s.AfpsswiMi TtTsii.tv, im:t,iiii:ii 12, niita, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pf fHr ij NO'IHI! 01' HIICIIIIT'H h,i,i: lly Mi lux 1,1 mm iitiui'liimuit mill nxuriiflm Hilly Umivil by ,i, ('ur nf lliu ('In lilt ( mill of II111 County nr IC tn mill li. Hiiiio ur ori'i'.mi. tinted II111 Kliil iluy of ! finlixr. IH22, In n 1 111 tnlu iu 1 inn in 1 in. circuit emir! I'll' Willi nullity unit Mule, wheiulii .I11I1M H, lli-rn nn iiliilutlir iiMitntKi JllllKltiont iiKiilimt Cliuilin Hurtuti, ui ilcfiiiulaiit Tur tlin hiiiii nf Twnlvu Jllllljlf! Hiivi-iily (Sl27iniii iiol- innwiUfi'lllt'r Willi IIIIITiM Ihillioil Kt'MMON'H I tilt I i f T 1 1 ll''rflV a wftWWwwsMwwwwvwwwwivwwwwwwwwvwtvww A I ' ' ' w l EVENING HERALD til IflO rate nf Tint iinr cunt nur km ilitlhl limn March L'h, (tiaa, una fur ;tli fin I Iim mini of Dim Hundred 'UfUil)iwviii (I27iiiii lliillurs, to inillm with IniKiKMl tlii'ivnn m Hi., ruin nf IVii ni 1 inn ,t, iimiiiiii frenf Mtinli 2H, t)22j ( rr ,j, ttirlliur hiiiii nf Nlnety-Hi'ten (1U7 mji nullum, KiK'llnr with Interest Hiiirr-'ni m tin' mi., nf I'ikM pur rent ti-jMimnum friiin Jlnrch 21, IU2I, nita fur minniey' fees In the num nf To Hundred ionv MSlufl'u Dnl. lulu iiti for in nMn n ml disburse menu in ulil ncilim. nn iim riilril (tit ff Novum her. I1IJ2 Ami tlin riol pr.ipi.rly nf Um l-f kihIji lit linrii- lunftrr ilvscrllwd IiiivIiik I n illllv nml ri'Rtilorly iiltucli.il ami levied up ii, mill Mill judgment nforesnld ImvlitR or.turt.il nnd udjmle.ed Hint m.iIi real properly f the iiiifniliint ml utta'hnd un hereinafter ilesrrllieil, I m Mild by tun HIiitIM m.nrillni: in liw, for Ilia atHUfnrtliiii nf cold judgment. NOW TIIKItKKOIIH. initio li tinrobj given lliui I will nn tlm fitii day hi January, I ass. m ihn front iluuf nf ihp court luntni. in Klniu iilti Pall In unlit enmity ami rime, m 1 6 o'clock In l,ie fnruniiim nf said lliiy, r at lllll llr lUlftlnn to (. hlgUl-al bidder, fur raid. Km follnn Inn d"rrltwi real properly, to Mil Tlir. WU nf Itm HUM nf Hit Hat) !'. Iho HU'.i nr tlin H I : 1 u( Hwllun 10. tlin N I ; ' ; nf Hit' NlHi if HmttiXl 21. tin. NWl,. Hi BWVJ nf llio Sl'.K. tin. N'i ul dtp Hi: nr Hellion 22. 'Hm " -t Him NWy, tlm SIVIJ nf ha HWV, of Herllim 20. tlin NK nf tha SV.; nf Sertlun 27. Ih NK nf tin. HVVi nf See linn St. nil In Township 37. Smith. lUngo 1 1 ty Dut. V. M . In Klamath I'liunty. Oregon. Talon nd toYlmi iiion n tlir nrnpfrty ff tin. mlit liKfiuiilniit. t'tiarti'K llniton. nr in tnilrli llirrcnf u Mar ho nirianry tu nalltfy tin )ilfiiiinl In fnvi r nr pliilnlirf. Jnliu H Horn ngnllial utilit ilrfciiil.itit I'liarti'a llnrtnii. with InlcriMt tti-ri-nn, li'Knlhcr wltli nil rnala nml iIIr iiHrtamnnta that lno nrrrui'il nr may lirrvaftnr nrrrnn. Ha till nt Klamtilli Ku, OrcRnn. liptiiiiM-r I. I22 I. t. LOW. Khurirr ly lll'HT i: