The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 23, 1922, Image 1

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    3. . (. 's,1 !
Vnhcrnlty Uhrnry
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Member of the Associated Press
MIitiiIIi -iii Nil, II." 1 1
ki,am,viii iwm.h, oni:f;o.v,M.ut mm. urn-Minn at, iicj
, - tioSMI
iPsirtxA h. s o i).
T fc V "TISSSSSL I b. S V Tt I 1 I I M f V : .. t . . - I 1 r .- . . a J J S lYll . kl I -" . - .
l M ri il V v Hi s I ' ' SSBSBsT I
r xv&m JLamsasm&i
ai i C) i&(2" " & ' v---.--
3KEST 11$ iv 1$. .J &A
$20,000 Taken After Py
mnslcr Is Wounded;
Bandits Escape
I'llTHIll'UOII. life. 23 -Pour
bandits shot mill wounded Huh
Dentils, piiymmilur far tliu I'ltUbiiiK
lor tliu I'ltUliuiR
aa. 0mi oci,,i
('mil company, (n
with a satehol containing about
120.000 In currency
Tim hold-up orcnrriil lit tlio hllU
behind Mount Lebanon, nrar lirrrt.
nlllln llio company official was Ink
mi; liiiUtintin par lo I lie miners nt
Headline, Pennsylvania.
Dennis was riding n molirr)rtlo
In mlvanco nf an nuiomolillo In iH roaniU lio iUrtpil li. I.iu.1 olmoil
whleli tk uiieriiiteiiiloiil and w, gwlndltr connrctwl nnrr
inplnrrvi 'r ijuarillBB ll,in lliu fir.t and rnd llllrlilo iPln-
Tlio liHiullU tiol HoiiliU wllliout
M)rnlnK anil rluiod In tin I ho niito
niiilillo, rnvcrcil tlio ocrilpnul nllli
Kim mill iiutrttiiml tlip MtcSol and
I'lrnpi'd. County tlulprtlvva artnml
with rlnl Riiim riiitiul to tliu rcupd.
I'mtllintUII. l)or 23 Itm
Ili'llilU died tin the ' li Uk- Inn
ijuelliiii of MMI liuriti' Amilii"! I
UiiicN llrfurt i 1 1 i
Protista of Kliitnath l.t-xlou pout
nKnlml Ih.i ttlfl i.liiirvi Httr iirrn fill
Tub, UK, Until. l.lcl. U nllrK.,l Hi!",., l" lrp"';' n;l --d
be mi lilnli a to dlMoiiruKit 'H"rv
ln men from liuiucitP!idliiK and mi-
jimi ill mil rmirKt-n ri' nmowiMi t
unui'int Hip TiiIu ar.i which I
nhould rlnhtfully ho ntloratwl p!p- I
wIhTp, aro liulnit consldcrrd by Hor-
rotary Kail, mid u thorough tnre.ii ,
ciiilou Ii promlinnl.
I lilt In tiCCoriliUK I" lnli'Kr.iiil
rifplvcd tuitny from (!ont;ri'
N. J Hlnnotl. who iy:
"Hoiintor McNary, Senator Stan
field mid inyielt bud n rotifi'runrp
I bin mortiliiK with Hprrctnry l'.ill In
riRard to tlio 90 chaw on TiiIp
Ink,, l.iuili. Mo tdld u Hint ho was
RltlnK thn liliittor blK iHirsmml In
vrillcatlnn. mid Dint If ho cnuli) not
nrrlvo nt n nallitfarlnry rourliuhiti
ho would nipolnl a npivrlnl board to
The (')i'lo-tiliirin.u:ruph nt I'ndi'r-
wunii a rii.irinniy
lii.lli-ales n (-out In-1 It. or when or lunv. Nobody Knows
iiaiu'n of pii'smit I If Her. 2a Is Ihu right miuhersary
wp.ithel t'liii d l-jiif Clnlst'H birth,
lions us thn bain- Ciilehinilou of lilrllidas was con
mi'trle ehmigPs ,;(,,,,.,, i,,tnlniiiili by curly Christ-
' i-uvi, niihlll
I'ori'cnst for next
2 I heurs:
y Tl1" 'r'i-,,i record-
0r y '"K ilieriiiiiuii'iur
rr . . i r r I ipglstured mux t-
iiiiiiu and minimum leiupernlureM to
day ns follews:
High 12
Low :in
IhicoiiuiKliig Oiillouk for HllS.i Clip
Seen Willi Net) Vuolntloiii
LAKIIVIKW, t)io. Dee. 2:1. Con
curiiliitf tho1 oiilliiiiK- ror prlnw for
tho 102.1 clip of wool, tho ll.iuli
of Lnkiivleui lit III ri'Lt'lpt of Iho fol
lowing Inner fruiii n livertioclt loan
lomtuiny ufi Pertland: "Tlio wool
mni'lu'l Is M'iy eucoiiragliiK nt Ihls
lliuo mid wo, look for wool to null nt
not 1 1 'mi t Ii ti ti lOe per pound, mid
Ihluk It will go around I fin a pound.
