n ,iWi ' " "if m ,S5.' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON iim'HUAV, ii:nmKU la, una, ftv! Puire Fow r i -Hi i s I. a r, I 8 &, fc i ct ii" i m JZ I 1 The Office Cat BV JUNIUS r.m:wi:Lii riurpr.u What do lliosu flappers Imltnto TIipso tttuntlcth century days? Wlmt ilo tlioy model nfter Vllli tlirlr twentieth century ways? Willi half socks on. they think That Its ono of their original whims Dlil they not know thnt all tho Trees displayed their own-baro limbs? Hut let the flapper reign toJay Wo'rq suro thus stuff can't last Por the new styles will put'em out, Tho flappers of the past. Ho Hn.l It Couilnc Why Is the JuiIro wearing a black oycT' "Ilecauo ho trlod to Instruct the lady Jurors that tUoy wore not to talk!" " llcllRloiw KvcrrUp Two shipwrecked sailors wcro on n desert Island. They wore nttcr ly mlsprablc. pinched with hunter and cold. Tho ono mora wretched than tho other said to his companion, "Can you pray, Hill?" "No." "Can you tins a hymn?" " "No." "Well", said the first. "Let's have something rcllGleus: let's have a col lection." is-- ; Knohlons and Ilomity Lew: skirts arc coming back, hU until Mabel Reta a raise she'll haftn stoop to keep In stylo. Paco masks Improve tho looks, un til yuli'tako'cm off. lleiuty ts'sklnncJ deop. Rrandma will now wash off tho henna nnd eet back her becoming Bray. Cnpt. Calkins says It a man 1m n hard time keeping his head abovo wator, It Is time to get out of the lccp water. 'O. C. Applegate says you can tell whether you ,aro old or young by whether you believe tbo golden ago Is past ofJust dawning. Alfred Is Sourer fat Alleen so xcry lean. So, you see, between them Iioth Tbcy fill a Ford machine. An officer was showing on old lady oyer tho battleship. . "Tlila" ',1,1 lin ,tr.lnlln ! .,. In. , ." .,.. , c.u iig 'w.,ta,.u iu Mil ,,i- 'ijBcrlbcil plato on tho deck, "Is where . our gallant, captain foil." , "No'Wondor," replied tho lady; "I nearly slipped on It self." old Tno rated (Slrl, Luke? It U all right for a girl to hellovo that tho face should bo loft exposed, " Tho trouble Is that sho Imagines her , fa co runs all tho day down to tho " wishbone. l.uko McLuko. "Ono of tho features of raising a family," R, K. Icenblco tells you world, "Is that In a fow years you nro sura to havo ionic gangling youth Willi u faco rescmullng a , ' hanging 15-year-1 'mouldy green npplo plo Unround with smiles for your old daughter." ' Opon evonlngs until Christmas. Earl Shenherd Muslo Storn 9tf YOUR WINTER'S WOOD , should have your attention. Cool weather and storms force prices up. Our fuel is the best, our g rices are right on Slab", locks, Body and Tama oack. i Your business is solicited. P.Jeyton&Co. Mm n'iwnii. EARL niTCHIE ' TR1II HARD TO If MATCH 11 UlllB-lclp" UltiE'itilp" Karl IlltchlP anil his manager, 1 1. Swponcy. mean business, nro determined to lower tho cold pf tho scrappy Jo Snlndlor, and If they fall It will not bo because they hae not trained Thop who saw nilchlo hoi at the legion .smoker recently agreed that ho appears to bo In excellent condi tion. He Is And that condition Is the rpsult of faithful training which will continue until hn hat not an ounce of suporfhni flesh In hit body. At pretcnt ho It training nightly nt tho old liohlen Itule store. Sween ey s.iys his chnrgo will bo doing Ho rounds dally before December mtchlo-Pwlndler match . ho is going to take Kit- meet the top-notchers.' date of tho IU' alto says l,!n n,t in tttcnf (fin frtn. , , . . , , ,", Kid Htrbert. who also appeared at i tho legion smoker. In a bout with Jnck Harmon, lookt like a la?l lail. ... lip Is well mutcled nnd appears to know the gamp. I'n Icj.t all tho dopo Is wrong, he ivlll make KIJ Evans step llely when they meet In the semi-final at the Httchlc-Swlnillor