-y n ).i ii r.niii' THE EVENING .HERAuCkLAMATO FALLS, OREGON ' fimitwo' Mm IVI.ttDAV, l)U( KMIIKH ll, Haa. n ., ' ; - f B i Ft " fi it v. I Th Evening Herald V w.'n. : . u. v. o. MTH1MH Ktil PaMMM tottr ateapt Stradar. at T Hr14 PibtUhtac ChbpB7 of KlnutkXUi,.taiSJClthtk itmt. Mjril.At UOHtotn l Kim- UMIlin WMWt-Tl Or THE AS80CUTKD matter. HWIBX I J-L i JrREBS rfHj"-l . .Hno ol peopio wno arc consist- Fnwiqnii uroer patron pipaso ex. If U to th! P .. m a1a !& lAtal Ma fwvvr.rmau mimv turn ivm biwi lltafetd awela. p In unloaded at tho locnl depot, pro cUlms to any but n blind man how' fAr tho tldo Is from being stem! mod, I During tho yenr not one voice has : boon raised to rofuto our Argument. . Ther0 must bo somo Justlflcntlon In tho mind ot tho mall order buy vf for tranllitK tho growth or tho homp community. . t. tV? nr?t,rci 0Aantug.jthjj1int;4 - . . r .. j.t ,u;r. iouk ip near some, (irr.u nl from the other side. Will & EGYPTIAN STUDENTS WILL STUDY ABROAD - ... j -i i-ri - .,' -. AMoMiea it xettiHrr . ,- - ; -- Kitted to tho eta (or Mblle- P'An to us tho adrnnt&Kc and sain ott.ll. Btwt dtoptcfai.s)(eIt at mull order buying , mot ethlrwUa cfedlW 'Ik (' , if s ... ... w HOLIDAY SWLBjjji Kntlro tUoekftRM). ' rcttlconts nnd UlpuSesi il ' AUVHtTISKRfl 1 , icoPT for dfsplny Advertising rnuiti brfjln this office not later .than 3 p.m., on the day prpcedlng pubjlea tloa .Itf.ordy to ba.lmortodn thM Issue ot the. .paper of the next day. Wntds nd.'resdiur nUes wlIU be rtcelTed up, to, Ji. noorJion, thel day ot lasua. " T ' 1 Herald rblUhln8 Company. m fMJiM8 t wxr If of SEES OPPORTUNITY FOR BANKS TO AID THEIR CUSTOMERS TURHDAY, DKCKMnKlt 10, 1023- DRIPPING DOLLARS niP.Orlp. drip, at the rato ot dollar a minute, If we do ndt mlts a kucss which li Is lm- nnfc.lhV to verify to the final drrreo , .)l.....f.v .Kn .inltr n" hplni; ' Atnerlcah Ul Vfc. .. HV..W. ..-.-- IVopIe savlnr; tor a rainy day find Christmas an annual cloudburst. ' KyeRlasies ara cheaper and now you don't have to look over the top ' so you won't wear them out. Style hint: War graft suits arc all the raxe In Washlncton. It you know a llttlo boy and a lit tle tfrl Rtvo tho Rlrl somethlnR the boy will enjoy breaking. MI1.WAUKKK. Wis.. Dec. 19. The part that banks can play In brliiRlnK to tho attention ot their customers the desirability, pleasure and profit to be gained by reading good books. Is shuwa in an article by J. If. Puellcher, president of the "Tho fttolllge'Hi war showed mittli lllltoraVy. It nrcuscd many to serious thought. It made many feel that they had not properly supported the public school systems. It showed that tho Ills of America were largely economic. "The fact that the hanker und the teacher had often co-operated, the teacher In speaking boforo bankers conventions, tho bunker Is sorting on school boards brought forth the Idea mayb the banker could fur ther aid tho teacher. "Tho rrmmlttcn on public educa tion of tho American Hankers' nsso- rAmrrlcan cankers association mi-1 I prating In the. bulletin of the Auiert-! N0'' ,1!,a ,cn l''M Prepared t t Stat.-. CAlltO, Kgypt, Dee. 10,- Thirty, throo Hgyptlan students hnvo been selected by tho minister of 'com munications to bo sent nhrond to . comploto their toch'ntrol studies, Ton C, f them vl)l, go, to .Iho", MJMUd UHtiiten.