The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 21, 1922, Image 1

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I'lilier-lly Mhmry
l-ugi'iie, ()iiini
iHIjjp lEn est
medkiiati: Hurnii'.m.v windm
Member of the Associated Prcw
Hltlcililh W. ii, (l.lill
klamatii falls, omxJos, nil i i.w. m i miii i: m, Hiaa
rmcK fivk owtn
With One Exception, Clean
Sweep Will Be Miule
by New Mayor
Willi oin I'lrnpliiiii. a cli-.m ru
In rltr department head will he '
made liy Arthur Wllmin, iniiynr
I ll'Cl, wllell lll Idlll'H iifflm ll Jmi-.
imry 2. J
Tln o'cpptlin will ! In tin. fin-1
df'putlllli'ht. Keith Alilliliiin rn-1
m.ilnlnc rhlrf j
Nnil'li t'nlliK riilrf ,
J (in Hmllll I 1,1 1 1. 1 fir rhlrf ill.
pollcp. Micccpillng II. B. Wilson
Hnillll Wu pill III' rl.lef here IrW'nil
year ii C"
Dr. I. I) I .j inli lll mirci'iil Dr.
II. I) I. Stewart a rlly health of
ficer '
M I. Miller will replace Hob
1 1 minakcr tin Rlri'Ol rominlrtiliihpr.
Miller I ill pn-i'iil employpil In Hint
Appiiliilnii ill. (Ylliilii
Thrim appoint mi" nrn prttrltrnl
ly irrlaM. ii-cordlng In Wllion
Himir iiiiriirUluty pretnlls luii'rr,
In thr appointee for rlt altar
lin. mill mi ilirlilnnn limp been
teached iik in I hi' member nf I lie
poller (iuri ii I nllitir u tiuriltlinlc
lllllu'it lliiokliu mill On lis Tinker
.i, ('riinim I'lirnlro
(lllhctl lln-kln. IT. iiml Curll.
TnckiT. 22. lunvlrtril nn clinrKm of
Urgency. nri' Krmili'il painlxit liy
JuiIcp A I. I.oavlll whin Din twn
iippi-urt'il In rlrriill (nun tliU iniirn
ItiK I" !' "Mili'm-i'il.
Jlnnklin hud pint cillliv tu liial
Inn propiTO' (rmn it ilunllini: n(l
Turkvr to lPnlliiR n nnirli from
VtthX 7.i'Kfr Tim wnirli vn rn
rnvrrrit iiml ri'Mirni'il lo tint owner
Kxnlalnlmt iliut It wmi nn nn-
jili'Uiunl link to prnniiiinnrii m'lil!
inro mi yniini; men wlui lt: I i'Wr)
opportunity to Imprmo I it ilio fu
turn, iiml wiiii th impii of lu'ipiiir
thrill tn urnw lino ennil rlllii.u
IuiIkii t.p.ivlll nalil tin hilil ili-clilril
In grant Ilio two parohii. hiiIiJiv'
In Roml linhnvliir.
Tuckpr In ii nmrrli'il m.iit liim
yoiiliK wlfi In H.ilein In tinuwiirn nl
III trniihn In roply In thn rourl,
Turknr promlM'.l iluit with tier In ho miiiiIiI ni'Vcr allow him
ci'lf in Im ti imirny uriiIii Tnrknr
lii'liiK wllhntit fiiniU. Dm nfllcnrn lil
OKliiplinl ri'lnlhrit nl Hiilcin (or fnrn
In irml li I lit lininn In III wlfn fn.'
llul" Wilt lie HI I Irlly K'uforiiMl
Si'iimlliiiulmi Hull I'rlilny
Tlm 'nn mnokliu:" ruin wilt ho
xlrli'lly ciiforii'd nl III" boxing con
lest ut rlranillliuvlan hull Kild.iy
nlghl. mid Hi" boutti will nut prori'm'.
until nll.Munklug hit reiiHed, do
rliired I'romoler I'teil (larlch.
,,l nut'h limit patruiM liiive lii'iui
ri'iik'tid In Hlnp HiiinkliiK. Many
comply with 'the refluent while nn
"qiinl iniiubi'i- I'lilitluuo In puff
away, tluu clirnuraitliii; nlher tn
light uguln.