go. Reed CoIIckc Varsity To Play W. U. Freshmen roitTLAND Ore Dee 12. Ueedi College of Portland, which has added rowing to Its list of sports, will send Its varsity against tho t'nlverslty of Washington frcshmea In Scattlo next spring. ' l Hussell S. Callow, rowing coach at Washlngtcn, In proposing tho raco stated that tho university would do all It could 'to further the "finest and cleanest" of sports nt Reed. Sixteen men nro out for the Itped crew, working under Coach Richard son who wai stroka of tho 1520 Washington eight. St'MMO.NS TOR lTIII.H'ATION Kqtillr No. I CW RT OF TIU.' FOR THE1 IN THE CIRCl'lT CO! STATE OK OUEOON t'Ol'NTY OF KLAMATH J. WAI.CH. PLAINTIFF. V8 KIAM. AT.iI LIVtXTOCK CO. -A t.'Olt PORATION. SAN KRANCIHCO CATTLIJ LOAN CO.. A COR. PORATION, MARTHA KERNS. JAMES WALTER KERNS. RUTH KERNS. REl'LAH KERNS RAY. SAMUEL E. KERNS, JOHN C. KERNS. IIENJAMIN E. KERNS AND AONE3 KERNS. DEFEND. ANTS. IN THE NAME OREGON' OF THE STATE OF To San Francisco Cattle Loan company, a corporation, and to Mar tlm Kerns, Ruth Kerns. Ileulah Kerns Ray, Samuel E. Kerns and junu j. jcrns, ueicnaanis norcin Vnll nn.t finli nt l-nt, np. libvnln- required to appear and answer tho ammcudeu complaint filed against you and each of you In the nbovo entitled suit on or beforo Tuesday, tho 23rd day of January, 1923, that being tho last day of the tlmu pres cribed In the Order for Publication of this Summons, and if you fall so to answer or appear, for want thcro of tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief pnocd for In his nmmt'iidcd lomplalnt on file herein, ' "fo"' judgment against tho defend, j CORVALL.S. Dec 12 -Il.uUetb.,11 aat, Klamath Livestock Company for1 players of tho Oregon Agricultural tho sum of Eloveti Hundred Four! collego hero nro plnnulng a "barn (11104.00) Dollars with Intercut storming" tour of California during thoreott at six per cont per annum (-iiri.in,, hoiidavt Tin, men from Dec. 20, 1921 until paid; for',"0 l-"r"mn '"indayi. llio mm tlm further sum of Two Hundred lcavo 1)ec - """"'" Junuary C ((200.00) Dollars attorne) feusi Tho tcntatlvo srhodule calls for and for tho costs and disbursements nf f lid unit nnd fnrllinr fir n tin , ' of this C'ourt forPclLsIng plain-1 'tiffs lien and tllrectlnu tho sulo of tho prcmUcs and real property par tlculurly deicrlhed In said aminend- ed complaint nnd for tho uppllca-1 ,0n cf 'tbo ,)roceeds of such salo to I tho payment and satisfaction of tho' ubovo mentioned principal sum, In-1 terest. attorney's feus, costs and ills-1 iiuraviillllis ui lllis nun, aiiu iiiui suit; uuy uiiivr i.'Aimiuii iii-'iia wr iiiuii. gages upon said property bo iidjiidg-) ed by tlilH Court to Ou subsequent, Inferior, nnd subservient- to tho lien or plaintiff, nnd further for such other and further roller ns to tho Court may xtcm oqultablo. ThU summonii is. served by thu publication thereof In thu Ktonfng Herald, n dully nowspapur printed and published and. of general rlr- lulatlou In Klamath County, Ore gon. by ordor of Jloior.iuio A. i. Leavltt. Judgo of tlijtJibota entitled Court, mndo mid ofitnrod on tho U tit day of iDeu3inbcr, 1D22, which said order required that tho summons bo published at least onro u weqk for six BiicicbHlvo and consccuttvo weeks beginning on Uio 12th day of Decern her, 1922. A. WIL'ST, Attornoy for Plaintiff, Klamath Fullu, Oregon. D 1 .19.20 J 2.9.1C.23 'fT .-i,,.,...'- 111 VI Mlll lltr.l Hulijn Do Itcmor. Ur-clnriM liy To PAUL C MAKICLUY, Doroml I'mil llcllctt lo bci "tfto" mot beaut .U '' ?!!m"u .l,T'"n'" '?", T"'1! ,N 12 or tiik statu S. Stono lUvldo Ut.d honors In hoinllni; ok nuKUON. You tiro hiriby tw tho iflBt In "Pllarlm of tlio Nlcht." ' iiulrinl to mmmir mill mutnor tlin ' ihn 1 I. Krothlhr.hittn ltroditi-tlott Vlieyivrhleh -'ll ' !" totiiRM nt thi . mi T,.... n.