The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 27, 1922, Image 1

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1 V-
I'nlionlly Llbi'iii')
I'lltM-lie OlTI'IHt
Coll .
ottfeliukmtttn Herald
i:itiV o,i,i:h,
! M-'
' W
Member of the Associated Press
HM1011M1 Vriif. Xii. 11.1111,
raicm rrva enm
Flourishing Times in Lum
ber and Other Indus
tries Forccnst
' PlniirMiIng tliniiH in ttiti lumber ,
Industry, n'nil larger prosperity for,
nil, wnn the iilrliirn of 1923 rmiill
tloil )! Ill I fit liy speakers at the
ctiiini lr of commerce foium tndny.
M. H. IWnt. pienldetit lit llm clum
ber of i-iiiumoreo, and an offlclnl of
llm IIIk l.nknn Hot rninp.iuy, nkoleh ,
oil n rnniorvitllve background Hi'
until that rntnlltlodii it" bettering!
ii nil I ho outlook wnn good, lull wu
uiinlili to agree Hint normnlry luut '
been rinrlni. Tim ttrnwhnik Hint
In- stressed In tho condition of I lt
farmer, who nni paying Almort war ,
production mil, while tlm price of.
Ilii'lr pro liirtrt nro virtually lurk to i
pro-war lutein.
IIi-im'iiiI on I'niiiiri-i
Weal pointed out Hint farmer
mill nlorkiutvi un-d imiro Hum 40
nr rem of tlm lutnliiy output of the
ton n try, and until f lit- worn In n
tmaltlnn In liny freely llm tiiiiitnr
market, In liln opinion, would not lie
Hit sold, however, that the year
wan i-iiiIIiir with n better outlook
for the farmul nrtil Hint ho full
Hint romlllloni wuin rniisUtrnilV
rlKhllUR tlieinsohe
A. M. Collier, of tho First Nil
llomil bank, fHV) briefly. lli
qUUnl nn Oregon Agricultural col
lege specialist, who recently niniSi. .
farm survey of Iho Mitrrlll ami Ma
lln sections, an nnyl-ig Hint 6, 'mo
t'w'rf J""ll"iot).ft Vnlk "rM Ji'lB
fattened In ICliimnlh county thin
winter. Tho O A. ('. limn mid ilia;
Klnninth wm feeding more stock
till winter Ihnti nny oilier Orcgm
rimnly. anil tloiinrrd that this region
with lit great forage poolbllltleit
wni destined In Income n great
feeding rouutry for otiuiiln utock.
I'ri'iiuu 'ritf hwi
Krt'il linker. Initl.iti nRi'iit. i.ilil
that tlm rMi'rvttllo.i viprrtcil n roi
pcroiin rnr In 1023
A mirvoy Junt loiiiptolcil uliowii
?.i;00,n(in,uno fnt of intrrhnnliihla
tlinlicr on llm icoiMitl(in, ho mihl,
!T per tint of which N yollmv plim.
Tho Hlrnhnrn riilluny U oxportvil
lo open up nn Iminnllnlnly uvnllnhlo
it rou of hot w con two mill Hirou till
lion foot wlion It rrnrho Hprnr.uo
rlvor. Unkor'n ufflro hint inuny ln
tinlrluN from liiiulinriiion who nro In
torontivl, untl tho KoorniiU'iit U
romly in nuirkut tlm Hiulicr im noun
nn nmnrod thitt tinnii flilu hid will
ho ftirlhroinlUK nt Ihu iiiliiliiium
prlt'o, or liollur.
Kiiiit Mill In IVIiimiry
V, U, 1 .11 in itt . of t.nmm' mill In In
Cflfornln. Ho wt'tu Hits IJwiiuua of
f.vmlH nnd J. It. iihnw of tho Hhuw
llortrnm rumpuny. Hvrri'tary Hi
yi'IIhoii roportoil Hint tlio Kwminn
rninpnny hint inlil him Hint they nx.
poctml lo Nlnrl Iholr Miiwmlll, In
Ktihriiniy, wltli two nhlftH, mill (hut
Uunm mihl ho woulil rut moro llm
hur nnil omploy imiro mm In 11)2.1
thna In nny prov'lniiH kooii.
J. I'. Kliulinll, of Iho W.iiyorhniin
or company nM Ihu your liuil n
hrlKht mil look.
Thn forum wiih onlorlnlnoit will-.
Iwn HOMKH hy a iUiirlrt cmiKliiHnK
of V. W. Honlhwoll, l)r, (IcnrKo
Mnllolt, W. A. Wloit nnil It. K, Vat
The Cyclo.Hlormiiglii'iili, nt UnTliir.
