The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 02, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    I'eue Six
, H.HCtUUV, imUlUAl.'i' H, IIM
Items for tbts page should be
font to The Herald office or
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t7 Friday of each week
P1' Jojr and merriment wore turned
, looio with no restrictions last
svenlnc when the membors of the
.Klamath Falls Rotary club and
their wires and friends gathered
for an evening of festivity in which
- turkey dinner and theatre party
were the attractions. Tho party
gathered at six thirty at the
chamber of commerce banquet
room where R. E. Patterson at the
piano accompanied by Harry Bo
wl on the violin furnished a pleas
ing musical . background for the
very appetizing turkey dinner pro
pared by Mrs. J. J. Keller. Mr. J.
C. Henderson as the principal
speaker addressed the club and
guests, on the playground situation
Utter which the party left in a bo
dy for tho Pine Tree theatre
where a special section decorated
in Rotary colors, purple and gold
Gathered Apron Gives
Circular Line Effect
FUST, straight, navy-Canton
Ansa. Plain. No distinctive
' . feature. Then, tie an apron of self
' ' material around It, leaving a gen-:,-
isrous bow In the back, and the
rss la immediately lifted out of
the common-place even though the
anron U gathered in true kitchen.
, suasion, - for the Canton-covered
p Mcri around all edges holds the
. proa out from the slim little
. skirt, giving it the circular line so -'
(Bach favored. The same cording
Boils itsslf into trimming motifs at
V tt corners of the apron.
- If color contrast is desired,
, fleevelets may be of henna chiffon
S or Georgette, embroidered in run-
alat-ttltches with either allk or.
, wool and metal threads. The
v sleevelets are held in closely ' at
the wrist by bands of Canton.
.'was reserved. The entertaining film
'The.' Voice in the Minaret" by
.Norma Talmadge followed by the
'unbelfevettble stunts of the magi
cian rounded out an occasion which
will linger pleasantly in the me
mories nf elllh mamt.At-0
.Though the courtesy of the man
agement, a. number of Rotary songs
wore played during the evening by
in e organist. The film theatre par
ty as a medium of enjoyable enter
tainment is fast coming into vogue
ana club members have expressed
. their; desire for mora fnnnttnna nf
4tnis nature.
'J v.
. auiaiona unupter of the Daugh'
ters of the American Rovnwinn
will moot Monday, February 4
T in niro - a oh d u
street and Payne Alley. The sub
ject for the afternoon will be Ame
rican Heroes, the program to be
In charge of Mrs. 8. u. Evans.
Delegates will be elected to' the
state convention In Eugene, March
IS, J4 and 16. and for the National
Congress in Washington, D. C in
:; The P. E. O. Sorority will meet
next Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Bert Carl Thomas on Pine
JkJ r-. Fashion Service
A mooting of mora than usual
Interest for the niemooi-s of (ho
Central School Parent Teachers as
sociation will occur on Tuesday af
ternoon when Mr. Rhode., director
of recreation for the Pelican Uny
Lumber company, will address the
gathering on tho subject of morals
of tho child. Mr. Rhodes', several
appearances before local audi'
ences hecr during the last few
months have prored him a speaker
if moro, ,hsn nsual nbl"'y snd hi
is well known. It Is expected that
i large attendance will be on
At tho homo of Mrs. II. T). L.
Stewart on Alameda yesterday af
ternoon sixteen ladies gathered
round four tables and staked their
entire fortunes (in Chinese money)
for several exciting hours. The
came was of course Mah Jongg and
In playing this attractive game eve
ry ono has a good time. Following
the party, refreshments were served
by the hostess.
Ladies of the Episcopal church
served chicken dinner at the par
ish house Thursday evening. Abont
ons hundred and fifty persons were
present for dinner. A number of
entertaining features were pro
vided afterward consisting of mu
sical numbers by Miss Fenno's or
chestra, whistling solo by Miss Bo
uita Schafer, accompanied by Miss
Elizabeth Ramsby, solos by Miss
Ruth Cofer and Miss Alice Thomp
son, several selections by the boys
high school quartette and recita
tions by Miss Frances and Miss
Mollie Darling.
The Art Needlework club ' will
meet with Mrs. Fred Goeller on
Wednesday at her home on River
side Avenue.
On Wednesday afternoon 'Mrs.
