n.' III". n Wir!.1JWk -- J . WMSJ-Mnj JW -V-l yfcirflHMVUfcJU- i . -V TIIKHD.W. Ill.f-I.MIIKII 10, l(23." Graveyards Arc Uncd To Hide Food Supplies AKiHCOW. I )!, I'l liiKi'iiluun (Illnvi-H of III M illy liuvii Itriiiniitliii: mi nM tdtivtyttrl In wlilili to lililn futil suppling pllfnrcil frniii mil mud nun 'I'll II tout SIM Inn toil III IllKllt - itiiil'T vliij dm next iluy, Innkod lllii. imwly niiulo pr'nyi-H Ulllimlio y iin nltj runijfi'ri'il lp'joiiHit Mili'iir, unit hiilr in iiilKli'lloroii niilt flour, nil nf wlilrli lutd btmi nbtirncl (i I from roll-It suppllu rlt'.MMO.V roit itiimcAtio.v is tin: Hiu'iNT coi'iit ov th'i: HTATi: OK OltKOON IN ANI I'd It KIAMATII Cdl'NTY f Mnniilii lilnr, l'1iliitlff k Mnt lliiyiit-s, mill unknown htjlrn tit Mm lliiyniiH, If Im Ini ilcroiincil; . Clllllblltll lllljlUM, J. It. (I. llliyilM ntiil HiiyuiM, liln wlfo; V. II. 1 1 it y 1 1 v mill Klltiiliclli llnyiirit, Ills wide Knnili J. Jny unit l.'im Juy, liur liimlmiiili (Irnru drlffllli nml llli'pliuii (Irlf.ltli, Imr liusbnml; A. ('. I). Iliusny nml II. (I llumoy, Imr liusbnml; I' mm In Purity nml Wtiltor I'urily, Imr btmlmmt; Mury II. Iluyso nml Arilmr lloysn. htir liusbnud, nml nit unknown bidrs of dm iilimrit nmtu'il pirtli'i, If uny of I liu in lo itri'MKiiii, llnlicrt (.'all ey nml Huln i: Ciim-y, bis wjrii; mill nli nil iiilirr persons un known clulinlnt- nny rlRht, tlllo, Inlori'st, Ili'ii or osinto In mitt to dm r i'ii I iroitrty ilivtrrlbnd In I ho lOinplnliU Ihti'Iii, Di'fi'iiilniitn. To Mnt llnyiios, iiml unknown ludrs nf Mat tin) in , If Im tin difnin'd; CICiiliotli llnyim; J. It. d. Ilnyno nml llnyni's, tils wlfi; l II. llnyni's nnd llllinbrtli Maj;n.'n, lilt vi Ko, Hiirnli J. Jay im i:ru Juy, lnr liusbnml; drnra i rlffllti mnt Hlxptirn drlffllli. her busbnnd; A ('. I), llussey mnt II. d Ilnssry, lirr busbnnd. l'unnlo I'urily nmt 'nltir I'urily. Inr bus Ip.iihI; Mury II ltny ami Arthur 1 1 ii) no. Iht liusb.-iml, mnt all un known holm nt tliu nliiivo ii.tnii'il ptirtli. If mty of IIipiii Im itvciMd it. Itobi'M t'lincy anil tftislo I.' Cnrcy. tliu ufi. flinl ill no all otlnr lii'ikiiiM unkiiiiv. ii clniinlnK any rlKlit, tlllr. Intcrnl. lien or i.' Into In nml in tlm teal property do Ctrl bud In Iho rompliiliit herein, IMnndntils. IS Till: NAMH 01' TUB STATK l)V OltCdON Vou arn hereby rn lulrrit to npprnr In the aborts rntlt li'it court mul rnuso mnt thuro ntuwer llin rotiiplnllit of Dim plaintiff on file tluirxtu nKnlnst ynii within loll dnys from tliu dntp of Ilia mTVlr uf I Ills Hmnmon upon you If si-rvrd In Kluiunlti County. Ori'Kun; If norreit wlllilu any other rnuniy of dm Hlute of Otrj-mi, then within twenty dny from ihn dnti of the tervlra of thin Huuiiiiun upon you. or If serve.! by ptiMliMitlon or out of din Hutu of OrcKim lifter an ontnr of publico don. then on or beforo dm iimt ilny priori Itjt'ifln K.i lit onter for iho pub llcatlnn of atil