The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 22, 1922, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    mni.w, DKnotuTMi aa, inctt.
mm heads
Lenin Gets Back on the Job
181 Witi Wh19
lOMI! Hit 22 The advent of
I I'j itfo I'nncUjl Kovormnent to power
will ImvvPfuvninbte Influenco upon
.' Illl tlllllIMH'lll Of BJllir t nml ,fll
' Icllrnifll lliily. Premier .liiciliiil
J caliit'i hi composed mixtly of yotiiii;
' moil between I tin ay.i't nf :iu nml In
tliii majority of wioni xl sumo Hum
or iilinllii'r lnivi' tuksii tittlvu par
'111 KIIIIIK liriltlrlll'H lit Htllli'lliH :
IlilVii rrliiliiml a deep mii'ii't.' hi
nporu. Mumtlltil himself U an iv
purt fencer, mill It In under n'iretnr
of uliilr. I'lml, besides ImIiii: nit
of ll.ily'n mint renowned uvlator
wns at iitin IIiiik iiiiii nf tho lie
6,iliiUiiiiHrn runner In tint poniii
Tim Hint of fori of tlin nstiiinii
llmi n( li idernhlp nf tlin cuvitii
unlit Ity Mussolini, In tlin flel.J nf
sports, iilrr.uly have been soon in
Hid prniiiU'' inmlii liy tint premier
tlml Mppinprlatli'iis of funds In ib
tray tlin iupcnmn nf Ida Ititlhw
Olympic triini In Pit rlii In 1931,
w null Imi fnrtlicniiiliii:, Tin' Olym
pic preparations In llntjr wtilrli had
tier u staitnaut tlirniinhntlt (lip mun
mnr nwln,. tn Inrk of funds and
ronsoiiuriil lukewarm nt tt iinl.t'Ml.
linn taken DO It nnw Icnso Of life.
unil follower ,f atlilellrs In Italy
urn roJulciiiK. Tlin propitiation rf
tlm Italian Olymplr team will lio ill
rrclnl ciiprclnlly townrd the
anil 10.000 metro rare and tit"
marathon Although sprint wilt
not lin ni:lp teil, the Italian Olym
pic romnilllio frels that I buy have
bolter material for t ho dLtnnro
events. Ceinmenrlni: Hunibrr. No
vember SCIIi .wIipii a full distance
marathon was run at Milan, titer
will tin nml 10,00 metro race
In various rllles nf Italy, Milan.
Tnrln. tlvitoa, Naples or Home,
n limit twice a inontli. It It tun In
tention nf tlin rctnmlttro to have
four full Olympic dlstanco marn
thoni run between mm' anil the de
parture nt the Itnllnu twin for
Paris In 15: 1 Tim bit on will
Inko place ulniut January, 1921.
Hlinor Tonotll, tiro president of
the rommlttrv. Is sanguine that
Italy bus u first clam chance nf car
ryliiK "II I liu blue rlblibn nf tho
Olympic KB mm. In Aril Wtorto nf
Turin anil IIiik.ii Kroitorln of .Milan.
Italy claim to have dlcovord war
thy uremia to Dnrmiitn Plot rt.
whoso ilrumnllc failure in the mara
thon at l.umlun, uml ub'Ucnt
race In America uk.iIubI Tom Miir.
boat, Johnny Hayes nml Alfred
tlchrulili, are well remembered In
nporlhiR circle. Ilnlh Valerlo ami
Kri'Korln i'jii run nil ilny. What
they lark Just now U dual apctvl
for tlio Innt two or throw mite
However, they have liolh tiok'ollnlod
the ilUtancn well uniler two hnun
nml fifty nil tin ten.
In the r., nun mrtiei It.l- will
prifciit Krneiitn Amtirnnlul nf Mil. in
ami I'rlinn Hrexa nt Home. Am
Itriniliil ran a r.onil utoihI tn l'.m
Nurml at 1'arln mime time no. for'
Iiir the record lirenkluK I'lnn In tin
limit In order to win by ten yril
III fifteen mlutileH and nil m-ioul
Hlnro then Ambrnnlul btiu run ih
fi.OOO imilor fifteen mlnutv. four
tcn;t mlnotrtt uml fiS 2-fi perondn to
lie nxuct.
-y 'S TiivohI of Milan and Klotent.nn
of l.lvnurno are the lnt mm fur
tho 10,000. rioroutluo, who wax
champlnn of Itnly In 1920, Imt win
tiff from limt Neaxnii, In itte.-pliir. In
r,rrvit ahnpi) Junt now, hut ho will
ruht up durliiK the winter. Ho ro
ceutly turned In 31' minutes 2 I
The HprliM.i. -liot int. Javelin mid
Mih. Winifred Mnmm llouclt, rep
rmieutatlvo from IIIIiioIh, Ih ahown
wltllo ocnipyliiK tlio Hiumlim'H cbalr
top tho firm tlmo,
aaaH la&HiLl
dvmH .l..iwiiiiiw. yiiiii laatB
Uiil.iiiimiiii.i.iiu.i ...iM
l." f' t tin '" otirni din nrrt rncctlnt! of th "Hovnarltom," tho
.rrj:. "ii .I 'i." In i''rnt lllnpei Trolilt Ma chief aid (), ll
m-nt"! t Hi- inUo in io nmoltir.K lctiuco cf Lonln'a (.Lilt'"'!
