The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 11, 1922, Image 1

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    -lH3i,'um) i? i nipHwipN)it 1 1 11 iq
I'nhfrnlly Mbiso
Cugene, Oriynn
SU? lEupnhfg Mrraift
jro.VMJIlT AMI ItT.HDAV, lllt
and omi;k with roi,i w.wi:
Member of the Associated Press
HUK'clllli Will. n. H.VMI
Efforts Are Mrulo to Avert j
Open Rupture Over Re-
partitions Question
co.sTi:itr..n: iiiiimkh diiw.v
I.ONIION, !- II Tin-
confrrcuci, til iillli'il premier
ciilli'il tn urmtiite ii IiiinIh lor nit
Allied lliiiiiirliil nml ropnrnlhtin
conference In llrtiMeln linn 4
broken down Adjournment
i nk i'ii ui is o'rlnrk ilii evening
utilll Jnuimry 3
LONDON, Dir II Adjmiriimeu
nt the premiers' rmifi'ti'liro totilgl
rr ftKhl day In order to over
nn onell rtlillir lir,Mii I'.llglan
nml Kriiiirn over lint ilriiiimi rcpnrn
tlonn quenllon liim been virtually
tlrclilrtt upon. Tho II r It (nil rnhl
lift r'Jrctil incnnurc of force for
the llulir dUlrlcl upon which Pro
uder I'olnrnrn ltmltl.
Prim,, .Minister llnnnr In
formed I'nlnrare that lliltlnh pub
lie opinion overwhelmingly oppoied
nny military mennurei ngalnnt 0r
many. It l tiopr ""' Kuaran
trcn nmy l' (omul lo sntlnfr I ho
French nml mnko military action
From an nutborltnllvn American
quarter It was learned that the
thief hope of bringing tho Hrltlh
ami French together lie with Ih"
Fulled Mates. Knr.t-ind U cpe'
r.l lo nnk tht fulled Htnten If It l
wIIIIdk lo cinrel tho French debt lo
thi Unltcl BUtet provided Knclanit
cmiceln thn French debt tn flrcnt
llrllaln nml enters Into n definite
agreement ultimately to pay -'i
llrllUh debt lo America. The sur-K-ilInn
may It presented tWInltob
lo Hi'crrtary Hughes thin wrk.
Coil nml Vnliii of Different nu
llum, to Ho Petrniilneil
During the sevtrnl ilaya spent In
litis county lait weak by II. A
I.lndurcn. livestock lliililmnn of thn
Oregon Agricultural rnlleRO. noinn
valuable work win started on live
Mock feeding, uccnrdlng lo C. A.
Henderson, county fluent. Tho
purpose of thin work wan to find
thn iiiiiiI economical ration for fat
tening Inmbn ami mpor. nml win
muilo pomlhln llirotiKh tho coopnrit
Hun of thn follow Inn llvi'itock im-li
I,. A. Wont, V. '. Iluiiiuioiiil, Ilonry
Hcmnn mill J. A. Johmimi.
Thiwn turn tiro nil fccilliiK illf
forcm ratlnna nml liPcpliiB coat flu
uriM, an Unit when Iho fcrilt-ra r
luriu'd off tlny will Imvo n roconl
of froil iihimI nml tho cot of put
llni; on ciicli pmiml of imIu for tho
fi-i'illm; pitrlml. Home of tho lliln'ni
gio ho hroiiKht out In IhU work will
ho thn ri'lnllvo vuluo of wholo ryo
vh. rriiaht'il lyo, hurley v. ryo, nml
ulfnlfii hay ii I on n vh. nlfnlfn huy nml
HiinflowiT alhiKi'.