(.f.. mi i otors In Tree tltciUro. Mli Dp limner nn.t neen starred In several prodtic- for the publH.ition rt this sumuiont. tlons nnd Mr. Ktono has ncxer shared 11'1 lf 'iul f'il to ho appear mid mi immiM wild niirnnn i., ,,i...i..., swor, for wniii thereof tho plaintiff .i ... ,..... . ... . . - -..-j ,-,-. . ...I ......I, IV.I III "Tho ltlvcr's End." Tho remainder of tho rast brittle ' with tho names of well Known play. I era. Wnltor McOrall. Kathleen I l.lrH-.. 1v,.,.,.l II....... L'-..l. Mrkham. llamond llntton. l-rank Leigh and Wnltor V. .Mong are , among those listed In prominent parts In tho production The unusual atsoclatlon of so many Itluttrloiit players In the snino production. It It If""""";. "'" necetsnry by Iu' fa,c ,ha.lK- I'hll Ipt Op0he.m ' '" wr,t "e. e"C" Ily. "" upon which "Hlgrlms of tho Night" i ,, ba.,,t cronC), icxen c,iarnccril of ..,.,. , .,,.,,,., , ,. ' ... it- rr li ta tin htff nt .i 1... .i.n.il girl, brought up at the daughter et n French criminal who maket hit living by running a fashionable gapi lump ettauiitmnent nnd heading n gang of hank robbcrVwho linvj) com. ! pletely baffloj tho pollfti of Karls ( i TIIK I.lllUtTY "(Jay nnd Dovltlsh." a fasMiiOTlug ' comedy brings Doris May again to , tho Liberty Theatre whote her mot ' rcccnt n'c Production will bo shown tomgnt. w it it tlio flapper cr.ixe sweeping the nation Miss Ma)' pop-j ularlty Is soaring to unprecedented heights everywhere. Sho Is tho mott blithesome flapper of tho screen and has wen a tremendous following through her popular Interpretation of this delightful character Sup porting Miss May la "Gay and Doll ish" arc Otis Harlan, Cullea Lnndls, Dull Montana,' Jacqueline Logan and other prominent players who keep tho fun bubbling from start to'fln lih. THR STRAND Tonight tbero Is offered nt tho s,rani nn unusunl treat for Klamath ' "'''" P-'PPlo. Tonight Mctr and Motz, two wonderful xnudovltlo per. formers wilt entertain tho audience In singing, dancing, comedy, talking and acrobatic stunts They nn; the greatest of their kind that have,' como to this city for n long time. This pair of actors, before starting on an Independent booking, have been with such audcvlIlo circuits as I the Orphcum, Pantagcs, Keiths, In tcrstate and Western. They have ! also been with tho leading circuses of tho country Tho vlcturo tonight will b Myrtle i Reeds famous story. "At theSlgnnt tbo Jack O'Lantcrn. There will al- ulso be a good comedy Take It at an ' I 'arounil show ami It can't Lo heat J IF 0, A. C. garnet at Marysvllie. Sacramento ...... l,a' l'c"n0' ".neuca Oakland mid Stanford Among the teams to h met will bo tho San Francisco Olympic club, Stanford univrBl,v n,n iinivnrsitv nf Pniifnr i u, ", , Un ,V0M"y . ,or, ' nla 8t- Marys collego aid tho I nl. vdrslty of Santa Clara Coach Hob Hager will pilot tho ,,r. .ii.,,m nml will l.nv .,lr.l,l r,. I . , nln" ln" on "" squad . Ameiii: mom will lii) ' Mush" Heltjo, nll- coast .center Ian! year, and flvo other veterans, Moso Lyman, Ray McCnrt, l.uko OllltLlo Rlchardx and Arthur Ross, guurd mid captain. Tho Agglo' first gam 0 In tho northwest , conference, will b?i relayed January 2 against WllhunfMo mil-' vurwiy inn niiinoninii ciuo nvn 0f Portland playu hero January 13. 'm ' T ' -. ,.' ""' V''"""1."!" OptlmlHt "S(cl( inn n Inarnlng to pjay a, harp g ' PuRslmlst "tSIcIc man learning to shovel ro.il. Ilond Powell lititto Inlgatlon district votes $1,025,000 bondi to lirigalo 13,000 acres. .Sovctrnl now schnoN In rural dlu trlctn of I. aim county planned. Albany - XV. ('. T. 1T. httlldlm; f 18,000 thlldren's homo on 260-ucin tract. Voruotil.i t( get now cciot. Portandt QrogonUii to nuka 125,000 rejmlis on II? htilliffitc nil PLAN Ml'MMONp rou I'l'HMCATlOX Kqiiliy Xo, I not) IN TIIK Olltl'l IT COl'IlT OK TIIK STATU OK OUI.'dON IN AND rOU KIjAMAI'II COUNTY AU1CM X . MAIIKI.UY. 1' n lilt If. s. I HA1II M M (IMM l lir.....l.t..i complaint on filo in tho nlioo on I JV,J,,.,..r."U' "."J."