moi,v, i i;uiir.t(v , i, iimi THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pago Fi vo it in THE EVENING HERALD ( JiANHiriKI) A I) ItATKH I'iral timei'tlmi por Hue lOo Two Insertion per Una ItSa Three lim rtlnna ....... .ynr Una HOo Vour Insiirlliins ....ior Una 18f)o Witok (0 (IniiK) prr Una BOo (loo Mitntli ...... ......pir Una 70c Mlnlniiini chargn tin. Ada not ronasrnilvn aro charged aa fiillonliiK each uuilsalon, First Ina'trilon la In "Now To day" ouluinn without oilr charge, but ull Imiurtlona la that oolunio ru at (Irat Insertion rut. Display claaalfled adg (where type larger than thla Is'uaad) are counted n In llnin to Inch, Copy mint ho in Herald office hy ihioh to K"t In that dny'a paper. NEW TODAY W'.WTKIi- J t -1 for housework. Cull Mi l, Id-hurl H, Ailiim. W'hllii I'l'll i'iiii hoti'l, 4 LOST -One I. 'ft liun.l I, I ii ok IciitlM-r ititiui t li't in it ten . Kinder lenvo in IIit.iIiI olllro. 4-11" J-'Ol'S'lt - l.udy's lirnwii fur nei'k pli'r. om tior I'till in Herald oiflrn iinl pay for ml. 4-U 1'olt UAI.Iv I'liiiiiim.-jipli ami Lloyn Ibnbv rnrrliige. Cull hefora 5 I. M. 2 1 ' '.iIiIii:iijii hi. 4-11 If iho pi'i.-uiti who u.m -ii lukiliK III" 1 1 . n llinvlhuilii, llliyrle" I. iiIkiu from liu k of H:hli:un'K eiihllii return,, aaiitii no trouble will ho miule. 4-', WAim-d -Wdimiili for iti'iionil lioiin'-j wolli In country. Four In family. Call Mit KUhotniin at Whim J'cllciiii hotel, ii ami Ii I'. M., lolilKhi. IWdnenduy anl Hulurday, next lour in Midgut rKHtnuruiit, 115 Ho. Ninth St.. country snunng" unil nil kind of frnah mi-au. 4-7 LOST On .Main (., nn Klk' I'miiIi. Inltuilit J.K.H., No. 134". Howard. I.nnvo at KllcV innpli. 4-0 W.NTKI KtporiiMici'il walrniaa to work hi l)orln. Initilio of Mm. Tufi at llftll holid any limn holwi'mi T::in ihU avcnlng und 10 o lot-k Inmiip w morning. 4 MUSIC MCMO. 7.. I'emra, aRcrodlieil on piano and rlottn. Appolniinvnu on Balurdaya, Kunduya and Mondaya only. Addraaa 7411 Uroad at. next to Blxtb. J16-F1J REAL ESTATE I'D It KAI.K-4t.nrx-) lot, good loca tion, rhitp for cttnli. W.-Jto llox A. II., Hwald office. 81-0 KOH BAI.E Lot 4. block 10. II III aide addition, aaay urtiii. Addrna K. V'. l'uteraon, Colloga I'lace, Vah Ington. J7-r6 for"rent roil ItKNT Blroplng mom In prl vnto family during month of Ffh ruary. Call 2olt. 2-5 FOR KENT On hont"rt bedroom In prlvato family. 414 Waluut. S0-5 FOIt llluNT Sluaplng rooma for ganllomen, close In. 1149 Pine atruot. 28tf FOR IlKNT 3 2-room nd 1 1-room apia.; alao cabin. 419 10th atreut. I'liono 34 2-W, en roll R12NT Two-room apt.t also cabin. 119 10th at, Phono 34IW. 6tf. WANTED WANTICO Furnished 0 or "-room hotiao, near high echool. I'hono 20SM. ' 29tf Safoty razor blade aharpened, (tb at. (Huibor abop). . JU-F11 CARl'KNTEIt wont dona by hour or day. Tutephona 39-W, B. Nel oon. tf. POSITION WANTBD If yon aro worth mora you can earn nioro by encurlng a bottnr position through Tho llorald cliuwMlad ad column. SOU. FOR SALE POll SAI.R l-nrgo red onions, cab bage, parsnips, carrots, boots. Biiuorkruut, 3fio por gal., bring yom Jiu' or barrol. Joha Honsik, 1 (4 mllos northwest of Malln. J29-M1 $23.50 AUj-WOOIj SUIT OR OVICRCOAT tnllorod to your meaa uro by A Noah Tailoring Co. All ono in-lee. Phono 100. A, R. Ronnor will call any tlmo nnfl show goods, Now Spring stylos and namples Just ro colved. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dress hotter for loss. 25-F2!i Nowtown apples, at their beat nu. $I.R5 a box dotlvored, 2d none. ' 8. A. Nyo, Talem, Ore. J24-M24' ORANQKS $3 por 40-lh. box by pro pald parcel post; no oulla. Lemons and grapnrrult aama prlco or will tnlt nny way you irnnt tham. H. II. l'hllUpa, Corning, Cal. 13' Hny for anlo; will dollver. Phone 4 82W. It. P. Broltenstoln; Bit flCKXHD olivBS, 91.16 per gal lon, by prepaid parcel poet. H. H. Phillips. Oornlng. Cal. M... . m H...U I Mm mortltim through whloh mny peoplo supply tholr wnnta hy using Its flnimlflert cnliimnsTelenhnna m iTha, Kvoulng Herald la the m ort him through which many pooplo atipply their wanta by ualng its olaaalflnd colunini, Telopnona 18, MISCELLANEOUS i I "il 1,11.- Mli'lliiKI'liiiliiu , niiiiii 1 1), l.oiilill:) hlilK. I'lioiiii 41. 1-7 Young I'enplo'a Anniversary pro gram, Kul), 4. ul 7:30 . M, Tho Hulvntlnn Army Hull, admission hy program. 2 lie. 31-4 axnoukiwmknt. I Duo to hi'iivy burden lining i pniiml u pull our ofrii'o iiunwerlng ,' phono liiiiilrliiH fur limn, wh must illncoiillniin giving IIiIh iiiiiii nn llio phoiiti. WKHTMIN UNION TKI,. CO. , J2-K'4 NOTICK. I hereby nlvo notice lhat I, A. W. Hliivnna, will not bo rosponnlhle for any hill or arrangements which Ora I'curlil KtnTcna, Jny wife, may con iiiicl front now. on. Datod Jantmry 22, 11124. i!lll'4 A. W. 8TJCVHNH. TftlANdLH CAFB The place to got good etna. Ol'EN AM, NIOIIT. (133 Main alreut, phone (24. 14if LIVESTOCK 8TKAVKI to my place laat May, onn brlndla rimn yearling nwr, crop off of loft oar; undlatlngulsh Ohio brand on right hip. Owner muy litivn same by f-aylng pasture and find hill. J. If. Van Montr, Olone, Oregon. :il-4 POULTRY CKRTIKIICIJ DAItY CHICKA Whllo And llrown Ioghorna, Ilarrnl Rm:ka. 11. f. Ilotla. Ulack Mluorraa. ! Now booking for uprliig dollvory. All ' tlocka eorllfled hy thn (llnnn Count Purm Unrvnu. l'rlcna on appllcJitlon. OrUind llalchory, Orlnnd, Clloun Co.. Calif. 22lf The proatlgo of Uurald Want Ada haa brcn attained not roorcly by The llnrnld'a Inrgo circulation, but by iho fact that all of Ita roadura are mianotod In Our Wntu Ada. LEGAL NOTICES notk i; von win icatio.v. Dopartrnont of the Intorlor, U. S. l-ana Offlco at Iikerlvw Oregon, January 12, XS24. Notice I horehy gWon that Wil li uru M. Loroni. wboae ponofflcs ad- drum la 113 N. 6th, St., Klamath Falla, Oregon, did, on the Cth day of Junuury, 1R23, file In thla offlco Sworn Statement and Application, No. 0119V4, to purchug tha SWA NW14 and WVi 8WV4, Suction IS, Townalilp 3D South, Rango 11 Koat, Wlllumetto Meridian, and tha timber theroon under the provision of the act of June t, 1878. and acta amen datory, known aa the "Timber and Stone Law," at auch Talue aa might be fixed by appralaement. and that, purauant to auch application, the land and timber thereon have been appralaod. Timber at 11100. the Um bor eallmalcd 1100 M board foot al fl per M. and the lund S30; that amid applicant will offer final proof In aupport of lila application ana worn atatoment on Iho 22d day of March. 1924, before C. R. DoUup, clerk of the County Court, at Klam ath Falla, Oregon. Any peraon la at liberty to pro tent thU purchuae bofore entry, or Initiate a contoat at any time before patent taauoa, by tiling a corroborated affldarlt In thla offloo. alloarlns facta which would defeat the entry. P. P. LIGHT, Reglator. Jl5-Marl7lno. NOTICK FOIl I'UBUCATIO.V. Department ot the Interior, U. S. IjmA Office at Lakerlow, Orogon, January 4, 1024. Notice la hereby given that Lola R. King, whoso poatofflce addrcsa Is 13C3 Commercial atreet, Portland. Oregon, did, on tho 18th day ot Juno, 1933, Mo in thla offlca Sworn Sinto