Work of UiIh nuturo wax ron
ilucti'il nl Iho pxpcrlinriil hIiiIIoii.
ut Union, OroKou, year nml It
wan found Hint tho huy nml ultimo
nil Ion put on Hi pound culii
dally a h conipari'd with ouo pouml
dally for (ho huy alone, Iho conl of
tho first rutlou IioIiik ouo-hnlf thut
of tho vecoml.
lleiulti of tlio work will hn niiiilo
public when couipluloil, t
I. oral Men hunt to Hepi-onent Ore
roii In Nntlomil OrmiUntlon
II, N. Mod linn hciiit advlsnd thai
liu Ihik heon uminlimlunly' uomluutoil
an ii moinlinr of ih'o h(nnl of illrec
torn of tho Intui'Htiitu iiiLTfliali'tS'
coumll, n hi (inch ofitho Clilcrtiid Ah
Hoeliitlon of CoiumniTo iluvoUul t'i
ralaliiK retail morehniiUUInK uinthmU
lo n higher pleo IhroiiKh inliicatlou
of IU mombui'H, Tho board U com
puncil of ouo lopruRontutlvo from
ouch Htnlo. MontliiHH uro huld buiiiI
uununlly ut CIiIcuko.
Paul Olivia of Wiitorloo, lu wim
nomlmiloil for prcHldout of Iho conn
ell nml II. Ithmlox of Tiicomn wnn
niuoiiK tlio dlroctorrt Holectuil, Tlio
next mootiiiK will bo ut Chlcat'o In
lliririlx' fur Vriii-x l',iii lid lit Hi'
I fill I'm- Trill Irfinrii. Mil) Oil
llellif fi'iini Taxation
I'-.M.KM. Her II.- A. (.'. Ilntlinr.
main fli iiiurnhlit, na Id thnl If the
hum nl Anlorlu lenrhnn $ 1 1). 11(10,1101)
nn icporteil huru II will lavrouno-lhn
i.iiui i ; i i ih for thn ainln t It tn imr
hy punnllily IftO per ri'iit over the
total lliut un cxperlril.
In thn last flvo yen in put toROthur
the lolal fire Ions In (lrei;on hnn at:
urer.ati'd only nllRlitly ulioui 10,
oiiii.ouo. Ilnrher today pnlil a IiIrIi rout
pllmeiil to I'lru Chief 1'inler ill An
t mill, who l nlnn eleclrlenl Innpect
or anil hiilhllui: Inspector.
"lln It I'll" of thn mont nffli'dil
men In thn nt.ile." wihl Ilnrher. "limit
ppifiirmn all of bin ilutlen In nil nml
ueiitly nnllnfueory miiiinur." i
I'n.. lid,. Ill lief Seen
Tiitiillotl ctperln heto today paid
It lulKht he ponnlhln for the Clntfop
eoutity court nt Antorln to nraiil
iiiiiik relief lo nupiiyerit wlio nro lo
nra In the flrn Whether thlit would
hn feunlhln or not would ho n lualtui
for thn roil r I to derlifc.
While thn un,HmtiiPiil rutin are
romplt'lud ami nrrnpleil by tho (OUli
ty hoard of eiiiallatlou. II Moiiht ho
piinlhln. It In n.tlil, for tho county
court lo nllon- refuniU. .If itirli were
lintliloiieil for by tho intiKiyvr. Tho
Uw ullolnK Iho eourl to nllnw in
iiHenniunntn. II In until, would lint ex
nelly uply III thin etnerRency. nllirw
leannnnninenln onllnnrlly nro nllowed
for thn purpoio of rorrcitliiR urrnrn
In nnnnnniiinnt roll.
AKTOItIA, Ore. l-c. It -It wnn
Minn Jonephlnn Hoerl. nlRht tele
phono operator, who not 'iho flrnt
inennnRen of thn Uw. nml .Ml Ho
irt nluek to bur pont until tho
iliOUrtion c( K hulbllllR ndJolurtlR
tho .tnlepbnnn richnnRO ilrovo her
ftom the hnlldliiK.
Temporary connection wcr
tnhllnheit In thn nrotlliil floor of the
city hull nml nil lone illntnuco line t
routeil throtiRh that room. '
With Minn llovert wm Mr. IVnrl
(Jure, nlKht chief oiierntor, who
worked ihroiiRhout tho entlru day
until Friday
IN fllAltUt: OP rirv
AKTOItIA. Dec. 11. Thin city',
provlninnul Kovnrmnvlit, In ehurRn j
of n commlilco nf 10, nldiil by tlmj
Itml Cronn. 100 htueJnrketH nml vol-,
unteer ex-rervlco men, tuklliK
earn of relief and mnlnlulnluK order
today wbllo btinlnonn men wero dan
iilnn tempornry uunrtert.
poitTLAXii srHSfnuii:s
POItTI.ANI). Dee. 1 1. Portland
hunlnenn men today mthierlbed JMB.