J .R. Hirshberger was hostess to
ZZ'TVJt? "if,?.- i C. R. DoLap
home on Eleventh street. Decora
tions were made in snap dragons
of varied hue and the following
ladies enjoyed Mrs. Hirshbergers
hospitality. Mesdames Allen Sloau
Herman Foster, R. McDonald, Roae-
rlck Smith, William Sanders, E. C
Hackney, Will Wood, O. L. Brown,
M. P. Evans, E. D. Truelove, Ver
non Lindsay, L. Lindsay, Paul No
el, Ray Hansaker, Victor Palmer,
Louis Bradford, Everett Harden-
brook and Charles Garcelon. Mrs,
Herman Foster won high score and
low score went to Mrs. R. McDo
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Magee were
dinner hosts at their home on
Ninth street, on Saturday at six
thirty o'clock. Covers were laid
for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jacobs,
Rudolph Jacobs; Mr. Bruce Jeffers
and the host and hostess.
. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Elliott ce
lebrated their twenty first wedding
anniversary with dinner at the
Club Cafe Tuesday evening, hav
ing as their guests Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Watters. Following the . din
ner the party enjoyed a film at the
Pine Tree theatre.
On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. E.
B. Magee was informal hostess at
her home on Ninth street when
she entertained Mrs. J. S. Parker,
Mrs. Nate Otterbein, Mrs. Marga
ret Pitts, Mrs. L. Jacobs and Her
bert Savidgo.
Twelve guests assembled Tues
day evening at the L. Gerber home
on High street at six thirty where
thoy were served with delicious
dinner after which they enjoyed
(the evening hours playing bridge,
Auction Bridge Club met, for itV
regular session Wednesday . after
noon at two thirty at the home
of Mrs. George II. Merryman in
Hot Springs. Guests of the club
for the afternoon games were Mrs.
W. O. Smith, Miss Marie McMillan
and Mrs. Will Baldwin. High score
was won by Mrs. Willam Duncan.
Eleven little friends of Master
Wilbur Jones gathered at hij home
this afternoon in response to an
invitation to celebrate his eighth
birthday. Games of various kinds
occupied the time previous to the
serving of the good things. Those
enjoying this delightful occasion
were Margaret Hlbbert. Marian Tel
ford, Mary Thomai, Dstty Coat
'""""- i
A woman who spends a srent deal
of time nt 4 lie ocashoro showed mo
a unique ncotllobook. It was msdo
of oiled paper that coined luslito of
cracker- boxes Slio says that sho Iwis
found that keeping needles in tnib
is a 6ure preventative of their
Many of tho now bits of linen seen
at tho exchanges are rounded ob
longs, following tho shape of tho
dishes so muah usod tor olives, cel
ery, etc
For starching muslins, ginghams
and calicoes, dissolve a piece of alum
the siio of a hickory nut for every
pint of starch. This will keep the
colors bright for a long time.
When using Chinese, lanterns, put
some sand or tine pebbles in the bot
tom around the candle before- light
ing it. This will prevent It from
catching fire from swaying.
It U worth whllo to know that
large dark vases or jardinieres which
boom, Margaret Daggett. Reorge
Duncan, Harry Goeller, Gordon
Olostln, Clarence Campbell, George
Qoddand and Edward Vann'.ce.
A delightful linen shower was
given at the hoove of M!rs. Loyd R.
DcLap, Saturday. January 26, for
Miss Mildred Lewis. The party wus
held In the afternoon and tea and
cake were served at 4 o'clock. Those
present were Mrs. Mary MteClure.
Mrs. Marjorle Gallagher and daugh
ters Betty and Patricia, Mr. Mary
Griffith. Mrs. G. W. Holbrook. Mrs.
Phillips, Mrs. J. Frank Bryant, Mrs.
J. Wt. Bryant. Mrs. George Offield,
Mrs. Fired Fletcher, Mrs. William
Wood, Mxs.-C. P. Mason, Mrs. J. M.
Lewis, Mrs. C. M. Prouty and daugh
ter LI las. Mrs. L. O. Stearns, Mrs.
Theodore D. Case, Mrs. John Cleg-
horn, Mrs. George Agor and daugn
ter Helen, Mrs- A. Carlson, Mrs. C,
L. Lewis, Jfcs. C. C. Lowis, Mm. W.
1? TlnwilAtii on i'. .lanolifM i,la V
and daughter, Mrs. C. F. DeLap and
son, Mrs. Riley Loomls, Mrs. Alva
Lewis, Miss Mabel Mlchealson, Miss
Minnie Micbeaison, Miss Geneva
Young, Miss Geneva Pence, Miss
Maud Simmons, Miss Anna Micheal
son. Mass Lily Bowan, Miss Mary
Whiteline, the honor guest. Miss
Mildred Lewis, and the hostess, Mrs.
