:. ' 1 i'nhrmlly Library Cowv X ' ' Km lie, Omkiiii 49HB& ''& WJ WEATHER FORECAST 'Kj.vidin , jii wkilvl-hiiav. Mvmift OFFICIAL PAPERO KLAMATH COUNTY AND OF KLAMATH FALLS HA IN, WI.MlS, HTIIONll HOL'TIII-'IILV ak &&Q dfc &JsE.M hap JB r Hl Hli Vi-niv Xii, unit! K WESTS Farmer to Revert! Nmncs of Men Who Kidnaped Five nnd Murdered Two iiAiriMoitn. iw 20 . (liivitrnnr Pnrker, of Louisiana, 4 ' him asked for lint arrest of Dr. ! II. McKoln, former mayor nf ' Morrougit. m., on n murder chnrgo. Mi-Kolu U nltondlni; ' John Hopkliin university. , IIAHTItOP. !... I)c. 20. Thn stale will hit itbln III iHitnlillah llin Iden tity of several member of the initikiul mull which lint, Auguil Ultl impnd flvn MerrntiKn rrIi1n la. In cluding Vill Daniel Mini, TIioiiim uiciinru. wnosn nouios were loiiini i inn ween, iiitrnusauirn smiii iimny. Hocrft rrrlr,i men said tse Iden- tlflcntlnn would Im made hy a funic it. nliniii luimn In nvnr Oakrlituf. ........ ... .Munoiuum aruii. imy hiiui no i tnlil them ho wltmDi thn milinro ' nml pplrllliiK nny of tho iiilntelt otiil riroRtilrcit puniu or thn nh-, iliiclor. ilovcrnor I'flrkir h;i oriler-l lh hinrliiK to Mart hr.4 J.n.i.ri- 0. I Hit Arn-.t Mmlo T. J. Iiiirni'll or Hi)ker, l.a.. Im hei-n nrrMlnl on n miirilrr charK In rnnnmlim with thn itontlm. Thn urri'Pt l liolleviM tho rumrunner of ninny iiinro. lliirnctt In n fiirmor ilrimty plivrllf. Mnrhlno Riiiu hntro Ih-ii innlllit H (Hi Hid Jiill, ii ml llumn ivrrttittHl Mill fnro oMn li.irliiK unlcroil hy thu iillnrnoy Kdiurul iimlvr lh Kitnril or (lulu trooiwi. , .. An IniiutHt wnn romlncti'it huhlnil MIKJIKR i killings: rlurit ijoam t .Miir Itntifm ovj; Ihv Wnllipj n fritk;i . JtuBjnf r.lMf, In 't'OiIli'd'rnil iii hy I..ikn l.n liiirelie'(';t worGihXji nt tho rr of the nflrr unlitcntltleil ilynoinltorn Imil nmilo nn fffort to ri'inovo thi'tii frum lhilr ttiitory nrvn or runr inonlhi. Mrn WVnt I'lnuut'il Now Orli'iniH iintholuelitii tn:i ilncti'il nn nutnpiy to ilntonnlno how tin; ini'ii riiini' In thnlr (kallni, niut iltflnrinl tho oxHinlnntloii rovaliil tluit tho men Imil hwn (IohkihI nnd Minn hoiuw hrokili Ix-furo IIih' illtl. Tho ImiiIIm wcro tnrncil ovor to rulutlvin mill frit-tula. Tho dotnl men with inciiihrrH nf f.iinllltM lin wora i(ini-cin In Uilii purlnli. nml thnlr ii(iiiuliit.nnnfihli In tiiiinhi-roil hy I tin luiii'lrril. Oiilhrt-iik i:t'iful, .Mnny hnllnve thn mirrcmler or thn hmlloH to thn kin nml tbn ili-i'srluro or thu trooni inny l.lndli) Ihn nut lironk hutwctn tho honllln ramim RU-ntoil nt Mor ItoiiKo nlnro Ihn Anr.iul kldnuiliiK. Troiihlu Hturluil In Murehoiuo hut Kiiininiir. whon nn nllt-Ki'd iiltoniit wint iiiuclo to nnnnpliiiilo Dr. II. M. .McKoln, ronniT mnyor or Mor lt(jiii;i'. BERNHARDT RECOVERS Nnli'it AiIii'oh tlirtli'it In Kuiliii' D.iiiUi'i'oiii. Atlnik I'AltlH, Doc. 20.--lnriih Itu'rn hurdt'N coiiilltlon MuiwimI fnrthor linproii'inint toiluy. I'hynlvljiiH ,ini tlmy luntiitlviily coiiHlilort'il her out or ilununr, mul Hint If hnr ronuirlt nhlu roenvory nmtlnuml ho mlicht r.llll iiiK-iir In tho now pluy ilmlui; II lolll'IIIHIll or Which Hint WllH ROlX- oil with rulnlliiK Himlln ucvurnl ilays nt:o. WtlATIIDIt PltOII.WSIUTIIIH Tho Cycln-.Stonniieniph a L lin- woijij-i, iVnirnuuiy luiil i c;;itrvil u1uw1k. .rnll I nit V3 iii8ilC,v, ryi -.tkp-.ii " ' w ivSrouW N'iil,Ta ' i-riii in t;iiiio.,.i it ilocl Imt fu tltlco 'h'oilfi. 