IIAWKINH. Oi-imiy. IIM1.19.30 J 2 rrl SI'.II.MOVS Hiliilly I Hill in TiiitriiicriT niuiiT av tiii: KTATrToi-' OltKHON I'Olt Kl.AM- vnt COti.NTV. W. H Mrlint.mi Plaintiff. v. Wil liam C'riiHilrr. Ili'fmnlitnt. To Wllll.tm Cruwilir, ilrfemUnt aUiSB iiriiii'iI: IH thn iiHiiin of tlirt Sliito of Or" neil: You art) hcrrliy riiulrcil in uppMr li nil nnaivrr tlin riiiupl.ilnt tilnl nKaliot yuii Iu Um nbuwi tui iltld nit nn or ln'foro Tunaday tlin i:i)i iluy nf Dirciiihor, 1922. unit If toil ta.l mi lo anittcr. fur want ihcfMir. tlin pl.iliillff will npply In ilt rourl for Hid relief prnyi'il fur IU kU t'ulniiMInt Imri'ln, In mii Tlmt yuii do HMiilrt)il tu (utnluli niul mip I'l n ilccil lo Hit umllvlili il niii'tlilril ,HliVt In uml In tlin pri'inliKii In ICUmnlli Count'. Orir.mi. ilimcritinit u folluWB, lo-wlt Nnrtli linlt of eft loll 17. In.vmlilp 31. xouth ot run (in H inat nf Wlllniui'tto Mi'ilill.iti lit pUco of tint nrlRlnal tlinri'nr nri ipffifo iiiHiln. I'Mwuti'il mill ilillvrinl Kv nil in .1 It CriiuiP'r nml llonrr." v.'"t'lnirry whlrh Iiuh licn lout, uml i)i;it nn yniir fnllun hii In ilu Hm tin rriH nf HiIh iinirt uluiul nml net ni uml fur mill! l"ol. Hint plnliitlff'p tltln tu nil nf nnlil pruporty In fii iluiiln lu ufflriuiitltitty ili-i l.'irnl tnil itnhlliiHivl li Hm tinirt; Hint ill I in ili-rrrcil tu IlllVi' IU) llllcii'Ht ur (mill In In mild ri'.il prnpiTlyi Hint you I"" fiiri'inr I'lijnliii'il from hill lui: or (iiruiiiliiTlni; vu til properly iMopt iu IirriUi incnllnucil; Hint pl.iliitlff luivn ciiiiliiililo ndlof nml iii.l iott i mill illnliiirmiiiionU liuri' iti. vriili HiiiiiinniiH l Ncrioil nn yuii by piilillrHlluti fur u period nf nix nik' iinwlvu wink In Hm llviiilni; llor ii tit . . dully ni'Wiip.iprr of Ki'inr.il I'lrcnlatliiii. inlnli'd. pulillilinl nmt ilrcnl.itiMl In Klaniiilli ('nunty, Oik kiii, by iihIit nf Hon A I. luvltt, JiiilKi' nr nnlil nnirl. ilutcil uml mi tnrcil Oil 3ii, IP22, fliHi iiulilliiitliiit Imri'iif Ih'Iiik ilnti'il uml iiiuilti Oct 31. lti2:i. ui:nni:u. manxino & (ianoxh, Attornuyn fur plaintiff, wlinao IiiihI nciH nml poHtotdo' mtilroim U Ainrrlenn Nntlnnnl lll UldK. Klmnntli I'll I In, OrnKini O 1 N 7-H.21.2K I) R-12 is' tiii: cintM'ir I'oimr ok tin: I HTATi: 01' OIICOON IN ANHj KOIl KI.AMATII COl'NTV MnitKin Wnlibnr, I'liiliitlff vn Mat I I In) in', mni uiiliiiowti IndrH of .Mm lliiyiiuii, f lui lui ilim-nnnili , Klltulii'Hi lluyi I It, (I I f nyiM-n .mi it... u i.t- .. tt. i ii ''" iitllii'n. inn nill ( I , ll, lliiyni'H nml Kllrnl)ith llAynun, liln wlfm ilur'uli J, Jay mid Czru ,uy, lnr liiithuiid; . (Itni'ii Crllfllli mm Hii'Pliiui (irUfflli, Iiit IniMlimiili A ('. I) Hunutiy nml II. ii. JUifMiiy, lur liiihliiiinl; ImiiiiId I'urily nnd Wnliir I'urily, Imr luinliuutl; Mnry II Iluy iip mul Arthur llnyim, lior liiiilninil. mnl nil unluitnwi liidn