h. i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALIS, OREGON TUUMDAV, lUX'MMIII'.ll HO, IOUJ pAfte F(t v w.N. l wncn or Ni'i:'iiii iiomi ixiirnov Of tln lliiinHly liiluiillmi IMMtlil or tiiiiiniiiii Cuiiiii), oicjii'ti. Notlcn In huioby Riven li llm iiinl Iflnil nttxelnrit itml taxpayer or tlin llnrmiliy ffilr.iillnu Dltttrlu or Kliim nlli County, OrcKiin '11 int Hi" llimnl of Dli'iTttilH nr iinlil IMnirlrt, by leiuilittlou ilill v limitii mi I enter mI, IuiYo oril-Mi'd ii I'ihmI.iI IIuihI Kleiiiou In io Hold fur by nml Willi In Mm mill Hnmi'ily Irrlimtloii I Hu ll in mi i lie li'di ilny of .Inn A I). Ilii'i fdi ilio piirpowi of iiiiiiiurlKiHK llm ItKiihiii'o nt evrliilu liureln.ifloi .ilrM iIIiimI homln of i.ilil iiutrlct. Till) llUPSlltm tit bo milunlttnl nt flllll tllPI'lll'll 111 lift follow HIIAI.I. Till'. IIOItHKKI.Y lllltl tlATIO.N DIHIitlCT IHhTII IIOMUI IS' Till! fil'M OK ONI4 III NDIICU AND rillUTY-KIVIl TIIOIHANI) dom.aiib mari.ooo.) Tin-; i'M. ckkhh or which Aim to mi I'BKII IN MAICINll TIIH KOI.I.OW INII I'AiMINTH, I.MI'HOVM.MKNTH ANI i:TKNHIONH I'OU Till: III UIUATION OK ITU I.AMi, HAlli honiiH'To in: ttniiii roa tin: I'OI.I.OWINll PI'ltPfiHCH. VIZ (a I To my ilu pri'mmi ouuiiimt Inif Indebtedm ri'pnii'iilcil by bnmU nr Ilio Ill.ilrlil . ITil.nou Hi) Kor Improvements of tin hh tiilll In tin' Illit HprlnK t'mt i.nuii (c) I'or Iiiiiriiiu ittn of I In- nv Hun In Cult N'n Oni) .. . . II. ion (il) Kor Improvement nt llm lain In Cult No Thru- 1.000 (ii) For Improvement or llm in tern Hi Unit No. I'oiir .. 11.000 If) I'or Improvement ot the ) turn In iln Vonim Cult t7.oiw (Si I'or rcpUrlnK tlnrt. miiihII ttaitlB III 1.01 ItlVlT Willi ll'llll'Ill pier nml permanent eouslrur tlou . t.l.unu Hi) To provide nit ufllro nml fix tures fur Hit DUtrlit II. ono (II To oxtmul conniriKtlon of tlllehp- Mini built flumes. rroMlwm. mlverm nml piiniplriK pl.iiu lor llm n ,y mlinltted Hairy Cult of I hi llttlel $31,000 Tluw- tiomU lo do known n Kr to. Two unil Imiio Dim. ioiill of 400 baud uuiiilmri'il Irom I to ion Inclusive mnl lit limned In denomln tlona n follows do uf wild bolide for llm mm or $ t.uou i-urli. loo of MlU bunds for llm mini of 1300 neli. loo of r Mill huud for llm um l tib eaoh. nml l.m of mild bends for (tin sum ot lion each, limy hip lo draw Interent nt llm ruin ot six por rent pr nmiitin twonble smitl enually mi Hn lai , of Jiiiiuury nml July ot I'tirti year, bear dutu of July 1 1. 1 , 1933. nml malum In fllieen nqunl annual luitnllmonts of IV. 000 wteh, tin. Ural Itotnllnmiit nr I'.'