The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 13, 1922, Image 1

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    wWC ttwtffttLKJ
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MlU'l '
I 5
WqelEMttimQ liraUt
re f
Member of the Associated Press
KUlri'iilh Villi-. No, linilU
prior rm MmVM
lit, lll'."
BUYS 8,006,000 FEET
. Um
TiiinnninrnrrnftM i
I'm wu ' mw mm. bih i
EN IN Mill
190 Acres Acquired by S. O.
Johnson; Strahorn Ry.
Snlc Rumored
Ni'lllillnlluiln fur tile plilililiro u ,
lint neri'n, adjoining II liy IIiiiIIh i
l til tlni south, by II (l JuIiiim.m, o(
llorkulcy, California, former priiil.
dent (if llni Kliiiiinlli Development
company, friiin Die HntorprUo l.;niil
uinl Invoitiiioiit rniiiinii)'. n.-rn rum.
lill'led )otordiiy. uccetillni: In C'hiii.
Wood Kberloln. int'tlili'tit ol i lio Inl-'
tT cori'iiratlin j
Tim llunl drlhery nf deed ami i
pnyiiitijl for tlm properly closed m--1
initiation Hint linvit been udlhK
fur koiiii) time
Jul who U nMiiclnli'il v nil John
HUM III tlm ileal Ik more (ir toss, sprctl-1
Intlve. Ili In until tu li.iw tint back-i
Iiik u( wealthy .Miiiiii'mitniiH. I
.Nut Tnlkiitlii' I
Hpciul.iiHo nlmi are pinna lur tin.',
development of ilio irniirty. John-'
tun lilniol( doe tut npiirar tu do in
n talkallv.i liuinur Interviewed fur
tlm Herald laM nlKlit nt I'ain Itoblo.
California, liy mi AhvicIuIimI I'm
ruprcsclltnlltc. Iu la quoted n uy.
Iiik: '
"I uwn tlm Daniel g.iioii ncru tntct j
ami sumo nf my nixietntc on olh-1
rr 1 1 in tier l.uul In the. W.lnlly lti
iriilly I bought n mill kII at Klam
ath Kail. Naturally we will itm
ornithine Hith It In two or three'
)iar, tiia)ni miner. Hut n ha
absolutely ni) plan nun- If wu tu-m
ronlrmpUtlng tin1 purehiue of (tu
lUraliorn railway of fourm i Mould
not Imi Milling In illnoitim It now."
Til. IttatkaiiHit riutnlrok n lllllit ..
planatlun. Tlm HanlcN tract run
Inlns (ut- ft -hurtfrt- niHHrufi4
of'llnihir. ami l tornled Hint thi'j
rlnn(iii nt Hip Hirnlmrn road, for
tbrcn nilln from tlm preienl Icrniln
in at lllltlnbrnnd would handle thu
.Simliiiiri Itiimur
Thorn l rumor prevnlont Ihm
romo one li hldilltiR on the Htra-,
luirn road, nod plausibly enough the
Johnson group U rrrilitril with seek-I
Inn control of tho railway, to pit
their limber from wood to mill. In j
liU Aitiirlalrd 1'rewi Inters lew. II.
will ho iiotfil. Johntnn illil not ilnny
ncRotlatlun with Hlralioru, Iml re
futoil tu illtrtin tliclii.
Ait tn ilan fur ittwloiim'iit '
I tin IflU nrro llit. It In ntiili'mtiinil
that n modern mill, Imx factory, dry
kllmi nml pl.tntT nlll lie Intllt and
that nuMitunlly lltu plant will ri'iiro
u'tii it mllllutt ilcllnr Inxontmont.
Hurvi-yn of tho lli liao bum muilu
ami plan rnrifully worked out, in
lIihIIiib tlm InillilliiR of m mn two
mlleit of railroad, rontii'i'tliiK ll.f
)nrdi with liuth tho Koiillieru I'ailf
Ir mill Mtr.iliorit romN Tlm former
road piiimi'i throiiKli tin properly
iiiul tho litter vklrlk It on tlm north. )
l.i-nlc lampliolp t
Tlnn In nn Impi union loeally that
work on tho plant will Marl at once,
nml Johnson In liU Intertlow. wlillo
Im NprnkK uf iliivi'lopmmit in two or
Hi reti yearn, li.ira n loophole, In
"muybn mmniT."