mont and Applloatlon. No. 012062, to putvJioon tho SUV4 SWi4, Section 8, Township 87 South, Rongo 11 H ISaat Wlllamotte Meridian, and tho itavbor thereon, under tha pro visions ot tho act ot June 8, 1878, and aota amondatory, known aa Uie "Tltabor and Stone Law," at auch Talue as might be fixed by npprolso mont, and that, pursuant to euoh ap pllonition, the lund and timber there on have boen appraised, tha timber estimated 90 M. board feet at $1.25 per M, and the land $40; that aald applicant will offer final proof In aupport ot bar application and aworn nt&tonvent on the 5th day of April, 1934, before 0. R. DoLap, clork ot the county count, ait Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any pereon la at liberty to pro tost this purchase before entry, or tnltlate a contost at any time, bofore patent Issues, by tiling a cor roborated affidavit In this office, al leging tactg which would dofont tne entry. F. P. LIGHT, Register. J14-Marl71no. NOTICK OF BHKItlFF'B SAI,K OF EX1CCUTION. Notlco la hereby given Mint under , ' i FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS C Y CAN'T tSOEST . 7 wen i esT gir tja ill V MAWS LCTy-OB ( LEGAL NOTICES and by vlrliin of u Writ of Kxociitlou In Koioi'losuro mnuud nut of Ilia Cir cuit Court of llm Htiilo of Ori'Kon for Iho County or Klitinulh, In Iho man or thn Hln to l.nnd llounl of tho Hlutn of Ori'KOU, pllilntlff, wthiih H. H. Iltlt Hll'1 llliMlo f. Mill, IiIh wllo, 1 ti f n ii tin ii I h. which huI'I writ wuh duted thn 24th dny or January, 1924, I will on Iho z 7 tli miy oi rolirnnry, 1924, nt Mm from door or inn emm Iiouho of Kliimulh County, OroKoti, In tlm (Miy of Klanuilli Kiilln, Onuon, at Hie hour of 2:20 o'clock In Iho iifKn rioii;i on nilil iluiu, procnoil lo anil at puhllfi miction, lo tho hlKhont hlddnr for cnmi, nn nm rlisht, tlila, and InUirnit of tho nll (Infi-iniunta and nil pnmona clnlmlng or to claim hy, through or under them or either or I hem. In and to tho aoulhouet qiiarlnr of thn nortlieant (luartcr, tha nnnth tin If of thn nom luinat qunrlor, and tho noilhniut nuiirlnr of tlm nouiliwonl. quarUir of nwllon 10, In lownahlp rorty aouth. runcn five nnM of tho Wtllamntto Murldlun In Orn gon, excepting therefrom the limber growing on aulil tnnda, togmliKr with tho tennmunia, Imrodllanmnta, and apptirtnuiy thnreunlo bnlnngliiK ort In any wlao appertaining, or no much thereof o may bo nncimiury lo Rnflary a Jndgmeiit rcmlcrcj in the nhovo enililud caune upon the 19th dny of Jnnunr'y, 1024, which aald Judgment la for the aum of Sn0 with Interoat thoreon from the llih day of Decnmhcr, 1921, at tho rale of l! per cent per annum, and for the additional -auui of $160 aa aiiorncy'a (oca, and for tha further aum of 1108.17 with InlorcMt on thn aald aum fwm tho 2fjh day of April. 1923. at tho rato of 0 per cent per nnnum, and for Ita conm and ll liurnoiimnta taxed at $13.40, and thn cunta and expense of thla aula on cxi'cutjon, Dnlid thla 24IU dny of January, 1924. I,, h. LOW, iflhcrlff of Klamath County, Oroson. ItY l!i:rtT K. HAWKINS, Deputy. J28-F4.1 1,18,25. AD.MIXIHTRATOIl'S NOTICE OI' l l.VAJ ACCOUNT In iho County Court of the State ot Oregon for Klamath County. 