'HHsllt. 1 foil" rliiidUKiim' wilt pruvall whllo tho mil cqiiIIuuoi, lrore'i(it (or'ltt'Xt 2 I llOIII'H! 7 aCWW ftS Mtorm hrowliii; to thn south, t'liiiutlled wuiithor with ruin or minw tonliiul. Tho TyeoH lecordlUK lluuiuiiino-l(ti- roKlKlored iiiiinIiuuiii nml -minimum louiporntiiieai loJny, iih fol lows; Hllili 40 Low Ill Dog Loved Him tt'Mi Willi Mr .I..r . m,l roIp.inlun.!,'l,V:,J"'l'ff"miH'Wlr"y il oIkui nar-..i, jhnn,. Mlir i hI- SoukW ror wrre wevhn step: M Klxttiitciried i I lift roof, of N.lf'nWI ',8f llW ,0WSr ColMH,bht i a.. i i v. i . 1 1. ' ,llref I'Iwy to no hi out tho hy HI Mhool chuiilt. ,.,,j L. lt ..... ,,.. v. ,...... tvter Milks utl York tenement rood offered III falhrr u-i. liii.,.i .... i... .... ..." . . .. ""' "" "",,r mnnmr uweitiil him fn,r clvlnr hlin J5 Xnw, aril for hy tho lilMrn fl'. Johnny u rriv. iliu rroin pxpneurr. THIPP MAIrrc iiaiii ' '11L1 MKES HAUL AT SADDLERY SHOP OF CONNOLLY BROS. f.'i.mfM Viilm.l nt AiiiiilBmti'ly ?7A Slu'wij l'iii,irIniN IinIUxiJi'iI liny nr Hnuill .Mini A tfilcr iNtt) Hnnilny niirrol ((. nolly llroilMni wililli.ry. t MB, mill rmiir,t rih vBui, t ahtiMt I"" irniiii- wn ctllioil hy "'i'MIiik i oftijirlnu nwir Mih 1h w inillniiMl tmt im tklof u-a clihor h hoy or n very urn ill mmi Tin- followiHK tfta woro taken, Bor.tlH(? tn lh lift rurtililu.l h jolli hy A. J. CtoHnelly: Cirklii tmt, with Urt- yeimw ..uiiuna, imm KIKIMl 3K. On 'Ir Hi.. I . 8. ihoJdI. Oni. pair of '.'ro ki-ll spurn, $ller monntiiil 0 li.iir Wlnu rpurs, talHtl "M M " TIjw p-uteos niI thro. iMthor fiirr. Two rwku.fcflhM. oh IlKhl v)iIlnw milt'CMo. l.'otiHolIy mM Urn l o nerural rhpt-k had Ihhui ImuiIo to itfiermlno Him Kroil tlnloii, hut the sIii.vh Itom-t wont in I ik I from tho iork. No tr.tru or the tlilr hi hen fonml. P. O. RUSH NEARS END All C'lirNliniKt . Mull l)i-llrn-il oil 'limit This Yi-ni- With tHjjht oVtrn olorks worklHK In tho iHHtorriro, tin. Chrlitiiift nuh k nliout or. Dnllvitrlen wore innil,, Siitiirday ttlKht mnl Chrlilninii niornliiH, mi Unit no' mull or imn-clii wont iivit tho day uinlollvenHl os-t-ei't tliMD itdilroiweit In IiiikIiiodh flliiip, ni-orillnK to I'oitmsdor Me full. Anothor t-ttiti-hiKivy mull va rifolvoil l,iHt nlRht hut wiu ilUtrlhu toil loihi)'. Whlhi no riKiiriH nro nt profit uynllahli... .MrCnll mihl liu holh,v(, .i ......I... i ... .. . mm iMwuMiiin iiiiiiiom tlilH ycui- wuiiiii lur oxrrou linn ot lam year. Tho poHltjrrico ilhl not Wui Hid rimh iw iniu-lf nn imiiul, ho wild, hur.tuio nonrly till tho rlorJtii worn oximr-lom-oil. thiii firvatly farllltntlnit tho wor!:. . NEW LUMBER CO. I'll m liiirliiiUi-il'lir .ti'ik shili-i- Ji ' rfuuk Blntor of th'o Lakesldo Lttni bur i-iuiipuiiy Iiiim IncorpnriUqd llm llcsorvntlnn l.umhe,. & Conslniclloii. wftlt u clipltul stuck of Jio.noii. Thu other liii-oipiirulora nio ('. L. (Irlf rin mid W. 0, Van ICiuiui, Tho roiupmiy nUondy him it luni hor ynril m Chlhiijulii, nnd, nreuivl liiK to Vim Union, inntt'liiphiloj the lUHlullailou of it ihuili1k mill In tho iioiii- fitiuio with vlow to dolnit n i;ui)urul rel.ill lumber htihliio.ist, Orlf Iln la In I'hni-Ko of C'hllonuln ,vntd, KLAMATH lITEICIII I ' If. 81 IF rfiui-K yif-KV nfi,i n ilmiiii i m : B . . P O I f P IWI P 1 I Anonymous Letter Sent to j Police Shields Suaucct In Houseboat Murder POllTl.AND, Her. fC Tim poll ' l.u rfotlvnt ;i anonyinotm Ihiit "tuned '.1iik Do.