The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 07, 1922, Image 1

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    j .,., r.rjn.
- . j7-tvyCTag .-roar mt -MfwawwiwirMwq.
University LlbrAry
Riigenv, Orrjoa
tKUtmna Herald
TONIOIIT AM) I'llllt.W l'Allt
' i
Member of the Associated Press
HUjrcnlli Yrmv No. 01117
- .1 A a. - .
gOURt 'HOfSE FIGtff Gd9M
Formal Notice of
From Skipworth Decree
Served Today
. a ...... a ilMttillitlnfitFiLtiltiljilftllilitiitHtt(r.
ronimi none m oi'I'-.i i" mr
Oregon supremo r.uirl f.nm the ie-
lollt decision lit Judge SklpttOllll.
In which tlm Hourihi IiuIIiIIuk win
niljudci'it tlm leititl iouiI luiutn of
Klamuih (oiinly, Dili iinrnliii; nit
wrvtnl by ntlururyu (or Ktiliimtli
tounty on iitlorucy for Trunk Wnhl
riiiiililnliiiuil In Din mil nf t-'r.inli
Ward. n ln'r. KlamMh
county. It. II lluiinoll. ,M K..rd)c
and llurrcll Hliort
Kcillin of uiiiiiil iviiv ulii mrieil
i- ,... i in, i i,
Klamath IJotelomiient rompany. lu Hn.llh ImwrninR.d will, n rorpi llm official courlhmuo of Klam
blch tho county ouKht lo ion I ' " ,,n,' kr,,no1 b" '" r','t '" lt", c0n'
delivery of title lu lllnrk 10, iltx of
the Htt H ii Inn utiucture. mid In
which JudRn SkliiMorlh de.ree.l that
KUmitli couuty hut no lutereit In
the title and illiiulimed the cite.
Follow ril Iti'l.ap'n Aillou
Thn Action of the county court In'
Mrjlnu notlcn of nppiul fullotre I
that of .County Clerk ('. It DeMp.
who thli mornliiR ilirted lu mme
the record) from hi officii In the
wooden strurluro to the iidjolnluc)
Houruii bultdlntt,
In tfa nrlnlon of atlnrue)' fur
r'rank Ward, It Is nut probable that
thu case will comn before the u
promo court In leis than soren
months And even thuuch ntturneys
for the county am wllllnr. to curry
up tho appeal without fee, a. Jiidse
llunnnll aald thej were wllllitR to do. (u nm ahow that will bo prepared
the prellmlnar) expense would tint fur them
Ihi loss than $1,000. Thla would np I
ply in Printing nnd puhlle.,.!.,,,,' 0,L STATION, DORRIS
Phould the county rnurl f.ill In win)
their cao tlm iinta would also tie r flunt 11,-Ior liiklutled It) Stun-
aijneii to me expense minping mo
total up to thousand dollars
Seven Month, t'uiisi'i viitl.n
Ordlnarll). It wn s.Ud. n.neiii000 K',ll,,n ,'"'u. '"' Instnlliv!
months wnnld he n ronseivathn es
tlmatu, hut In this uno It wnn po. P " Probably bo com-! " ' "' ''
slble Hint tlm supremo court would ideted ' by January I, It w.u an-. In tho county school superintend
muvn It abend on the docket. 'nounred today by tlm local office, i ent'a nnd .county assessor1 offices
Kuiiiori of u recall were renewed
today when It In came Known that nu I
uppoul was In bo m.ide, nnd the
probability of aurh nctlnn was I ho.
subject of much discussion.
IloxliiK. IvmIm mid Heneriil flood
Time Prniul.oil for 1'ililny
lloilni;, eati nnd it good
dmo I promised nt tho Aniorlcan
li-Ulon Niuokei, to bu hold lu thn Io
nian' club roolilK Kilduy etculng.
Thn amnlier li open to nil ex-nortlt-0
men and tulerun of tho KimuIiIi
Ainerlcun war urn npnrlully Intlted,
areordliig In thn rolumlltee, II C
Mori) Hum mid ltd Mitcl.our.hlln.
