moxdat, rcnnrART 4, 1014 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE noriji of Knrt Klumnlh, wn a liuul nnss visitor In KliiiniHIi Fulls Huturdiiy.. Entertain KrM'ixln The flunnvbrook finin homo of Mr. mill Mm. (', A. Mill wns Him hi'i'IKi (if 1111 en l.V" III" mduIiiI aftnlr litit Krliliiy uvi'iiliiK. A luritu num ber uf friends (if Mr,- uml Mi'H, lllll wuro present uml enjoyed u Jully Ituutl tlmo. Curtis uml Mull Joiikk flll'llliliud tlm uvoiiIiik'h cutortulll liiellt. A bom h 1 11 11 t'lito ti win serv I'll lit III" I'llHij uf Din v.-u In k . unit dnys on busliios, tod buck either toduy Ho In vxpoo- or tomorrow, Spend Illy ill ClilliMulii iMr. nnd Mm. Loo Ilouitun und Mm. Will JIouHton drovo lu (Millo; qutu yesterday and worn tlm dinner rucmis of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Held rlck. They returned to their homes lout nlKht. 111(1 fur Htwloiils Kgllowlng, in t modified funn. tlm plan lurtud 15 yours ago by Cecil Itliod'Nf. an KuxllKlimiin, the Ynlo Atiluwil niwirlulluii of OrnKnii linvu ntimimiid u every 1 11 k 1 1 school in Oiwgun tlmt to tlm IiIkIi school stu dent hu, lu thi'lr estimation. It Hi" best uVl-orouni mail, will bo hIviii IS no w.'ih which in apply on Ills iiiltlnn t'nr tlm first your' work it I yo linliorslly, Till) limney will lie jIviNi lu Shu niituro uf ii Iduii with, out KionV nnd u num'oer of years In glTeit to ""Piiy llio iimliey. Km li prluclfUil ' of iiw'li IiIkIi school will pick wftC In) or fliv considers tin best 8tuir.l flol. Out nf ihlg number a roinlmiliw of the iilnmnl association will plrK llio win ner. IIMRla fo- selection. Ik oil clmr ulcer, scholiirsltll' mill Iciulorslilp tu seliool activities. Thin move on the purl of tlio nluiin.'l nsmufcillon U u direct tribute lo tfcn estmu imtorn universities hold for t ! wi-dtorn rol. IrRo siudoni. I'mlliem! IViuii IIoiih Tu Im iillll w It Ii In Urn liiiuiiiliirli'H Of llHI Ulllll'll Hlllll'M, till I'l'Kllll'IK'l! of: Hoy Wi-liili. who was thu vlnl lor tn Kliiuiulh Kulls yustarduy who wu farthest from Ihiiiiu, toiild noi In' mill) y tulles further uwnr.. Mo lives III lloston, Muss., mid In hero for iiuvumt dy J) business, Welch U I'lililsiored nt iIih Whltu J'ullimn liotnl. V ; Mm. liin to lwwp Mm. W. T. IOfl. wife "f Hi" -tiitii itssessor. Ih pIiiiiiiIiik mi leaving i. ii fnw fur i.oh A'iki'Ioh wlmri' hn will nii'iid iinvi'mil w'vi'kN. Tin' trip In Ixillift liutiti' lirliicljuill v Ii"- niuit' of HIT uml h tu til ln'ulili. Hit uml lit'i' rnHlili lu Vmiliq. NrlliHlU t'olliprtl A unlnuo nd di-Hulitful cntnr tnlnmwtl wr held Bnturi1y iftr noon nt (he homo of Mr. nod. Mr. II, K J'eltn by Mlrni (Mncvlevn V.vttl. ft'neher of Klvomlil'i n'hool, and y.l H! Noble, lenelner of (nll cbool. All the leachi'Tii of Centrol irhool and nirerlde nrliool, liumherlilR 15, were prenont. The entertainment of the afternoon wan featured by erle of ronl'entn txi- twern the lenrhem of the Im'o ncbooln. l-'ieven ronlonlil wer hewt end Cenirnl ncliool noed out victory by n ncore of hIk to five. Here I'rtim Merrill Mr. Itoberl 8. Adunm. relitent" nf Merrill, "pent Snttirday and Bun diiy In Klmnath Ml la laltln! frl'iiil" and altendlim to mmie iihnp pln on Main Htrevt. Here From (.lilluquln , C. H. William mudo a brief lnmlni' vlKll In Klanuith Pallii. Huturdiiy. Aliui here to trnnmiei hiialnex In 0. V. Meyers of Medforl who In aelllnn motor truckn. I. T. A. lo Meet t. The Parent Teiicher'n ubbocIuIIou of Central school will meet tomor row ut t'i'iilral Hi-hiMil lit 3 p.m. A delightful pronnun Iiiih bueu pre pured which will bo teulurud by a Bllvor tea. A lirlie will ho glveu Hiii room thitt cuu of tlm greatest numhur of parent uttund I ii k (be meeting. IHiwu Krom APKiive ' II. Ii. Hofhorger of Anpkiovo win lu Klumuth Kiill Knturiluy lo visit