vs r t Page Two THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON riim.w, iiixt.miikh tin, insa Wi3 5 T "W. 1$ i i 'i-,rC; i h IS j earn or more a consistent nsl attan In fnvor ot the bettor rare Tfie EveningHerald ' ,3 i 1 1 1 1. I n(,d Improvement of tho forest land r. R. MTJUt. .Rflter aftet FaMUhw ' nrenn nt Ihn atntn. As n result many people line been Interosteil In tin. tlcrtnklnB to put forestry Into prac I'nbllehed dally xcept Sunday, at i tlee on their own land either by Tho Herald Fublltntng Company ot jiinntlnR or throuRh jrenernl rultur & H. B. MMj. ........... ....City BdRet V. O. NICKLH Astrerttetec Maaat I Klamath. Falla, at 119 Eighth street ', Entered at the poitotflce at Klam ath Palls, Ore., for trrmamtnton throuRft tbe malla ai aeeond-claaa matteK - Or THR ASBOOIATED rnma al methods. ''The jlcld tai Is mi Ideal plan i from the Umber laud owners' point I of Ocw tor the reason that the bulk of the tax on his forest property! Is cut: at that timet the product Is sold nml the Incolne mado nvallablo to MEMBER f. . ' . ----- TheMaaoetalod rreaa (a kxcloalra- j,m out 0t which to pay these taxes !r."!lrlm n?ih5!.,w 2d l' "On the other band, tbe local coin, tlon of 4tll nawa dispatches credited J . ' . ,' to It, or tot othorfrltB credltod In munltles In forested sections, many mis paper,- ana aiso usa ioci ubwb.oi mem uepcnacm lu a Tory iniita pnbllBtyed heroin. j extent on taxes rcnlUed from forest properly must nac n mure ur ir" stnbta nnnual Income with which 'to carry on community functions. "It Is this adjustment of the two diametrically opposite Interests of Closing Out All Winter IMillinciy at just ' , y2 Prico ; NEW TODAY KOIl SAI.K Uno B-room, omt 4 room and one il-room house All modern, nil now, nil eloso In. Voty easy (mm 713 N tlth HI 2'.i LOST A llrouu kid band, ('all iino-lt Blow, loft 21) (OU"" UKNf t-ntimt JturnlMwd I i iniun', woocm iiiiHiri' imyoii 1 ports .leAelry albie !flff Home Builders Investment Company Wo lmvo funds on Itiuul sufficicnl t() build Two Monaco ;l-'(IU WALK -90 tons of Wild' liny ', v iin iimiii ii oiu I ltnucli, Pair). Oregon i3 - AnvRRTisKna Copjyifor.Ulsplajr adverUslnjt must I'.bfftce, not later tnnn s Spanish Prince a Corporal ba In I tils' b p.m. on1 mo, cay preceuins puoiica tlon lh or dor to be Inserted In the Issue of the paper of the no xt dajr. I th ,mt,Cr lnnd owner and tbe local bolvVd ffftSUI Th'e communities which more than any day of Issue. "ther one thins hss been the atum Herald rnWIshlnjr Company. I btlnit blork to the Incorporation of I "The ferest service reconultes that r TIMBER TAXATION W rllll.K Oovcrnor-clect fm mutating bis plans for n severance tax n najlonal foret tlm-j Iinr, wo wonder If ho Is Riving nn) IhouRbt to the matter of taxation on privately owned timber, asks the Hand HullctlnT Hero Is n big sub ject. I'ropcrly worked out It should ba a crcat aid to the lumber Indus try and, nt tbo same time, help to securo.to tho country a timber sup ply for tho fnture. ,ToJay timber In Oregoa pays an nnnual tax Just as docs real estate or nay other prqporty. Timber la essen tially a crop which returns ncthlng until It Is harvested nnd sold. Faced with nnnnnl payments whlla so re turn Is bclns rcnllted, tho owner must meet thoso payments from otb or sources or turn his crop Into cash. Wo hare no definite Information o3 tbo subject, hut no think It aafe to ntrcrt that this featuro of annual taxation baa mnch to do with the .plans ot any owner to orect a mill i,ud bcsla rtittlnp. Whenever this fejtjiire controls, as ft uadoubteJly I so long as the forest fire and tnxn-, 1 1 tlon problems remain unsolved, for- ' est conservation and reforestation Icrco Is aro practically ont ot the question " I SL TSViSiMs uixr Discretion alor. Is tbo bitter part of aBBBB5oWptAaVlHPa taflkaW aT at Vkitf VWMlflVHrVHLKJMfibLj riitmo lii-K' 31 3 11 -- WANT Tf) 1IKAH from