VnttmUf Library Eugene, Orroa Comji - t . , I- S i3L .. tf, r WEATHER FORECAST TONlflllT AND TlllJItHDAV, I'llOII.' A1ILY KNOW. COI,l)i;i!. fM'M'fe, 'tr-r-V' '"V" i il' UI jlPlP'''!"! 'V 'n l " 'i suMiiflk'n1 BROUGHT MKFIL Mr M.l-.1 Ni. Q-lf , ""V"" iiicussmii, nciii Horn .Mi si rs. Mabel INlCllOlS, 3CII , .!.,' ,.,, rUM. Confessed Slayer Awaits ri Action of Grand Jury Mm. Mabel Nichols, who liy her own lonfi'Mloii shot nuil killed her companion, Itolurt (Irrnr, at the Summit slnRii btntloit on t ho sil ver lake road, 20 mile east 'of Cn-scml, list Saturday morning, was brought to thin city rally tlili morning by Sheriff Law. HI... will , 1m held for the grand Jury, now In session, An autopsy was hold nt Crwi i runt TurtiltiT inurnliii: mitl un In rj i u n t In tlm nftcrnoon, after an Invritlnntlon bait brcn inmlii of tho ktiifto Motion ut Hunimll. At tliu In tju ral It nan niljintfipil Hint Orrir wan nliot to ilratli by Mti Nklioln. Tlin liiijiirnt hum cnnjnct eit by Coronrr Wlilllock mt wnn ntruiUa by itlurlff Low, Orant M. llnytnnnil, court rrortt'r; II. 0. Ilourki', deputy klinrlff ut Crn rent; lir. II. II. I.. Hlovsart, cltyi.,,, ' ...- liRittli officer; II. i:. Mlttrllioltt. (Irrrr'ji nmployer; Mm. Nlc'iota and her husband, I. N. Nlchuln. of HI Ifiulrrr;: and A. M. drier, of t:i Irnnbitrn. n brother of Ibo dead turn. Ituil- T.ikrn to Crmu-iil (Ireer'a ImJy had been taken to Head but wnx returned to Croscvnt for tho Iriqucnt. .ater'lt wan ro. , turnrxl to' lleud for burial, MltlelholU nnd Itoutka returned with local officer, reachlnn thin city early thl mornluK after plow InK thruucli from Ik to 30 Inches of nnow, Itourkn' car broke down and tho occupant! were forced to tikn tlm train at Kirk '.Mr. Nlchol'H nlory I that alio wan cooi ced from her homu by Oner, that tho wan drugncd nml when hn recovered her mmisoi Ovotnif .Venle. president nnd exem found herself ut Tho Dalles. tV officer. respcctlcly, California Threw note were found In Ibo flreplacn of her homo after her do parture, ncrorillnr to tho officials. Khorlff Low said that ho wan told that ono of tlm notm said, "l.eav Ini; ut the point of a pistol." Tlili nolo bad been crumpled ami thrown In tlm flrepl'ice. but had not caught file. It M hi'lloed that the oili er notes ere dlcjated to her by drocr or somo other person. !roo to lli'iul When Mm. Nichols reached Urud In (Irfler's car last rlaliirdny she told r tlherltf Itoberts that vim had nliot drocr but was not certain that she hod killed him. When an luves- was mudo Oreer'a body. hcd. was found on the b d. Mention fully rloth A bullet from a 3!! rallbro nuto matlc rnvolvur had penetrated his rJitht temple. Hho told tho offi cials thcro that tlm two hnd hecn iiineushlnlni: and nollli'i; tlm pro diirt In Ileud, ami that sho had been unabln to r.'t away, (freer lipd thruatoncd to lead hex Into a lfo,of ah n nm at llcnd, sho was ro- portod to havo told fihcrltf Hob urtn. Hho was anxious to return tJ her hiiNbaiid and child nt KIUmih burK, hut droor refused oven to le: her commiiulcato with them. Mrs. Nichols wan anxloim to toll i i t hr (dory to him, Sheriff Low hhIiI, but hud been udvlHul by At torney W. I'. Myurat lloml )o talk to no ono. Sim aalii nio thoui;ht alio would fool bettor K'rjtin could unburden her mlud,( hu,,tliat sho feared to bienk