THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I III V, I l.lilif M!V H. NEW CITY LAUNDRY linKlii.l Willi. li'U N'"1' "I'm tniir IIiuIm In ' Htnln" , . , llmiuli li')' Hume Ml I'm-, Main .V t '(piiu.n'"- Pane Six :;Tftr,IpT,'UFC jCHOOKS lARNn Business Directory I HlMdr .it 1 tfwJta Ul tfii MW 11)1111 W V DWCJrV 1 I I I I I I lllllUI III Ikfl U Ik ALTT ' ' J ' ' 1 1 ... inn unr i rn I x --TYHE DEFEATS rOim-AXD, Feb. 8. Ted Thyo retained tho light, hoavyiwulght bell last night, taking two out ot throe falls from Frank Saxon, claimant ot tho Canadian title. MIAMI, Flu.. Fob. 8. One world and two American records tell yes terday in the openJDg events ot the swimming moot here In which lead ing girl swimmers ot the I'nited States are competing. " lUortlude Ederlo of Xew York Shattered her own world and Ameri can rO-'ords in the 130-yard free stlo fiwJm. covering tho distance In 1 minute H 1-5 seconds. I for former world's mark was 1 m,lnute 45 seconds. lAgnes Charcty of New York, swimming alone, ripped 12 seconds oft the American mark In the S00 yard breast stroke, which she made in 3 uxinutes 15 seconds Jagainst Mabie Arklie's long-standing record of 3 minutes 27 seconds. lAJlecn Riggin, New York, failed to disturb Gertrude Ederle's 300 yard mark in the opening event on th program, her IJme being 4:11.5, while the record is 3:58.2. Sybil Bauer, Illinois, swam the 100-yard back stroke in 1:15.2, a fraction of a second above her oiwn record. PRIZES OFFERED FOR ESSAYS ON ; VARIOUS SUBJECTS UNIVERSITY OF OREGO.W Eu geae, Feb. 8. (Special.) Every high, school and secondary' school student in Oregon Is eligible to com pete in the prize essay contest ot the American Chemical society, ac cording to word received by Profes sor Ontn F. Stafford of the Cuivensity of Oregon department of chemistry. The contest Is to be country-wide. Each contestant may submit one essay, not to exceed 2500 worts, which must be confined to the fol lowing six subjects: The Relation of Chemistry to Health and Efsease, to the Enrichment of Life, to Agri culture and Forestry, to. National Defense, to the Home, to the Develop ment of the Industries and Re sources of Each. State (the contest ants to write on their own state in dustries and resources.) The bast essay on each of these subjects in. each state will be awarded S25, and? six best essays will be se lected by the national committee at Judges- from among the state win ners. The writers of the winning es says In- the national contest will be awarded four-yer scholarships to Yale university or Vassar college, each, scholarship to carry with it (500 a year in addition to tuition CHILOQUIN TRAIN SCHEDULE CHANGE BEING CONSIDERED To make better connections for mall transportation, the schedule tor the Chiloquih train may be changed, next Monday, according to 1 John MteCall, postmaster. . A movement has1 been afoot for sev eral weeks to arrange the. schedule In such, a way that the train would arrive here at 12:30, in time to catch the mail Btage for .Ashland, which leaves at 1 p.m. The train ar rives here 'at 1:30 p.m. And the mall Is held in Klamath Falls for 24 hours. " Business, men have be.m in com munication with the superinten dent of ' the thirteenth . railway mat) service division at Seattle, Wash, Their desires are being con sidered and there is a strong likeli hood that the change in schedule will, b sffectod.. Among the - superstitious Uriah peasantry Friday Is regarded as a very unlucky day. The door should never, be opened to a stranger on thai day, nor should a cat be taken from one house to another, Phm yur trant ads to Tho Eve blBl HorAld, Si, 1 CH RECGROS FULL 11 MEET "Put Up Your Dukes, Marquis!" Li 1 LA'i J ; rlnc at Bermomlscy Town Hall, liut'.:inJ. wlt'i I:. K 1-iKas. whom lie l ft-au-J In six rounds. The r.aiiui In e.n -:iia : tlie 0-fiil ravins 'Club. His iiK.tln.