mininiomi. Ainl you ami each of you will lieruby Inke uollre thut If you fall no in npprar mul nnnwor for want 1 hereof , thu plnlutlff wilt apply to dm ntioxo eniltleit rourt for thu re lief ilniiiniiileil In dm (.'omplalut, n nurclnrt mntement of whlrh In nil follewn: Kor n ilecren of dm Court ilerliirlni; plnlutlff to bo tho owner In fen itmplo nf tho hereinafter ile erllh il reol property, nml nono of lh nbovo nntnol ilefeiiilmitA liatn nny claim, rlKht. title or lntori't iv!iatiniour In or to die follow Iiik tin nerllieil preml(n, tltunteit in Klnui nth roiinty, statu of Orenon, lo-wii: Tim Went oun-halr (4) of Iho fouihwont quarter of Krcllnn 33. mul iho B'ul Dim-halt (14) mnt tho Houdiwcul qiurler of Iho lloutheniit uunrter of Heft Ion .12. Townnhlp 3U Hon Ih ItniiKu 1 1 ' Kiut nf thu Wlllnnmlto Merlillan, ConlntnliiK 200 acre. KxceptlnK thernfroni dm canal rlRht of way. That tho ilufemtmitH mnt v-irh of them, mnt nny other pomou or per- 'hiinii ctitlinlni;. by, tbrounh. or umler tlmiii, or either nf uny of Ilium, bo forever liurreil nml vnjnliieil from in- "flltiK ntiy tin I in whalimover to kiIiI premlrea or any part thereof uJwthii to llil.i plaintiff, nmt fnrovcr giilodni; until ddo In tliu plnlutlff unit for NUih other relief nit tho rourt inny ileom proper. Thin um- iiioiim U published In the Klumiith Ilcrnlil, ii nuwupnpor putillnliiut nt Klmuiith Knlli. dri'Kou, puriiuiiut to un Order of lion. A. I.. I.euvltt. JiiiIko of nulil Court, innito on tho 2 llh day of Novnmlinr, XOTi. Tho ditto of firm publication helm; on thn 28th ilny ot November, 1933 mul thn ilnlu of Iho lunl publication hnliiK on thu 'Jlh ilny of January, IU23. Ni:VTON W IIOUDEN. Attorney Tor I'bilnllff. AildroriH 107 l.'mt Main Ntreel, Mcilford, Urouou, K 2S I) fi.12.IW.20 I 2.U S Apply Hiilpliui- iih Toht When Your HklnMi-'oliN Out Apply Hulpliur um Told When Your Khln llifiikk Out i ' Auy'hrcuklni; out ot tho nkln im fiico, iiuak.-iirina or body In ovcrcomo iiilcl;nt by npplylnn Mentho-Sul-plntf-. Tho plinploa nooin to dry rlRht up nmt- ko iiwny, ilerlnros 11 notmr Hklu tipeclnllHt. Nolhlni; htm over btuin found to tnko thn pluco of milpliur nn n pint plo runiovor. It Ih hwrmloati nml In expoiiHlvo. .liiBt aftk nny ilniKRhU tor 11 Hinnll Jar ot llowlea Montho-uul-phur unil iiro It llko eold nvam, Adv. IS 0 A PIMPLY SKIN 'LEANING TOWERS' IN CHICAGO REST FIRMLY ON BEDROCK fill. 'Ado, Due, III t'hlcnno'H thrnii "IcanlliK lowcrn," nhycrnpni.i built d ii rill,, tint nluntlun, now nro rontlnif firmly on bedrock foumlii tluliN KO foi't below llin nurfncol Tin Ihrijo hlK offlrn hiillil'ljimi, litnonn dm flrkt'ln tho ntcyticrdt'nr rlani, we) n orlKllwilljr tiiillt On 'pllo foiimlnllomi, mi'il when dm pllen ietleil dmy wcro left noticeably nut of plumb, , An Inquiry illacloncit ' thit nit (hrc? Iiml hueii Jacked up wlillo thn foiimliillomi worn rrtnllnue,i down In tho iiotlil