b Equal Rights, Equal " Justice, are the Twin Pillars of Democracy Member of the Associated Press Hi'vi'iiliTnili Vi-nr Nil, TIUN KLAMATH 1'ALLH, OUKOO.V MOMMY, I l.llltl ,WIV t, UrU " 1 . .'i. t MOURNS D Wat A Million a Month Is Klamath County's Industrial Payroll NATION EM) LEADER IS AT President Issues Official Proclamation of Thirty Davs of Mourning WASHINGTON, Fob. 1. Woodrow Wilson found in eternity a haven from utoini.s and sorrow of troubled world. In the quiet of Sunday morning death folded him Kontly in its embrace and bore him to his maker. He passed from life as he slept,' with those he loved best close about him. His broken body had weakened little by little ui til the last spark of vitality went out. But his spirit was support ed to the last by the indoni: itable courage of the old fighting days. In his last wakeful moments he said he knew the end had come aw! -he was ready. To l:iri Itcvcnlur, .-.Tlio federal ftoicniimiK lut nl-ii-Bcly offen-.! in io nlmiini'i' K fit ling lo rvpi.-sN the mil Ion' rrvi'miro for WiMiilruu- WIImiii, vIiim ilrtilli lirro nl 11;, 10 Hunibiy int. ruing liH'k'l llin' entire riiiiiiirv, Presliloiil 4'iMiliilgo rulliil ji'n-r-iluy nl; llin IiuUko of brrenviiiiciit, lie vpremioil regret unit llin ri'iulliio.s lo tm lii-lifiil, niii! ilicn Ikui'! (i protlumniliiii of :10 iluy' official iiwuriiliiir. I'liigs Half Maul. All flag o jioveriiiiient liullillng urn at Imlf iiuinI, 'iigi-ein recessed toiluy mill gov ernment nini-lilnrry in lo Miiuil nIIII till llin ilny or tliu funeral. Tho real i-jiuko of Wilton's nctitn Wim A Hlrokn Of ptirilyiilu which fol lowed! Mm tnlliipw In tho Into mini hut of mm. Ili-onkilown Cnino In lllll). Tho brciikdonn ixVurrod ulillii Wilson, who hud been turning ilio I'ountry In tho liitcrostH of llin league llf IIIIIIOIIH, WHS IlllVI'llllg bl'tWWll Pueblo, Colo., mid Wlchlui, KantuiN, llin Might or September SS, 1010. Tho stroko did hot occur until I ho morning of October IS nt the Whlto Jlouse, SALEM, Fob, 4. Oovonior Plnrc iient Mm. Woodrow WIIboh a iiich migo ot cnndolenca on bolmlf of tho people of Orogon, Tho Rovurilur Bald ha would rcquoHt Oaorgo 10. Clinm harlaln to raprosout tho gtato nt tho fuuoral, Tho govornor will roquost tho pooplo, ns an oxpresslon ot tor rot, to conao nsiutl aotlvltlos (or a llnio ort tho Any of tho funornl. Illllt'HiJiaNiD, Vn Fob, 4. A rcn olullon roqnosMiiK Mr. Wllnon to paimtt tho body of Aninrica'B wnr tlmo prowldont bo intonod In Holly Wood CBomtfry horo, whoro ninny othor fam'oiiB Vlrslnlinm woro buried. wn ndopli'd todny by tho Virginia Rnnornl niwonilbly, TIU3 WEATHKH. Tho Cyolo-Hlorinn-ffraph nt tho Un derwood pliiirmnyc roRlstorod a Rhnrp docllnn In the bar omotrla praiiAulim itliln morning nnd a. dlnlurbanco l Iformlnit to tho nnuth. I FornriMt tor tlio Jinxt 24 umr: IT STANDSTILL Cloiiily nnd lyisci ili il with niotlw iiln li'iiipi'iiiiiiiifi, Tho 'I'.vcdh rocordltiB thormoniolnr rnfflHtarod ninxlmuia and minimum tonvporatuavjii todnjr ns follows! ,.,..... .. n, it. if, ,..,(i.i, ,,,, 3 IlOW, llluiM,Mllllllillllllllllllll4lUlltl AS 'Funeral Services Will Be Held Wednesday For Wilson WASHINGTON. l',li. I, l- finci'iil ' M i-Un-i ,- f, r 'i.-liliiil Wll-nii "III Im helil Ui'ilni'kiliiy unit lllll iiulnlily dy prliiiic In ilii' M'liai' 1 1 it I iIiiik nlll In- no gii'iil Mule ii'i'i'iiiiiiiy. ' .1 Iiiiuk iiiiiiilM'i' of fili'iuU mnl I'nriiici' hhmm-Iihi. nlll l,i ileolg mili'il mlltf. mnl Imnoi iirj iill hi'iiri'iti. , MMintt litem it III hi- lli-rmirri .M. Itm-iii li, nine Mr I in-mirk, I 'li'Vi'lmiil M. Hndgf, mnl lyniw MfCnr inlili. Sunn iiii'inhrrJ nl WIImih'i. mil'' rtihlni'i iiimI uiIhtm ji.iirjiiiil ullli iiiin illll'Mlu Millie linn, Ii'I'IIIn will priilinllly lie llirllldi'il. Ilrli'l inlviili' niillriMi In ln lii'lil nl lln- S, St !.-( i i-,.lit.