'In the matter ot the ostats of Surah 11. McGohou, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account and report as administrator ot tho said omte, anil the above court has fixed 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of February 9, 1924, aa the tlmo and tho county court room. In tho courthouse of Klamath county. In tho City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, aa the place when and where any person may present any objections or exceptions to any thing therein contained rr lo any thing dono by me as administrator, and at tho said tlmo and place, tho said court will finally settle said account. O. W. DRATTON, Administrator ot en til estate. J7.14,21,2s-F4. NOTICK rOTt PI-B1.ICATIOX.- Dopartment of the Intorlor, United States land office nt Lskevlow, Ore- con December 20. 1923. Notice is hereby given that Alfred E.uenalngcr. whose postoirtco aa dress Is Klamath Falla, Oregon, did. on the 10th day ot April, 1923, file In this office sworn statement and application, No. 012028, to purchase tho or4. section is ana tot l. sec Hon 30. township 37 aouth, range 10 east, Willamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1S7S, and acts amendatory, known aa the "Timber and Stono' Law," at such value as might be fixed by appralaemant, and that, mirstiant to such application. the land and timber thereon have boon appraised $215.05, Iho timber eatlmatod at $175.05, and tha lnnd $40; that said applicant will offer Jlnnl proof In aupport ot bis npplicn tlon and sworn statement on tho 27ih day of February ,19X4, bofore C R. DoLap, clerk ot the county court, at . Klamath mils, uregon Any person Is at liberty to protest thla purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time neiore patent Issues, hy tiling a corroborated affi davit In this office, alleging facts which woum aoioai uie entry. F. P. LIGHT, llegtater. D31-0 7,14,21.28-F4.11,18,85. SlM-tlOXS KOH I'l llI.ICATiOX IX FOR ECLOS I'll R OF TAX MUX. Xo. F-220. dn the Circuit Count of tho State of Oregon, for Klaiusith Comity. Win. L. Albright, Plaintiff, versus Nolllo Whitman, Defendant. To Nelllo Whitman, tho above nomod defendant. Jn tho name ' of the state of Oregon: You are hereby notified that Wlm L. Albright, the holder of Certificate ot Delinquency No. llo9. Issued on the 6th day ot Arll, 1920, by the tnx collector of tho County ot Klam ath, Stato of Oregon, for tho n mount of Twenty-one and S9-100 ($29.39), Dollars, tl-.ii same hotng thn nnvount S 1 MOPE'I CM0ULX !'' Civ ki-fr'1 r-M iUkNA If If J J BOO A V. r. Mi 1 .CAT Qi M !, ' MOlr? 5TUtX0 DIUT M LEGAL NOTICES Hum dim mid ilrlllHIimut for tuxes for tlm yciir 1918, together wlib pen alty, liitoreitt find costs tlmn-on upon (he real properly assiswed lo you, of whJoh you ant llio owner an appears of rncord, slluiileil In slil County and Htntn, and particularly bounded and iluscrlheil na follows, lu-wli: Southeast quarter of llio soutbwent quurlr and lot five, less two acres out of ald preiii1sn heretofore, con vnynil to tlm United Slates of Amer ica for illleh right of wny over mild promises, wild two acres being n strip forty funt wide, mi oach side of the center line or cunnl us the suum is now constructed over and uerom the aald premises, pursuant to agree ment ot record In Hook 22, at page 431, Deed Records of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, In section 22, township 39 aouth, range 10, liust, of Vjlluuij otto tnnrldlun. 1 You lire further notified tout said Wm. I.. Albright has paid taxed on said pronVles for prior or subsequent years, with tho rule ot interest on aald amounts a follows: Year's tax. 1918. date paid, April 0, 1920; tsx receipt No. 7430; amount, $108.30; rale of Interest, 12 per cent. Year's tax. 1919: date paid, April C, 1920; tax receipt No. 3942; amount, $103.11; rata of Interest, 12 par cent. Year's tax, 1920; dato paid, April 5, 1921; tag receipt No. 2714; amount $148.15; rato ot Interest, II per cent. Year's tax, 1921; date paid, April 5. 