-,,! .J- ' ,.; rtjli1 ili,u5vT,(;,''iyo,'nmen vffluvtndfijlie ' :'f fittest Wtments liiftiWir. ! M ,l4.ln'l'1,nJ.c'v,m'', l'ollowltm?an'5jVe. j ' 'ttW'l 'input 'beVveii''thokA'nier)eau tlopaft-' . .... . . . .... ... . . .i r.... k. . men i, i commerce nun, no, i;gypt Ult 'government, one of tlicin vtltt 'bo nsslsned ,tor two years' training, to tho locomotive department of railroad.- Anoth- wlll spend two years studying Intornal combustion engines. It has been arranged that n third will ' pass four years' apprenticeship In ' tho naval shipbuilding yards, nod another will spend two years In the telephone service. Tho other six ' will spend three years In nutomo- j hllo factorial. All the expeuies In-' curred by these students will he met by tho Kgyptlnn government, j It Is felt hero that this program ' will aid In bringing about closer j economic nnd Industrial rotations , between Kgypt unit tho United I T .j'.. 1 . 1, !.""' miurinn uii' ii'!i iinriur. ine j,. WlieriOfhrsEiIt IfflVMf Pr M Honduras suggests a big Van-lean library association League, but America " "A list ot books be delivered before srirentli nnd i eighth grade pupils, high .school . IVr sale, MOO llrunswlek fo 'I iholiif. "New Shoe BeautyOld Shoe Comfort" Rest describes the style nnd luxurious ease of QUI3UN QUALITY shoes. Look for the name on .the sole ns on assurance of (It and worth, nnd wear them with all the pleasure that their style afford. Amongst the many models for die new season there are styles especially suited to you., Perfect Fitting nnd Full of Style dr.lned from CKlamalV Into ,ibl", ' et Enough Jpannlng with- , ni i Am Of mall ofde'r 'houses. -out this. a , . i (cm. ,'cy, business law and practice, could j J.fce given out with thp accountant's i i.. rhere am H40 minute In tnei and tor every minute a dollar ited In Klamath, out ot KlarJ resources and Klamath Indus pasMe,' Ilk tho minute never Give tight shoes. They look tine ' booV concerning modern nccountan- i on national andllniu n,i r,.nff.. ,.n'.i ,'ni'v..,.i...tS.raP1'-.""w, ITT.r.o. Winter' Juw. ternatlonal nffafrs could bo placed..,,, i1ni. iulii.vin-. ... i.. I ulry Snii'- . ISH COMING "EVENTS the nass book of '."man". ali! Puollcher. the business 'A II. I rf on and feel fine oft, Oace you heard ot people who bad never seen n train; now you hear of children who hare never seen a horse. stuJenis, believing that It was but nntural for thn speaker to be press, j ed Into service where knowledge of elementary economics was concern ', Percolators are suitable gifts but i ' to return. Taki tlmw, at their best, and anywhere unJer the sun, there are ndt enough dollars, or whatever name nations ma glv their cur rencs ataadard, coin, togo around. tnH.ntf.- of thn monetary, era I lea tell us that" for every than who t b"ak "''en "" t husbands baa a dollar, there are tiro who havo not. They art 'borrower trnni th sixth1; paying: for the use ot the circulating medium, passing It from hand to hand, making It do six fold duty. Occasionally the own ership changes', but there Is very Utile fluctuation In "ilie. amount or,! available currency., Som Msdents say that It Is an absar'd System' wkleh base a currency; on the gold ii) dollar, but It la the accepted sys