-r. tho I5-.icli. jJi of Hamilton. :.'.h ssi'iwmJ Kttlvfao lion llml tow lxy lia.l vicKcJ t-oxins as a 1- ihlnki l'.'H Kicat stun", us wo Americans fay. t ADMITS PART1N lilLWiAUKEE. Wis., Feb. 8. Joe Jackson, former Wilto Sox outfielder admitted to Alfred S. Austrian, Cb,t oago American League club attor ney, implication in the plot to throw the wn:tld series ot 1919 and re ceived (5000 for his part In the scheme, according to testimony given by A'ustrian -in Jackson's $'lS,5tD salary suit against the club in circuit court here today. These admissions mere made to him, Austrian testified, in his of fice in Chicago about the time of tho call of the grand jury to invjsti gate the world series scandal of that year. 'Among other things, the witness said Jackson made the following admissions: That he had been one of the plot ters. That Chick Candll had first mentioned the plot to him. That he (Jackson) had demanded $20,000 as his share and that this sum bad been promised him. That he was to receive install ments after each game, but when none was forthcoming after the first two games he complained to Gandil. That he received J5000 from 'Lefty" Williams, Sox pitcher, after the fourth game. Austrian testified he had talked to Eddie Cicotte, Sox pitcher, prior to the Jackson conversation, and thct Cicotte had admitted to him his part in the plot and named Jackson and six other imemibens of the team. At this point attorneys for- Jack son began cross-examln'ng the wit ness. It was brought out that Charles A. Comlskey had suspicions that all was not well with the series after the. completion ot the first game. Austrian denied that Comiskey men tioned the names of any players, or that his suspicions were directed against any specific members ot the team. He denied Comiskey had sent a detective to Savannah, Ga., home of Jackson, to interview the latter after the close of the series or that Comiskey had had a talk with an agent of Arnold Rothstein, New York, alleged gambler mentioned in the resulting scandal. . . . : SAYS EARTHQUAKE NEARLY EVERY DAY LONDON, Feb. 8. The earth is in a continual state of unrest, in ternally as well as on the surface, says Professor H. H. Turner of the London Training College. In a re cent lecture he declared that almost every day an earthquake occurred somewhere and often three or four took place. These quakes seemed to be getting more frequent, and it is stllj. a, question ' with experts whether the worst had been passed or Is still to' come. iComlmentlng on the accuracy tn our times of the science of seismo logy, the professor said that modern methods of recording had proved that what has hitherto 'been written on the seismographs as interior rumblings are In reality earth quakes so far down In the earth that the crust Is not broken or disturb ed. VICTOR ADDING MACHINES at Southwell's. , '8- Itoad the Herald Want Ada. CLUB FRALV EUP fx DOK ill OREGON H Rt:C-KNE. Ore., Fob. 8. Joseph H. M-uddock, asiFi'stant to "Hurry Up" Yoat of MichiKan in 1923 and 1921, was named football coach far the University of Oregon, at a meet ing of the executive council of the Associated Students last night. He will succeed Huntington, resigned. .WASHES COMPLETE PLANS FOR TRAINING SEATTLE, Feb. S. Spring train ing plans for