However It Is hard In nay ut UiIh
iliilo Jiuit what It will lulnir. 1 would
not llilnl; II uIhc foi- iiuy of (ho
growniH to ruler Into any coiiIi-iu'In
for tali'ti ut Ihls t lino tti I think It
will ho luitlui- not to i untrue! until
Hprlni; " This liifmimillon In en
I'oiii'ugliiK to Nheiip owiiui'h, anil U'
In linpud (hut the pi'lro U('dlclei
Will innleilnlUo
DiiM.p Vlilnij U Won li) l.iiriil
ll-in)nlulit jllmil HtiiiM'i hy
Hhiiik In Mevi'lilll
, ii v iiimjhiih;"
! Karl Itllrlil" ri'di-omod It ltitMlr al
Hi-nnillnnvlan ball lust fjlnht when
; III) scored n ilct-Mvp unary ovor Jo
Kwlinlli-r, whose nornnils tuttd ihn
spiing" Iti Hip ring at Urn bnj-lnnlnr.
, if tho mri't)tli round to MVn llii'lr
muii (rum furtbi-r iuu.aliii'-tit and
a prolixtilo ktmkovt.
I llllrtlln tfj ill liU In.. I
"- "" -- ""
i i1"?". .. . . . "r.,,l,,,i' ?" ??H
i iMfiuiiin iiHii('t liinil wurii no iirai
I mititfi tliu ring aeiiliitl Hwlndlnr
j Itn Hip ullirr linml. Hwltiillnr MclRbml
187 nKnlml IS3U (in Ills tint nj-
ii'Jiiliti- iui'. a iilt(rcnri' if 2 ? I
pinimU. .Miilrliririiniiiii
llllrlila's ipocil iniilrlicil lila is-
, ilinl rntiflltlcjii. anil nflT ilia lira
Inn. and a lw l lino In tin icrand
and third After that, lumovpr. Iip
lial no ahmv Thn (in It m
Itltrhlii' by a wliln margin and In
the iUUi Hwlndlrr. imp pjtci
ly closi'd .mil n bad num. wan ImriK
ItlX on. In Iho lttli Hulndlnr look
lliu cnunl of nllli' hut Iho IipII
i iiiiliideil a Itltrhlp ni Irjlni; for u
kayn. Hbitrlly nfltr thi- nvrtilli
I oprlicil Kwlndlrr'a rpcoiii) IumoI In
tliu KpOtlRO
Suiitif; Wildly
After tlio fourth round 8tvindlui
wa IHKlHB wildly. Ho M'lilom roil-
nrcini iiiip kiii-iiik niiiinui'ii I.
oni Ul Jt wtL-ktHl lull Jul' IHM ill'l
ninth to ilow up liti opiKinctit 1'rom
I Ii ft) on thn ntatrli too one ld
only a iupitli-n of tluir butorn
ISwIikIIit would Ko down for tb(
1 1 until. ' "
llllrhli' pxhr.iltlon l.n.1 iilKht w'h
(Contlnui'd on I'jrp KIkIiII
Idiomllialluii of llcatlii'ii Cimwrt
lli'ti'lopril Aniiual I il-lnlii;
,MIlrli'o Vrui'ialril
.Many of lliu most important sym
bols mid practice of ChrtstmaH oh
stTMinco a ro of illslliiLlly pagan or
igin, tho rusult of tho t-nrl) church
ii'cunclltng hcallicii coiiuTta by
udoptliii; the iiuiru liiirinlusa features
of Ihtlr foittlvltlu.
