The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 02, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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; Pnpe Four
Issued il'illy except Siiiiiltty by
office. 110 North Kluht
K. H. HOtil.K. .
Entured as sucond-elasa matter,
l)rei;on. under the
i Member of the" AsMKliiUMl Press
Tho Associated Press Is exclusively entlTlcd to the use for republica
tion of all news disiiMtch'f credited lo It or not otherwise credited in
this paper, and to all local news published herein All rights of republi
cation of epoclnl dispatches herein arealso reserved. ;
iTli7 KOVi,liZ..... - - I'llilm-
II. It. HIM, ' J. -" '"' Filimr
ii. w. movvoi.Ds
"Tho Evening Herald Is I ho official paper of Mai
r City of Klamath Fall
Ucllvored Uy (.'miicr
one vK.xn w-.
Copy for display advertising most be in this office not lati'r than 3
p.m. on tho day preceding publication in order to be Inserted in the
Imriiu of the paper of tho next day.
Want ads and reading notices will ha received up to 13 noon on
the day of Issue.
",' '.Advertising for fraternal orders or sncietios charging a regular In
itiation fee and dues, no discount. TU'lisious and benevolent orders will
ha charged the regular rate for all advertising when an admission or
other charge Nmade. ; . '
WKI1NKSOAY. .lAXl'AI'.Y 11)24
THERE are few if any undertakings that could appeal
more to imagination or arouse more public interest
than the proposed flight of an airship across the Arctic
region, over the North Pole, and return to civilization
While the enterprise probably would not be so hazard
ous to the 'participants as many an arctic exploration
ventured in sea-going vessels, yet it is such a wide de
parture from methods whose possibilities and probabi
lities have been demonstrated by experience that it
creates the impression of possessing new dangers. The
objective is worth while, and, if men choose to take the
risk, they will be accorded unstinted praise and will be
accompanied by all the good wishes of the people of the
country. -...'.
The distance to be traversed is not as great as most
people. would believe without having studied the map.
In fact, the round trip, i? fmVly good luck be had, could
be completed in 48 hours or less. Nevertheless, there are
so many unknown factors to be considered, so many con
ditions unfamiliar to navigators of the air, that one need
not be accused of pessimism if he regards the- chances of
success asexceedingly small. But the venture cannot be
a complete failure. Even though a part or all of the ad
venturous explorers fail to return, they will at least
ascertain some of the obstacles to be overcome and will
thus assure the success of later undertakings of the same
sort. -''
Men of lha American Navy have played a large part
in Arctic explorations in the past and it is fitting that
they should take the lead in the air voyage now under
. Fortunately for the cause of science, receniinven
tions have added much to the value of such a tour of ex
ploration and have increased the probability of its suc
cess. Not the least of these is the system of aerial photo
graphy developed by an American inventor, Sherman L.
Fairchild, whose cameras have been used with great suc
cess in mapping cities, mountaina and forests. A series of
photographs of the arctic region will afford highly val
uable material for careful study under the magnifying
glass in the security and comfort of the scientist's of
fice at home and for the entertainment and instruction
of. people who may viey them through the aid of the sil
ver screen.
v ' The American military forces have been pioneers
in public service in time of peace throughout our history.
The high credit they have won in the past will be great
ly augmented if they attempt this proposed undertaking
and make of it even a fair measure of success.
If the people would take a3 much interest in their
taxes as they do in the baseball scores; look over their
public, officials as carefully as they- do the big-league
pitchers; go to the polls in as great numbers as they go
4to the football games ; take as much trouble to register
as they do to get seats at the Follies; feel as concerned
over throwing incompetents out of public office as they
do over throwing out josses in China; light as hard to
protect their incomes against foolish public expenditures
as they do against foolish private ones, there would be
something doing along the Potomac and various other
rivers, estuaries, bays, branches, and creeks on which
capitals cities, towns and farms are located. Saturday
Evening Post. :
Mr. McAdoo now finds himself uncertain as to the
desirability of public ownership of railroads. He ought
to know something from experience, for he had the fin
est .chance a public administrator of transportation had
to make good, and didn't. Omaha Bee. '
Ought to be considerable encouragement to McAdoo
in' the fact that the crown prince also came back. Port
land Oregonian.
