The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 25, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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Mtiiuv,'.utv ttm
PBo Four
,i Imniii'iI dully except. Hiiiidny by The Herald I'ulillsliliij company.
Office, I If) North" l:ilit SI., Miimnlll I'lllls, Orouoii
!', It. HOI'I.H IS-onWi'id nii'l Mana-iter
ItllTII KOI'I.I! Serrolniy-Troiinirei
Knliirod ns Bernnd-clnsii matter, at the post office at Klamath I .ill'.
, : (mKflll.lll)ili'r Jlu Act nf Alarrh JL 1 S7
Member tif tin ;v-lmi'il I'riK
: Thn Associated 1'rcns Is exclusively entitled to the ir " for rcmililli-v
lion of.nll ne dispatches credited In It or not otherwise rivd-i-d in
111 in paper, nnd to all local now published herein All ri,;lits of rcpulill
ration of special dispalrh"N herein are also reserved,
p. it. sori.u
II. ; n. ill 1,1
K. H. WAITK . -
H..-W. HKVXOI.IW ...... .
The KvonlnR Herald Is ih official nape
a; . ' City of Klam.vh
sri'.Sfltll'TION IfATKS
i ' llclivcted Ity furrier
I'llltKH MONTHS .: '
Copy for display advertising,
-p.m. on the day preredliiR publication lr. order to be. Inserted in
'iu of tho papor of the ni'Xt day
. . Want adp and reading notices will Im rerolv,d up to 12 inniii
.''tin day of Issue
SOME few persons in this community, who measure
their fellow-men by their own small-soulecl standards,
profess to. doubt that the description of the recent Ku
Klux meeting in the Scandinavian hall 'was written by a
There is nothing that goes into the columns of the
Herald that is known by its editors to be false or mis
( : The contributed impressions of the Ku Klux lecture
were prefaced by an -editorial line, properly crediting the
authorship, and that statement was, and is, true. The ar-:
tide was written by an ordinary worker in the lumber
industry, and published word for word as he wrote it. :
' .' In the, judgment of the editor of the Herald, it
earned publication, as expressive of the viewpoint of
the ordinary man of the street one of the common j
. people, whom Lincoln said God must have loved because
he made so many of them.
.. He went to the meeting with open mind, saw what
he saw, formed his own conclusions as to the foolishness!
and hypocrisy that underlaid and overlaid and permeated :
the' gathering, wrote them down, and submitted them vo- j
luntarily for publication. And until he handed the ar-'
tide in, he was absolutely unknown to the editor of this;
paper. I
'; ,. The men engaged in the daily publication of the ;
Herald mask neither their faces nor their feelings. They ;
are members of an honorable calling, striving, not withi
infallible methods, but with an earnest daily purpose, to ;
protect and forward the best interests Of the. communi
ty. . - ...
, .. They do not have to lie, cheat nor mislead their
readers, nor do they do so.
. . The opinions expressed in this column are the opin-;
ions of the editor, whose name appears at the top of the '
'" Stories in the news columns, unless undisputable
statements of fact, are attributed by quotation or signa-!
ture to. the original sources
'.Ki The intelligent reader
jHusv a-"vh in unt uii no mi
conclusions as nis own intelligence directs.
. !( (From Cook Buy Times)
iT IS 'A HEARTENING, wholesome and hopeful sign
r'ivrien two prominent 'Coos Bay protestant ministers
like Rev. Temple of the Methodist church and Rev. San
det?dn jaf the. Presbyterian church seek to stay the wave
of Intolerance, religious bigotiy and narrowness by such
p.pienaia sermons as tney have recently delivered irom
their pulpits. There is need of such sane and sober
counselnot only for the good of the church but for the
welfare of the community. .
What Coos Bay and the country and the whole
viil'ld:'needs today is the gospej of kindness and fellow
rhip. The- doctrine of force and hate and the faith thai
force and hate are enough, is wrecking the world and '
destroying communal development and progress. Mem
need, faith in one another:
other. We all need faith in the essential goodness of!
man. ; Lacking that faith individuals riot and kill, classes1
exploit and hate, nations trespass a'nd ravage. And in the :
. midst of it all, the churches of Jesus, the only philosopher
the'' .world has developed who knew the truth and could
put'; It into the hearts of men the churches of Christ'
are quarreling over silly and immaterial creeds. What 1
do, these things matter in the face of the need of the !