In htiNhm.iH ilrele.i tho ileal
In roiutldcri'd IiIkIiI)' Impoitiinl, not
iilono horniiNii of tlm nppaiinit tnai;
nil lulu if tho cimtumplati'tl Indus
lilal plant.
Vital Importnni'o Ih attnelied to
tho ilunl n (iHlahllnhliii; tlm loJiu
frontnfio Kiiulli of tho clly its n pot
iiimiunt Indilotrlal dhlilel, .Mllli ad
dition, nml tlm municipal nicii hiiiiHi
and earn of Klumiith noiinn nml,
Hlxth Htri'ittt, t.-;v'(yv,i4larBiiij;llu,-i
ilustrlal illHtrlrl n ili'iimnil of iuhI
ilmicuH In tlm plt;lllfil()lillll: tfa
iluncn wirffilmi, "' it'inl ('"('"V.'.'MVI"
iirowtlt Hint wllI'MfVihk' HlrlVls nml
Tlm 1 1)0 mrcH Ilea. went nfitho Mid
land innil, mj j,outi uf lltu Ktr.i-'j
luirn ttiirkN.lii vlHUKuUr fimhliin
nlnni; thu laid) front.
-! : , .. I
I'iIIciiii liny l.iiiiibor Ci.iiipiuiy
Camps Fin ceil tu Huspend
Snow vmyltiK In tltitli from two
In three feet yeslarilny forced mis
poiiHlim of tho Fiillcnu Uny Uumlior
coiiipany'H IokkIiik opfirnHnuN near
Kirk. Two rmups, omployiug uliiiut
280 iiiuii, wuni clusull iliiwn for Hie
V ' ,,l. ,.
Wioi I1'iiiIIiik I'm tor In rpliullilinu
r lUiiiiinlli I'nlUi lleljint in
Oiunnlro Two llnnk
Tint niiiIiIiiii nml iinnxpiTtiiil iIimHi
of 0 V Wlille. nt llni aim of C'J, nt
IiIn Iioiiiii In I'umiilnnn, C'lillfornlii, on
Monday iiIrI, rmnu an n r.rcat lioik
to hlj iniiiiy frleniU and rulutltra
Inri', I Im lown in whlrh Im mnilii hi
lili: niU'comi In liiiidncim. Tlm nowr
of lili il fill li riinin yculerday In n
li li'nrmii lo lil iliiiii:hiur Mrs. W A.'. joi(TIA.S'l, Dnr. 13 - Jmiii-n iiimI
IoIiiII, Mm fhnrh'N I. Itolieiln nml ( Mnrjorlo I-VIihi iiri-iI Ihrro and our
Mm. Unnr Hhlf. nil of ICIaniatli ri.M1(.rtivnl)'. nro ileud today, and
1'"'l'11. , ,tliu mntlior. Mm. ti?utoi Ki'li-. Il
;N "'"'" cnniu in K""tHIIBC0,f,l0l ftt imtpllnl In a rrl
I'oIIn from (o. mill,.. Orrr. i lU1. ,cn, cr0nioll ,, MnK foull(, '
..nil in romimny will, n,arl,-.i i: , (p) ,,,,
Svonlin, lliorno T. Ilalilwln, (liorKo .
It'Mmlli.y. Albxri IValknr nn.fil.ri " "'K1'1 t,", ll3Ht. n hotel ,
.MillhlMv llrotheril. nriMliUeil the I
I'lrnl NalJnnnl hunk, wlilch hat
r.rnnii tu tn inn of tit" luaJliiR f ac
ton In tho liiKlneij of tho cuunly.
While wu pn'lilQtit of tlm l.ank ami
Kink part In tlm aitlve miiniiRummit
of tlm Imtltiitloii until ho dlnjioned
of hi lnlorctN In I'JU'.i. lie aUo or
r.nnUoJ the old Klrit Htato ami
Hiving hank, whlrh wai nrlclnally
formed n mi ndjunrt of tfln I'lrnt
.'.'ntliinal hank.
Saw I'miiii' Kliiiiinlli
Whllu i-nrly wnv tho fiitnu
of Kl.iiunlh I'alN nml Invoitcd lieav-
uj ... .... r prnr. """",,"li,tNil I,', Will li- Uff
nml farm laul He won a Imilder
un.l liaikvil hi faith In ICIamath j II. S. Clues f..iiii-.f.