Nobody knows mi) thing duflnliu
nbuut the origin of Chrlstiiuin ns a
festival tliimi .who tlrst i-oli'hrnted
luus, mid It wnit nut until after li 1 1
A. 1. that mi luU'stlgullou wus uiado
Into lliu dntu of I'hrlst'.t birth h
uriler of l'(po Julius. This tot IheJ
date ut Dec. 2.'., although many nee
lltiliH ii'lelnativl Jan. I, April 20,
March 29 mid .May 20.
I'opo Jillhiu set the ditto ns Dee.
2.'i, mid established tho festival tit
1 1 iiiio on that (Into. This Is the date
of tho winter holstlce, when winter
begins to tleclluu toward spring,
which for cuiilui-lcx beforu Chi 1st,
hud heun cuU'hruted by Druids mid
other pagans us the chief festival
of tho year,
Mlsletou wan mi object of spoclal
veneration with tho Druids, mid was
gathered with great ceremony In Do
leinber. It bin he'd in Christmas
ohrurvnm-o with thu kissing a velle
of thu Matin n.ill.i of thu uucleuts.
To Yilo l,og of olif Kiiglaml lu
gnu In Ihu Druidlc honflies rulebrat
Ini; Ihu Yulo festival.
ALTHIIAS, Citl,, Dee. 2U.-- Tho
tlliei'toi'H of tho tlmik of 1'iilt ind
well met recently mid Increased tho
capital Nluck of thu haul; from
full, mill to MHi.liOO, making It Iho
largest c.tpltullied hank In Modoc
j- it i i . ; : " ' "-
; ,,!' '' ST. LUKE 11:748
I i
( T" - .,.- l .- ..i. ii- -j--m - -, r i i th i j
w&iSt '..9: 'W,, 3m. -!: r Zo.'-Jm
vet ' wtv ; - imwjt. : "i tkvwj.w w-y"K ss!w2H8fttrts
. MvmLmmmk: msmasssmm
' .1,.
?. And n'li' I'IiiiikIh fur; h li'T fir-ilrn it n. utnl
urappnd I' I in in HitJildliilK lnllii i tin I laid htm In a
maugir It-raui" tli r- wa no ruaui for tbrm In
the Inn
s. And it i it- wire In iho same country' shepherds
abiding In the field, keeping wateh over their flock
hy night.
!'. And lo, the angel of tbo Lord canio upon
ilmin. and Iho elory of the I.r3 sbono rouml' about
them: mid they were afraid.
10. And the angel uld unto them, Pear nrj; for.
beluihi. luing uu fund tidings of great Joy, wJtlrli
shall Lo to all people.
11. Tor unto you in barn ibis day In the city of
Hat Id a Saviour, which Is Christ iho Lord.
12. Aim this shall bo a sign unto you; Yo ekall
find tho bab wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying In
a innuger.
-l I lend I'liichnM'i! Iiv Slv I titiwlmrx
,, .. i .
In lulu! Irfil.p Vnllcy
' ,
LAIvIJVIKW. Oie. Hoc. 83. The j
number of dulry ra:tlp 1m the !oomi
L.lko vnlle) Inerea- pi by !9 heed I
this week when six west side rnurli
mis wcok worn six west side rnurli- rl acit oiip PrinMIMr
ora. flnnuced by iho Plrst Natlnnal' --'.J-A3 ft. oALL lUUWliNU
hank, imreltasoj dairy cuttle. Teur
of the purchasers lucomimiilpd l
County Agont TouikcIi mndo the
trip to Illy to select lie eat He from
the hdrd recently sltlpped from Cooa
county hy.i:, J. Cnscbocr.