o( lliu .iIiovm imiiii.'d piirlli'H, ir nil ul llii'iu bo ili'iunaiil, llolii'it Ciin y uml HiihId i;. ('iini'y, It In wllo; mul nlno itll ntlill- pnriidtiii mi liuuwii rlniinliiK liny rlclit, title, Inirnmt, linn or I'tl.ilu In nnl (u Hio real propi'tty ilnrrltn'il In I tin I'limtilnlni linritlii, DrfniiiliuilM, Tu .Mm lliiyiicn, mnl unknown holm ur Mat HiiyiiOM. If liu liu ilft'imni'il; KlltiiliKlh llfiiii'; J. It. 0, liny lien mul - - lluynm, hli irn; I' II. lluyni'H mnl IMUalirtli i:ii)iiii, hli wlf; Hnr.ili J, Jny nmt I lira lay, Imr liimliniid; (Inuo Irlflltli uml Htuplii'ii Orlfflth, tier liuilmml, A. (.". I), llnimo) nml II. 0, lllium.y. Iinr liilalmlid; t'miulu I'urily mul ttnltur I'nnly, liur Iiiir Imiid; .Mnry 11. Ilojm) uml Arthur ll')) in', Imr himlinml. mul nil tin lilinnn liidra nt thn nbovn nilinud inrllia. ir liny or llmtn bn dcrrart ml. Itoln-rt Cniiy uml Himli; K. Cuiuy, hla ulfu; mul nlnci all utlmr luirMinn tinknoMti ilaliulni: tiny rl(!ht. litln, Inturoit. Hun ur in tali' in ami tu Hut real property ilu drrlhi'il in Hm complaint hiii'ln, It.'lindniH" in tiii: naaik or tin: htati: 01' (HtCOON: Von nrn hi-ri'liy rn iiulri'il to nppvar In tlin nlinvo cntlt li'il iiinrt uml i nn no iitnl Hiurn nnnwur l lip lOuiplniut of thn iilalntlff on fllv IIihM'Iii uitalimt J'uii ultliln It'll iluy froin lliu dull, of tin mTtlrti of thin HurumnriH iiiuin you If nirved In Klamuth I'oiinly. Ori'xon; If mirvril nilliin any Mher county of Hut Hlntn of ori'Knti. llii'ti within twenty day Iri'tu lliu dutn nf lhi ncrvlci' of Dili Huinumni upon you; or It mirvod by pnlilliatlon ur nut nf thu Hlnln nf OriTim nflf-r nn onliT nf publlrn llon. tlii'ii on or bi'foni lliu Init day prirtcrllu'd In wild order for Hio pub lli'iitloti of mild Biiinninna. Amkyyuu nml nnrli of yuu will lnriby tukn uotlrn Hint If you full no tn nppi'nr nml miiuur fnr want thermf, tin. iilalntlff will npply tu ill n a liuio f.itltli'd court for Hm re Ilnf itiininndeil Iu thn Complaint, n micrlnct ntntenient or wtilrti U :i follow ! Kur a deeren of thn Court dcrlnrlnn plalulllf lo Im lliu owner III fen nllilpto of Hiv herelnufU'r de arrlbeil real propiTly. nml nonn of Hm nbnm lininivl defendnnU lint p uiiy claim, rlKht, tltln or Intureat wlialnni'MT In ur In Iho followlnn tin trrlbi'il prnuilii'i, ulluated In Klmn ntli county, Statu of Ori'Kuu, to-wlt Tint ','t otiD-bittt l U ) nf tint Hniilliwi'iit gtinrtiT of Hertliui 33. nml tlin KjI nnu-ltalf ( ", ) anil thn Hoiilliwent 'iti.irtiir of Hie Houllii'unt iiuurtiT of fiectlnn 32: Tnwmililp 3U Houlli ItnnKu 1 1 4 l.'imt of lliu Wlllami'ttu .Meridian. CnntnlnlliR 200 ucrcn Kxrrpllni: therefrnni thu rnnnl rlKbl nf way. Ttinl thn defendants nml each of Hihii and any other pomon or ipcr mm clalniliiR, by. through, or under them, nr ollher of any of them, bit fornvor barred and