"WJlh 2S rounds of hoxln; nn thn
caid, lunco u lengthy progrum. the
house, will bo filled with Miuoke by
thn tlnui tho main oveut Roe up,"
Hiilit (In rich. "This ruin linn 'ii'no
boon ciiforro.t ut tlm tr.ilnli.K Miiar
Icih, Vnu ciiii't expect bnxelri lo do
llmlr best with tliulr lur.KH full nf
wi:.Tin:it iwt()ii.iiii.riu:s
Thn Cyilo-Hlnrnmrji'niili nt t'nih'i-
woon h ru.nrui.ii'y
Imx lecoided bill
Ullltlll f-loillL'tlU III
( ' Inn nine! 1 Iii in "it -
Jf Hiiro ilnrlni; the
i-li'J last 'ilJiount ami
lOIIXIITOW wll lin
Iiflr.lil ' mill'.irt nli
ntliiir fog puli In
1111 n.p pea ni u'ce.
I'ii recant f 11 r
next 21 limn a:
I'Nilr, wllh modnr-
10 C
uiu tumiMiintnii'i.
Thn Tyco recnrdlug Ihorimiinrilor
leglstereil maximum mid minium
temiorature:i lodny uh folowui
High I
Low HI
ii.inn:i iioiiiln in- -
nisi u i:ifi:n n nuii(
HAS' I'llAN'I'lHCO. Di'i : I
- Tlui tlurri'l hiil.n or ili
iiil.l it iivliitiir. ('(ilntml I'rit n
vvh (' Mnrnhnll mill LI'miiimi
mil C'linrli'N Welilmr, Itnvp liei.ii
foil ml mi I lie Piihli) Indian
riifi'Miilluii inllnn oiilli i r
Tumi i, Atl-in.i. nmiiilliu: in
ml vli i'ii h Hit. Hniiilmni I'm Kir hern A iiiwboly riiim-
l.i.ill III" IiimIIim In tlm wri'ik-
iir.)' "f ("I mrpliiii"
(lulu s nf Mi:n htirrl IiipiiI. A p.
pio.uli I'll) rmiiiilli PkiMiii;
n( u Mil) Hi rlmnuril-
i'lii.uiiim: iiliiio r.l.m 'Aimiiiun lm
In i (imp "mil ii popuhr illTnrilnn
Willi iiinlnrliU In IhU rlly. Iiml
Mil) ntul uiisiim for niTiirltiK " rlon '
ml en-mi nrn ImtiiK roinililcrivl.
Owiiitb if M.iln nlrii'l froliti have
npprihirhPil Ih" city eiiuirll mil Minici
nrllnn will prnliiihly m tnkuu nt Itmi
Ili'Ht lliri'lliiK i
I'm U Ciii- I'liriillil )
Oin riuni'il) mpoioil la lh p.irk
IttR of nil ram pnrqllcf with the
curb Tint I'llmliinllnii or ilttin),
from M-iln ulrrpl i miERoalnil In thUj
ronmilnn, a IhU mi'thoil nt pnrk
UiK rii'inlro mom room. !
Olio inori'hnnl hm nlrraly nknil '
Ilio ronnrll for prrmliwliiii in prnlret
hli Ktorii front nlih a itronR Inn i
i rulllnc nlotiK tlu uhlownlk imIki' !
Tin matter haa nut it rnnrhml
thn (taEi "( coMiilitiuiitloii hy thn
ronnrll, hill llu niiliiinnlilln mmnrln
linn Ii;h hi'i-n akiJ to mko a hnai j
uml miKRHi nme fpn-lhtu plan. i
A t:n ni: III" flnrra Ihllt hun liOrn ,
ilrtlin- nf an lint Hi In yi'.ir aro t tic J
lliililuln llarilwai" roiupany. III"
ltaliiliiiw ronfiTlloiu'ry. thn Jlrrra
imol hall nml llm (ilriiRiT Kriunry
utorr Thn ll.ililuln nlori' mif
frrnl tiM hctiVloil ilurnaK". hnil.iK
Iiml i mii plali'-Kl.n-i fnnt broken.
