!. XHEiEVRNlNGHWALP, IAMATH FALLS. OREGON i-itiii.w, mvuMiiim -a, jpiai. , IS M i' iiTfWi EviiHg Herald P. H. ROCtJC.. Editor and Publisher H. R. NIMj .City Editor P. O. NICKLK Advertising Manager Published dally except Buqday, at Th Herald Publishing Company of v jESKT i w TSwtfrMe lo&'xr ,-z. " -V - OVo r r s?lC &rSAU&tc4iy No boy regards Christmas as n 3 J Klamath Falli, at 119 Eighth stroet. I success unices ho Ims tho stomach- ' - - t ncho. EDierea at tno postotnco ai mam ath Falli, Ore., for trrnsraltilon through the mails as second-class matter. i.r . ,?, LtCCci'ioii (' MAIN MEMBER Or Tim ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is excluslro- V ly entitled to tho nsa tor publics- P .. all MMtfa JUtialAfl. rttitA UVU Uft nil 4lw umjMtvuv. .v-u..u to It, or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also the local news published herein. Clomonceau who cats .13 egga, dally, has saill-d (or homo and .lie hens' can raifhkup wltfijlhctr iibMKlllk TM slight MrthtiSkcTeporVKi'in California recently was sot the ham mer slayer being captured. lJL There should bo a fortune In dye ing Christina nKktlw another ' color. u fciiS5is- ".- .j r i I' WIRELESS GAVE WBrancTV .'i, ift nw I AS -' JO jJ' tfHOUIDAY SALE v Ktillrq Stock of retllfbhtl uud mouses. l2 PRICE "-. Illllfe'::! Wr u- ADVERTISERS Copy (or display advertising must be In this oftlco not later than 3 p.m. on the day preceding publica tion In order to be Inserted In tho laatlA ri ft n.HAr tt thl) tlOXt dAV. Want ads and reading notices IH hl wl'e bar pin. be received up to 13 noon on mo day of Itsuo. Herald PnblMilnR Company. (Iris who show pood judgment In dressing do cot show too much. A bootlegger tells us he bought Ilaschall players hate p. secret union but are llablu to strike out. ASSASSINATED 'J NIIDAV, DECUMIIKU iiwa. f A SERVICE RECORD I -rIFTY-EIGHT jcars In tho hnr- Prcmlcr Hughe o( Australia was stabbed with a hatpin, showing Aus tralian women havo equal rights. Don't get mad at a man (or car rying n case. It may bo n present There nro many new faces among wA,:JJ Personal Mention fl llll morilug fo i' 'ii'd but I :ii .' i iin.l mtei-1 2?siw... .A Hk.r; &? P .,.. i.n.1 i-nrh war nulllnc n ... i i the boxers this winter and. also some larger share of tho community load. Um K That Is a record t bo proud o(. i . i Y FUty-elght years, In tho lUes o( j A!wpman vlll treat hor husband ( Jf, somo men, sco great material sue- like 30 cents and demand J90.000 cesses. In a third of that tlrao Hoary when another woman nets him. fy Fonl has created from a -ery maU , ThQ faile.. Mnj, ,. opcnBR a . ft. beginning a fortune that la said to , w,ndoK anJ coUlaR lnt0 bcJ boforo V be tho greatest Individual accumu-, ho C()M R,r hu y()U h, latlon of wealth In tho world. In I 'llko tlmo General Pershing rose Many a social lion who thinks he from comparntlvo obscurity In tho Is a bear glvos some citty person a army's official list to a supremo aMb 'ur coat for Christinas. , President (labrlel N'arutowles ot military position In this country. In After landing a Job the first thing l'olani1' ho has been assassinated, like tlmo Warren Harding gradu-' Jomo mcn th,ak abPUt , getting according to Warsaw dispatches, atcd from a country newspipcr of- KU,!nc., carj printed r M tft.;t, ' hmi il.Z? m CiiW PAIM-ITI" Tihitl. IW 22 T liltlaBM, but not Tnhltl, i'xiktIoikihI n r6Sftontlon tft thp rort-nt., I'Arth lU0!r In Uhllo Iiiii tho flo,l to llie hlHh mntiittnliti lirfiirt a gn-at tt.lAl MfrtVoYhlch tho wlrelen wild - sWi-rplh'g rti'rosn thu 1'nc.tfle "lleay varlliqunko In t'lillo with till wuvo. may reufh you," reid n pilvalo iaJ4o tunssngo recoln-tl here J N'ovembor 13 from New Xenlnnd 1'tie niiwMRu was shown tho k or.ioiit of Iho roliuiy hut gow-rn i j reckoning tho 4.000 mlloi of nn between t'lillo anil Tahiti, when- ' no wotilil hao itu?lo np.tro to spreal out, thounht It iiunrrFwiry to' nlnrn the Inhabitants. Next day. Iinwovar, eamo ih- pre dlpatches. mnklnc knonn the n-w of olltor rexlilcatn rf thn Utnndi-aim--it them tho mayor. The moor of I'tippll,'. being Iho ruly olo.