tem and th; jiriiiMpt, Ipdlvlgal c?1 dfcts his affairs by Ibe rule laid dawn. I'sjodoe the prudent community o individual. rbe dollars tbat mr so iaiy loss- ed) Into the outflowing strestm assooois. wnucniisioicomposiiion,,,,,,, ,,, ,l(J WnatWt ,0 encourage A and letter writing mlghL bo handed : ,he re;llInK , K00l, bookj ,. w, ' tho stenographer. At the saving bul 0Mllllt. , ,crVC0 mwnrU I udniliiii' IIbIb rf tivr tn 1 ilni I li r I -......, ",..... mwv. ............u j overcoming our economic Ills. ' , Dert Ilrown ot Vermont killed a could, be distributed and lists ot mis. . T wildcat wh his hands so Ilcrt will ceiianeous dooks mignt oc oncioscar I)uy y0Uf Xmns felt always have something to talk about.) with tho monthly statement. Knder. I ( fi days ti3tll Christmas. 4 Docnmhor l!l Anixrlrtui k ow, If the bauk can go further j Ut.ioii -,lnlm, fttctolu ' December 20 Chamber of i Commerce I'orum. Deeeinber 21 I'resbyterljn choir Chrlettuas cohcert. Dee 22 Masons and Knit. em Hinr Christmas Treo nail entertulnment 7:30 1'. M. l!riy line reflects nlrtrt nex til sl I ln lnM, litv I iiml psttrrn. Till- model h feittui'iNl In Murk kill one of llio mot rii-diliiiiiililn of lentliers- for Infiuinnl ilir r utrei-t Mi'iir. ' A.-n . M- v, w slippers nt n-:o Have you a mari friend you dis like? (live him a misused used car. Refrigerator cars are. handling Christmas mail so try to keep cool until your, packages, come. Radcllff college Is. teaching wo-1 men polities' and tho first lesson should besbak'lng bands.. - ''.f- v" , "Movie", say a director, "aro a gnmbie.'' They usually win by a full house. Klamath county buyers never come back. From a thousand to fifteen byl toe I Oregon. boxerftsTh't' under tho name ot Urkesi-lJtOJiom'arld some day may baire svnose Ilke-a rose. Two dozes Jugs for putting liquids In make'excellent girts. Itavejsycu, a girl friend you dis like? Why. not .giva her. a vanity hundred a day, thirty to forty " nont( ralrrorl . fltro thousand a 'raoath. possibly j ' - -.- half a million a year, are tossed ii .j- f . f rt-"f ,lThkl.,7omy!denoungnh'mon.! PCrQIUU MCSntiOD ana we are estimating the amount iV conservatively, to add. a .handsome George Chstaa was a vfsltor' bniiness block to. Klamath Tn'U , hero yesterday from Pine Hldgc. annually, goe to aid In lmprov-1 Ini .reels and building Imposing n- c- Pnk ' ln ,ow '"Jny from edifices In Chicago, .Seattle, San . :"'4v. "-'"B os3"s mai Francisco and other cities. Iters. i The, merchant, of Klamatu Falls. are operating under a handicap. Mast Mrs. Ilex' McMillan nrrlrcd hero night froin Hornbrot'k for a Wken you send your money away i grief visit with her pnrenta Mr. and.1 yo deny them a. steady yolum qf.Mrs. C.fO. Low, " :'" . ' bAlness. give tbat'volume of busl-1 .'. '1 ;.,. i net yet expect the local mercnani to ,'?. ,. :.-.. j . r'i , , -,., t mcrning. mr ipnr eiiy niicr several nftet tho prices based on ' Ycdume . -' i .. a. .' i..h--- to inetr maii-praer compeiiior, ,v n,,b, ,.i,.ii' iri; ,.i. ,iV; Zrit V ' iV'.'fvZit , ...... . t. liny speui Jicrc on icsui uiisiness. Yfct tlo bis hands and expect him v . , n r' "-ftM tolfjght against aa antagonist many, I-'rankiSurltt was In tnvrn yrster. tlfij'os his sire. 