1922: tax receipt No. 83; arriount, $129.19; rate "ot Interest, 12 per cent. Year's tar, 1922; date paid. May 22. 1923: tax receipt No. 3452; amount, $114.76; rata of interest. 12 per cent. Bald Nelllo Whitman, as the owner of ths legal tltlo of the alKive dc acrlbed property as the same appears of record, and each of the other per sona abovo named aro hereby further notified that Win. L. AUr4ght. will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State, aforesaid for a de cree foreclosing thn lion against the property above doscrtbed, and men tioned In aald certificate. And you aro hereby summoned to appear within 60 days after the first publi cation of this summon, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or fty the amount due oa above shown, together with costs and aewtued Interest, and In case of your failure to do so, a de cree will be rendered foreclosing the Hon of said tnxes and casta ugalnst tbo lund, and promises above nanwd. iTWa summons is published once a week for six weekB by order of the Honorable A. L. Leavltt, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath and said order was mtade end dated thla 25th day ot January, 1924, and the date ot the first publication of thU summons Is the 2$th day of Januaay, 1924. All process nnd papera In this pro ceeding may bo served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon at the address 'hereafter mentioned. R. C. GROESBECK. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address. 116 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls. Oregon. J28-F4.11,18,25-M3,10. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF EXECUTION. fNotlce 4s hereby given that under and by virtue of a writ of execution In foreclosure issued out of the cir-. cult court of 4ho stute of Oregon for the county of Klamath, In the ease ot the Stato Land Board of the tho Stato of Oregon, plaintiff, versus James W. Jory, Mary A. Jory, and Emma James, defendants, which said was dnted the 24th day of Jan uary, 1024, 1 will oa the 27th day ot February, 1924, at tho front door ot tho courthouse of Klamath county, Oregon, In tho City of Klamath Falls, Orogon, at the hour of 2 O'clock in the afternoon on said date, proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, all the right, title and interest of the said defendants and all persons claiming or to claim by, through or under them or either of them. In nnd to Uie cast half ot tho southeast quar ter of section eight, and tho west half ot tho southwest quarter of sec tion nine, In township forty south of range nine, East ot the Willamette morldlan, together with all water rights, appurtenant or to become ap purtenant lo said lands, together with tho tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto "be longing or In nny wise appertaining or so much thereof na may be nec essary to satisfy a Judgment ren dered tu tho above entitled cause upon the 19th day of January, 1924, which said Judgment is for the sum ot $550 with interest thereon from the 18th day ot January. 1923, at the rato of 6 per cent per annum, and for the additional sum of $150 attor ney's fees, and for the further aum ot $19.22 with Interest on tha said sum from the 4 th day of October, 1923, at the rnte of 6 per cent pov annum, and tor Its costs and dis bursements In the amount of $12, and the casta and expenses ot this sale on execution. - Dnted this 24th rtnv of January. JUST LIKE A KID 'V fi"EAT 8k5 tT LEGAL NOTICES 1924. L. I.. LOW, Hhorltt of Klamath County, Oregon. by hurt k. Hawkins; Deputy. J28-F4,ll,18,2r.. ADMINIHTIUTOH'H XtriCi; OF final Actm.vr. In the county conrt of tho State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In the mattor of the caluto of Mary C. Tcor, deceased. 