her proiiUn to hpr altorney. ,, Mrs. McIioIn Is U.'l j Mm. NIcIioIh Is 2a yvara ot ni;is Hho Ih rnthur uhort nnd plumii wtb b'ack hair which hIio wonrs hobbud. Uho was ludKod nt tho Hall hotul tipen n nival horn thl.s inernlnr: but tv probably bo taken nut to tho county Infirmary, Sheriff Low naid. MlttolholU, (Ireur'H omVloyer, told oounty offlrlnlH that ho hnd noticed no hIkhh of (IIhhoiihIou Imtweou drocr nnd Mix. NIcIioIh nml thnt lm bollnved tlmiu to ho mnu nml wlfo. Ho wim ni't ut tho Hiiliimlt sin. Hon often, ho Hnld, hnvWir (m(t ilio jilcu li cliuriio of (Icco-y (fthi? few e ) i FEDERAL GAME LAW UNDER DISCUSSION BY GAME OFFICIALS I'iiiimimiI flit' t H, ltcuiiliillon of MlKHiliuy Hint rlliimllnu; I'nlN nf AiIiiiIIiiii HAI'KAMKNTO, live. (!. After nil I ' ---" ,. ... ir tIM 1ITn.- 1 association nf game mmmls-i.'oiif r. In Krmiluti at Hut ttt.-iti) cuiltut fallal to tench mi iir.f'."iiirnl on Dm pro P I niliiitliiii (f n federal net pin- tiding fur I In. iMalillnhiiiriil nf ntifi. ,. rlinntftiK nrminiU nn.l pliirlng nil hunters of water fowl nml mlRrulory "'rds under fcdrrnl lko3es. I'lutNium of Ah I'llilor tlm proposed n'rt, rtrry hunter of inlnrutory bird nn.l water fowl would be forced to pay n federal , llci'lldi ten nf fl linn. Iinlr .. ti.i.. Kmil ,, ,,,,, fur u) ,.,,,,,. f public hunting presertes nml tlm "thor half for overhead expenses. "I't'CJlHon wan epreed briefly mi III wf. I .!.. !.. I. ii. n.wiiin. t,,ii iiiu iiiii triiuiii ; mm! nwajr mo poncn pDwcm i,f t lit' , BtJtii Tlm priipniril art will bo Lilt- vi up ncaln today Mini)' In AiIi-iiiIiiiiic I'MIi and r.nnio rniiiiiiloncn of m'oa ui-Mrrn ninto ar nttPtidlnn tlm tpjnlon noil tlio C.illfornlii rum. nillcn i .iclliiR n bout, not boln u niMiibrr of lltn niiorlatlun. Vlw rrlntlxn to cn-iiperalloti in Hie cn foicoiiirni of nai'io nml fUli lan wuro dlnciined. 1). II. Mailurn, who Ii. nri.Mlilnnt nf it... ttt. ..i... i.... ..... I Tho ork of tho Cnllferuln nun- lnltl('!l unit wn tiled In rtiforre tli(. law were eiplalned by IVn;ik Nmv burl, prenlJent of tho CMIIfornla boJy. 'lllll-i" III Cllllfl'ivilrti Tllo fiilloHliir. nro aniuiiK iIiom In atteudaucu: I). II. Aludrru, full nnd name commissioner. Halt Lake City, t'litt.i ftntn.t.1 II Hi,i'l -..,., ,.,. .,.. .... nilii ., Juno, Rami) nardeu. lloise. Idahe: (Jeorr.n Lawyer, federal nnmo war- Lien; (.'. A Jakawny. jtamo warden. Helena. .Mont . A. i:. Iitirr.hdiiff. rtaino roiiimlssloner. I'ortland. Ore.; J. W. Kinney, flh .mil name kuper lsor. Kentile, W.uh : CeorK" II Jotiusloii, fish nml r.auio protective aimoclatlon. Malt l.nko City: Joe V. I'rocharkn. name w.irden, I'lioenlx. Arli ; nnd frank M. N'enbcrt nml full nnd Ranie rommlsslon. L. D. KING PASSES ON I'rjitli ('iiiiie nt Yiekn 1'ild.i) MkIiI; l.keil Hem Four Yrum I.. I). KIiir, belter Known here as llliik" KIiik, died ut Yrekn Friday nlKltt. Tlm funurul took place there Monday llii is annhe.l by his mother. Mm. J. A Ilorlle, brother James A. Klnrj, nnd alitor. Mrs. dor t rutin Vance, nil of 30S MIchlKan aMiiiim, Klamath Falls; n sister. Mm. W. W darrow, I'ortland. u biother, II. It. Klntc. of l.ufkln. T" "!'' "'rro c,1",;'rp- 0r' '. nm, carul,lln Tlm decedent was bom In Ml. Ver non, Illinois, ii yenrs aKo. llo came to Orefson In early outh with his family. Ho had lived In Klamath Fiilli