The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 21, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Opportunities at Underwoods
for last minute buyers
Our Christmas goods hrtvc been going fast. Our snl c have surpassed our expectations Some Hues have
been completely reduced, but still we have the fallow ing splendid opportunities that we can effer:
Some Excellent Numbers Left for Your Choice
' ,
r 8
VttfHSfBBBLaai iitiCBra 3a5Bt afHaBBsiaiitL SaBsBBM 'K, ''asBBT'l feaBaslaavSCjLai'
aBBBBBBBBBJBarjBHcaSBSggEdBjftjjK iflSB Jf afcry xjt ' asy m.yy''?y'y?i ' i... j-js ..V
-"! i
jkaria, in kaotra as "Blade Mud
". A fc Oaatoc kuta dotted
pttaarw asaV oetastonaUy CM
MH Jan foJBd Hi way loto tta
tartar. rTaasi D1if ?""
MM WnMI elrilUatioa. .ba:
f.Tiarttasea hi a rtnt editJess of
taV&toa- Esaalaft Rxt, rates
a:feaa tJVUomim City of tat
fetta."- DakaSvU tfc busia
iHirapaMr of. .Manchuria, and
ESto:wwmeiclal and baaa
ratal acthrttia. The aeaoladaa has
wariaiia, fr a ot iiKiDit. mrurt
ft-aaarir IMMOO.bmI. "Tat via.1
&r ta.Uas saediAJsad Oriaatal
' aiuatsa it nwo iiwim,
traa ;MM' fcrtas, -mtful
. - LAM.I H.UIL. kM4l.4lM
ia..alatfcre stmt ear tystcai and
tnrcmc napronsratnts.
HauCoaaof Uttaasat
U Far JiuL la lecatad
Th dtr of Oalrca waa or
Ittaatly laid oat to the shap; of a
wbcaL "Sew mat mtr.-jea radi
ate from a bub which is known as
Central Plaxa, and U used as a
ci Tic center. -
Ualrea Is the sontbern terminal
of the Sooth ManehurU Bailway
tnd t- coodernltatioo of the city
Is tee reaslt of the prosreestoe
policy of Hie .railway. It has a
harbor onequaUed 'any pUfe else
la the (Meat. 8Uten years co it
ranked teety-aeeoDd atnons Cnlneae
porta la the( aasouat t.tzde. Horn
it la ta second tersest Ch' oh
port to votsane of trade, only being
exceeded by ShsdRbst Dalrcn 1 i
aaother adrantaff. which Is not en.
toyed by any other port b. north
Chlaa la that traffic-la not t'.oppxl
during tbe winter months by Ice.
The barber cocra.approxitBately
820 acres aad has every facility fo
the eftdent Cocaine; of rteasera
sad handUBK cargo. There are 73
wareboaaea vitbln the wharf com
pooxd with a capacity of 400.000
tana. Tbo wharf admlnlitratJon is
ooder the management of the
South Manchuria Railway and
everything is done to fadllute the
ship of carso. .
Tba trade of Dalren has ihoT
tremendous increases. In 1UU3 tlie
total exports were 440,8?J toes. In
1U21 they amounted to 360.774
tons. The Imports (or 1904 were
336,227 tons and the imports ."or
1921, 763.V77 tons. The total trade
for the last three 7eara lis aver
aged more than four million tons.
The principal exports are soya
beans, bean oil. bean cake, cereals
and coal and tho Imports railway
material, machinery, cotton eoods
and kerosene oil. Twice the amount
of roods are Imported to Uairen
from the United Butts as arc ex
ported from Dalren to the United
State. In 1913 only one American
steamer called at .Uairen. while In
1921 fifty-one American vessels
totalling a cross tonr Re of 294,204
tons called at Dalren. The total
number of steamers arriving at.
Dalren for 1921 was 20&
u.3: to. furnish
weather bulletin
Service for ships
WA3IIINPTP.V, Dec. 21. Special
wiathir bulletin service for tho
beaeril 6 shlpplnc in tho Carlbean
Sea lias been 'arranged for by the
United 'States feather bureau thru
the radio' service of a commercial
teaastilp'com'p'anr. ThS bulletins
willbe flashed twice dally '.from tho
cpiajhriy's s'tatbn on Swaa Island,
la the Weitcra- Caribbean.
1e'Jfrbrnfne;.uullenns"wIll be sent
outonly during; tho hurricane teat
onwhtch lasts,, from Juno through
November, nndfwlllbo In tro parts.
Tht first parlStl'ir co'ntaln Veather
akairratlpns from ten ,r elected, sta
MoijIfiroJfJhpnt The 'b Indies
aaefijelffiy coasls. The'-eeo'nd part
wf'conlijn-'dally forccaVts of wjncf
aai Weather -for tho Oulf of Mexico
asdtife CarlbEean west of lonstl
tnoV 7S degft and advices and
winitats'roBAralng the location and
movement of hurricanes In warm
wtather and "nortbers" In winter;
TheUlsht bulletins will bo broad.