rock, nml that nlnca tho nllnrntlou win mnita there linn been no further ncltlliiK. ('hlrnKo In underlaid by n tolhl Hlliirlan iluponll nf NlaKnrn limn "tone, from H In HO fee.t down. Over It In n Ioonp, ilepnnlt of blue clay nmt other material, llomn of tho flml nkyicrnpnm, followliiK bulldlni; tiiuthoitn then In voi;iiii, wiirn urecled un forrotn of pllliiK, hut dm foundation prov ed ununited in IioIiIIiir dm Innuendo wiIkIiI of tlm life officii (trurturm ChlriiRo'i liulldlnc lawn limit dm height nt offlin billldlUKn to 2110 fret II In InipoiKlhlii ReoloKliiti nt Iho I'nlvernlty of CIiIciiro ny. tu pllo up enmiRh wolRht within tint limit in cnu nay uhlttlni; or Kllpplinc of thn bedrock foundation. Thn rlny (lupoid nborn tio rock, on tlm other hand, nro ubjurl to n nllKht ullppliic iiinveuinnt. Workmen who dur, thn CO inllei of frelRht ubwny under tho loop rtrerln found t.hnt bluo clny hml about thu connUlency of well work ed putty, nml Hint It wax Itnpomilbto to handle It by nny ordinary, moth nilii. Tliry finally nohed the' prob lem by uiulppliiR nlrel tiandn three feet Ioiir wllh homllen, llldj n croiw rut now. lloldlnR thn blAdn In both hnmli, thn workman would bend It Into tho form of n horehoo nml bark nut the "oft clay from thn tunnel head In it. wlillo compreir! nlr hotil back the inaM until formi could bu plac ed nml Iho concrete walls poured. Chrlntmnn hotel free with encli five Rift rerordi. Karl Bheplierd Co. 18-19 Sr.MMO.VH l)H I'flll.K'ATIO.V i:iuii) Nn. moti IN TUB Cht"(vUITCOlJllT 01' TUB HTATB OK OUKOON IN ANI I'Oll KLAMATH COUNTY Ahiri-5 M. MAIIKI.bV. I'lnlntlff, v. I'ADI. C. MAIIKI.BY. Defnndnnt. To 1'AUI. C. MAttlCl.BY, Defend- nuti IN TUB NAMB OK TUB HTATB OK Oltl.UON, You nro hereby n nulred to nppcnr nml untwnr thn complaint on file In thn nbovo en titled milt, on nr before tho 2nd dny of January. 1923, dint belitR dm day prescribed In the order of Iho Court for thn publication of thin numinoni. nml If )ou fall In no appear and an nwer, for want thereof thu plaintiff will apply tu tlm court for thu re lief prated for In hln complaint, vl; for tlm dlinolutlon of dm bond of matrimony heretofuro and now eilntlUR bet ween jourtrlt nml tno plaintiff herrln, upon tho Kroundn of ileivrtlon by j'ou uf dm plaintiff for innro than ono year hint pant and Immeillutely procedlni; tho fllliiR ot aid complaint herein, Thin numinoni I nerved upon you by order uf publication thereof In tho Klamath KvonlnK Herald, n newrpaper printed, puhllshod and of Renornl ilrrulatloii in thu county of Klamath, Statu of Oretcon, onro each weok fur ulx coniccutHo unit nuc cenilvo wrokn, tlm f Irttt publication thereof beliiR on tho 21nt day of Novomhur, 1U22 amt tho lust publi cation beliiR on tlm 2nd dny of Janu ary 192.1. Done by order of tho Hon. A. I,. I.o.ivtlt, JiiiIru of dm abnvo enlltled court under date of order of dm 20111 day of November. 