for about four yearn, nml wai an onnlneor for tlm Warion Con struction company until takun III two yenrs ur.o. About two weeka opo lm wont to Medford In hopo thnt n mild er rllmnto would Improve his health. Ho remained a week and was, on his way back to Klamath Falls, whou his sl.ronnth fallud In Weed uml ho was taken In tlm Yioka hoipltal. Hl mother wus with him boforu lm died. WKATiint I'ltoii.wiii.n n:s At I o'olock thlH morning tho Oyclo-Storiuagrapli n t Uudorwooii u Pharmacy icgls lured d "low" of 21).70. Slneo that hour tho tomluncy him been upwind and HiIh, of courso I n fnvornblu slgu for clearing, (Ow ing to the oxtrimm ly low presxurn pruvulllng ii slight turn downward would Indicate u ronownl of tho storm.) Forecast for next 24 hours; ImllcutloiiH slightly In favor of clonrliiK, with frosh winds tonight uml tomorrow. Tho Tycim let'ordlug thormoiimtor reglHtnrud muxlmuiu uml minimum tifinpcrutures lodny iih follewa: ' High a., . .... ,. ,. .. :I7 ' l.l0W I II Ili.llll'-lH'll II..M..IIH- I U-M f ,... "Jl ". '" klamath , fi , II :, U mm Army Men Meet Death In Lnnclcy Field Accident; ( Two Burned to Denth NKW I'OIIT NKWH. Va . Der. 0.- Miijor (luy I., tlonrbart. t'aptnln tlunton A. Uoylo nml four enlltei mii weru killed nt l.niiKlcy I'lell loJiir hm n Martin bomber x-ltld ri wltli tin alrplnao wblla inal.lni; a l.mOnr:. Tlm imiIIMciI nun w r Btaff Hi-recant Mirlclt nnd TrUaiea lllur.ka, l.cnu nml Tlimnai. Jirdnn. Tho bomber vu In air vli-ii Ma Jor fipurharl took off In n l'..iil.r The llftlitrr ninulilno nlruck tin- toil f tliu bombtir and both n.uriiinee fell. Major (Iiarliait. Captain l't' and Korneant Mnrltk wcro caiiKlil In t In wredcur.J and burned to deiili lllunka anil Jordun were klltul al most Iniitaully wlu-i they Junip"d BAND IDEA IS RIGHT roiiini HpfiihiT linlil V. I'. "ni" mrr l SlumliiK I'mp-r Splilt "Klamath Fills at last It on tho track toward M-curlni; a band tllo City can bo proud of." said Karl Shepherd, chairman of tho chamber! of commerce forum ut today lunch eon. "Tho former bund leaders have been too prone. In my opinion, to cou'sldur tho baud as n Job for tbemrolrea. lint In V. F. Craniar til,, band tun it leader who Isn't tulkliiR In tonus of dollar nod cents. He It, trylnn first to pin duru nn ori:anl:alloii of quality. I think that tlm buijd should have tho community's support." Tlm community has un opportun ity to net ou tho siiKKtlon Fri day lilKht, when n benefit d.inco will bo held at tho Scandinavian hall. The ticket rain will start tomor row. Tho price la ono dollar per couple. Music for tlm dancu wlljl bo furnished partly by tho hand and partly by tho orchestra. MAiiuirr itr.i'oitT POKTI.ANI). Dee. !. Ciltlc hogs nnd cheep steady, lamh.i weak. Kkk two cents lower, buying pric es -lie to Tile, selling SOc lo 55c; butter firm. ". ilibhit mh w i ii ii i iiij ifti i hi . mmmi T7T r . n'.Ti n" M mill it OrlfJ it i y s subsidy UV ..; ttttut St.'' Member of the Associated Press tut.h, oitrcno.vs-wrmiwDAY. luriLuiiiiu . imsei fr ' . '.ir.,r.i. ' n 1 1 i i v'r , j , Hall. Case Another 'Unsolved Crime 70 V "Tr.: i&n-k I rrjcif V" 'a fa- u JjJglfcd. lux of Jun 11. 