-tl v. offlrlnl on tho Islnml, Is a sort o( trlbuno to tho peoplo ond hn nw MIh Dolly Harris, who Is employ ' ' ""T ,V Z " " ' cd ... tho county clerk', office, lf. rr"i " nM "oner .his morning for her homo In Ooru- " """r m,lhT aUo" h,m ' ' inp. California, t, visit b.r parents. "'I"' n'lr,1,ORor th ' v raaitrlnns. nnd thoy flpnrc.l and Harry Uum wh ;i passenger en measured nnd enst horoseopos about tho marnliiR train bound (or iort- !iat ,ltJa' waro nnd flunlly ro.ichi-il land where b .lll lntt with friends ,ho cunrluslnn that It would strike until after the holidays. . tho Islnd with dmavalltiG fury on the night of N'ocmbor lu or t'u Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Krnltagca moraine ot tho 10th. and two thIUrrn teft this murulng Natlo heralds were sont out with for Los Angeles to spend tho wtntei- big bass irums to warn tho Inhtb- I NSUfii Qia' Fruiik Hurii-t Ashland on a 1 1 filmMiro trip .!i Alice Thurston will eav- to- j morrow mornlnn for hor homo lu itoaoburR. Jitas Thurston ta a loach or in tho lne.nl high school. til & nr .' (Ico, and by successive steps at tained tho highest political honors In, tho United States. And so on ad Infinitum, material successes In this country and abroad might bo recounted, as tho result of gainful striving through tho past bait century, or a portion thereof. The public sings tho rralscs of : Lelters from ihe People . MMM-- W rf.iHN'i ... t.l., .ltll.. hh.I nnlltll ' US unnuiiai, JIlllllUIJ UUU i'UllllV... leaders whero all may sec, and seeing cheer Posed as Ruil Magnate Now He's Turned Cynic - PATItO.VI.i: HOME lailOR SPOKANE. Wash . Pot. 22 TOO SAYS f01tltlPOM)EXT Declaring that many girls are at- Edltor Evening Herald' tempting to marry men with money Your editorial of December 10th t-,at t,ie" can e!t around tho rest , Inst.; In retard to citizens natron- "' leir lltee. Jarae M. iWoley, who They stand upon pedestals , illa homo In(justry 8 ,ery B00ll. creator a rarere among rj-rtln o( and I certainly bellcvo everyone , younger society tedles l OiU city their achievements. ! should adhere to said policy of kco?- j a "tl' more lnaa a fortnight ago Dut scattered abroad through ng all tho money In Klamath Falls! when ho rosed aa n nephew of the the nation arc the unsung servants I to b0 used for tho rebuilding ot tho '3t- K- " Harrlman, railway mag ot tb0 common weal. They pass j city. , nac. ' Inclined to take a slightly along unheralded, but In tho final Now let m0 cite another part ot cynical icw of the attitude of mod. the story (or the bcn(lt of those ern girls. uool ! esvlni;.a..ffi!rJ business men who are desirous of month's Jail XMtence oh a vagrancy having all citizens buy at home. charge. I iiavo been Informed that the Wljen Interviewed at tho enmity Oregon. California nnj Eastern rail- JH. Dooley, yho saya hu Is 23 ycara road, a Klamath Falls business, has weighing their deeds will count (or much. Ono such soldier of tho common good lives In Wausau, Wisconsin, wboro ho conducts n country news- psnor. tho Pilot, which ho (ounded ..,!. h,..rrn vMr. nm in. cnt to Portlasd for a mechanic to nam0 Is Eugcno D. Thayer, iy nam0 is eugcno u. -mayor. & Tho other day tho Pilot celebrat- i fen,llnB foV traan "b .j u. ,i. i-... i. ..,,... ...,. hero for a while, then li build somo cars for It. Now this of age, declared, "I want to say that a lot ot gtrki In this town li.ivo a big Imagln&tlon. About nil I ever will come toltt them waa that my name was leave again. 