with trlenilH mid intend to business uinttur. Hero From Tui)' . Mr. and Mr. Irving K. Kuster sou jipenl Sulurday mid Suiidny In Kluiiiiith I'iiIIs visiting frluuds. Thoy nm from Topsy whuro Ke lorson 1 the owner or tin) Topsy mill, one of llio best of the sniullet mills III Kliimiitli couuly. Accom- puuylng thu Kesierson was lloy t'hiisu one of the foremeu lit thn mill. I liuves on Viiriitlon 3IB MiwIXn llxon, ivlio Is an em - ploj 0 at llin Amerlcnii Nuilonal iiuiik, ! let L yostnrilny in or n Ink for Hun Krun ; oIboo whorn slie will upend u two wciM' vueailon with rnlut.lvo and friend, Dmvu I'riim tlm Fort 3, H. Hetg, who U cunnected with tb tolepbono eiclmnio of Kori Klamath. I la town Saturday on a brief baslnes visit. In From UonuiiHi J. O. nojiuakoa well uno-wii resi dent of liommiu, was In town Satur (Ii chatting with friend on Main staN'Dt nnd tmnictliiK business. Here In Hlifrl Mr. N. M. Ilngiiu mid iliunghier, Mrs. Kllen MViVoIkIi, of Merrill, were shopping In loiul stures Snliirduy. They ruiurni'd lo their hemes lu Mer rill Huturdiiy monlnB. in Finin MJiIln'6V- ' " Mr. nnd M-. Jon WtU:!!! (if MM liunr were In Klunmili Fulls Hntiir-ilttj- iiflernonii on n vlsli of liuili ri nnil pleasure, ! STARTS TO BUILD FIRST OF 4 HOUSES Hi'tlili-rnnii Hpeak Kpeaklng "t the mnnthly iiiei'Hiix nf the Kliininih enmity hlirh rliool liiilinl whU-h was belli In the county rourlroom Suturduy ninriilng, J. f lliinderson, bead of the recrowtlonnl di'pnrlment of I'orilnnd, urged the meiitlHin of the boitrd to co-opernl" Willi oilier organliatlons hi the ni-e-HI vti I now afoot to Inslliute plnv Itroundi In tho clly. Kollo-wliiK his nddress Henderson left ;ir I'orllund on thi tin tu rduy noon stmee. Ilemler on whs In Kliimatli Fallx fur, fier liny and addressed several clv'e o. giiiilialloiis on Hie need of proper fticllltles fr recreutloiK lie olio guve espert advice In regard lo the proper locution of ii pliiygronnd center ana will miike a written report liner. ItiM-k I'roin Aeiir C. C. Wells. Vnlted Hiatus mnrshiil w.'io bus been In Klamath iu:enry fo. i,erul days aiiendftig to the sule f k' confiscated auto, nlturnert to l.-t.M.kith Fulls yesterday nnd th! morning left for Portland, taaiiii; wiih him Maurlts Jalo w3io was re- cemly arrested on the charge of lar ceny of gin'ernnicnt properly. Alio ,f..'n from Agency yesterdiiy were a iiuiiihc of gm-ernment uimployes. They wore Jumos w. Overton. Jl. M. Mullory. .Volson J, Porter lunl II. . Jolley. Tlieno four men will ue coiiiPiy Well t Portliind In con .....ii.wi wlih the Julo case. It win Jolluy who apprehended Jalo a ho was iibout lo moke his escape trom llio reservation. linn II Fro CIiIIimiuIii It. f. Spink, JilKtlee of tlm I'eiwe of the Wood lllver district, wiut In town fiiitiirilny on a brief official visit. John Lltunun, wHio with hi father operuto a boat line, on Klanmih lako, lui started construction of o four-room bouMc ut Kloventli nnd Lincoln t,vecl. tho first of four home that ho will erect till nummer. 'It I ltl llun to dispose of the dwellings on an easy payment plan to persons who uro seeking; home. Tho house will bo modernly equip ped, wlih good 'busemenlH nnd foun dulloii, nnd will cintl about $3500 ouch. . - CCRI1H .Kl DIPLOMATS. IU1GA. Fob.' 4. Latvia hn had troubto with tho excessive thirst of certain foreign l"irntlonn In Itlgn. : Tho government was unable to understand why cai'load loin of wine nnd other liquors should bo Imported by legations whoso momlieruhlp wux so nmnll Hint It wtis lmposslhlo o bellevo tho memlmrs required go much wlno for their own use. Tho mutter ws quickly dlnposed of by requiring tho diplomats to pay duty on till wine, a. mcasuro that In crease the cost about thrco-fold. Duncers In tho Yukon uro nuld to bo tripping tiio light fiintasWc hi