'Notlco Is hereby given that I have filed my final account and rnpont an administrator of the said cslute, and the above court bus fixed 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of February 9, 1924, as tho tlmo nnd tbo county court room, in tho ottrthouiie ot Klmuth county, In tho Cily ot Klamath Falls, Orearon Llm lilacn when and where any portion may present any objoc- Hons or exceptions to anything ; therein contained or to anything , done by me oa administrator uud at - the aald time and place, me said court will finally settle aald account. O. W. BRATTON', - Administrator of said estate. J7,14,21,28-F4. AIJ.MIXISTIUTOIV8 XOTICK. In the Coonty Court of the State of Oregon in and for Iho County of Klamath. In the matter of the' oslato ot Elizabeth F. Offjold, also known as Mrs. K. F. Offleld, decewd. Police Is heroby given, that E. M. Rulib, administrator of the estato of Elizabeth F. Offield also known as Mrs. K. F. Offield. deceased, has mado and filed his final account with the clerk of said court and thn court has appointed Saturday, the 2nd day of Fobruiary, 1924, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the connLliotiso at Kinmaili Fulls, Klamaun county. Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing said account and that all persons inter ested In said estate mny appear on or bofore said dato and file any ob jections thereto. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, January 19, 1924. E. M. BUBB, i Administrator of the estato of Elisabeth F. Offield, also known as Mrs. E. F. Offleld, deceased. J21,28-F4,ll,18. SUMStOXS FOR ITBLICATIOX IX FOIlEClXXiUBE OF TAX LIEN Xo. F-224. In the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon tor Klnmnth County. I Lem L. Gagbegen, plaintiff, 'versus The Klamath Development Co. and S. J. McDonald, defendants. To S. J. MtDonald, the above named defendant. In the name of the State oi Oregon: i You are hereby notified that Lem L. Gaghagen, the holder of certifi cate of delinquency. No. 1221,,issued on the 20th day ot January, 1922, by the tax collector of the County of Klamath. State ot Oregon, for the amount ot Six and 65-100 Dollars ($6.65), the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1918, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, situate in said county and stato, and particularly bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lot No. 89C of block No. 6 ot Railroad addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. You are further notified that said Lem L. Gaghagen has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subse quent years, with the rate of inter est on said amounts as follows: Year's tax. 1919; date paid. Jan uary 20, 1922; tax receipt No. 7566; amount, $6.42; rate ot Interest, 12 per cent. year's tax, 1920; date paid, Jan uary 20, 1922; tax receipt No. 6560; amount, $12.52; rate of interest, 12 per cent. .'Year's tax, 1921; date paid, April 5, 1922; tax receipt No. 869; amount, $10.88; rate of Interest. 