enjulnod from al iening any claim whntoeer lo riild prcmlM'i or any part thereof a Iverie to Hill pliilntlfr. ami forever iiulitlnn Mild title In thn plaintiff and for nurli other relief an thn court may drr-m proper. Thl mim muni In publlnlied In Iho Klamuth Herald, n iii'ivipupcr publlihi'il nt Klamnth Fnlli, Orrcnn, piirittant In nn Order of lion. A. I. I.eavltl, Judc" or nnld Court, made on the 21th iluy or Nnvumbnr, 1922. Tim daln of tint pillilltallon heliiK nn Hut SKtli dny of November. 1922 nml thu dittii of the hint publlratlnn bi'lnit on thn Mh day of January, I U23. ni:vton w. iiohi)i:x. Attorney fnr I'luliitltf. Aridre.M: 107 Kaat Main utrcet, Medford. OreKon. N' 2 I) 6.12 HI. 21'. 1 2.11 WA NT ADS KiSiiVMVVVVVVVVVVVVVVii'VSiaiVMVVMM i:.hv Teflclier Xamo lltn menionii. I'npll I'epper. unit, vinegar nml , iiiuntnril. . ( f)no day Innt week I'urllmtil had nv.ii kltli.a f,..ltt. llti I ftttl ,nnM ' f, ., il,'- ,.,, lll ,, ,'r.7'f (,,i;il at work. WANTNI) TO i:XT Ui-i'f iiinturu; for r.O () 2(10 hend uf cnttln rnr null ni'iimin. I'rmilt llnndler, Jncli (uinvllln, Or. 11 OS I'OII HAI.I Ht. , , KnKglliK iled. 419 lOth utr I'OII Itl'.NT Two room cabin iirtd one lieuMulici'plfii: room, furnbih nil, IMiouu CU8K. 1113 I'lnn Ht. 11-12' If your pluirtliliiK frruirs up you wnnt primipl relief. Quick roiponin to cnlli from Kluuntlt Pulls I'luinb ItiK A, llrntlni: , -ttti St. I'lne Phono r.lf.It. K-M WANTI5D- llnil'ti work, by younic in ii n uxperloiici'd In feeding ratlin, liorreM or .ihcei. .Mint huu work ul once, Phoiii) .TTftW. INI 3 I.OfiT- Ilelwi'i'ti Klmnntli avenue mid Miiln Hireet, on Hlxili or on .Main, liotwecn flhtli nnd I'oiirth, laillcn' clulli Imndliai,', cnnlulnlni: tlicntur ticket, timh uml keys. Kind ur plc-iuo ritiiin to Mrn. I'md A link ur, lintel Hull, reward. H-12' KOH ItKN'T I tMO-rrinni fiirnlnlii'il npnrtlnetit. 30 N. Kith Kl. ' 1N1S WA.NTIJD ll) Ki'Mlmnmi, Inildn work for nil wintor. Kttsnly work er. Ilox H. V lleraM office. 7-ll !a! IIOWIi:. OAltAOK tloei thn bent wflillnK nl " inoiloralo price, 12th k. Main Ht. C-12 ; WAXTi:i -lliitween J)ee. 20. nnd jan. mi milium tor r.i'm'rni iintue work, Addrixi lioitnekeeper, llernld offre. U-lc TIUANOU: CAKI-Tlio pine,, to ret Reed ent. OPKX AM. NIUIIT. C33 .Main Rtrect. I'liona C2I. Hit KOH HAI.i:--.Moilern even room ! houne, furniniied, extrn larftu lot, well Imprmed, luaittlful treen, clone to Hchuol nml bulni'iui renter. The property rnn be neen nt 343 North 9th xtrcet. Mrs Hurt .Mamli. 