radio music from New York. Conimcrco Jjetween Mexico nnd the United States amount to more than $20,000,000 a month. Read the Hernld Want Ads. FIltXlflUK IMUrKS 1UHTKI M'tKeli for our nil tomorrow ri;nh.ivs kiumtibe HOl'HK . p OB POLIC E CEP HELD IN JACKSON RAID (CniiHlllieil From I'iiko One.) reiice, according to Hatfield, und ho never asked any question as to lis destination. t'seil Kmii-y Hull li s In tho opinion of thu authorities, none of tho product was disposed of locally, but wai taken north, and In fancy bottles, and under artistic label masqueraded as ryo and Hcotrli, from overseas and Canadu. Tho still, now In thu Jail at Jack sonville, hud a capacity of 100 gal lons a day. There were also 100 gaV Ions of mash, contained In four valiiulile redwood tanks, which hayo bum ordered sold at unction l.y thu county court, and will go to defray tho expense of tho raid. Other material was 500 pound of sugar nnd 100 gallon of kerosene, used In the otlll operation, which eliminated auy telltale smoko Kolng up the chimney. (loverly Coiirenliil Tho houso containing tho still was 12 by IS In size, and cleverly concealed In the timber and brush. To remove tho still It was necessary to tear out tho front of tho houso, und cm all hunds was evidence that the Illicit transaction had been con ducted on a sanitary and business like Iinsls. Water was piped Into tho build liiK from a sprlnc being filtered before uslnK. The still wa bright and polished, Inside and out. After tho product came out of tho still, it was filtered through' n barrel, filled with charcoal, sand and cot ton before ' belli B bottled nnd Jug- gcd. Thu milling party consisted of Federal Officer Nate Chaney, De puty Sheriffs Allien and Forncrook nnd Night Pnllicimin fleorgo Prc u ti, and the si-iiim Is regarded a the most Important In the history of rum curbing in this section. , It Is tho (econd tlmo In a month lliut county and fedorul authorities have stepped out Into tho timber ed places and seized still, tho first being In the Green Spring mount ain district. SALVATION ARMY ENTERTAINMENT IS THIS EVENING Change now to I'.w brand that never changes and you'll never chmfcs aain. I mmm 'Young people's annual enicrtaln melit will be given this evening by Mie Salvation Army at tin hull, 123 South Fourth. An elf.iointe program ha been prepared In which a Urge number of young peoplo will take part. A nominal admission will be charged un(i funds realized will be urod to advance the young people' work, according to Capta'n Albert I). Hill. Envoy A. K. Maclau;1n Is handling the program. Captain Hill said the army was In neol of more clothing for distribution. QREGON IN FIRST PACIFIC GAlE UNIVERSITY OP OREOON, Ku gone, Jan. 4. (Special.) Coach Illlly Rolnhart' basket tosgers will got tbolr first real tasto of Pacific coast conference playing this ovonlni; when the University of Oregon quin tet meet the Washington Huskies In the Eugene armory. Coach Edmundnon Is Invading Oregon territory with a powerful team of Huskies anil Is confident of victory. The Washington quintet Ii composed largely of veteran material, ome of whom are rwell acquainted with Webfoot basket tactics. Fraync and Seskcth mako up tho Husklo forward combination. Both of theso men have been In action against the varsity on previous occasions. An derson, WTelt, Oardnor and Froude helped dofoat tho Aggies In Mcati.u last week. In iho battle with tho Huskies Coach Rolnhart will have a chance to discover how tho quick pus sys tem works ugalnst a euporlor 4ni. Monday night' gnmo "will also glvti the varsity defense playing II rent test. la the pre-ieaaon praottce games few of opposition have been able to penotnato tho five man do tonso porfocted by Klnhart, and hvo had to content themaelve with long shots, few ot which