The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 14, 1922, Page Page Five, Image 5

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Tiiritmi.vv, ni i mm it n. vna
T Pae Ff
Days of Breadline Return
lnliilnr If a rnurrW r r rrff.p
I'.Od tm taking a lli- I' h.hiIiI In
In fully lo punluli" lilni t ( flttl ,
1200 lull llml In wlnl urn procedure
hit bfon with Hi') bootleg, ir Hi
pllnn it lurr.illMi Irailo fnt iwilc-. In
hiilnd Into court anil f ! n small
fraction of liln profits HimoUrnm
lin Ik oven tuniril Inose tr ( ni ' hi
find, I linlloto (lint litis should con
flaciito all I lin ImoMopk' r'a Illegal
gain iiiiil niliiiint Jail rentaiices bo
i:linu lii mrvc in n ilirrmit 'I liln
would innku in iik i) law enforcement
prnrtlcnlly ni-lf-oiipiiurdiit, ami mnkt
irltno unprofitable a bir Mop ti
ward Hlmlnnllng It
Our loiilitry, na a 'IniidTn'jr
"nnilt upon Ikt c in ' Hon lly
f vi rwlip'niinR major" 'f'.r'y six
allies, I IjpIIpvp. hue ratified It)
!h" pIrIiIitdIIi nni'iulinent wan add
el to niir ronstlfullrin liven "since
j thti Imyii urn homo" anil rlnro wc
I Ii.hp had IIiiiij lo recover from ''our
I emotion il slate dry majorities run
llniln in Increase Hlinll no hold up
our hniiilft at llio thrtnl of a small
criminal clans nr rather shall nnt all
cltlronn ret tlulr tenth In a determln
ntlon to nspcrt tho Ijw of tho land
and sio that othtn do lli snmu? I'or
homo good information road Charlu
A HpIiIpii'n artlclo In thn December
Ladles' Home Jonrnil. Thp so-call-pi
"rood citizen who .vlolati j th
law" dom r I txlt Thp only real
' ly gotd iiiitpn uphold and obe
thn law
Aivnirri i. mcr
Struggling With Turk ProblenT '
l)rd Curzon of England, Premier Muuollnl of Italy and President
Polncaro of Prnnco nro shown hero on tho steps of tha casino of Lnu
won whro tho sessions of tha hnpoitant Kcar liut Conference or
Lcics held.
The oulof and tin needy nro mnny In I.Vw Virli ilrsptt reort that tinctnplovninl m l n low fhh
TJil liitailllno lomlitrtid nt Cherry utrml, Nuw Voili, rind iu lfir.iib' In IncrtaMid dtinand ulthl wiwii
(Nimlitloii I'mlir (ilinliiiil S)inll
uilliii m U rliittnlntil
HACIIAMKNTd, lice I I A do
cUlon Cui liiindod iIdmii In thn
third rourt of nppniil )pnttfrduy nf-
Irrnooil mmtnlliliiit thn Jililcinnlit J
of convlrlloti iiiiilrr tho irlmlniil)
Nyndlrnlliini low of CallfornU of I
Karl Klny and J A (.'umlorf, mnni
livn of thn 1. V V, who woro
trlnl and ionletn In tho rtiiporlor
court of (liirramuiitit county oaral
inoiitlm uko
Letters from the People
MIMSTI It SI hi: 'I II it
I'ltoiiinmii.v is i.ui:
IMIInr, I'.vi'nlni; lltiroM,
Kl.utialli I'alU, Urouon
I win liitorpntpd Iu yiur Tiipjday
editorial on th liquor slttiitlon Iml
nni lncJICBii to differ with you In
i Dili" rrii.'(lit That tho ultnntlou
1 1 ipiIi UN cnoiiRli to innrit i hi' nt
t'tilloii of uti r Bend rltl'in I aKri'i ,
i x
. t i
Lonely Wives
your cooking (jets bet
ter every duyl
nnd Mnry cxplalriB that
nliu'o Ik-oii ttadmi; tip new
nchuulo of cooLcry oilvi&o
lxikinc powilcr witltncom
lunation of ljavcnlniflutiiti
that prctlur. poci! renult .
' if doom do tihm ovon ian
"doinx" just, or phop
ntiRO nt inivit cnticul t.m .
!Jo tiho iu usng Crostcnt
UakittR Powilur.
At all fjroccra
Cnwccnl Ma u ri-nirln, Conpiny
ilr iil, Walllltlo
. " PA
PaiMavly iloti
NOT contain
llcio nro thrto o( tho lienutlei
fiuin tlm lianlil ot tho deposed
Tori. Miltan Molinminul IV. Theso
Uaiilux, with 117 other Mca ot
thi Miltnn, uiio tossed on their
own lotollicos when their ex hlis
Imnd boarded a llilluli wamldp.