-" ptiitlltK Mint lhi wrltnr U the itlrl whom Mm. I.'juryj , nw tn CmIi VVutr'H hoMwlxmt In I ) Hojiiemhor nt tlio lime wlitn Mm. I I I. T cIku'km lh lrl rti l.lllstl ( ilioro. -T! writer roftwpd to UIyiiIro Jusr ! niiiii", amo 111111. i.i'cauim viis inn tioi wniit Utr fimlly ilrtnetl Into I tu rn w. I'ftllee Clikf Jen J( Inn no. noanrcil thai If thu irttl would r rw U- m&il Mm thm lie wonlil i tuid her I ho ulrl' hoJy whs hurled - iiil6r a ion or rm-ta." Tim nno lymoni toller bvb tho ilu IhJU of thi allerriittati In the houte hnkl. tn whlrh Mr Lp.iry clanhcit wlili lr. tmt tho writer took i Wo!r' purl. WILL ATTEND HEARING Two l.'iml Iti-priM-iilntlri-N to Unto Voire nt I. f Mrrl, Jim. IT. i Two SHomlmrn of tho chamber ot wtwmerr rullnwd couimlttM will Mtuml tko lnliirlto Cummeri-c CbmHiktofi lioariiiR at l'ortland Jrnuiar' IS to enter a iha rr con. ttruotlim nf tlio MihIiw Northern rillr4. Ttiks wm ihK'Me! nt thw MllA loilHf-.&.inwr fh chnmbtpf' bpard at illretcir. Th htnrlng I to Imi Imlil nt Port la tt I to Ilnleti to tho lUKHwonlH or thr Oregon Public ftenlro CuhiiiiU. pvliitt on thti iroMt lu ilevulop the mllriwd rnllltlo or Oronoii through ttonttrurtlon or a line from Jlend to Odell, from Crane to Oilull, front I.hKhUow to Oilell nnd ooHttrurtloo of tho Nat (im rul-off. Thn Ifvpttl rcpri-Mnliillve will not outer nrKHtiifnu for nny other con. utriKtloii work oxt-i;tt the Modec Norlhrn. r.nre tho rut-off and nth or I If nro liicludr.1 In' the tiro jifHMil of tkp ntHto commlMlon, The nienihoiw nf tho rommltie to iittund the hnarltiK hse not hern todtl. J. A. (lorilon Is the com- mlllee obnlrmnu. THE i v"l iV i;i U ri'ittcw: Member of the Associated Pro I'ALLH, OHKaO.V.TMIIHDAY, IILI'IIMUd. tin, lit:.".!. 'Cll'AVfH Vl.KV. IN NIOHT CLOTIIIW WIIII.V .wbinyiKXY irctt HIJ llt'HNH POUTIiAND, 1)0,0, 20 l-'lra $ narly teijay'fpa'rtlallp destroyed t thn LlljjnVhparlminu In tho downtowti'dbUrlct liern, with n I IM1 widiiiuicd nt 1,0Ju. Tim 0 cccup.iritM were forc-l to flco '' to tln Htrcnt In rtcDr.tjr night c nttlro. FIRE PARTIALLY DESTROYS. BOIVIN BUILDING ON FIFTH ' ! I'littiiiK KlnttliiK In I In. mine HiMiv ii Hwimil I'liHir Kpn'nil ltn. Iilt)' Ciiiim .Vol Kiionn Klru Murium ithoni nftor 1 o'rlotk thin afli-rnnonii-ri hilly iIm ttoyed llm twotog-JlfrartiB Imllil Inx at US Smith Kl"th "wneil hy II. liolvln. Tho tire tatl.i on tho ihk oad floor, nnder ljff ufn room' Ihic-1mji:. hMt tho eu'Jso trail not been drflnft.My deter: 'nod. Th lower floor jftnl ! unton anted aluro Imlns owiii..-d hy Hie KlamnHi lltxord PilhlWIilnis vom lny ovr one yvaiiavt. The la irrtor or the ujjtfjj(loor wai en tlreljr Klittpd. 