duner bnV Inc farm for sale. Klo prttm lam and loniMit prleo John I lllsck. rtilppenn Kails. Wisconsin 2'J in ' PIIIST HAI.P DOZKN applicants doslrlnt; the unusual milk of the 1 SprlnK lak Dairy lll ho considered Ir jour resldeuro Is fuornhly Ii i"i led Thosn upprccliillni; opportunlt may ret In touch by aomo customer or mnll nolo to II I. Martin Montr I No I au 1' l LOST Yellow nnd white collie iIor. ' brass trliumod lollar Itmurd Call 23T-W 29 ,10 ' I " ' ' ' IIIHI ' I j "! I I, ;-J.. -, ':i-' . - r ' i 'i iio TiYyMyfpytM 11ifcllliWMWI1WiWIBg T.w Hot rolls for lunch eery tho lion Ton du) ui 9 30 Herald danltlud ads pay yon. SIMPSON COYOTE SCENT I enn furnish Trappors with lliia scent for ft rhort time only, no the amount iu limited. This scent is the one used successfully on tho Lake County Desert. Tl price in One Dollar per ounce, potU(ic prepaid, three ounce hotllea. Comes iu one. two and MARVIN CROSS 113 North Fourth Street Absence of presents doesn't make tho heart crow any fonder. t Wjomcn bnvo tho most sense, but It takes a man to marry 030. ( You oftea find n hard-boiled egg not what be Is cracked up to be. The trouble with being a flyweight chap Is you may get swatted. Naturally, a hen-pecked man feels llko a worm. The heir to the Spanish throne, the Trtnco ct Antrim (.1 rhowii fcnr lift, front rank) marching In the corpsral'a position In th" Item! IlniJ" njent. This photo was mapped as tho iviilmrnt tuned the Iloyal Xoiico lit I-UCi-fa atr returning (rem tattta mancucrs. Personal Mention New Constitution Before Texas Assembly Get on your ear and someone wilt A. D. CJrns ostein Is a business vis ' Itor hero this week from Itorkcliy. Harold Nichols made a trip Into Klamath Kails yesterday from his , homo at tho fort. Marriages are made In heaven and doUverei undtr the rulstletoo. All p acting. act Ink foolish are not doc Ha many cases, timber Is cut when V should not bo cut and the supply j becoming oxhnustcJ sooner than It Vhould be. Thctijj'Vlt'O. with tho tfinbcr oacej cutjhemls an Incentive for growing 1 nnntlier.itron. In fnft the nn-nnr ran.' hot nf'fot th'o nnnual caSrt'Mt1rt; ,,,' 1. est, taxes nan lira protection, iiy the time another crop had grown, his In-1 You. hear arsumcata over football sep In your face. ( Mr. nnd Mrs. Chester Dcl.ap spent V. . . .... tho day In town from tlfolr ranch teeaklng ot full measure, many a homc B ,(out)(J plnt'bottle holds a barrel ot talk, f Tt Al'STIN. Tex. Dec :. A con stitutional ronvcatlen. rnillrnl chang es In state tax taww nnd tho dura tional system, reclamation nnd flood ( control, ntteratloa ot highway Inns and relocation ot th state prison, are among the matters tli.tt twill coato before tho Texni legislature at Its January meeting, nrcnrdltm to statements from lenders of the two branches. Tho attorney general already has Frank lllbborta was In tho county prepared n meMtiro for tho creation yesterday afternoon attending Vernle Arant. who rcildes on a ranch south of tova. was transact ing business with local merchants. I. teat yesterday afternoon attendlnc! m " constitution, ilesignea to AlltWotKiaml.no play shows Jack to legul mnttc,r.jmAi courthotte replace tho proiont one written In , Mr. ami Mr. (loorge Wright wore J Proposed chansos In the tsatu tax ' In town this morning from Chllo- law are duo to a deficiency In tho icstmcrit would be more than the for lMSbut nobody cares who col-' quln trantactlnc business with local general revenue fund this year nt lege presidents are, valuo of tho trees Recognition of tho situation has ..... ... ., i ,..,i f. ,i. .i.. I Pedestrians are getting so partlcu. -v j'(u'uM iui asu uwmi (Innment ot nn annual lux on stand merchants Inc timber and the substitution therefor ot n yield tax to be paid when tbo crop Is harrested. Such a tax would tond to encourage tbo per petuation of forests; U. would take from tliu question of hancit