wr good. A tentative lineup fop Monday night's gamo would be. Wlashlngton. ' Oregon. Frayno... V ......,.,.....towtiS Heekot'h F ......Jfobaoa Anderson.......... ...jLatham Welt O hafor Uardncr O ....Chapman 'By mean of a hiatal pistol It M possible to covor Iron or steel r tides with an extremely thin but very strong layer ot aluminum, tine, copper, lead or other metal, V' 1 Phone roar want ads to The Ere in U'iKiri a . . i , i ii mm- EVERYTHING REDUCED Watrli for our1 ad In tomot rows paper PERKINS Ft'RNlTURF, HOUSE SUGERMANS LEAVE TUESDAY FOR SOUTH 'Mr. and Mrs. K. Sugarman and family will leave tomorrow for Cali fornia to bo absent six week or longer. They will go first to Oak land and San Francisco, and later to Los Angeles, where the marriage of Miss Faye Sugarman to Irving Joseph Of Portland, 'will take place some time In March. Charges Darnell will have charge of the Sugarman store for the pres ent. Negotiations are at present un der way for the sale of the business and IT they are successful Sugarman expects to locate permanently in California. His chief quest at pres ent, however. Is health and It Is for his health's benefit that the trip v undertaken. Time and Tide Wait For No Man GEO METZ SAYS Don't fool around with an unreliable watch. Let us clean and repair the one you have or you pick out a new one guaranteed by us." ' LET GEORGE DO IT Phone your want ads to The Eve ntnr Humid. 8 Iltanrulns by The Car Load if i'A :','' t'A ---:': Uv.W'.i Watch for our oU tomorrow ,1 'J ' :':' S,, "1 .ltZ& PERKINS FntXITURE if ? jf , J ' :. i ,' : J. ' i'M f&if-ArZifl, 1 ' :i In Troin lUnmnj iWllllnm V. 1- Chuso of lloiiaiua. n farmer of that district and ono of tho directors of tho lorsoriy Irelnn Hon district, was In luwu Sulurday on a business visit. 1 Down l''nni Kurt KlnimiUi 1). V. Uoiisely of . Kort KlwnnnJi. who Is inviier jif n stock .rniicli lul I In Weill no lliisliiesn - .Mux Weiss .proprietor of a store , on Mnln strei-t Is In Weed for sev- I'lltMTl'RE PRICKS lll'STKI Wiileli fi' ""r 1 tiiiri'o PERKINS 1 TRNITIRE HOl'SE Ab)S o h ui.i SAvaanivs onv savoshnohav 3W JLV3W Who Killed PrenUce? See "THE ACQUITTAL" with an All Star Cost Leather Pushers "- Last Times Tonight Tuesday and Wednesday 4 ACTS VAUDEVILLE and Jack Hoxie in ' "Where is This West" BALL MILLERS MEAT MARKET Mnin Street, near 8th Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton, Poultry, Eggs and Relishes . i Gus Miller Work Shoes jsmenta-.i Work Gloves Jack Frost SHOE REPAIRING The shop where you get more days wear for your Money Wing-fool heels, same price as poor ones V 119 So. 6th Street (lip 7)otlt)"headaiches areTcftusedTby''eyestraini. If yon suffer from headaches youj ought -to questiontnecondi-j tion of vour eves.r iioften'with vision'apparcutfl ly normal,' eyes greatiynecaj the help of lenses. . ,,..,1 lOnlvanexaminationttcam tmake.youfsure. " 1" . J Haveyour(.eyeslexjmhiM ajturdelay' DR. J. G. GOBLE 709 Main Street DONART &SON TAXIDERMISTS Farriers, Tanners and Dye All work Knarantecd Fhonn 611-J 810 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon Modem, sunny rooms; private tele- phones; excellent tray service; compre--hensive care extended surgical, maternity .;' and medical patients. Rates reasonable. :'K '" ' ' KLAMATH VALLEY HOS.PITAL ': Iino at Fourth Street , Klamath Falls, Oregon WARREN HUNT, M. D. Owner and Manager THE PELITORIUM The New Cleaning Pressing and Tailor Shop ... . . f Opens for Business Saturday, February 2nd We have installed the newest and most up-to-date machinery , in anticipation of the growing needs of Klamath Falls ' Well Dressed Men, Women and Children We call for your work and deliver by our own quick Service . Auto Livery Our location 1136 Main Street Telephone 135 R. D. BUSSARD, Proprietor , tr