Golden Rule? Why quibble over the origin of man when '
the destiny of man may be turned upward bv the Sermon '
on. "the. Mount? Who cares who' wrote the command
ments? The fact that their principles will hold humanitv -together
is the chief thing. " ;
. When any secret society, banded together to be ex-1
ploited by self-seeking political leaders, arrogates to it- i
pelf all the patriotism, and all the relieion it is time (hat ;
honest men harkened back to real Christianity. Even in
those -eaiiy days of the Christian martyrs they did not.
find, it necessary to wear masks and Christ never uttered
B word that could be construed into intolerance and hate.
; 1 he pity ot it all is, that
be paid the shrieking of
clamor, qt theologians when the world need
conduct and the faith of man in man. '
lily 1 illloi-
. .Advertisilii- Mt.nnuer
Mivhantrnl Silierinten
of Kl. ninth I'outilv
must b- In this office not lat.r Hi
of information. .
has every opportunity to
no, w av.v.cjji ui lcjcti iia
classes need faith in each :
so much attention should !
ntion should,
ians and the j
3 love, good i
self-seeking politicians and the
Jii l ift MoUV.jvw A r ... - -
The Office Cat
'4! V'
A man's first kiss is not Hie la.c
nor docs It. i
oo j
'"Parsyfoi.L" Johnson lias kuiio to
Aral.-.'a. perhaps to snip thoso wild j
Arabian nU'hi.s. I
Slio hliislii'd a fl'Ty rod.
Her hari wMit i'!ty-i-pal.
She EontlyJintiR her li'iad.
And looked down at tho mat.
Ho trembled In liUi s;j"rch.
Hi? rose from vhr;re he sat.
Il" tromhli'd in his siii'Pi'h.
"You're silting on iilv hat."
-.Voting that-William Allen Wlilt"
ir- heini; mentioned for vice-pr-.i;'-dent.
tho Atchison, Knsa.s Hlovo,
askf. "What does Vi''IIia:n know
aM)ut vice?" Well answp s
ho Kan-
,-ib City, Kan., ho known a urml
deal i-.;)out ad-vli-o. and mlKht t'n-doi-siand
a Utile ithout snrl"!.
'I'lir I'ikmisu imciJ )y ;o(i.
A Hunlarn iu.t;izln r'tiniUrUn
;i Hynipo.-hnn cii "Ifnv to i!c ifnp;iy
and M.-UTh'rt at Hie Puia TIiim-." (''"'
r;in hh nf ;ni I.-: ''in ; imi'":: .'
A fine, 'com ;';ulsr:nrv wiiv t( l'-'iive
an important prolih-ni un.olvf-d,
JiapH Max WfiMfi.
TJm- rf.irnin ilio flappf. i.n'f inicr
i"ilcd in peli::itat jj;xit in becatist
llicy at-p nut cnousli nk pctthm
partii'K. '
f v-ess, Macrone keeper,
-iviEse cm Gtcf.cs imw ase
COSTDMEft ;;" A?.E 0OlV!', w u
OESrOlsE AO'..'C,.nTOViG
'' A
Mii!f.-Au,'..J:. J'.l.fl ... ?'t:..t
, " " " I . i in n I )
wtt" . '
"Tuffv"' Anderson says ihink n(
tin' iuiiir s.'lionl hoy in tin Ilulkans
who uiiLsi loam tho iiann'ii of Hll,ilu'
lil:l" naiioiM ho mint linto.
. o-
NolliitiK'.s Iinpo.isrlili', so tlii'.v f'iv.
Inn havo you ovor liioil to slrlko
a mat
h on tt rako of soap?
oo -
"1 don't ttlvo a darn,
nald tho j
Kl.iniatli PuMk wlley- hm huhhy
brought her some socks fall of holes.
- ilu
.Mi, foolidnn'.s attiluue toward n
world court won't effect Ills fa"
o imti'lt ns his attitude toward may
onnaise d leasing.
(;o! Follows.
If you have an. old lend dime.
Pass it on.
Oo no; fans uud waste Knnd time:
I'a.'s it on.
You may I'eel real mean, It's true
Hut jitft In u week or two
It 1 W'll ronio riRht hark to yon.
I'ass It on.
t'orrei't this sentence: "Yes. you
rnoy no lo the circus," said the
father, "hut vou'U hnve to kcI some-
hoily else to Ulke y,,,,;-
lial Ilu Vim Oil 'Km'.'
fiance, she's calla mada:i'.f!srll";
tlermans, he '.all 'em da frau; da
Kwi'di s call 'm somethltii; else, wlio'a
pronounce I dunno how. Spain she
i all 'm tinorita. Irish call her ipi'-en.
lint de.-sa place too li'-ny name on
da clrls tlnk ees sllckin." Some
call 'jii, s'liiitlia, and Janes, and do
nut lie call 'm ililcken.