Congressmen with their ears to the ground detect
a low rumble, taken to mean a tax reduction of $100 a
year will not offend the average constituent. Chicago
JPajly News.. ,
The HeniM riihli.-.lilitc cmtimny.
St.. Kliimiiili Kails, )ivii
1'ivMilciit nml Manager
t the post office nt Klamath Falls.
Art of March 3, 1S79
Vlvi'!'tiliiR Miinaisrrj
Mechanical SiijierliHeiub-nt
of Klamath County anil tno i
a..v !
. S.1.0U ,
2.7 i
MS j
i know NneeB Trace's a , 1 jj
WHOie PaTch of 'em m t , fJ,
1 . i kin git vuh ah mjh y k i C ' " 7 m
GeelfcTBEAfc " wanT Fsr. Two-Bits
ANVThiMG VbH KIM ' ' APIECE. v , j ! S f
BUY down aT MS? Y )M a
Graham's sl&RS ' " , Jl kA J, i
V;' I U3N6Mm ) ' if fjfJ j
a , . . TWO AEBOWHeADS " J .' if vn
ANO AN AGATe . -JjO 7 i
The Office Cat
A'cyetnhlc Vamps.
What vegetable 'goes away? Let
tuce (Lettuce leaves.)
What has heart and head? Cab
bacc. Wftat keepa warm? Peppers.
What can hear and Is stealthy?
Corn (corn, stalks.)
Whet hastens, flees? Cucumbers,
Wbat has blood and Is a winner.
What "Inclines" to reward for
service? Asparagus flips.)
What nro acrobats? Beans (climb
What has the power of vision?
What Is robust and uses lis nose?
Onions (arc strong, smell.)
What has a pleasant odor? Musli
melon. .
What vegctablo Is In the poppy?
Poas. i
, oo
New York uses nearly 735,000,000
gallons of water a day, including
Saturday night.
When a Kluxer geU stowed he's
four sheets In the wind.
There seems to be a cane
paiijn on i by the newspapers of the
nation to print President and Mr3.
Coolldgc's picture dally, so that the
general public will eventually know
what the' chief executive and tho
first lady look like.
oo j
Amos Tash says "My plan Is, first
make up your mind to get married
and then look for the. girl; not tho
other way round, which Is what moxt
men do, and bads do all kinds (f
trouble." a .
Percy Dixon opposes the move
ment started by a New York bache
lor girl to have all married men
Identified as such by tattoo marks,
on the ground that such marking Is
oo . ,
A man Is hr.pplest while giving
somebody ndvl-e. opines H. A. Mooro,
a woman wliilo giving somebody
' oo
Ko mnllcr how generous a mnn
may be he does not. like to lnugh nt
his own expenses, snys E. M. Leovor.
"Say, you," bawled the traffic cop.
sarcastically nt the fair young driv
or, "which way aro you going to de
cide to go anyhow?"
"Why officer," ho smiled at him,
"you see I Just had my car washed
nnd I can't do a thing wtllt It" ami
aho gets awny with It,
, D. B. Murphy says married men
bavo been Identified for years by
tlio spols on their vests.
j The wicked c'ty Is iiofwlthout Its
thrills if you have n cur nnd tan i
1 run out to a country rodahouso.
i Just as a matter of good sports-:
mnnship, all men should be decent !
now. The courts nro far bohlnd In 1
; their work. !
i oo
P. E. Hannon says no young man
ever gets very far wh burns the
midnight oil In an automobile. ;
f Not Me!
' Her eyes are blue; her hodr is blondo; I
. Her heart Is true; of mo she's fund;
Her word I trust; her love I .seek.
Her temper, ' though, Is scarcely
Her smile Is gold, her lips are sweet:
Her faco is love, but, oh, her feet!
llif shoos, I find, are No. 10,
Who wants her now among you men?
T oo
'The Campbell's Is coming," snid
tho bowl as It was lifted off tho
Snid the match, tha clock, the
luimmer and the bat all lo unison,
''s strike.'! , .