192'. dying of a , bullet wound In tho forehead. The milclde theory was discarded but his .visv; imcNsvwcK, k j i.v- c ,,,,, hM nover ,,, fonmI TlH) Hall-Mllls mnrilr (rui h.xj jft recunl of tiiec f,in,0!iS nn- Kor.o Into the dusty plK9n-hnle ofiHolvnd mysteries, prior to tlm klll- cilme'W un3lva.l myiterioj. Ihk of Iho Itev. Hnll mid Mrs. Mills Tho Uev. Kdward Wheilw Hall I ,Ml ,Sel,t- J was lno murder of 1 IMltfntu flia mini .1 fnlilna h.tilf... . 1.1, .!- .!.., ) Vt..nrl U.III 1,19 VIUt, .... ...VN..W. Mills, murdered lro uiwrly tire months ago. ! Joined the hull of fume nloi'u; with tuflh fuinou Tk ire an Dorothy Arnold. Jostph Kl well nnd William DMuiond Taylor. F.illuro ot tho grand Jury to In dict anybody In tho doublo murder siiKRoftts to crlmlnologletH tha iutu- tlnn: is tno liaii-Aliiii tiite perm-1 lqs a.VOHLKS. Dee. C High unently pigeonheled: , W3y ami desert lu Lower California. Two other famous cases remain wa and air. aro being watched for vnwhed mysteries Mr. Clara Phillip. Hammor slayer. Dorothy Arnold disappeared Dee. j who ocapd yesterday. Hor hus IS. 1910. Sim was never toon again , bend Is under technical nrrest here, utter coming out of n 'Fifth nvouuel . book Koro In New York that day. Secret nesrch went on until Jan. 25, IP 11. when tho rase was re jHirtid to tho police. Since then a fortune has been up wit running down thousandi ot clues and It 1 fl 111 unknown whether she was inur- dored, hldunpped or committed sui cide. For two nnd a half years every offort hiui failed to rolru tho mys- KILL OR CURE? iter aid ! IT' UU a , I'illKCII'AI.S IN FAMOUS US SOI.VKI) MYfrKHIi:.S. UKVT, tijk iti:v. i:nvAiti) wni:Ei.nn MAI.f. (AIIOVK) AND JOSEPH T.f. WIM.I.J KIGIIT. UOUOTIIY Alt NOI.I). ie.-y of tho murder of Joseph How lm Klwcll, brldcu whist expert and turfman. Klwell wa found In his New York apartment la tW oarly morn- """" "- J.i.ui. .Ili.nun picture director, lu his I.os Angeles homu Fob. 2 of this year. NO SIGN OF CLARA Hammer .Slnjrr M;ites (IimmI K-enn From I'iNiiii Her KLKPPHi: IS (H'STHIl I.OUISVILLK. Dee. C President Kleppor. of tho Portland baseball club, was forever barred from na Uonal association professional base ball leagues by tho action taken to day nt tho baseball meeting heie. Ho was charged with filing a false stutomont relntlvo to tho capital stock of tho Tacomu. club. I" . . a ' &l" J ---? nrvp nPMFNT of RESOURCES BRINGS WEALTH TO NATION OtittnnilliiK Dou'lopnienU of Venr l.lilnl lly Kerretary of In. terlcir In Annual Iteport WAHIIINOTO.V, Dee. C Uo and tlavalopmcnt of tr-.o country' natural resource under control of tho In. terlor department have contributed In grant measure to nntlonnl Mabl Illation and priupcrlty, Hccrctary Fall declared tnilay In hit nnnual ro- port. Tho secrotary listed tho moro, "u',""uma, ' luc' coniriBUHons las opportunltlos for homo making) upo8 tho public lands by returned so.mers .nu o.ucr cu.rena; tno ills - roory of new ol field.; develop- ment of exlstlnr; fields and Increas- InB production of oil nnd Its Pro.8hppeM aMoclatloD( ,otd tha ,,. ducts; tho exploitation ot coal depo,-1 ala,e commerco commission today. Its. nnd tho opening of mlnca la the) 1)tlrnK excnange, on cros. exam western statcj. , Mca KrC(, H WooJ C0UBMl for llrlnr; Cn-ili UeliUn Incidentally, tho Interior lccrn.' tnry declared, theso developments hav8 resultel In very substantial cash returns to the federal treasury und to tho various states In which thoso mineral resources fcr-rt