001) for Anlorlu relief, ndopled u ro
nolullon nnklnit Unit no.OOU ho Port
lund'H iiutrlliotli n. nml nppoluted u
vommlllvn to ro-operalo with tho
AMorlu coinmllleo In relief work.
Com let Ion In Kioto Coint Not llnr
To lT, K. Piii-ecullon
viction In u nlntn court for violation
of iho Htato prohibition law In not u
bar to mihauquvnt protocijtlon In tho
United Stnti'ii court for tho auinu of
founn under thn ViMntcud net. tho
Hiipmmu court hold todny In n cnto
hroiiKht by tho Unltod States In tho
Htato of WiuhliiRtnti iiKulnnt Dick
llurto mid other.
Tlio buionu'lrlc irtauro, mi ludl-
eaten ny ino
elti rUnrmnKrni'lr
u t ,VilWrWiod
Phnrmucy, 1."!
been rlsliiK aloud
lly ulnco yentorday
mornluK until noon
today, when nn
ntlior dip down
ward commniieod,
Uimuttlud coiult
tlotttt uro Imllcut
oil. KurccRNt for nul
21 Iieuih:
Cloudy uuHoltlod wuatbor, Btoiin
hrowltiK lo Houth.
Tho Tycos recordliiK Uiormoniolor
roKUtorod max I mil m nml minimum
tiiinpnriiturca today ns fQllewa:
llluh 20
."' ,--,-,.,'
m I I
1 7ppfj: lAIFflTHMFR
Thermometer Drops to 13
Below At Wcnntchcc;
Coldest Day Here
Portland, Dec. II.- Tho nmrtli
went In In tho crip of n cold wave,
with II 1 1 lo jironpcct for nn luimnillato
Ulenr cold wenther. with innw
fri'in o.iit-hnlf Inch lo two foot defp
trnlny pri'WilIrd nver Wnshlnptoii.
Teiuperultirn niar.eil from 13 below
at Weniitehep to 12 nbovo ut Olynt
plii. Thn Iheruioiiibler ntood ut nix
lieluw nt Hpuknne.
At Wnlla Wull.1 It Man 13 hnlnw
nml nt llelllnRhain II nbovo with 13
luring of unnw.
With tfnvnn nbovo a flm iiilnlmiim
and 20 above nt tho mnxlmuin lent
Pra(urei. ihln In ih( coldont day of,
record hern thin winter. Tim fore
C6nt Iiullral.-H roiillnueil cold Wijatli
Joint (' lili'ii'iirc Held lo Plan I'll
lutv Pnllllral Artliui
CI.KVKI.ANII. Dec. II. Farmer
and labor have (Uncovered that their
Joint power roiupji throURh the pri
mary and ther,, In now hope Hint
our political and Industrial futurn
In nufer thnn It ovtr wan before.
William II Jnhnnton, International
president of tho machlnlitn' union,
derlnrcd hern today In tho open
Iiir ronferencn for proRrotwIvo pol
itical action liter which Nn irwblM.
Labor, fnrmer-lnhor, nnnpa'rtlnlan
IriiRtie. pmcreMlven and tiM-lallntt
Rroup nttumled the ciliiferenc4 to
plan political nrjlon.
.IMillMoriu' Atkiiiiallon Will Meet
Welnedn- Km-iiIiik
llecniuo nf the Frank Itranch It II
ey lecture ut the Pluo Tree theatre
lonlcht. tho KlnuiAtli Hportnineiu'
UHoclatlon mcetliiR twlieduled for to
il lull t ban been pndpouod until
Tburnday nlKht, It wan announced
today. Severn! mnttern of Import
unco uro to bo cotinlderod nud thn
offlrors of tho iiMorlatlon hope for n
larso utlcinlniico. The moetlni; will
bo hold In tlio chamber of commcrcti
r : ii
II. (.'i iii,l- rtiidlliC; A i i Klla. 3r,, and her chili! touched On-llt-nn
i "f Hi" Kraud JuryiUf im Indlrtad Ahrabnui llerker. Ilronx (N. Y.)