, oo
After all, perhaps tho worst thing
about poverty is a nickel cigar, thinks
Durreil Short.
Every hay fever patient demands
tUe freedom of tho sncieze.
Our Leap Year advice to single
women Is leap before you look.
Tho best way for n girl to pro
xso to a man Is to sit on lfls
Icjice until' ho proposos.
Ask your parents to object to
your fellow during Leap Yoar.
Then ho will marry for spite.
Buy a comfortablo sofa. A com
fortable sofa 'goes n long ways lo
ward a successful Leap Year.
Good lights have ruined many n
Leap Year jirospoct, Love Is blind
so ma'ke It n thn dark.
' ''
Tell him you can't shoot a pi
stol. A. 'man ?niny bo brave' and still
fnfuBo to marry n good pistol shot.
Tell him others want to marry
yen. Never let on -ho Is your lust
ehance; lion don't; llko that. '
"v ' ' '
Loam to mui home bro.w. Any
mnn will tuarry nny homo brew
mnlfoi'. Thin is more Important than
cooking. ,
! -
It a Tomn lets a man brag about
bis long enough ho will want
her to tnko care of his future.
" '
l)on 't paint too haavlly dir.rlng
Loop 1'car. You can't propose Co a
iMIi Von hay's glvon palntors' co-
m iv . ;rsr 1 fm
' 1 ' " ""land pow
Year. No man wants to marry
girl who sticks her noso In his
I'.ot your mother to cook Mm n
meal. Swear you cooked It. A full
man will marry almost anybody.
. : instituirn; encK to a goverameni oi
' . Iho whole people and for iho whole
If your prospective Leap '; ,,,. h). liy. KrB,,Ulllly ..,
husband chews gun, this Is nice. . ,,, constitutional
lie can chew tho rag with 0a fcllrilI ellt.rl)ll(.h.
,atlr- ment, tho form of th's government
i of ours Is being changed from that
. 'liny o new dress. Tell Mm y" j ropublle Into a political and hysierl
made It. Claim your clothes cost n,etl cn0o9i K,oso final terms aro ex
dollar a month. You can mnrryj pr0MC,t j ,h0 unspeakable Uusaln
M- i of today.
, "Today, Inclpent hlusca o' bolnhn
GERMAN KILLS SELF i rlsni and radicalism, fed by ill!"
ry iTiirn TFJ A M CU A i respect of loiig-cntabllnhed AiihtIchu
RATHER 1 HAN bHAKL ( ,n,lUtlllon, M BmlnK l!M) of
HOME WITH FAMILY I revolution. It I" a challenge to us
i to pledge renowed nlli glance to tho
' faith of our fathers, that we may.
I TREPTOW, Germany, Jan. J.
Ljuui Nickel, formerly chief of the
local board of Treptow, killed him-
self rather than surrender two
rooms of his dwelling to a fnmlly
with many children. In accordance
with an order of tho housing com -
Nickel, who wns 70 years old,,,
had resisted tho commandeering !
of his rooms, but when It became j
nvldont that ho would loso '.ho
case and be forced lo share his'
homo with strangors, ho shot hlm-j
self. This did not kill him, so hej
hanged himself, leaving a lotion
saying he could not bear to have
part of him homo taken from him.'
SURPRISES trapper;
ItEN'O," Nov., Jan. 2. O. C.
Woods, n federal trapper, rcposts
that recently ho was Intont on
skinning a. coyoto when ho looked
ip to find himself surrounded by
ii herd of several bundled ante
lopes. As they milled around hiin,
eyeing him curiously, ho couuled
318 of tho creatures.
A recent animal census -taken by
federal trappors estimated tho num
ber of antelopes In this vicinity nt
l.fiOfl, ThlB animal, however, is
said to bo vanishing rapidly, and
the herd In northern Washoe coun
ty, Nevada, Is believed to be tho
largest In tlto United States.
i !
. Alice Joyco, aged one year, on
month and nine days, Infant daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Joyce,
2303 Annleaatn livelllln. died nf 4
o'clock Tuesday morning of ncuto
pnritojiltls. Tho funeral was tobe
held f t 2 o'clock this afternoon" un-
dor the auspices of the Salvation
Army. .
