The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 26, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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V-1ll? Wi
Af, ,cl.
-fti-H-MJttwjkftifjr fcMA H 4C
. ,.! u-mcmimv, .uuci:num.W.Ji',J3
-f-j t ;f trt
the Evnin Herald
r. K. SOtTUB. ,MMor r-iMtoher
n. n. mx. .'.. ......, ,atjr mk
VnCX H10XUQ .Mrem- MAaa-re
latlto(d daily axcept Sunday, at
Tk Hartld Ffibtlihlag Company o( '
KlamathTa!!., I1U Eighth atraat,;
Batarad at he postoffle. at Klam
ath ,ralU, Ore., for trr.ns-airilon '.
tkroBgh the mall ai lecond-claM ,
aatUr. '
, .n) Aaaoetated,PreM U axelutdv.
irtUhjd'fo'thViua for pttbllca-j
published herein,
Copy for display advertising must
he In this otflco not later than 3
p.m. on tho day preceding publica
tion In order to be Inserted In tho
Issue of tho paper of the next Jay.
Want ads and reading notices will
he received up to 12 noon on the
day- of Issue.
Hernia PablUhlng Corapaay.
tlofljaf all fllapatches credited
this paper,"and also the local news'
i2aiicxi-ij j
Semi-Annuril Sftlc -ji i
I ' Pnttfi-n Hnts W 1 ,
--t- t - -
H il 1 ; f V ..
Letters from the People
Vi n r a i ran i-ifii"riiinii-anniiri srinrii-riraiririri
Personal Mention
Ned O'Connor w.n a county sent
visitor hero over tho week-end from
his home near Merrill.
i Paul Foster was In town over
Christmas visiting his sister, Mrs. AL
fred Collier.
UT of the muck et senseless
rcrcscullon launched by the Ku
Klin Klan against those cf creed
and color that the telf-cxaltcd
"Americanism" of tho klansmcn has
stalled out for oppression, a flower
of good Is growing.
Day by day the Intolerance, bigo
try and Ignorance of tho klan Is
Seattle, Wash, Dec. 22. 1923.
Killtor Evening Herald,
Klamath Palls, Ore.
Dear Sir May I express tho grat
ification myself and organisation
I I felt In tho satisfactory termination ' nay Harlan Is homo from Eugene .
..-or tho controversy over tho lengni for tho holidays. He Is n Junior
of the work day In your city and at ho university of Oregon. ,
vicinity, and take this occasion to
thank you for your attitude during Dr "hn Sawyer, of Ashland,
thu frlkft' ' herc for n ,,r,pf vl" w"h her sis-!
We hare always felt
that the ,rr' A,!, J- "'""'r and family.
Maggie Webber, Plaintiff vs Mat
I lay no j, nml unknown heirs nt
Mnt llnyiic", It ho bo deceased;
Elisabeth lliiynes, J, It. (1. Ituynen
and Hnynes, Ids wife; 1' II.
Uaynes and Elisabeth Hnynes, liU
wife; Sarah J. Jny nml Earn Jny,
her husband; t!nco (Irlftllh nm!
Hleplion (Irlfflth, her husband; A
U. I), Ilu'soy and II. U. llusi()y,
. her hunt).-ml, l.mtlo Purdy nml
Walter Purdy, liter husband; Mary
If. Roys and Arthur Komi, her
husband,, nml nil unknown heirs of
thu above named imrllos, If nny
of them bo deceased; lloburt Cim'
ey mid Susie II. Casey, his wife;
nml nlso all other persons un
known claiming any right, title,
Interest, Urn or estntu In nml to
tho real property described In thu
complaint herein, Defendant.
To Mat Hnjnes, urn! unknown heirs
of Mnt llnnes, It liu bo deceased,
KlUabeth Hnyues, J. It. (I
Hnynes and Hnyues. his
wife; 1'. 11. Hnyues and Clltabeth
Hnynes, his wife; Snrnh J. Jay
and Esra Jay. her husband, (Imco
(Irlfflth nml Stephen (Irlfflth, her
husband; A. C 1), llussoy nml 11
0. Ilussey, her husband, Kunuio
Purdy nnd Walter Purdy, her hus
band; Mary II. ltoso nnd Arthur
Hoyse, her husbuml, nnd all ut
knonn heirs of tho nbovn named
parties, If nny of them be deceas
ed; Kobcrt Cnsey and Suslo V.