1 "'
oo -
Tiin hero of loday ri I he haa-hi i n
of li'm.ii viw." noif'.i It. .1. Slnels, and
inlil i f'otnfiirlliiKly. "Then' Is cnnsld-
"niiil,. KllllU'e In this fur ln
wa-""-i s." ; of course, mUHl be madu for an
.00 ' intait-ilttl' 1 rece'ved.
I:. II. Ilu tun 1! ,-aiys lie of.eb won-1 In event of a collision between a
lets ir the Riiy who draws thos'limrk and nn nutniiinblli' iih-iI for
Holepioor Hosiery ailvertlsetii 'iit 1 ! plea.'inie or convenience, the iiwn-Kei.-
pay besides. ' vT of the truck may claim a dedii"-
00 Hon for daimiKes, provided at th"
The bee U a siiccss, iblnlis Kay 1 time the truck was holnn iiscd for
Durliiti hi.caii he trusts in woi U ' ImiiiIiiosh pui poae. No ileductlon In
nnd kei-Pii siIiir Hbnrp. allowed the owner or ihn iititomn-
j 1,11,, becatiRn the car wan not being,
notion mocking
Any nun who thinks he' has no
: chance Is correct.
The optimist read i "no" from left
j to r i; Ii t .
1 .Most of Iho-ii! who Rivore off swear
Inji are swearing on.
! A r'rl Isn't ;, Jewel Jii':t becnuie
. flte bus a rlcli sotilni;.
. .Muscle Shoi'li was a whlt' e'e
l tiliatit until Ford P'k"d for !t, nn !
j that started the circus.
I ' ..
j if y... i-avc'i
i;viii 11 ro II. ,-
Winn even due baa his day In
a nlftlit of ll.
new it ii i n Iiik
i 1 '
Ii'lin Kill with
Too many pi'oplo think Hio Llhoriy
lli'll Is a dtimh lo'll.
.. ,
lit Is Inton'st.'iiK to I Ml l II ill. I li
riiiiKri'Kslonal lilno Is fonni il hy p t
III); lioadu tOKOtlo'i'.
nil" follow who liin't cutlliiK inuc'i
ico now Is i ho Ico man.
r.'s with tIMMttli'liri ulloali'
kiss monoKrapliers until they
put their Kim iiwn-.
Some of the lentil ok movie me:
oui;ht to ho lending it plow.
A man with n frown hml In iter
takn another look. j '
Many a plitn lo it rich iili k hrth
u poor iMidtnK-
'I4'l'n hop? tht'Mtj forctun nvl.r
j plan don't moan ih'v wmii t M'?
I so!ii'ihlnK over on u.
J -
j A bird In Rood l.s worth twn la
, ir"
No. 15.
Wlietlier or noi ronnected with
Itla trade or business. 11 loss hum
lillned by reaaon of fire, Htorm.
ulilpwreik. or other cnsuilty Is n
il'duciihii. item. The term "oilier
eiiMilnlty." within Hie men nl 11 r of
the ntntnte, n nne which urines
from the physical rorc" of iiatllte;
for example, 11 flood or frosl. If a
; laxpayer home or aiilomnhlle ir
dintrnynl by fire, or If bis nun
luer bungalow Is daiuaiced hy v
storm, he may claim a ilediiat'on
j for the Iomh Hiisl'ilued. Allowatt'c-
, used for business; neither lK It
J "eimiuilly" nn defined above. A-
' moiilnn expended by ownn:s of 1111
I toinoblleH lined for nlnimiiro or enn-
vonlenro to repairing ilaniimi's
- thereto cittlf "d by neulli:ent ope
; rntlon do not cniiHtlliito deilitctlble
: loHsefi,
IjObh of property by theft or
I111 rKliny la deductlblo, 11 1 ho ii loss
i for embezzlement, Ordlnary P
Iosh from embezzlement or then
oreitrrliiK In one year and dlacov-
ored In until Iter In dodiictlhlo for
Ibn fear In which sustained, '
0HHen In lllegul IranHiictloiis lire
not deductible,
Klsh, capital of ancient Babylon.