Inxl drl-r. for wife niurjlir ufflrlBti eliarRed that Decker hat hi wife
with a handier ond thrti dI-kI lirr 4i ill llvo body In a Ilmo pit. Minn
I Kiln ii the othir won
woman ire ciaiid Juiynl
"nk up
Iliivli.'iinl nf It'diPit (IrnriV Nhi)er
It. llni. Vir Old .Vol l-ntn
IIoiiii- of Own 1'irf Will
HI.I.KNSUUItd. Wath... w. u
"I certainly will lake Mabel hack
and rIu her nnother chant.-.' Ik A.,
Nlcholi, Northern Pacific brnkiman.
declared hero on hi retHrs from
Ktamath Pall, whuro hU wlfn l
held for the thootlux Ho-vetulier 2 of
Hubert dreer, a I no of Ullcn-burK. In
n lonely mountain ewldn &o hiIIm
south or Head. ftleboU la e,envlacid
that oven If hi wife did loa-u
KllmMliurK with Creer nf her own
fmo will, nml kho aver nb" did not.
ube Km forced lo rc-malu wMh him
nhtm be wan dutmirat Ii her de
sire to communicate urfth ker hM
band In KltoHtburjf.
Tluenleiieil With Dcnlli
Mr. NlchuU wan threatened with
, Invtant dwtlh If h o-ntHunlctd
i with home or gel frjlVf MUJ?'r Ml I
. Jo f-t fro'mUir, she tfarUrvtl tnj
her hunl-Niml. II even forcml her to;
Hccoirtny him on M deliveries of
I whlakey, wblek alio !) Ureer man-
iKHCtu-ati on a i.irCkio in iita ca i
bin. Mr. Nleboln' ,tiKirtlon that the!
waa ninilo to 1(MV with Ureer
ni(aluit her will It bornn out by the
rrt that a uot found In Ihe kitchen
tln0 of the Nit-hut' hobm hero af
ter nhe dlnapiw.'aied real' "1 am ro
Ihr ot beenuM 1 want t -. hut at the
point of nun."
r ,
HiiiToii At'yiTrrKO
DI'ltANtiO. Colli.. Dec. 11. Rod!
S Day. editor of the DurniiRo Dewn-I
erat. was today nc'tulttvd cf the.
chnrRo of the murder of William I
Wood, city oJltor, ut DurunRo lam
April. A wrdict wan returned after'
13 ballutH. '
T- relieve the deilltutlou of thc ncor iud
a collection and Rave tier 1125.
IntindiKlloii nf Direct Tcxlliuony
roniptilial! X,'r Vllnf--ox In
Ho llranl tn Itehuttiil
WASIIINOTON. Dee. 1 1. 1l(nr-
Inn on the Southern Pacific appli
cation tn retain control rf tho Cen
tral Pacific entered Into final ntaRC
today whoa Introduction of direct
tmtlmsny wan completed. Attor
ney, however, nrranRed to call new
r.llnoe In rebuttal. A tentative
aKrwmt-nt wan reached for an ox
teiwlve oral nrRiunent for tho com
mlMdon aftr tho brief ha been
I. N. KIneli, Rcneral superinten
dent of (ho OrcRon-WathinRton Hall
way & NavlRntlou company, wni re
ealletl today for crois examination
by Southern Pacific reprctcntatlvcs.
Klnch wa (jueitloaed at to bin an-
nertloaa that Joint uno of railroad '
facHitle-i In thn northwest on any I
(Mlenalvp tcnle had proved practical,
i fflent and futlnfactury to tho pub
lic. .
Old Sthcdulu Will I to Adopted lle
clnniiii: l'rld.ij .Moriiluc
Thc evening train to Kirk will
b stopped by the. Southern Pa
cific December IS, and a .return
made to the old schedule that pro
vailed prior to latt sprliiR.