1922. Win. MAItX, Attorney for plnlutlff. Knit Office AddresH, Klamath Kalln, Oregon, Nn. 21-t Wllllln Hide. N 21, 2R 1) r,l 2,19,20 J 2 'Clirlntmuu boxon frcn with each flvo Rift rucoida, ICarl Hlinphurd Cu. 1B-19 NO MORE GAS IN STOMACH & BOWEL? If you wlnh to bo purmnnontly ro lluvi'd nf Kim In tho Htomuch mul IiowoIh, tnku Danliunun'ii dan Tab lot h which nro prepared especially fnr utoinuch km nml all tho bud effects re.inltlnK from Kas pinuHure. Tjiat oi)iPy. RiiawliiK foollucnt tho pit, 0 fyonr Htomncli will dUnppcnr; dint nuxlouH, uurvmiH foollnic.wltli heart palpitation will vnnUh nml you .will again toi abto to tnko n deop boruth without dlsrmnrort. That, drowny, nleopy fooling nftor dinner will bo replaced by u itoslrn for oiitortutumont, IllnntliiR will renao. Your limbs, urma ntpl fliiRora will no longer feol cold nml "ko to nleop," bocnuao llanlmann'a (las Tab lets provunt Kan from Jtitorforlnu with tho circulation, (lot tho Bunuliin Ilnnlmnn'n dnx Tnblotn In tho yollow pnekngo from tho Star Drtu: Co. Prlco 0110 dollnr. J. llnntmuuii, Cliomlst, (Inn Krunrlaco. Adv. J!0 pur cent reduction on commun ity nllvorwuro, nml - IS 17 Itoiiui'D, WlutoiV Jowolry Sale, IS -0 THE EVENING i ' wwiMwMa.j i i " "i EVENING WA NT flwAAA-AAv-vvvvvvgvvsAw dltnillt your Chrlntimin mmmi from ,7 -wr-. ,i-iian. .mikk.uim;!. ix-zu IIAIIV (JlllX (I. ( vftiUc. IrfRhnrnV ft mil linn vy lnye,r. ludol I'mil (ry farm, V, ('. Hmllli, Prop., Corn ing, C'nl If, I) IH-J 20 KOIt Ki:.NT-i-(.'0npiIiily fupl-lieil, utrldly modern l-room hoime, In- (iilro nt IMvnnportn. 18-1!) Illdll (lltAt)i: work cloven nml mtt- tenn for XinnH nt' Imv prlcm. Jmk Krot, filh Ht. near .Main. IStf CANAItlBH for nnlo. C39 IMun Rl lft-20 Tho Turn 11 r Aptn., nt HI 2 Oak HI., hnvliiR Ronn under now innnnKC iniint, you will find nliiRlo nml ilouldo nplH., at rcminnnhlo renin. Mm. A. M. Ownby. !H-20 ..,.. ., . .... . .I" run niv.ii iwn room iiirninuou PhonV ICI - KlnniMH Aw 1 '"""" ''' "' ' I TOYH AND XMAB novclllen mndo byl II... ......-. I ..!. .!... .!.. .. !.- tho innnunl trnlnliiK dop't. of the,.,.,,,. .----. ,.1,ri.i.,i -,.,,, rlty Hdiooln wilt bo 01, nnlo nt dm ' , f., "I'T f,h Ti Vll-.?.P2fInr.r (liililon Itulo nil thin week. IH-IH ''" At"" "'"'' "Ich Htn. f.tf I'Oll IIBNTModern four room fur- nlnhed houne. Apply Hoom .1. Hwnnnon hulldlnr, 18-23 U'HITi: MX5IIOHN rillCKS llnrron-Tnuerrd ntrnln Klve yearn of hoRnnltltiR nml culllnc, propor mntlnR nml enre, directed by experi ence ami illllRiince, novo prodiicoJ n lnr nnd vlRoroun stock of excellent -ou1?l " "" -- -nc "a" ln)?.r. Our rhlcki nro from our own ' ' "unnnta. n corporation, an plain flock exclunlvely ami will nnOy ,'l'f' (nn'1 w,1"c n ,Jol,n " "or" ' ri2.f.O per 100 Hnfo nrrlval offulli dm nn-RneB nr JudRmcnt). recover count of Ilvo. nounJ chtck.. Runrnn- c,t ,J,J',,-m,,1l R-ln- K. KIlRore t I. Barly ordorn Innuro prompt lfni- "-"--d- Livestock Mortgage