WAUKEOAN, III., .fun. 2 Jew
ott. Ilalslow mistook his iaiIIo loud I
SS i rnnrrnTiirnn ,
a ---runtrAitLna
; Federal Encroachment
Cicaliutr Chaos, Saya
Bar President
i' i revealnl hv exe'ivnl lonn I'ondiieleil
I.INt'Ol.N, Neb.. Jan. a.-ThiiiiiKli': hv Hi" I'lilvnrnllv of I'emm.vllvaiilit
J "COMSIItvitloiuil aiiK'lldtiientH ull.l fed- I Museiiimi'ii i'Ki"dlllon III I'alenllno,
! eral encroachment, tho" form of ' no orilliiR lo Dr. ('hir'''"0 8. Klnhnr,
j United Siuli- KovnnmiiMit Is ImliiK i leader of Iho enlerprisv. who rn
I clian nod from n republic lino a po-, turned ineeiilly lo thi oily.'
; lliienl mid hyuteiical chnns, n homi
i final term aro extirpated In tho un
' pnaldihln Rusnltt of today." U. K. K.
' Saner of Dalian, Tesns., proiltloiil nf
' I ho Aiiiei lcnn liar HHHoi-littliin, said
In an ndd;ens today Imfuro Iho
j Nebraska nssnrlntJon. Hanor
alto is ebiilnnnn of ffto tiallonnl com
' uiltleo on American clilsentililp.
! i"lt wan not Until till present f.on-
eratlon, dceudnulit .of sturdy plo-
neoiifl had learned to llvn In fnt
I tenej iind onupliicvnt ease upon the
j ivoulth and thn security anil the
i safety bought for them by ilm blood
; mid sacrifice of thutr foref Jtliers.
I that tho Idealists, the doctrlnulrej ;
and tho doimiKoiiue becamo n
i tnblUhed Inst Itut luti In our national j
llf and evolved a now theo:y of
j government for tho American Po -
pie." ho asserted. 'The nuo through
I "ll!,,n 0, "m)r " b"
j termed the ago f constitutional
! amendment and federal encroaen -
encroaching upon tho rights ,
wer. of both tho .Ute. of th! J
a;repuollo nnil hi individual elllneils.
i get back to tho beginning of thing;
back to tho real tources of our own
"tronBth; bae to tho republic, that
undor the constitution the fathers so
W'"' conceived nnd so -'cce.fully
; In extlngiiUihlng tho fires that de.
j stroy, proclaim to tho world Unit our
government Is tho best government
! on earth, that our Ideals of national
; life are thn highest, and that' wo will
n Individuals strlvo In every m
, to nuiimum our i.qnsii-J..l,n i.,,-
I"'", "ad perpetuate Its tradition.
MI3S rtoalrlco Lecgnran of Now
orlc will go ,n, rend wun tho Oiynv
Vie Ultatlux 'i'tfun to I'Ht'.cliists In
Franco. Sim will repmci'.t th U, '
H. In lluuro sliatlnj.
mm" for n burglar and shot it,
j It happened thin way: ,
Ilnlrntow was nileon . when n
volco from the radio horn awaken-
j (,d him, Ilellovlng ho was beset liy
; burglars, Ilnlrstow emptied his ro -
! volvor and then yelled liiatlly over
1 t "
.the telephono for tho pollro. The;11" 0,11 "f s'g'it." .
blitoconts arrived and found noth
ing but the riddled horn,
Phon6 yotti wnnt arts tb Tho ICvo Ilrn)d, BS. . - ;
Crosa Stction of Hiutory
From Flint Aso to Cru
cadca Uncovered
! I'lllhAKl.l'lllA. Jan tin l')f U. 'A
rrrnn B-iHeii of h1nr,v from Ih.i
flint n'te lo I In- t'l'ilnd", Ii"" l""l
Kxcavalliins ifD mad", Or. Fi
sher reported, np ii steep hill In
ln ili-flliean. where , he Inhabitant
built i heir fortrcswii , In vurlown
n;eii. The lop lnv-e of ruins rn
llinie of a fni'li""is liegiin by th
Cni-nileis I" "in clevetitb retitit
iv." Ir. K'"her ts'd, "Juit beltmr
nire Urn ruins of mi Arab town nf
it hunt fiVJ A. II.. and beneath Ilm
liiwn the remiilns of a tnnitnlfl
cent circular liynnntlnn rlufrrh of
nlmiit Iho sUlh rmitury.