The train from Weed will run
through to Kirk Thursday evening
for tho last time.
lleRlnnim; Friday morning tho
Kirk patnunger will leave here at S
o'eloek, returnliiK at 12; CO. A
fr.dKht train will leave at S:10, ro
turning in tho afternoon.
Tho local train to Wcd will
maintain the sauio schedule, leav
litK here ut 10:10 a. m., and ar
riving nt C:15 p. m.
.Vnllim-Wlile Cnnipnlitti HiIiikIok Kt
t -lh tit H"olli TlioiiianiN Ank i
i'or Jlorc Inforiiintloii
two wtek' limn, from Novumbnr 2",
to December i, C.illforalans, Inc., re
cnlved approximately 10,000 Inquir
ies in answer lo tho preliminary nil
vni'llneiHent denlr.ned to nttrnrt pco
phi to this stnlo, publlnhcd In two
niaRailnmi nf largo national circula
tion nml In a limited number of can
torn newspapors.
Thin In nccordliiR to Dr. H. M. Han
tail, ninnnRer of tho cnmpalRn, with
bin hiKidnunrtcrn In Son Franclncn
lly actual count, Hantall said, the re
plies pawed tho 3,100 mark on !
tembcr 3rd and linit panned tho 10,
onu mark tho next nflcrnoon.
SIOD.IHIII I'llllll ITnl'il
Thc work In being flnnnced from
tho 1 100.000 advertising fund mis
cd la Hnn Francisco several months
ago for the purpose of making bet
ter known tliroURhout the country
Hint part nf the. state north of thc
A dlntant Incorporated orRanlza
lion has been formed lo carry on.
the campaign and designated Call
fornlann. Inc. After weeks of study
Its ndrertlnlng policies were deter
mined by a committee compoied of
1C It. KlnRshurr. C. II. Hontly. A. II.
('. Dohrmann. II. F. Hchleslngiir, and
neral others, .and they are now be
ing put Into effect urdea the direc
tion of Dr. IUntall.
.Many CIunM-m of IinUlrle-
An Interview with Dr. Hastall
brought out these peints:
Tho Inquiries received aro divided
Into many classes. Thousands have
merely slRned tholr names In thn
coupon nt the corner of tho adver
tisements, sonifying their desire to
receive tho literature on California
which the boost organization has for
illttilbutM or Is l'reparliii: to dis
tribute. It In. of course. Imponilhln
to determine, what tho specific Inter
est of these peoplo may be.
Thousands havo" written lotters
asking for more or less specific In
formation about conditions In dif
ferent parts of the state. Some are
reeking to know about employment
conditions, while a considerable
number ask about Investment possi
.California 1-egMnturo Will llf
AkUihI to Mnko Chanm-s
Tho California game commission
will recomend to tho state legislature
that tho gamu laws bo chanced to
permit tho export of migratory birds,
but Is unfavorable to tho export of
native gnmo owing to tho lack of
ndequato gamo conservation laws in
Novuda. This was reported by Wm.
McNealy and J. J. Furber upon their
return from Sacramento where they
attended tho' annual conference of
tho western association of gamo
commissioner, hold Monday and
Tuesday of Inst week.
A. K. llurgliduff, stuto Ramo war
den, advised that ho had ordered
300,000 eastern brook trout eggs to
be shipped to tlio Crooked creek hat
chery for distribution In Klamath
county and Diamond lake. He also
stated that In order to prevent the
trapping of beaver lu Klamath coun
ty, that no permits for tho purchase
of beaver hldos taken on the Klam
ath Indian reservation would bo Is
sued. Hu said It was necessary to
take this action to provent trapping
beaver on streams outside tho reser
vation and then marketing them as
ones trapped by tho Indians.
Slnco thore appears to bo somp
mlsundorslnndlng ns tp .flip, fishing
season In this county, llurgliduff
stated that tho closed season was
from Fobrunry 1 to May 15.