TJii lliililuln ntnrn lint nil pr.noi
worth .'ipprntlinnlnly 1 1 M) cvli, ant
In a rii.iluri'inrnt niusi Ii" flRtiroil
Hit- ii nt nf loll nml tiinnll)
Ilio nhl-l".if li'iii-rini:. Ihiiriiik tin
il.ilnaS" wlur" nun pan., Imiki-ii
up In iippriiiliunli'ly 2eu.
9:10 la'tleil Agiilii.) Man Who IImpU"
Window; Sciili'iuo Sil-prnilril
I'ri'd tillmon. chnlgod with bark
ing nn auti'inolillo thiuugh th" plate
glass front of th" ll.ilduin hard
warn stiirn Monday afternoon, at a
hearing In the Juslirn court late "
lerduy una fined ISO and sontent'c.l
In sli mouth In Jail.
Thn Jail sentenrn was suspcndi'd
upon the aliortlng that (llbson mid
hli bri'lher are the mile Riipperi nf
11 blind inotlu'i, and that (llhiuu is a
rominoM lahornr who can III afford
tn be di'pihed nf hi wages for six
(IIImhiI'h IiioIIht. who arrhed yes
terday from tlm Crater llox
ci'inpany near lllldebraud, where
both men inn empti-yeil, pacil 111"
flue. It Is iinderitood thai he will
lilve hi mite for payiui'iil nf Hip
amount of I tie dnimige
Mciimiio Ciiiili'il Piiitl-lnu teiiii".l
lug Si'iiunl .Vims Coiifi'irucn
WASIIINdTON, Dec 21. -Tlm na
val appropriation hli with 11 house
pri vision ri'iiiestllig the (iresldeut tn
cull umvthur iMHiirmmui'iit ci lifer
encn to limit tho cousttiit'tlou of ves
H'U under lO.DillI lonu, wa report
id ludny. In the senate. Ilorali In
troiluced mi iiuu'u.lment propiHlug
I hill the pieslilent ho iibkod to call
II coiiforoui'o In (IIsoiihs Hid ealnh
llRlunenl hijLtnr fiiianclal cnudl
Hi'iH mid, 11 dt'duftlpii. nf l.i.mj ami
tp.i uimiimcillH.
((iiiiisi'.mah si:itviii:s
i.v Tin: CATHOLIC Clll'ltCtl
CluUlmiiH HiniKim will he. hoIoiiiii
ly opmied this year In Hi" Catholic
church by midnight high mutrn, ho
glnnliii; ut 12 o'clock sharp Sunday
A mult) .elinlr, usaUlcd by Hie
youtliH' chancel, will King tho max.
Tho second riervlco will ho held ut
7 o'clock ClirlslmaH morning iiml
tho' third ut U o'clocU,
Ntilinnul f!iiiirltninn litl In '
iiiiiuiini vj uui uainviii ---
Uncover Evidence of
Double Murder
Mi-iuturiii:, i .ii . Mi"- .'i a iii
I i'litlii'"t of Hi' nuMiMiil i: mr I
lam i,ti'"ilny dragg"! part o !- :
I ..i I'niiri In'. In mi clfiirt to I'h.iIi
tlii bodies nf Dm two ini'ii r ; nrtnl
AiikimI after III" linn 1 1 linil lililriiip'"1!
f'Vii -iri'nilr.eni Jlnrrouen rlll"ii.
"ntn illuuiri'rifiil. A iwiiyJ ! '
larlimont nf unliHirn wu kimiI In th"
lakn In rnnllDUn tlm worlf
Tlio nlillnr wrro orilnrcnl lo prn
rnt ntlPinpt of inuldnrii tn lnlr
fnrn wit
1,1. Hi,. .11,'lpia. m.n-nllnn IE,,
witp ilrruhitPil that iiieinlea
MiiriMiii-iit wniiM Ir.tnrfir"
nf Dm
A rhnrl pri puri'il hy npulal l.i
pIIRiilnrii llimvi hir" tlm limllro.
proiiltniiMy fceichtnl 'itowii v. lilt n
Rlill Wlin Ii. tti f" i In in
Vi'iilii'liio nml Mm Vnr It") n.iIi
Our Ihiilutntlnii llll-lliiOJ
voii. nt uiKii nidi
I.UHAN.NI', Dec. 21 A wordy
altercation between ex-Premlor Wn
UoIuh nf Crecco ami It'ltii .S'ur Ilcy.