28-12 xetici: or siir.iiiKi"S ham: SULPHUR CLEARS Dirnrii nrnciiu lluuOHj IILU ulMil Knee, .Neck uml ArniH Kindly .Almle ' tluioutli, SnH HpiHiallil Any lireil(lnt! out or Um akin, even Niiryi HiiIiIiir ucriumi. ran tin uulckly nvorroinn by iipplylnn u llttln .Mini-(lio-Hiilpliui-, dnclaroH u notud akin ipdclullsl, Decaiiau ot Itn Riirm dim HoyliiK prnpurtli'H, tlila milphur pro piiratlnn hcttlmi nt onro to hodIIiu Ir rlliited nldu nnd liiiul cruptluiifl uuch an rimli, plmploi nnd rlni; worm, It Hitldom fnllH to rnmnvo thn tor tnuiit nml dluriKtiromunt, uml pnu do not luivn to wnlt for I'ollcf front om bnrriiHHiuont. Impruvoiiinnt quick ly hIiuwr. HufforoiH from iikln tiOUblu Hhnuld obtnln n tall Jar of Itowles Montlio-Rulpluir from nny i;ond drugRlit nnd iho It llko cold croain, Ailv. 3, lly virtue) of An execution and or der of ali) duly Issued by thn clerk of Um circuit court of Hie County of Klmunlh. Stale of Oregon, duted the 25th day or November 1922, Iu a curtain action In Hio circuit court for inbl county nnd Mate, wherein A. C OlmiKer n h plaintiff recoiered JuiIk inent iiKiilnit Duid C Sktnn fnr I ho mim or five hundred doHnm tonelh er with Internal (hereon nt the r.ito of elitlit per cent per annum from July 3. 1921 mid Hid further num or luienty-Uvu dollum nit attorney's reea ami thu further sum ot seven teen dollari costi nmt dlaburio inonln, on the 19th day of Heptum her 1922, Notice. Ir hereby Klvcn (hat I will on the 2Mb dny nt December 1922 nt the front door of tlto old court houso Iu Klnmntb KhIIh Iu said coun ty, nt two o'clock In Iho afternoon ot aald day, anil nt pubic auction to thn hlr.liest bidder, for ensh, thn fnllowluK described property, tu-wlf Thu unulltuant quarter nnd the northwest ipiarler of Section thirty alx uml tlin unit beast uiinrtur of Hoc- tloiv fourttun In Township thirty- flvu Biiuth of KmiKU nlniv.'iuiil Iho Builtlieiiat quarter ot Section thirty- I one Iu Tqwimlilp thlrty-tlVQ houIIi of 1 Itmiito ten, nil east or Hm Villumctto ! Meridian In Klumath County, Ore- Kon. 1 Tnkvn and lovlnd upon, ns thu property of thn mild David C. Bkeon, or ua much thereof iib may bo noces nary to Hatlsfy Hie mild JudRiuent In favor or A. 0. OloiiKor ni;alnst natd Duvld 0. Skciin with Interest tlioro on, tOKelhor with nil enstn ami dla bursemeuta Hint lut'o or mny nrcruo. Dated ut Klamath Falls, Oregon, Nnvcmbnr 28th, 1922. U. h. LOW. Bhorlfr. lly IIUHT B, HAWKINS, Doputy, N 28 I) C. 12. 19,20 Open ovotihiK until Crtrlstmas, Unrl Blioiiljurd Mqslc Store'. . 9tt . KOIl HUNT 3-Vooni furnUhed npnrtiuent. Itlley llldir. &2N .Main. 11-13' KOIt HKNT-3-room, ilownitalri Apt., oinpletnly furnlal'.ed. now varani. I.co Apia, fith mnl Walnut. 9-1J nONT Tiiftow tin: old aiioei nwny, Iteat nak inlet, and (iood year heels. .Mens 12.00 pr . ladles 11.7.1 pr. Jack Croat. Ctb Ht. 20lf KOIt RAMS Fori Conn-i. Owner ! leaving town. Inqulro Ilorald ot itic.), sir VOrtK 1I.OVBH and Jllttetm or all ! kinds. Jack Prost, Ctb. St . Just off Main. 17tr. EYES EXAMINED With the cl, of thn latest nclentlflc Instruments, tooth er with 25 years experience In lliu science, ot fitting Klan es mnkiyi us competent to fit your eyes, should you need KlnMC. Wo ttrlnd Iho Klnssen here. SEE Dr. Goble Phene: Ofr. 13.T-W, Ilea. 3.1 1 -J 700 Main .1 BEXUAU BRONCHITIS! ) h i. v Often die result of n "little cold" often the forerunner of grAvc and scrioustfllscasci. 