8oiilfiirnlturii wai saved K'forf tho til mm iirnro the tniianta out. $ HhoitlJ- aftor tho. fire wa illwov rrd the wholq iihiw Door wan In flnmee, nlvlnc lira ttrc deiKirtment a himy halMiour tlx.fura RnlnlnK ntrnl of the eltunton Throe line of hoe wrro ')o4- o ir whlrh ai extended throUKh t'u. adjolnlnr, I. O. O. P. hulhllnn. Some ItiMirnnro wa carried on the Imlldlnic. MANY BOOZE VICTIMS Xuti'i-miiH Dentin ltriut-li-i nt IU--Mill of (InKlin.ts Drinkln;; NICW YOIUC, Der :c.KIKlit ilnfllha tver UrlHimd toiluy j drinkliiK itnoiii tizwtr on Ohrlat- Uiaan A tear er tfitre sr tti lion. pltnli. i IIOfiTON; Dee. 2C One iktad nnd 30 am Ih huepltsl from ilrliilclnj? miMwshlao ibjimr ChrletHias. DUTItOlT, Dee. 2. Poisonous llo.uor killed one hero Christmas, while over a core are III from the same cau. PI.VD .SAII.OU'K IKIDV CI.KVKI.AND, l)c. 2S. The lirehoat Vr thu Tuk Cornell with the bihly or ao ot th crow or Hie eight iiiUsIng fur six ilu was round to- day between oiik Point and Poll I Culburn. ' GREAT BALANCING ACT j i nun s :tn:r:n. d -: i : a :i I ---- -ww. , .wa dent Ncnr Merrill Prove Fatal It. A Wiillanm. 2.1. or this city.' died In n lonil lionpltnl Into Satur-' ily an a result ot Injuries rerclvcd whorl nn nutomohlle In whlrh ho wni il line nor ili-rrlll Into Krlduy nlht I urn Hi over, Sylvan Murray and Jesse Dc Jlolt, who wn drlvlnc, ei eaiHMl with minor Injuria. Tho arc-Wont was due to a defec tive steering Rear, nnd to tho fact that the oar carried no IkIiI ex cept a kpoilfght. It was brought out at the Inqutxt here this morning. The front wh.-o; started to wobble with tho result that Do Mott lost eewtrol of the car. which ran Into tho ditch, turned completely over, and came i a rest on rour wheels" wltli the radiator against a bank. 'm.i..i..n or itniii. wjiiMinii uivain(,u ronciiMion or Uih drain and Injuries to tlit rltoiit Tho i-thors were thrown clear and escaped serfons Injury. Williams U survlvod hy a wlfo nnd a Miiath-oM Imy! Mrs. Williams l the ihtughtor of Fred It. Ktevenon. well-ksown rancl-r or tho Merrill district. The funoral will he lu-ld front thn Stevenson ranch at 11 n. m. Wed nesday, llurlat will ho at the I. 0. O. 1'. cemetery at Merrill. TO HEAD BEND CLUB I). (2. Mrl'lii-i-Miu i:icrtiil PrcMilcnt or lli-n'd Commei-i'l.il (lull I1KND, Ore.. Dec. 2G.--D. ., Mc Phersoa was e!rtir pret.liluut of the Ileiid Commercial club at the flrtt tHMMiiK of thu slub dlroetors. for the new club year, following tho ru- olrctlon or all or tho directors who would otherwise have retired. J. P. Ilennssey wan oleeted vice president nml II. A. Mlltr troasurer. ; A committee was apvolated for tho purpose of Invest laotl up tho finan cial condition of tUa Commurclal olub, and to detertnlno whether It will be possible to maintain It lor another year, and what will be necessary to maintain It. Members of tho committee are It. S. Hamil ton, II. Ii. Allen, r. Dement and II. A. Mtllor. MAItKirr ItU'OItT l'OHTI.ANDi Dec. 20.