The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 12, 1922, Image 1

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    Biifl ftijU
VittnHy Mbrart
lEuimmg Iterato
offAal paper or
I'.MII, (-ONTIM'i:i COM),
Member of the Associated Press
Hlii'nii Vrnr. No, nam
KLAMATH FAM.H, OIU'.OOX, 'ITIWIM1, i)t:riin:u It!, 1082
phiok nvioHm
World Famous Merchant
And Former Postmaster
General Dead at 84
Mr. Wananiaker gnvoriioil
lili lirn ti)' ninny mnxlmi
"I'.vnry umlnrtpjilng.'' h t
onrn .ild "U mndo up of tli
linn of past eiiileiiuir. plus
uiiililtlini mill IIm' now vlilnn"
lluslnos must rest upon tint
iincrumhlliig foundation
couflditirn In nun another.'
"Cln every Hutu Ih
some )uiiiik itK'H i "mine mi."
"Koep up II'" "l'l "tiiiidnrdit,
unil day by day tl" iliem
higher "
A In liln own Urn ho onrn
a 11 - "Thinking. irlm:. toll
Inn mill Hutting In nit or my
blogrnphy "
John Wanamakrr, world ftimnu
merchant nnil former piiitniaMnr
general, died nt lili linmn hero -it
8:00 a. m. today, aged 14. Ho
hail been routined In lit hnnln lnco
early In November "till n hoary
John Wnnamnkor led In tho rrn
lit Ion of the department toru a nn
liulllutlon In American life At lh
outbreak or thn Civil War In ll
when hu began business for himself
In humble way Ir Philadelphia, re
tall merchandising In this, rountr)
wii In a disorganised slate, nmt, In
tho p.lriMt,6r the feJJignteifJounR
merchant, tfwn suffering n raplil
dvclln throtiRli practice (tint wore
then general. Aslilo from lili iimbl
Hon to mnkn money, "my paramount
purpose." H.tlil Wnnnmakor, "wn to
help savo tho mercantile profenlon
from InwrrltiR ll line before other
professions nml occupations."
Tliern were In thorn tin) mi fUt'il
selling price for goods. Dullness
then ilemnnileil n thlrlooit-liour tin)
from nil II implo)cs. Customers
pent hour prlm-haggllug with
salesmen. Wnnnmakor wit Imprcs
noil with thin wuslo of tltun nml to
eliminate. It ho boenmo n plum or In
fixing a soiling price for goods. It
urn omi nf tlm Ik'rIiiiiIiir or many
inorranlllo reform which totluy nre
ho generally follow nit that the pro
rnt generation can scurcoly Hud nn
w Intro n truco of tho oil practice.
Started I'Mrrrr lit -
WHiinmnkor wim 2 J c.rn olil
when ho entered upon Itlw enrour, In
piirtnonthlp with his brolhorlnluw,
Nnthiiu llrown, on a Joint mpllnt of
13,(100, lu n clothliiK business nt
I'Mladolphln. Ho hail been bom lu
tTnt rlty, July II. 183S. Ill filth
or nml hi fulhor'H father hint boon
brlck-mnkcr. a nil John Wuiimnak
or' first work wax ''turning bricks".
llo was tho oldest ot ii(ou children
unit early In hi hoylioml ho u nli
IIkoiI tu Kit a "i mlioolliiK nml cnrii
hi own way. Ill flrnt tr.c woio
9 1.25 n week n nn orrnilit hoy In u
I'hlluilelplila book Htoro, nml thn,n n
n yomiR man ho wn omplo)oil for n
tlmo nt Tow or Hull, n faimnis olil
I'lillailelphln clothliiK limine, whom
hi porHinmllly nml lnnlnen nblllty
woro ilinnlopuJ ror hi UMituro In
liuilnoa for hlumoir.