the elo ment of taxation. It should tend to KtnblllKi tho Industry. We would like to r.cu tho question gltcn serious consideration hero In Oregon. Ur they want to be run orer by an expensive car, not a cheap car. times amounting to more than two I million dollars Many Texas schools Recrge Wutt arrived here last maJP bo forced to rlcuo early noxt night from San Praaclsco nnd Will ! .nrlnir l,.rin.i, nf llin nhnrlnen nt I spend the next few days hero look-, .irio funds. An emergency npprn- This may be an awful country; bnt ,n'? a'lc"" bis business lnterei. prlatlon and an Increase In state In Persia. It Is considered effeminate ' M,,g Do,y jjarr(f who , allotment f( r the schools aro ndro "auR- Christmas With her pirenU in r,n. Weep and the world weeps with 'ny "Callforn.a. bus returne! here ! ! f " hanlclni: ondorscJ by tho statu bankers asso ciation and other statewide bodies I'looil control measures aro ndvised by (lot amor Nuff, who recently led a mivcmcnt tu nork out sm.lt pro poaals. There also U aomo agitation for tbe presentation of n scldiera bonus mtssure. ' you, laugh and they think you bavc oml E 'nln at her desk In tho coun coat In your cellar. 1 ty's clerk's office. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Kiel I are registered at tho White Pelican ho tel from Medrord. Held Is con nected with the California Orenon Power company. , Over ia Ireland, Dublin will be a.IIa.I tlnll t.-Att.n nilfitl lillt ..nnitl. Tho National I.umbe? nulletln ha, ; nfe much ' , tho following to any on tho subject i gouni., ns dealt with In the Massachusetts ' forest tax law: The nicest part about going home "A crop of corn takes 80 days to ChrUtmas Is yt-'J can tell all kinds of maluie. If tho corn crop were tax-' craty things about where you have ed 1 cry day It would amount to the J been, ic my burden on the owner as the pnfiont method ot taxing forest lantl TJ,B """ ' Wolu (','lI') man, where she Is attetidlni; the atuto uni ovory 'ear," says tho Massachusetts cutting his third set of tth Miss Ortnvla Del.sp It here from Turlock, Callfornlu, to spend tho hoi- Idaya with her parents Miss Hutli 1 Uul.n Is also borne from Kuguno COMING EVENTS Dec 25. Christmas tree nlll Ynrnllv ...,-.-.- , . ........ 1 I) 1 V1.1v Mnll. e denhrtment or enuservntlnn rflrlnlnn wear them out saying wnero ne lives. , ,,.,,.. . ' of i 0 S in cm tn st ing ,n0 pre"' " takes ono to .tart a tight, f hlch , , J,",e" ' ".huCf n la town ye,- Uce. 3t -Danco at Wblto 01 jprosirj. in tontntsting tho pre- , ,orUliy ,rom ,,, ru1(I uar oioio. Pclkan Hotel. vlous tax Diteuen forest property ' alwa tho other oae. fe brouElit nym m jn ym, with the reeout MassacbusettH'torest .... c ., nd collected tbo bounty from the' watch night party. ' tnxylaw by which thu standing ' What the KlBR Said eouniv riarL. a. iii.im .eemnm.i ",........ ..... ... -.' -. .,.,.-...,, , jiiii. j, .1 anH ua 1. Hi.!' grofcth shall bo freo of tax until oat. or jntll It has roached a specified nvoVago yield per nere, Concerning thu cfficl of tho previous tax system j tbo dopnrlment of coutervatloi aaya: 'Under tho nenernl property tax, Inxntlou of foicst land Is based on tho vuluu of (he land mid tho stand Iiik growth combined. a Hundred Years Aro Urobahofr nto tow,, LONDON, Dec. 29. The pomp and ceremony attending tbo open-: Ing of parliament probably n't tracta more attention In tho houso Cntll recently ' of Ior'1' than (' th" words of the W. 11. Parker, of tho Klamath Development company, urrlveil Iu town from Han Kriiaclson yosterduy dlnaOan hull. Jun. :i Chamber of Com nit rco l'oruin. Jan. E Mooting of Direct nnd will bo here for the next fw " Women' Hollof Corps. wiikH luoklng uftar tompa-ny iietH. bust- thu nnnual tnx levlud oa such prop erly, holders wa not a serious bur dct,bccnusQ forest land was usually much, underviilued. Of late, how ovef, although stumpago values havo railn, timber