Cast, 'dally throughout the year anu
wlir.icohtalu forecasts, advices tnn J
warilnes similar to thoso Included In
theJ,.aecond part of tho mornlng-bul-laitaa.
it rasnlta V1usim etaaa ada
8VDNEV, N. S. V. Dec 21. tho
dress and 'morals of tho woman of
today wcro censured by .Mrs. Grant
Forsythe, In tho president's addrrss
at tno nnnual convention of tho Wo
man's phrlstlan Tempcranco union.
"W dcploro many of tho aow
curtonrnaad habits that havo crept
Into women's lives," slid raid. "Tho.
too free manner and carclesfl, im
modest dress, tho Inelopar.t. slangy
language, tho cigarette. sKoklsi;
apd "vlae-drtsMng. tbo betting nnd
gambling that nro as meat anj drink
to raasy, if not to the majority of
girls all aro signs of the times. We
da'ro net leave them uachallcngr-1.
Some of tho ovl!, could bo rectified
by lecUlatlos; some only by exam'
plo nnd teaching. Women's -place
atll) bcelns In. tho homo, and tlicra
wo must look for tho remedy.
Mrs. Forsythe said that sho look
ed forward to the tlmo whon the
leglslatfiro would glvo tho proplo na
opportunity of expressing their op'..i
Ion on tho liquor quoatlon, "and
when, our Intelligent niori t'Jd w
menvwouTif.atudy tbo qusstlon of pro
hlbltfon with unblaecil nC-ls."
The convcatlon votod to-ank tho
fedorar-governmont to.utroduco le
gislation' In" 'Australia which would
glvu married women the right to re- (
tain their ttrltlih nationality on)l
marriage with an nllea. Other com-
niendatlor.s urged that Australian
representatives at tho Imperial con-'
ferweo should c'Jilcavor to have leg-!
Matlon of this kind made uniform f
throughout tho empire. '
,Tho secretary iuld that many wo-'
men did not reallzu that If they mar
ried a foreigner, tiicy adopted tho
nationality of tho husband md
would havo no claim upon'ns'Kng-t
Us hcounsul abroad In tho event of
WANTKD All winter's Job cutting!
wood ny tier or cord, iiox k. t.,
llorald Office. 21-23 )
STRAYRU lUy Filly branded!
t-I.v II II " ab l,.n .tiniil.ti... Of. nn I
left stifle. FlnJcr please notify Ii.
.Douglas Whltollnc. 21-30
' DRISMAKIM Your hoina or
I mine. Call mornings, Satlsfac
I tlon guaranteed. I'lioiiu 37C. Apt 7.!
iIlulmsApts. 21-28 'J-
'.PHONK H. II. XfclJino for that
Christmas tret.', 339-lt. 21 I
', FOUND Alrcdalo puppy. Anyonol
i willing to glvo it u good homo
call 79 IMno St. 21
We do anything thai Is fair, reas.
onatilo and honest to ruialn your pat
raaago. Currln'n For Drugs. 20 .
-- .....
The Finest Turkeys in the Land
Dressed Chicken, 30c lb.
SWeet'Pdtatoes, 5c lb.
H3iVnbjffiWest 25fc lb.
M H Smi "Walnut, 35c lb.
Hard Shell Walnuts, 30c lb.
Filberts, 29c lb.
B'zils, 22c' lb.
'Pecans, SSc lb.
.Large Select Arizona Grape Fruit,
UargeWelect .Florida' Grape Fruit,
v v ,I8cjT? f6rJ5c., ,x f
'Large. alectPaiianas, l'Gc'lb.
Large aelectjCaulif Ibwer; 25c hdad. ,
'Seven Sariejles ,Select Home-Made
CaijIies,TOc lb. t
,,Mome,Jade Mince Meat, 25c lb.
Home-Made Fiiiit Cake, 40c. tbt
Hbme-Made;'Plum Pudding, 35c lb.
'Extra Select Celery, 25c.
c "We Will KaVe a Faricy Work and Embroidery Sale Friday and Saturday
Select Oranges, 45c dozen.
Extra Select Oranges, 50c dozen.
Extra Select Baldwin Apples, $2.25
Extra Select Spitzenburg Apples,
'?2.25 box.
Extra Select Winter Banana Apples,
. $2.50 box. i
Extra Select Rome Beauty Apples,
$2.40 box.
Extra Select Newtown Apples, $2.25
Winter "Nellis Pears, $1.50 box, six
. pounds for 25c
Wnipnin? Cream, 25c per half pint.
Before you purchase your 'Christ
.mas Apples come in and see these
'Extra Select Apples.
" We haVe all the Vegetables in
'season for your Christmas dinner.
Purchase them from our Fountain.
'Vk m
$k '-L
IVifiiine llinptM'i' lliilllro $I.S!S lit
IVifunio .liiiileiN Vl." ttt U.IM
rerflime I-'Iiii'diih . ... 3fli"
ltiri-iii lliirmiM "'V mill !M."
I'lnjlMK r.uil. 'Wr t' ""
I'nUer I'lilpi, liv . . . 7.V t ft. .Ill
1'I.k.IiIIkIiIh t . in f l.M
Jewel fil-tH . ftlle In l.a.