-ii,(. Wctl nri.il.ij hi il 1 1 . i . - IiiIIiiimiI iy iiniiilii't' ill :i::Hl m I St 1 1 lli-,u i-hupi'l In lhi imlirilitil ill Muiiiii Si. Allium., Iitivi Iritliillvrly hi'fii nt-mngi'il lor tin' Iiiiii'i-nl. Tin IiimI) U In lti pliiceil In ii vniilt mull the fliml iilng llllll'e U arli'l-lcil, 1 TWD MEXICANS GET LIFE TERMS Roveozit and Cadena Chantre Pleas And Are Sentenced Alfiiiiii lliiv Kuzii mnl liiiiiiiirlo ('.nl. mi, liiti h Imllt'iiil by llin khuhI Jury mnl rhurKi'il with I lit' murdir of .liimt It. Fllx. wlllnlrew tbrlr pli'iiH nl mil KUllly 111 l limrnliiK nt 1H:3 mnl initiirril pliMin of itullt' lo intcoiiil tli'Ktvii intirilur, which wi'l'o m'ri'Pli'tl by Ihi' Klutn mill court. Juiliiit A. I.. I.rvlt Biinti.'nc od lint It nit-it lo Hfu Iinprlnnnmi'iit In t ho Htutii iiunliontliiry. CrflKK rurroiim of riiujuciurn and riiiimr bavr 1(.f,n iH.!hliii; within tin court lioiimt nnd on Mnln mn-ol flit- till" pilKl tfW llllyil CDIIIIM-llltlK w tint illtpoiiltlon would ln ii'mli' of tho niurili'r iimc of lloyeiun Mini riiiloiiu. Ii wan known tlmt RnyRiitu wiih willliiR lo plead silli ly tn murder In the irncoml ileKree, hut up in wvorul dnyit imo Cndenn dei'llut'tl lo folliiw iho nme courKO. t '(strict Attorney Ilrowcr and W. P. Myers, attorney for tho do ft'tiit". Iw hi a conference In the roitnrr'H officii Hhnrtly before court opened. The defeiiHo counsel in bin Hlnleincnt to Iho court 'fluid thai he bad JitHt conferred with the nl- tonieys fur the stale nnd that In View nf the lelinlhy llnio taken In lite pri)neeiiilnn nf tho Pablo Mon ti's nine, and also In view ot the life seini'iico given to' Montes, Hit) defendatils liiid nKi'eed, with the permission of ihe district attorney, lo withdraw their picas of not KUllly anil in enter pious of Kitllty of murder In the second dORroo. Ilolh Cndenn and TloyRozn told the court that they could under stand KiiRllsb and .that they had decided voluntarily to plend Riillty to second doRroo murdor. Montes, endonn nnd RoyRoza will prnbahly bo taken by tho Bhoriff to the HtfHo penltenllnry tomorrow to benln serving their llfo nentences. The caso of Rtato of Oregon vs. Ninah I'nrtlu was net for trial at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Mrs. Partln Is chargo with ndultory. WILSON DEATH TO DELAY OIL PROBE WASI11XOTON', I), C, Fob. 4. The senato oil Investigating commit tee, wIiobo authority to quastlon him further under a rosolutlon nttihorlz lug nn Inquiry' was chnllenged Sat ui'tlny by ex-Secjvtary Fall, will not meet until loinorrrtw. It was decided to ask the senaui fur readopttoii of tho resolution today, but. this plan was changed on account of congress declaring n rocesa nut of respect for Woodrow Wilson. Heads oC tho In quiry announced the Bosalon tomor row would bo brief. FIND TOBIN'S BODY HANGING TO TREE J'lONDI.KTO.V, Feb, 4,-r-Tho body ot liny Tnbln, who dlsappearbd lie- an, wns round lain yesterday il-., it III (lirill lll'llll l, body win Identified by n broth ci'uiiit'r hanging rroin n tree nnout aim root, helnw the neiw bridge' on Mh'Kny creek, seven inlels north of Pendle ton, by (leaden York, Pendleton. Tohln had been 111 poor lieallb. The ... i i.initi,i i... - t...n.t.AH nnil irieuus iiii-iiuhii piipurH in pooksn. iSTEVENS SUES . FOR DIVORCE Complaint Alleees Wife Kept Comoanv Clandes tinely With Allen Alleging desi rtltin mnl cinel 'nnd nbil.slvii (reatinent, A. V. Steveim, iiwiiwr of the I in -riti 1 garuge ha liroiiglu hill I for divorce against Orvn Penrlii HU'vens In Iho circuit court. Tho case comes us an iintl - climax lo Mrs. Stevens' alleged departure for part unknown, with Hubert Allen on Monthly, Junuary 21. : Stevens, in the complaint, stated that since nbout October 1, 1923, Mrs. Ktcvcns htw been keeping com pany clandestinely with Allen nnd that nt various timed the vauplev vis lied quosiionalilo rusorut. According to Ihe , complaint. Stevcng had been Informed thai tho couple frequently indulged In intoxicating liquors to gothor. There Is one child, Orvn Alexandra Ktevons, und Stevens claims that Mrs. StovciiB is morally unfit to euro for the child and lhat bo would take cam ot her and give her an educa tion. Stevena