W& ' " - - - w tfT; W " : "i -- ;w;4 I 1. 1 1 r- & m Six THE, EVENING HERALD, KEAMATH FALLS, OREGON aaqaa SHE IEJIII BIGS Klnmath Firo Protection Is 100 Per Cent Better D TO CAREEfl DF WHW (jJontou,f. froin IMce 1) - rA, eimiloxe who We Ptopcriy (n- ahi Mructexl Jn'fjictr duties '.-iad' lie " 'un A- 1 bSiIicA. tratnlnfc sthoMs hrrc Ills jk& wrro fatifcht Ihp'aainak- crtfXltm.'1 , p . , i.-lloas known as a treat Rollover (Continued from Phro 1) yl on at throe other tap., revealed n pressure of S3 pound. A flow of 1,000 gallons per minute ni Sixth and Pine and l.Gtffl Rnllons nor mlniitn nt Sixth ninl Klamath. both brine pumped nthoitn. 'time, was determined. TUN filjjjskn' AiadeqUno Unburn' for all pitfluM." cnttfohhjlh ri re the' flow N,uftlc!' jtlno-,rump, accordlnR hroi. , Ti.Trf Alarm .S)Utn A trst ot tTic flro alarm fyslcm will bn mndc shortly. afierhlrh ilu Initurnnro rattnK for thtlty In'.fldvcrllslnR. In newspaper nihrr- ... h. .lotrrmineit. Should a rate tljlnn nbovo all other varieties He mlue,,on i,,Cll on th0 new flro .fc'at millions of dollars In It. Oie , h, tactlUlcn. bo jsrantcd nt a Y.. . ... .. l.l. m I,.,1 nt ' " OP ino leaiurp in "- .,,,...., cimpalKSt was his divrlopmcat of tnV'fltoro Kens Puko" which he led with an editorial over his own sIk-. nature, Invariably written by him .-! lHnn 1.. m,l,t(i In Intirll with Mil, iu in'i iuu . ... . Ill Krr tn n iiu,uv,iui. wv li-.l. ...,.. . I.lix nrlflrL- mlrll luriu , umi , " i--t ITIBUUS Ulllt, ," ., .......r. later dale tho rate will become cf- !fcctUo'as of tho date, tho malm and alarm systems were accepted, Ambrose said. Klamath now stands In Uttlo dan- as As- tlffi policies of his business. !... nttn ve t, I tn rrltln ? . .. - ... . .i. .inr ii.iekpd br thn new mains, constl Iftltoo moralnn. scribbling It on the tutci one of tho best flro prevents back of nn envelope or any oJdltlve systems In th,c entire state. In soja? of papor ho had In his pocket.! tho opinion of tho flro chief. ,. ' i- - w c, v i m 1 UlaniaVsjafjsssjssssMniJ 7 1 .8 1 a i Aa : w Here are crift thinffs to helD the man or woman f" who is puzzling out just the best to give "her" be she wiie, motuer or sweetnean. ueauuiui pre sents that will delight the heart of every woman. GLOVES WILL ANSWER Black, brown, tan or white to match her other wearables in the finest Fownes imported kid. Priced at 2.50 and $3.00 BEADS 7000 miles they came to please her desire. Hand made, hand - painted, hand strung in beautiful .colors to match her dress. 76c and up. SILK UNDERWEAR Dainty underthings in vests, chemise, camisoles, gowns, bloom ers of Kayser silk. Always pleas- xi V . ing arid practical. CHRISTMAS PRICINGS HANDKERCHIEFS You may get them already box ed or separate. " Initial, embroid ered, hemstitched, colored, pon gee. An abundance to choose from. 10c and up. RAG DOLLS How the little tots love those ft f i T T ? Y t I JL :l t Y Y X Y Y Y & jT f Y X rag dolls to play around with. A. Funnv characters and costumes. 50c 75c, $1.00. J CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS 'A host of the prettiest Ijipsjery of the year in every color and style to suit your particular preference. They may be wool, silk and wool or the rpure silk either of which are here intho finest and most serviceable wd,vM! I HAND BAGS Tor tho llttlo' ot3 and grown irs, J.any styles, colora and IcatlioiK. Always a eano and practlccl sift. All Price,). APRONS tor tea or luncheon a dain ty apron of or gandie, 1 a w ii, (rutunno, Dun lin. Many dif ferent patterns und colors. 1.2G up. A Y Y fe Y m Y 2 Y " ''' V ,5iJ5 -tr V jMJMKfS iSSSSjr . BSSJB t tnj?. ' ar n v. 'rn , uaic-i H-:rwTSi jv. T ifi f J . jlaaWaV. -A 'aBaW fjljrU,IK ijaaVBf' 7 stuJHA iPrlJ!laW?Sate' V lfcaaiSfe w "! aaalaal N f H aOMlaKaai V. aBMB aVSWI? aaaaaaaiMvl3aaaaH fsM 1 Wiiif JTraaiBaVir aaHPrK laaaaWJnr T.. iia IWKilJ-adSX BV C , , , riMliHMi'a. r laaaLai X aH Hall a.aaaaaPH9alafiaaWa&aBR X' BP laH ateBBBatJUa n V . "Vliasas flsPjjjjjjvaT rasasaa f i iM '"" - J ' rlssssssssssaissw.lissssssiR m sjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjaw i avsssssw- - jgMjLha.. f TTTJ sssssL.sssssssssssssav. la 4 U nr, ttart vj Copyright IK: Mirrtf hjlfou & him J : ' J" F A Men's Store's Christmas Message to Women You know how hard it is to choose gifts for men. The problem always .resolves itself into "somothing to wear," and then begins the frantic last minute search. Because you haven't kept in close touch with men's styles, you're often not sure whether what you buy is i in good taste or not. It's our business to have the correct;things for, men; it will be a pleasure to serve you. A Hart Schaffner & Marx u overcoat is the best gift For grandfather, for father, for the son away at.col- 'lege: for every man. it is the most welcome thing! you can biiy a gift the whole family can get t together on. -f f "' ' Vw' -,t ' M. V: C,- .nt 71. ,! . Sugarmasjl I aint mad at nobody JJWSWt- Be sure to bring the kiddies to see Santa tonight. He'll be at Sixth and Main. $x "I'U -II'.IJJ'LIIU J. !' i r r 81 'IPWjillI MM.JJ.1,' ,... i inrii.ir rnur I mwnmm-nm rmwm "TTFFTTfPTfjJ1 11 1.ICU 8? !.,. mr