Casey, his wife; nml nl-o till other
persons unknown claiming nny
right, title. Interest, lieu or es
t.ito In nml to the real property de
scribed In tho complaint herein,
Beauty Bombed
good cltlxcna of Klamath Falls were Theodore N. Case was In town
more man inir anu nn more man mis morning from his ranch on the OK OUECON' You am herehv r
an ordinary amount of patience Merrill road attending to matters of (Wired to appear In the above enllt
whllo canltal and labor contended business led court and cause nnd there answer
showing It as utterly un-American ' h. nPnlM,.nn. ,h., .
while those that It would persecute. ' cncouragcment durnR thal try.
fnrl tn rillv In nn lnrnalra nA
over the profits of tho Industry. To
these cltlxcna as well as to each of
' .. . , . , -,i Ing time. I deslro to express
fense of thrlr principles, arc dls-1 . , . ....
Playing such true Americanism that ,Q,,n"! OI ,T orn'""on
ih. ,rir nn i,m i. rnn..r I mroU and trust the future will see
of ,lt. own weight, and eventually , ,ronK,,r nntl ra"e unl,'tl cl,licn
must de-troy the attackers.
How the nnglo-snxon Christianity ,
ry In your community, as It well deserves.
Avnln ffcanbfn TKa llnrnl.t tnw
. .,.. -.. ,M.KKA.AK. ,. m.-. --O .. .Mf, MW ..v.w...
at it. poor tarnished worth by the , fa,rnc'8 ,0 ,t,hc ra b" w "f"
wor'd. of a Jewa race that tne ""'on nd complimenting It. editor-
Klah singled out for persecution-1 ,',,UK '.r iXt, Into the
llabbl do Sola Pool-you would I r,f,?1 ,-nd tru,t nB ,ho Now Mr
never know hy tho name that lie V" v f uu,u,u'' uul vvt
wa a simon-pure Amorlcan la
lissft If not by birth of the Spsn-Ish-Portuguose
synagogue at Whsh-
Tn four paragraph, below this .
parents, returning home
night's train.
on Inst
and happiness to you, I am,
Sincerely yours,
President International Union of
Jewish rabbi expresses not only the
real contsltutlonal Americanism of
the men who founded America, but
Dy virtue of an execution duly Is-
.he breathes a spirit of tolerance ',1 tyx the Clerk 6f tho Circuit
thafc emuiatcd' ly the Christian and ,0.u,rt f 'the Coun.,'"J i51,mn.,h'
the gentile wouli make this land as ot December. 1922. In a certain ac
great and a. Jmpregnablo as ourtlon In the Circuit Court for the said
forefather, dreamod It would fe. County and State, wherein the Dank
Standing upon his rights, estab- ?.fDo,nBn,M- cortonUon. as plaln
nh..i nn,t m.,in ,.n i, ih. w.i, "" 'and wherein John S. Horn Is
llshed nnd mado certain by the writ- lho MllnCo of judgment), recover-
ton constitution of the United ' e.d Judgment against I. E. Kllgore
' States, without Infringing upon tho add Klamath Livestock Mortgage
right of any other American, Rabbi I Ln Company, a corporation, a. de-
am,. !ai h ,1,1. .niAi4 a fendants, for tho sum of Two Thous
do Sola Iool made th s splendid do-. and (,2000.0o) Dollars, together
fense of his Americanism and .how- Wtj, interest thereon at Ten per cent
, cd his splendid faith In tbo ultimate per annum from Juno 10, 1921 un
tlrumph cf the orderly processes tn P'd. and attorney's fees In tho
of American law and Justice' UM of Tw0 """dred ($200.00) Dol-
or American jaw and justice. ,arg M(, for l4 cogU nnd dlbur8e.
A Jew., vil.o have throng!.. meatl on tho 21tn daJP ot March
w-a-t. , vNf s-,-4s am aaas. at lvZ
in America
scrvrtl nml lover Aiuencii, Me
M-ora to defend ouit'1iii from
the religious bigotry of the Ku
KIbx Klan.
But a. American rillxeus ho
tally to n man to the defence
of, our country against thoo
who would undennlito the basic
principles of liberty, equality
Ad Jtistiro on wliUli HiIs republic
is reared.