All of tlio cows purchased nre
grade .liVMys rnnjilii.t from throe to i
seven yeirs ef ii.'p, The cuttle ure
lo he dtltvi'ivd Thursdny by K. J.
Cnsohdor, Those who urcliasod
cows ure: 1). L. Hoiiey. 10 head: II.
c. dorr. r. head: llm-lln 1'roug. 4
head: Clarence Ogle, I head: L. H.
Wnllnce, :i hen I. and I. Lee, 2 head.
ImicaM' riniii H lii SID per
Itepmiiil lu 1. il;elev
LAKKVIIIW. 0v, Dee. 23.
I'tlictltnliy every stoi-kowner lit tho
vnlleya of thM mul luljululng coun
ties Is now feeding his stock, liny
In thu llnnaiixii sccIIoh of Klamath
county la reported to Imvo lucre.ts
o.l (1'i'in til. ut whicli prtro tt could
ho teemed earlier In lliu Reason, to
$10. Tho "T eonumiiy'8 hy nt
I'lilsh Iiiih been sellllig ul $10 n
Ion. The kiiiiw lorms nioiilunt
llil'iiur.liyiil MiiS siiiii hau nf, cited '
the, -lie pin.!
o ..
, There will be o Ilorald
i. .. i i i i. . .i
lir.ued Mo'kIun Dprember 2S.
owing 'to the I'hrlsttnan obser- '
I'Ii-i t U ill
Pliul Keei'inueles
Ail l ul
NBW YOUX. Hoc. 23. -If tho
Christmas rum riwt, wported to bo
hound tor Now York from the Ua-
Immas, surcoedo lu runulng tho
block ado of the diy navy, It eliould
Knd New Yiirkei'h limply supplied
vltli roeortarlM fr lotltiB tlio for
hidiluu llauur.
Several umniiraetuicra declntod
toJay i hat the denuiud for Ilnsks lias
trcbloipfiluco the advent nf prohibi
tion. Shop wludown wUh their
GJirlstnuia docoraiioiu, feoturo clan
llestlno iltlnklug yotseU which lu
")vet" duys brought altuddor from
Sfyroa nip selling thous.uids of
flaks--luriro one for roomy coat
pocketB mid small ones gracefully
curved for tho hlpi expensive, eon
liitnoi'M of Hllver mid gold mil chenp
or ones covered with tmltatluu
Fl.iiK:! a io nut tho only drinking
iipV-'.iMtu.i on display, Sliown In
.ibundmu'o nro hollow cunen, decnul-
i. it'iissea neter blown for
, and l.i'ini'iili' coikiiill Hliokers,
i. I .udli'iilv I lii-re was with the angel a
man ' I'll it Hi,, In j it'll I v host praising uod. and
ay nr.
14. Ulory lo Cod In the highest, and on earth
P'.ue goi-u will toward men.
18. And It came to pass, as tho angels wore gonu
way from them into heaven, tho shepfecrds said onu
to another, Let us now gu even unto llethlehem and
see Ihls thing which has coma to pass, which the
Lord bath made known unto us.
s 16, And tbey in a do haste, and found Mary, and
Joseph, and to bab0 lyltis in thn manger.
IT. - And when they had seen It. they made
I;novn abroad ihu sayln which was told Ou&i con
cerning this child.
Is. And all they that heard !( wondered at Uiojo
Ihlngn which were told them by tho sbepherds.
( I'cr Cent Pound Willi All of
Contents Intact
ASTOIUA. Ore., Dec. 20. Ap
i proximately 0 per rout of the 130
sated oponod In tho business district
of Astoria, wrecked by flro Derenn
I her S. preserved their contents In
; tiu-t, acconlluR to J. Prank I'udccU
of Portland, who Is heading tho safe
opening activities under tho com
mittee of ton. About 75 safes still
remain to bo opened. No attempt
i to open tbo vaults will bo made
, until nfter January 1. When a time
Is icl iho work will bo douu eim
ultancoiuly so that no bunk may
Imvo mi ndvantnge "ovet- another.
