The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 13, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    173 & wrrr
vi:n.NiAVf i)C(T, "huMyrnnt,
Evening Herald
Sf A JtfvMlia
turner mhv FiiVHBVBw
MTMIHMg MaMkfftt
4 allr except 8oaday, at
b Ukiftf Caas
;tit.t nvctt.Bth ttratt.
rtM'attrt6fftc fttJClMsr
aw rain, on., ror trtaaaaiuiea
Urawk thr'in"-r acort-tiM
saatlltV .illMi ftfvi . - ' i
;jj.:.'iiii""ii'i L'.'ii ' '.'"-iL'I'IliT
Ir'ttMM to"ta4:a Te ptbllctt-'
Hm of all VtfWrftftRlierTrtaiUd
Ut tKim iet,athwla ,eradlta In
UI'Miar,,aad..alto'tb.lotal awa
i in
Copy tor display Idverllslng must
bt to thl office not later than 3
p.m. bn' the1 day pwcWlW pdblfeai
t0t a. order to be Inserted In tbc
tieae Of the paper of the next
Want ads, and reading notices will
be received "tap to' IS noon on tbe
daf of Issue.
Herald rablUblRK' Company.
WKDStotftAS',' mtf Hl,iD22.
Oh, what nrn tho cold wnos say
ing Oli. thcr say. "WhoreV the
WJint s worse Jiavjng anjmy
Dociy.Rive jou te mumps ior vnriitr,
ma'1? ,,t, , ., u
WhYn In' Home some 'of tho Kn'
knlstl are doing as the' Homnn'ctin
dies do.
Iteli hath no fury" like a wonmn
whnn you trarX mud fn her bouse.
Princeton' has a water 'slmr'tage.
She won so many football games It
may have been used as chaers.
Rome, day a farmer mill ratify his
,hog with radio so he won't have to
jell his' head oft railing them.
A New Jersey man wrote his will
on n butcher's order hook. It Is
' thought he wa going to price a
-j aleak.
Personal Mention
f NADEQUATK prelection, trusting
(o luck, and thoMnevltableconse
quence a tosm of ruins covers .an
r(a that a few, .days' sjnoi was tho
thriving business ITe'art "of iKe city
of Astoria. & )-,'
Asiorla wllU 'ain. Her cltl
sena are alreasryVt" work, draVwlng'du
cash VeseWea" "and' arranging" credit'
for rebolWtrfro$sih a fine' harbor,
a natu'ralliatf.Tor' a city? and above
all with tira spirit that does not
know defeat; they have ample secur
ity on which to obtain funds for re
Klamath Fals has causo for con
gratulation that the misfortune that
has overtaken her sister town Is not
her own. At.njrttlmo wlthTn tho'
paat ten yiar'Clahain Falls might
bivo becTas disastrous" 'conflagration.
But' that dahEce'ba been reduced
by rccVnT'wlse'jeiporTdfttftWifcT ad'c-'
litem' an'd'',BfitbtcartVWg'am'pW
witer pres'rirr.n'ath)Kn1ath .atlaij
isi m rai au w. w in
riak, or wort. thtia;AMaVia' Is od.ay-
battar protected agilnst'flre wan any-
city In the'btate. Rren Portland
does not outrank us.. ,-
NaturalbW,tk j:roteetjon costa
May; bfH doe4 net cqs trover
such. The Increase In water and
lax rates Is largely balanced by'i de
In thlr nse of freedom a woman
who llvei In Owoo, Mich., Im niilnE
both her husbands for dlrnrce.
.. What -will. yon Rlrln'Rlve him 'fort
Chrl'tmasT A silk. niif tier, lianrlnc
nround his neck" wlir cmlnil him of
:)fl .
you, .
t'inlirellaa make nood sifts 'l'i
raiifo you have a chance to crt them
SU tods of cranberries vre burn-1
ed in a N'ew York1 fife. Cooktnc
steadily It would lake 100 bridges
two weeks to 'burn this many.
T. It, Denton Is In tho city for a
tow daya from Dray, California.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. S. I'uekett left
today for Portland wbor0 thoy-wlll
rnjby a short- vacation visit
" ' ' " E ft '.I I 'i
C, , DeUip,, left lltUl.VR?,;!nA
for whero.ihpMvJll, nttend
the county ,4rrks ciKJvutm ,wllc,li
edufnek. thofo this tveok .
v Mr, nnd "Mrs." Harry 'Wote, who
havv been visiting In Cnllfornta for
tho pas.-week or cn days return,-
od homo .Tuesuay nignt
J. II. Ilobbs. a merchant of Mc-r-
rill, arrived hero last evening nnd '
spent today attending to business !
affairs In the county seat.