,','Twii oilier bulldiiiRs Wera found
licniath tho llysuntlne church. Tb
, tiiiper on" was n suuarn cnurcn r-
wllh beautiful moiale flnor from
; whi.h ()n ,,.,,( bulldom look
the marhlii lo build
lh slruitur
same church
J above, llrtienth lha
I , ' ,. ...- .. lnaInI,
: ma,onry hud npPar.nlly
! been dedicated to rincchus. tbt (Oil
! of w)nll .,
1 . ... ..
r'""" '"" ,
'-"". r .rV"'" """
..t W Itnlv I nnd nn lhlp Way
to Egypt bofnrr. 150 Tl, C. DelO
tho huts a flfly-fool shaft w
sunk, he added, sn(V layers of ej
vlllxatlnn dating -hack to tho flint
period were encountered. '
In Egypt ner the Valley nf th
Kings, where Howard Carter Is un
riivnrnltiK thn tomb of Tiitsnkhs
mini. Ir. Klhr said the tomb of
the commander-in-chief of ths r
my of Bell, who set his soldlors as
masters over Iho Israelites, has
been found. The concession on
which tho V'tilverrlty Museum ex
pedition Is working contains tho
tombs nf the nobles and tho gen
orals of tho court of Tuisnkhu
tnun and others nf h'a dynasty.
The. tombs of 34 nobles have thus
far been located Dr. r'iahnr said.
Kiignininn Versus Wnmpler.
Alleging that Paul Wjimplur has
owed him IrtS.flO for morehanrtlsfl
iifn member SO, 1021. K. Bugar
hrmm lt , ereuit enn
. Wflmpll,r (or t,mt
, nmniKit togetner win iniorosi sen
' cuts and dlsbursomenls.
I ( 'liilt ipilll. Meieniilllo To, Versus,
i , lilelies,
Alleging that Ilyrou Ixilclies anil
i Ilcriha Lntches bavo owed lhm th
: sum of 2".i2 Docombor 2.
1 192.1, tho Chlloquln Mcrcanlllo Co.
j filed suit ngalnst thetn Monday In tho
circuit couit for that amount to
: gcthar with Interest and plaintiff
, costs and disbursement. ,
Jones vs. Jones
1 Wlnonnh Jon's applied for a (II-
vorso In tho circuit court Monday
' from Wllllo Jones, o ntho ground
1 nf cruolty, Doth aro of Klamath
i, Falls.
Itlnlr vs. ninlr
Carlos Illalr, of Chlloquln filed
suit for a divorce from Marlha
I Tllalr, of Chlloquln, on tho ground
! of cruelty.
j 8UVA, FIJI Islands, Jnn. S.--i
An attack on a launch by a Riant
j shark Is described by Arthur Ro
I blnson.
i Ho snld ho was en routo from
; Lnutoka to , Yasswrii, In .F!JI wn
tern, when h s squall bunch stntclt
id.sivlly ,g:nit soinnthlng,.;
i "I flrst tho'iKht wn hart lilt a
reef' ho i sl ii o l,. "lint, could not
; cndnrste'id It, as wn voro ! deep
; water, .'i. ini.'uile afterwards eamo
: j iiiiothev hang and n great thuddlntf
; under fee Hep, J looked over tho
i side and sow n bin shark with Ills
'head and muutli In ribbons. "Jl
i ,,nvo '("n" f r n feed off tho
; I'foiiollor. It killed im. lie simp-
! Iv rolled round and round liko tt
! '!"rksernw ai.d went straight down
Tho prestlgn of Herald Want Ads
has boon nttnlnod not merely bv Tlio
Herald's- lurgo circulation, but b)
tho fact that nil of Its renders ra
Inlnrostod In Our Want Ads,