Touring '- -1 ' - $1750.00 Speedster (5-Pass.) - 1835.00 Coupe (5-Pass.) - - 2495.00 Sedan . 2685.00 1924 MODELS AND PRICES-, o. b. Factory. Terms to moat 9 our convenience DUNHAM ) AUTO CO. 403 So. 6th Street THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCER OF QUALITY AUTOMOBILES