Turklih nnlliinnlUl delegate, catiswt
KlRtmr Montuiioa. prraldrnt of tho
Near Kiiat confemnru rommtiulnn
on mlnorltlea. lo abruptly end till
morning' teailnn of the commit-
Thn dlaptltu' wa over tho ijuc
lion -of umlxrittlun. Venliel" hit
tetly uttncknl thn Angora govern'
menl. proti'itlllK agalnat tho alleged
... .,....,,, ot ..v.- .., j
. I ... I . . tXAlla ! t It ntl - tf ii ft .
irnui Aiiaioua. una .mr rcpui'ii
In tho aantn vein, charging that
Venlelo wa reponlblo for tho
Turco.(Jreek war.
Thn voice of thn two delegates
rote tn n high pitch during thn nl
I'lirtiicr Hunker. Will Itn TilOil In
Clicull Cnint Apill S
Trial of J. W. Slemon and John
Slomens, Jr.. Indicted on rhntges nf
Irregularlllo In connection with the
closing (if the l'lrst Slnto A Sav-
Ings bunk, ha been set for April 2
The "Barleycorn Twins"
L. . j
I - ' .
'mr'i tifltir m I A , .1 rliimt.-. it 111. i. .elil i.t.til h impntlliit.nt
' '" . . .. v.rimi i- t i-ut
I '' "" ' ,'1''"" P( '""" " !ll,"!it
I'lnl to IIiiiiiim Mi". U'l.l.t. ns Wlltir- Ak.iIii-1 lliivliaii,) I- Si'ii
In Aullioiltli'o; It I its I'liti" lllniii" on I'lii-nil
Wa- Mr Daniel VXitU. e'trar
llv" yimng Klamath Mndlan reierra
Hon intilrin. itelllxjately pilaoeed
wllh uiuil alrnhol with Intent to re
iiiovn Iht an n wltnpi In a hcorlDg
l-fore r H C(iminiloner Itert C.
Thotn.if. or did f-ke unrtly (no free
ly Imlillio of the cup tltnl rlieor
and pnralyrea-- h. RUmt ot an
lllan friend.
I'lillril In .I'lpWir
Thl mi tho iiuiwiin confront
ing the authorllti" yi'tirln-- when
Mr. Wr, k fnllml to appear ot til"
hearing ot for 1 - 3 ywtrriUy af
ternoon when lior hukbiinil w.n to
nMWer It.-r charge or hrlJSlng II
iiunr nn ilia re-rrtten. bcomlit
hntDXlca'twritnd beating hr up. Mr.
Wi8t was In uih, mm condi
tion nt the time for the hi-ariag that
pji wag nB)1(I (0 ft UmpltaX wh,rp
emergmry efforts 'aiveil hpr life.
The autliorltlv say she drank wood
Mrs. Weeks' Mven-yeartolil son
told Commissioner Thomas that tho
drink was furnished by Warren
Huff. One official declared hl be
li.f that WVok had for.ed tho boy
to inske this utalomojt, nml tltat
the drlafc wns furnlshcil by Weeks
himself when Mrs. Weeks believed
! was attempting to effect a ro
cant'llaltun. Huff .l.illcil
Mrs. Weeks was not the only ono
Kiiihtn in n 1.1 the hearing, since '
Warren Huff wa- lodged In Jail by I
Patrolman Macl.iuglilln on n charge I
m-fR" ri
Iiot n h ponRrntulntlns
Tie e i 'I lo rKi" t onRrewm.-n
""' Joh" 'H'l '' - Jlarrland
of itrutikenp nbout noon. This led
In tho belief In M'inc quarter that
Itnff u nd Mrs. Weeks hail been
drinking together.
Weeks' hearing was pout posed un
til January I. So nlao wa one.
ccbeduled vojii-rday. wherein Weeks,
Ilulf and Jaun Charllo were tn
answer charges of operating a moon
shine Rtlll ni the rtMcrvatloit. They
were using a still pruvlnuily con
ftsrated by Jii-tlco Suoolc (if C'hllo
'I ii In and later stolen from lilnt. ac
cording to Snou. This hearing will
(joine up January 4. .