5SVfe Don't have it! ' Vl) ip Keep yourself free from "little . colds',' with B1NZ Bronchi,-Lyptus. It rclleycs Bronchitis too. Safe nnd pure. Nia narcotics, no alcohol. Keep n bottle liandy. BR0NCH1-LYPTUS TRY YOUR DHUGOIST FIRST Don't fail to read the Herald CIatificd Ad. I I'ANCO IIAI.K S0I,1:H--1 r.O fiuar anteed lo wear tlireo muntlia Jaik Krusi. rati mi. str KOIl ItCXT I.vIh Atitx., I'urnlshed apartment Ctb and IIIkIi Hts. Alt Wll.l. HKI.I. Olt TIIAIli: Kor Port. land property, I-ol 2, lltock fi and Int nn S. K conmr of Wnll nml Can- nl Trad ' ruluo both lots It 000: cash untu 1700; or will take tSOO on terms of 10 per runt down nml (IT. I month. MaI.u pm 'a proposition l. K Parsnni. ISSO Kail -Main St , Portland, Ore. 9-13 I'Olt HAI.lv (Jnod serond band snv InK machine. PJione 4S1. 9-12' i Wtb Remove poisonous warte ! Mill I Kurul "for constipation XZmm&m XOTIf'i: OI Slll'.ltll K'S nam: KOIt KXCIIANUi:--i:iei;aat nulmr ban home, 12 rooms fully modern, hardwood flonri, bam, oraRu, chick en houiu, full cement baseman!, fhu lots, ut city jlmim Mmirord, worth $18,000. prlcn only. $7500. and wltl trade fur IiIrIi claim Kl.tin atli Kails homo of S or 10 rooms, will take or pay difference, also wu halo a 10 room bungalow on Cast side .Med ford. Int r0 x 270 prlcn $3. 000 nnd will tradu for Klamnth Knlls house, wrlto us today, l'our 8lt Sales AKoncy. Medferd IlldK, Meiirord, Ore. , 9-13 l.OST A lour drop diamond lara Her. Rold settlnR. some lime dur ing month. Howard. Phone 1 73 J. 9-12 TlltKKV I'OOI, The Klamnth Knrm Ilureau Cv oporatlve i-xchanRti will pool the tur keys of Klamuth county. Turkeys must be market dressed nnd deliver ed to w'uri'house on Hprlni; St , Dec. 1 Ut It 1.1st the number ot turkey to be delivered Immediately with J W. Kerns S-13 iTJB a r- r. ri mnm mm QtofiS COJgK throatd 7tm,h- Oven a liulc btlpa to free you from ihat col.l and cases Iho ccuRtilnp. S dirvctions on boill for rlievlnir conKrtilon, soathtiu; lnllamd, ncratch) Ibrosts. Danish that co'.X rtovr- don't link jour health through fi'ir nffilcct oik your druects: for DR.KING,S?&EnY -nwnip for coughs & colds If You Need a H'oine You Should Havo the Best Have yon ever htoppiM to reason why It is' Out so iiiiuy products that lire, extcusu civ .idwrttscd.nll ut oucu tlnii nut ot My.lit nml arcs hoaii firfjot trnf The reaMUt is iiLtin the uiticlu did not fill lil I thu proniut'S nt thu itunulucturcr. This applies more tur tlcularly to n medicine. A medicinal preparation that ban ie.il curativu vatuu almost sells itbclf, as like an ciidlcss chain system, the remedy is tecouuueuded by Hionc who liau licen benefited, to tho-e who nro in need of it. A prominent druKijIst says, "Tnko (or example l)r, Kilmer's Swamp HiKit, n prepjniticlu I have Md for many years mid never hi Itate to re commend, for in tlui'.'