Mrs. M. h. Waddett left this
morning for Southern California
where she will spend the wlntrr
hoping to benefit her health.
Mrs. 11. C. Spink arrived hero
thin morning from Chlloqutn and
will visit wtlh her-daughter. Mist
Caludla, for tho next two weeks.
. V. II. Woods' and A. Aj'Savllte.
traveling raliroaT.i;'- agctts nrrlved
here laJf nlghf' tfa Sacramento
and arc' registered;' rit the White
Pelican hotel. '
i ' "'I'M '
Judge It. H. IlunnU..As.nJrdyce
nnu iiurreii ouuri, ni. (.-uniiyuuri
Hot makes a gofd gift for a wife'
because you must buy her one any
Just a short time and no will he
writing 1922 by mistake ami
scratching It out to write 1923.
An electric" Iron lsa swell gift for
yoar wlfo and besides It will keep
her feet warm at night.
, London reports say Harry (lard
ncr (s 98 and growing a third set of
.teeth but they may be false.
MWso'ffori,'18o.OOO .franc for
;)Ms-for--mVvln'ir sldcwalt. 'Oitr
s'ugrestlon Is drink hard elder.
William Kompl escaped from tho
nro'oklyn (Conn. ( Jail twice' and If
you thlnV tlils Is asy uit'try It.
Detroit woman says' she stabbed
her' hnsband to He op him at homo.
left this, morning- for- 'Portland
where they will attend the state
highway meeting. - 4
Mr. and Mrs. I.. W. Gates wcro
passengers on the morning train
bound for N'ewberK. Oregon, where
they will visit with friends nnd rel
atives for an Indefinite, time.
Mr. and Mrs. .Dan Ityan left this
morning on the' train bound for Lot
Angeles where they will spend tho
wfntor months. Tho Hyans have a
largo cattlo ranch nqar Port Klam-
creaaedMaraDCeratcv- PfacUcalljdTr ,,,, ap-eetore yor wife sort
every one wno pays lazes or wnicr
ckargesTalso carries insurance The
Dut it there were not a dollar sav
ed ofvtheuanhuat 125.000 that the'
added protection' costs. It would take
100 years for It to accumulate, the
value btTthe''propcrfy that waJ do
troye'dla a few hours' fit Astoria
last Prio'sy mcrnlng:'
wfK x.TjfilBB!KiakadUki
P9a& vssllHHIH'kk
lm, ssQiiBliiHHfe
Christmas Furs
Local pooplo wMjIiir hitflrKraclo fiji for V,tt
. are requested to lcavo thoir order as soon an pos
sible. Please i;lvc mo your telophonu number and
the kinds desired. I will call you an sooit .UKtkjmvu
what you want. Skins avcouqurly all JU L WW
forC&AsKifts. jmJS) Xf
m jr .;ili.... j,;a fe. 'arv vr
IIl ..iL'iiii-i'.r-iiiiiiTri an -, ii
I U&2
.... .
I "il
i marvif
I I J "" . ': ' I '"- ' l
I I , ' 'it il
C'orllM Pnlnirr. million nli'lnr :irlri' ruin. ..I tnr lip lu.iiiiv I. funn
ing prominently In tint suit for separation hrouglit iignlust Kiigomt V ll
nrew.'iiT. . torn movie magazine puuiisticr, tiy his wife. .Mrs r.leunor
V. V llrewatcr. Mlss Palmer admits her love for llrewater hut dniilra '
"vnmplng hi in "
Attractively Framed
12 d.iys until ftirl'tmni
December It Meeting of 'I
now executive hoard of lli'l I
" ( t'romt. rhumlier of commerro !
.. .... .. ... .. . rooms. 4 n. in. M
iirn, ifi'f l ., .iinri lamp rni. . ." '
. --"-.. ... -i ,,,....,
Thcsb Arc Especially Suitable For
Holiday Gifts.
ntlons hetwav, Japnn and Amcrlc.i
befort) the colle'gn pt commerce of
the Imperial university Dr. David
Starr Jordan, President Kraerltus of
I.eland Stanford university, npprov-
It.Vcmber II-1C Catholic
fair. Lyceum Hall
' December 15 llliutrnie.l
. lecturv on Art institute of Chl '
cago Wommi's l.lbrnry club,
.. :r ... i. .. T iTmuer it- rnroi man '
uu luv i'lau BU,Hkvu uy miuuiii , k . . .
an,.. . ,4, .. . . - J r Hill I rillillll
oiiiiiiiPHiTn tur iiin np'uiiuiiitui 01
it Joint commission to discuss the
g and
Science lliitnnr.