As cltlxrn. p hold fnnf to
our ronstlutiotial Ruaruntii-t of
doe procfM of law, public trial
by nn impnrllnl Jury nml llm
!rf)hlhltlon of cruel ami un
HMinl punlkhmentN.
It is a citizen-, nml not ns
Jew. Unit un maintain the right
of, all persona, born or natural
Irrri in (he Unltril finite, to
their right or rltlenililp4 lire.
pert I vi of rac or rotor.
Notice Is hereby given that I will
on tho Sth day ot January, 1923,
at tho front door ot tho court house
, In Klamath Falls, In said County and
I State, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon
of said day, sell at public auction to
tho highest bidder for cash, tho fol
lowing described real property, to
wit: Tho NW4 of tho SWVt Section
' 27. tho X of tho S',4 and tho
BW of tho HWK flection 28;
, the SE'A of tho SKU Section 29;
and tho NK'4'nf the NEK Sec
Hon 32: nil In Tonnshlu An
' South of llanro 1 i East of Wil
lamette Meridian In Klnmnth
County, Oregon, containing 320
acres; also
The EVi of tho SWU of Sce
ilon 27; tho E of tho NEVi of
Section 33; and the NWi of
Section 34; all In Township 40
South of Range H',4 East of Wll-
. laraette Meridian In Klumath
County, Oregon, containing 320
l,nM. iitki.. . ....J..".- ' P' """' Uiuil un llic
-rami,..! ,Tw .!.. , ,ure"B""' property of tho said defendant, I. B.
branded bar-W on left shoulder. I Kdirnrn , . ,,im, n,arnnt ... n,n
.ll., 1 .-.....,-. -...... ,..vw. ..- ...-,
tho complaint of tho plaintiff on file
Olenn Parker and Pat Parker, ne- horoln ngnlnst )oii within ten days
......I,,! ,, ,, ,. ,.,. ,,,.. from the date of the senlco of this
companled Mr. nnd Mrs. James Drls- 8ummon, upon you ,t,rvcil ,
coll. went to niy on Saturday to be Klamath County. Oregon, If served
with their parents over Christmas within nny other county of tho Stnto
ot Oregon, then within twenty lns
Earl and Clnud Smith spent from tho dato of tho sonlre of this
Christmas In Orants Pnss with their Summon, upon you, or If sorted by
puoiirnnon or out ot ttio statu or
i Oregon after nn order of publlcn
tlon, thon on or before thu last dny
... .,. ,,, , ,. ... . prescribed In snid order for tho pub
Miss Alice Miller left this morning Hcatlon of said summons,
for Oakland, California, whero she, And you and each of ou will
will lslt with friends and relatlrci hereby take notice that If you fall
for the next wcok, or 10 days. I, ,0 appear and answer for wnnt
thereof, the plulntltf wilt upply tn
Mr and Mrs. R. C. Oroesbeck nnd no aboto entitled court for the re
children spent Christmas with Mr '' demanded In the Complaint, a
. i ... n.... m--.,.- .. ... .ucclnct atntetnent of which I- ns
and Mr.. Burr Westbrook on the felaws: For a decree ot tho Court
latter, farm near Merrill. declaring plaintiff to bo tho owner
.In fee .Implo of tho hereinafter do-
Miss Mame Sullivan nrrhod here scribed renl property, and non of
Saturday night from Rosovlllc, Cnll- the nbovu uamo.l defendants liu
fornln. and will be hero for tho next an' clalm. ,r,'nl- t,"o or Interest
nnuiauuilT ill ur 10 me lOlinninK oe
iiniiis will Im slnrlfd nnd lliu wn-
tn,. on ttio 1'iwtir ItiM'ln will nn pump
ed mil. I'oreuiiili Hen Mniutuliiuttl
lum I'lininn i'l l' work.
v' i . i-. - .
To ilnlii they have rtfpii,lrell "tin
fool, leaving M) feet )td In rlonr
mill roiuilr t'oiislduriiblo emth nml
imiii Iron tnlM had In ho nuntnt'it
diirliig tlu progti'-s of the work. (.()m ,,0jv luindiM' liidiisliy em
Aeon id I iik to mine ifflclnli Ihe, ,,)yH 4,210 men
flro hut tied tho shaft rrniii thn S.ftOO
fool level to thu 51, 3 (10 fool level.