(llama throw ln or" nlvltiK Hie eoni
mitten roueli roll fern, and they do
not looli forward to enrnlnt: tuiy
points In tliotn nvciitj. unleaa minn
phenomctioui ahould conin to llcht
belnopo now nnd 1931. Tho bent
pi lilted Hi ly mi loat J'il now
la Xuera of Turin. Ilia tlmo for
tho 100 motroa la 10 l-fi anrnnili. i
III t'ir aquatic oreDU Hal)' expo-1
to mnko a eooit allowing. Tho
Ocnnn (juaiirt. a llaKlealonn. CoU
Malito, Parlinrr and I'anrro arn
ktii'vsn, will give a itaotl account of ,
tin mtle In tho tanh. Tho flrat i
three Itaro won tho "awlni ncroaa
Patla." Mollto dofatlnK limine-,
ton of Unrlond In record tlmo t!il
yrer. I'atiorn la a mere youth, but
cominr. attonn.
Alimlear boxlnc rxpevlally In too
foatliorwrlRtit and llclllwolKht claw
e, may nUn proro point wlnnara
for Italy, ui cording to mombrra of
tho Olympic committee Tltay claim
to have a couple of future Johnny
Dundee under cover In Calabria
mid Sicily, nnd tioy wilt uprlnE
them upon tlio unauapocttne foath
ora anil liKhtwclKbts from other
It was pointed out to the corro
rpnudont that BllUotiKh poltttclam
In Italy nro i:rontl' illvldeil on some
of the Ik ilea of tho day there It otic
polei upon which unamlty has been
rrarhel' SporU.
I'llOTIISTS J.l' imi i.isahi:
SUATTI-i:. lec. 32. A protuat
agdlmt Injornomoiii reported tn
have been slvoa by tlio Yakima min
isterial ntaeclstlon to offorn by
Jnpancaa ti extend leatna ol land in
tlto Yabtinn valley a li't'rapbod
to A. II. Pall. e.rt.try nf tho In
terior tonight by tho Itulnler put of
tbo American l-ejb n f tbln city.
sTiti:irr twit iiu: it
BUATn.K. Dec 22. 4'area on tho
inunb'lpal ear nyr-toni lintlnit boon
ii'ilii'il in "' cents from n 1-3 emttK
rffntit.' Munli
nie IiIm., '.ni! ti
!.. l " i.ol '
1. S. .it i ! ittlilnlH
Here l Hie latent plcturn of Mm.
John Kronen on trial In Mount
Dolly. N. J., fur the murder nf her
hUKhiinil. John, famoua elreiM own
er, Harry ('. Mnlir Is co-defendant
wltli Mih. llniiiiii.
Boston's Coal Problem
,r . ll.ln,, r.lllrn,i
5 000 tons ot coal" which tho city obtained to meet tho fuel problem,
ton su patt ci tho crowd thrwiBlne tb9 ttvl wuunlUeo's hcadijuRrttM.
Limt cm
s s m
PON. A I'HV tlkli . Per 22 -The
innKl. "f blmk roll thai iriurla
from the i. I fi Id. i f O'lliI'Mna nnd
Texoa, whirl) has made millionaire
ovirnlgbl, la auon porbnini in few
place more rlonrly than la this nr
tiro little Ity at Bouio T.oAo per
I'onca City lioatta tho ilimii'tirn
of lialnn rnoro laborers who arc
Ci If fana than any otber city In t'ie
world - tho remit of an 11 million
Hire' rlche whlrb havo euaiilol h!m
to rrolixe an ambition to make oth
er happy. The man In i:rmt W
Marland, bead of tlio nil company
that bear Itla name, and tin' rr'f
playlnr. laborer nro his employes
who. with the eenoral publlr, an- lu
rltoil to use bis prUalo loiine. re
ogulseiTaa ono rf tho bent and most
beautiful In tbo eotithwrot It in
ao unusual night to ceo a fnumomc
of hanker tcclnc off behind a crour
of men In Jumper nnd m oralis
Marlnd'a nolf course Is part of his
estate. Deciding to maltn I'nsca
flu- t home lit 191C.
.VjiUuu c.i.i' u errnflilil on the
city' outskirts nt the desired "ite
Ti-niy the southern part of tlm field
has born transformed Into tbo mml
elaborato garden In tho southwest,
ni'd by tbo shin nt tho iinrdcn Ih his
lialatlal roitdcnro. reputed to have
roit approximately i :io million dol
lars. At the opimnlie end of the estate
I the c If co time. This. lop. lias
been landsrnped and beautiful. A
mall stream flews through tho
courso and baa boon dammed to
form small lakes. Clumps of
(rood and lirubs combine beauty
"Ith utility In prnvldlnt: hazards.
Two year u-.n Marland nunounred
that liu would bull.l an athletic
I'.ik. wblrli. like bis r.olf roll rue and
It's oaritelt, should be open to the
public. Twenty aero adjoining the
M.irltvad ruflnlai: plant were pur
rhaeil mid work ci'inmcncod. Tho
park wnti opecd nii'l sprlnR. It Is
one of tlio most moleru In tbo state,
xintulnltii- pl.iyliiR fields for football
.mil baseball, ruiiiitiiR tracks, tennis
lonru nml open sward to be used a
deilied. The conrroto grandstand
nctats 1,800 nnd is equipped with
club rooms, bhnwers and other mod
em ceuvonlences.
Tho Dos Mollies club of tho west
ern lear.uo will luu tho park for
tralnttiK next sprlun.
Mr. .Mniland'a oweat enlerprlso of
Ibis uaturo Ih the establishment ol
ii itamo preserve, llo has purcharo.l
300 ncroa iiilji.liilni;. tho city on the
north nnd U dlroctltiR a largo force
of men In boautlfyltiK I lie area nnd
olherwlso preparluK It for use.
(lot results by using class ada.
ntnrmiMl fllv Ilnll to SCCUrO BOmfl Of tho
Day after day
Month after month
For many years past
Has stood
Ready to serve you.
Has served many,
and is the one unfailing
support of Development and
Progress for the community
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Now is The Time to Begin
1 '-.
lerald -
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