the Seattle Baseball club of the Pd-ifie Ooast league are complete. President Charles L. Lockard announced after receiving a telegram from Wade Killifer, the manager. The pitchers and catchers are to report March 2 at Elsinmore, Cal., "for a week of boiling out in the hot springs," and the infield and out field candidates March 9 at San Ber nardino, Cal., wheer the whole tew will be drilled. Killifer wired front San Bernardino. The contract of Ted Baldwin, third baseman last year, was re ceived yesterday. SEVEN CAGES OF RATS STUDIED AT STATE UNIVERSITY ORECON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Feb. 8. "Great rats, small rats, lean rats, brawny rats " iBui these rats don't 1ite babies in their cradles or spoil the women's chats. Indeed, they are among the moat friendly, docile, and altogether charming little black and white rats that ever squeaked. Fuithermore, they are doing a service for mankind by proving that milk is necessary food for' the growing child. Mm. Jessamine Chapman Williams, professor of household soleu):e, is experimenting with these rats seven cages of them with two or three in. each cage to find what is the best supplement for bread. Rats eat -the kind ot food men do. Mrs. Wlillam3 has found that those fed on bread and milk weigh four) times as much as those fed on bread alone, although they are exactly the same age and come from the same family. These rats will be a little more than 3 months old iwhen the experi ment is finished, February 22. Since this ago, in a rat's life corresponds to 7 years in a man's lite, the results will fchow the best, food tor a young child. The foods in the order ot thelc value as supplement of bread, says Mis. WJIllama, are milk cau- bago, potato and three fruHs prunes, apples and loganberries. An elephant connpt see an object outlined agajnst the sky at more than 30 -yards. More than 00 per cent of a blanket of pew. snow is sometimes made up of air. . Forty thousand tons ot tobacco 1b smoked In the 'British isles every year. ' . Recent tests have shown that the oak llmlbers In the ropf of a London building are as strong- as when it wain sreotad (Ire conturloi ago, m I III' II (II 1 1 1 I I I' lUuAIMLLuH d-OS A.NTrUI.KS, Fob. S. A tola! of $3;i".u,-i3.4;l lu iNisli mid pi-oiiorty wa- ruallxi'il by the crlmlmil oIimiioiiI ot l.m A'.iKi'lrs front op'Hat'ou.t dur ing tho month ot January, aivord ing to a rrport mado ptililli' by I'ulloo Statistician Knolos. This fiKitro In exoluslvo of $110,000 worth "C atito muliilus which foil into Hi.- humta nf motor thloves durliiK the sami period, the roport adds. The roport in duinll shows Hint oltisons lost 8i:i.H.t7 In cash In httrglnrliM during I ho lmmth. Tltn 'sucker" list was sod far another $30,, 1 70. S3 and plain tliVvos gar nered a total of t73.4i!0.3ii. Pick pockets, adding their lilt In tho whole, d.tigged $Si0.2.1 from tho pockets of unsuspecting victims while gunmen, stalking the street both day nDi night, wero ourkiuHl by $70,431.50 tken In liold-uio Worthless checks for $5504.45 worn cashed during the siunu period at) il another $i90fl was lost by cured a men utid women. Tho police, however, worn not Idle during this period, tho report indicates. They not only recovered a huge amount ot property, but their offensivo against crooks In general was intensified to su.-h tin i-xtvnt that the ranks of the crluiiuU wore more or less de.-ltmited. AH tol.l, thu police placed 6019 suspected killers, gunmen, potty thieves, suspect and oihor varletlos of law violators under arrest In tho 31 days. Tho total ar rests during tho month for g.uid larceny was 166 of which eight wore women. There were 98 suspected bandits, 19 drug pedtllerj and users. 