developed under lending laws. Tho outstanding administrative ac complishment of tho department during the fiscal year ended last Juno 30. was declared to bo the f reach In p almost nf current work In both tho land offlco nnd tho pension ufftro. Tho oxamlnatlon of final! Immcstcad proofs Is current In the former office, a situation, which hag not uxlttrd for many year, tho se cretary said. This, ho ndded, has already resulted lu placing In tho hands nf tho people ossotn valued at moro than (30,000,000 and has been donu without Increase In forco of thnt offlco and In tho. face ot greatly Incroaslng work. .. KrcquiiiirniU Kct Imitation Wider oxtonslon of the reclama tion policy In former arid lands of tho west was recommended In tho report, which showed that while funds wero restricted for that work tho achievements of the reclamation service justified tho continuation of the reclamation policy. Ono now Ir rigation project was started despite lack ot funds, and the total value of crops raised on reclaimed lands was estimated nt moro than $473,000,- 030. Tho benefits In the way or making homes. Increase ot food pro duction and addition to tha national wealth by tho reclamation ot lands mako that work ot great value In return to prosperity, tho report as rerted. IMucatlon of Indians, which falls to tho lot of tho Interior department, has been greatly promoted. Tho at tendance at Indian schools for tho past year was 3,000 greater than In any previous 'year. A special effort to provldo greater health facilities to tho Indian through more hospi tals and moro extensive nurslug ser vice was made. HEARING TIME SET NnluialUatfnii iVHllniis lu dime Ili-fore Kmnlucr lit February Circuit Judge A. L, Leavltt hus set February 2S ami September 24, 1923, for tho hearing ou petitions for naturalization for the year 1923. All soUll;ua who wish to bo uat unitized under tho soldier net must appear on oho of the abovo dates It thoy desire to bo naturalized dur ing tho year 1923. They nro not required, however to establish an actual residence, nor need thoy tako out u first paper. Hut thoy must uppcar on ono of tlm uboo datos, when tho uxumlner Is pras,oat, nud bring with them thoir dlschnrgo pa pers' nnd two witnesses who know them to bo tho persons stated In theft dlschnrKCi. "J.'etltlona for naturalization for .other. ulfeni, imt soldlprs, may bo men ui any tium niter tncir first pa per or declaration Is two years old, but they nro required to establish u flvo year reslduiiro lu tho United States by means of two witnesses. Tho hearings ou these potltlons aro also set for tho abovo dates nnd -no hearing will bo held on nuy other dates ilu dug tho year 1923. Under tho now law a woman must also bo naturalized, oven It married, regardless ot whether or not her husband lms naturalization papers, oxeopt that wlvos of porsons jmturul Uod nnd who wero married boforu tlthln act, uro not, required to bo nat- urnHzeTd but t,uko the. eltUoushlp ot their husband, j . OFFICIAL PAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY AND OF KLAMATH, FALLS FJNCB WTCIBMNI TWO FORCES! !U I'L hoi trare ITI.CC.KT Both Railroads Accused of Intrigue In! Creating Support In West WASIIINOTO.V, Dec. e. Increas- qd competition la railroad serTlc aIonB ,no racfc-coa,t would rwult from gcparaon ot ,he g0uthrn , ,,acfIc am, Cen,ra, ,,acU,c; ornard( chR,rman of 19 eom, Van committee i nfk Ihn fTjilirnrnlA PrnrltlrrB anil tho Southera Pacific, and Bernard agreed that he was "Retting wages" from tho Union Pacific for organis ing the producer to urge, the separ ation. Iloraard assorted that railroad competition, particularly In Califor nia territory, would reduce the car shortago and expand tho markets .for producers of tho state. He said Iho Southern Pacific, after being order ed by tho supreme courl to giro up control of tho Central Pacific, has started a campaign alt over the west ,0 "un Pb',c Pnloni " used threats of discrimination In car 'supply acalnst shippers, to forco them to Its support. Wood, by questions which Indicat ed that he considered the Union Pac ific to be entirely responsible for the creation ot llernard's organisation', went Into Its expenditure at coif aldorable length, showing . evidence of publication ot newspaper acver tlscmcnts and the Issuance 'of II ter- "As far an I know all'the'bliU contracted by the producers' associa tion havo been paid by the' Union Pacific," Uorloard testified', "at they harp mado no secret about It." FORUM DAY CHANGED MivtiiiR Will 1W- Held Monday Ho HUry May Speak Next week's forum of the cham ber ot commerce will bo held Mon day noon, Instead ot Wednesday, a. usual, Secretary Stevenson announc ed at today's forum, In order tbat Frank Dranch HI ley, who Is lb del iver hit famous lecture ".The Lure of tho O rest Northwest.'" at the Pin0 Tree, theatre Monday, night, may bo the chief speaker 'at tho forum. i The speaker will talk onjja dif ferent subject from tho evening lec ture. Kxtra tables will be, pro vided and preparations made tor accomodations for an unusually largo c,rowd at the forum. This Is iho first time since ho has boen secretary ot the chamber tbat tho forum dato has been ad vanced, said Stevenson, but trie matter had been discussed by the directors who agreed that the Im portance of niley's visit warranted the change. HORSES AROUSED IRE Citizen Opens l'lr0 With S4otun At Stray Stock 1 Is tho city menaced by a scourge ot stray hordes, cattle, dogs and oth er homeless animals, who roam at largo over lawns and vacant lots? According to reports, somo 'person In tho vicinity ot Third and IMiS" seemed to think so last night Ob jecting' to tho presence ut severSl horses in his front yard, this Iralo cltlroii opened tiro with a shotgun'. Tho horses took, thj hint anti'lletit tno iruuuju nus. nvoa, u appears, that ho llve atabjf wlibro the cliy formerly lotlired stray stock, la lieu of n millablijpBund.fWus unwilling It rlwil M contlnuo tlnrarrangqment. Chief of Police Wilson, 'who' Is also Hound master, placed stray stock to lit opou corral over near Lake Kwauna. In somo mysterious manner,' how over, tho stock escaped as promptly ns It was brought thoro. Whether the moro Intelligent ot the asjasali romovod tho bars or wheth'. their had outsldo accomplices, Wllsejs ws ttnablu to say. Prlvutely, hiwever." ho has n theory. " ' - WIou obtained the prolate MH iiiu livery 'hriiio mar, iney roupii up me Jiirny nurses i lust nght and llrfve them jiouipi, -cs m K JTiP ' ttwmtjfca... f &m ( . It - V1 i, i r. sl.ll m ! .IS , i t II K iti A-' -j ' h try .( dttnf, J' ii vm i II 4' i)0": Tim yf""ai 1 V w- W V-' " i ... - V