.. .i
rSSfil wiina'H liinrninty
rIiowr Hint t h p
Hlnwly mid Htoaillly
thai the Htnan ttill
continue nil iiIkIU,
ut least, T h ii
teniperiituiv w'Iih
lowor nt 2 o'clock
thin nfterniHin tlinii
It wan nt any Hmo
o '
.6, tS'
during thu purlod hIiico yoHtunlny'a
Forocnst for noxt 21 heurs:
UiiBettlod with hiiow tonight. Mod-
oratu temporntiireH,
Tho TycoM reciirilhig thormriinelor
reglHtornd maximum nnd minimum
(omperiiturea today iih follnw-Hi
High !l!)
, Low .33
' fltr',J' Jiff
r' I" -''7i?. , .'
'- " .
i.rf. .,.. J.: ; w-
V Z7, li r-fix iHrizXJ
A virllahle Katoway to Iho lunt I' '
1..... .. !... ,.. ,1.1.. .l...... .. II. ..... I
PllllVtll IIOII III lllllt IMIIIII. Ill lU I'll' I
I ran tn Iho .l.oon.your-old troan
nro lonili In Iho Valley or tin Klnx.
I'cypt. ThU dlnrovory of till lonili
hy I.nril Cnrnnrvon M tho r,riMtel
eW'iil of II l.llul In hlnlory.
Hrrottiiiirnimtlnn Mailo Tlinl I'artlnt
l'a)iui'itt Im M.iiIo Win ii $."0,.
noil Call, line May lt
" Tho prrpnpnl of I'rJSl A .linker,
iiiporluleinlvut of Iho Klanmth In
dian rrnorvntlos, to iMition.i rejwy.
mont of Hi mado hy tho Kov
erimuot it- the Indium, wan kIvcii
Iho approval of Iho chamber of rum
mrrro hoard of dlrwlortt Tuoday
with Iho recommendation that thn
Indian ray whatetrr may ho pot
ullilo Of iho orlRlnal lonn ot Heo.onn,
$.'.(). ono Iinu been Mld. IiwvIiik ii
li.tlnme of 3..0.000. Of thin
amount f.' payable .May 1.
I'oViIIiik out Hint n payment at pro
mnt would work n hardhlp on the
Indian!!, llal,or ouxh'l thn Mippnrl
of tho chamber to unto Hit novum
mont to Kraut nn oitennlon of time.
Thtt loan hid made for llm pur
rluuo of lht klerk It l payable
from (u id dirUoI from sale of
limber on the roxortntlou.
llllileiitl Hiihiivil mi 1'ii'feireil
Cnpllnl Sltxk of Coiiipaiiy
At n inootln,; Deeember 2fi'of Iho
board of directors of tho California
OreRim l'ower company tho roRUlnr
dividend of $ 1.75 per shnro on Hid
preferred capital Mock of Iho com
pany waR declared, payable Janu
ary 2ti, lt)23, to Ntockhnldern of
livord January in, 11123, ncriirdlur
to minnuiicenieut today by J. C.
Doyle, local mnnitfcor. Tho dividend
In for tho nuaitcr eiidliu; January
15, 192.1, mid nmnunlH tn over
DIvldondH hnvrt boon paid roRiilar
ly mi thin Block hIiico dntn of Ikhii
unco, lloylo Rnld.
oiikcov liinrr ox dihi'i.av
( (UXXKHS' mki:t
IJUOKNi:. Dee. 27. Tlinm bint.
ilred rasPN of Oregon canned voi-ot
millet 'iiii inuru win no jiiiu'Od ,ou
display ut tho annual convention, uf
ty.Vo N'VUpiml Cnnnora' tisaocliiUoii
Ylf.,A.H,u,.IP C'"'' N'' ftiwii
to 20, according to J, O. Holt oj
Ihla cltv. who In ehulrmnn or .tbo
'fruit' floftlffil 'of tho.untlonnl iisho-
Moro thnn -1.000 cnnnora nud buy
urn will attend lh0 convention, ne
cording to Mr. Holt,- rind tho Oro
gnn display will ho designed tn nt
tract Hiolr uttentln to tho pro
ductu of thin Htnto. Tho dlsplny
will consist largely of lognnborrlea,
raiipboirl, pnmcB, clinrrloa, pom a
mid a tew variation of vugutnhlos.
ii raw;
' KEF-IP posed!
Fiht Started in Senate by
Administration Senators
on Borah Plan
WAfllllNUTON, I). C, Dcr. 27.