12 per cent. Year's tax, 1922; date paid, April 5, 1923; tax receipt Xo. 206s; amount, $11.68; rate of interest, 12 per cent. Y'ou are further notified thnt plain tiff has on January 10, 1924, paid to the City of Klamath falls, oro gon, the aum ot $ltl.68 in satisfac tion ot a .certain Hen against tho aforesaid premises and for and on account of the construction of what la known as Sirth Street Sower unit in said city, Bald lien having been docketed in' Volume 4A dt page 177 of City Lien Dockets ot the City of Klamath Falls; Oregon. ISnld defendant S. J. McDonald, and eali of the otheit persons named are hereby further notified that Ietn L. Gaghagen, plaintiff, will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclos ing the Hen against the property above described, nnd mentioned In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within 60 days after tho first publication ot this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due aa above shown, together with costs and oecrued Interest,' and in case ot your failure to do so. a decree twill 1 Jgl costa nsoxm or V -jt M-rw .twats wat Tters,. kil DOILARS.AM' I'M rfoUVEB 1 1 W I CAM SEE ALU J ' i 4jf 'S tjOMNA MAMS' A Jfe& X'l l TU' PITCHES il lf & : ( swsu-cans 2atheatbiiou Fl ill I toRAiamiM!!7 M1 1 1 1 I L1 i Klamath Lodge Directory be rendered foreclosing tho Hen of said taxes and costs agnlnit Mie land and premises above named. This summons Is published onie a wook for cix v.ecka by order of the Honorablo A. L. Leavltt, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for tho County of Klamath, und said ortcr ' inndo and dated the 2ftli day of January, 1921, and the dato of the first w bllcatlon of this siwmivons is the Kth day of Jan uary, 1921. , All process and papers In thla proceeding mny be served upon the undersigned residing within the Slate of Oregon nt the addrens here after mentioned. It. C. f:U0KfiH!X:K, AHornoy for I'lalntirf. Address, 110 South Sixth Street, Klamath Falls, OreRon. J28-F4,ll,18,2.'.-M.'l-10. The Shaker village on Lake Ms comy at Enfield, New Hampshire, is fo riialo. Seven white-haired fltr.wl vors of the original colony have n niovod to Culnetiury and settled un der tho leadership of another dwin dling co:;CiiunUy of Shaker folk. The correct tamo of the Shakers Is "Tho United Society of True Believers In ChrlKl's Second A'ppea.unce." Tho nam Shaker" wa derived from m peculltir ccri.-utojilal ilanco In whloh the dancer.! shako their shoulders. Read the Herald Want Ads. . - - - 1 liLLl I LINKVILLE IN YE OLDEN TIMES v : . 1 . A. (jjvmea wo cam 5P50S RUMMAGE SALE NEWS - CTAftVUUJM: WENT THROUGH fe POCKETS IH THE OLD CLOTHES AGAIN TO CAT EVERETT TRUE f'toHe on, evtri?eTT, i'-fou'iits i nte f5.s STet 'fr4-TH4T Pieces Ol PRjOfeTV- 't UK'S TO uius. VOU LOOK. IT IT. YOU' OUT IMtlcc . tvUt3ivl tvts CtST UiAtwT TO CH?k swirot-HouTe- has ... 7 o-r-., r OITX .. ocls sra AleT.SMOKS VND SOVt? t-MT BANT) S EfitT) 5TOf?srs!!! AMERICAN LEGION Klamath lut No, H p, Mooting,) 1st and 8rtl r"jty Tuesdays Court House &.'.'' ' llnwinimt. .,,V . K. OUT.; Com. caj4" mnndcr Phono CSS-M Knights of Pythias Lodge Meet everv Mniubiv even. H.'S'q Ing 7:fm p.m. I.O.O.F. L-sOl ii..n. 1'i.j.i , welcome. W. T. Colmrn, CO. K. of C. Council No. 2255 Meets Tuesday 8 p.m. Lyceum Hall 81 li nnd High Visiting Knight welcome Ik F. Crawford, O.K. B.P.O. ELKS Meets Thursday evening. Visit' in'g members welcome. Elks Temple Brd anil Main Perry O. Do Lap Kxaltcd Ruler Phone your want ads to The Eve ning Herald, 88. EIGHTH OW ALL THE TseS! By CONDO CiST ItM MV IK. A l?4R lAlHtS"M TH s.TaliS Ql PC A WO CIS- BY BLOSSER RE I! lr-r- I K '; . i ' ... S 7 n ' Wt- .--LIS t I I ftl .1 ! ! IS Y ... y. 'J hi