-t every case It shows cM'clluit lcsiilti, na many of my customers testify, No other kid ley remedy has so lyrjje n "sale." . AcciiriHiiK to sworiiMatcmeiitsnuil verified tektliuouy of thouMiuls who have, used the picpaullou, the suc cess lit Dr. Kilmei'a J5.uii-UiMn is due to the fact, mi mail v people claim, that it fuinila utmost every wish in overcomiiiK kidney, Hwr and blsd dcr uilmciits, corrects urinary trou Idea and neutralizes thu uric netd which causes rheuuntii.m, You m ty leceivo a Kimplo bottle ot ShiuuIhKooI by Parcel Peel, ' Ad dress l)r. Kilmer ci Co,, llluy,lmton, N. Y., uml enelosu ten cents: also iiientiou this pamper, l.nrKo nnd me ilium fcUo bottles for uilu ut nil drui; lore. (AdvortUomeut) IT'. t lly virtue, of an execution duly Is sued by the Clerk of thn Circuit Court nf-th County of Klamath, State ot Orccon, dated iho Klrst day nf Decembuf. 1922, In u certain ac tion In thu Circuit Court or tho sali Countynnd rltutn( wherein tho Hank ot Ilonnnxii, a corporation, as plain tiff, (and yherela John S Horn Is the nsslRtiee of judgment ), recover ed JUdcment otrnlnst I. K Kllrorn and Klamnth Livestock MortRORc Ix)an Company, n corporation, ui de fendants, for tho sum ot Two Thous uml (12000 001 Dollar!., thKclher wlihMntVroit t hereon at Ten per cent per annum from June 10. 1921 un- iU, paid, nmrtttornej'a teos In Iho .iiln or Two hundred ($J0O.00) Dot lara and for it'n costs nnd disburse ments on tho 24th day ot .March, 1922. Notice la hiroby Riven that I will en Iho 5th day or January, 1923, at tho front door of tho court houso Iu Klamath Kails, In said County and Slate, nt 10 o'clock Iu tho forenoon nf said day. sell ut public auction to i tho hlRhest bidder tcr rash, the fol low Iiik described real property, to-wit- The XWH! nf tho SWVi Section 27. tho N4 of the Sli nnd tho SWrti or tlu SWtt Section 2S; tho SK.U ot tho SKi Section 29; nnd tho NKVi of tho XKU Sec tion 32: all In Township tO South of llnnitu H i Kast of Wil lamette Meridian In Klamath County. Oregon, containing 320 ncres; also Tho i:t of tho SWi of Sec tion 27. the KW ot the SKM ot Section 3.1, nnd iho NWttrof Section 3t, all In Township 40 South ot Itanfee ii Kast or Wil lamette Meridian In Klamnth County, Oregon, containing 3.20 acres. Taken nml levied upon ns the property ot thu snld defendant, I. K Ktlgnrn, or as Jiiuch thereof ns may be necessary to satisfy snlil-Judg-mont In favor of llnnk or llonnuta. (John S. lU-rn, fiaxlRuee ot Judg ment), agulust. said 1. K. Kllgore and aald Klamuth Livestock Mort gage Loan Company, a corporation, defendants with Interest thereon to gether with all