Iiiih been rtlscovered by I hn Field
.MliHciim.Oxford expedition. A
".lim ited bilck, bcB- nji In I rlptlons
pi-iiiKlMK Kin Hain-Hii-llnnii, nnv-1,-itli
kind of the first dynamy of
Ilahylnn. Iiiih lifen ilHcoHei,
Till, lir. sl'u, nf II' nil, I If id
'111- tiee'i ili:,ii.d 1111' iiu".i.'ii I'll
i'l-in'il' la'ai ciritiihil inn ihm '
'',( tli'-l Mi. 11 nil nf , reailei-s nr.
Ii'eleti d 'i nui Vl-iini .s
I' Vi'll' IVIIII rlllf. ,
11111(111.11111.1, Ad
.. 4
'lii ili'.illi of Mi'i. K ill i n runi'ii
Sunday i'vi'iiIiik iifii"- a ir iloni;. il
Mini" Tin, riMiialiix wore taki'ii in
j M im.itli Fall ulimo ropvli-. n an
! l.m,.il wim'o In-Ill Wi'ilni lay ii'iit n-
I in a. lr. Kiiiloi' win tlio inollii'i'. of
I mi vm K tutor with w liniii nlii Hindi
Ihm' liiimo.
I .tii. ,, ,. Mnl'iim'i I Hi'llili'il Ho
! hi. '.'Jin,; ,i,' . Hullilav Ki liool lolll'.
' I a1 Klinnatli Falli. n pri h'iiiIiik
Hi" Ma I'll Sunday ni'IioiiI. T'io o p
'I i In III on 'l'in"ilav iifu nionn
1 1 III" 'ri.!ivti'iltiti I'liuirli.
Mi' and Mi'i. Myom and It i'
l'"ntln worn In I'lai'inili l-'nll in
Vr'lll"nlav III m i' I'HV'il Alvi'l'n ''i
i, In i!i,' Kl in nil V'llli'V lni'ii'inl
I'ri" Flm Iiit, M . i ' i-l imi ft. k an'
Mi'. .M I'mnli wofo iiinnni; tlm vl 'i n"
H Fall.'i till" Vi'"k.
Shaiila Virw-Malin
i I'm M M or i, i ldci t !
I Mrs. C W, .l.yers. ui'Cld
) h'tii-'lf last Sntlirdav, Hi
,d V:
in a K' ninth l'".ills Im pit' I and I "
' insi repoti wis I'.e wa . ilolnj!
As t'l," I'lll.lieu of M '. I'la-'
t Vo wei,, ill l.i i um I, :her" wm no
: ll"l.:,'nit H'-iUil mei'iini: at lo luime
j lei' Hie lle( un-i'lllli: will I." Il"ili
I ill the lioiiio of .Ntt's, Kuima Isoti,
1 Jaiiiiaiy :ii, al which IIiiic . i f I' I e r.
Will he I'lecieil mid ll I ll.'j'l-eii Hial
.'s many meiiilii'i it p mIM" wll'
1 ie pre tent,
1 Mr. K a in n i a l . t', ,M. KiiUi .111 1 H
1II1I .'. I.. Ililllei nie Hi'i-v iij on til"
, I HI). It'olll Mallll dtnll'lil.
! T!" weii'lier I111. li "ii f:tie f.e ih"
I umk I'll ill" ruir-muti'tv hall 111 M il'n
land itie work it provri'sMln as np
1 Idly ns possll'lo,
! I' V.. Itw'lcy wn irndi'il h s nil 'Ii
itn-ie- fo:- n ri.M"h near (lo'd II I;
i "urii d for i! nei bom" .'lurl''
! lam. I'.alhy h:i rinliled li-ie ft"
j about 1H ea s and bl fr'i'i d, a-i '
i nclitlihol s ttlnh ll t ill c.tiulldallt 1
! C'.s. ,
TIiobo who v'sllcil Kli'iiinth
Kails last week ivre Mr, iiiul .Ms.
Wyaiii, t), I1. t'ntirliiiinii anil ilaiinn
tor Helen, who atayed iver iiinlil
nnd returned on the tin 1 11 tlin iiti
mninlntt; Mr and .Mrs. H. I.. 1 1 11 r
ncll. Tbi re wan a patty at' the ll'irii 'ti
raii'li lust Hatiirday evenltm T'ai
present w-"re ,lr., mid Ml-H. t'li'e.
Mrs. Zelzin ill mid two children.
Mrs. Sell 11 1 111 it and ulilldreii from
Miller Mill dlsirt t. Mrs. ,1. II. lliir.
n :tt and diiuithti'r from Hwnii I.nke.