IHh tOvlfl tliiiburs nro helnit used
in the letliiiberltiK work.
WliH lliu slmft' In ropiiltol, the, toimlrn hern, , , ,
Hlirlngfleld Mnnnlulii Hlntei
I'owur rnnip,iny Hpcmllu: l.aoo nn
I crtn ftirnich Trnppcra willi tlii nccut for n
chort time only, no the ntuount is limited.
Thin ftccnt is tho one used successfully on tho
Lithe County Desert. Tb- price in One Dollnr per
ounce, prcpnitl. Comes in one, two nnd
three ounce bottles.
113 Notth Fourth Street
A bomb, which she says was
carelessly placed In too close prox
Imlty to her pulchrltudo and ncr--nus
systrm, has caused Harriet
Hammond, former bathing lcauty.
to suo tho l'ox Vnii(!clllo Co. for
IHi.000. Tho beauty charges that
Injuries received when Iwrnb ix
plodcl will prevent her from ap
pearing In such attire as above.
JACKSON. Oil IHc 28 Rapid
tirnisreas is lielac mule liv wnrWiii-n
row oa)s visiting with Her sister, Bcrlbpcl prcmiies, sltunted In Klnm- w' ro retiml.ering tho Ari.naiit
Ml in Kllt.ibeth Snlllvnn. n,l. -,..,. o.. , . . . . ... . ..
..... luunij, . ui wiruii, n-mi mire uere, wo . .as snopi n i'ri'
no esi one-nail t ".j I oi me
Southwell iiuartcr of Section 33,
nnd thu Knit oue-lmlt ( Vj ) and
tho KouthVest iuarter of tho
Southeast iiuartcr ot Section 32;
Township 39 South Itunga 1 1 '.i
East of tho Willamette Meridian.
Containing 2U0 acres. Excepting
therefrom the canal right of way
That tho defondnntH nnd ejeh of
Miss Elisabeth Sullivan.
Miss Ellen McVeigh Is spending
tho holidays with her mother, Mrs.
.V. J. Rogue at thelr ranch homo
south of Merrill. Miss McVeigh Is a
senior at tho IlnUcrslty of Oregon.
mire here
last August with hiavy less of life
Men started Oct IK to ilenr awny
tho debris and to retlmhcr the 'mine.
When you buy Crntor Lnkc Butter you
net fresh butter mnde every dny. We have
no storage butter.
Remember we still mnltc ice crenm.
i i
Just the thing for your lodfjc supper or so
cial function.
Phone your order to us. Wr. deliver
. s
free of charge.
Klamath Falls Creamery
Tho Junior Elks aro giving a bnll
tomorrow- night at the Elks Tem
ple. Former students and alumni , thorn, nnd any other person or per
of tho Klamath county high school ??n" e'ln'lfK. by, through, or under
,, .n,i,n i.i..i ,n"n or either of any of them, ho
aro especially Invited. forovcr barred nnd enjoined from as-
u. - f. pi,.,., n-i . -., i sorting nny claim whntsoetor to
Mr. and Mrs. Chester DeUp and M(J ,lrem,., or nny ,,Brt hcreof
family spent ChrlstmaB In town from adverse to this plaintiff, nnd fnroter
their Round Inkn ranch, visiting quieting said tltlit In the plaintiff
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. It. nnd 'or such other icllof as the
n., court may deom proper. This sum-
uewp' mons Is published In the Klamath
Mies Paulino Cliff Is back at work ' lf;h?fiTF' "?, ?l
......... , , , ,. Klamath Falls, Oregon, pursuant to
In tho First National bank aftor a , 0ricr of jnn. A , .,.aVtt.
brief vacation spent with Mr. uudJudgu of said Court, mnde on thu
Mrs. Llndscy Slsemoro at Fort . 2h day of November. 1922.
Kinmntii T,1 ,,:ie f first publication being
""""""' on tho 28th day of November. 1922
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Hanka and , f"!1 the "'the lust publication
,, ... i, x '., ,.' being on tho 9th day of January,
Mr. nnd Mrs. I). N. Clemmens loft 1923
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address: 107 .Main
street, Mcilford. Oregon.