.OOO In Ix- tine iml Hiynlilo mi llm firm ttM) ut Jnnuiry A. I. If30 urn I it Hhn hi.i nt IH.OOO to I'o iltm unit tuyalilo on tliu llrnt ilny or Jnuunry ut iMih iiiiM.tilln fftr. up lo nml lurinilloK tim ririt ilay of Jiimmry A. H. lull. Tlin tmlla nre to npnli nt llm hour of eight u'elork In llm iimriilnn nml loBldltt oi" uutil llm lomr of flvi; o'vlofk In Om iMitiltiK of rnlil ilny nnil tlain Tile iHilllur. pl.ice. an- to 1). ,1 rollcn. ' In IHvlnlim Nniutmr Onp. nt thn Imtiffl romnmiily liiionu a tho Itoul I Ikii nt lha rtuiilliwMl inritcr of llm IMMtUCTUI TREACHEROUS COLDS! "Jiuit n cold" you say yet that Is the way many yrave nml dangerous diseases start. When you feel "snuflly" and heavy headed when your throat is the least bit sore take thnt simple precaution which will protect you from illness DIN'Z Bronchi-Lyptus. BRONCHI S33UraOHMCiCTlfli LINKVILLE IN .. . AoVtl o Vi T?M !Hirft ??" ic "jAiiuIiis woo vaTII 1 L WUUHtt'l. rr "- i ,i i'i 'II li!ssil I ' I LJ- Id in!Pl HL . sC 5. " - '. '"itniei"- -' MoiitlmnM (ourth of tlio Nnitliitmit (iliill.ir or MurllDli 10, Ti !IU. II. It 1 1 i: m. Ill IIIvIkIoii No, Two nt llm rrnl itnnro of II. V. I.yllo, locnlitil on llm Hniillli'imt foul III or t Mo lloiltliwimt iliinrlor or Hoo. 20, T. !IU. H. It. 1 1 )! V. M. In Dlvlnlon No, Tlirro nl Hu rciil. ili'iio or Mlrlmol I'lldlt. lomtoil on tlin tloullii'iint r.itirlh o tim Houtli mini iiunrlnr or Hoi! 31. V. 38 II, II II. V.. W. M. Tim JihIrph or mi Id cliicllon nrr .Ippolnlril iih follow n. ' I'or Dhhlon No. Oun, nun Kcllci. ,Oro, I. Olllutin, nml Mrili Ailn V. iMiminii. ' i'or Dlvlnlon No. Two. P. I How no, I'mnM Nlrlioln, uml II. V. Iyll- I'or Dlvlnlou .Vo. Tlinm, Mitliacl Itmrli. Ilnlpli M. Hcotl nml Wnnt llm ill . 'I'll In nntlro In to lie piilillslmil In Tim KvmltiK Hcrnlil or Klnimiili Kntli, Orrr.on, ror rnur micnitilvo mnl lornicrtittVii nmtIih iiiiiKIiii: n lolnl ol tlvo inililli'iillimn llmniir lhitin HiIh :2inl.. ilny of Dor I!i23 JACOH IMHSCIC. I'r.'.lilu!,., M .1. I.yllo, DlrHrtor. W.M lltWIN, Director. Allwl Wm. I' II. Clinim. Ilprrolnry. I) 20 .1 2.U-I0.33 KC.M.MOVS TOM I'CIII.HWrlOV in thk jcstici: cocitT I'oit Tin; IIIHTICHT OK I.INICVII.I.i:. KLA MATH COl'NTV. OltM'ION. I it a itotii'HTM, I'lniiitirr. i' A. NINON, DcfiillilHtit To I' A. Niton, Di'lnmlniil. IN TDK NAAIi: OK TIIK HTATl: ok oitKUON Vnu iiro lionhy n iltilriMl lo iippiar nml nmiwor tlin (oiupliiltit on rilo In Hi" alioio en tllk'il iirtlou on or hi'furo lln 3U day of .Inuunry. HO. tluii lu'liu; Hi" ilny prm.criln-11 In tim oriltr or tim Court for tho pulilirHtion ot thin kiliiiinoni, mnl It Jon r.iil to o up pi'br nml annwer. tor wnnt tin roof llm pliilullff will npply to Hi" Court for tlio rlli'r prnyi'il ror In liln roin plnlnl U. Inr JuJciiii'MI In III" um of fnu.Do itim on yoiir prnuilMory not" if April S3. I'lZt. loKollmr with Inlorifif nl nr ri'iii por um iiiiiii from April I. IVtl. 2f. Oft nl (orno) In n nml plaintiff run In nml ilUliurKi'iuPuiK tirri'ln TliH mimiiionit In imnril upon you liy onlnr of imlillriillou tlmnof In Tim i:i-iiltiK Hi-rntil, n miHipi'r priniiil, puiilinlmil nml of Ki-nnrnl clrrulHtlon In llm county of Klnni nth. Hliilo of Orexotl. oliro inrh week Inr nix i'(i:ierilll" nml um mulvo ri'k. tin first puiillrntion llHTiof ImlnK mi Dm SCtli day or Doci'iultiT. 