'day from his -ranch near Kcifo Iran- ulut (he miraculous thing about ' sailing business with local" .mer Itfls that the local merchant, dcs-l chants. . " pi to the bonds of your Injustice,! does, meet (lie man-order giant on his, own ground and price, service nnd community helpfulness consid ered, battles hlra to a draw and often better. the support forthcoming frera hU community to whjch ho Is entitled he would easily win every division. Hut you strangle him, sUrve him and bind him In your AVIth MUs ituby Smith Is.cpnflned to her bed, with a fractured hip suffered when she slipped and fell to (he pavement "two day ago. ' ' , r .. j I.ylo Hemelwrlglit jjpeut yesterday. In tho Jlpnaniftpectlon. looking often cattle. He report that the '.roads j ore very muddy out that wayt r 'fi?liisVsiB''iTa l' I - au sBsfIS at thi SIGN OF THE ARROW (THE SQUARE DEAL DRUG STORE) Santa Claus Has His HEADQUARTERS CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS NVUtcli our windows for rc.il bur (gains, Winters JoKulry Halo, 18. JO I Sold Exclusively By THE BOOTERY CHAS. P. MAGU1RE 713 Main Street Charles (ladiies left this week for! rtrltU'h Pnlllmliln whora Irn ivlll bltadness. pefore(ever .he starts to, pend ,ho next few weeks with his' " ltJ Jtj 4 . psrents,, who resldo at Vancolivor. ! Valk down Main street In IClam-j ' i"" " at Fall? and observo tho window Knraesl McColIum Is lu town from,, dl lays. Compare thorn for ar- t'v9 bo"l) l noai" Ulldobrand nnd (li le tnsto and variety of display "Poet to stay until after tlio holl- w li .-ji)any-.blockirln anyitjM $?!' -", firTrrif an 'yo bom? fowflhas pplhln.ij'jrrr.. U. C.'Mpora was a pasionger j toj (a ashsmed of. u A , 0, tl0 mor,B trafit bound. 4 "for! nu store r ivitmaui ra a 'arc civ,i,-,. .,i ci.ftti.i. '-.v.,:-i,,.v rfdrtTo sons nnd'Taughtor. r,. C. Clark and A. II. JIowo, both members of tliif United 0tnes, bureau of post roads, aro hero on business this week. They are registered ut the White Pelican hotel. Kuiluks f' KiMtnk Alliums O'Bti-r lAkr rirturo 1'lu.sli Mghtf. -Wntclieitf I'orfumVit Alunu t.'lockw Kafcty Ilaiim Mnnleurt' K'tt TliennoH Itolllrw Kvi-niliurp I'cnrlU Kimiiliiln I 'run ClirMiilim CnnN lloiil Mlrnirx Aloinizent Vanity ?nr Writing l'niir I:iicIomt llnlr llnislit-s 4'omlm l'('nilr IIoxch .Null I'IIvm Perfume Alwayg An Acceptable Gift "l.'ury Moiimii," Im kIio the llttli MI.h or tlio 5Iutrn or even llie (Jniiiilmollier, upprvrluli-x kimmI perfume, AVi) liuvn not only nil (lie. popular ixtorH Imt h iiuiiiImt of tlio nctv und r.'iirr u'wrt. Tlieso mny lio (mil In' plain or fnnry Ix'ttlex or lu uttrnclho liollilny hm-, With tiit MirHfirin-; iiuillty o nru tilde, to offer our mt fume nt price), no Kreatcr tlinn In tlio lurgvr cltlex. '.' 1 & v 'l' " -ri o:l lll morslng .train bound. "for! & TO'lMfc-J-tflKi 4?toii; and Sanlambsli MAsT, a redliTO morcnttro city; and. the vvjn pcnd t,0 i,0iAaj'S with her ca tai visitor judges ana manes co parlsons through his impros- sli ot tba. business section. Jfoj- t?o. asC year, and for the fifteen years boforo, under other managements, Tbe Herald has been coaststeitly urging that the money misj''I KUrMtb shohld be spent In' KIgmath wsie;ft,',ptklble, uurl'ng -the past year the. steady drip, drip, dflp of dollars has gond 1, we trust mat wo nave maur use bead way, and, suspect