N 28 II r,,12.19.20 J 2.9 ,
Our Q
im:i'i:mii:nt mkkeu's
426 Main St
Klairmth Fnlls, Oregon
Struyod to my ulam nlmut t. I
month afeo, ono chestnut saddle i
Orant Foueh,
Recreation. Ore.
- Jap Ambassado
Wt ."- f3$ W3m'
be necessary to satisfy said Judg
ment In favor ot Rank of Donanxa,
(John 6. Horn, assignee ot Judg
ment), against said I, E, Kllgoro
and said Klamath Live-lock Mort
gage Loan Company, a corporation,
defendants rlth Interest thereon to-
i gether with all costs and disburse
ments that have accrued or may
I hereafter accruo.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
1 December 4, 1923.
1 I, h. LOW. Sheriff.
1 . .. .. Deputy. .
D S.12.18.2C J 2 .
1 v
ll'urllier DlHcumlori ,of
ll- Unit Tomnrrott-. Xoiin
Further illhi'iisslon1 of Ihe lumber
Inil.Nitry will bo had at llm rlmmber
of enmmcret) forum tomorrow noon
when prominent local lumbermen
will speak. The mule miartet will
, bo a feature of the luncheon.
n-vu -iinatehe. announce the
Appointment , of .Foreign Minister
Hanlhar (shovrt above) aa -.Japa-
?7.. .tmmmAar to .this COUntrT.
lbtwlU aMed Ambassador SblUe-'
CiriOAOO, Dec. 2C vAttorneys
ure preparing for appljcutlnn In Del
aware for a chatter for tho now
1160,000,000 Armour rorpnranon
to absorb tho Morris Jntoresls,
this morning for l',d whero
they will spend tho next weeks on
n combined business nnd pleasure
Mr. and Mrs, Roderick Smith left
this morning for California expert
Inn to bo nway for thu next two or
threo months. 'Ilofore returning
home they will visit relatives In Kansas.
Mrs. Twyla Ferguson was a pas-
eengur on thu morning Irnln bound ' ro'1 SAKE Six good rows, to
1,. o.i.,n ,!,, .i, uin ...!...: freshen within two weeks. Ouo
.... .x... .m..u ..., x.. ..... , x;0 ,7 u ,uvaI 8,.pnrtttor W,,
We are always glad to deliver phone
I orders and collect at your residence $e
5 H it
maintain our own aenvery system ana-can
furnish you service unequalled in the cityl
j FOR RENT Four room modern
houso furnished, garago. Immlro
' 012 N. Jth St. 20-27
convention of county superintend
cnts. Later shu will go on to Port
land to the toachorn' convention.
i motor attachment Ono
1 -horse
General Electric motor. E. i
, French, 330 I) road, phono i03-W
Carl Nowhury has arrived homo
from Eugene for tho purpose ofH),U HAM, Onq good family cow.
.. ", . A ,., , , ,, I Jorioy, good milker nml gentle,
spending tho holidays with his moth- w)n Uo 'fresh In miiplu or weeks
or. Mrs. W.' A, Jones. He will also Imjulrn -Mra. (Irunt I'outh, ahovo
aorvc us host man at his brother's Westsldo School. 26-2
wedding, which will bo an ovent of v,,,., u , , ,. ,,.,.' , . Z i
, ,, , rOR SALE Extra fancy Newtown
tomorrow. Mrs. I.uwreuco Malinf-, api)le3 $i(OU ,)er ,)()X wrapped
ley is into nero irom uauiornia to in paper 11. mi, ul-o hoiiio iluu pop.
nttena tue weauing
lr. and Mrs. U,. I), Marteusen left
this morning an a trip that will carry
them to Europe before they return
next spring. They'iwlll visit Itnl)
first, then Frame and England. Tint
lumberman nald he would be back In
tltno forfflfyuenliigof the Pelican
liny tomiflny'if,,I23 oiierntlous.
Rfarch 15,
I ,nrti ,il fi.. iif II W f),,..nt.
o.ihush, Dnx 101, Talent, Oregon,
2C 23"
FOR SALE 320 acres, 25 aires cul
tivated, hum, dwelling, good well,
and other ImprnvonmiitH. Imjulre 0,
W. Williams, A'lKomn. Oro. 20-0
(iOOl) SUJEPINi'.iRoom, 1151 Pine.