A'.liiMiilnt riitlon Hoiuilorn under llm
Icml of Chnlrmun I.oiIkd of tho for
ihkii rolntloiiH cimiiiilttoo hoRan In
Iho Honnt" tmlny a ilclurniluril HkIiI
iiKnlimt tho llnmh prnpnunl for n
now Intorlintlonal conforonco In
WttiihliiKion to iIIikiih ncnnomlo
(oinlltluiin unit illnnrmtiniont.
I.oilr.o, who wan itnlil tn hnvn oh-
Inlnoil I'frIdint ll.inlliir.'n vIowh.
(ipoiu'il tho attack nn Minn nn Iho
i kenuto Ik can work nn tho Ilorali
i pntpoitnl.
Moro than a ncoro of teniihllrun
'niflotiiM In nn Informnl ronlf rmM
, tmlny di'cldi'il lo oppoto tho ainoiid
, liiont I'ffprrd by lloruh lo tho naval
'appropriation hill, which would re
'niiont tho pronldent In call nn In
' ti rnntlnual economic nnd dlntiniin.
",,nl fonfrroiifn.
I .1 IB. HI
I )r fit I lie HlorplH' lllainrit for
llollii llulldliijt Ilia,.
A nloveplpi) plUKCed with nool
wan tlm prohahlo rnuio of Iho flro
yonswduy on Iho necontl floor of
tho Itolvlu bullillnt; lis Kouth Klltli
nCcordlnK to I'lro Chief Atuhrono.
Th, flr(i wan burnliiK around tho
. " " . . .1
,','" "-- "" "-
broni, nal.1. and a Inter examination ,
revealed that n hula hml been burn-1
ed HirouKh tbo Mnteplpo.
Fpi thousand dollars Insurance
was carried on tho building and'
1I.S00 nn thu contents of tho room
InR house, which was eondiirtcd hy
Mm. I.ove. Rnuio of tho furniture
win saved.
While tho bulldlnR was only par-jmcn wm haTC an opportunity to
tlaly destroyed. It Is probable tliatU,,t ,ho feasibility of Importlnc tho
n permit to .robulld would not bo . eastern variety.
Khoii, Anilirnsu said, slnro the build-'
Iiir Is within tho downtown flrd re-. . .., IfcT VI1, ,-. ., Tl
strlctlon area.
.M.MIKI'.T Itlll'OKT
I'OIITI.ANI), Dee. 27. C.iltlo SOe
lower, based on Tuesday afternoon
na I oh, choice steers $7.00 to J7.50.
lings nnd nheop steady, crri deinor.
allied, uc lower, buyliiR prices with,
drawn, koIIIiir prices tOc to tSr.
Ilutler steady. Wheat U 2C to
t i.r.o.
i3, ffl S if ' ftJy
lliixli I'IiIIh to Materialize ('mil
Dil)' Afirr (iilNtniilK, When
Four Couple 'Appi'itr
Tho ptiloncy of mlslvloo i-cnnto
ovlilonl ysntrrilny whn frmr mnr
rliiKo 1Ii-ium wero luoil hj fomty
lurk C. 11. liolip, They worn In
IVnnrld Mrt'nrlny OIpiiii nnd t:indyn
N. Mflitkcr. hoth of "Merrill. Karl I.
Kilter ot AipKrovn mul tVH'o ir
Khenfelt: Curl N. Krmich n-nl Murlo
i: llrooki. of thin rlly: and Donall
It. Nowhury of MoilforJ aid Mnr-i
jorln D-lzrll of thin city, I
Only ono mrrln;;i) llt-rnw. uiu
ImiioiI tbo Hatiirdny buforr ihrbt-1
man. K wan tn Atlllou Jlarriioin .
utiil Colin Carnlnl.
Bllltii III priM')irlntma
null for llconioii fallod lo mntur
lallio. TuoMlRy'ii luittatit oi ntlrl
htitod to tho potency of Ciirintmn
thanilollor decora I IdliJ.
338.972 TROUT EGGS
Hliliim of Ku-Iciii Varloty Ho.
nltnl nl CionUfil CitvU
The tiltlpniont of eautcrn hrook
til. ut oRRf recently rocolywl at the
Crooked Creek hntchery contalnwl
33.S,!l72 eRK. accordlliR lo a lntlor
to iho Klamath Hnurlnmen'a uocI.t
Hon from Moyd M. Tucker, hatch-
ery uplntendont.