Holders of 131$ war savings
stamps, which will bocome duo
Jununry 1, nr0 advised by Post
master' McCall that they will bo
exchanged ut tho or at
nny bank for treasury savings cer
tificates on a basis of nn oiual face
value and H.50 lu cash for each
25 of stamps. For J 100 In stamps
tho holder would rocelvo a treas
ury certificate for that amount nnd
$18, and for $1,000 would rqcotvo
a treasury certificate for that
amount, two $100 certificates nnd
$10 In cash.
rmoK fivh cww
Needs for Development Are
Pointed Out in Bril
liant Address
Lighting tho serious background
of his talk with sclntlllant flashes
nf wit. Frank Ilranch Illley, In an
hour's talk before th0 chamber of
commerce forum today, painted a
picture of tuttiro development of
tho west a west that Is to be not
only n playground, but n commer
cial and Industrial bulwark of thn
Itlley told the audience truths
that were not new, but his method
of expounding them Ih different. As
a r.esult tho forum was wrapped in
an atmoipbcro of Interest, punctur
ed nt Intnrvnls hy explosions nt
laughter and npptausn when somn
telling shaft of humor went home,
from start to finish of tho address.
"Tlio Way You Do It"
It's not what you do, but thn
way you do it; or as a nationally
famed comedian paraphrases It:
"It's not what you chew, but the
way you chow It."
And Itlley has a gift of clothing
truths that all subscribe to ns ax
iomatic, with a colorful robe of
brllllanco, and tho hearer carries
away a vivid Impression ot the
Rrcatnesn of tlio west, which, even
It he has lived In tba west for a
lifetime, ho did not have before.
Especially the future west, link
ed together by adequate transpor
tation systems, thn old barriers
down, tho barriers raised by pro
vincial prejudice as well as those
ccmtcithy 'U.tun-IUiJti'Rreat "
rivers of power harnessed to In
dustry; It.n ocean crossod by hun
dreds of trade routes; Its forests
nnd its farm supplying tho 'na
, Vital Stepping Ktono '
And n vital stepping stono to this
development, says' Itlley Is tho tour
ist. Th0 tourist Is attracted by
tho scenery In tho first Instance,
but bo Is hold by tho commercial
possibilities o( tho new land.
For Instance, said the speaker.
thero nr0 40,000 lowans his na
tive state Is Iowa In I-os Anceles.
And a survey shows that original
ly only flvo per cent camo to Los
Angles to locate. The 03 per cent
camo sooklng recreation. Ilut'they
liked tho climate and the bustling
spirit, they saw commercial oppor
tunity ,and went back homo, sold
their goods and land and returned
to become citizens and boosters o!
th0 Southern California metropolis.
Kant Wllllnj; Listener
Tho lack among easterners ot
tho most olementary Ideas of west
ern resources U appalling, said
Itlley, but they aro willing listen
ers. They rapidly nsslmllito slm
plo truths that tho Indian Is not a
menace to lite, If one manages to
keep out ot tho way ot his high
powered car for uxmaplo.
Tho speaker complimented Klam
ath's chamber ot commerce for lt
accomplishments, declaring that Us
oxistenco would bo Justified for
years to coin0 It It could point to no
othor nchlevomont than the Inaug
uration of tho successful war
against the western pine beetle.
Although this In bis first visit,
ho said, ho had long admired Klam
ath from afar; and, cited severoU k
reasons for Klamath's fame-r-It'k. .
Modoc war, and more ecettUr. It' ..
courthouso' war; llert Hall, . Ahe, i ut
bonlfnce. and Fred Fleet, official -wolcomer
of metropolitan jnayM
among othp'r reasons .that had. from
tlmo to tlmo turned, the publicity. i.
spotlltlitjpu' Klamath.
tjrniley 'give tho forum lore-
tni't'o 'otlly.ot tho lecture that he.
will' deliver tonight at-the Plne Tre
the'atre. Ho spoko to a hundred
peoplo, tho largest forum crowd
that has assembled tor a long tlw.
POHTI.AND, Dec. Jl, er Mt
ly 7Co higher, qows and hMr See"
higher, choice steors $7 t. tlMi
top bogs 2Bq !ilKhor,urMtIi(4irj
prime llhtt $8 to $.5 V!
Bteady, eggs weak-, UMettlsn lHHf
firm, stronger tone. - t
. M :;
- tl
Iflfl '' 'I
. uu',;;"'
. Pi
- 6
. "v -
it J ,
y .