K.ill liy crectlni: whut U known nil
thu While IiiiIIiIIiik on Main mrevt. Tho lail'of Klrl iIiim liNNkrHmll
Hie old l'lut National hank Inillil- I L-aineii will t held tonlKht In Ho
Iiik nn Ihr corner of Fourth anil
Main (trie!-. White Maddux lmlld
Ini; udJulnlnR II. and IjohIiIon Hi or
titillilltiK lio Imlll imwral film rrt
deuce and mi apartment linunu. The
part uf tho illy I)Iiir north of the
tunnel - plaind and nuld hy him.'
White wtia uli uthu-laiMp helluvor
In the future of tlm hnuin(t'lnnil nml
nt odd tli.iv owned InrRO tract of
White' luflitenio wa nbvaj on
the rlRht of moral uuiMtlon .if-i
fertltiR rhlc welfare. I In nerved
many yeara on the illy ictiuul hoard
nnd nn nUo n member of the illy
roiiurll. All hi life nn anient true
perancu worker. Wliltn nrllvely mip
ported tlm rtiiuu from tho early 'To'
In i;mia up until It final national
S'''ii t'lilltlien Snrli
He i iirvicd by n widow ami i frithnirn unil tlm Minlnn tho inpliii
nen rhllilten three of whom. Mm. mi-ro In the Kamwi tutilRht tho thrrn.
Drllell. Mm. Itobert anil Mm Klilvo. , cIumhh will be tied for eciiml plnre.
reildo In KlJtuntli Kail; Mm. Ilutli Tlm team Hiut will reprineiil 'iiail
Coiioboom mid Mm. William lininel, . .v() c of tho hlRlt ncliool will be
In Stockten: Hr. K. M. White. I.o
AtiRiileii. mid W. X. While, l'an
denn Mm Khhea. Mm. Keltell mid Mm.
Itobert left this inornlliK for I'nim
denn to nttiind tho funeral whlrh
will be hold there upon l heir arrival.
Stillborn Would Mnl.0 Kllwr uko
Tilbiilnr) In Kliiinalli I'nIU
Acting on tlm suggestion nf Uobt.
i:, Klrnhorn. tho rhmnbor ur com
umrre him uk.od the state ilghway
rniniiilssloa unil thu county cmirl l.
aiimliler coimtrtiilloniof n road frum
tho Spriigiin river terminus of Hie
O. t!. Ai H. railroad lo Silver Lake.
.lutiinie uf siinm !( ur Nf. mlloi
About half of tho rtmd would be In
Ivlniuntli inunty "il lu ronialndor j
In l.tiko cuunly. ' ,
Klrnhorn iisrinHnii I Hint tlm mad
would t pott up n largo, new territory,
to this city, bringing In slock, "l
and other prodiiclH In this clt
wlmreuH limy now go to Heml.
The rnute ef tho road wniild lio In
n northeasterly direction from t
rfnrnRiio river. Thu iu wnuld lio
burn by Ivlamiith ami lake cuuiiHom,
itl,.wJvaluviir statu ami oderal nld
plight Im obtnlni'il.
wi:.Tiii:it nioii.uiii.mi'M
, Thu tlyclo-Hlormngraph at t'nd'er
,w n wnod'H IMinrmnoy.
luiH rocoidod but.
' lltlli) clmngu ,0ii,i-r,
, thu last twelve,
hnum. Indlcntlug u
contluuaiicu of tho
prieut wonlhof
Fiii'oniM for no.t
2 1 hnum;
Unsottlodi with
ImllcntlonN ullght
ly In fnviir nf
Tho Tycns lecnrillnK thormomoler
I'uglAtoroil maximum nml minimum
tiimpuruturt'H tuday ns follews:
lllUIUIMLUHLlll 'UT MS?-' , '
. man ens ,w
di I'UiiivLU'UN mmfl0
Mother Believed Responsi
ble for Act; Father Dis
covers Bodies
all- .t",n,, ,h"
when jut ranm homo. II" waited
for .n .wlill,, nt it nelRblior". Uteii IlirouRh n linliooiii wlndoiv.
fliullni: Hid liun filled with Ran.
hi wlfn on n ioi In Hiu'liltclnMi
and .thu children on tho flour with
nn potirlnc from mi ojwi tov
Tho iifflccra alil rlrriimslanrwi that Hie mother, who had
boon III. tinned on tho cat.
hull ut Fourth mid Klanmtli. Tho
reiult nf ItiimiM will not effect the
haikctliull ('liampioimtilp of the IiIrIi
-rhool .lame, ilnre Hie Junior liny
hao wiiii ihrro mid the Junior girl
hum wiiii two, .makltiR fite. Mctorlc
unit no 'defeat nml xlvlliK Hit hi the
ctnr li.i-krtlKill rliuinploiuhlp. A
team repriimnlliiR tho Starred llimrt
nrnileniy will play tlm )fji e Inn ill
diunil .n.i. ('. nml lltl Knitm pro nunc
to ery InterfxtlnR un'Hio tenia
ant ovinily milrlmd. nrronllnt; tu
Hi in ii In churRO of tu Ramo.