delivery Mnywood Poultry Knrm. ' fa? Compniiy. u corporntlon, as do- fiirnlnr Oallf 1 air 1 mutants, for Ihn sum of Two Thoun v.lilllllir.. -aill. inn 1 , ltnnnl, nn. .,...,. , ... AM. KINDS of dime, repaired. Jack Kront, Gth Ht., Juit off Main. IStf Al'TO WANTKD iA first payment on new modern four-room homo. Or will buy nutu In prlco In rlRht Apply nt H05 Orenon Ave. 18-19- WASTKI) TO MJY A jwol hnll for ennh or would rent n nultnblu bulldlnK In Reed location nml turn lh nntne lu)elf. B. II. llarnum. Mor ton, Wn., Iiwln Co., Wn. 10.20' M)ST llrowp nullcnse, between Kirk nnd I'ollcan Ilny. Victor Mud, Klrkford, Ore. 1C-22 Al'TO WANTBD As first payment on now modern 4-room house or wilt buy nutn It price In right. Ap ully rases. I'hono I09J. 1C-1U WANTBD 2C or 30 to'ns of Ico to be delivered 2 tulles N, B. ot town. Ilox 383. City. 1C-19 DltKSSMAKINO Your homo or mine Call mornings. Satisfac tion gunranteed, I'hono 370, Apt. 7, llnlmn Aptn. 13-19 MTIL'i: OK HIIBIHIT'S KAI.B lly vlrtuo of nn nttnehment nnd execution duly Issiitid by thu Clork of tho Circuit Court of tho County or Klamath, State or Oregon, dated the I'lrst ilny ot December. 1922, In u rortnln action In thu Circuit Court for nnld rojinty nml state, wherein John H. Horn us plaintiff recovered Judgment ngnlnnt Charles llorlon, ns defendant lor thn sum or Twelvo Hundred Seventy (11270.00) Dot t.trti toguthur with Interest thereon nt Iho rntu ot Tun per cent per an num (rum March 28, 1922, and tor tho further sum ot Ono Hundred Twenty seven ($127.00) Dollars, to gether with Interest thereon at tho rnto or Ten per cent per nnnum from March 28, 1022; nnd (or thu further sum ot Ninety-seven ($97.- 00) Dollars, logelhor with Interest thereon tit the rutu of Bight per cent per minimi from March 28, 1921, and for nttornoy's fees In tho sum or Two Hundred Korty. i$240.00) Dol lars and tor his costs nml disburse, tnsnts In said action, on tho Third dny ot November, 1922: And tho renl property ot tho defepilant here inafter ileHrrlbod 'having been duly uml regularly attached .nml levied upon, nnd said Judgment uforesald having ordered nnd adjudged thnt said renl properly of thu defendant hi) uttacbed as hereinafter described, ho sold hy tho Sheriff according to law, (or tho satisfaction of said Judgment. NOW TIIBUKKOIIB, notlco Is hereby given thnt I will on tho Mil dny or January, 1923, nt dm front door of thu court house In Klam ath Kalln In said county nnd statu, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon or said day, sell nt publlu auction to tho highest bidder, tor cash, tho roltow lug described roal property, to-wlt; Tlm 8WH ot thu 8WH or Sec tion ir; tho SBU or tho SBV't or Section 10; tho NBVi ot thu NB of Section 21, tho NWU, tho S". or tho' NBU, dm N.S or tho --BV; ot Section 22, dm W-4 or tho NWVi, thu NWW. of dm 8W'.i or Section 20. 