Tho Ilronn & Wnnnmnkor niorn
lii'Kun buslnvHB with n flint ilay'x
nnlus acrotiiit of 2, nml cmloil it
flrat cnr with n roconl of $2 1,000
IiuiIiiohb, Wnuamnkor nml hi
lirotlioHii'lnw woro tlurJnB "'er
rilHt fow iiinuth or hualnudA uuublo
to iiffnril u lioriu nntUw niton ror il
llory nml Wanum.ikcr Iilniutil 1V',,"
oil n tHd-whool cm I to iIollor lih
ConiU, III paitnoi'tt liealtli fJllluR,
imiNt or tho dululU or tho busline
tlovolvoil tiion Wnnnmnkor.
IMnbll-lied SjxtoliiN
Abliln fiiim oKtublUliliiK hi mi"
prlco policy nml mukliiK u ahorter
hiiHliiu day, Wumtimikur ostnhlUh
oil lu tho now Htoro t,o Hytom, ono
of hiiIoh nml Iho ntliur or orKiinlitif
Hon, llu lonrnml It wiw ihoupor to
nmntirncturo hoiiiu cIubbob of kooiIs
thnn to buy Horn innnufacturuiH nml
ho liocnmu ono of tho flrt jotnllor
to do till, Hu found It illfflcult to
(Continued on Tubo 0)
Love Won Out
Hon. Alexandra1
Chochlcy, dnush
tcr of VUcount
Knollyn nml nod
d n u i: h t o r of
Q ii ii o n Mother
Aloxnmlrn, ha
Juit Ueconio tho
brlilo of Itlchaid
It. Cbeckloy, a
clerk In a ton
don tobacco (lore,
liho mot lilm
whllo lervlnir m
it nuro In Franc
.tadurlnff tho war.
I'olllillU of I'liM Hnfo III llo 0M-tl
ill rliinl liitnilt .N.iinl .Moil
tliniiil IliinU I'nipeil)
AKTOUIA, H.-e 12 Tll(i Hint
whrl. of dlr.KliiK In'" Hio ruliii re
nliltliiK from Antorla' illntrou
flrn ti.ia bu'.uii In. lay with tlm open
In it of unro.
Tho flrat to ho opuie.l wn that
of tho HiiiIri'I, AMorln'H urioriimin
niwupjper. wlimo plant w.i wrerk
id lu tho flro. HtorythliiR wn
round wife nml Iho book woro not
i hni rod.
A rommltloo or three wn miiiiPd
to ro throiiRli tho dovnHtiitod area
mid Identify iiafen, nenn or which
I to bo opened tllltll Identified.
Tito bank' iife nro to bo opened
lator under direction or naval nu
thorltlei who bao bton RiinrdliiR
them. Huftlrleiit tlmo I htdiiR nl
lowed for tlm Interior of tho nafei
to cool. lnrn tho nuthorltle bare
In mind Iho dlxastrr follow Ing tho
nprtiliiR nf afe or Kan Kranclicn
bank after thn flro. Comlnic In
runtnct with tho cold nlr, tho
iaperf hurt IttofiauiSi r.od' wa
The roiincll tonlRhl will boar tlm
report of Iho commltloo on ktrel
wldoiiiuc In romiectlou with tho
"rlt beaiillfiil" plan.
Mtixieiil l.'iili'rtnliimoiit TIiiiimIh) to
Aid School ijimrti't
TU ki'tH tiro now on niilo nt Hit
I'lno Treo theater for tho concert to
bo Riven by Ml I.'velyu ApploRnto',
IiIrIi Krhiuil mimle dopartinout, n
dUti'd by Harry llorel' Juvonllo or
choatra, Mr. Marjorlo MrClnro-dal-liiRhor,
mid nolo hy lloatrlm and
Knthrii Walton, to rnlto fiindH for
HondliiK tho IiIkIi hcIiooI quartet,
rompoiied of Clifford lloRito, Ken
neth Malor. Harry I'oltr, mid Delo
Mill with tholr liulriirtnr Mis Hvo
l)ll ApploRato, to tho Hlatii tearlier'
conveiillou In bo hold lu I'ortlniul
December 20, 27, nml 2S. Tho con
cert will follow tho umiul tnovlnr.
plduro nt tho I'lno Tree Thurtdny
ovoiiIiik Deriimber II. All hoiiIh nro
roaorved utid thoo lu chnrKo recom
mend that ticket ho obtained parly
nn they nro o1IIiik rapjdly.