VimlH t'ui" We ' W
IVltllllli'i, mlullinl liutllei . Ml.iMt I" 3MI.HO
IKiiitilo I'uiMter MuiHicli. fl..VI mill flS..V
lliiMirlul MiiiiIiiiio .MelH S'-MIH in f7..1l
Cranes Linen Lawn and Highland Linen need no "boosting."
Their high quality and beautiful finish appeal to every person
of discrimination. Put up in tasteful gift boxes, from (10c io
$2.00. Some larger cabinets from $2.50 to $5.00.
Mime), Helm 7.V
lllll llmiU W2.0II
lllp llmiliN . 91.00 lo f.VOO
Ullie ItiKiU M.00
(lilil C.i-i -. (iloiililn Mil) . 7.V In
Ciimiiry liiliter "Tite4iil" IMe l .5'-i.OI
t'liiiililiiiillnii l'unei . !Wc In IMeVI
KnpIKi CiiIii I'iiimh, nite In fl.iMI
Hlllllill' Culll I'lliwii lOr lo sa.aii
the gift supremely pleasing :zr the quality satisfying
Chocolates in Fancy Boxes
Made by Pig'n' Whistle Company
Crater Lake Pictures
Wc pride ourselves upon the variety and beauty of our pic
tures of Crater Lake. Owing to the immense number that we
sell we are able to make u price that competitors cannot touch.
Just think a five by seven picture of Crater Lake, in colors
and beautifully framed for only
These pictures are
easily wrapped for
mailing and make
ideal gifts for
friends far away as
well as home folks.
The celebrated panoram, made by Duncan a number of years
ago, the only good picture ever made that shows practically the
entire lake, io now obtainable in colors, handsomely framed,
from $3.75 to $10.00.
A Camera is a gift that is remem
bered as often as it is used. Give
the youngster a camera in the favor
ed box style, which costs so little
and operates so easily. Bigger cam
eras for others. Best cameras in the
country, all sizes and at lowest
The Brownies box style, range
in price from $2.00 to $5.00. Take
excellent pictures, and as a gift is
hard to beat. A source of pleasure
and education. N
Kodaks the folding models, from
$(J.OO up. We are agents for the
Eastman Kodak, and have a full
line ready for. inspection.
Framed Mottoes
Undoubtedly the finest line
.of framed Mottoes ever seen in
Klamath Falls. Beautiful senti
ments, tastefully framed, from
75 cents up.
A de luxe assortment printed
on parchment band tinted, with
illuminated initials and borders,
$1.50 to $3.00.
If you are a lover of the artis
tic you should see these.
Everybody Likes Candy
Remember, we have the well
known Pig 'n Whistle Choco
lates and Taffies.
65c per Box and up
Gifts for Women
Space .forbids more than a men
tion of the many things suitable
for the ladies.
Fine perfumes 50c to $5.00
Toilet Sets $1.50 to $40.00
Fountain Pens $2.75 to $6.00
Kodak Albums .. $1.00 to $5.00
Fine Stationery .'60c to $5.00
Gift Bdoks 75c to $2.50
Diaries 35c to $1.50
Address Books .. $1.00 to $2.50
Manicure Sets 60c to $15.00
Nut Bowls :$3.50 to $6.00
Narcissus Bowls with
bulbs, from ... 75c to $5.00
A beautiful assortment of gift
books in pretty bindings. Class
ics, Robert Service Books, "As a
Man Thinketh," "The Greatest
Thing in tlie World," and many
others. Prices from 75 cents up.
Hundreds of books of fiction by
the best authors, $1.00 each.
Bibles and Testaments, all
styles of paper and bindings.
Vanity Boxes
We still havo a good selection
of vanity cases and handbags,
in various -styles of leather.
Prices to suit every purse, $3.50
to $20.00.
Fountain Pens
High up in the estimation of gift givers is the
Fountain Pen. It is a possession rare to many
but frfvored by everybody. Give a Fountain Pen
and you will give a gift that will be appreciated.
See our line of
popular pens, America's best make3, plain and
highly ornamented, and all of which make most,
excellent gifts. s
'Prices from $2.50 and up
Comprisine; gold-barreled pens and automatic
Wlfilinil fVin Awn ni-tinlnu In rrifi- lwiv A vni'u firm
present for either lady or gentleman.
Prices $7.50 to $12.50
Gifts for Men
A limited list of some of the finest goods we sug
gest) for men this year. Many a difficult problem
can be solved cither 'by the suggestions that this
list givc8,vor by an'inspcction of the stocks them
selves which arc far more complete than wc can
demonstrate here.
Safety Razors
Fountain Pens
Lather Brushes
Smokers Sets
Playing Cards
Military 'Brushes
Automatic Pencils
Bill Folds
Razor Strops
Razor Blades
Hair Brushes
Combs ,
Card Cases
Vacuum Bottles
J .ilWWaW 16Q
ajaaajassBasara''' "utxa. -v t x ..
126 N. Sixth
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