'tho NBU or tho NBU of Section 27. thu NBU ot tho RWU o( Sec tlon 22. nil In Township 37, South, Ilnnko 11. i Bast, W. M.. In Klnmnth County, Oregon. Taken uml levied upon ns tho property 'of tho said Defendant. Charles Morton, or ns much thereof ns may ho nucossary to satisfy tho Judgment In favor of plulutlff, John H, Horn against said defendant Charles Hortnn, with Interest there on, togothor with nil coats and dls-hiirt-tmmuts. thnt hnvo accrued or mny hureattor nceruo, Datud at Klamath Kalln, Oregon, Uocombcr 4, 1922, I,. Ii. LOW. Sherlfr. lly.lUIIlT B, HAWKINS, Deputy, 1) 0,12,19,20 J 2 HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON -i-ii-i. -,,--, winr.nnrLrirulrvi'irru'uTjn.n.ru j HERALD ADS COMC AND.TKY my Krench ma- HflKu, A now thine thai remonm nniull linen tlkhttinlnR up looio j.ikkV nkln, mul mtmrle-i, creating u pink 11ml whllo cnmploxlon, AImi n won derful linlr nbampno. Mm. ,M. I'ri.'n chy, Liberty Itoomn, Cor 3rd & tynln Htn. Hultn 1-2. K.-21- KOIt HAlAifOnn youns, Kendo nnd dlo horto nml inddlo. 1'liono I .'I' ll, I5-21 RTKAM IIKATBI) Klfth St. IIOOM- 129 S. ITi-21 KOIt HAM: Oil TfTAdK- 110 nrro Irrlcnlcd ranch nix mllm from Klamath 1'nlln, clotu tu railroad, half in I lo from nclioot. Una barn irj nip ped for it, head milch cotvn four room bonne, 17000 term- or will trmlo for city properly, tlmbnr land, dry land or logcliiK caulpment. Ad- .I-..., fl t II..- Ifir! 1-1 ir. - ' - " . V. .O'., , 4--.U TnlANaMJ CAPB-The placo to Ret Reed rntf. Ol'KS AM. NIOIIT. C33 Mnln filrcot. I'hutm C24. Hit .VO'lll'i; W HIIKHII T'H ham: Hy virtue of an exocutlon duly I nued by tlm Clerk of the Circuit Court uf dm Coli.ity of Klnmnth, Htnte of OreRun, tinted the Klr.il day of December. 1922, In n certain nc- 1 Hon In tlm Circuit Court for the nal.I Mil,, 1 -vv.vws -'WIIUIP, tllHV.III.T with Interest thereon nt Ten per rent per annum from Juno 10, 1921 un til paid, ami attorncy'n feci In the sum of Two hundred ($200.00) Dol lars and for It'n cost and disburse ments on the 24th day of March, 1922. Notice In hereby given that I wit) nn the 5th day of Jnnuary, 1923, at the front door of tho court house In Klamath Kails. In inld County and Hlatc. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said dny, noil at public auction to tho hlRhrst bidder for tnsh, tho fol lowing described real property, to wltt Tho NWVi of tho SW'U Section 27, the NVi of tho SU and dm BWU; of thu SWU Srctlon 28; tho 8BU of tho SHU Stctlon 29: nnd tho NB-h or tho NBU Sec tion 32; nil In Township -10 South of nnngo M Bast or Wll lnmetto Meridian In'"' Klnniath PnltMlt- nr-fnn -.inl-tlnlnt- "l-A 1 acres; also Tho Btf ot the HV or Bee tlon 27: tho V.i ot thn NBU ot Section 33; and tho "NWU or Section 34; all In Township 40 South or Itnngn 14Va Bast or WIN lamettu Morldlan In Klamath County, Orcgdn, containing 320 acres. Taken nnd levied upon, as the property or tho said defendant. I, B, KtlRoro, or an much thereof