The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 27, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
P. K. MlTU...sfcr tilt rbstafc
, A. buiA. , . tw . , .City MUlto
r. O. WICTttJQ AarwUatafl Mmmw
Pabllsaed dally sscept Buqday, at
ins nTi rapiisataf; uoaspaay ox
Klamath FalU, at lis Eighth street,
--- --.-
fAm 0m MliHH MOWWI www ...MMrt
Letters hm the People
- r i"rrmriiini n nifinsnin rnm u'l.nj'.ru'ux
Kntarcd at tfc postofftca at Klaat
atb. Falli, Ore., for treasmluloa
through taa a ilia jm Meoad-claaa
attar. ,
The laaoclatrid Froai fa xclnita
ly entitled' to tho mm tor publlca
tloo or all news dlipatcbea credited
to .itj.irbot otherwise credited lb
tbla -jBapar, and, alio tba local news
pnnuanea ncrein, t
' Writing ns one hofdo-.
djvolomient' of KlaKibtii'lj
n.iwi'vouBtvintiii ourijjin-
qlloy landsntl nwIjIi tdjMraw
!.angll Valley. Dee. SB. 1022.
Editor Kvonlng ItcraKI
Dear Sir
iln the
Falls, Klamath
gcll V
Attention la VtHalaiTifActs .which ,
seem to have llfct? lost In the abut
fle. recanting the location of the
proposed Klamath Ktlii-t.:ikovlow ,
( hlghwny. Our past highway com-
ADVEnnSERS ' mission has completely IgnotWl the j
Copy for display advertising must fr,t r,ncpM ot R00l, ro(, lm,. ,
ne in tali offlre col liter mm a i
,p.m. on the day preceding puhllea-j lug In their proposed route by start
tlon In order to be Inserted In tbejing for n determined point and'
lieue of the paper ot the nest dayJ . , . I
Want adi and reading notlcei vm wlnglng out of a direct line n ills-1
ba received up to It noon on tbeltnncc of at leant 15 miles; second '
dr Herald" rabllshliut Company. , hf "frying the route through a
Styles From CIco
WK0XK8DAV, DKC. U7, lf2
( couniry serving less population, ami
I a route where north elope road pre-
I domlnalcii, with correspondingly
" J higher construction cost. i
i Now let us consider the dlffer
''cuco via the Klamath Kails, llonan
rlfe a and Langcll Valley route. If
Q tmi'ltlSE and concern !
tJ In Washington, says the rarres- one will glance at the map he will
pondent of n Portland paper, over'' llnt tho iwlnls mentioned are
the president's proposal to make " ln ,no an, l,n0 of townships.
: Ik
' I aaaw m m
' .V ' jffam . ft
rfv Vy wm
'3 OT li i
: w
: if
N'lW Yorh lloiulolr ni.itH of old
timber mid lluu satin tiro mowy
with ntw Upon row of narrow lace
Tlio laeo ruhli from waist In Item In
! horUontnl grnupAi of Oolloalo lluei,
pausing now aud thou to gather It
self lio vcre(viiy1Rvr td'l'very awlrl,
The srliinrr rupented nu- tu Unv
i N'eV"Volk-Jet"timl" mtirrnlslte.
tlio smart 'coinblnnttiVit of Yfin miv
iiu'tit. f, duqldedly worth villi when
employed on tho new luuidlmKH of
lilnoh silk mtilrn. t)flin the lings ore
brocadeil In silver, the nlher mid
1 bl.irk omphnslilng tho Jet mid tntir
j raljlte clus'pi. and liolh conlrttstlug
with n rich mid lining.
Nw York I.nci) rleeki iw well
ns l.ico panels were mon today In
some uf tho holiday hosiery, A sh
ut storking h silver l.iou h.k,
or unit In pel u u 1. 1 silk to mutch or
contrast with the gown. I .are. tWls
for slorklligs are no less popular
than over.
state and municipal bonds subject
' and wo havo an engineer's opinion i
itlfkfX tTHCAUI
There's no stopping a fashion
, that the road can be constructed dmpca started on ono side, they w
without deviating five miles from
to the federal Income tax, as
Donaa or private corporations. ,llrect IIntj anil by ,, (JolnK rvo
Surprlso on tho part of tho nd- a section of country iwhoso people,
ministration that the proposal should havo pledged their lands for the
meet pretest: concern on the Dart large sum of approximately Jl.GOO.
ot a few far-seeing statesmen at this 000; namely. Horsefly Irrigation
vital, attack, by the1 federal govern-. district and , Langell Valley lrrlga
mn( on the very heart of states' 'tlon district, whero tho money !'