Tiny nro doicilbed hy tho new
I ulna, who mo piiztled, Ifi' tho
lidieti' prxdlininent, ni ' tx-nutltul,
iklljloui. and nffvctlonatc."
Santa Claus
Extra Fancy Plain Mixed, lb. $ .17
Extra Fancy Hroken Mixed, lb. .18
Extra Fancy Cream Mixed, lb 20
Extra Fancy Broken Taffy, lb. . .21
Extra Largo Sticks, each ' . . .04
Extra Fancy Largo Oranges iWz. . .60
Fancy Small Delicious Apples, box 1.35
Large- Fancy Delicious Apples, box 1.85
Pop Corn, per lb ,.. 10
Fancy Spita Apples, box t . 2.00
Premium Hams, lb .., 32
Picnic Hams, lb :$..;. 22
Thin Bacon, lb ..:)?. 35
5 lb. Pail Lard ,....,.. 1.00
10 lb. Pail Lard .' 1.90
Free Delivery lo Any Part of City.
Gieoger's Store
6th. & Main
yinivnipmi 1 mum saim pwiii U'i,,w,imn
E,; f7was2B?,
w rm
4h .SIHlH
BW rM tfrH I
tsTWi f ' &m $J ii
W fi j n ill
a t.inv- nml tnekla ras nccov
tary to remoo tho jdne-root colhn
cenlnlnlni: tho body ot Cnptnln
aoonto Am:er, famout clicus
i;luiU. from Ids lato ivldenco In
New Yoik. Auscr, l.nown to ltou'
bands of ilixjui. i;oni, ilW hvu aa
uvu'el: t lsiiWsvtk. 'i. --,. '
Init I hutp fnllli In 1 In- ultiinnii r ml
npgi of Amorlra, nnd (an ho- no
wny out hut forward
In tho prondit hltuntlon I ((. a
ti't of utrineih l"tri.n a iiinall mil
nosy minority (who nro try lm: to
tn.iko n tiolco lllio a mnjnrlt i and
tho i;ronl mijorlty of ileretil. ,iw
nbldlni: clllrnn. It u n (lU'rilun rf
vlicllior nro alinlt haul ihiw-i or
fine In for" tho hoot logni r ml lh
orttanltud llio-r forrVa whii ir
liimdltiB ovory i nrrty to c i in ii
Into lliu poopr from wlilrh Am nrin
Cool ictuo tins 1anljlicd lln'in
A Krpit ,nntl-prthlliltliin pr .pa
raaita U Ix'litg carried on tluiuRh
tii'Wfpapnr space, wont of mouth
mid tho thoiiRhttras (0-nprntlou of
I in my tionoit peoplo Thorp ii mon
y to upend for tula wcrli Thp mil
liiinnlro brpupra rontrlhtiip iurauc
they want a I'hanco to pile tip mori
mlllloas tnhcu from tho mouths ot
Hwiirn and children. Tho lne
rrcwer of Kranco Pranco who can
nnt poulbly pay anything of her
Kn.u war debt to America- llieio
nrownrs haiv lubscrlLod l.irttn sums
to pry oppii our land n n market
tnr their wines Not Ioiir oro brave
1 ttlfl Iceland adopted prohibition
Hpaln unld "fnlens ou buy our
wlno wo wllj not buy your fish " and
Iceland had to rIvo In Shall wo let
1 ho Preach wuie-Rrowers' mouoy lo
ilm fnmo for us?
l.iuor farces hnllcil Thn late elec
thus na lctorlo for them hut the
facta do it ' ! tatement
In nattered loialitk'n sllnht not
r tins woro rando hut other dry Ic
1 1 s far inurp than offset thorn
1 iiifornl.i fur tho llrst tlmo Kan n
iiliut)tlnl dr majority Ohio
lunjoilt is a lnnii' Kaln out nn
irilous xtw. The proposal on the
Illinois ballot nai defiantly tin
Miislltutlonal tlmt the drys wtre ml
Maed not to voto hrni " .1 grout
wit victory" To offset thU n largi'
pirt of tlio Cook ciuaty tChlcnuo)
.flilals aro dry Tho no;.' soiiuto
lll Imto threo more dry vote than
at present, whllo In the lumso tho
Hut-up will Lo -'Ji; dryo h 1 2.1 wetH
It inKos I'linsldorublo JurkIIiik or the
fmta to find much lomfnrt In wt
hopes In tho NoMinber ih'itltn I
lioliovo Hint tho oMTwIu'lmliiK m.i
Jorlly of cltltens nro oppoied to nnj
nhiekulilliK of I ho fight against alco
hoi nnd nnnrrhy, and what tho ma
Jorit) wanti can ho dono.
I fnor inrro cot ore sentences to
Giant's Funeral
Handkerchief Lin
en, yard wide,
$1.50 and $2.00
Men's Silk Sox
3 pairs in box
' $2.25
Let us help solve your gift problems. Holiday stocks ar
ranged so you can easily shop. Gifts that are practical
will be found in abundance. Prices always reasonable.