Itrrnk In I'oKlmiil .Market Duo In
Di'lugo of Shipment m
I'OltTI.AND. Dec. 21. Turkey
prlren broke fully three cent, whole
Kilo, here to.Vny. Iluyers are paying
32e and 31c compared with 37 for.
best blrit yesterday. Thu break
was due to a delugo of poultry In the
last three days. One Lugo commis
sion firm shipped out 12 tons nf
dressed poultry slnco Sunday. He
tall prices dropped from L"c to 40c.
I'OltTI.AND. Dec. 21. C.Jttlo
steady, feeder pig 2."c to .0c low
ir. Prime light hogs $0.23 to 9.50;
sheen sternly, egg weak 2c lower.
buying price 37c to 42c; selling 4Sc
to Sue: butter firm.
Colonization Ciiniinltlrn U'milil Henil
"Iti-iil Hill riiniirr" liil In
til lilt Si'lll"?. Hern
Plan for nemllng a "real flirt
farmer ' hack to the mlddle-wcitcrn
latex to cncouroRo "ottlor- to como
to Klamath county, were dl-cua-cil
tortny by tho rolonlzatlon commit
tne of tlio chamlmr of commcrcn.
Tlm plan wan originated by II. J.
Tlchnor of l,anRillH Valley, who l
also a member nf thn committee.
Tho other member nre K. M. Ilulili,
11 II Newell, I'crcy Kvan. Will
llaldwln Arthur Wll-on and Pran
ces llowne.
Tho plan had the approval of Kami-
,er Smith, who -aid that with com
munities all over the went -ending
,out pamphlet, the beat manner In
J which to reach proapcctlvc aettlera
wa-, to meet them In pcraon.
WiiiiIiI ll- Intoretiil
, The committee, bellorea that
J armcr ot "'o middle weat, many
'of whom are liandlcappcd by lilRh-
pricen land, win no Intcrented In
learning of the. opportunities offor
ed hem. where prlcea are compar
atively low. With the county on
tho verso of an era of development.
It la believed, many will welcome
the opportunity to como here.
To finance tho trip, should the
plan bo adopted, fund would bo
rained through donation Iy the
vnrlou Irrigation district and by
bualnca eatabllahment of the
C11M1 Weir, Portland Klvcmiali, Ii
Held for lmetlgiitlin nf He-
IMiifcil Killing of Girl
I'0IIT1.AND. Pec. 21.ThctMl,05 ,n T , n. 1 .'IL I.-IW
nounco.1 today that" after lonrl .-?! " -"
annuunco.1 today that after Jong
questioning Mis Helen larr. n
waitress, aged 20, and Cush Weir, a
rlverman, nged 63, that they woro
unable to decldo n to tho occurary, . . , r.1TrDTAlJUrMT
ot the tory told hy tho woman that PLAN fcIN I tK 1 AIPJIYItn 1
she had witnessed through a knot-
hole of a houseboat tho killing of nn'
unldentlfled girl, ngnl 13, by Welr.J
September 23 Ian. Iloth nro being
hold pending an Inveatlgatlon
Tho pollen aro endeavoring to lo
cato Karl Weir, a son of tho rlver
man. fcr his erfon of the ullcge.l
affair. Tho woman said the son en
tered the houseboat Just nftcr the
girl had been killed and aided his
father in disposing of Hie body.
Tho elder Weir scouted tho lory.
declaring It to be entirely mnnufne
lAcellent Progiitm An for
Slum- nt Pine Tito
Following Is tho program for to
morrow' matinee at tho Pine Tree
theater, when all of tho pupils of
tho city school and the Sncred
Heart academy will be guests of C.
II, I'nderwoed:
Organ, (.election Uy I.uras
(Inldwyn (iruphlc reel.
Fairy Dance . .. Delphlne nrabnn
Kane (irey Feature, "When Itonmnce
Comedy Sketih .Verdn Cozad Pope
Spring Dance Arllno Lewis
Duster Keaton comedy.
Tho program Is a ChrUtmas gift
lo elementary school pupils by Un
derwood, who as n member of tho
school hoard for several years, has
acquired a deep liferent In school
III n tirtivlfilltf
--. ..i. . -, 'iv 1 IHH.1 IIIIIIUUIUVIHVIII
It was erroneously wild ho was chair-
man of tho boanl, but that offlco Is ' recover, alleging thai title wns fraud
hold by P L. Fountain. I uently obtained by Marsters 20
I years ago by moans of dunmiKjij.