- Moro than 275 licenses to eugngo
In liiialuets lu tho city have already
been ImusiI, according to, thu police
There will ho more Christmas col
ohrntlims bore than ever. The tlueo
big ouch to he conducted hy the
Port laud lks with tho "aid of tho
Astoria lodge, will be accompanied
by many cliurih mid lodge celobru
(Ions. I'tUI MliMIII-Mtti OXI.V
Tho ChrUtmas treo nn.1 outer
I .iln men t to bo held by tho Odd Fol
lows mid Iteheknlis on the evening
of Friday. December 23, is fur mom
hers Mind their families only, nc
cordlnif to lodgo iiiemhcni,
Tdii-I to (irniiil MnIrr (o llo (llrrti
nf l o'clock flirMinna Morn
Iiik; Aildicx I'ollnwn Tont
I Calvary 'Commnndcry No. 16,
' Knluhu Templar, will hold tholr
I ftlcvcntlt annual Chrlitmas nhscr
, al th0 ilaionlc hall, Chrlntmas
1 inrrnlnK. Tho toast to tho grand
tnnstrr of tho I'nltvd Ktntci will bo
I kIvuii at exactly 9 o'clock, corros
' ponding to mountain time of 10 a.
in , central lltno of 11 a. m. and
eastern limit of noon. So that at
. precisely tho snmo hour through;
I out the United 8tutoa representative
of 400,000 Knight Templar will bo
' partaking of this toast.
, Order of lUrrcUc.
I Jackson P. Kimball will offllcato
j as toastmastcr and the order of ex
nrclscs will bo as follews:
I Invention, J. W. Jlryaat.
i Teasts: To tbo Orand Master
j Knights Templar; response by K. B.
t Mngce. To tho Hrand Commander
iMiignis icmpiar or urcgon; re
sponse by I.. I.. Oaghagen. To tho
Commander of Calrary Commandery
No. 16; response by Krank Ward.
Following theso a short address
upon tho early history of Knights
Toraplar will be given by Ocorga J
Walton. ; m i
Officers Xaniril
At the last rneotlng' of Calvary
Commandery the following officers
woro elected for 1923:
Kmlnent Commander .C. B. Jay;
Ccnoraltsslmo, B, D. Lamb; Captain
(cncral, (larrett Vaa'rtlpcr; Senior
Warden, Don Zumwalt: Junior War
don, B. McLcnghlln; I'rcllte. Frank
Ward; Treasurer, Marlon Hanks;
i UcconK-r. K. M. Uubb; Standtrd
Iloarcr, J. M. Long; Warden, J. II
Carter; Sentinel.' J. B. Dratton
.Some of Ijirgo l-and-Owners
ImiI to Attack Conitltutlon
olily of Irrigation Inv
The Shasta Valley Irrigation dis
trict Is apparently not unanimously
approved hy Its own land-owners.
Tho Siskiyou Nows this weok edi
torially advises tax-payers who aro
protesting tho silo of their assess
ments, that tho only way out now Is
strulght through, until the prelimin
ary investigation determines wheth
er ur not tho project Is feasible.
May Aiimk Lmr
Some of tho Inrgo owners, says
the News, aro talking of combin
ing and hiring attorneys to attack
tho constitutionality of tbo Califor
nia Irrigation law, under which tho
assessments are levied. The editor
advises that tho money would he
wasted as the law has stood every
legal test.
The nrtlcln further says:
The land owners lu Shasta
valley have taken tho only course
available to find out for all time
whether or not tho water of the
Klamath rlver can bo brought
upon their lands at a cost which
the uatlonul authorities will sanc
tion. They havu made tho start
mid there Is nothing to 'do but
to go through with thla prelimin
ary process. It has been pointed
out that payment of the assess
ments can not he avoided. Any
effort to do so would only cause
delay and a waste of money.
It Is Intended once for nil to
find out whether tho district is
feiislble. If not, tho mutter Is
settled, and It will then be up to
Shasta Valley dry land holders to
decldo whether they will be satis
fled with past conditions or try
komo other plau to gut water.