costs and dlsbitrso ments tiut havo nrcrued or may hereafter .urruo. Dated at Khtmnth Kails. Oregon, December t. l',22. I. I.. LOW. Sheriff lly IIUHT B. HAWKINS, Deputy. D .ri, 12,10,20 J 2 Gifts You'll Be Happy to Give If you'll only listen to us, we have a really worth while suggestion that will help you ansverthat an nually bothersome question "What shall I give for Christmas?" For instance: For Mothw from one, or perhaps from all, the children: JTic Table .Store cooks a meal right ht the tabic. The Iron that Women Dcilgned there Is no iron with eo many advantages. For Mother and Father you mljht give it alone, or you can get others to join with yeu: The Percolator never was such good coffee I For Sister whether her hair is bobbed or net: The Cur ling Iron It keeps the hair to nice. For the Younger Brother tho' everyone- will be glad he got it: Tho Waffla Iron the most popular electric ap pliance developed in years. For Baby for old people, also, onU for all eUien: 77ie Coiy Clow warmth wiUiout waiting. For Everyone tplendid gift to an entire family greup: The Warming Pa J the modem successor to the hot water bottle. The Turnotxr Toatttr no other device makes such wonderful toatt. Do let ui show you this line of Wonderful Wcstlnehcuie Gifts. Coxy Clow Turnover Toutst E3 Winning Pn ELECTRIC SHOP 123 S. 6th St. LINK, RIVER ELECTRIC CO.( 7th and Klamath Klamath, Falls, Ore. P5raaWHE! wmm Be Cured to Stay Cured 1 GUARANTEE to per manently cure your Piles without cutting, burning, stitching, anaesthetic, con finement or unpleasant after-effects. My patjents are reputable men and women In every walk of life to wKom you may refer about this painless, non-surgical cure. If you ate a tutferer from Tiles, FlstUla, 1'lssure or other rectal disease, nl) or wrlto today for my FREE booklet. Cost of treatment returned if I (all to cum our Piles. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN MBANaMMRISBN MRU MEM1IQM TMI5 e-APCRWIfTN ' AHO.OHOfl :n WRITING i vy.. J,.?. J- jwi 3 , Um PrrocUtcr Set Westinghouse THAT' we onv the State of Oregon for a license for the priv ilege of conducting an Electrician business in Klamath Falls? THAT z' post a bond with the Stale which guarantees the pro tection of our customers against sharp practice in Electri- cal work? THAT there are laws protecting the public regarding electrical Work and providing for making good by forfeiture of oiir bond? ' ., ., ; ,,,, nmrn , -.in --. . I i. 1 t' tl iriAi the lunu kivck cllcikiu lu. was esiaoninea in 1908 in Klamath Falls? THAT vc now have the largest and most complete stock of A goods and best equipped electric shop in southern Ur gon? THAT we are the only shop maintaining a licensed eUctrical engineer in Southern Oregon? , Link River Electric Company ft , .. ' H, 7th & Klamath Ave. - .;' JClamaUiamOf '"A 1 M ,' 1 W'j M a