Loyd DeLap.
Frills Relieve the
Taillenr's Severity
IITITH as attractive evidence to
If the contrary as is given by
this mocha-colored charmeen, one
must indeed be prejudiced to say
that the tailored gown lacks femi
nine charm. The novelty frill of
ecru lace or plain bobblnet softens
the lines and relieves the severity
of this model. Buttons and bound
buttonholes do their part In glv
tag distinction, and the four plaits,
which appear at the left side only,
add considerable to the comfort of
the wearer by giving extra width
to the skirt without detracting
from the straight, slim silhouette.
The curved line across the front
effects a compromise between t
front-opening bloime and a slds
oloilog klrt,
H V : V". I
-- ti.
Fashion Svice
t rririnAfLiinjTj"r nrinninrnwjsxiu
leak can bo made to hold water
nicely if painted with olio or two
ooats of thick paint o? shellac.
Frequently 1 wanted a dluitig.rooin
chair a llttlo higher than the u.uiai
height, so wo look four door bump,
ors and sorowod one Into tho 4ottolti
of eaoh chair Jog and I liad niy wl4h.
U la much vaster to pour tea and
servo in a choir like this than trom
one of the. usual helRht.
When thin gloss tumblers stick to
gether pour cold water in tho upper
ono to contract It and plunge the
lower ono in warm waiter to rxptuid
It, and they can bo separated with
out harm.
When wo open a now hot tie of siuo,
musllago, or ink, wo smear a HUlo
vaseline all around the cork. Thiji
prevoutB its sticking to tho Ivottlo
and feeing 'broken off when ono at
tempts to rembvo It again.
There aro oaly five In our family,
so I have halt an hour each day by
washing dishes only twk-o, leaving
the supper dishes piled In the dish
pan and covered with water until i
do up tho nHoralng work.
Some time ago I trlod an lufunt
syringo for cleaning a sore which
our small eon got by stepping on a
rusty nalL It does clean so well ana
painlessly that I'd like to pass the
Idea on to other mothers. In thin
way we can got medicines right
whore they aro wanted. Of courso,
the syringe must be well cleaned
first. -
PARIS. Lace bos a vogue wihloh
seems in no danger of diminishing.
At the moment, the . I'arlslouno Is
wearing wide- lace sleeves from el
bow to wrist -and a lace skirt, the
rest of the gown being usually a hip
length coat of velvet.
PARIS. Many of tho new shoos
shown at present toes deotaua
ly Oat and square. With the odd
colors combined with gold and sil
ver brocade, the shoes are mediae
val in appearance. -'- -
LONDON. A huge tassel, fre
quently a yard aad a half long, is
the chief adornment -for - evening
wraps now. A scarf of velvet, bright
ly lined and ending in one of these
big tassels, often takes the place of
a collar on the evening cloak.
LONDON. Tho handkerchief to
day is more giddy in coloring and
bos become an Important article of
dress. Debutantes are fastening
their handkerahiofs to small rings
which they wear upon the little fin
ger. NEW YORK. Scotland is comin
brawly Into its own these days.
One of the fascinating new turbans
is nothing more nor less than a
length of gay Scotch tartan in silk
gathered Into a big knot over the
right ear.
. NEW YORK. -(Ono bandeau lor
evening wear shown bore today is
an extremely odd, archaic crown of
dull gold. Its plain WiUlo band is
ornamented simply with a wall of
Troy pattern that stands out fully
half an Inch. The bandeau is made
of gold galloon
Yankee Apple Cole. -
iMake ahout four ordinary cakes
as for layer cake, using the yolks of
the two eggs only. For the filling
take two good-sized tart apples and
grate to a pulp. WJilp with the
whites of the eggs until a thick
aream is formed, Swooten to taste,
flavor with a little lemon juice, and
spread thickly . between the layers
and over the top. ... ' '
Maple Peannt Cookie. "
Cream, togother one-half cupful of
maplo molasses and two tablespoon
fuls of button; oner egg, two table
poonfuls of milk, one rounding cup
ful of flour, one-half toaspoonful of
cream; of tartar, . one-ruarter tea
spoonful of soda.'threo-quartnrs cup
ful of chopped nuts. pTop. tho' mix
ture from a spoon onto a' buttered
pan, ; i . . ; . V '
Different Ham, Sandwiches. ,
Chop cold tolled, .Iium voity fine.