rights and privileges. being actually spent to develop
In fairness to the federalists. It Klamath county lands. Th0 lands'
must be said that they have ground' jn QUMton nMd at least 1.000 ad
tor their surprise. The statea We dUionni famine,, to fully develop.
ao willingly relinquished to the fed- we dro ftMo t0 poInt out ta ,,ro. ,
oral government so many vital rights oteJ um tho facl lllat ,hM0
In ft... 1a. iIi,mi K(fftt anif Ifi I ...
lands are adjacent to an, all-the-year
ha progressed to tho front of tho
dress, they'll soon Uj seen on both
siucs pnu llnally wo shall seo theni
In tho back w(tli a nivlvul ot
grandmother's tusllo. However,
the front drapes clvo nn excuso for
I using ono of tho very new, very
gorgeous cnbochon ornaments that
'aro so foahlonablo Just now.
N'ew York Twotid kulrknrs are
the nropor weaV for skatlni:: niul
Ith tho season Just inieni'd the
lVw! shops today offer knickers
i mon carefully tnlton'il nnd suinrter
' than evi-r. llrnwn mlliintt on iirny
j seem to bo the popular shades Tlu
I knickrr san worn with n high m-rk
cd Hportti hlotisv uud a short, bright
Busy Housewife. Should Consider
V Problems of Chef on the Big Linei
In tho last three decades, and In '
some Instances almost fc::cd upon i
'round Improved road I
feel that
Is much
a V . laut SllaBllMklkt att InH
L . .v . .v ., ..--. our ch,n(.0 of ,elllemcnt
mil iamr uiacni wuuiu iiaiv ulcultAt.r.
to maintain In state control, that) ... , , .... , ,,., .'
... . ... . ,.. What would 1,000 additional
any opposition to this final step .., ' v. ..
of Klamath Falls? Conservative 1
would naturally amaze the bureau
cratic adherent.
For It. Is a final stop that la con
template!, "aire the federal gov
ernment the right to tar the pro
perty of the siate and the central
stronghold ot state rlghta Is sur
renderee. State boundaries might
then better be wiped ou't, and the
.whole system of state government
scrapped, from a viewpoint of eco
nomical administration. Why cling to
.the expensive shell of a duplicate
governmental system, whon all the
power has been transferred t
Dut w do not expect to see tho
day when this fundamental right of
ircry state will ho surrendered. Tho
people are awakening to the sttba-i
estimates place tho annual expend
iture of a-household nt 1700.00 per '
year, and $700,000 additional reve- I
nue In the Falls would help. I
would ask you to look again at the ,
map .and vlsuallio an Improved
road" from Lakevlew to Dly, with a ,
good water grade road from Dly to
Chlioquln down the Sprague river.
How many tourists bound for Crater
Lake from Lakovlew and eastern
points borond would seo Klamath I
! Falls? And. vice versa, tourists
from Crater Lake for points through
Eastern Oregon and Nevada?
Wo contend that with the com-'
pletlon ot tbe Strahonyrallrcad. tho
tlon that tbelr heedlessness niiig.... .i.,,. ,... viii t,n hur '
brought about. icrtcii for transportation purposes.
Tho next presidential election will(Wd tnl that thero should bo un
seo a party in the field with state a(le(Juata rcni, bullt thr0UKh our
rights an opec Issue. It may bo the. 8grcuUura, Tallcy, bcrofo ,lat. anJ ,
democratic party .returned to tho cmml on foad,
fundamental doctrine of their fnth-,.. . ,. ,
ers. It may be a reformed republican lhrouh , l In'an """V .h-'
pkrty, or-U may be .'third party. hc" ,n,3r w, !, ceal h"
but ,he question will be dealt with. ,and ta"ble' ' h" en Pln,ed
The Insidious encroachment- of ihe' outtthat Lanw" "Y U ?Q '"l',
foicral government and tho evlla of ; bjr ,ha new market road' ""'M '
extravagance and disrespect to tho8Jr1 that ,bo oulh ia of ,'an8c11
law, aaaong the many, that have fol- Va,ley na a now "rado,1 road ,,ullt
lowed, aro looming too-high to long- abut lhe ,tnKtb of tho va,Iop'
-r escape attention, Thq corrcspon-1 whIeh- when urfaeed and complet-
fdent befora alluded to says; ' d lo tho head of tho valley will be ,
' '. Among public, men thero Is a a credit to tho present county court.
steadily growing disposition to and for which we aro Very thankful.
, feel that too much Is being dono i A t0 tho .oull, Bl(te ot our valIey
at Washington, and too little at , . . . . ., . . . . ,.'
thn various state caiiltels: that i "-'o "" " " "-!