'Harrlman ' Of course tho girls be- I tuklng all his earnings with him. Is Ba" Introducing me UBdPr that name not lu lino with tho appeal of mer- nni1 le ,0f- Just kept growing, chants to kcop all business at home , Thero are a lot ot girl) trying., to becauso tho maacy they recclvo will hook some poor fish with money and bo circulated here. ' " around tho rest of the.r lives. I wish to stato that If tho O. C. . "To tell tho truth I really was ft E. had taken tho troublo to In- making moro than J200 a month vestlgate they could havo (ound working la the rallrod shops. It cd Its flfty-clghta anniversary, and the editor called attention to the occasion with tbeso werds: "Tho Pilot regards Its (lfty-clght years of existence simply as a period of servlco, and wo sincerely trust that wo can continue to bo an In stitution that will bo a community asset." No hint ot how his own material wclfaro has been holpcd or hlndorcd ( America, and who could build cars in me passing oi mo years. i ana uo any otnor worx as won as a Simply tho plain statement of a Portland mechanic, nnd at no groat- acl(-respoctlng citizen who appro- or cost than tho Portlasd man. elates tho worth of his servlco, and 1 Thoso men could glvo referenco ro w Uh r-Utlvcs nnd friend Mre. Mary Drew, occc-ntpanled by her daughter, lilt Wnlvo, will loate In the morning fur 8au Kranelsco to spend th holiday Miss Hasol Pry arrived horo Tues day evening from Uerhcloy and will be here tor tho m-st two weeks wllb hor paronts, Ur and Mr. Oeorgo Fry. Mis. W. J. Robert and dnpth trr. Miss Audrty. will arr!vi here Sunday frofi tbelr Medfard homo ami will visit hero with Mrs. Uob ort's brothers. J. A. aJ J, V Hous ton. Prank Howard, who Is connected with tho pino beetle rr-atrol office hero, left this morning for bis homo In Oarfleld. Washington, whoro h. oi poets to spend several weeks with his parents. -, Justice of tho Peace Osgltagon roeclved a telegram from Albu iiuirque. Now Moilco. this morning In which J. S. Colllor asked fur In formation regarding tho uhnro abouts of Isham Collier, who U sup-1 posed to be In Klamath Kails, W K llrown left ttiN morning for Ho'Il tor California, afti-r snoral days spent hero In attendanrc im thi- Jlamtrm lu.irlng In circuit ,eourt Ean Una ins who was ono 6f the attorneys for (ho di-femla-its. left on tint moruliig train also, going ; Milf.ird. , Itants. I'j-tlc ntsullcJ' In many soc lions. Tho Chinese stornkerpcrs piled their wares Into nil Immediate transportation sad healed for the high hills whoro they w-ro joln-: by a goodly portion of the pollu tion bearing banging lamps , family It hlos, eight. day loach, rorking chairs, portraits of deponed rrli tires and othrr precliiis pvssri .1 n Two days bu4 nights the r.(ug-ei canipod In tho opon. sranninn tho horlson fur iho wall of water (in Nov. IT thoy returned. What actually happened was a phenomenon of Irregular tides on the evening of Nov. II Whan tlir tea chbod nnd flowod at Ictcrvals of 15 minutes, fiv,, or six tlmoa from ex tritno Inw wuter to ntioie tho usual high water mark In the .Marquesas JslamU tho sou roro I J feet nbovo thu high water innrk on the tamo duta but no damngo was raptirtml fl ' W) Wot ih Gift Clocks They are :is ornanionlal as thoy arc useful ami dependable, and make mot't welcome i;ift.s DAVENPORT TNE JEWELER omo! WoiU nt llimrl I'l ll ft." tli-pnliii S. I1, ntnl O. C A E. It)- ' w uvtiii-r RUSIAN CZAR NOW IN LOS ANGELES la content with tho knowlcdgo that the servlco has been well rendered that ho has put Into a long llfo men hero, who havo built cars In W"M Ju notion to give my namo as j FORMER BARBER TO mosi oi mo car uuiimng suops in' ,",",, . . -u.uu Bum and they began Introducing me nrnund. I "I might say that thora nro n lot i of boy In Ihe railroad sbopg who' aro hotter h oklng than I am and J some of tli urn would make a bettor I living and betlur hustxtuda lots of tho so-called kwI1s." KLAMATH TIRE HOUSE on Gasoline Corner II. E. CALKINS, Propilitor Siiio-.Mir In Clinrlli-s' I'l.irn Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Vulcanizino and Repair Work New Stock of Tires and Tubes Flowers Ami Added Gift Don't lcl this Chi'wUuas go by without including Flowers among your gifts. No matter what else you give regardless of cost Flowers cany a sentiment that nothing else can. Flowers by telegraph to all vails of the world Klamath Flower Shop Phone 5S0 S!M Main St. NOTICE: Will be open evenings and all day Sunday and Christmas Day. ; carding their ability and Integrity, from well-known companies. Many of theso men aro taxpayers moro than ho has taken out of It. ' Iiero- ani1 ure,y u wouUl bo t0 ,ho Eugcno II. Thajcr of Wausau. 