.t-. - i
CllfforM KuTllts wasja pas-
senger.on tbe tnornlng train? bound
for hef homo In Dorrls. Califor
nia, after uucxtctiaod visit with
her' fa'thrjf 'anU' mother, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Stlegerv
Itollln P. no'ddIphr l51rOtown
for a few daya looking.' after' busi
ness matters. Ills headquarters aro
In San Francisco, but for the past
month Rodolph has been occupied
matters. "Such n commission could
not settle, tho points at Issue which
must go to tho courts but It would
servo to dispel misunderstandings
on both sides, a matter of the high
est Importance," ho raid.
"The Washington conference was
:i great irlun)ph of common sense
and tomriidn decency Its main
achievement' ras to prlck''tho mon
strous nnd dangerous bubble of
war-scaro assiduously Inflated by
buth sides of
Domestic '
December 20 Chamber of ,1
Commercii Koriim
December HIS -The High
si hoot muslrnl pi'rformnui'o at 4 '
Pljo Trco theatre.
i December 1 ' American
legion nnnuul clcrtmn ,
Don't fail
I'tlMlU II J,
In llthnil Hun i;:ivtng
Wlnierii Ji;sclr .!
. I ttlll tllsnnilliiiie bundling ttiie Art Pl'lili
tin- entire Muck ttlll lie iIIii.m nf nl Ju( ttlnl
lli-y io-l iiie. We ciiilo fur lilpiut'iit.
Ilrrmfler I ttlll (lento niv (lino e( lliltilv In
pliiilounipli ttui k,
Stinson's Photo Shop
cvll-mlnded men on
tho Pacific. "'
"Papan nnd America
neighbors for tho,, next
Vhrlstlnas tugs. nU mid ttekuge
dressing. Ciirrtn's l'or Drugs. 13
123 Mnin St.
Klnmnth Falls, Ore.
,wlll be
years, and II ,W govd builnxas ns
well as good .V'TJ'V' tu to telgh-borly-j,
. h , 9f, j,
THEY called him merchant
prince and he was a prince In
the criglnat' sense of the term, be-'
fore It became merely a title con
ferred by-accident of birth, when It
taeanf'a leader of inert'.
His was not a leadership of
birthright. at least no more
thin 'be shared the birthright
common to ever' American, and,
every decent man who of his
own free will renounces whole
heartedly all other allegiance to be
come a cltlten of 'America.
He differed from tbe majority of
us In that he took tbe talent tbat-J
uoa cave nim, ana invested ana
enlarged It, always with the pur
pose In jnlnd that his success
should serve bis fellow mm.
He was successful In acquiring
money; those who make, service
their first aim cannot escape piy
msnt. Dut' his greatest success,
and the onoPthat pd'sterlty will re
member lon$ after h'la wealth Is
forgotten, lies In tho service he
rendered lity fellows and his coun
try. You who say That opp'ortunify ' Is
unequal fn' America, thaf.wo' must'
tor down the glorious- structure
so carefully and painfully created
by our fore;fithera and .eject Injts
place a nlgHtmaro edifice of Into!-'
erance and class hatred, consider
the career that was closed when'
death claimed John WsnaifiakeK
Storking aro good gifts but gloves
are better because then you can see
wfiat you got for your money.
African prospectors wrio thought
they had a coal mine were disap
pointed to find it was only diamonds.
The Turks want to trade with us.
We could sell them Turkish clgarets,
Turkish towels and Turkish baths.
Hy Ted Olson
In Korbnt Mainline
I've a rielithbor from h country over
sear Ills skin Is of nr slightly darker
rt,c' itiii.
His language has a foreign sound to
mP,. .. . . . ,, ., o-?, -
no i wntcn him wun e. moil suspi
cions oye.
Ho mihda Ill's 'bus'noss. carefully; 'he
with buslncW jffars..atC,MlqiJj?4. Thi(r.reatet,flJnKl elmncnt ia nny
and Kirk.
'F. P. Kccnf who' ha3"b0ch In
cha'rga of pine beetle control work
In Klamath county for tho past
year, left the first of the week for
lierkcley, California, whero he has
a few weoks work. From Ber
keley Keen will go to bis home In
8an DIegofor a two weeks vaca
tlon and from there he will go to
Washington, D. C. as the western
representative of the bureau of en
tomology, returning hero about
March 1.