1:3. uml tin laat pulill iiitlnu In-1 n k on tl 30th ilny or Jnn unry. 1!3 Poll" liy onlrr or Hon I.. I. (Inr liuRi'ii. Jililr.o or Ilio ntioui cntllti'i) rniirt uinlur ilnt" or orilor or thi 23nl. ilny or Di'combpr l2: VM MAH' I Attorney rnr 1'lnintlff l'oi nfrirn Aiia.-oAK 20; Wllllm lllile.. Klnmatli KiiIU. On-, ii :r. J 2 Ifi 23 an Gflt reiulta by unmc cli nda. - LYPTUS YE OLDE TIMES .,... J-...u ..n.r "! ' OlWt Ti VMYINTO 'IHO KAJJDS-jh, 'nui -nie way -o ioeDOM .63 - m Vrf-' S'O'I It'll OK HIICIII CI'H HAI.II ) Hy vlrtim or nn ntlnclitunit nml luurlitlon duly InhiiuiI hy tim Clurl( or llm Circuit Court or Hut County' or Kliiuintli, Hliiln ol Ori'cun, ilntoill tim Klmt ilny or Dirmiilicr. 1U22. In n ciirliiln ni'llon In Ilio Clrriitt Court for mild county nml Niuto, wImtuIu 'John II. Horn in pliilullff rci'ovnri'il IuiIkiiidiiI Hitnlnnt (Jliiirli'N llorton, iih ili'fmiiliHH ror tho "inn ot Twrlvo HiiNiIroil HiiYMity (f 1270 oil) Dol- Inr (oi;otlicr with luturcut ilmrt'ou. ut llm into or Tun pur ilnt per nu llum from Miucli 2N, IH22, nml fori Ilio furllmr mini or Dim llunilrcil , Twi'iily novi'ii ($127.00) DollnrH. to putlivr with inlurrtt tlRTi'on nt tho rnto ol Tun per liltil p"r iin.iiim rrmn Mdirli 2K, 1022: mi'l ror tlio funlior mini of Nlimty-mMi.'i ($!7. mi) Dollnm, toRnthur with Intiirwt llmri'on nl tho rnto of i:ii;ht hit imit pur milium from March 2, 1 32 1. nml tor nllorni'y'n lui'n In tho mim of Twt HiimlrMl Korty ($2o.ooi Dol. Inrn nml for liln cokIh nml rllnljiirnr tilunli In unlit nrtlnn. on tho Third ilny ot Novi'iiihur, 1922, And tho ii'iil pioimrty or llm dnrnndiint h"rn limfliT itpxrrlhcil linvlni, ln-on iluly uml rcitulurly nttnrh"il mid Invlcd upon, nml unld Jmlcminl nrormulil huvlnif onlnri'il nml niljudcinl Hint mild real propurty of tlio ilrfi'iiilant mi ntliii.lii'il im hiirulnnlli-r doncrlliril, Im mild hy tho Hlmrirr nironlliiK to I tnw, for tlio witlr.fni'tlou or k.iIi! ' JllllcllU'llt. now THi:m-:rom:. nmico i Imri'liy i;lvi-n flint I will nn Hm Cth ilny or Jnuunry, i:i23, nt tlio front door or tho court liouno In Kin in nth Knlht In n.ild county nml rtnto. nl 10 o'rlock In thn forenoon of raid ilny. f'll nt puhllr iiui-tlou lo I ho hlKlx'Ht IiIiIiIit, for rh, tim follow Iiik ilincillicil riMl propurty, to-ttlt. Tim HWi of llm HWU of five Hon I.'., tim Hi:1, of tho Hll'i of Hoi lion H; tho Ni;it of the NH'4 ot HiTtlou 21. Hm NW'i, llm HW'.i or llm N'Bli. lh N'4 or inn m.Vi in miction .'-'. llm W'H or llm KWtJ, tlio SWVi or thn 8W'4 or prllnn 20, ' tho .VK'or tho SKi or Heetlon27, tim NKl or llm HWl ol 8c- Hon 22. nil In Townnhlp 37, Houtli. ItntiRo l Kml. W. M. In Klnm.itli County. OrcKon. T.iI.mi nml IntlPiI upon us thn propiTty ot llm nnlil Dulondanl. Chnrlo llorton, or n much tlmroof nn may hi nrrrmmry to aattily tho Jinlgiiii-nl In f.nor of plnlntlff. John H Horn iiRalnat ald dpfemlnnt ClinrlK llorton, wllli Irlnroiit thrro- on, I ori' III