AIHioiirIi tlm rhnmplonlilp if Hie
cln hae been deildcd Huiri) l a
Rrenl deal of inlerMt iiuiouk the
cluiie nn tlm tetilt r, frethmen and
Hophoiuoro Im) ur nil tied for Me
nml pluie nml tho miiiliomoru anil
frothmcti Rlrl ure tied for nwonil
plncu It the Junlom ilefnat the
cho-cn from tho fidlowlnis lmy:
l.oiil Knbo, Ifolmid Cofor. Dale
Heule. John Kuykendiill. Ilnir' Ml.t
tore. JnniM MminliiR. Frank fpp unil
Itlchard I'cck.
--Til- '
. j t b i - "ai '" s' i -3"'-Ban i '.. i ii r" fj1 T. I M lll llfT fill JW
i ""v "' Ml III Ills: ''An
Sww fj l'.j(lln zm,fl,. jl
I ' -fc TmTAjJCt V -m-T- ' ttf
wisw iuK. mi u '" I
ffoil that he huN acwfctmubci! ''
iniunon i uncricu, lie-JiRt vio-i
nunmuii railed for home today on
the liner I'arlii. Ho wa up early
na timial. reuily to wnvn
to tlm con lit ry lio wllie- to Join
with I'ranc,, In working out Kur-oih-'n
after-thi'-wnr prold-m.
ASK $50,000 TO
Cuin. rllnii Willi Stale III(;1iiuijh Is
SiniRlit TIioiikIi i:pcnilltiiii)
tf Tribal Fundi
Approval of tlm pnpuat of Fred
A. linker, -uprirlutorplettt of " t lio
Klnmnth Indian rorntla, tu con
utrttit primaiio'iit rrwil en the rcwr-
Mitlon to coiumr.l with ntuJo lilnli-
wnyti, im cental net! tn a Tf solution '
Hdnplt.l by he otir.m1 tit eom-i
nwirfe board of tlirectors mid for-j
-. , . , I
warded tu OroKi a s-rnmlors nml rop-j
rost.iitmiv.w In conRreM.
Itaker'H nlim. In mirt. U to litillil I
n rimil from Klmumh ugirry tu Chll
iKiub and from there up Kpr.tguo
river to lh eastern boundary of the
reservation. The pn-sent riwil be
tween those point Is round at all
times and often la almost Imimis
nble. Tim Itiillmi council hoi hii1 a
H'solutlon anklRK Hint $0.t()H of trl
1ml fundi Imi appropriated for nwd
purpiMMM anif conir.ri I miked for
Hmt num.
.IAIMMCSK I'ltlMli: ll.l.
TOICIO. Hoc. IS. HlroblUi. I'rlnre
renent. ngeil :i. I f rluukly III with
I A fcifW l ! i I -.- i
Use of Upper Lake As Res
ervoir Grave (Menace,
Committee Holds
How um of I'ppcr Klamath lako
fur a rtnrnxn rrncrvolr In tho pro-
joi'il Hhnita Valley Irrigation pro
' i,. wmit.t nfff.t Inntt jfnl Imnrnvri-
tncnts atljncent to tlxi lake .with
nrrnt remiltant Ion, In et forth In
I a romprehcnslro rtiiorl mailo iby
Hip chnnibur of commerce commit
jtce nam'.'d to In-Ultuto a thoroURli
InvotlRHtlon of tlio ultuatlon. flio
! rnmmlltr.i conilsts of J. V. Klmblill,
HV. O. Smith, J. -A. anrJon.fintrt
-inn, p. V. Knykonilall. H. K.
cjoary. K. A. Grary. !. A. Krauic.
f. H. tt'Mt nml V. A. Dolxell.
Another mcetlnR of thn commit
too will bo held Friday nlRht when
a report wilt bo'mado ot tho poton
tint Inia which It I estimated would
remit nhould tho project become
a reality. Tho prtticnt report ileal
larxrly with tho low which would
result a dtermlne. by thp present
Improvements borilcrlng tho lake.