Tho nhlpment wn from Spring
ru til. I'lnh. mid represented an ex
chmiRo mado by thn ttato came
wnrden for rainbow trout efxn from
thin county. Int year r.00.000
enntern brook trout tg wero Im
ported. '
According to local iport.mcn. the
brook trout orrb reiulro about two
. ...,.
year to mature, compared to throo
yCarn for rainbow. The ea.torn
brook Uoul g bo(h nni,
..v . ... .,v ,n ,,,,,
hardy, nnd will nurrlvo In both
warmer and colder water than tho
Tbo fish have been planted In
vatloui lakes and rivers of the
country, where. It Is believed they
are iloine well. The liret shipment
will malum next year, when sports
OrtllX 1C I UL.E. IV1IL
'M 1'er Cfiit Iiirrenie Hoiiiiil liy
I'tittofflcc lKuirlineiit
WASIIINUTON, 1. C. Dec. 27.
A nnln of 2S per cent is shown In
tho rectlpt of Christmas mail over
tho sauio porlod last year, the post
office department reported.
Tho Kaln in parcot poit Is 1C porj
nn ; 'Astoria s
t,r7i i '. i;.'i
Ifc HUH. I 'i'THLl
AHTOrilA, Dec 27 -A noutheast storm last night blew down several
parts if walls In Actoria'n burned district, endanRcrlnj, tho lives of
citizens '
A part of the w:nl wall of the Klks' templo felt on a temporary build
in, erected for a clunr store.
, No one wan Injured. '
Thn above picture shows the ruins
the Aslprla National bank In tho center
weksi: roi.i.mvtNd unit
aitivitv of yi-.sti:hiay
I'AHIS. Dec. 27. flarnh
4 Hortihnrdt'n condition was
A u i.rn nnnlii Imlnv r.illntflfir A
her activity )esterday when. he
nroo, partook of srdlJ food nnd
received callers. Madame, how- 4
over was as confident as ever
of recovery.
Tlio Hev. Will. I ltoinln(oii of
jtern Oiepm lo Hold STlifM
Tho Iter. Wm. P KcmiaRtnn,
nowiy-nppolnted Kplscopnl bishop of
tho tlloceso of Kaitcrn OreRon, ac
companied by the Hev. Van Wuters,
will arrive hero Friday nlcht. Ho
will meet with the bishop's commit
tee that evening and with the ruIIiI
nt the chamber of commerce rooms
at 2:30 Saturday afternoon. A pub
lic Informal reception will he held
In the Ha.ll hotel annex at o'clock
Saturday uvcnlnR. Communion ser
vice will bo held in tho I. O. O. F.
hall nt 10-30 Sunday morning and
regular crvlce ut ll:00.- Kvcnlng
services will bo at 7:30.
Thu Her. ItemliiRton was former
ly ot South Dakotu, lie served as
n chaplain overseas In thu world war,
hating been made bishop while la
uniform before leaving. He wns n
noted athlete nnil was prominent nt
the Olympic j-nme.
Ruins rail
1 r ' i i; m
L&zJL: 'L
.3- Id .KXXlW
"W -1 -- -i -- '
jw' - ?w
or tho Wclnhard hotel (left) and
of the devastated area.
r"',,,,r,,nf. S,"r'r loM .-V,51"-
I'ary May Itrlng Kxiinilimlion
lo Dclennlne K-inily
rORTI-VND. Dec. 27. IValess
some unexpected development oc
curs. District Attorney Myers will
move In pollco court this afternoon
for dlsmlisnl of the charges against
Cash and Karl Weir, he announced
when Informed Mrs. Iary had ad
mitted tl fulslly -of Her charrcs
-.a'nst tho Weirs. Myers added
thnt he would ask for an examina
tion of Mrs. Leary's sanity.
Mrs. I-eary, unJer a severe grill
ing following the receipt of a letter
from a girl who raid she was In
Weir's houseboat September 23, told
the detectives that her story accus
ing Cash Wctr nt killing a 13-year-old
girl was false, according to an
announcement hy tho police today.
I'ndcr further questioning by Lieu
tenant Thatcher, however, Mrs.
Leary was reported to have said
Weir killed a 22-year-old woman
namej Dotty oa the night ot Sep
tember 23,
Pifriil SlelltmU of Turks Arouse
Anger of Great llrltalii
' LONDON, Dee. 27. A Houter dls-
patch from Lausanne nays, "There
Is serious danger ot tho Near Kast
conforonco becoming abortive If the
Turks persist, In their present meth
ods." .