Member-, Appealing in llcgnllii to
lie Tnkcii Inlo Custody
HAUUISON, N.J., Dec. 23. In
struct Ions to arrest unyoiiu appear
ing In thecity wearing tfio Ku Klux
Klan mid orders to have thu sanity
ut nil such persona determined by
physicians huvo been posted hero by
Chief of Pollco Wulsh.
Tho ordora, adopted hy tho com
mon council, also lucludu .tlio un
masking of hooded Individuals and
ten days' Imprisonment,
$700,000 Will Cover Yet!
Operation on Klamath
Reclamation Project ji
How thn $700,000 appropriation
for work on the Klamath project
during tho fiscal year of 1924, M
to bo expended, It tho estimate H
sanctioned by congress Is set forth
In tho reclamation service estimate
for budget appropriations, Jnit 1
sued by thn United State printing
The $70,000 will cover tbo
estimated cost of tbo year's opera
tlon and maintenance, continuation
of construction and Incidental oper
ations. Continuance of general Investiga
tions and surveys In connection wllh
tho Tulo Lake division will tako
$3,000, and hydrograpblc Investi
gations not directly chargeable to
operation and maintenance, $2,000.
Htoragc Hystcni, 273,000
Estimate is made for the con
struction of the storage dam for
the Horsefly reservoir. This Is lo
cated on Miller creek, tbo principal
of Lost river, and will have a capac
ity of about 90,000 acre-feet. Tk
Horsefly reservoir will function h
manner similar to Clear Lake refer
voir; first, in preventing Hood wa
ters, -originating on the Honitlr
watershed, from. enterl.g,tTul IJo,
and second. In furnishing a stored
water supply for about 14,000 acres
of good agricultural land In the
Lanecll Valley division and for
lands In the Horsefly Irrigation dis
trict. Tho combined storage ot tne
Clear Lak0 and tbo proposed Horse
fly reservoirs Is sufficient for about
27,000 acres. Storage for about
20,000 acres will be used for land
Included In the Langell Valley di
vision and the surplus on lands In
cluded In the Horsefly Irrigation
district. i
Principal Feature '
Ono of tb principal features of
the Klamath project Is the reclama
tion ot lands In the bed of Tulo
lake. Tulo Lake Is a shallow body
of water covering an area ot about
100,000 acres. Tbo lake has no
vl.lblo outlet. The lands In tho
bed of Tulo lake must first b0 un
covoted and protected against sub
morEcnce. The construction ot tho
necessary carrlugo and distributing"
works for the Irrigation of the Tulo
lake lands nro carried on as tha
lands nr0 uncovered. The uncover
ing of the lake bed U brought about
by evaporallon and by preventing
Inflow. Tho construction of tho
Horsefly reservoir will vory mater
ially Increaso the rato of rcclama
tlon and will remove the danger ot
tho lands again becoming submorg
ed by reason of tho ontranco ot un
controlled floods originating on tho
Horsefly watershed. The estimated
area which can he reclaimed from
tho bed of Tulo lako Is 25,000 or
more. Tho lako bed lunds ore all
in public ownership and will bo
available for soldier settlement.
Tho cost of constructing tbo Horse
fly reservoir will b0 repaid by tho
lands for which storage Is provided
and by tho lauds reclaimed from
the bed ot Tulo lake.
DUtribtillou System, $310,000
On tho" main division, $5,000 is
requested tar replacing the Lost
river .flume and $10,000 for replac
ing Iho Poo Valloy flumes. For mis
cellaneous lateral extensions to pro
vldo Irrigation servlco for lands
which have been forced Into tbo
Klamath Irrigation district $5,000
Is estimated. Provision has been
made for enlarging 'tho diversion
canal at an estimated cost of $30,-
000. Tho diversion canul extend
from Lost river to Klamath, river
and was constructed for tho purpose
nf nrnvnntlni? Inflow Into Tuln lake.
The Increaso In capacity of tbls ca
nal will, to o largo extent, rBiQlf
(Continued on Tngit 4),
. .j. ...