it with nil cnata nml din- liurmmmntii that h.io nrcrucil or tuny hcronflur nrnu Dnioil nt Klamath Kails, OrrRon. Ilcriuit'i-r I 1922 I. I. LOW nimrirr Hy III UT II HAWMNf?. Hi puty D r. 13.10.20 J 2 Null Inn III Ina tlio V. Color nml l.iMrn Willi Kiki Ten Ami .Sulphur Whim )ou darken your Int r wlih H,i ko Teu mid Sulphur, mi nuo ran tell, Imi.iiiiki It h doim mi unturiiny, mi evenly. I'rfpailni; thin mlxturo. tlimifili, at home l miiMy and trou I'lomime At lltllo tout you ran buy at any dnm ntara the remly-to-itKO prvpnratlon, Impriniiil by the addi tion or other liiKredlonts tailed Vyeth'H S.iko and llulphur ' om liOuml." You Jimi ilnmpen ii apn'iRo or soft liruuli with It and draw iIiIk tliruur.lt your hulr, luklnR ono mnall ntrnml at a time. Ily mornlm; nil Rray hair illiuppear. ami, nflor an other application or two. your h.ilr beromea boautlfully dnrkonod, Riot y nml luxuriant Orny, (nitiid Inlr, Uionp.lt no dln 'Rnu'C Ik ii hIrii of old iiro nml as wo all dr Iru a youtliful nml attractive .ippparmire. ret bm,y nt onco With Wyoth'u Hnro mid Hut.ihur Compouiul nml limit yriri )iiiirer Adv 12 ' Be Cured to Stay Cured IGUARANTI-n to per inancntly cure your Piles , without cutting, burning,' stitching, tinncsthctlc, con finement or unpleasant nftcrcffects. My patients arc reputsble men and women In every walk cf life to wSom you miy refer about this palnlen, non-turulcal cute. , If you ate a lulfcrcr from riles, lUttula, Hioure or other rectal I dliritir, cU or wtlto today for my TREE booUct. ' Cott of treatmutt returned if 1 , 'fall to cum nur Pile., DR. CimS. J. DEAN INDAKDM0nUI50N POItTLaNafRIXON MENTION TIII3 liAITUWHCM WHITING Expe! impurities with Dr. KING'S PILLS "for constipation EWluHKEI YDUfl GRAY II VvH! . (ijB 9 flm p-Jti " liISj awwsvwwwwwwwvwwwv. .w,vsvwvwwmv a EVENING WANT VOll 8AM-dloy'B hlryrln, llkn now Apply H0f Ori-Hon Av. 23 2. WANTKD lloardi'rn nml roornnri, $u ppr wei'kj tniiln hoard $1 pr 'Iny, ninola 10c. I'lirlnlmiii illmuir r.Oc 1110 J'luo HI Chus Dorrlx. - . 23-30 j WANTI5D A rivn foot allont rhIrn mini flour cno Hlxth Kt H.tk cry. 23if WHAT IIAVI4 VOC itot to trail" for 100 ncro farm InnitPil in llm Imurt or tho Wlllnrnutt" vnlloy. All In IiIkIi Hlnto or ctlllltHtlon. nlimd nt $20,000, want to undo ror Kl.nn ii Hi I'ulla property lloaldenr" nml htiilm-mi, ImlflitT Inn I ii mm pri'fiTrcil Wilint hnvn you Wrlto mo, 10'J Hit I). Hi Indcp'-mli-nra I'olk Co , Oro 23-20 TO M.'ASI-To n reliable tMirty, Ihe T. N Ciio rnmli on Merrill hlKh- wny. inr. ncrrn IrrlRnied. Tlili li n rcul opportunity. Pluro full oTUlpped. iluchlftery. Uitni. Town pi KB ami rlilken Call 120 H 7th. Ken A. I.. Wttliard. phoiiu MR. KOIt KAliK -Klrcl prop nUiilrn Iwy. Imiulro Hi'hUlmrt. 22-2U I'OU HA-Oa china rliwot with Plato kUm inlrrori. 301 Winter Hide. 22-2t. WANTKD TO Kl OW tlio where I about ot lham Colllur. Com munliato with J S Collier, Albu oui'rnuo. Now .Mexico, or with I.. I,, (iar.hancn, Klamath Knit. 22-27 STItAYKD Hay Kllly br.radoil 'l.uiy II. P." on left nhouliler. 