as may ho necessary to satisfy said Judg- - ineni in lavor 01 iianic ai unnnnia, (John S. Horn, assignee of judg ment), against nald I. B. Kllgoro and said Klamath l.hejtock Mort ruro t-onn Company, n corporation, defendnnts with Interest thereon to gether with nil costs nml disburse ments thnt hnvo accrued or mny hereafter accrue. Dnted nt Klamath Kails, Oregon, December 4, 1922. I. h. LOW. Sheriff. Ily IIUIIT K. HAWKINS, Deputy. D . J. 2 H parties' having' Ico cronm con tainers belonging to the Klamath Kails Creamery will phono 74 wo will como and gut them. Klamath Fnlls Crenmory. 1S-23 Havo MovihI My Office, To 1110 Mnln St. J. F. MAGUIRE itBAi. r-sT-vri: and Kllti: l.NSCltANCi: Make tier a Christmas present ot u home. 4room plaBtored house, .city wa ter uml electric, lights, good chick en yard, $1,350. Only $250 cash. 4 rooms mul-'bath furntshod, built-in kltchcn,(Uundry traya nil tor $2,000, $G0O c;fsli?-1.T"l-- P'oporty Is worth $1,00 morlj than prCo asked. .... . . J Hi .' HI G, roomsiaml b'atnjclosa Ih corner, tfnWJ vory dtvslrablo property. f2S0p. i nnn -.,.-,r. " l 5 roejna: nml hath, ntrlitly moilj cm, closo! In oufllCresciufAvo n splendid proporty (or $3,B00. $1,250 cash. lu-mro Your 1'ropeity AVItlt J. F. MAGUIRE 1140 Main St, .NOTiriJ OK HIIBIHKK'H HALK Ily vlrtuo ot nn execution nnd or- flit it anlii jflllu (h-lllnil ! I tiA nfnrl of tho circuit tourt of tho County of Klnmnth, Stale of Oregon, dnUuVtho! 25th dny of November 1922, In n certain action In thu circuit court for snld county uml stnto. whoruln A. C.i dlengcr as plnlntlfr recovered Judg- ment ognlnst Dnvld C Hkcon for dm, ' sum or flvo hundred dollars togelh-1 WANTBD Womnn cnok fnr hotel, er with Interest thereon nt tho rnto $100 n month. Apply Wontom of eight per cent per nnnum t rom ' M'tor Ilurenu, 1028 Main or roll July 2 1921 nml dm further sum ofSSJ. 1 19-21 nnvonty-flvo dollars os , Marnuy'in f i . " - i feeVaml'tho furtlinr slim nt'efen- 'Oil BAfiF-Ono r.-room, ono 1-1 teen dnllnrs ali nm) ellnliur-' room ifml ono 3-room hotiso. All ments, on tho 19lh da o Heilom-i modern, nil now, nil r use In. Vvrr ber 1922. jonsy tortiu. 743 .V. 11th Ht 19 , Notlco Is hereby given thai I will' . .... , 7, ,, , ' . TT T , on' thu 2fith dny nf Decomhor 1922 ''-'9K " ''- ,c.,.nt? ,or 'i1,?.1 nt tho front door or tho old court hnunn In Klamath Kails In snld coun ty, nt two o'clock In thn nltornoon of snld day. sell nt pubic, auction toi the hlgho-it bidder, for , cash, tlm following ilenerllMi! property, to-wlt: Tho southeast quarter nnd the ., . ....... . .,.... .I.,.,.. iiiiriiiwi.