35 4 asserted Wright act violators and 19 persons charged with reckless driving placed In Jail. The number of arrests for drunkenness led the list with 8S2. Also, there were 200 as serted gamblers taken Into custody. IE PRICE IS T YRF.K.V, Fob. 8. One o. the moat imponant real estate .transactions In Siskiyou county this .year came to light this week in the announcement f the sale by H. J. Barton of hid 100-acre tract on the Klamath river at the mouth of Beaver creek to Sheriff A. S. Calkins of this city, r. P. Tabor and the letter's son. itoy Taber of Dorris. The considera tion has not been announced, but It is generally understood the prope:4y brought the highest acreage price ever paid for real estate In that part ot the county. The location l.s an ideal one for a summer resort, and It is planned by the purchasers to ultimately make it one ot the attractions of tho can yon. Several mine.ial springs, flow ing waters of known medicinal qual ity, are located on tho tract, and sit uated along the Klamath In close proximity of t&ie piace aire many more springs flowing health giving waters, noted for many years for their remedial qualities. Shcrlft Calkins stated that no definite .program for tho development of the property had been decided upon, but a colony of summer homes, danco pavilion, autom'obllo camp, baths and playgrounds will bo In cluded In the program of early ac tivity. Aside from its value as a potential summer resort, there is a consider able acreage of gravol near the river carrying placer; gold values. This ground will be prospected and de veloped and If the values are of suf ficient to justify the step hydraulic giants will be set to iwork within a few months. A STUFFEDUP HEAD Instantly Opens Every Air Passage Clears Throat, Too If your nostrils are c'ogged and your head stuffed because of nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure antiseptic cream Into your nostrils ft penetrates through every air pas sage, soothing and healing swollen, Inflamed membranes and you get Instant relief. Try this. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Tour clogged nostrils open right up; your head Is clear; no more hawk ing or snuffling. Count fifty, AH the stufflnoss, dryness, struggling tor breath Is Bono. You rest tine. tT. .. . ... inn CH (Leave Your Filtxs 'Before 9 OclocK-Your AM- Pictum are W v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON rnW 0 WHERE PARTirtJLftf? Pl.orut h TRAPPERS I Want ALL of the RAW FURS you have. The marhot looks as good now as it will bo this season, on Beaver, Mink, Marten, Coyotes, Cats, Fisher ant Badger. Thanks for a chance at your Furs Marvin Cross Phone No. 733 124 South Fourth St. Kodak Finishing Films received before 9 A. M. Ready the same day at 5 P. M Uitil Ortlt-ra Klllwl Pminpily STAR DRUG CO. nth mid Slain Hta. WHITE PELICAN IRON WORKS INC. r Practical Iloilor Makers and Iron Worker Heavy Slici-t Iron Work Tuiilm, UroootiiiiRs ami Htuiku, Kloii Conveyors, Air Cooled unci llrlt-k linoil Hunter Wo specialize on Kopaliing Holler of nil kind Spring Street, nciir Oak Ave. Kluinnlli rails, Oio. I'llO.M-: TOO Medieul scientists say llK.t lovo prod-.coi In so?no peo;Mo iloflnltc physical mnludlos ranK'jig from catulepsy, in which tho victim be comes rigid nnd unconscious, to deafness and completo loss of speech. Springfield and Campbell town ships of Green county. Mo., ro dured thel? baby death rate of 4 2 per cent within tho short space of four yearj. 