Following In part, I thu report or
tho commlttee: ,
Your committee In HiU report
expects tn cover onlr thu nubjoct
nt tho cost ot tho Hhnjta Valley
project to KUmulli county and Hi I
ulnte of OreKon. For tliolr cxpen
dlturru, thu lamlholilera of Shasta
Valley will rccue xonui value, al
HiourIi wo do not bclfevo It will
In any way comncnunto them for
tho coid. but for tho I dm to Klnm
nth there will be no comiK-nsatlni;
fMturs and
lio IomwHI cuntlnnu
tblie 78lt' f
., . ,. , ...
I'n-ient iiloo Only
'" "' ,a''M 1'rwwntoil by your
coinmttlco. tho flRures rcprcaont
lonly tho prevent value of tlio pro-:
perty tu ne tnxou or uoMiroycn ami
make no allow anco for tho potential
values of the resources loat to till
section, and It Is tho purpose ot this
part ot the report, not only to ox
plain tbe flRures proaented. but to
rttow how tkls loss will lead to tho
most serious consequences in t.'H
future development ot tills reclon.
Tho effects ot tho proposed pro
Joet may bo classified under tour
tttre. .
Tho effect upon agrlcul
Tho effect upon man-
(Contlnucd on I'ago 3)
Tmit I'onncily Oivneil liy Ilwanimt
Hun mill to llrsiurtc Mnrrli I ",
Willi Inrrrnwil rnpnrlly
KlRht million feet of pine timber,
on the Onto Mountain u.njt five mllci
rant nf Chllorjiiln. hns been purchas
ed by thu IIIk I.akci Uox company
nml I bclns IorrciI hy I'uckott
Ilrotlicm. Tho tlmbor wn owned by
thu Kwnunn flot c'ompany but was
liolatcd from their other holding
nml more convenient for lognlnR hy
thn 1Mb Lake company.
The lawmlll of the DlR I-nkcs com
pany will rmutno March 1. Nov ma
chinery will bo added. Increasing. tho
dally capacity from l.'.OOO to 05,00
feet. Tho inwmlll did not opcrito
this yrnr, duo to adverse condlllrfos
early In the (caion. (r
HlK-rn'o .III Winter" 't
The box factory will continue 'to
operalo all winter, providing a stable
fruit market brings n steady demand
for shook. The company Is alio ope
rating a box factory at Slason ami
will continue tlicro for about five
years. Tho cut here tills year will
be about 10,000.000 feet.
Tho company owns about C5,00u
000 fict ot timber tributary to thn
Strahorn railroad which It will start
to log with tho completion ot the
railroad. This constitutes thn main
holding of tho company.
ev Solertr.l to Iti-pUrc One
WTo Scnrtl Slnro June
A nuw grand Jury list was drawn
this morning at 10 o'clock In the
circuit court, as follews: Albart K.
Ilurgdorf, William I.. Tlngloy. J. K.
Swanaen, T. W. I'hcncgar, Frci
Crennon, (,r.-rgo l. Crlrilc, and It.
C. Short. Short was elected secre
tary. After JjcInSiUceeptod by hft
court the Jury met with tho district
attorney and then reported lo tho
court that they had found no crimes
which demanded Investigation nt the
present time and wore Ulamisjcd un
til further order of the court.
Tho former jury had served since
last June.
Ted Lewis was arraigned on two
now Indlctmonts and entered a plea
of cot guilty to each charge. Ills
trial will begin tomorrow at 9:30
Wcll-Dilllcr ut ltonanra l'cnctrutcH
Flow nt DO Feet
A flow of water carrying traces
ot oil was penetrated nt u depth
ot 90 feet on the Sparks property
nt Ilonanza by Claude Decholt yes
terday, It was reported hqre. An
analysis of tho oil was planned to
dotcrmlno whether It Is petroleum
or vegetable. Tho oil rendered thu
water unfit for drinking purpose
and work on th'o well was tempor
arily suspended, according to re
ports. ' Santa Attracts Kiddies
I Opening Well Attended I
"Stand bark there, boys! Don't
crowd out Into the street, or Santa
won't bo able to mnku his way
through hero and you won't get
that candy ho promised to bring."
Thus did tho truffle officer and
others plead with tho mob ot small
boys who took thu street by storm
nt tho Intersection ot Sixth aud Main
street l.ut night In anticipation ot
thu Christmas opening.