we have, MmmewaMHtmafr-T'..,. II ittbtt meumiRS pnivii on SO bu Mr, nnd Mrs. Iiyron Ilardenbrook left On the morning train for an ex tended visit lu the middle west nnd east. They ex'iiect to bo away for i - - made two or throo months visiting rela tives and friends In Ohio, nud they will spond Christmas with Mrs. Ifnr- Post; every wpr in'd frclfht car thdtldonbrook's parents In Nubraikn, M teti IQ'i CHOICE PERFUMES Ultra Uou'iuut, oz. Dardlntlla, oz &.A Jtck-Oloi. ...AJ.;.".i.i.'. B..1A DJer Kits, oz.v.. .....'. ir..j.....(f.i rTLreo,.EJowor. oz.. .,..r.....y..i...-Z.,...,., jri,avuiivni5rtuy,!iu.l . 1 .FioVlentV-'oi..i.J!.?,.. ?: :.v:i3.oo. ,...M,oo.... 3.UU . 2!00 2:00 ... 4.00 Krlvolo, oz. Mavis, oz , Lady 'Mury, oz - Dolnhinu. ei: WlayTJro'am, fat. Jcrgln'H Whlto Koso, Pp'r,in(f FloVers, oz. . Spring Garden, oz. ... Wood Violet, oz Ciabnpple, (. Calm wo Uou'iuct, oz Natalie, oz. KV v- ....I3..U ..;..:. 2.66 2.00 !p2 oz, ::::::::::::::;.;:;tin -q- ill ::oV 2.00 2.00 t.oo 1.00 i.eo 2.00 Now Mown Huy, oz 1.00 M-' For ML JLJL Selection ofa gift for wife, m'oUicr, sister, or the "Only Girl" easy matter in our store. Dozens of suitable and beautiful prices from a few cents to fifty dollars. becomes nn articles at Conklin Utility Sets A fourteen caret gold fountain pen and pencil. Every woman NEEDS n good pen and pencil. Price for both in & gift box, only $10.00. Perfume Sets The products of the world's best perfumers. Perfume, face powder, rouge, cold cream, talcum etc. In handsome cases. Prices $3.50 to $15.00. Toilet Sets Three pieces, brush, comb and mir ror in silver or ivory. Some as low as $7.50, others $10.00 to $15.00. These sets come in silk lined gift boxes. Gift Books Dainty little volumes, bound in flex iblo leathers, illuminated board-vellum etc. The masterpieces of the best au thors 35c to $2.50. Fine Stationery Highland Linen,, Linen Lawn, and other good brands. Bcautifu) boxes ?. ;-' Vanity Boxes Out stock of vanity, boxes and. hand baqc has been greatly depicted but wo and larger cabinets. Stationery has &till havo fifteen or twenty attractive 1 --it.. ii.i iitl. ixti n.itt 1 n..: tien nonnn been aptly cancel inc Pricco 60c to $5.00, Write Gift" numbers. Prices $3,50 to $20.00. Kodaks A kodak nHtss an acceptable gift for man, woman or child. Brownies from $2.50 to $5.00, Folding Models from $6,00 to $50.00. Framed Mottoes These dainty and inexpensive gifts wc have in a great variety of senti ments. Prices 75c to .$1.50. Some es pecially fine onca on parchment hand colored and illuminated $1.00 to $3,00. Crater Lake Pictures Wcare without sjerioiislcompetifion in'thlsline. tureV; in tVMcrful liUleffamphIy;$l.QI.13 Jiesc 1 ' ed in" Ahnrtifttic' A five by seven pic- Jicturcs. arc all .tint- . manned1- tihoiccj ' o f halt a' dozen suniccls. inev arc easily packed 'for mailing and Wialeo en ', ideal', iijfcxpensivo gift, for'tlis-, tahf friin'MeW'Mll& il hpme. Lnrc-vsfKe pictde. .hrCdefrofflll tl-e'eleHrated- Duncan p'anoram also framed aji'd colored fforffj$30P'up. s a v ' y .- i L . 1 w (ny rw KLAMATH FALLS OKEGOW WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS Wi I PURITY I UD..I 1 s)n ssTssVll .,. .v . . rv -Ein Trj-ar. . . - - nUBa.firu.H rm V.ri w m lACCyPACvl nqsMMH . 4 0 4 K M tr I !"