Mr. mid Mrs, Wynnnl.
A carload of bona nnd bun
ciilllo were Hhlppril last week,
.Mrs. .Ie...,i I'nrli.i- Ir-'t "! V
of Hie week fer K lama' 'i Kail i i-.h
'lie Will be Jn'!"l ll'.' l".- (I'.lll 'i,.
M"-i, .la.tni litl- "oil ti it il in
the-' wIM no :n A'l fii,' :.
'o n I ii V" and i.i it t f-t rl I i
'" - - : ffn ll-s lie ii,
Von. Tr.- ii'i f. ion-liu'ti vin: ;i,i"
I'lamalh Kalli Widne'ilay wiiere nb.
will III it In for a few days liefnii
Kolnit Hoinh in Oioi-Hlo. for u vl
wlih ber diiuiihicr, MIh Miia'o.
H, II. Illai'k. who for Hie pasl iwa
years has b i In chai Ke of ill nn : """" "'wrtii'd It wan
heel I., control work of this urea w as I '1'" ''' A' l ln.t.ltulo nnd, It be
lli lllv. Monilav. alxnlii nve .up I1"" " fr"n ''"V 'l ""lu lianirlnR
plies mid eriulpnieni In Lawrence Jl"11 ln Vlnlloil the nrt lnstltl,
Krazell. who will have rliiirK of t he 1 ,:"'"' 11 m " I'nlntlnft' nf n rOW lie
control work iirnun.l here the couilir;r .W:IN ""''"'''I 'lie Woiulei ftil like
aeii Dii. I'-r.i -rll Is cr.nnected. w 'Hi ! " "'"dtnil yrniiml upon whle.b,
the Prcmont national forest worl( pi fl""i"1" Un ""Utlfodj
l.akevlew, . i1"1' ,hn """'rle' buvlnu pnlntHl ftf
Mr. mid Airs, ('hurley 'Pdylfr of
lloalty were vIk'ioih III Illy. Sun
dify ei'cilii,
Luke Whlker spctti pari of is
week at Ills tiici,
, Loill (Icrlii'i' ri'iunii'd ttnm I 'llt"
view Tuesday. VMhlle over I here he
bo' Rht feveral rarliniil.s pf beef In
be ship-led In Sacramento tiexl wed
'.('hnrli's Lambert of Kli'nnl!i K'Hl'
Has In Illy We(lleailiiy nn mi tt'fii r'
Jack AH Aiilirf,. bus n turned lo
K Li in it l h Kails nflor spcmliiiK it f"'"
daya III this vnllre.
Al". I'tt.l Al't. I'larriiei. Vi 1 1 a "I
cli'ilnir l'l"e fii'- a fiv j;i"' U'll'
I ". fid ';! r,; Valll I
l'"r'eii I" n- ,li. nnd Airs. M '
"'e.v ni .i r ; 1 1- nve ..h'd til le'l'i-
'h e nr much tmirnved n't"
'hel loli't s'l.i'e of s!ckoes.
II. V,' ii't.'ii'ii iii'i'U a liiiJ,ii',
'r'o In ll''ltl' t" liii.-il'iy nri'T'lne"
I''!'!, nils Ite'e of Aft'H lu'e Ale
Viillffn ri'Kf.-i n . n r nf ihe ibifth
of C' 111" I Iter, I Inn t'l Ol'l'livri i
A. bland I he fli sl of Hi" ueeli,
SIXTH OP u. s;
I tt A' lUNtiTON', II. f Jan. !(
! .Mure Mum oIii -hIxHi of III" cant"
h ud 11 1 en of Hi 1 ,:oiiiH y was used
11 li'in'.' iiu (inn eroim lat yetir. Tim
il' l ii ililent nf iiKflcilllin'e i-alei Jaii'i
lie l -llll lll leailli of all l'l'0H Hi flTS.-
siia.iiuu iici'iiK, or .'isa.miN sitinrit
II l ;i I .ll'lll CII'IM IH'odllCvll, not
'iiid- ly lliir .i sold, had 11 bypatlietl
I 'a' Ml,f vnlii'i of 10.470.11711,11110 III
; in :l or 'nlnio'i f 1 .ooo.non.nort
j - I ,' 'I.1-11 'ii lull'.'.
i T " i r un lilies In liul. I fl HI pl.ue
' '1 11 ' tn and value of all milts.
II r ' i ii;tm.iRiiiei 37.ll3lt.nnn
1 i".i end lb" crop vnlnn In It'SS
v ii ml 1.7 7,'i.nnrt, lawn's cro4
: r, k.i-,iii, in value wlih l7',U?n..