Quality material in every article. Alert and courteous
clerks to serve you. You can shop with pleasure here.
Middy Blouses
Made of navy flannel
and trimmed with white
braid. A practical gar
ment fQr winter wear,
sizes 'jG fo M. Same gar
ment in children's sizes 6
,lto 14 for
We also show an ex
tensive line of middy
blouses in red and green
flannel up to $4.95.
Bed Spreads For Christ
mas Gifts
Always useful and us
ually an extra one is
needed. We show a var
iety of patterns in honey
comb and marseilles from
$2.25 $5,50
Fancy Towels Make In
expensive, Yet Pleas
ing Gifts
When undecided you
can give a fancy bath
towel and know it-will be
appreciated. Towels 39c
to .$1.50; cloths
10c t0 25c
Novelty Boudoir Caps Al
ways Admired
A wonderful showimr
of dainty boudoir caps in I
ncn ami oamiy snaues,
maize, orchid, rose, ceil,
old rose. Many are new
creations that are dg
cidly different. pricesv
50c to $3.50
Vanity Boxes That arc
We have assembled a
comprehensive line of
vanity boxes that are con
structed on new lines,
different from the ordi
nary shape, and will
make a pleasing gift. We
also show a liberal selec
tion of new bags and
purses. Prices
$1.50 to $12.50
Stamped Pieces For
Towels, scarfs, pillow
cases, table centers,
aproits, baby dresses,
bibs, handkerchiefs, etc.
DMC embroidery cottons
to do the-work, all shades.
Special Sale of Wool and
Silk Dresses
We have grouped several lines of dresses that are
regularly priced frohi $24.75 to $29.50 in poiret
twill, tricotine, canton and crepe do chine and will
offer the entire lot for a special price at $19.00.
Sizes 16 to 44.
Holeproof Hosiery and Wool
and Silk and Wool
Specially Priced
An unusual offering of holeproof hose in the pop
ular mixtures, also plain black. Many numbers in
this offering were intended to sell for $2.75 to $3.00.
None manufactured to sell for less than $2.00. You
can purchase a practical and an acceptable gift at a
great saving.
$1.24, $1.48 and $1.98
Blankets and Comfort
ers for Christmas
A fine wool blanket
or nice soft comfort is
an ideal gift and al
ways useful. All wool
blankets, special $8.95
to $12.45. Fine silk
comforts. Special
Headquarters For Holi
day Handkerchiefs
Handkerchiefs made
in lawn, flaxon, sho
wak lawn, linen. Indi
vidual boxed 10c to
$2.50. Extra special lot
handkerchiefs, broken
lots values to 20c. Spe
cial 10c,
Novelty Sweaters Spe
cially Priced
Our knit goods sec
tion is well equipped to
supply your sweater
needs for women and.
children. All the new
style models in stock.
Boy's slip-on sweaters
at reduced prices.
All Millinery Reduced
You can buy a pat
tern hat now for a mere
fraction of former cost.
We have about 2 dozen,
hats that sell up to
$17.50 for
Others from
$1.98 lo $4.98
Novelty Christmas
Dainty accessories al
ways used and yet al
ways needed: Powder
Puffs, Sachet Bags Shoo
Trees, Dress Hanger,
Boudoir Bags, Button
aires, Earrings, Jewel
ed Bonnets.
Don't Forget the Baby
Many useful sugges
tions for baby's com
fort, Wool Sacques,
Wool Hose, Wool To
ques, Silk Toqies and
Silk Hose.
Fancy blank- 'ul wool
etu, .. Hwenter ct, s4l wtwl
SIlitK, WOOl VCfeti Hol
legging, idllc bund.
Silk Hosiery For Christ-
mas Gifts Always
Kaysers high-grade silk
hose in black at
$3.00 and $3.50
Van Raalte hose in
black at
$2.50 and $3.00
Holeproof hose in black
cordovan, camel and
$1.25, $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50 and $3-03
Pure silk out-size rib
Gloves, The Ideal Christ
mas Gift
And well that it is, for
most women are always
in need of another pair of
gloves. We are showing
fine kid gloves in button
clasp at
$2.50 $3.00
In brown and black
The new popular gaunt
let in black, white, brown
and doeskin at
Sizes G to 8
Misses kid gloves in
brown. Size 5 to Gii. Spe
cial $2.00
Fancy Sateen Aprons
Good quality sateen
trimmed with bright col
ored cretone, sizes 36 to
Another niodel com
bined with ' serpentine
crepe at
Furs for a Christmas Gift
You will be surprised
to see the lino of furs we
are offering and how
small a price may pur
chase one. If you con
template a moderate price
fur by all iheans visit our
fur feection. Specially
A. - ml . 'AWk"MSW"t
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