'tho federal government, haa al
ready taken over more 'functions
than it is able to bandlo effi
ciently, and that It Is doslrablo
to get back to what was once a
fundamental doctrine of the demo
cratic party, namoly, Jealous pres
ervation o( the rights of the states
against federal encroachment..
It Is pointed out, and It Is
quite true that ln other fields than
this matter ot tax exempt bonds,
the federal government Is follow
ing a contrary policy ot stimulat
ing the states to greater expen
ditures. As Borne men put lu con
gress Is steadily bringing pres
sure on tho states to give up more
and more of their functions. Con
gress, for example, has. a system
f appropriations for road bulld
fiUK whereby the federal govern
ment will give a cortatn amount'
7rovlded the states will raise arf
fMual'aatant. Tbe public build
jag tPWk;' bills aro another ex-
implt.. lcet another Is the re-.
enuy passed maternity uui. x
en; '-'
sississlsslsslsslsssissslsslssV' uL MP aV WFTi'
Dea. 29. CbrUtmai tree at
i i .:
Odd Follow Ifall.
Dee, 27, Junior Elks dance.
Dee. 87. Chamber of com-
merce Forum.
i)eo, 2J. Dance at White 4
Pelican Hotel, '
Dee, 31. and Jan, 1 Elks'
watch night party.
Jan. 1. -Mask ball, Scan-.
dlnavlan ball. a point six miles oast In thtif1
valley, but as yt not open to tho
' public, nnd It'll this piece of road
which wo are assured by engineer
could be used to great advantage
on our proposed Lakovlew highway,
thereby carrying the highway by
using present roads at least ten
milts east at a very nominal con-'
struetlon cost, which with the add-'
od saving ot fifteen miles In dls-1
Unco between Klamath Falls and
Lakevlew, will cut tho cost ot such .
a route well below any possible oth
er routo. i
We contend that It Is absolutely -
wrong to ask the general public to
travel additional mileage between I-
knbwn given polnfs-when unneces
sary.' Tho cost of traveling 30ad
dltlonal mllea round trip, Klamath
Falls to Lakevlew.' figured at ten
cents per mile, js 13.00, which
would pay for the .gasoline for tbn !
SIAamlJ.AlAJUlataal aa'Bfev wm
enure trip. ,
Wo contend that rendu should 'tis1
SO 'built n''ld' uprv'n' (ho 'tntlirn 'us'
well aa the present generation. ;andi CALIFORNIA ADOBE
that whon the real truth and facts
are presented to business men of
Klamuth Falls, to our chamber of
commerce and to tho now highway
commission, thoy will show tbut
the 30,000 acres ot lands on your
east will be as large a source of California adobo, tho building ma
wealth to tbo county as tho Merrill- lerJal used1 by tho early ilpanlsli sot-
Mnlin country, and wo should get j tiers, again Ik bulug utilized In-Ban.
Just treatment In the final decision j ta Durlmri for construction pur
of the poiyors (hat be, poice. Ho vera I linmcH recently bulll
, U. j. TICHNOR. Jhore-havo adobo -walU.- "rr
r Wcc Travellers Visit the C!itf Domain
New York House- alltles. He uust study the pasrn.
wives who (treat tbclr wlta' end (oi gcr list and rhvro ho finds that
plan a tarltty of meals for a wcikl ttiato uro i Uru number uf Ln-
iisii. American, i renen, Uermau, ot
otlisr natlonah on board, ho Mii-t
crcato dishes with v.Iilcli they nn
lumlllnr. Tliw chrf Is tut on t!i
Job and durlm; tho trip li.-uUly i;.l
llmu to tlcep.
There Is kieu companion anion.'
the chief etewardh and ciicru on the
Mncla ot tlio United Slates Line
and wheneior onu trcatm a nov
dish that an to ttr
lraelllii; public. t ihwh sprrada
cud new dlsliva N'giu to lual.-i their
nppmranco on other ships. Ths
chefs fare nil n.oii who bate Im
long training In bit; hotels uthort
and on chip (it nta.
In aduincu of a trip tho chlof
stewar ' and tho chef must carefully
calculate tho nniiiunt of provision-,
nrctssary for tho vuyage. Aboard
tho cssel3 of tho United .Statea
Lines It Is estimated that each pan
tender innxuiucA from ono pound to
ono pound nnd one-hall' nf potutoea
a day. Americans. It might bi
slateil, are great potato eatern. In
tho matter of roasts six ounces per
prrson per day ore allowed. Steaks
nnd chops uro estimated ot one-half
pound per person on Individual or-
uor.i. (tame npd poultry amounts to
ono pound per person As an Idea
of tho amount of food carried
aboard a shlpjt mluht be stated
that It provisioning tho Rtea ship
Ocorco Washington recently C.K00
pounVi of poultry and game wero
placed on hoard. In the matter of
potatoes there wore 30.000 pounds
nnd other vegotnhlta amounting to
10.500 pounds. Of milk thero wero
2E.0OO fmnrls. supplemented by M0
quarts nf eienm, Thero were H
kinds of e'oeio.wllh n total welRht
of 900 pounds and of tea nnd coffee
8,000 pounds.