On I ho' program will Hurl
Itltchli) und l.ctv Mllkr, nml Kid
Herbert and J ml, llurmuu, both lu
four-round exhibition mittehei. Tlm
famnu mldiirl lioxeis, Tuffy Andet
sou iind Kid Illelin, will alio appear,
vi:.Tiii:u I'lioiiAiiii.iTii.ri
Thu Duromotrlc. ,preiiro roao
nieauiiy lulling
llm nlitlil find till
murulug tho Cy
rlu, UtoimJErnpli
nt Vii i
rmumnry legis
tertM, in
dkntloiiH nVo tlut
tonluht i wll Im
tleny nml (lcohJ,
Last night was tho
coldral of tho boh
mi llm thmmome
ter rnulHtuiIni? u
tcmpurntiiro of 1 1 at 0 o'clock this
Korocitst for next 21 beurn:
FW weather, with Inlsk tvlnd
which will diminish, ,
Tho Tyco lucordliig thoimomntor
reRUtored nmxlmum iuhI mlulmuin
luiijpct attire (odpy ns follena:
i , High ..,., 28
j.ow ;.... ii
I' ; )
Formal Opening of
Christmas Season Is
Scheduled Tuesday
Knrmiil opening of I lu ('hruttium
season In mlirillllril for next Tilnsda)' ,
evening, Willi M.iln aim I d-enrnted i
' wild Christmns iri'i'n, nil iln lolnreilj
lights phi) lug, tirlnn In ihln rcapeit
vtlth the baud, nnd till llm
ke) at Urn ill) Iumi.mI otor In Hun
lu Clitun
l Tim' tmri'aii nl lust
nlghl' mooting unanimously mlnpt
'nl llm Idea originated dy. W. o
I .
"'".,, . .. ' V" '; "V. ...
j " "'.' "" ' , " ' ' " ' - ""
' niinnul fhrUtiniia rliklmti
j T)(). -,,ri jjj Vr(
I chrUlmui tree for street ilrror.i
tlosn -imn Irro in orrry :. f(
will tin mnihllril inrrrltnnli nt ,i ilol-
lnp rrtrll
In n hIimI nuiv.iM I liln
tnornltiK Bnillh ulRnml up llm IiiihI-
itiMH iritlnn from Kouith to CIrIiIIi
",',, ""'"' 'h.- I'oMntflr,. hlnrk
m " ,",'l '"" '"'"'r ttmlw
" ' xU prn,l,,,,! ,""1" ,h" l,"lll,n-
tioriM or uiiiinuiini mm iinnin in
IndoplliiR the upreaJliiK Idea.
Htore will not he open Tuemliiy
evenlnc, hut all the wlmluwit will
dlnplay Chrlstnim r.ood nnd n Pn ra
tline for window hnpperi will ho
Tlm hand concert I nrheduted to
j itart nt 7 30 and hut fomi hour
or more
llhiiliy rrmiiUed
Mrrrhanta have lakrii hold nf tho
Idea with enlhuiluam nnd Ihiito pro-
mlie lo be a Rreut deal of frlandly
rivalry In the. .n-Uou of nrlUtlc
Christmas almonphern around the
various e.lilitltiniul,-
They are preparh.R an nctunl mr.
nant of Christmas, iillmluntliiR fur
(lie evenliiR nil cnmmerrlnl rnnadi-1
rrntlons. Tlm public will luivn no
npporlunliy to apeml money All
,,,at I. naked I their participation
,M(at on Compuiiy
An oil station. IncludlnR two
" '"' io niannnru mi com-
i ...
Thu now station will bo virtual
ly thu aamo n that Instulled nt
Chllmiuln by tho Standard. It will
voter 15,000 sauaro feel and will
bo modern lu every detail. Truck
sertlco for the outlying districts as
well ns for 'tral customer will ho
furnbihcd. Several men will ho cm
ployed. Installation of (ho new station
li lu lino with tho Standard' pnl
ley to servo ull of this territory, j
it was Hum. with completltlou nf
tho Million nil rural district from
DorrlH to Klilc will bo fully serv
ed. ' -
llev. (;. II. 1'eei.c, runner lle.ldeiil,
Hn)N Prophet Aic lllglit
Industry wn not liicklng, for he.
utid it helper vet it record unequalled
before or slum when they .cleared
and planted 100 acre of Klamath
Milloy land In otto season, hut the
farmlnn vonturo didn't pay, said thu
He 0, H, IVrso, old'tlmo realdelit
of Klnmuth, In n series of remlnl
cencos at the chamber of commerco
forum yesterday, I
II lit that did not rnuso thn farm
ing pieachor to lose fnlth lu Klam
ath, Ho tulnku yet that thn prop;
hols who helltWu that Klamath KnllB
.will Hdmo ayibo inthn.lflt)pkriti)
huvo tho right dope.