Three, or Iho boy lu tho iunrtol,
Dolus Mill, Kenneth Mnler, nml
Hurry I'ollz hnvo lived In thl city
hIiuo they woro Hiunll boy nml have
rorolvod their udiirutlnii, thu rnr, In
tho Mchool In Klamath Full, Thn
fourth, Clifford lliiKiio, Iiiih been In
tho local KobooU Blnco tho Bovcnth
Km do.
All of tho hoy hnvo received tholr
outlin mulcnl Instruction lu Klam
ath Fall, nml n Rreat deal or It In
tho local hlRliSichool In nporottn mid
roRiilar cln work. A n roHiilt, tho
IiIrIi bcIiooI Rtudunt fool that It I n
IiIrIi honor for thu Klamath KnIU
hoy to( bo chosen to furnish tho only
music, nsido from that ot tho Port
land Bchonla, at tho stale tonrhora'
convention,, whon thoy will rIvo ro
lijcllouiijtii llufinto tho talk by Mis
ApploRut'o on "Tho boy's voleo nml
ItH poBrilhlllty lu IiIrIi Bchonl,"
Ah n roBUlc of motion fllod b
District Attorney llrowor, tbo Brnnd
Jury wn :o-conveod this mornluR
mid tochnlcr.l corrections mmlo In
thu Imlli'tinuntH lu tho cnuos ot tho
Htnto h, John W. SIomoi3, Jr., nml
Mnmhnll Hooper; nml tho Htnto vs,
John W. Slomona nml John Slomwis,
nml John Slomons, Jr. Tho orror
was hollovod to ho In tho omission
of tho word "or" uotwocu worda
"business commercial,"
lie AJ
igyiwTrw. Hi
M '" T'V I . it c " ' "'
New Water Mains Pass
Test; Material Insurance
Rate Cut Is Expected .
I'lrn prnlccllnn In thl rlt ba
boon Increased 100 per cent n n
ronult of tho now water main. In
Htalhitlou of which him Jut been
roiuplolcd, mid tho now flro alarm
hloni, lu Hni opinion of Tiro Chief
Toi or tho wnjor innln Hitnr
day by (' !. WnRiior, onRlnoor ror
thn OniRon Inturmico ItatliiK bur
eau. J. ('. llnlo, Del Uammnn nml
(loo. Mnni: or tho Calfornlav Oro
Ron Power (nmpmiy,, nml rhlof
Ambrono, wire highly oatUfuctory
Wnenor will report hi rind to tho
bureau nml on hi report will rot
thn Inmirunco rain ror thl city.
Iiwor Itulo Hporloil
Nat only will thn limtirancn rnto
not be raliod to crcjlo an addi
tional rout to policy holder hero of
120,000 per annum, hut n material
reduction from the present ratn I
looked for. probably from 10 to
IS per ront. Thn power rump my
urn Kranled by the public nonlro
commUMon n water rntn Inrreato
of approximately 60 per cent In re
turn ror tho outlay or approximately
ICO, 000 ror Iho now main.