Light Union I.eaileih Found Guilty
nf Oliktrurtlng Cmnmorro
LOS ANdKLKS. Doc. 21. Eight
union trainmen lenders were convict
ed of coiwplrncy to obstruct inter
Btnto cominerco for tholr nctlvltlcs
In coniiuctlou with tho strike Inst
August ngaliut tho Santa Fo, by a
verdict ot the Jury In tho fe-Jera
court hero today. In this utrlko
Bomo 20 trains woro abandoned In
California, Arizona desert, leaving
tho passengers Htrnnded.
Rumor of Propoteid Sale Is
Declared by Strahorn
to Be Unfounded
Kmphatlc denial Hint any nego
tltatlon ore under wny for alo nf
tho Oregon, California ft Hasten"
railroad, n was rumored following
tho puroha-o hy H. 0, Johnson of a
mill slto adjoining tho city limit of
Klamath Full on thn south, was
cnnlnlnod In a telegram received
here today by W. V. Ilond, superin
tendent ot the railroad, from Itobt.
i:. Struhorn, who Is now In New,
York city.
"Tho report of a palhla sale of
tho Oregon, California ft Ka-torn
railroad I nhnolutely unfoundod,"
snlil Strahorn, thero being no nego
tiation of nny kind whatsoever
looking toward It dUpotal. Insinua
tion thai It tnny ho nld to timber
Interest aro especially falsa and In
Jurlous n thl would mean II rele
gation to mere logging road level
to Hprngun river, whereas It Is to bn
built nd kept far above that plane,
being headed straight for Ilcnd and
destined consistently tp develop all
nf Central Orgo on on my original
Construction cntnps aro being es
tablished with all possible speed, Ilio
main camp at Squaw flat and ones
on each sldo of tho summit between
Squaw flat anil Spraguo river being
In readiness, according to Ilond.
There will ha five camps In all.
Some contracts have been let foe
grading. Hock work which comprise
about 19 percent of work, Is already
under way. This work, said Dond,
will progress rapidly, with Utile re
gard for weather condllloo. None
cuts and nctween :uu ana duu Hun
dred men will be be employed when
the work Is proceeding at full blast.
Moose nml OiW Fellows will glvo
, ClirUtnius Vrourams
The Moose Lodge plans (a be
host for children and their parents
at a Christmas tree and entertain
ment at the lodge rooms Tuesday
night, beginning at 8:30. All chil
dren are welcome, whether their
parents are members ot tbo Moose
or not, but It Is requested that an
mtny parents accompany tbo chil
dren as possible.
Santa Claus will be. present to
help with the distribution of the
candy and presents, which havo
been provided for the occasion.
Another lodge Christmas tree will
be that for tho children and friends
of tho Odd Fellows and Hebekahs
on Friday after Christmas. There
will bo a tree and entertainment
for both tho young people und their
I'liiiil Arguments Will Ho Heard nt
Hoseburg February ll
Taking ot testimony In thu suit
brought by the Statu of Oregon
against Alva C. Marsters and the
Fort Klamath Meudown company
was concluded before Judge Leavltt
In tho circuit court about 9:30 yes
terday evening. Final arguments
will bo heard by Judge Leavltt nt
Itoseburg February 19,
TJiu caso Involves title to 8,000
flftrnd tt innruh tnml ttnnta L'nvl Iflaitt-
IIV I ta W IMMIOIt HI4 ll Ht 1 UIV ltl"
'ntli which the etnto I uttemptlng to
ontors, Tho land at present U 'own
"d by the Fort Klumuth iloadows
comnunv. who nurchased from Mur-
sors In 1920. ' ftsiiiiy
JOll.V It (-AMPIU-XL Dllrj'
John II, Campbell, forniorly of
this city, paused away In Myrtlo
Point, Orogun, December 11 at the
ugo ot &0 years, according to word
recolved' hero by II, E. Momyer.
Campbell was a blacksmith hero and
at ono time drove n stage. He had
many friends throughout the coun
ty, Frank L. Campbell, a brother,
llvos hero, .jM
-j y
G il-T