Itejioit That lrnped Mudeiexs Wiih
Keen l'rtiti'H Unfoiimleil
8AN DIKUO, Cul., Hoc. 7. no
port Hint Mm. Clara Phillip, I.os
Angole miuderesa, wit scon In
TIJuamt ycatordny nnd had possibly
taken roftigo In n cabin near tho
ocoiui, proved (also today nftor nn
Qt R. DcLap Vucatcs Wood-
I '
en structure; Action unicu
On Skipworth Decree
With tho other county officer looklur en. Count)- CIcik
C. H. ftil.-ip this morning started
moving tlm I omnia from tho office
lu tli) wooden itructtiro Inlo tint
i adjoining Muln street (ourt'io'iie.
"I hove, called their band; lot
''' "P 11" " "W c-tn t3Ui
i. -.. . . i
i "If thoy do top mr, ltpal -
lr. I'M mon hack, mhirwlii. wo
will contlnup to nioe."
I)eUp takrs a nuthorlly for hit
action the. recent declilnn of Jildl.-rt
flklpnnrth, lu which It decreed
that the. Main Ntrci't utructuro was
t'uder 910,0110 lloml
"If this In tho official courthoiuo
why not uto It." al.rd DeUip
"Tluro can not be two courthouses
Uisldi-a. I am under n J 10.000
bond nn custodlaii of thu county
records, aud I don't proposo to
leave tliosn rccoriu in wiai uiu
wooden bullillnR any InnRcr."
Dcl.ap tbreatencil lo move aome
, , , l,.i
da), .no, h.n ho appeared W".
the county court. County JudRn
tbe county
-"-HUB VWIUII u..i. v,...... ..
nunnell replied that ho would mote1"' " . "
Z hi.."n risk" The.eupon,
e,,p madu preparation, for moV
inn, and (hi. mernlnr: bl. office
-a. lh- iceno of bustlo nnd con
(UIon, ti,0 heavy vault doors wore
' ,..,,., .....i (rn,fer of tho records'
! ,. sllltn ,ho clcrk., offle
lu tho new liulldliiR nro nt tho
mst end of tho bulIdluK. ndJolnlnK
the old bulldlnc. tho work was
somewhat almpllfled. A plank was
estended from window to window
and rnenrda and tlm less neny
paraphernnll.i' was simply carried
ncross tho Improvised urtURO. jno
IO.-iVHllU ,, oni, 0,hcr hMVy oh-
J(M W(rf) ,,an(ei, ,,y ,lrn,.mCn. j
ff.s.t- LViliiiiy l(tiaiaVlt
.,..! mn...l ,ll, lhl') .'H..V. .... ...-.,V",
I"""""'" v --...-.-- -
(Continued on Page )
m:sjmv?mtxmr. n Wx'jmmrBssto. " ..(is;.
mmmmm wmta&mm . .
pssvw nn mwr. n5, n ? &&W77r mwy
WJfc??7Mwi r?:i!sssssssll sr
bitter fight is,
i lilnli'i Dcilnml (iiiiiciil II)- I iilmi
, I'.Mlflr; MliMIr UV.t Hlrnnrj
I'nr t'liniPiapr nf l.lliei
WAHIIINtiTON, lUc. 7 llectar
''J '''nho " fnc011 w" "Mrticalb
a railroad iiioncipty by the I'm in Tu-
inrir. nnd that if tho Central Parifir
wi-ro icinruloi! from lhi Houilmrn
Pacific It noil lil full Inlrt lh- roiirul
of I lie t'nlnii I'uclflc. Brnatr.r (Joul
Inc. rrpuullriin, lilalm. Im urRcil
tho IntrrMsiin coinnu'rro lornrnU
Iqi to cr.inl tlm Soutlmm Pacific
pitltlnn fur rnntrot of tlm (Vntrul
I'nilflc ll tuilil tho I'nl 1 I'mlflc
hint vrpckitl lilulin hy hi li rafii.