-ii i limner in miuuuji nun- six nnd dm northeast quarter of Sec- Hon fourteen In Townihlp thirty-' flvo south of Itango nlnu nnd tho i southtnst uunrter of Reetlnh thirty-1 ono la Township thlrty.flve south oft ItunRe ten. nil east of tho Wlllnmotto Merldlnn In Kl..math County. Ore-1 Ron. Token nnd levM upon ns tho property of tho sold David C. Rkeen, or ns much tl.rreor as may ho neces sary to satisfy tlm said Judgment In favor of A C, (Hunger against sold David C. Skeen wiih Interest thero on. together with nil costs nnd dis bursements that have or mny nccrue. Dated nt Klamath Knll-i, Oregon. November 2Mb. 1922. I.. Ii. LOW. Sherirr. Ily IIL'IIT K, HAWKINS, Deputy. N 28 D r.,12.19.2C Bo Cured to Stay Cured I GUARANTEE to per mancntly cure your Piles wlthput cutting burning, stitching, anaesthetic, con finement or unpleasant after-effects. My patients arc reputable men snd women In every walk of life lo w'-ora you may refer tbout tdt -jalnteu, non-iurrjcjl cure. ' If you tie a sulTerer from' Piles, Flituls, Kluutc or other rectal dUeaie, r.U or wttte today for my FREE booUct. Cost of tredment returned if I fail lo curi -four Tile. DR.CKAS. J.DEAN IW AMD MOHR11 0)N PCOT LANCORaaaN' MtNIION TM S XAPCft WMCN VHIIIN& - H Qieer s H them? " H MM it'll Pill wm S; Send your-, holiday greetings ffe y& by long-distance telephone KtB r' Wmm oolnbintkt g-BBB u. emmmm w mm . &- mMji r 'fHft-M, NEW TODAY KOIt HAM: -Wedgnwood rnngo nml scvernl other household nrtlclon. Apply 1311 Hnrgenl Ave 19-20 ' ' KOIt SAM: Violin, Sixth St. Ilakery. can or pnono 19-21 Christmas tree, 339K A il - -n , 'glic Klil'w Clever" r "I'aw", began little I-i?ster Mver more, who In of unusual width be lwi.. ., ,. .i m.n -n veaTA llxl l,l, nr , " " man, ". , ,caM old mnrrles n girl I. nnd his son, ngo 2P. marrle-i tho glrl'n mother, doesn't that mnKo tho old man the' ,, of h,B nwn ,on an(I tho . " , ,,, ,,,- .., fathor - ln - lnw nt himself? And sny, Vnvr, ran I go to tho picture shew: tonight It I won't ask nny mnro qui tlons?" "Yes," yelled .Mr, Uverraorc. CHRISTMAS COLDS Don't lec a cold spoil your holiday fun Don't let coughs or spasmodic croup rob the youngsters of their happy tir.ics Don't let bronchitis lay you up "Nip them in the bud with BRONCHI-LYPTUS" the quick, . safe, and sure protection against throat ills. Be prepared buy a bottle TODAY1 -SI BRONCHI - TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST -eJMff li i ; i ff 30 per cent reduction nn. foilrltn pens mid pencil:!. Winters' Jewelry IHntu, 1820 I'olt slippers mnkn n fine Xmn prennnt, (let tluitu 'rtt'ttnilern. '14-30 WHAT BETTER Xmaa gift cou1d-.,y.bu. make your MOTHERg tl'uu n pnlr of GOOD GLAJ5SES1K,5 '""iScrjr tlmn slio nu(MUii-in on slm rrim-mlH-M flint 'YOU Knrn thrill lo tier, nml (tint you still lovo Iter nml wnnt to r-l her omrnrlnhh- nx rlio irrmiM older. , We innkn nil khnls' of gln-vi- , rt HKIti:, Krploks tlllet HlfiM-nl-i, (iloubln vlxlon). (Irliidlng; them In our own facliiry nml filling your order on short nollre, usuntly tho' fwmo ilny cyrn nro etnmlnnl. Como In uml hei how. Dr. Goble Phone: Otc. ln.l-W, lies. 3.11 -J 700 Mnln !' LYPTIB - V ' t. A J-1 U f. 'l -h ' -' ' f. ? lrW ..t. ". ' ' v. ft: f "tj