A total or IS. COO rnt f malm
wa laid and 37 now hjdrunt in
tailed, all hut elRht nt which re
place old one not having connec
tion wltahlt) for thn now ciiRlno
pump A prcinurn tent .11 Sixth
and l'lnn, whllo water wn turn-
(Continued on I'nco- 0)'
Hjsteiii Will Ho Made Serviceable In
Mill, Addition
Itepalr to tho California-Oregon
Power company main in Mills ad
dition have been started by u crew
under direction ot Al (Irnhnm, local
It I tho Intention ot Iho company,
aid John lloylo, division manager,
to repair tho worst leak now, nml
make tho system serviceable until
next vprlne, wheh replacement of
much ot tho worn pipe Is contemplat
ed. llecaiuo of action or In
Rredlonts or Mill addition soil, wat
er plpo I quickly rusted nml eaten
' y'-ri HARDING IS GONG j v
, Ay. '.i (
r ' :i
'Man of Hour
Tho Iron lain 4 of ,
Colonel 1'laitlroJi,
hn Krliipod
political porrtr In
arooco. Ho la
virtual dictator
and no tu ally
chairman of the
It o v o 1 utlonary
commlttco r.hlch
created tho trib
unal thatj)nt
former" lilgh CfH-J
dais to d o a t h
bof ot o ii firing
quad and con
demned 1'rlnc
Andrea to exllo.
FOR $3?4.80; MONEY
Iti lommi'inbilliiii I Miiilo, llowotrr,
'I linl I'lnlnllff Takn Klork
In Ciiiueiii for t lalm
Alter a two hour dellberjilnn ye
tcrdny afternoon, the jur In Iho
C1KJ tit 111 A.. ,.. fn.A
;. ',. , '
Oil (!a company, rnr reiovory of
$.12 MO nltcRod illiii ror service
rendered, en mo to tho conrliuton
that thn oil company wn Indebted to
Lawrence ror that amount and ree
niunitindoil Hint ho accept stork lu
the company frr that nnnmnt
Tho vordlrt of tho Jurj, created
considerable dlnoiiMlon In legal dr
ill, since the lsUn III the rase w,i
not whether tho company owed thn
amount, but whether law retire had
nRreed to take stock In payment for
III senile
l.nn rente did not slmilf) rollow
ine 'tho vordlct, whether he would
niccpt the verdict and tako tho
stock or appeal llioxaso.
llimniiMt-iitlon Hiikiil,, In HritMi
IIiiiim' tjulrkly ''Mulnatitl
l.'ONDON. Dec. XZ. A turbulent
hut short lived Actuic wu staced thl
afternoon In tho Croat Central hall
ndJolnlnR tho Home of Common
lobby when tho police ejected a
croud of A0 unemployed men who
Inv.idcd tho place slnpinc tho "lied
King" and wnvlnc plarard.
Mectliik Will llo Held In Clmmber
Of Commcrio Witliio.ilny
Tho meeting of the Klamath
-Sportsmen' nssoclatlou. postponed
from Monday on account or tho llrnnch Hlley lerturo, will be
hold Wednesday uvonlng lu the
chamber or commerce rooms Instead
of Thursday nlRht, a wus announ
ced jesterday, according to otriccrs
or tho association.
s" ' ..--.
f I conY KNOW v
I White Crew Stands By
When Asiatic Members
Arc Removed by Rescuers
crew of tho llrltlsh steamer, Orterlo,
on tho rocks nt Klsh Hock, off tho
California coast 10 mile tfoiith of
Point Arenn, was being trnasferrcd
to tbo htonmor Cottonplanl nt 8:00
a in. today, said n wireless menage
Tho C'oltonplnnt nml thn stoamor
HlseRundn nrrlred at thn sceno In
response to nn H. O. A. message
Inst night.
Later wlrelns messages announc
ed Hint tho Orlcrlc would bo aban
doned liorntisn sho rest high on
tho and hold have been filled. Thn
damasa I too serious to attempt a
tow. '
Asiatic member of tho crow woro
transferred to thn Cottnnplant at
9:20 hut nl that tlmo tbo whlto
member or tho crow wcro standing
by the ship,
liicltinlnii nf Diiiinoml IjiLo Into
Cr.iler Ilomnlii Itorommrnilril
WA8HIN(3TON, Dec. 12. Tho di
rector of tho national park service.
In his annual report to Secretary
Kail, ha renewed bis recommenda
tion that tiio Diamond I-ako region
north of tho present boundaries nf
Crater lako national park bo Includ
ed within It. Thl has been favored
by the, interior dparlrant for-oT-J
oral jcars.