LAUSANNK. Dee, 27. Through
Foreign Secretary Curzon, Great
Drllaln Informed the Turks today
thnt tho DrltUh never will abandon"
the Mosul Oil Vilayet, n requested
hy thu Turkish delegation nnd that
uo prolongation or tno Near Kast
conference can Influence the Drltlsh
government to recede from Its posj.
Walter M, Harvey I Found (iullty
on Four Counts
TACOMA, Dec. 27. Walter M.
Harvey, for nearly 30 years a prom
inent uttornoy hero, and for tho
past yoar n lawyer In Soattlo, has
been found guilty on tour counts
by the state board ot law examiners,
mid his disbarment recommendod to
tho stato supremo court today.
SPOKANE; Wash., Doc. 27. At
tempting to jazz his automobile up
with other during tho recent cold
spoil horo almost cost W, C. bono
van. a locnl attorney, his car.
Tho muchlno'hnd' balked because
ot tho cold woathor, and In all of-
I fort to get It started Donovan gavo
mo sparK plugs a few snots ot
othor, In some way tho car caught
flro, nud only tho prompt arrival of
tho tiro department saved tho machine.
More Favorable Conditions
Shown on Coast Com
pared With Year Ago
Morn favornblo conaillona for prac
tlcally all lnilunlrlcs In tho Twelfth
Federal net'ry? district durlnt: No-
veaibcr, rrn compared with the oam
! month ot 1921 ,1s shown by John
I'errln, flan Francisco, federal re
serve ngent, In his monthly report,
nade public here today.
An abstract of Perrln's report -follews:
"Harvestintr ot tho crops ot tho
district wns practically completed
during November, permitting a pre
llmtnary eitlmato of tho result of
the year's agricultural operations.
Although the acreage planted and
tho yields In 1922 were "smaller
than those of the previous year,
crops wero raised with a minimum
ot outlay for labor and materials,
and prices, except for potatoes, rice,
apple, raisins and hops, are now
above, those ot a year ago.
Dorrowlngs 1n
"Hanks in thn country district
have steadily reduced their borrow
ings from the Federal Reserve bank
from a total of $34,000,000 on Ant"
ust 2 to $18,000,000 December .
"Commercial loans ot reporting
member banks In th principal cities
of the district, on the other .hud.
have Increased with tho accalRTatlon
of business and Industry. Oa'Da
ccmber 6 commercial loaaa of'f
reporting banks, were $7S0,O8S,M,
7 pereeat abort- tloiJRl)fcyp
June. 1922. Investments of the
same banks Increased $17,000,000.
Slei. Increase
"Iletall and wholesale business
was moro acttv0 during November.
1922, than during November, 1921.
Department storo sales Increased
H.5 per cent tn yalue over last
year nnd exceeded sales ot Novem
ber 19X0 and 1919. All line ot
wholesale trado reported Increase
In tho value ot their sale,
tho balks of tho district wer H.
Debit to Individual account In
per cent larger during November
than during November, 1921. Husl
ness failures, although greater In
number, wero smaller In liabilities
than In October or November; 1921
I.umt-rr Normal
"The lumber Industry operated l
normal during November. The mills
have announced that the usual win-
ter shutdown will b0 brief.
"Production ot tho principal met
nls of tho district Is growing stead
ily. Improvement In copper has
been noteworthy, on December 18
electrolytic being quoted at 14 3-8
cents a pound, compared with 13
cents In October.
"Petroleum production In Call- -fornla
during November again In
creased In volume taster than did
"Industrial construction . during
tho first eleven months ot 1922 ha
been greater In valuo nnd volume,
than during the. whole year 1921.
Unemployment Hmall
"Seasonal decreases In employ
ment hnvo been general through
out tho district, but unemployment
Is still relatively small.
"Tho general prlco level shown
by tho Index numbers of the United t
States department of labor roiu.
from 154 to 156 during the month; ,,
taking the 1913 leve aa 1Q0." Vv,
Two Years Imprisonment TeHulJy,
on Narcotic Charge ''
PORTLAND, Dec, 37. A"' sont-""-'
enco of two yoara Imprisonment on
two counts ot conspiracy to smuggle
narcotics and liquor, woro Imposed
today upon Davo Llghlner by Fed
oral Judgo Dean, Tho sentences
aro to run concurrently and bo add
od to a sentence ot 18 months al
ready Imposed upon Lllhtner, "
Federal officers said ha would, '
start for McNeil's Island tomorrow. '
Judge. Doan Ignored thq attorasjrs
plea for Icutcncy. w, ., .'. , '.'4
51 1
m , 1T,
1 . -
V .'
1 1 -i:
...J..v.....,..j.1Win1AMllWl. ! .M)'f..