Page F our - THE EVENING HERALD, - KLAMATI I'TALLS." OREGON" I Monday, :i:i;r.v.u;v -i. i"-' ; . ; Pacific Coast M f r e news in oner - THREE MILLION . ( to be Represented AT CHURCH MEETING GOVERNMENT OFFERS WO TIM HER HOLDING R08EBURO. Ore. Approximate ly S7S, 000,000 let of timber, com prising about 6S60 acres on the watershed of Laying Creek, a tri butary of Rogne river. Is being of fered (or sale by the local forest service office. The timber is all on the Umpqua national foest, four miles above Rujada. The average stand per aero is 4,000 board feet Many inquiries regarding the tim ber have been received at the for estry office. "HODO BHEriO'WEARS PILLOW CASE ABOCT READ CIIICO, Calif. James P. Mur phy, "the hobo sheik," who wears a pillow case about his head, five pair of pants on his nether llmfcs, three coats, numerous shirts and who changed bis name to William Brown when ho appeared before Judge Clyde Thomas yesterday, was allowed to ' go "out of town," on his own from lse to do so. " In Chlco he was carged with beg ging, and vagrancy. He presented a picturesque appearance, with ' his pillow case turtan. He said he want ed to buy more clothing. soy bits back mtvk SOLD Br FATHER SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. The Empire mine in Nevada county yes terday justified its purchase years ago by William B. Bourn. Sr., Ca lifornia pioneer, who was forced to put a . $250,000 mortgage on downtown block here to carry th deal through, when his son Willi am B. Bourn, bought back the block, bounded by Market, Pine and Front streets, for $1,000,000. H bought it out oT proceeds of the old mine, once considered worthless and now reputed one of the best producers in the west. JTULADBLBiaA, rb. 4 De legations from all Presbyterian and Reformed churches of the I'nited States, Canada and Hoiith America, representing more than 8,000,000 membership are expected to attend the annual meeting of the World Alliance of PreBbyterian and Re formed churches to be hold nt New port News, Va February 28, 17 : nnd 2S, according to announcement tonight by Dr. Henry B. Master, American secretary of the Alliance. 1 Dr. Master sold that the results expected from the meeting In clude a new appreciation of the dangers lurking In Bovlet propa ganda; a new sense of the duty of American Presbyterians to their de stitute and afflicted brethren in Europe, and the binding together of all the constituent bodies ot the alliance in a closer loyalty to Christ. Men notable in religious work of the world will deliver addresses and present reports. KLAMATH STUDENTS AT O.A.C. PLEDGED TO FRATERNITIES BUCHAREST MAY , , RESUME TITLE AS THE "LITTLE PARIS" Landlords of Paris are prohibited from raising the rents to toot than 100 per cent over the figures ob taining In 1914, according to a re cent bill passed in the French parlia ment. OltEflON AGRICULTURAL .COL I.EGB, Corvallis. Fab. 4. Paul J. Keller. Junior In rlvll engineering, and N. H. Trunx, sophomore In elec trical engineering, both of Klamath Falls, have been pledged to Mask and Dagger, local chapter of National Collegiate playora. The method of xelecttng members for Mask and Dagger Is on the basis of their abll- i lty shown In actual productions. Charles M. Yaddn of Klamath Falls, senior in electrical engineering, is a member ot Ijantbdn Phi Dumb- da, local honorary engineering fra ternity which has been granted a chapter of Tau tBeta Pi, national honorary. This will .be the 45th chapter of Tau Beta PI, and the fourth to be granted on the Pacific ' coast. BUCHAREST, Feb. 4. Buchar est U in a fair way to resume the nppournnco of gaiety that gavo It tho name of "Little Paris" before the great war. One of the signs of the purpose of the government to restore the capltul to Its pro- war condition is the bunlshment ot the beggars who a year ago were numorous on the streets. tlurharest nt Christmas time was as gny as ever to the eye nnd as exhausting as ever to the purse. Tho stores In tho principal streets, or .rather the best of them, re called Fifth Avenue to tho . Now York visitor. Business Directory AO0AK WORK I Leave Your Filrcvs 'More 9 OclocK-Your AM; BctUras ,am ready at 6 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHEWC -PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS m V NEW CITY LAUNDRY Finished Work Vint Work Itoigli Dry "Hut Vonr Mucin in Our Hurt"" I'liono llit Co Main & rongnnM DR. II. J. WINTERS Orndunlo nnd Htnto ItKglntored OPTICIAN Nineteen Years hnrn In Business Prompt Hi'rvlro 711 Miiln K(rm DR. J. G. COBLE OPTOM KTR1HT OPTICIAN TOO Main Nt. Phono 1IJU-W Wo fit ami grind glnawj, Dupli cate brohrn Irnnrs, repair frame Fbtnlsy, Franco, population abou. 20,000, ens nn Unhcppy Married Men's club. Xearlv 200 men, ranging In age from 25 to To, are niensberv. A factory on the bleak northwest coast' of Australia will convert Into soup nnd other table delicacies tn thousands of turtles that swam tne beaches there. . Among one of the first sanitary acts passed in America was a quar antine act In Massachusetts in th? year 1648. . Many Have Appendicitis Don't Know It Wai i for our smashing Fur nltm httigaia in to-morrous ad PKRKIJ.S I'lRNITl-KE HOCSE IE TEA TURNS y 1 It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring Back Color and , Lustre to Hair That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brewing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphnr. Tour hair is your . charm. It makes or mars the lace. When It fades, turns gray or streak ed, Just an aplicatlon or- two of Sage and Sulphur enhances it sap- pearance a hundredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients at a small cost. all ready for use. It' is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com , pound. This can always be depen ded upon to bring back the natural color and lustre of your hair. Everybody uses Wyeth's Sage nnd Sulphur Compound now becaiua It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. you Simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disap peared, and after another applica tion it becomes beautifully dark ana appears glossy and lustrous. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. United States land office at Lake view, Ore- eon, January IS, 1924. Notice is hereby given that Oliver P. Hamilton, whose postotfice ad dress is Beswlck, California, did, on the Eth day of May, 1923, file in this office Sworn Statement and Appli cation, No. 012045, to purchase the 8W SV, Section 10, Township 41 South, Range 6 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under tho provisions of the act of Juno 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as, the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pun auant to such application, the land and tlmlber thereon have been ap praised, the timber estimated 50 M board feet, at $2.50 per M, and the land $30;' that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and stworn statement on the 2 9 day .of March, 1924, before C. R. DeLap, Clerk ot the County Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchaso before entry, or in itiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a- corroborat ed affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. " , P. P. LIGHT, i Kegistei. J21.28-F4, 11, 18,25 M3.10-17. , Rwirt the TTemld Want Ads. amnaa Bargains' by Tho Car Load Watch'- for our nil tomorrow PKHKIX8 FURNITURE HOUSE Much so-called etomsfch trouble Is really chronic appendicitis. This can often be relieved by simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed In Adlerlka. Most medicines act only on lower bowel but Adlerlka acts on both upper and lower bowel, and re moves all gasses and poisons. Brings out matter you never thought was In your system. Excellent tor ob stinate constipation Whitman Drug Co. Adv. I When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has yon stiffened up, don't suf fer! Get a'35-eent bot tle of old, honest St. Jacob's Oil at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right on your aching back, and the soreness and lameness, is gone, "in use for 65 years, this soothing, penetrat ing oil takes the pain right ont, and ends the misery. It is absolutely EVERYTHING REDUCED Watch for oni ad In tomor rows paper i PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE FOR SALE 0 Million fort of Pine all lu one body, in KInmnth County, Orrgon nt $2.00 ptr M. GKO EKUK8EX Curo Evening iliwid I 1 "I wouldn't bt wit Scut K ZePVKCL.'sayacne man ( I fjt, j whohasbeenfrecofcodsf . 