5 Costs Little and Overcomes Trouble Almost Over Nijfht Any breaking out of tho skin even fiery, Itching eczoma, can bo quick ly overcome by applying Mentho Sulphur, declares a noted skin spec ialist. Because of its germ destroy ing properties, till sulphur prepara tion Instantly brings case from skin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth, It seldom falls to relieve tho tor ment without delay. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small Jar of Rowlos Mentho-Sulphur from any good druggist and uso it like cold cream. A te Jir.,. Aim S'ocTrto i-JWuk.-'a.. ''J H: II Ik , eirr !M t!BfTO7iK rr-r mr. irri-f. Astounding Prevalence P: IS appalling to realize that probably 707 of the adult pop ulation suffers with Piles or some other form of Colon trouble. Yet, 1 GUARANTEE to cure any cae of Piles by my nonsurgical method or refund the patient', fee. On or about M.rrli tint mj. .lilld ort.nln tioa of rcUl .pel.lil. will b. houied in fnf own n.w bulldint nt wn as Mln, Hir.ctlr oppaaito lb Court Hoiu. r'ortJand.Oron S.odlod.TlurnijrFRXE , lltartrRUd book. C.SAS. J. DEAN. M.D l0 HBpoRWSOM WRUAU,OnECOH ECZEMA UirW-rSl.!-u0 ready a V 6 p'S I fm I9UY TWIilM DRUGS tSSlSSSx KLAMATH FALIJ4, OKKOUN i r W. II. A. U.-iim r, Crank L. Mar4 Ijiwyrr I'linno 117 Ortii-r Aiuoriraii Nntlonal Bank lllilu. HIIOW CAItlW Lou to nrdor lit SOUTHWlM. BTATIO.NKItY BTORI3 I'linno ouea I.KK'8 OYSTKR t'orktall ndcl wttcltcry to your dinner. Frmh In Hnnllnry biitllo at all lending Cafes and Grocers New Oriental Beauty Shop Marci-ll Waving , 11.00 unit Khainpnolin; Blouch Itlclit-, Hulto U No. a 018 Main St. Muko iippolntinents, I'liono Oil Look for the Tallest Barber Pole In the World ' SWANSON'S BARBER SHOP Ladles Ilnlr flubbing s Bpnclnlty BB5 Main Hired LET "TEX" DO IT Upliiilxti'i'liiK MullrcHK innklng fieiii'i-iil l-'iirniluie Ki'puli'lnK I'llrnlliiie pai kcil mill crated Vim nIIi iK nml ciiniiii'lliiK J. S. WILLBURN II Til Main Hi. I'liom, 4 10 All work guiiiiiiileud DR. II J. WINILKD (irmliiulj. mill Himn Ui'kIhIit''"! OPTICIAN Xlmlivn Vonr lu-i' In lliiilii, J'i-iitiil b-rvlii til Mt'lli Ml n-. 'I J DU J. G. GOCLE : (,1-IOAI i; I ISIST OPTICIAN' 7iiil Main Si , riiniio lilil-W Wo lit ami r.H" I mUi'i. IHipll tiitii Ini.lii'it li'ii'im, roiHilr friniii'"! NU EONE CORSETS llai'.o to Vimr Miiuio ;u.iraiilcrtl Mfi. Rage Randall Wl Jiiiiii.uu Si. Pliniio U7T-W Dll F. R. GODDARD OSTIItlPA I'MIC I'llVNICIAN' AM) Nl'llxI'.'ii.V 0(i- iiml llo-lili-m-c. I'liiutc Ut I. O. O. I-', HiMl'l i: v. r. mvi:iis i.n)i-i. ' stiito n, i.uihiiIn iii.i. - I'linno, If I lie llltlj i.a, 4.-,l. J. C. CLEGHORN h ii, i vi.isn it AM) hl lt i:vnt riiniin ina-j i:m h. i;hcriiii- CHIROPRACTORS DIW, MAI.I.KTT Ml,l,i:rr Officii over t il li nniinl' I"t It oi Main riiniin -CJO Honlilonrn I'linno BUT W. E. & J. E. Patterson Contracting Painters 630 S. 6th Phone 582-J J. H. DRISCOLL Up stairs in the Hart BIdg ALL KINDS OF INSUR-. ANCE If you must leave Kla math Falls Come to Hollywood ". .. Joel T. Ward Sin) Geo. J. Walton On"." HUNHtiX UOULKVAUI) Mull addrrit D.l-'.l). No, 10 ' Hot fSHU CONCRETE Veniinmnt a tho Tyramlch Concrete Pipe Bflifcr Pipe) Water l'lpe Culvert Pipe Irrigation I'ilm ' Concrete Brick Pac BrU-k (iinimnn Bllck Klmir Tile Mantel Brick ........ ( , Concrete Blocks Chimney Illoiks Building niiHks Koundntlon Blocks Concrete Contracting Kldewnlks and Curbs ' ' t I'oundntlons Floor Concrete Materials ('riirnt HcmmmnhI Hunt " . (Irnvnl ( CONCRETE PIPE CO. I riioim ,1HJ.V (lib and Market Ht. ' " 1 N