Tn fee dlnjr lhe Msssencern nlmnrd
a lanve liner Ihe task of the chef
lor tho mer-KO slicd tanuly will b
intcrectcd In a rtcent surey made
or tbi culsln .icrIcti of the Unlied
Glatei Linos. It deulop.d that
117,000 urcla r.ra served cu r. miv-
ago by each ot the bicger liners ot
tho fleet, the M,yai;j living tho time
consumed by tho uutl from the
time of Itr drpKituro from Not
York, for Kcropo cm! rvtdrn to the
lio'na pert.
Mlstiets Hnucawlle who Is wor
ried by Dm planning of retain fcr
tho little J'-.tully would do well to
think i,l the tlw.t confront
tho chlof steward and tho chrf on
nn ocean II.U-. The curey of the
culslno sliustion dvropeU tho f.ici
that some 4.170 meals n day arc
fervel aboard ship. Thero nro sU
tervlci-a In tho enures ef the day
cj follor.,.: cfTir. 0-00 A. M.:
breakfast, S:0l to 10:00 A. M.; bul
lion nnd saudwi )n-3. 11 to IS:
luncheen. 1 CO to 2.00 I'. 31.; tea,
3:00 tu COO I'. M.; dinner, 0:00 to
S:00 I. M.. nnd buffet .ervlce, 9:30
to 10:30 1'. M.
In tho curvey ma do of tho
stewards departments of the var
ious tcsxcls of the United States
Lines licet the fact ,vftn developed
tnai Americans as a raco nre hcav
enters. Furthermore they eat much
more rapidly than tho IJuroDcan
Your European makes almost ' rite
or nis mean, tho American re
cords It as n task tn bo performed
as rapidly as possible.
The chef on tho liner must not
only overeee tha prepsratloni of nil
the regular meals nnd luncheons,
but must priparo special services.
.Invalids, for, Jiutmce, must have
'rpcclally prepared dishes and no
matter what their deslrivs may tin
they nro r,upplljd from (ho nniplo
larderij aboard thn rhlns. Birth
days and other nniili-cr'arlei rail
for-sonlro on the part of llw shin's
can. j urincrrriii
rthcrmurq the chef must Is enunl tfi tbst.ot n man Hiking
ho tastes irf trHny nation-1 to proyjdo food ipr a small city.
8ANTA IJAItUAIlA, Cal.. Dec. 27
One. fjaiitu linibitriin who recently ;
built lilx homo, of ad lie, ised thn'
blucliH dug from (ho foundation nx-.
enviillonH. Tim iidohn bluclm wero
dried in thn huh for n few days and I
then built Into Ihu wulls, which ox
ports agree, will last us long uh llio
earth Itself, ;
Adobo walls, It Is said, uro sound
proof and will remain wnriii In the
Herald-clasalfiecT ads pay yon,
ii"-vitJT.t-ari,-j'-'vj'r.i . aw: i i .
"z&M-'mw. i , . air;ti'i
ssi.ifjTJ itis-r ; w si,,fi
y. 'iiriniiy-k.Hr i
fir; , v
( .
IB fill t 1
them w
Snxd your holidav creeling
by long-dislcincc Lclcphoiw
niUlkiHATfXl l I . U.J1,
' Ilil
'TMki tn r.ll
Ur.i'cd Shies
! nur n r. v
' o. - - r- v
&' .;,r.
i .t.VfMVfevTini.
r- tm
,xr, jiirK-- jvry&
ijf-, -iTjajiKrri r yy
& T
cr' SA
rrS- i .Wf--
(!...., .C.a.',.-' --si
The Five
Bis CV
Electric Cookery
The Dominant Electric Range
ELECTRIC COOKERY is the modern way of pre
p.irins food in the moat palutoblo and healthful
style and by iho cleanest and most convenient
methods. It has reached itn highest development
in tho
The Hotpoint-Hughen bringo cool comfort to the
kitchen. It prevents deposit of soot on utensils or
wallo and does not create smoke or fumes. It
tTsr.kes cooking info. The oven retains all the
heat and reduces shrinkage of meat. The heat is
"DlCe"1" and evenly distributed.
Hotpoint-Husheo'cobking its m
and result.
Inquire About
. Our Special
modern in method
The California Oregon
Power Company
IV fj
wifHiifilaiHiiiiei T1 "'' ''w