01 Interests of city to glvo them SANTA CLARA TO Wisconsin, and ho Is a typo of tho I a chanc0 boforo bringing ouu ADD DEPARTMENT I fctjfn t ItABt Dltf Ilnt1!.l lk veif . unsung servants of American prog ress, deserves well o( his follow mon. Probably most of tho busi ness men of his town havo made moro money than he, but ho has outstripped thorn In'servlco. Monoy and power may hnvo passoJ him by, but utter all ho has ac quired something that money can not buy and power cannot com mand tho loving respect o( those with whose lives ho Is lu dully contact. sldors wboso stay wonld ho ouly temporary, and who would carry most of their earnings away with them. If tho merchants want to reap nil tho profits from local buyers, lot them adhnro to Iho policy o( krop- 1.08 ANii:i.E3. Hi i : 1 Charl-i. tji;U) i Atli Pifrt, said to haM- In-en (or It ycers barbor to tho ' z.ir ( ijuhsU, today Is Urn owner of nn un.insuming 11 1 1 1 barber shop n it tho down town st'itiun n( I. oh Aiigi-b s. troosuros a IraM-linij pa:.Trt.- "good for ten years." whlih Nicholas gavo lilm when ho l-ft tho service ot tho Imperial hnticholl tu seek his (ortunn in America The Home of Practical Gifts TRACTORS ONCE IN FRANCE BEING USED NOW IN FAR NORTH SANTA CI,AUA. Cat . Dec. 22. I A colltte of commorcu nnd finance, loading to tho degroo ot hacholor ' of commorco science will Lu ustah-1 ii.hc.ini Vl","im!ll!y "' Sa".,.n s"'iy i- i'"-"" - Clara hero In 1023. Tho pre-modl-, i,ir ,inv m i-nrrina. AiImIih "' Ing their money at homo, instead cnl course, illsco&tlnucd during the I of Importing men when they want war, will bo resumed at that time Advertising pays. Try It and soo work dono. If they do this, their business shoul 1 Incrcaio according ly. Youra Truly. I-'. E. I). , Klamath Falls, Oro. I Klan Goes to Church SSSSmfvmmimyM British Wool Growers ' Seclc to Improve Stock LONDON, Dec. 22. Several hun dred head of rams aro to bo Import- , cd Into this country (rom-Pcru, In. ordjr a ,OHitios;lfl'lltl',ot " producing merlnowool ,or 'noiluo ANCHOIIAOE, Alaska. Dec. 22. Tractors which onco dragged guns over tho battlefields of Franco nrojcrOM wobolSi , lho r,tah ,M now uoing uscu in AlaaKu lor road The plan Is tho- result cl olfort . .. .. , . ... if . ' r. ' ; . , f.. vuiiairnciiu A largo brought ornmont railroad which Is ncarlnBlot wool as flno as that producod In complotlou. Thulr work on thu,outll America. At tho nresont railroad oor, thoy aro now bolns.mo tll0 fnc8t wool nrouuCua horo put to other taskB. ! u pn,,.(1 , rnnr. Should tho Initial efforts bo suc tion and transportation. 2 by muny ;ool uj-jnufucturera. iptho go number of tractora vr North o( EnglandJo breedj ghoer;' f to Alaska (or uso on Knv.fi, 'hero whlch"woUld producu, craile' r Freah guaranteed candles Just re ceived by pnrcol post (or Xmaa gifts. Currlns for drugs. 22 tDuy now, pay noxt yenr. Uruns . . '.wick Phonocranlis. -CurrIua . (or '--1 "" ' '-- - -w " '- " 'J Sft'J'VJIl"1 lI'i'V " mull jr--. cossmul, It l'l probably that all of tho present largo (locks will ho gradually killed to mako way (or tho (Incr breeds, as theso command prices (our times higher than tho .Ky.5.'.lJteiis!fc. rif'! ' "x'V". fit Wl jyi Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Neckwear, Sox, Underwear, Bath Robes and Footwear of all kinds, Traveling Bag?, Suit Cases, Mackinaws, Overcoats, Leather Vests, Bedding, Hats, Caps. An order for a Suit or Overcoat would please father or brother for years to come . Hero H tho first plcturo taken o( membeia o( tho Ku Klux Klan Invading a chuich durlnc ton Ices to glp monoy und cMircss their npprovul o( tho wcrl: o tho pastor. Tins unusual photo v?s taken txi , . tho raclfjc Congrceatlonal aivrcli In Chicago. I - Vw-'-r m- Ii.ii .4r ItUklAv-' s btore Weiss & Noud, Props. Arow Good. HH t nli t-swil"rtj",i"