fat and lean togother, and to every
cupful allow, one .tablenpoonful :of
melted butter, the yolks of two hard
boiled eggs, one tooBpoonful of lomon
juice, one-fourth toaspoonful of dry
mustard,, and one-fourth toaspoon
ful of paprika-or whlto pepper,
Pound all to a paste and put hettweon
two iliosi of thin buturii brikd. ' i
'men folk look
for romance in
month of february
. February has a w oiilUi of ulll",v,
offering splendid npportnultU to
tho hotes. -with red, whitoi anil
bltio dnooruHous for tho bl1thda
of Lincoln utid Va.hlnKK'ii, ntnl with
vu lent In ii and oupldit for ttio day
wtton "iionrta are truiupn, ', tuiyiine
can give, tho tablit and hniivi u t::iU
appaaranoe. B3u wndlej ,'tl Ururt.i
holders itud other uitt;A:itUinA nt
rlui colonial color, hluu and huff..
uro aproprluti for iie 1 nn ' tlu
tweu'ty-ooond. Then, tfio, It j Hup
year. Men folks utiuoiim-e th-vl thny
are expecting a rouiUntlti month.
I'lio family WJ11 ep'jny ' a ' ,Htlle
coUibratiom ovon If It coiihIhU only
of eating fancty-sliapod coololos and
maided dossnnta which reprmont the
syroltMls of tho siinelul ' ooeaxInV.
Havo you over trihl tuuking ft few
of. your owji fancy cooky cuttflr ut
homo ones that you ttuinnt buy or
do pot have room to suiro in your
cablnnt? I find that un eaxy War; n
do this Is to skQiicli' th'n'baU'hol' cr
other article on stiff -Ulto paint ,
This Is cut out and bvld on the
rolled cooky dough and a pointed
knlfn Is used to cut around , tb
edges, ; ' .
Maybe ono of the children v i
be ablo to kteh tho jKittern for
you. Most youngsters are taught
drawing In school noiraday. Find
ing an application for their skill In
tho home wall 'oncouratro them.
Tills is a good time to check up
tho 'breuk'tuata. Mot of I ho worlds
work U don on them. Is ' your
husband attng enouich of the right
foods? And the children? Orangon j
are In season now. and they muke a i
good start for the lift Uieut'of the
day.. I put up sutflolent orange I
marnuOade Xh' February - to - last
throughout the- lyum. t .Frequently !
grapefruit Is combined . .with the
oranges Mid ' oocoslonally canned i
pineapple la used.
'Pancakes am tavodtes ..with my
fiuully in the winter. They'.may he
served at tnnoheon and dittoes In,
many guises. So own I ores ' I ' add
chopped dates and tigs .to tho. uqt
tor, aal. then again' finely chopped
and cooked vegetables are usod. Id
the latter, case gravy is'.sorved with
tho cakes Instead of 'lrup: Spread
with Jelly -or jam, rolled and sprink
led withpowdisod . sugar.-.icriiidre
cakes made a demert tht la relish
ed 1iy vsryone. -- ' ' i
Christian Science Society
Library Bids;, lint ood . Malu'
Wednesday .Meeting 8 .p.m.
HosKlay Service 1 1 tn-
LcHsont for " Nunday, Feb. 8nf
' 'Lovo" . . '
Sunday sclool from 0:45 to 10:43
Free reading room and free
laullns; library open from 2:80
to 4:80 on Tuesd)-, Thars
days an4 'Saturdays. : . ,
.; is extended to patrons in 1 every depart-,.-'',-
rnent.;of , this institution. . . '.
Depositors , who ". are .. satisfied and.,
pleased with the, service our . bank gives
''': .."'.th.m,! are the means of sending via new.
.' ' customers. , ' ' ' . '
';! "Thfise rew accounts contribute
.;.'jv! Wealthy, .growth of our bank, and
'... cordlpgly desired and appreciated.