- -Livestock, uKtw anil butter steady. ' BIESIEill ; ! I Diva's Christmas' 3HJrlH 'i4tfStiMttttsWirtpissj- Oalll-Curcl, celebrated opera star, ' nhown here prcparliiu Rifts to '"akl youtiBtcrs happy who would otlierwlso bo forgotten by Santa , Claus. ! FALL AND WORK TO RESIGN MARCH 4TH; SUCCESSORS KNOWN Carnil Tlinmpxin fo Head Interior Department nml Harry Sew to (let I'o.tmuMcrdiln i i WASIflNOTON, Dec. 26. AmonB the chanRos scheduled for March 4 nro two movos In the cabinet, liar ry Now, senator from Indiana, Is slated to succeed Dr. Work ni post master Rencral, and Albert II. Kail secretary of the Interior, will on that (Into rctlrn to his ranch In New Mex tco. Failure to tecurq a definite and liberal policy ot development tor Alaska i partly resiiorislble ror Kail's decision, but hls.jijjvate al fairs demand Ills attention because or the death ot a cloro rclatlvo In j tho pail few weeks who had charge of his extensive stock business. Sec retary I'nll mu.it tako up tho task of personally supervising: his busi ness, and will not stay beyond March 4. He may oven retire before that date. KiirroMirn SitKi!"lei! Many men are suggested 'as his sticceMor, but well informed friends ot Projldunt HardlnR believe ho will name C'arml Thompson of Cleveland, assistant secretary of tho Interior under Secretarial llalllncer nnd Fischer In 1911 und 1912. Thomp son wus also secretary for a time to President Tart, and lately has been an active and successful man UKr ot Iron oro properties. Ho was dofcatcd In November for governor of Ohio.. A complete reorganization of the narcotic and prohibition enforce ment force of tho Internal revenue offlco I predicted with the new year, Recent exposures make the niweMlly for using tho appropria tions for moro field men ami cutting down the number of overhead sup:r- visors. Ll'lle CiLiit Clianue The Pacific const will not havo much change, Jf any, however, ex. eelt possibly a few moro Held men. Congress gave thu treasury $700,000 lu 1922 tor tho suppression or nar cotics. Onu hundred nnd seventy- live men aro employed In this work nloiio, and tho same sum nnd about tho eamo force Is expected ror J923. Nino million tlollara was appropria ted ror the earorcoment ot prohi bitum lu 1922, and the samo amount Is estimated for thu coming year. An unity of 3S37 men Is engaged directly hy the reitural bureau lor this work, with all statu and local officers co-oporntlng, TRAIN ESCAPES WRECK Attempt to Derail "Itulubotv Hpo clal" Seen hy Officials Mli'SKOaiW, Okla.. Dec. 2C. Do causo tho ''Italnbow Special," tho Missouri Paciric fast train between Kanims City and Hot Springs, Ark., was two hours iato today It escaped an apparent attempt to wreck It, Uullway offlchiU professed to seo In the w??ck or a rielght train tiear Vain, Okls, nn attempt to derail tho Italnbow Special." Tho freight ran Into an open switch about tho PMOR nVM CBdl HAYS REFUSES Decision Will Stand, Movie Chief Replies to Plea of L. A. Pastors LOS ANOELKS, Dec, 20. Flat re fusal to reconsider his decision granting rtoscoo C. Arbucklo a chance to return to thn films wna contained In a messngo from Will II. Hays, chief of tho moving plcturu industry, to tho session ot tho West lake Presbyterian church and var ious Los Angeles pastors who havo protested against any turther screen Ing ot Arbucke comedies. ' Hays' mossago to tho churchmen was .s