2S on left rtirtn. Kinder plcae notify 11. DoURlns Whltollne 21-30 DltKHHMAKI.-it: Your home or mine Call tnorr.ltiK Hatlnfac tlon Ktiar.nitred. I'honn 370, Apt 7. HcIiiih Apt. 21-28 COMIM.KTK LINK of KemlnRton tyjnm rttorn uml mipplliii. 1'aruRon ribbon Carbon papem, olc. .Multl Rntpli Hhop, 12(3 .So. 7th. St. I'hono 118. 20-27 WII.I. PAY 10 pr cpal lutnrcit lor ui" or $500 fur one year Secur ity cuanintcol by tlrrt mortEUKo on 1C0 acres ot laud Addroas A. T. A. rare ot llcr.ild or Inquire at Herald. 20-27 KOIl 8AI.K Drnj; aw. IV, h. p. Reed condition. Ilox 113. Mer rill, Ore. 20-27 1IAIIY CI I IX a C. While IRhorn. from hoiivy laycrn. .Model I'oul try farm. W. C. Hmlth, Prop Corn inc. Cnllt. I) 1K-J 20 cytmrc yourself the. wwy, hmtlnc ty?, un plar n.uconr, tore cl-.oil and ether Oiocracablo rowilu of u cold. Thi- .lmplo ucntm-nt will Lootho lic riu,ihncd. ctruintd throat, hi-1 irritated tlucn and break your cold qulcLly. Why wait uk yoa; dragsist now (cr D&KJNG'S&SSrW -a syrup for coaghs&coUts EVERETT TRUE CEoRae, i fvect.. rn'i;fc a IvIIT pOOt STCVy. fvH4T tNS Op A Ker A COW tvlS ITC CotM ON THIS R041, - y AMD ran f-11311 1 V- I HM V i ii , a wmJ m r- i'i fc Qnp f .VHAT Ms fAiHAT CvA3. THS (H(5N H lTH Q3COf2. CotoR Of IT "5 1 First s-qw opths. Cotn. MeuoR ths , TtS COW, SV&R.cSTT'i FReSCMT ?URposeS. yC ' 7 . ju. 1 7 ffis W m M HERALD ADS i I.OiVr--noi'f hrnacli, I'huiin 107 , Inward. ' , 22-20 IIHIII (IltAim work kIotok nml mil too for "Xinn nt' low prlcon, Jnck Front, ctli Ht, mmr Malm iptf A Mi KlUlW or Mfofev reMlfml. i Jnck Front, (Hi HI., Jtinl off Main. Itf wirrrn i,vauhux niicuK Jlarron-Tnncrod utrnln. Klro yoara of Imraiiltlnijund culling, proper mntlnK nild Can', dlreclrd by expcrl enen nml illllimnri. liavo produretl n InrKo nml VlKoroim itork or oxrellnnl l.iynr. Our clilrks urn (rum our own flork oxilmlU'ly uml will natlnty $'12.60 per 100 flafo arrival cf full count of live. kmukI chirk guaran teed. I.'arly ordfr Imiuro prompt delivery. Mnywood I'oultry I'jrm. Cornlnit, Cnlir ltr , KOIl HAI.B OK TltAUII 1 10 aero I Irrigated ranch six mile from j Klaimlli 1'alln, rloiu to railroad, half I mllo from ncliool. Han barn equip ped ror 25 lioml mllcli cowa rour ! room liouno, $7000 turmn or will i trado rnr city propurty, timber land. n ry janu or mKRins pquipmoni, ah tire 1'. O. Ilox 11C. 12-2C TltlANC.M: CAPK Tho place to Ret KooJ at. OIi:N AM. NIGHT. C33 Main Street. I'hono 021. lilt I'OU ItKNT Kurnlhpd apartment. I.yle Apt., eth and lllch Ht. Ctf KUMMOVS K)ft I'CIH.ICATIO.V i:ully No. i ,-.oi IN THi: CHtClMT COOlW OK THK BTATK OK OHIKION IN AND KOIl KLAMATH COUNTY AMCIJ M. MAltiai:r. I'lalntirt. va. I I'AlHi C. MAIIKI.KY. Donmdant. io i .uii v. .M.iiil,i;v, jjerentl ant; IN THi: NAMK OK THK STATE OK OIlKnON. You ar hereby ro quired lo appear uml anmvor the compiuint on