It I stated that unless early ac
tion I taken tho granting of summer
hnmoi to Individuals and tho leasing
of sites for small business purposes
wilt Impair tho region for ultlmato
Inclusion In the park, whero Individ
ual concession nro not granted.
Senator McNury Introduced n hill to
annex tho Diamond lako area to tho
park, but differences arose, between
tho forost scrvlco and tha park ser
vice, and objection was mado by
somo ot tho grating interests.
Tho director's report notes that a
"now era" bus arrived nt Crater lako
with tho act'tilsltlou ot tho hotel con
cession by a group of public spirited
citizens of Oregon, with nn S0-room
addition under construction, which
It Is expected wilt bo completed and
furnished by tho opening ot tho seas
on ot 1921.
rather Dominie,
famous Irish
chaplain to tho
lato Lord Mayor
MacSrrlncy and
MacCurtln, h a o'
nrrlTcil l& New
York after hi'
Ireland by tht
Trco Btato'cov,
crnment. H 1
going to Ilond,
Ore., vrhtro he
trill perform mis
sionary work. -.
(ilnrlo of Krrnlr Wont 1'iilntril In
(ilnitlns; ("ulori; lerturo ArlUtlc
Hut Xnt I'liuinrlal Kilrrrni
Introducing a Klamath Fall audi
ence to the scenic glories or tho
northwest, when fcey have such a
surfeit or -thn grandest of northwest
ern scenery almost fn their iloor-
yard, might seem a-., needless as
carrying coal to NeVcaHtljft hut
Frank llranch Itlley essayj-nSj (ask
at tho Pine Trco thes' lalght
and got n way ml''
For two hf VS,if;ot
mlRhty moun , ,foijtrr-
tllo valleys, - hvc and there n
busy city was flashed upon the
screen, whlto tho lecturer kept up a
running flro of educational comment,
lightened by brilliant burst ot wit.
i:p1aln Method
In a preface to thn lecture, Hlley
explained his methods with eastern
audience, and asked the local peo
ple to Imaglnc-thatthey knew as lit
tle of tho west, as an audlenco In ai
eastern cltJk f
Then h MvrnaiTu nDon the screen
tho, gloried oVW Siwiv lipdlh?
riiRgeii ranges ot tuo scikicx. mo
scenery of tho Columbia Itlver can
yon, tho I'uget Sound country. Crat
er I.ake, In all tholr natural color
It Is bard to tell which has tho
most appeal, tho word paintings ot
the speaker, or his wonderful collec
tion of pictures.
1 No Tint Moments
Thcro aro no flat moments In ItH
o'a lecture, which really should bo
dignified by a better term ror It Is
as different from the stereotyped
form ot platfoim address as a vivid,
pulsating crimson sunset Is from palo
It Is a thing ot art and beauty,
evidently a creation of lovu on .the
part of tho maker, that has cost him
many a hard climb and a 'world of
study. Hut ho Is rewarded In Its
perfection, as a symphony ot proso
and picture, blended In a stylo that
has never been Imltntcd, much less
!oc;tl Factor)' lu Manual Training
Quarter ot City Schools
Santa Claus has established a
branch toy factory In this city. It
Is located at tho rear or tho Central
school In tho manual training quar
tors and Santa's lieutenant Is Prof.
Robert -Clayo, manual training In-
htructor for tho city grado schools
Tho workmen nro tho students ot
tho various schools.
Should ono havo tho temerity to
doubt tho nbovo statoment, ho has
but to visit tho boya' workroom to
bocomo convinced. There ho will soo
toys of ovory kind aud description
soldiers, clowns, dogs whoso tails
"wagglo" whon they nro pulled along
tho floor, doll tables, chairs, bed
steads ovor) thing, in fact, that ouo
would oxpect to find In any manu
facturing plant spousorcd by old
Santa. And all painted in gorgooua
colors to Intrlguo and delight the
youth, of, Klamath Falls.