follews: Itfllcratr Statement "KvcrythlDg whlcfy I said last Sunday night Is reiterated and em phasized. At that time t declared, and do now assert, and havo always and shall always Insist: 'Any aril which Is In motion pictures can be. removed, and all the good rctalnod, at the placo where ho pictures aro made, and at the time they aro mado, by tbo men who make them, and.no alibi Is possible.' "Tho purposes of our association arc: 'Kstabllshlng and maintaining the highest posslbln artistic and moral standards of motion picture nrodtictlon. and dorcloDlnc tho cdu- i catlonal as well as the entertain ment value and tho general Useful ness of motion pictures. Ac'eil oA Advlco "About nine months ago I sug gested to thoso who owned tho Ar bucklo pictures that tiey do not re lease them, but rather that they sbouli give such consideration to tho matter as tho conditions warranted. This they did, and It resulted both la tho holding and the. elimination ot Arbucklo from work In'hlsjirofof-. "I was sure then that the sugges tion I mado to them was right, and that thclr action as right, and the only uouoi oinerwisc ai wmi umo was whether or not wo might bo doing an Injustice to the Individual, Arbucklo, I was sure, however, that wo were not. and that the action ww best tor the whole situation and ror him. Conduct Ilrlil flood 'This has proven correct, and front all sources has come the word thr'. his conduct in the last nine months has evidenced an honest nud success ful effort to do right. This fact was ona or tho elements, ot courso. In causing me to make the statement I dKl, ot which I again ask your euro tul consideration. . " 'Kvery man In tho right way and at tho proper tlmo Is entitled to his chanco to mako good. It Is apparent that loscoo Arhucklo's conduct since, his trouble merits that chance. So far as I am concerned there will bu no suggestion now that ho should not have his opportunity to go to work In his profession. BUILD SAWMILL UNITS Construction Work l,roi'ccilliij t Tmi Hind Plant 11KND. Ore., Dec. 2C Sawmill construction somewhat hindered by tho cold weather of last week, Ii now under way at full speed at both tho now llrooks-Scanlon milt and at the now unit for Tho Sliuvlln Hlxon company. On tho Hrooks-Scanloa mill, inodt of tho timbers aro In place up to the first floor, and most or tho floor has been laid. Installation of machinery for the new unit of the Shovlln-IIIxon mill Is proceeding rapidly at Mho samo tlmo that construction otHlib, 'build f ing Is being completed. TEMPEST ON ATLANTIC Mot Violent fjtorm In ItCcolleclloii of Vv(ernii NEW YOIIK, Dec. 20.-,The mostplf violent tempest In tho rocollecflon ' of veteran navigators has been rag ing nn the north Atlantic thn past week, threatening smaller vessels with destruction and wrecklnc' steamer' deck equipment, driving rust Unern from,-their courses aud striking terror to tho hearts of hun. dreds of passougCM. 'All liners are lll.lt 1 1. ll Gitlllfll.l.. III.. .' m I i A fl 'A tlmo tho passenger trail! yns itp. ....,,.,., .-., ;..,,.,,,, llHt' .-MM. , i rn ef t-igiw ximw&HMmimihPWtiti( tmwnmtmim. mm.mAV)aj,iii w",vt??y "J-y wiWJfe