Ilio In tlio above en tltW suit, on or bcloro tlin 2ud dar lor January, 1U23, thai belns tho day I praurlbeil In the, order of tho Court ror tho publication ut thli summon, .ind It you tall lit ho appear and an- bwer. lor want tliuroof thu plaintiff will aJply to tlio court tor tho re lict prayed fur In hi complaint, vlx; for the dliiolutlun of the bondi ot matrimony heretofore and now oiIjUdr hetvtcvn younclt and' tne plaintiff herein, upon tho Rroundi ot dwieriloti by you nt tho plaintiff for more than onu year last pad and Immediately prcccdluR tho llllnR or Ha Id complaint heroin. Thl (ummona Ii sorted upon you by order of publication thereof In tho Klamath Kventnj: Herald, a newspaper printed, published and of Kunoral circulation In tim county of Klamath, Stale ot OrcRos. once each week, for six consecutive anil sue ceslvo weeks, tho first publication thereof belne on tho 21st day ot November, 1322 and tho last publl rnt'on belnc oa the 2nd day of Janu ary iu:j. I iono by order of tho Hon. A. L. iI.e.iMtt. JudRu ot tho above entitled court under dale of order of tho 20th day of November, 1922. Wm. MAIt.V, Attorney for plaintiff. Post Orriro Address, Klamath Kallj, OreRon. No. 3H Wllllta Hide. N 21, 28 1) 5.12.10,2(5 J 2 Christmus bnxos frco with each flvo cirt records. Karl Shepherd Co. is-ta ICSTHAY Strayed, one mnall red helfrcr. sIlKhtly brlndle. branded bar-horc-shoo on left hip Howard for Infor mation lea-lttiK to her recovery. (Irunt Foucli. llocrentlon, Ore, 20-2 By CONDO I "DoU'T KMOWJI IT nVCMX OUT.rirHYHoW, S , MAVG, THG MAM n l-Z GCCNf A1 HGT THB J"GRSf2Y 1 TGCr Hec! CetAl, auo AfHcsrvj IBL4 Kodak (LeayeYour Filtw? before 9 OclocK-Your At- Piafcs am poofs Phgruiafy KLAMATH FALLS OREGON w3 w WK WH&RE PARTICULAR PEOPLC DUY THCR DRUGS I pitjHi-rv I DR. J. G. GOBLE oPT.osnjntiT ornaAN 700 JUIn Bt. Tlione 1II.1-W Vo tit nd grind (lasrei, Dupli cate broke leases, rPlr framei. S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Veterinary Hiinteon Deputy Htnto Velerlnnrlnn S.10 .V. 0th St. rliono rt-I j DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. P. Dalldin PHONE CI DR. H. J. WINTERS Gradunto nm Ktnlo IleRlstcrrtl OPTICIAN Nineteen yearn hero In bmlnnn Prompt Scrvlco 714 Main Street CHIROPRACTORS nits. MALLirrr st.Li.nrr Offlco over Undrrtvooir 7th &. Main Phono BS3-J NEW CITY LAUNDRYl rinHhrd Work Hat Work IUioRb Dry "Pot loar Dads la Ob Bos' PHONK irvt Oorscv Main aod 0afr ;t Kodak Finishing Films received before 9 A. M. Ready( the same day at 5 P. M. Mall orders filled promptly STAR DRUG CO. Bth. & Main St. Any brcakltiR out nt ykln Irrita tion on fiire, neck or body Is over come quicken by applyliiR Montbo Sulphur, say a noted skin special ist llecauso ot Its Rerm destroying proiorttcs, notliliiK ha ever been found to lake tho plaeo of ot thl sulphur preparation that instantly briiiR 0.10 from the ItchlnR, burn Iiir and irritation. Meiilho-yiilpliur heals