"U'm know niaitly hut
tO I'XIU'ft
If Hid I'll Ion I'.tclflr U ulltmcil to
ilomlnnln tlm Cintrnl I'nrlflc'
atnr ciooillnc dochirrd. "Italic lll!fir
j ronlltiun to bo tlm hlRhnt that there
nro In tho country. It li not hanl.iirm n... n.., .i
; l0 icullie Mint U the mati.r ltli
lilnliti now when ou r.ial tli rata t
reheduli-i whlih thu t'nlnn I'aclflcl
malntulns. ViV linvo Just a liopo
that the Southern Pacific, retalnlnR
Central I'ndflc. will some day build
up lato Idaho from Oj.ilcn. Vlnh.
and Rhe ua competition.
"I nm mured In this matter to
urRi continued unity of the t'o
roads solely by a dealro to too my
stnto Rrow lu the future,"
Continue 'Atlnck
Traffic association of the middle
, ,, v i
-" "' "' """",7
I r.un yesterday on tlm Southern !
' ..
clflc'a nppllcatton to retain the Cen
" '
......,., ..!.. -.... ,ll. r.t
'"?"" "r'atlpn gf com-.J
JJ-1:? Z
rntJn wcrn calIei, wl,nM.
nrporntluua wvrn called a wllr
sex All advanced tho nrgument that ,
t i ik pcuinvrn i jic.iic, n iuiuii in
... ....
" ''., ""' "r..U"B:
in xr inline ucm i'i liio dtiitiiiiiu iiuir
,Mclfc roalU t tho exfenso of tho
m(1,0 Wllll ndJho MlwlMlppI nil-
,y r0iucilnR area Rcnerally.
An in,jPM.n,C,t Central Pacific
,11(J onCrnK San Kwnrisco. tli ,
, COnieniled. was neceasnr) to Klvc
proper rnmpetltho renlce.
ki'HK.m: MKN DllOWN
KUOKNB, Dec. 7. Cicorgo I),
I. Inn. proprietor of tho Kiifeno
Sand nnd (iravel company, nnd
lf.... Klud ... m.t.iln. .... UATH
,!, l lh,. Wlllameto rler,
Wlllametu rheri
. ..... ........ ... ... --- --- -j
'today when tholr boat upset. I
i " i
chge-ild!! r4 ' !
AnrWKIffl XAi-' .r V" wimr ' :
nipm iir j.nrn
Mistake In Cans
Is Fatal
To Eugene Family: Death
Lisl Reaches Seven
i:U(!i:?.'i:, Dec 7. KU nmnll rlill
ilrrn nii'l one mimnn aro iloail today
mid thrco Rrown pvrsoni and one
child nro ittffirltiR from hurm rc
rf'hcil lnt nlRht wlicn n can of gnio
line, mUtukon for kproii-nc. rxplod
I'd nlmn the roalcnln wcTi poured
Into n Btovii to aid n nmoldcrlnr.
rr. Uer Jolm.?i nt ul.n.n immn
,,..-., CilllrHl. ,,., f .,. .,'rinu,iv
lujurcil children, died i-nrly today,
,i,auinB tho death Htt V. Tho dead:
.Mi. Iter Joliiixiti,
.Mnml .Inlinioii, I,
I i-Mi) .loliimoii, 2.
Willi mi Ctiurili. 0.
Ortllle Cliunli, .".
I M.i Cliunli, :i.
IlliWi! (tiurtli, I.
her Johnson nnd Clifford John.
son, ancd one, and Mr. and Mr.
j , , ' , . , , ,
iJo)insnn wns not seriously burned.
Tntiin. r.l..vMl. nHn l.t M Im.nllnl
inml may lenvo tho hospital today.
I , ...... , . ,
Arcnrilliii- to 111 storr. tils wife Inli
, ,.
( took thu Ra. I
rene can. and th
ne can for a kero-
IIia nTtilnln. fnllnttntl
""'- '"" -r.w. -,.......,
fltllnR the house with tlnmes.
.,.; Cb,reh pflma
' "? . ?T
visiting wlththe Johnsons,
,.- ........ v........ u...-
j n. ,iir kiiiii't uiinnu -'hj-
-r, Hoiiml ()ir to Ornml Jury
Mrs Mabel Nichols, who confessed
tn tii0 la)ltiB of her coiupnnlnn.