nsks for not only a divorce but a decree barring Mrs. Steveni froiu any clulm on properly belong ing to him. Tho couple wero married In Pint -Innd, January ltl. 1914. ' LA CHANCE. FULLER HEARING IS TUESDAY Vincent La Chnnco, taxi driver, and Whltoy Fuller prohibition of ficer nppolnted by tho superinten dent of tho Indian reservation, who no charged with lighting In Fort Klamath on Jan. 20, will bo given a further homing In tho justice court Tuesday morning nt 10 o'clock. Wltnossos will bo called to tho hearing from Fort Klnmnth and Weed, Calif. Conslderblo inter est Is being manifested in tho trial owing to tho fact that one ot the parties to tho caso Is a prohibition agent. YACQUI INDIANS ON WAY TO JOIN OBREGON ARMIES KI, PASO, Fob. 4. Approximately IHO Yacqul Indians passed through F.1 Pnso today and were transferred to Juarez, thence thoy will bo shipped south to aid Obregon nriulea In tho tight against Do La Ilnnrtu. rebels. " Tho men woro entmluod nt Naco. Arlzonla, and passed through lower Now Mexico, Arizona and Wont Texas en route to El Paso. PREMIER VENIZELOS AND CABINET RESIGN ATHENS. Fob, 4. Premier Vonl zelos and cabinet rosignod today A new ministry will ho formod ly M. ICafnmWiilB, former minister ot tho Interior, ' . wirrcAT rmercs, PORTLAND, Fob. 4. Jlnrd tfhlto wheati 1 1.0 3 1 wsittra ra, 8!o, AUTO SHOW TO BE FEB. 29, 1 ; Affair Will be Staeed by ' Lesion in Cooperation ! With Dealers , 1,,'iest offerings nf uutoinoblle n, ii.ni ai'turers, including everything f; i ho humble but worthy fllv vei In costl. and luxirlntiB palaces oy wheels, will he on display here I't.bi'iinry 29 nnd March 1 ' when an auto show will he staged by the Aniirlcan Legion. The show will he held in. the vacant store room on Ninth and Klama'h. This location was chosen after u careful survey of garages, most et which presented difficulties. First Since 1021 This will bo the first auto show held here since the spring of 1921. An effort will be made to make It ihe most complete! in point of enrs on display that lias ever been held here. ' Decision to stage the show was reached by tho legion after talking to nuto dealers. Tho proposal met with Instant enthusiasm. Tho deal ers snld they would be glad to have some organization handle the af fair, thus relieviug them of the work Incidental to getting the show under way. A committee composed of Geo. Bartb, Dr.- H. D. L. Ste wart, Alfred n. Collier and E. Get was appointed to make all ar rangements. Spring 0tcnlng lu conjunction with the show, merchants of tho city will hold their spring opening. Not only cars, but accessories." tires and auto enmp equipment will bo' displayed at tho show. The com mltteo plans in uddltion some form of ontertninment for tho two oven lugs, IS S Roy Declared Killed by Brothers: Body Thrown in Goose Lake iFlIGENK, Ore.,' Feb. 4. "Sir. D'Autreinont Sr.: Your son, Roy. was killed by" his brother and hts body throlwn lu looso lake. This is a fact. "BY ONE WHO KNOWS." This Is tho letter recolved here by Paul D'Autreinont, father of Ray. Roy and Hugh D'Autreinont. changed by Southern Pacific operatives with being the Siskiyou train bandits. Tho father Is worried anow by the stnrt llng missive. Ho has maintained from the stint thnt his sons are Innocent of the crlrao of which they re accused. He Is Just as strongly convinced that Ray and Hugh , would never harm Roy in tho manner described In the let toe. "It tho letter is nren'nt us a Joke. It's a mighty poor one," he main tains. Ho Is investigating It, how ever. Goose lake Is 13 miles wide niitt 35 miles long, nnd Is now covered with much Ice nnd snow, the elder D'Autremont said. It Is on the Ore-uon-CnHtornla line Just south ot Lnkovlew. 