1 o 1 iei an iiereaise of 3l.73l.OnD:
""ii:-' ibii.i w'Mi f i.-,n.;.n:i.nnii uud
en Hi-rein,, of 3n.l1 1 ,"1. nun; ('nllforula
f it h wlih I I7.''!.t nnn 11 nil mi
1 -rraue of rt.!'37.nni: onli t'.irnliiin
I tili w ill 1 1 1 7:17. mm and an ner
- - i f T .''. mi": (Mi'o "Ivi'i wlih
. I ll.onii mid mi nrrctiHO of II.-
"fill nii'l nil, I ' "nil .' levenlll Willi
I ! '.i 1 .11117 nun mid nil ncreuen of
I'.ll '.1111,1.
WA 'IV WALLA. Wiih., Jan. 31.
- .Iesle. n Missouri mule, believed
m Ii- iimi ii Hum .t'l year old. and
who la us prominently Identified
Willi I I'ii male penitentiary us ihn
'!l It iel f, has been paroled.
nrfc'rl, cf ii Insulation dn
r'ded isni J 'sle .after uiunj1 yoarn
' f-i t'if'il work, hud Tve, her
i il.'lled time mid from now nti ib
will hnva nothing in do except oaf
r-eutul t'-i. n-le. ent mils or hny
ii-d romp nl the Held, i
Vnr- or !" of mi hunmn In
Iff ' I ifry 'i -'nvnlvel, ncooM.
'iw lo ntriilnls ai ibn puroln will
mean the nnrtln of Jyil and
"Sever rll"ep," hnr neitrn , mniter.
wlin Is rnnflned In thn prlion. The
fo lave wark"d loeether over
Im i p.'i-lod bnulltiK real uhnut tlm
The mule was formerly -mod at
I'on Walli Wnllit, mitktiix nn ap
pearance there In I SHU ns the lend
r of ii Hlx-niuln team which ws
d tn hunt rrelKht betwoen tit
tttt nnd Wnlln Walla. When tho
f r i- nbandnneil In J10 thn
title purchased her for tinfe at tlin
penll. Hilary nail aim hai roraaUioil
t'"'rn !nr
i llli'AilO, Jan. a I . --Xot mull the
p: late of hi-i produ' ; mood Imforn
''in. d in., on iniivii. In nil the color
of Ha ni'iit'o nut riii'iidf tins, wiih n
I'lernii ciiwnuiti mid inii'her of
W' nuiliiij hroiiulil in npiireoliitn Hi s
n'ty of tlie liome and dl whleli
" c. h',, hiiiusiry.
I'.'f y,.n . Oils itiiuiier ti a it coin.
'" t'llian, usually with earloadn o(
t'ltle fur market, Thn HloekyariU h
uiiileiKionil, but nm tho laritn ImHi).
ims on Michigan nvenun miarileil hy
lani'li nnd farm thrmeii,
M'hen Mils iniiclie,..' wenl Imcit' .
iLi't'lm heami in iinro:vn liilerest.
'"'.( ihlniis iihiuii hi,,, thai hn nU
lo'vnf noticed hi'fnrn, Tlmi'M
oler III pverythlnc. Tt i:1fi,lf,i patch
if IHiie-Rreen, 1, K,en V1,,,m. nf
he t,l,!,''., tln mndei' rnen
yoiiim ini.s. in,, iiirniiK Lulu nf
loud i-haildw, on tho mendnwn,
'" '""'"w IH miliiinln, nil h.
lo reu'iii ihotr huniiiy m him.
M;"l of Ii'., Id),, j',,,,, ('hleiij,,, noti'
"l"tl In Hie lnatlin' ntniiw
ihi'i", ..,.-
' I'ti'i h iiiih ()r mnny mhrles tj by -"'"'"h
:," Initltut'on iv).o liave
vat'hel l"e etr.-cl ,lt exhlbll,.
." r.'C'iu i iiesu liitinrM lir v
'.rowtt in ii,,rP ,hy
Hn III lo believe (1, . ,., jlk -,,
'"!'krii,r in niiders,,,,, , ,, .
1,1 'I'd lieiiutlfiil thlnM Cf
' f" ''"'I inn ii
'I'lie c"lenlliK lr,l
Is "h"
" HP ' II -tll uliO'b
"Hllil, tlolll.
"llll 111, ...I...
Iiiwlfied I'liliiinna, Tulihon