Itolnirt (Ircer, at tho Summit stnRO
station last Saturday mornlnR, and
who was broiiRht here fullowliiR nn
Inquest nt Cro.tccnt. )csterdny waiv
ed preliminary Ucirlng In the jus-
tlco court and was bound over to tho
pnind Jur'. Ilall wai fixed at $5.-
000, which was not fuinlshed. She
was lodged In tho county Infirmary
t?linr.l Mlln ulll t'A liolll 111 HUnlt thl)
-.. .....
action of the grand Jury, now in ats-
Wrap Packages .With
Care and Mail Early,
Is Postmaster's Plea
Wrap your pncknRo securely, ad'
dreiM It plainly and mall It early
then If It Is not delivered In Reed
condition nnd In tlmn for Christmas
)oil liaru a IcRltlmate complain.
aRnlnsl tho poalnffltc.
This was tlm Rlsl of a talk on
co-operation between patron nnd
postmnafer. Riven hy Postmnster
John MrCnll nt tho chamber of com.
merco forum )clcrday.
hiiRReitlon I.U'ril ,
Hern nro a few of tho postmaster's
Wrap with n tough paper; Ho with
n atout cord; wrjte. or print tho ad
dress plainly with Ink; placo return
address In upper left hand cerner:
attach address to article Itself In
slilo tho wrapper; Inclose articles
llnblo to hreakaRc In corrugated pa
per or wooden boxes, nnd pack In
excelsior or similar substance; If
contents aro frncllo or perishable.
Indicate this consplclously; giro It
tho "onco otcr" before you mall It
to sco that all these conditions are
compiled with, and last of all Insure
Then ll'a up to the postofflce.
New Htructurc At nUmond Ijikc la
.Made of Peeled IxKa
PORThAND, Dec. 7. Construc
tion of n rustic hotel at Diamond
lake. 20 miles north of Crater lake,
Is well under way, according to an
nouncement of Walter I-ove, former
ly of tho local burcan nf planting,
United States forest -iertlrr, 'to 4
stationed at Iloscburg as forest ex
aminor or uie umpqun iorcsi. -cvei
Is a Tlsltor In Portland on two weeks' j
Tho new hotel which Is of peeled
togs, 40 hy 100 foot, will li.tvo tent
accommodations nnd cottages to at
tract vlsltorj to tho now rcserTO
next summer. The lake will bo c.tsi
My nccoMlhlo hy motor over tho now
road and last )car was visited by
moro than tOOO persons. It Is lo
cated In an usually scenic spot near
the summit of tho Cascade rnngo at
an oletnllon of 5200 feet! Thcro Is
excellent fishing.
Tho forest service has sot nildo n
strip three miles long for en nip
ground and theie aro 25 summer
home sites available, most of the
permit for which have already been
applied for. There are nlso a dozen
boat on tho laku which may bo rent
ed to fishermen. This road which
lmuls from Crater lako will bo com
pleted thl summer as far as Cres
cent lake, making an exceptionally
Interesting tour.
Conference, Colleges Vote on Toot
ball Team to Meet Kusterner
POnTI.AND. Dec. 7. -Tho Unlvor-
slty of Southern California's foot
ball team wa selected to meet the
Penn Stuto eleton In thu Now Year's)
ganio at Pasadena, nccordiug to an
nouncement received hero from Dr.
I'. U. Dulmck. prsldcnt of tho Pacific
Coast IntcrcolleRiato conference.
Dr. Duback said that Southern'
California received the vote of six
schools In tho Pacific coast confer
ence; Unit orally of Oregon and Uni
versity of California received ono
each. Tho schools voting for South-
i -.......... n ..
eru, v,unioriiin ucru; ureguu akti
cultural college; Vnltcrslty of Wash
ington. University of Callforului Uul-
I ai-.II. fllnU .nllnrii titw! Stmifnril
llnlifAiullii nt frAnni iii.l Ha tMn fftM 1
.Itself: nnd Unlterilty of Itliiho Mited
I fer: University ot California.