1 StOTORISTS PAY FIVES. Turning to the left ot one ot the guarding signs Jn the center ot the street, cost Thoinns C. MoPIke $t In tho police court this morning. He paid tho tine. Dean Upton nnd Vll llnmi inonlley woro both fined $'20 tor bolng drunk on tho city streets Saturday. Upton paid his fine nnd Denlioy wan convmltlnrt1 to Jail bo csuis oi inability to pay, HELD HERE I DITREIfIT DEAD AYS NOTE IEWAUNA PLANT SETS EARLY Saw Mill Resumes Today on : One Shift Basis: Company j Han 85 Mn F.mnlnvrl I Predictions of an early opening In the lumber indiist..y were borne out Ibis morning when the aw mill nt the Ewauna Lumber coinpuny re Binned operations. This ii nhoiti out' i month curlier than the plant resumed last year. j Since closing down in December I the mill crew have been busy over hauling machinery anil making re pairs, and but few new workers woro added this morning. The box factory has been operating one shift all winter and with one shift wo. Ik- j ing in the mil: about 85 men are employed. The early opening Is due iargely to the favorable weather conditions which permit logging operations. The Ewauna company has a well-stocked log pond and contemplates no delay in log supply from the reservation. Fnvorable market conditions also are an important factor. Indications are that other mill concerns will re sume shortly and that the entire in dustry will be booming long before the usual time. ITALIAN IS HELD FOR ALLEGED THEFT OF TOURING CAR Accused of stealing a red colored ... model Maxwell automobile from James Howie. Maxwell dealer. B. Dinco, Italian, Is in Jail awaiting a hearing In the Justice court. She rift Low drove to Yreka yesterday tao arrest Dinco nnd brought him back to Klamath Falls last even ing. Dinco, according to the sheriff, had gone to Howie some time in January and paid $100 down on a new car. About Jan. 30 no further payments having been made, hej left town in the machine for Yre-i ka. Howie immediately swore out a complaint for hln arrest. Considerable difficulty was ex perienced by the sheriff in making the return trip as bouio of the road botween here nnd Yreka Is In had shape. ?'-.' KEEN INTEREST IS : SHOWN IN SURVEY OF KLAMATH HOMES Home survey questionnaires are coming In nt the chamber ot com merce at a rate to indicate keen in terest in the housing program. The questionnaires will bo published dully in the Herald until tho Biirvej Is made on February 13, and the committee aks that the public either till them out and mnll them or bund them to tho ward workers during the survey. Committee members and w'nrd cap tains will meet In the chamber of commerce Wednesday ' evening nt 7:30. This meeting wns to have been held Tuesday evening, with a tun ner, bt owing to the business lec ture that evening wns postponed. r- -. , r .n & 1 1 1 mot I GIVEN MEMORIALS An Impressive service was con ducted by tho ftev, T. A, Mory weather Sunday morhlng nt the St. Pauls Episcopal church when two memorials, gifts to the ohurch, wore formally dedicated, ; A hand some rtltni" cross was presented by Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Cnmpholl ns n .memorial to their niothors, nnd a beautiful sterling silver plnte was given by Mrs. (luy Maiming In memory of her mother. Tlio (llinr was especially decorated for thtij pccmslon with appropriate ivhlto, (loweri and palmi, ' I OPENING RUMORS tlu'T 1 f ' - w l Flccause Mrs. Charles Duell, wife of Charlos Duet) (Ilouom pboioi of Inspirniioii Pictures, obtained a di vorce In Paris, rumor is saying that Mr. Duell soon ' will become engaged to Lillian Gish, famous screen star (top photo). Miss Glsh acts with Duell's f)lm company. The entire company, with Duell, Is in Europe making pictures. : " ' Equal Number of Two Fam ilies Stricken And May Not Survive ALHANY. Ore., Feb.' 4. Five persons are dead, five mora may die, and one is seriously ill here as a result of poisoning from . foods eater. Saturday evening, ' ' Margie C.erblg, seven, died lute Sunday., nnd her sister Hilda, ten died threo hours later. . ' - Jlrs. Paul Gerbig, mother of the girls and Mr. and Mrs. Godtried Rubllng died this morning. Relnhold Gerber, grandfather ot the Gerbig girls, Is In a critical con dition. His wife Is 111 but' It xpeot ed to recover. Others Buffering are Paul Gofbig nnd