1 I for year lie prevent f SORE THROAT J k Vj TONSIUTIS ) f HEAD COLDS ) j7ovic.rFYR0LllUwElluE31C I ... . .. . .. I Iwg iirmictions in mrniiurr Wntoli for our ml tomorrow I PKRKINS Fl'RXlTVUR I HOUSE I TqCuivaCoId in One Day j iBrornd X QuinSmJ' Herald Want Ads 2 Cents Per Word NU BONE CORSETS Mado to Vonr Hoainrs Guaranteed Mrs. Rose Randall SBl Jefferson fit. Phone B77-W DR. F. R. GODDARD OHTKPOATHIO PinrSlCIA!! AND rlUHUKOX orricc nnd ltrlilcjito I'liono 091 I. O. 0. V. TICMPLB ar.d nlitoes ora tfcjuJf The tonic and laxative effect of Laxative BROMO QUININE .Tablets will for tify tho system against In fluenza and other serious ills resulting from a Cold. The box bears this signature Fries Si)c. TRAPPERS I Want ALL Of the RAW FURS you have. The market looks as good now as it will be this season, on Beaver, Mink, Marten, Coyotes, Cats, Fisher and Badger. Thanks for a chance, at your Furs Marvin Cross Phone No. 738 124 South Fourth St. Kodak Finishing Films received before 9 A. M. Ready the same day at S P. M. Mail Order rule Promptly STAR DRUG CO. Btb and Mala Bta. KLAMATH CALLS, OHKOON W. P, UTEHB Lawyer Hulto a, Loo nils Bide. Pfaone, Office Bl Re. aoS-M J. C. CLEGHORN CIVIIj ENOINKEII AND BU11VKVOR Itione IOO-J ltm S. nirmlda These eating houses display the Union "House Card", of the Culinary Alliance Local No. 424. CLUB CAFE COFFEE HOUSE FRENCH LUNCH YORK CAFE OWL CAFE NEW HOME RESTAU TRIANGLE CAFE RANT PEERLESS LUNCH CHIROPRACTORS DIM. MALLKTT MAI.LKTT Offlre over I'adurwood's 7th A Mailt Phono 480 Hoalilcnca Pbuna MIT WHITE PELICAN IRON WORKS, INC. John Ut'kooy, Mgr. PRACTICAL BOlLEB MAgKBS atJjnstea Orrem on Boilers, Sheet and Iron Work, Tanks, Pipe, Bucks, Broecfalng Conveyora, Burner, kflllwork Spilng Street, Mar Oak Avenae Klamath. Vails, Oregoa Telephone 700 W. E. & J. E. Patterson, Contracting Painters 630 S. 6th Phono 5S2-J 1040 bfJi ' Og) Main V. II. A. Itenni'r, Krnnk L, Mnra Lairyera Phone 117 Offices American National Bank Bldg. SHOW CARDS Leave orders at SOUTHWELLS STATIONERY STORE Phone 000 LEE'S OYSTER Cocktails add witchery to' your dinner, Fresh in Banltarjr bottles at .all leading Cafe and Grocer E. B. FAULKNER Expert Accountant Income Tax analyst Rate Reasonable . The Baldwin Hotaf Just two things hava made H poaslMa tit us lo give you this 20 reduction onTuxtdoi 1. A reduction in the oost ol Kentuoky Hurley tobacoo and In paokaae ma terials, as welt. h ( 2. The consolidation el three of our big plants into one. (Mr. Ford may net be in the tobaooe bualnsas but he Is right about consolidation.) Tuxado Is always FniH. Every paokjge la ) Ouorvnteed by Look for the Tallest Harbor Pole In the World SWANSON'S BARBER SHOP, Ladles Hair Bobbing a Specialty 6SS Main Street , Yon can get , yonr Bread at Whole Bale Price, by baying 10 bread Ucketa for One Dollar. Poblio Market Bakery , B. A.' DORP 129 So. tth Street J. H. DRISCOLL Up stairs in the Hart Bldg ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE New Oriental Beauty Shop Slough Illdg Suite B No. 8. 518 Main St. Hake appointments. Phone 818 Special for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mar Pell 7Bo. Shampooing If you must leave Kla math Falls Come to Hollywood ' Joel T. Ward and . Geo. J. Walton OnOB HUWHKT BOULEVARD Mnll address D.F.D, No, 10 Box MHO : hone6f-W for r . WOOD That's, all woorl ; Plenty of .good larg - blocks dii'ect from . , , chute. V; Lrge". Band picked slaba Have, been well piled and are dry. Deliveries rnade promptly E. L. FRENCH .330 Broad St THE CLAREMONT FURNISHED ROOMS 228 No. 4th Cl-eet All outside rooir nirwi.' furn ished hot and cold er Steam heat and -froo I'LstO Hcrvlcn In every room Rat's $ao per month nnd np Tel. 018 LET "TEX" DO IT, I'pliolMci'iiix Miillnwt milking V. nl l-'iimltiiro Itciiiliiiix l-'niullurn packed nnd ci'illi'd VmI'iiInIi. hiK mill I'liiiini'lliiK J. S. WILLBURN 1 1711 IMnln HI, I'liono '4 10 All work guiii'iinleoil CONCRETE Permanent aa the Pyramlasj Concrete Pipe ' Bearer Pipe Water Pipe Culvert Pipe Irrigation Pipe Concrote Brick Fnoo It rick -Common Ullck Floor Tile Mantel Brick ' Concrete Blocks (lilinney Blocks . Building Blocks roiiudntlon Blorks Concrete Contracting Mldnvrnlka and Curbs Foundations Floor j Concrete Materials Cement Nernened Band (irnvel CONCRETE PIPE CO. i Phono (Sfta-W fllli nnd llnrkot Bta.