eczomu rlrht up, iPnvlnR thn kln clear nml Kmcotli. It seldom falls to rellovo tho tprmont or dlsflKUromont. A little Jar of Howies Mentho-Sulphur may be obtAlnod nl any ilruR storo. It Is used llko cold cronm Adv. No 7. , (W.Ml'IIOK HVIHtASTIS n.i: Koit seiti: r.vi:s It I Riirprlalns hw QUICK eo In flammation It hulped by camphor. hyilrnatiR, .wltchluuul, etc., n mixed In I.nxoptlk oyo wash. Ono lady whose- eyes wro wonk and watery for threo year wni helped AT ONCH Another c.isu ot red, Iti'lmncd oyes Mas also benefitted Ono smull bat Ho Lnvoptlk tuunliy nolpa A. N't OASC eoni, weak or Inflamecl eyes. Alum; Inum uyopup KHKK. U'liltman Druij CiiV-Adr; At. 4- ' KLAMATH TIRE",' HOUSE ' v on Gasoline Corner II. II. C.U.U1XS, l'ropilelor Kticrrors to tluii lies' Plaea Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Vulcanizinc and Repair Work New Stock of Tires and Tubes SULPHUR IS 1ST' TO CLEAR UP UGLY, BROKENQUTSKIN 1 mn? Work r eady at 6 TJ DR. F. R. GODDARD OHTKPOATIIIO niTBlClAN AND tJCltnr.ON Otlce and ItMldenc) Phone HI I. O. O. V. TKMPIJ1 KInmnth Falls Plumbtnr & Heating Co. J. B. ti.aiON, Prop. 4th A Pine BU Phmoao D15-R r MAGNECOIL A iiinftnetlr trentmrnt to bo iimiI In jour home. It linndlrM rlieumnllm netl rllN nittimn, kidney ami Ihpr tnmblii nml many other rhonta illirmtrn rlnimeil to bo Incurable. I villi tiill on oii or you can ev mo at HH N. .'lnl Ht. Phono no:t-.I. N. SARTER Free Demonstrations I. O. O. F. Prosperity Ilrbekah, 104 j meet PI rat and Third Thursdays Ewauna Hncampment 40, meets each Tuewlay Klamath Ixxljte 137 sooets eeh Krlda, Wh You Have en Dirty uiouies It you will call tho Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th St. Phono 673-W Tho j will wash, darn, Iron and return to you. Klamath FaUVs, ON, J. C. CLEGHORN CIVIL EXGWEKR AMD BtmVKYOH Phone 10S-I 1S8 8. KlwrtMa VAX'S Cl.HAXIXn HIMIVICK l'lioiio 517-J HotifO, filorc, Office, Clilmney, Stovo uml Window C'lritnlnj;, Clounlnu ros with vncuum cleaner. r , . B. P. O. E. 1247 Meetings eery Thurnilny H ji. nt. VAkt Trmplo, ror. Uril nml .Main ,St. VixltlnK I'.lks wel come. :. PRINTING Drummond Print Shop 115 N. 4th. WOOD Our lllotk Wood U dry. Direct from chute, SH..10 ror lurco load. Kbih Wood N dry mid nil forgo nr hruter. .v 'A m' Phone 503-W E. la1' FRENCH t- ''.!- notic1 i.4' itaKfcW .. oivrn P35 UVW ltC.to?ACv , tiat -TUi: ttiAt7Ni:(tailit' ' hcrotoforp and now exIstlnK between Jt J. liar, (Alobsu ltny. WV. A.' Itay and Oltou Itay under tlio Htjlu and firm niuno of J J ltny ami Hon uml doing budlUu.iB near Kirk, Klamath County, Oreson, Ih thl day hereby , dissolved by mutual consent, and Ol 1 ton Ilny, onu of I ho said co-partner hereby aums nnd ncroei to )Vty all ot tlio said co-partnership la . ilolitoJiiDiseo. ' DATKl) this 10th dny uf Ikwdm ,ber. 1SI22. h J. HAY. ft AI.0N55O, nY.r ' W A.Wi V r - or,TONTfAft ,I)16-2T-JS-. lV ft VI VI I . ,,l t.iiC ii ii r-ii'i '- .J)' s., mii"fi