Small hoys ami girls wero not the.
only onus who registered deep In
tercut In tho proceedings. A largo
uudlouru ot grown-ups ussvmblcdt
apparently us uuxJjijJs ,for thu fun asl
tno liveliest noy mere.
Just as events bail reached a clim
ax, and waiting was beginning to
prove too much fur thu youngsters,
tho bund nppoarcd and marched
down tlio stroot to the Whlto Peli
can hotel where It mot Santa Claus
and escorted him up tho street to
Sixth and Main.
Handful after handful of candy
kisses wero distributed by Kris
Krlnglo to tho kiddles who with wild
whoops Jostled mid scrambled ubout
for the favors,
Tho colored lights, tho streets lin
ed with snow-decuraicd Christmas
trees, tho children, tho baud, Santa
Claus, nil went to make It u real
Ohrlstnm opening.
Congress Urged to Mai"
Appropriation te Save Cit
izens From Bankruptcy ,
WASllINOTOX, Dec. 13.
Senator McXary today Intro-
duccd a resolution for , a A3,-
000,000 approprlalon fo'r As-
lorla rnllof. It wu referred to .
4 tho appropriations committee. . I
ASTOIUA, Dec. 13. Senator'
Btonflcld today wired haf '
would support tho 13,000,000 ' j
appropriation for Astoria. j
Declaring that unless Astoria re
ceives Immediate government aid Hit,
city will ceaso to function and
bankruptcy of its people will result,
telegrams have been sent by the
Astorlans to the cities of Orecoa
asking that congress be nrcd to ap
propriate 13,000,000 for rehabilita
tion purposes, ono ot which this
morning was received by the cham
ber ot commerce here.
Tho appeal cites that the situa
tion resulting from, tho devastating
fir0 ot last Friday which totally
destroyed the entlro business part
of tbo city. Its streets, water, sower
and tiro systems, is such that It has
been deemed necessary to appeal to
the president and congress for Im
mediate aid, and that the follow
ing racssaio hat bec start t thm:
"Ob Friday Bornlng last tat) M
tiro business part ot this ett? was
totally destroyed by the most 'dtv -.
nalatlng tire lo the hlatsry the
tern, sewer system, and fire system
la the entire devastated district are
totally destroyed.
"Over G.000 citizens have suf-'
fercd lou ot their property and sro
without employment or means ot
subsistence. Business is paralyzed
and tho city Is wholly without ade
quate means either to furnish em
ployment or sustain Its citizens who
have so suffered. Contributions
have been secured from coaat cities
and from individuals but this can
not be employed to rehabilitate the
devastated district.
"In order to rebuild, It will be
necessary to till by dredging the en
tire part ot tho city destroyed.
Practically all ot the streets and
sewers destroyed were constructed
on and under viaducts and the cost
assessed against the property. Such
assessments have not been paid,
which, together with the enormous
loss suatalned, makes It Impossible
to reconstruct. Tho situation is
serious and appalling. Unless the
city receives Immediate government
aid It seems that It will ceaso to
function and bankruptcy of its peo
ple, heretofore .solvent, will result.
Tho disaster, not Including loss ot
live, equals that caused by the tidal
wavo which devastated Galveston
and tbo San Francisco holocaust ot
"Wo deem tho situation so crit
ical that we feet It Is necessary to
appeal to tho congress ot tho Unit
ed States tor Immediate aid such
as was granted dalvcston and San
Francisco. It Is believed Hint It wl
require nt least $3,000,000 to af
ford anyways near adequate relief."
Ttftigo Selection of ClirUtuui ' Uft;
Tu lk Offered Tomorrow k
, ,, j
..., r. u-ll... . I ..M W..IH' 'I
iliu minimi isaiuuuu imtmmv nut
open tomorrow afternoon' ulrt tty- 'J1'
cottut hall undi coutlnuVUutll Stf','',
imliiv nvrnlncr.
Argt election df aulufio Kt irriMP M
trlbuted by local and eastern,
frlend.t ot tho church, and the un ' ,
decided giver will find some ot the -
Christmas problems settled by a,
visit to tho bazaar. '
Theru will be an entertainment t ,
each ovenlng at 8 o clock, and pos- ,,, ,:,!
slbly an Informal dance afterward.
Light lunch will be seV'ved "ej 0 ' .
ovenlng, Tba proceeds, pt the, fca- , - t.i( i
zuur go to tho Sacred Hrt tx t
nmy building fum).
i It
' H
' fcosp
i i
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