land valuations have rlml Ptll more. Tbo lujustlto and po b 11 sir can ot taxing annually a king's upeech, but the 'last nddrau from flcorge V, delivered a few days ago, contained no Interpolation such as was onc0 mado In a 'speech from tho throne of George. IV It la asserted that when ho was regent, George IV mado a bet with Richard Sheridan, tho dramatist, bo Carl Nowbury, who hue been hnr.e for tho past fow dnya with his muili or. Mrs. W. A. Jones, left tills morning for Kimono. From thoro ho oxptcts to go nn to Seattle and will enter tlio riiltcralty of Wmli Ington. for tbo v.lnter term. J.in 8 llcgular tu'ctliig of Klamath Hporjamcu a AhhopIj- tloii, Cb.imbgr, 1 rooms. of Commorco 4 lluvo you trlud tltti now irilnda ut tho Hun Ton7 2H-U0 a Get results by using class ada. ...... .. .. ... ...-... ............ j .. iiviiuiij nuuriuaii. iiiu iiiuu.it 1 ton that can onlv bo roullzeil nn nt l..i..,. or. 11. .1.. ..,.... .. ,,... 1,1 -, - " IIU.l .U lllt.U fll.VVIl.IUII ..WUI.A MI, Ionntenals of yeais Is beginning naj t0 tuo reading of ha upeech Jo bj nciitolj- fell " , tnat (0 toull, mtorpolato any non- rto 7,ow,nw pioposea that oun onHO te ked whhout alfj!ouo Bhow., Ilmjtcr (hull bo taxed on tho wilun tloijfof tlio land aluuu and tho stand lniTlrowtli shnll bo freo of tux until ctitSor. i(itll It has reached it speci ffo.Miiwtriiuo -lnlil nni iifr,, tvlu.n Mm owitVlh pay 11 tax of 0 per ent ' sh,,ep'" uml thon went on III Hl.k RMtllltlMlM inlltil itf ilin If..,. I IUUIV i'M"J'0" ew w MV IM'VP)! Ing surprloe. The bet was accepted. Tho regent paused In the course, of his nddroas and aald xllstlnctly "Una, baa, black , No one notice of tho strange words. World's Largest? Locomotive rMf C ;t Commontlms niton U.U Mu.sacliu.i Chagrined ut the losg of his wager, tot la foruat lax net, I.ouU S. Mur-1 Sberldaii askod George Canning, the phy, timber land lax input t of the' Pmler, If he had noticed anything "Tniled HUlos forest seivlto, says If atrango 1- ... ..1 1 I I'm. Iiiiiiuimmuu 111 man unjs Is nn ImproMiiiiout lu over similar optional yield tax acts In fuico In otiier Blulos. Ho ton. tliiHQs: "Tills purtloular tpu of law KhouJd w'oik In Massachusetts, whein tlioi lianjieun suing 011 for I ho i.islj Sknliw" Oh, yes," Raid Canning, "I heard the prince say 'Uaa, baa, black Hbcep,' but as ho was looking straight at you at the tlmo, I took It for a personal all slon." Advertising pays. Try Jt and see Flfty-fcur of these hueo locomotives, tho larsest In tho voild, bao been ordertd for tho Union Pacific system. They nro neary lUO foot long, stand 10 hit, 10 Inches from toil to smokestack, woigh over 2l tons, nnd havo drlvo whccla tlx fttt In dlantfilav 1 . Strictly Fresh Local Eggs 48c doz. APPLES APPLES APPLES WE WISH THE PEOPLE OF KLAMATH COUNTY A Happy Prosperous New Year Live Turkeys, Mo per lb. Drcs.tfeil Chickens, MOc per lb. Crnnbon ioi-, Hue per lb. Sweet Potatoes Ge per lb. Klamath Cheese, 32c per lb. Whipping Cream, 2fle per ' y pt. Whole Bulk Milk, 10c quail Large Imperial Valley Lettuce, 17c head. Cauliflower, 25c head. Large Celery, 22c each. Purchase your Vegetables from Our Water Fountain Home Made Pies'. 2fc each. Home Made Cakes, 10c each. Our Ov n Make Mincemeat, 2fic lb. Helett Willamette Valley Italian Pninoit, 1'Je lb. Large Arizona G'rapo Fruit, !)c. Three for 25e. Oranges, loc and fiUc per tloz. Large Lemons, CHc per do.. Graded Potatoe.', $1.25 jier ewt. Select Wheat, !?2.25 per ewt. Home Mado Soap, Sc a bar. Home' Made Smiorkraut, 1Ro jt. If It Ic for Your New Year's Dinner, Wc Have It Public Market 126 N. Sixth St. Phone 109 BBsfHHHHHKsBMHHei I H H ffll H II I s iKlaniali) Packing Co. ' LH sH m I " I I 524 Main St. Phone 68 I m m 41 I m m I Extends greetings, and wishes 1 1 ' ;, you all a. prosperous ', av-u-' , . JNwi".. ' f , V - , A. , ' I : -;-r NEW YEAR'"" 'J m wv I I I HI js El i ln 1 IK t wm&&mffifflm&sw