Piopcrty In Hot Springs Addition
May JJr Hold )' flty
Unleas certain property owners
In the KIdorado nnd Melrose pav-
salo In our a'orw .lit,, your, cnmpleto
nmiMacuun. Liirrin n.i) nt IJ
, l. !
M. S. (,MvM Cmlni liiiprcnlon Wt
crn liilettu llchlnil S. P.
i " .c -
Mi 3. W'et. prcsldunt of tho(
Klnmuth county cbamher of com-
mcrce, u back from Wnslilngton,
whero ho represented tho chambur
at the rallwny iinmcrper hearings
West was in attendance on thu
hearing 10 days. Ho was forred
to leave beforn tho Union Pacific
rilili, was presented, but bis Impres
sion of tho Inquiry was that busi
ness IntoreMs of tho west woro bo
hind tho Southern I'nclflc. for roa-
sons of economy and service
Tho Klamath coilntrytjio Natron
inff .ml tAn Mfulfif. Vnrllinpn en
Ins .units In Hot Springs addition J tcrCl, 'frequently' into' tlio discus-
"'-l.-"ll .! r.,un ..n.lo, ' . .. ..' .. ... l.i. . .
iiianii uiiii.u,iun iui lo.iug """" inon. nouilicrn racilic oiiiciais as
inivorsai uommnation KloorWc , ,., ,,Hri,V' ",'.1,;, j; Vi ' tMtffcVn. to, oi
' ' "? -5.7 I,, lnar4jlm d wn ' J holghts to.6ji
"lyatcTPanU waft'Jor our lJIg"lri tlfi
Poki Ml. "yoiPIP sure" get a -kale
out of this-. II.-J. Winters'-Jewelry
9 ? i
A bobbed haired mlsf Would ap"-1
praclataasT 'electric cfirllnk Iron as1
a Xmaa Mfr.a.P)rrbi,s Kdr Drugs. 13
Ta (Mo whb'akve made it
far MrbraMfer'Hafry Rots, and his
jrtoar,.JC. HiiWllasY. I extend my
H.m. ..'waa Affanan
His manners are Impeccable and
yet It's all pretense,. . ..
I am snre hn plots my downfall Villi
a deep and dark design;
Vou see,1, he mn's't be wicked since
his customs aro uof mine!
There's a country on the- other side
the world.
An empire vast with boundaries
flung wide;
On every sea Iter bandcrs'aro unfurl
ed; Her commerce' circles' home on
overy tide.
She protends to Ixr'unsclflsn; but tvo
know It's all deceit;
aim's' a hungry Jackal stalking" close
her unsuspecting meat.
Sho will dare tho' basest treachery
to win hor money's worth
For yotr know that we're the only
honest nation on" tho .earth I
r v.e-
il you seo. a joiiptv' wamins' lurougi
Jtt'ithia &iWmlhJkU tbaV
the 10jycar payment plan, or pay
the; atbesimcnts In full, their pro
portwlll bo sold under foreclos
ure by the city.
This was determined at tho city
council meeting last night when It
was found that a fund of $13,000
is on' hand to pay tho paving costs
In that district, the, contract price
of which was 1G,000. Tho abort
age was caused by failure of a
number of property owners to sign
uu under the 10-year plan. Tho
surud West tout tho policy of tin
railway wus dovelopmcnt of thu tor-
"t i
Yes Yes
This Is
Good furniture i.s tho living ChrisUnuitt.Ciift. IUplny. imrU in tho daily I
ivesof thdscyou give R toalwsiyafiorvinffr'nlways insiglit, alwny.s livcom- I
. it ail
I" i !-
ritory It Hr,vcH. and that a survey (
will ue nmilo along tliy .Moilo;
Northum right of way and It tcu-
nuge, ivi'ii potential tonnage that
might be developed by construe
Hon. enough is upparnnt tho con
struction of nt least part of tho
road w follow
s a diingerous nnd dark adventurer.
"Vim" must vlow with dirk misgiving
every soul that dares to tread
In any .path oxcept tho one by which
your steps aro led.
For since your ways arc always
right, of courso It must be true
Thu foulest crime In ail the list Is
difference fromyou!
.Currln'a For Drugs.. Two stores.
PoH!and;nd-KlamaMj5i!Pllij. --13
tOj,orect flyo-room dwell-
if ijiock u. rcwuonn
Oj-Bt 12,000; grunted.
Drunswlck HecordH run sniootli(ii
souiii) beater: last' Inager: cost no
moro. Hearing ls believing, Currln
Saya Ko. 13
., , mi ' ''
maiTKkt k'rpoiit
PO'ni'LAND, Dae. 13. Livestock
steady, eggs and butter, firm. Wheat
$1,18 to $1.52,
1 Tauscu Pearls at less than half
prlco. II. .1, Wlnlnrit Jewelry Bale.