! h,'if,,.r'! 'i'" m"1 '!n i or Jnnltnry, l''2t. I lull Mng tlin tiny ; roscrlbod In Hi.. order of tlio Court 'will npiily to the court for tho ro-1 lief prnyed for In hit romplaliil I U, for tho illasolutlou of alio bonds I of matrimony heretofore nnd now i existing between )ourself uud tm On Tliursilii). Krldiiy and Halur ptnlntlff hiirem. 'upon tho groundn day. tho minimi l.jcoiiui I'nlr will ho it i1..bm.. In.. 1.. . ..., .. li... i.ii.l..nrr 1..., , ,.. . ,, i, .... n i "v""" "' "' l" "" I'!'"""" fr mr tm year list past and .Immediately pr.-cedlng tho filing of yalil complaint herein Tonight At The Liberty The American Flapper Doris May in "Gay and Devilish" Here is a picture that is bristling with fun, glowing with youthful romance and crackling with the spirit of jazz! COMING THURSDAY Jnck Hoxic in "DEAD OR ALIVE" i TONIGHT ,nJt L. Frothingham's Masterpiece "Pilgrims of the Night" wjth Lewis Stone, Rubyc De Reiner, Raymond Hatton, William V. Mong. From E. Phillips Oppenheim's Novel "The Passers By" A baffling mystery that thrilled London and Paris. Also Mack Scnnctt Comedy "Gymnasium Jim" Ray Lucas Presents "Humorcsque" t TONIGHT AT THE STRAND VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE The Big Sensational Novelty Act Metz and Metz IN "THE CLOWN AND THE GIRL" Doing five acts in one, including singing, danc ing, comedy, talking and acrobatic and wonder ful contortionist act. ' Metz & Met, have played the following vaudeville circuits: Orphcum, Fnn tages, Keiths, Intcretatc and Western, they have also featured with tho following circuses, Hingling Bros,, Sqlls-Floto and Hagenbeck and Wallace, also Myrtle Reed's Thrilling Story with all-star cast ."At the Sign if the Jack O'Lantern" A mystery picture full of action, thrills and laughs, ,. t ALSO TWO GOOD COMEDYS Show Starts 6.15 Vaudeville Appears 7:30 and 9 Wednesday Co-operative night, (i chickens, A boxes of candy given away also entire change of rJUUtUtUq-iMJU YMUUUYJIli:, wr-' 'wp. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmm Tills siiihiihiuh u sorvml iipmi yntil b onlor or publication tlioroof In tint Kliimuth KvoiiIiik llorulil. n tnHiiiinr printed, published itnil of Roiitu.il circulation In tlin comity of ' Klmmith, Hliito of Oregon, onoo wic-h, Mu'PK for Ml ronsm'iillMi mill hiic I riHiii rkM, llio first publication I moroni ihmiik on mo sim imy or Noiomhcr, l'J'i'2 mid tho Unit imhll cation being on tho 2nd ttn of Jmiu my 1923. , i Dono by order of I ho lion A li t I.onvlH, .ludgo of the nbovo entlllod , court miller dale of oritur of the! 'J"tli iln of Nmemhor, inn ! Wm. MAWX, Attorney for plaintiff I I'osl Offlro AddreKs. i Klamath Kails, Oregon. No 211 WIIIIIh Ithlg. N SI. 2S D 5.12.1U.2C J 2 , l . I l.)uiiil I'nlr tleitlut Tlmi'silii) I'l'Ml 111 l.iri'HIM llllll, I Or .""III .V Ihgh A good time mid luindrcdH lit . b mitirul article uu sale will ho tlio features of tho baiaar II 13 pf)WWCL',,- ; iv- .--vRarTfA v m... s4ffl- fc5r-VV . ?&M? k-rr .ua rrvsit uj shh i,v 1.1 t -v.- ruKE.Ei8MU5 -from- Klamath l A Klanmth product thnt should be in 'every Klrtrmth home on Christinas Day. YOUR GROCER WILL SUP PLY YOUR ORDER NOW. Malin Cheese i nrfl and Produce Co. Mnlin, Don't fnil to rend tho Don't Fail'to Read The K'jyjMBBBsJKjJMSfcssibii rtiTKsTi fr' m Tobacco 'v. m $5 -A m ws jfw - -! Wm m-B IfeS m r M - ' 3))' Ch eese, A. " t.1 Ore. Herald Clnsoificd Ads. Liooett & Myers Todacco Co. Herald Classified Ads. fill t D a MMsAnWUM-i "Sgyy-'ja&si "" - yp- rrmn$M jl0K$3itbzFm yW,V