! rj i
AiguiujtBts Ileiug Heard Hy County
Court In Chlloquln Content'
Tho county court wui lit session
thla morning nnd afternoon hearing
.trgumont In tho matter ot tho elec
tion contest lustltutod by T. It,
Snook against It. C. Spluk, elected
Justlio ot tho pcaco at Chlloquln nt
tho recent election. After hearing
arguments, pro and con, tho court
will decide whether n recount of
J votes In the Chlloquln district ll
bo ordered,
.Imrnpr niliprn
Propensity for Letttr'.Writ
inr BrinRs DitcMirff-
ment to SufArtaHr
Hy K. A. Koen
POllThAND, Ore., D,c. 7.-t
of tho men who are anxious to im
Walter M. Plerco succeed during Bis
forthcoming term as governor of
Oregon, nro becoming alarmed over
the frankness with which ha U 4I
cumIhr his admlnlatrallTo plaas In
letter to correspondent! who ad
dm Inquiries to blui. Not ail of
these correspondent are frUnds of -tho
governor-elect, and many at ilia
letter appear to lack discretion, th
net result being that "letter from
Plerco" aro becoming quite numer
ous and aro being shown around ill
oter the state. .
This situation Is having a discour
aging effect upon, tbe real frltnda
and supporters of the new forornor,
because they had figured that Plirct
would formulate hi ptaa tor tfca
future with caro aud, cautfM iui4
have them well worked fmi)iit4ff
the opposition could lako to
circumvent then. Tho write of
lodlscrlmlnato letter. IwurtVf, "Jsihi; .
cusatuK his program wlthj'akJavjki
of people, la aure to at atMshtSMI
block In hi path, hi well-wltfcers
CaU . ".-
.uswcni Olcott Happortet .
Te .. .faon. .lUv
TOlumlnous corresponded- at Ida
present time Is tho fact tbtH.Miny ol
his letlers are cnawera to laqulrfe
put to him In writing by aoM'f
Governor Olcott'a supportors a (a
recent campaign. Instead ot Mt
ly acknowledRtng receipt of Ikoaa
adroit questlonnalrci, tho "jjiin
from I-anramle" playing Into the
hands of his strongest oppoaeats.
both present and future, by ex'plilj.
Ing Just what he experts to do ,Itk
certain departments of tho stale cof
eminent. Ono or Olcott'a cloio frleads,.for
example, Is displaying a I'letter.froui
Pierce" wherein tho lattorVROj'llo
dotatls concerning his notlouVofUt
right way to liaiidlo tho 8tati)lgl'
way department. The hlfihwaV'prd
gram should bu carried onvtovco)
pletlon, and maintenance otthe roads
nlrcjdy constructed should bo jro.
vlded for, say Coventor Olcott' fltt
rexior In thl particular le UK.
"and," hu add, "the now hluhWoy
commission should ho on a saisflcHI
basis." g '
Would I'uy ComiulssioMjert
Now, to tell a couple of confiden
tial advisers that tho highway ca;ja
misslonora should each drawjusiab
proprlate salary. Is one thlaVbui'dt
I a totally dlfferont propoltlw 'to
vommunlrnto that Idea to ttteibr
of the leglslaturo lit letter deVoied
to dlscusilon of tho new ttdinlntst
tlon' plans, Tho legislator,. 1 11
obvious, all havo frlonds who Jd
like to bu appointed s,(atQ bdtWWsr
rommUsloner nt, say, ton to (ftVt
thousand dollars a year, iid. It will
take all of Cotcruor-eloct Plrf'
tliuo answering applicants forkfta
poHltloua when the new- ?il-'jftl
that, ho fnvora a salaried eAaUife;
sioti. ' V.i
Another Interesting dOTWObwWk
of thU situation will be (hVsadV- t Zj).
erxtlhnt. It tho highway coimUiMi. " ,'
'0M r u alarlo r.'ommenuraf
er urn. paw salaried commeiwarasij j
lth , their duties, only exBerlsyli, i fyA j
lllghwuy coastructlbnahoiildiba m-,i fmr
polntud. And boforo
the WilsMut 1 "A?
will pas a bill to authorise) IM i' f ,r
Liuoiit of such salaries, Jt wJMfiWla-
liroUy closo to naming the MrM
that tho new governor l to aiwi.
Anu ino expert inus seieyisa
In ull probability, bo get
excollcnt ability and Rotv
noio to ino paving trust. - j u
i ''.
HltUMthM AwiUaT
SpeaklBg ol alard
will be open for new
when Plerco assuwes JtK,'
government, It 1 amiuiw W(
-, "'
- f
i it.
X ait:
F 4. y4l Vf
. f - V
I (nveatlgatlon by officer,
', i
. j -ii'ii