All kinds of rasors und shaving;
KUppllcft. Accopmblo gifts for tho
navlnir U In and tho city mav be man who MtiuU'S liliusolf. Currln a
forced to sell tho property to meet Vw ""' ,
the costs.
It was voted to advertiso for bids
for 1,300 feet of new firo hose,
bids to be opened December 2C.
Permit Application
II. E. Callam, repaint to build
ing at Hlxth nnd Klamath; referred
to fire chief with power to act.
J. 8. Lageson, of Klamath Kails
.Hcatlttir: and Plumbing company, to
TiTA-l Z. -j ,. ..... .
ecit-;wuuuiii sign over inncu ui
bbsIi)M at Fourth and Pine; re-
efredj to street commltteo, II. W.
Held fur
Appear In
Liquor Vloliilloiin
Jimtlci! Court
ChargtU with thuvlnp IVlUfV I'1
their- iiONAi'sslmi John 1KoloaHi iiiil
Peter.. ulfiyillo woro. fined. utW
cnc)i;ini glyen a, 3Q-lay tispomh
cif JaJI Bcnfi.nculfaiut Olu (,Jirljio(i.j
wat.tinifd JlOOnd .glvop4a .
days) Htispp;led oiitolcn n,;ilfUM
Juullc-e ciurt yuHterday. tf.tjn, li;aX'
lr fJH tytiiv, glvji Curj8fii,diiQ, ).nt
tho fni,(itha4 liu UJ)ollo,ved fjv,i(ivni
thu houfltui vIiIqV. . tlii.,ll;itori iinil
two men wcro found when tho po
lice miido the -raid, over u wook
Qululllo8 w.-im ublo to pay tho
greater part of his $G0 flno mid
wan roloascd todnyH.j JH coinpun
Ioiib were unablo to 'pay thoir flnui
nnd nro hold In Jail.
Hiunswlck records, nlny on uny
stiind.'ivd, yonptjili, 4(.'rirrln rl.'iVH
.8" tv
ing moro useful, and ulwwu. recallinJt'the giver. ';, ."
Furniture is in exact accSrd with th o limes. It i.s the economical, practi
cal and conservative gift of good taste and judgment. Furniture has a life
long purpose. I
Each gift of furniture will carry with it a message of affection which will
survive the years to come as a memory, and as a constant living presence.
Kit) ltllcl.l'l'H
Hl'l f llltllll lUMlli t'llM'M
ICiity ClinlrM
DImIok He Ik
Plllllllllo l4IIUH
I'llHIl Ijiiiipi '
NiiinklilK KeVh'" ' '
l.ll.r'liii'Thbl" '
.Vlilpbrf'Clil'iiii Wrts - ""'
llildge iJiilflU"
MoirlW lvUhli.liitliui i'liullH?
. Hill.! i , 1 '
' in )o ) u" i .'i.ia
(' .) ll'ill ' , U '
"V.'.i.'W' ''' '"' 1''
h'&'.toi.rti .01 ...
I((l ItnlciM
i'ir, 'i m n rr.m- u ,t .
DlnfiiU S((n
Irl.Cmi'l (.'o, Hi'U
.IoIiu'hiiii'h DMics, HvIh
I 'mil TiililiN
.Nut rmcM'iit
('niicli ('uteri.
I'li'hiMi Viim-n
I'llMlll-ll .l.lllllull'ICl
I'irev Otni Vi""it
I'lcl urn, riiiini'N t
. ji
im 'i fill" . rut
.! . Iic'i
I' . ' I! " ,1 I..'
HixUci'mi' m .
VlK'I'lllll I'tl'lllll'IN
CniM( Hmepi'iN
I'llill llki'N,
Cut (llus.i Wntci- HcIh
JKl'iTirli'' IVMiilntoij,
i:ii'ctic 1 1 Aim'-'
CiesHttell Ten IMIm
Dll'llH)l'lNll v h .
liilmiCBe i'iiiIoi
1 I'Jf i " I n .i
! Oil W',Ml'l'p
i i i ill
vfiY nT dl
' il v.A infl ft
' ' O'Diido't
.... ... .... . .. .
ll'ile llJi'iHKiKri nii'l wh,
Wlii'fllmiTiittN nomlfcrf
llluhlivniii;' "'" " ,v"il ,Tl,
Hoiking llnl'KCM
A' small deposit will roseiVe any article for Christmas delivery.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
ll' i