- . ' , v '
, l'ld the Mi'oiiinl lim enino out'
tniliiy when the miiii mum lilnhi)(
or when the Nky wiut ovmit,
':, yinl Knw .liiin, mi win iliey
kindly Cituiiiiuiilrnte ' Midi Hie
I'or, hm over) one Uikiwm, If
Mr. Gi'euuil Hog mw IiIh nIui
low lie went Iwrk sail holeil up
for another Nix week. In ekMe
tutlou' uf hud weather. IMil bn
fall In his xlnulow, lie came '
out of tJie hole, Ntret-lMl. yaii"
eil it muple of thnew nntl deetite.
ril Nprlnu ut tutnil.
Hluro tho sun ha been dlilu-',
liilf tilUwinllteuliy all du), it U
highly luiNrtnut to kuow Juot
when the little iiiilinnl uuute hl
npiteitruiin. - . '.
LONDON, Feb. !, .Uily liialiullii
Howard who, as wlfoof Sir Hmiio
Wllliatii Howard, the newly appoint
ed IlrltlKh Aulawainr nt Whining
tou, suvceedH Lady Geddiut ut tbn ua-
tloual capital, belong to ua Haiiau
family that holds nn old Heotijuli
1. 1 IU..U- .!. ..IL.l.J . Jll U. .11
I Need Glasses
"Where tJiall I go to
haw them fitted?"
: "Wiyi see Dr. J. O.
Coble' of com-se", 7(W
Mali) st., '
He has been fitting
, gla80s for people ip
Klnmnth Fah and Kla
math ' County since
Some folks art icetiiiiK diivitisl In , llfn'puybisi' Wurti -mod ;tf
.thiK liitlc or slvlnit up the pwhnu fur the sska of tho worth.
Iriw. Jrouw Mihl, "Wtutt "hull It profit a man If h shall gain thn
whole world and love hU own muIV" . ,
Tlii uionrt)' you lunkc on Nundny ran not repay you for llu loss
.of tlod. HuniUy Is - . ; t . ,..,: i
v. fjo to t-Hcru'it n.iv . . . . "
v it "I'lirUtUut I'nlty." ' ' v
. T:0 p,ni. "The Knur sad Ihfl Man, . - - " ..
' Sixth and IMnn Htmrts ' . u . ' AHTHVIl L. IUCR, Minister
V '
. V
Co-operative Service
lKT 18 1IKI.P YOU SAVK . :
The Fir&t National Bank
; CaplUl Stock $200r000.00
Member' Federal Reserve System
!peinige. ,udy llo)vai'd tell buck mi
bee tt oiiMitli tldo whrp she lierumg
, thu Wfu of Hlr Kline llioWsl'd, jlvr
lirKit;ei' In I'l'lnon 0-uMlu'aul-lkinillul
I who, wllli III j wlfii, iWNN weinly. iUi
I Vlet,tii n( nn ut tui-li by dlHliniKwt
i I jiiI y Itiwuii lit dewl'lhtsl m rtlu
Inltleil, kluilly ui)il NeiiiUblii, ttlileli
ehiU'ituterksMin niuitii her. ,.virjr jmpit III Miulild scjloiy where, alio mt
I ii parlleulur fnitiiKn w.lh the king
' ami iiieeii o( maiii,
J tl'tSMIi TO NHKK " "
t . vim.rria.vii tiuuk
M.ViNIIjA, Knh. , 3. A ' bmlioh f
tlm Jjiiiieie "Hlro-irSliii" or bu
reau nf femni'Tnliil Iti fiwiiti.1 l(in Is
in hit ki nil I Ii' lied III Muullti f'Xiu to
bring llhoul olthHflf htlMlllAlM MHutWXIh,
It lit said I'iii pre,mliiK UMil of con
Htruitlou luatorlaui, avpeulully tim
ber, bus bami'Oml hn etalilUhiuoM
of tbii HauMu hnineh.
The bureuu wiut iii,iitillnU"l In
Jupan iioverul years ago t bring f"i
Ikii UKirkels into rlowr touch wrtth
JutHintiiui inMrUets. '
. The hlKhimt liurof iini waterfall
U tlutt of the Htuubliurli, la Hwitcer
lund. It U mtnrly 000 f,'it high. -uimu-jimnMiB
niuisw m I m
' The -Club
Special T&ble do Hote
Dinner '
In our Dining Koom
Aimwi '
From 12 to 8 Mn.
. and
frouj 5 to 7:80 p.m.
; . , ', tix y
Special Tb do' Hoto
Oinner Wtjosd7
II... ,
I .... I
to the
are ac-
1 .'!;