Prepare for lliuunr
Tho to)a aro being pi spared fan a
bazaar tho f list mid probably nn
annual fcaturo horo.iftor which
will bo hold at tho Chllcoto & Smith
yenl eatato otflco next Saturday.
Tho money loallzed from sales will
go to provide now equipment for tho
manual training department,
Pruf. Clayo has 250 buys lu his
various classes nt present; In fact,
tho classes have greatly outgrown
tho Trjuurtera. Aud ho s looking tor-
ward to tho day when tho growth ot
tho city win force removal of thu
'Central school nml Provide adequate
quarters for his department.
I jf;
iiioit iinnlm , , -i:
m MUU to
Merchants of City Prepare
' Reception for DistiiiJC
uished Guest "
(Santa Claus Iladlo Special)
Dear Children: Greetings
to you, one and all! Tonight
I'll bo In your city and I hope
to meet ovory ono of you, I
am bringing soma candy and a
few toy a nn evldcnco of my ,.;,
good will, and I hopo you will ,,
ho nn hand to receive thorn. '
Santa Clan
lied coat, long whlto board andf
all, Santa Claus old St. Nicholas
himself will visit Klamath Fall
tonight Ha will bo seen on Main
street shortly after 7:30, tho guest
of tho merchant who nre staging
tha Christmas opening, with band,
colored lights, crcrgrcons and over)
thing that goes to proclaim tho ap
proach of Christmas.
Starting nt tho Elks temple at
7:30, thn municipal band, led by
Prof. Kramer, will march to tho
L SiSSSV '' 1
1L uM yflf.'i
vvhtle rjllca hoM xllert;.ct.r
mftteo" -iili me-c1,fcSaniio, will "
then bo driven down Mala street.
At Sixth and Main ho will pause to
greet tho children and present them
with candy and horns, and probably
a few drum.
Stores Closed
Tho stores will not be open but all
window will bo especially trimmed
tor tho occasion. Christmas wares
ot every sort the very best obtain
nble, will bo on display. Tho decision
to keep tho stores closed was roach
cd when an emissary ot Santa de
clared that Santa would not appear
It things were to be sold, Kvery
thing's treo tonight.
Santa Is coming hero tonight as a
special favor to tho people ot this
city. Hu Is very busy at SanUUnd
preparing for his annual Journoy
around tho world, nnd only the need
for a short rest before his long Jour
ney permitted him to come. And
since he Is coming hero Instead of to
somo other city, ho hopes tho kiddle
will show their appreciation by turn
log out, one nnd nit. to greet him.
Santn's omlssury, Drowule Itcdcap,
reports that his master Is tho samo
dear old Santa bo has nlways been
halo and hearty, Jolly as can bo,
thinking only ot bringing happiness
to the young people
I.Ike Klamath Chlldrcu
"Santa Is particularly fond of
Klamath children." said tho llttlo
messenger from Santaland. ' "He Is
forever telling about his' visit here,
nnd laugh heartily when ho recalls
tha tlmo ho nearly got stuck In a
chimney out In Falrvlow. lie was so
long In getting out ot that chimney
that ho had to drlvo tho rolndeor nt
terrific speed tho remainder of tho
night so as to complete his Journey
before morning," m
Santa tonight Is coming Jn an au
tomobile. He, thought It best to leuvo
thu reindeer at homo so they will ba '
fresh for tho long drlvo Chrlitrnas
Barometric changes,
a recorded'
by tbo.
mograph at .Un
dorwood's Phar
macy, have 'been
slight, but the ten
dnncy Is still
bllghtly down
ward. Weather
conditions will re
main unsettled un
til this trend Is
changed. '
Forecast for next
24 hour:. v
conditions , favorable,.
for snow.
'The Tycos recording therasssMtr
registered maximum and wwwisl
temperatures today, as lotwwgy ' r ;
as Xollowg-i ry- V !
.;;,,.;..Mj ' .
"jlssl '-,i, ,''
Low .
i '
. v
r Mia'
'it n
, -
vu 1l I't
f not
' k
.. '.
V ft