Ono blocl;. from Whllu I'ollrnii
1 Hold " .'' 20-2-
rirth RFrnnn
1 Dee. 20,-
IM'RKE-'At Klnmiith Falls. Dec- "Id Follow
ember 25. 1022. to Mr. and Mrs.i E'. 2C-
P. V. Ilurke. n duughior; weight I tree mid
ChrlHtmuH tree ut
-Mooeo Chrlutiiiiis
enlortnlnmont for
0 niiumlH. uiinied fiitlinillin Jfiim. I (hllllreil Of city.
ia Dee. 27. Junior Elka duiun.
O, E. K, .NOTICE J !Jec. 27. Clianihor of com-
Itegulur meeting of Aloha chap-. 4 murtn Forum, I
ter;-No. 81. OE. H., Tuesday eyen U i)e(i 2. Dahcn at Vlilte
lug Decemhor 2C, 7:J0 p m. Inltla- Vl,Xien Hotel
tlon. Visitors wolcomo, Ry order ' 0,rnn ""?' .
of Edith Delzcll, W. M. 20 ,
Fancy Chocolate Candy, pofind - 2Co
Faiiry Plain Mixed Candy, pound ... '- ana
F.inty Applej. pound 0Co
Six liirgn Sticks Fancy Candy ... 25e
Fnncy Miirshiuiillows, pound I0e
Fancy Salted Peanuts, pound - 25c
Fancy Dried Peaches, pound - 25c
Fancy liuluin Prunes, pound 15o
Fancy Frencn mes, pound 15c
Fanry Scdleiu .,u..lus, pound t. ..18c
Flvo poiinili Fancy Chocolate $l.t0
Five pound Fancy ('neon "f I .'")
Extra Fancy Hulk Coffee, pound 35n
Fnncy Plcnlni, 11011ml 20e
(V -mid IIuiiih -. r 3lo
Cascude llaam 15c
Funry White Figs, pound 25o
Fancy Dried Apples, pound .' , 20a
Extra Fancy Dates, pound 25n
Ton pounds Cunrndo I.anl $1.00
Fancy Notlcd (loin Potatoes, per ewt. . ..$1.26
Large can Fanby I:nrlita , -lie
Thro pniiuiU Fancy Olngor Snaps - 50c
Tliruii pnunilM Fauuv Mixed Conkleu G5e
Three pquuda Extru Fdne Assorted Cookies $1.00
t '.t-piiiliiil hurt (iraham Crackers
art-pti-ini- iiox Hnowi Flaiifn
fiiu'ili parkagu Ornluim Q'uckerH
Largo package flruhsin Craclceia
iVi-pouim nox tinnw I'UfKca
i.urge p.icunge Hotv I'miuh
... loo
. 25o
. . 46c
l..tigc package fludn ("rarl'.ord . ... ,.,.
Siinill p.ickngo Snow I'lukbs
'IVii pound rack Wheat Heat tit
Ton-pound Hick Corn Meal .
Ton-pound sack Puucnke Flour . .
Tmi-pounil sack I'uro lliickwheat Flour
Rolled Oats, mick
Two largo Roll Toilet Paper
Fancy Red Potatoes, per 1 00 pound ...
Largo cihi Ripe OllvfH
Twelve oiiiinh Hoy a I Unking Powder .. .
-",i pounds I loyal linking Powder . ...
Five pounds Royal linking Powdor .. ..
Ten iioii'uIh Cimout lialtlnn I'owdur ....
Largo can Fancy Hominy
Pom, con
Twohu-outico ur Jlly or Jam
nimin nr aeiiy or Jam ..J-,..V
Tlelvn himill limeM Mnteliau 7rv
Ono pound Trott fl'n.i ,Ui ,i-'it;,i;..i.. .
Half iioiimi Tree Tea
Oiie-puiind pciikngn Hiiniuulil Suednd Ralalnj
iinn-poumi piiikuku Mtinitiiilil KeeillefH ltalHi
Oiul pllijlyM,.L II! (.'offiia.
Largo can AprlfotM 1,w V
L.UK11 ran Sliced Pllieapplo .
.16 liars Loniix Honp .,
116 hiira Luna Whllu Hoap
-jJWi.AVJjUu Soap
f v f p
Fancy Fresh Local Eggs
Per Doz. 50c
We Handle No Eggs Except Local Fresh Eggs.
"" "uvnra
" "s&tsur a-- v.r.s,Ar -