two small daughters, and their little cousins. Mr. and Sirs, Running wore gueats at the Gerbig homo,- having come from Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Ger ber and granddaughters became ill after eating " a meal at the Ger ber home In Albany. , The Gerbig family, living In tho country near here, were all poi soned at a diferent meal. The foods were purchased at. different stores. ALU ANY, Ore.; Fob, Investi gation today developed that all tnu poisoned victims had ertten a meal to gether, Saturday, at which time some canned benns were served, Mrs, Ger ber recalled today thnt she noticed the beans tasted fineorly. John Yunkers, nephew ot Mr, turn Mrs. M, flerbor, living near Sclo, opto a guest, was reported to have suf fered violent Illness, t ' I.ocnl physlelnna hollevo bolullnls may b rojponilbU. A A K . J l I fgmm nnii - "J FIVE DIE FROM PO AT ALBANY mm police ' ('jW CHIEF HELD IN H S. Wilson Taken Into Custody When Huge Still ; is Seized: Nab L. Conao I Henry S. Wilson, for muny years i chief of police of Klamuth Falls, Is In custody In Mcdtord on u charg" of violating the state prohibition j law. Wilson waa arrested lawt Sat I unlay. In connection with the sumit chargo Leslie Congo, 930 Prospeef. : Drive, was arrested by the Pical of ficers at the request of the sheriff's office of Jacksonville. He was tuken in custody yesterday In the Waldorf, pool hall. . ' Deputy Slieriff O. B. Alden of J Mcdford, who arrived this noon to' lake Congo to Medford. stated that ! Wilson , was In Custody . following J one ot the biggest raids ever made la Jackson county. He stated that the caso would probably be hard tough ns there was A great deal of mone? behind men .who were arrested. j'lA yond 'these statements, Alden wtnW not commit himself, stating that hi had instructions to disclose no In formation, i .'':?-,. 1 Threatened to Sno. f', Before being tnkep to Medford by Deputy Sheriff Alden, Congo told a reporter of the Evening Herald that: "If you have . enough will pcwor you -had bette-beep my-BMSnt'out of the paper because i-C nothing conies of my arrest and I am turned Ioomi, I will sue' the paper. And wl't!'! more, I will employ the best lawyers in the country." .. ' The two men and E. I. Hatfield who.was arrested' fby the offjeors Thursday, Jonuary .31, will be gjfven a hearing before a committing mag istrate within the next few days. Et- dence will be taken at this 'hearing. to dotermine whether the men shoulA be bound over .to the grand jury. -i Disclosed itarge. Still. (',' Tho raid which took place In Vp per Sam's valley country disclosed tho largest still yet seized In the Medford section. . - , ' u MEDFORD. Feb. 4. In s ii. raid conducted by the sheriff's office, and the federal prohibition officer Thursday afternoon In .; the upper Sam's Valley country, the largest still yet seized In this Bectlon was found, and E. I. Hatfield, 50, Is held in' the county jail pending arraign ment. ' . '"'' 'V Hatfield, the authorities say, claims another man, whose Identl-. ty has not been revealed, was the brains and owner of the illicit plant, and that he waa only working at the distiller. This man, Hatfield al leges, it Is said, left Wednesday by auto, loaded with the output ot the: plnnt. This wns a regular occur-' (Continued on Page Thr .) , NORWAY WINS ' CHAAtmiX, 'France, Feb. ii-,.. Norway, in competition with other tuitions, Including the United Htttos, won thj Olympic winter sports here, It was announced today, . 'vf FIRST LECTURE TUESDAY EVENING '' "' ' ' ''' '"'. - 'Tho first of the five business lec tures to be given under the auspices ot tho chamber of commerce wlfl be heard at the Presbyterian ohurab at 7:45 Tuesday evening, with Irving v.. Vlnlng, iprosldent ot the at am ehnmlbniT ot commeroe, as penjtf'j. .UUtKKT IIKTOBT. PORTI.AXD. Ore., Fob. 4. Cattle steady to strong, calves in to too higher, top steerj $7,75 to IH.nOl bogs sternly tn strong, sheep llrang, g and buttsr'stsaajr, , '1 JACKSON RAID WINTER SPORTS